schedule and plan for home learning classes v (session...

Post on 07-Jul-2020






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    Schedule and Plan for Home Learning

    Classes V (Session 2020-21)

    Lesson Plan (July 6-10, 2020)









    Social Science













    Social Science











    Social Science






    Social Science



    Days Classes V A & B V C & D V E & F



    9:00 am onwards Hindi Social Science

    10:30 am onwards Social Science Hindi

    12:00 noon onwards Social Science Hindi



    9:00 am onwards Math Science

    10:30 am onwards Science Math

    12:00 noon onwards Science Math



    9:00 am onwards English Science

    10:30 am onwards Science English

    12:00 noon onwards Science English



    9:00 am onwards Math Social Science

    10:30 am onwards Social Science Math

    12:00 noon onwards Social Science Math



    9:00 am onwards English Hindi

    10:30 am onwards Hindi English

    12:00 noon onwards Hindi English

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    Home Learning Plan


    Topic – Lesson 3 - A Day at the Floating Market (Continued)

    Read the chapter thoroughly.

    Offline Learning - Use the following links to watch the videos based on Floating Market

    in Bangkok and floating markets in India:

    I. Read the lesson ‘A Day at the Floating Market’ and answer the following questions:

    Short answers:

    1. What do Lamai’s father and brother do while she and her mother are away? What does the

    family sell at the market?

    2. Whom does Lamai meet at the market? What do Lamai and Suki discuss?

    3. What are the things that the tourists buy?

    4. Where do Lamai and her mother make the last stop and why?

    Long answers:

    1. What is the difference between the lives of the people of Thailand who live in the cities and

    those who live outside?

    2. What was Lamai’s mother selling that day? What did she hope?

    II. Read the statement given below and answer the questions that follow with reference to the


    „He is helping his mother prepare meals in their boat.‟

    i. Who is being referred to as ‘he’ in the above-mentioned statement?

    ii. What was his mother making?

    iii. Name the lesson and its writer.


    Offline Worksheets –

    o Flippity Collective Nouns – Crossword Puzzle


    o Flippity Abstract Nouns Word Search

    Link: file:///C:/Users/Dell/Documents/Abstract%20Nouns%20Word%20Search.pdf

    Edpuzzle MCQ quiz\Users\Dell\Documents\Abstract%20Nouns%20Word%20Search.pdf

  • Page 3 of 22

    Link -

    Offline Learning – Video links for recapitulation of ‘Kinds of Nouns’ will be shared with the


    o Use the following links to watch the videos based on ‘Kinds of Nouns’:

    Worksheet 1

    Types of Nouns

    Encircle the nouns used in the following sentences. Classify the nouns as per their kind and list

    them in the correct columns to complete the table: (To be done in the notebook)

    1. My friend met a regiment of soldiers at Wagah Border in Amritsar.

    2. We got the information about a herd of elephants that entered the city.

    3. Lord Buddha taught the lesson of brotherhood to his disciples.

    4. The troupe of dancers displayed confidence while performing on the stage.

    5. The flock of tourists visited the Qutab Minar on 25th April 2019.

    6. I admire my father for his intelligence.

    7. The astronomer gazed at the cluster of stars with great excitement.

    8. The committee of members attended the meeting at Habitat Centre.

    9. Helen Keller faced the difficulties with courage and determination.

    10. Ritu saw a litter of puppies playing under the table.

    11. Laughter is the best medicine.

    12. The woodcutter was rewarded for his honesty.

  • Page 4 of 22


    कविता सॊफॊधधत ननदेश – कविता को कभ से कभ दो फाय ऩढ़ें। कविता को ऩढ़ने के ऩश्चात उसे हाि -बाि सहहत गुनगुनाएॉ कविता को ऩढ़ने के फाद उसका सयर अथथ ऩढ़े। कावमाॊश मा ऩदमाॊश के उत्तय केिर ऩॊक्ततमों भें से लरखिए। कऺा कामथ -(कविता को कहानी के रूऩ भें धचत्र सहहत लरखिए (केिर एक ऩषृ्ठ की) ऩहठत ऩदमाॊश ,

