scala taxonomy

Post on 18-May-2015






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Scala terms explained for Java developer, immutability, implicits, pattern matching, futures


Scala taxonomy explainedfrom Java programmer

Agenda● OO Features● Pattern matching● Functional Programming● Actors● Futures● Implicits

Data Transfer Objetsclass Person {

private String firstName;

String getFirstName() {

return firstName;


void setFirstName(String aFirstName) {

this.firstName = aFirstName;




public String toString() {

return "Person{" +

"firstName='" + firstName + '\'' +

", lastName='" + lastName + '\'' +




public boolean equals(Object o) {

if (this == o) return true;

if (!(o instanceof Person)) return false;

Person person = (Person) o;

if (!firstName.equals(person.firstName))

return false;

if (!lastName.equals(person.lastName))

return false;

return true


hashCode @Override public int hashCode() { int result = firstName.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + lastName.hashCode(); return result; }

Builderstatic class Builder {

String aName = "Radim";

Builder withFirstName(String aName) { = aName; return this;


Person build() {

Person p = new Person; p.setName(aName);

return p;


Case Classescase class Person(firstName: String =

"Bill", lastName :String = "Gates")

val me = Person(lastName = "Crosby")

● Immutable● toString, equals, hashCode● person.copy(lastName="Malkin")

Laziness in JavaInteger cached = null;

Integer getExpensiveComputation() {

if (null == cached) {

cached = doCount();


return cached;


Lazy Definitionlazy val count = doCount()

Importsimport scala.collection.immutable.Map

object HelloWorld {

def main(args: Array[String]) {

import scala.collection.immutable.{Map=>MobNumbers} val my : MobNumbers[String, String] = MobileNumbers("radim" -> "6767982408") Console.print( my("radim") ) }}

Java: Singletonspublic class Singleton {

private Singleton INSTANCE = null;

private Singleton() {}

public Singleton getInstance() {

if (null == INSTANCE) {

INSTANCE = new Singleton()



Objectsclass CompanionObjects(val id: Long, val

description: String = "")

object CompanionObjects{

def zero = new CompanionObjects(id = 0,

description = "zero")

def apply(id:Int, description:String)= new


def one = CompanionObjets(1, "one")

val errorMessage = "ID should be positive"


Pattern matchingIn Java:

Switch statements with String cases have been implemented in Java SE 7, at least 16 years after they were first requested.

Pattern matchingobject Matching extends App {

val name :AnyRef= ...

name match {

case "Radim" => println("me")

case "crosby" | "sidney" => println("NHL")

case Seq("sidney", _) => println("sidney with


case Seq("sidney", _*) => println("sidney with group")

case x: Int if x < 0 => println("negative number")

case y => println("Unknown " + y)



scala.annotation.switch(ch: @switch) match {

case 'a' if eof => println("a with oef")

case 'b' => println("b")

case 'c' => println("c")


Functional programming


String, BigDecimal

Scalaval immutable = 1var mutable = 2mutable = 3

Immutability cont. val n = "123".reverse

val m = n.reverse

println(n, m) // 321, 123

val o = new StringBuffer("123").reverse()

val p = o.reverse()

println(o, p) // 123, 123

Higher order functionsobject Collections extends App{

val c = 4 to 8

val s: IndexedSeq[String] = c map(_+"th")

s map (_.toUpperCase)

println(s) //4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th


Parallel collectionobject Parralel extends App{

def time[R](block: => R): R = {

val t0 = System.nanoTime()

val result = block // call-by-name

val t1 = System.nanoTime()

println("Elapsed time: " + (t1 - t0)/1000000 + " ms")



val c = 1 to 10000000

time { c map (_ + 1) } //4935 ms

time { c.par map (_ + 1) } //3723 ms


Curryingobject Curry extends App{

def product(i: Int)(j: Int) = i * j

def times2 = product(2)_

def times3 = product(3)_

println(times2 (4)) //8

println(times3 (4)) //12


Partial functionsval sample = 1 to 10

val isEven: PartialFunction[Int, String] =

{case x if x % 2 == 0 => x+" is even"}

// the method collect can use isDefinedAt

to select which members to collect

val evenNumbers = sample collect isEven




object Futures extends App {

@volatile var totalA = 0

val text = Future {

Thread.sleep(1000); val a = "a" * 16


text onSuccess {

case txt => totalA += txt.count(_ == 'a')


println(totalA) // 0

Thread.sleep(1000); println(totalA) //0

Thread.sleep(1000); println(totalA) //16


Implicit conversionsJava:

String.valueOf(int i), Integer.parseInt(String s)

Scala:(1 to 4).foreach(println)

Implicit parametersobject ImplicitParam extends App{

def max[T](a: T, b: T)(implicit $ev1: Ordering[T]): T =


class Timeout(val milis: Int)

object Timeout {

def apply(milis: Int) = new Timeout(milis)

implicit val t: Timeout = Timeout(10)


def query(i: Int)(implicit t: Timeout) {





To be continued...

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