savage worlds convention task list

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  • 7/28/2019 Savage Worlds Convention Task List


    Northern Virginia Savage Worlds Gathering

    Task List

    8 February 2013


  • 7/28/2019 Savage Worlds Convention Task List


    Document History:

    Action Author Version Date

    Created Guild Barber 1 02/08/13


  • 7/28/2019 Savage Worlds Convention Task List


    Task List

    1.0 The Convention will have Celebrity Guests, Artists and Dealers1.1 The Convention must be attended by at least three celebrity guests/speakers.1.1.1 Research celebrities from the genre and/or similar genres to produce a draw forAttendees.1.1.2 Sort celebrities into from most interesting to attendees to least.1.1.3 Contact celebrities in the order of interest and get a verbal agreement to attend.1.1.4 Negotiate compensation to celebrity attendees.1.1.5 Sign agreement contracts.1.1.6 Create a schedule for celebrity guests so they know where they are meant to bethroughout the day.1.1.7 Greet the guests the day of the event and show them where all the significant sitesare that they must be aware of.1.2 The Convention must acquire at least ten genre artists to occupy the Art Room.1.2.1 Research genre artists related to Savage World products and other producers of art

    within the fantasy/science-fiction genre.1.2.3 Contact artists and inform them of the event and offer them the ability to reservetables within the Art Room in which they might display their work.1.2.4 Layout the Art Room and assign numbers to the various booths.1.2.5 Contact artists again and offer the ability to reserve specific booths for optimalvisibility.1.2.6 Assign booths to the remaining artists.1.2.7 Inform each attending artist of the location of their booth.1.2.8 Set up Art Room and arrange for tables and chairs and dividers to create boothswithin the space.1.3The Convention must get agreements for $50000 worth of buy-in from various Game

    companies.1.3.1 Research the various role-playing game producers.1.3.2 Sort the game companies based on their proximity to the core Savage Worlds system,with Pinnacle Entertainment, the original producer of the system at the top.1.3.3 Contact game companies in the order of interest and inform them of the event.1.3.4 Get a verbal agreement to attend.1.3.5 Negotiate the amount of compensation each company is willing to invest celebrityattendees.1.3.6 Sign agreement contracts.1.3.7 Re-sort companies by investment value.1.3.8 Acquire investment money upfront; it is needed for most operating costs.

    1.3.9 Layout Dealer Room, assigning prime locations to the highest investing companies.1.3.10 Inform each investing company of the location of their booth.1.3.11 Set up Dealer Room and arrange for tables and chairs and dividers to create boothswithin the space.1.4 Arrange negotiated services, air fare, hotel and car rental, for attendees who havenegotiated them into their compensation.1.4.1 Acquire air fares.1.4.2 Acquire hotel reservations.1.4.3 Acquire car rental reservations.1.4.4 Mail/Email reservation information to guests.2.0 The Convention will be held in a Venue.

    2.1 Research possible convention venues that can host up to 2000 attendees.2.2 Inspect the various locations personally to ensure they meet all needs and desires.


  • 7/28/2019 Savage Worlds Convention Task List


    2.3 Negotiate the price of the Venue for the day of and the day prior to the event.2.4 Sign the final agreement.2.5 Arrange for payment of venue from invested capital.2.6 The day prior, arrange all materials to be delivered so set-up can be handled beforehand.2.7 Ensure all of the event locations are arranged correctly.3.0 The Convention will need all of the proper Permits and Insurance.

    3.1 Ensure all necessary permits are attained at least a month prior to the event.3.1.1 Research what permits are necessary to hold and event of this size and type.3.1.2 Contact the appropriate civil office to arrange for the acquisition of the permit.3.1.3 Negotiate the price of the various permits if possible.3.1.4 Acquire the permits.3.2 Ensure all necessary comprehensive insurance policies are in place at least a month in

    advance of the event.3.2.1 Research the appropriate insurance needs of the event to make certain no investors areheld accountable for law suits.3.2.2 Contact the various insurance agents to discover what policies and proces areavailable.

    3.2.3 Negotiate the pricing if possible.3.2.4 Sign insurance policies.3.2.5 Pay for policy from investment capital when it come available.4.0 The Convention will provide printed schedules, badges and fliers.4.1 Design or commission several art products to represent the spirit of the Northern

    Virginia Savage Worlds Gathering.4.2 Research availability and pricing of getting advertisements, schedules, badges, stickers

    and fliers printed up using the gathering's art products.4.3 Ensure advertisements and fliers are produced in sufficient time that they can be

    Arranged about the gaming, comic and other genre related communities to drum upinterest in the event.

    4.4 Ensure that schedules, stickers and badged will be produced in time to be delivered tothe venue the day before the event.

    5.0 The Convention will need Volunteers for 'pre' and 'during' Event activities.5.1 Generate a list of all necessary positions that need to be filled by volunteers.5.2 Produce fliers to engage the interest of local gaming community.5.3 Collect a list of interested participants and acquire their agreement to assist in the

    running of the event.5.4 Assign volunteers to their positions and inform them.5.5 Design a list of instructions to be given to volunteers the day of the event covering their

    duties and how to handle them.

    5.6 Produce fliers with the instructions printed upon them.5.7 Ensure all volunteers are receive the instructions in a timely manner.6.0 A Private vendor will sell refreshments to Attendees.6.1 Research vendors for quality, availability and price.6.2 Contact vendors and reach an agreement.6.3 Sign Contract.7.0 A small table of gathering paraphernalia will be sold at the ticket booths.7.1 Research what kinds of paraphernalia is most likely to be purchased by the attendees of

    the event.7.2 Research availability and pricing of getting each kind of paraphernalia produced with the

    Savage Worlds Gathering logo and art products for a reasonable price that will

    encourage purchase of said items.7.3 Ensure salable items are produced in sufficient time that they can be sold at the ticket



  • 7/28/2019 Savage Worlds Convention Task List



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