    भूल्मऩयक प्रश्न ) को कॉऩी भें कीक्जए।

    कविता ऩढ़ने का उद्देश्म :-

    जीिन भें हभेशा आगे फढ़ने की सोच यखना । अऩन ेजीिन भें आत्भविश्िास यखना। अनजान ऩरयस्थथततमों से कबी बी न घफयाना।

    ज्मों तनकर कय फादरों की गोद से

    थी अबी एक फ ॉद कुछ आगे फढ़ी

    सोचन ेफपय फपय मही भन भें रगी

    आह क्मों घय छोड़ कय भैं मों कढ़ी।

    दैि! भेये बाग्म भें है क्मा फदा

    भैं फच ॉगी मा मभर ॉगी ध र भें।

    मा जर ॉगी गगय अॉगाये ऩय फकसी

    च ऩड़ ॉगी मा कभर के प र भें।

    ऩाठ -4 कविता एक फ ॉद


  • Page 5 of 22

    फह गई उस कार कुछ ऐसी हिा

    िह सभुॊदय ओय आई अनभनी ।

    एक सुॊदय सीऩ का भुॉह था खुरा

    िह उसी भें जा ऩड़ी, भोती फनी।।

    रोग मों ही हैं झझझकते सोचते जफफक उनको छोड़ना ऩड़ता है घय फकॊ त ुघय का छोड़ना अक्सय उन्हें फ ॉद रौं कुछ ओय ही देता है कय

    कवि - हरय अमोध्मालसॊह उऩाध्माम '

    ऩठित ऩदमाॊश कविता की ऩस्क्तमों को ऩढ़कय तनम्नमरझखत प्रश्नों के उत्तय मरझखए।

    ज्मों तनकर ------------------------- भोती फनी।। क. एक फ ॉद कहाॉ से तनकर कय आई थी? ख. फ ॊद के भन भें क्मा -क्मा विचाय आने रगे ? ग. फ ॉद फकसकी ओय बफना भन के आई ? घ. सभुद्र भें फकसका भुॉह खुरा था ? ङ. इस कविता के कवि कौन हैं?

    भूल्मऩयक प्रश्न प्रश्न -जीिन भें कहठनाइमों आने ऩय हभें तमा कयना चाहहए?

    साभान्म जानकायी भोती: एक प्राकृनतक यत्न है जो सीऩ से ऩैदा होता है। जफ कोई फाहयी कण जैसे येत ,कीट आहद सीऩ के बीतय प्रिेश कय जाते हैं औय सीऩ उन्हें फाहय नहीॊ ननकार ऩाता ,तो उसके बीतय चभकदाय ऩयतें जभा हो जाती हैं तफ प्राकृनतक रूऩ से भोती का ननभाथण होता है।

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    िचन ऩढ़न ेका उद्देश्म:-

    भैं िचन के ननमभों को जानने भें सऺभ होऊॉ गा।

    िातम भें शब्दों के िचन को ककस प्रकाय फदरना है , इसका भुझे ऻान लभरेगा।

    िचन ककसे कहते हैं?

    सॊऻा के स्जस रूऩ से सॊख्मा का फोध हो उसे िचन कहते हैं अथातत सॊऻा , सितनाभ , विशेषण औय फिमा के स्जस रूऩ से हभें सॊख्मा का ऩता चरे उसे िचन कहते हैं।

    जैसे :- (1) रडकी खेरती है, रडफकमाॉ खेरती हैं।

    िचन के दो बेद होते हैं :- एकिचन औय फहुिचन

    एकिचन औय फहुिचन के कुछ ननमभ इस प्रकाय है :- 1. आदयणीम मा सम्भानीम व्मस्क्तमों के मरए फहुिचन का प्रमोग होता है जैसे :- (i) नाना , भाभी , ताई , ताऊ , नानी , भाभा , चाचा , चाची , दादा ,दादी आठद।

    एकिचन से फहुिचन फनाने के ननमभ इस प्रकाय हैं :-

    जफ शब्दों भें आ की जगह ऩय ए रगा ठदमा जाता है। ज ता = ज ते ताया = ताये कुत्ता = कुत्ते कभया = कभये रड़का = रडके भुगात = भुगे कौआ = कौए केरा = केरे घोडा = घोड़े कऩड़ा = कऩड़े फेटा = फेटे गधा = गधे

    जफ शब्दों भें अ की जगह ऩय ऐॊ रगा ठदमा जाता है। करभ = करभें फात = फातें यात = यातें आॉख = आॉखें

    वमाकयण िचन ि उसके ननमभ

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    ऩुथतक = ऩुथतकें गाम = गामें फहन = फहनें फकताफ = फकताफें झीर = झीरें सडक = सडकें

    जफ शब्दों भें आ की जगह ऩय एॉ कय ठदमा जाता है।

    कविता = कविताएॉ रता = रताएॉ अध्मावऩका = अध्मावऩकाएॉ

    कन्मा = कन्माएॉ भाता = भाताएॉ बुजा = बुजाएॉ ऩबिका = ऩबिकाएॉ शाखा = शाखाएॉ काभना = काभनाएॉ

    कथा = कथाएॉ करा = कराएॉ िथतु = िथतुएॉ

    जफ स्त्त्रीलरॊग के शब्दों भें मा की जगह ऩय माॉ रगा हदमा जाता है।

    गचड़ड़मा = गचड़ड़माॉ

    गुड़डमा = गुड़ड़माॉ चुठहमा = चुठहमाॉ

    यानी = यातनमाॉ करी = कमरमाॉ सखी =सझखमाॉ

    जफ शब्दों माॉ रगाकय ई को इ कय हदमा जाता है।

    नीतत = नीततमाॉ नायी = नारयमाॉ गतत = गततमाॉ

    थारी = थामरमाॉ यीतत = यीततमाॉ नदी = नठदमाॉ

    रडकी = रडफकमाॉ टोऩी = टोवऩमाॉ

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    जफ दर , िृॊद , िगथ , जन रोग , गण आहद शब्दों को एकिचन भें इस प्रकाय जोड़ कय लरिा जाता है।

    साधु = साधुजन फारक = फारकगण अध्माऩक = अध्माऩकि ॊद विदमाथी = विदमाथीगण मभि = मभििगत सेना = सेनादर गुरु = गुरुजन आऩ = आऩरोग श्रोता = श्रोताजन ऩािक = ऩािकगण अगधकायी = अगधकायीिगत दशतक = दशतकगण ि द्ध = ि द्धजन व्माऩायी =व्माऩायीगण . जफ एकिचन औय फहुिचन दोनों भें शब्द एक सभान होते हैं। याजा = याजा नेता = नेता फाजाय = फाजाय छाि = छाि प र = प र जर = जर

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    What will I learn?

    To find factors with help of multiplication and division.

    To write a composite number as product of its prime factors.

    To find prime factorisation of a number by factor tree method.

    To revise divisibility rules, prime and composite numbers

    To See:

    To Read & Understand: (Textbook- Page number)

    Read page 41-43

    To Do:

    Pg 39 - I can do it:- Q B – 1, 2 and 3 parts

    Pg 44 – Ex 3.2 Q7 – Q12

    To Enjoy:

    To Create:

    Create a flap book or poster on Factors and its properties.

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    Subject: Science

    Concept: Chapter -4 Nervous System

    What will I learn?

    I will be able to know:

    The importance of spinal cord in our body

    Types of nerves –Sensory, Motor and Interneurons

    Diagram of Neuron cell with labelling

    Reflex actions

    To See:

    To Read & Understand: (Textbook- Page number)

    Page No. 36-37

    To Do:

    Page No. 42 : Ex -5,

    Ex-7 –a, b

    To Enjoy:

    Page 43 –Activity -1

    To Create:

    Make a model of neuron cell with help of modelling clay, wool, buttons etc. You may use your

    own creative ideas. (Image given for your help)

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    Social Science

    Concept: Democratic Republic of The Congo- Land of the Dense Forests

    What will I Learn?

    Vegetation and Wildlife

    Natural Resources and Industries



    Life of the People

    To See:

    To Read & Understand: (Textbook Page Number)

    Pg. No. 29- Pg. No. 31

    To Do:

    Exercises 1-2 (in the book) Pg. No. 31

    Exercises 3-5 (in the notebook) Pg. No. 32

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    Subject – Art & Craft


    Concept- Drawing of Beach Scene

    Material Required- pencil, pencil colours/ oil pastel colour

    What will I learn?

    What are the basic colours?

    How to use colours?

    How to draw a boy and a girl?

    How to draw a beach scene?

    To see:

    To create (on drawing sheet): Drawing of Beach scene

    Use any medium (oil pastels, crayons, pencil colour)

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    Answer Keys


    Lesson 3 -A Day At The Floating Market

    Answer Key

    Questions and Answers

    Short answers:

    1. What do Lamai’s father and brother do while she and her mother are away? What does the family sell at the market?

    Ans. Lamai’s father and brother stay on the farm to work while Lamai and her mother row to the

    closest floating market. The family sells fruits and vegetables in the market.

    2. Whom does Lamai meet at the market? What do they discuss?

    Ans. Lamai meets Suki at the market. They discuss about their summer plans.

    3. What are the things that the tourists buy?

    Ans. The tourists buy food from the boats, but most of them go to the boats that have souvenirs for

    sale. They buy the T-shirts, pencils, statues, and colourful purses sold on these boats.

    4. Where do Lamai and her mother make the last stop and why?

    Ans. Lamai’s mother makes one last stop at the boat with star fruits so Lamai can buy some of

    them. It was Lamai’s favourite fruit and her mother knew it very well.

    Long answers:

    1. What is the difference between the lives of the people of Thailand who live in the cities and

    those who live outside?

    Ans. City life in Thailand is much like city life in the United States. People live in tall buildings or

    in houses close together. They travel in cars and buses and buy what they need from stores. But

    outside the cities, life is different. People usually live on farms far apart from one another. Many of

    these farms do not have electricity for lights or refrigerators. Therefore, people grow their own food

    or buy it fresh almost every day at the market.

    2. What was Lamai’s mother selling that day? What did she hope?

    Ans. Lamai’s mother was selling bananas and ripe tomatoes that day. Lamai saw baskets of yellow

    rambutan and sour star fruit in other boats. She hoped her mother would buy some star fruit later

    because it was her favourite fruit.

  • Page 14 of 22

    Reference to Context:

    “He is helping his mother prepare meals in their boat.”

    i. Who is ‘he’ being referred to in the given sentence?

    Ans. He is being referred to Suki in the given sentence.

    ii. What was his mother making?

    Ans. His mother was making meals of fried bananas.

    iii. Name the lesson and its writer.

    Ans. The name of the lesson is ‘A Day at the Floating Market’ Written by Jerry Bridgens.

    Topic : KINDS OF NOUNS

    I. Encircle the nouns used in the following sentences. Classify the nouns as per their kind and list

    them in the correct columns to complete the table:

    1. My friend met a regiment of soldiers at Wagah Border in Amritsar.

    2. We got the information about a herd of elephants that entered the city.

    3. Lord Buddha taught the lesson of brotherhood to his disciples.

    4. The troupe of dancers displayed confidence while performing on the stage.

    5. The flock of tourists visited the Qutab Minar on 25th April 2019.

    6. I admire my father for his intelligence.

    7. The astronomer gazed at the cluster of stars with great excitement.

    8. The committee of members attended the meeting at Habitat Centre.

    9. Helen Keller faced the difficulties with courage and determination.

    10. Ritu saw a litter of puppies playing under the table.

    11. Laughter is the best medicine.

    12. The woodcutter was rewarded for his honesty.

    Proper Nouns Common Nouns Collective Nouns Abstract Nouns

  • Page 15 of 22

    Answer Key


    ऩठित ऩदमाॊश कविता की ऩस्क्तमों को ऩढ़कय तनम्नमरझखत प्रश्नों के उत्तय मरझखए।

    ज्मों तनकर ------------------------- भोती फनी।। क. एक फ ॉद कहाॉ से तनकर कय आई थी?

    उत्तय एक फ ॉद फादरों से तनकर कय आई थी

    ख. फ ॊद के भन भें -क्मा क्मा रगे आने विचाय ?

    उत्तय फ ॉद के भन भें आमा फक ऩता नहीॊ भेये बाग्म भें क्मा मरखा है ,भैं फच ॉगी मा जरते अॉगाये ऩय गगय कय जर जाऊॉ गी। ध र भें मभर कय खत्भ हो जाऊॉ गी मा फपय फकसी कभर के प र ऩय टऩक कय गगरूॉ गी।

    ग. फ ॉद फकसकी ओय बफना भन के आई ?

    उत्तय फ ॉद सभुद्र की ओय बफना भन के आई।

    घ. सभुद्र भें फकसका भुॉह खुरा था ? उत्तय सभुद्र भें एक सीऩ का भुॉह खुरा था।

    ङ. इस कविता के कवि कौन हैं?

    उत्तय इस कविता के कवि अमोध्मामसॊह उऩाध्माम हैं।

    Wagah Border


    Lord Buddha

    Qutab Minar


    Habitat Centre

    Helen Keller












    a regiment of soldiers

    a herd of elephants

    the troupe of dancers

    the flock of tourists

    the cluster of stars

    the committee of


    a litter of puppies










  • Page 16 of 22

    तनम्नमरझखत शब्दों के अथत मरखकय िाक्म भें प्रमोग कीस्जए। क. अक्सय -प्राम्

    िाक्म -हभ रोग अक्सय प्रात्कार के सभम टहरने जाते हैं।

    ख. कार -सभम

    िाक्म -जो व्मस्क्त िततभान कार भें जीत ेहैं िे हभेशा प्रसन्न यहते हैं।

    ग. जी -भन

    िाक्म -इस फाय की ऩयीऺा भें यभन ने जी रगाकय ऩढ़ाई की औय प्रथभ आमा।

    घ. सभुॊदय -सभुद्र

    िाक्म -सभुॊदय का ऩानी खाया होता है।

    भूल्मऩयक प्रश्न प्रश्न -जीिन भें कहठनाइमों आने ऩय हभें तमा कयना चाहहए ? उत्तय -इस सॊसाय भें कोई बी ऐसा वमक्तत नहीॊ होगा क्जसने जीिन भें कहठनाइमों मानी भुक्श्करों का साभना

    नहीॊ ककमा होगा। इसलरए अगय जीिन भें कबी ऐसा ऺण आ बी जाए तो हभें अऩना वििेक नहीॊ िोना चाहहए। जीिन भें उसका साहसऩूिथक साभना कीक्जए तमोंकक जीिन भें आने िारी कहठनाइमाॉ हभें औय बी भज़फूत

    फनाती हैं। इससे हभ सपर इॊसान फनते हैं। बाषा की फात -:

    नीचे लरिे शब्दों के ऩमातमिाची शब्द लरखिए। क. फादर -घन ,भेघ ि. बाग्म -नसीफ ,ककस्त्भत ग. हिा -ऩिन ,सभीय घ. घय -गहृ ,आरम ङ. कभर -याजीि ,जरज च. सभुद्र -सागय ,यत्नाकय

    िणथ विच्छेद

    ऩमातमिाची शब्द

  • Page 17 of 22

    ननम्नलरखित शब्दों के िणथ विच्छेद कीक्जए। भोती -भ ् +ओ +त ् +ई धूर -ध ् +ऊ +र ् +अ फादर -फ ् +आ +द +अ +र ् +अ अॉगाये -अॉ +ग ् +आ य् +ए खझझकत े -झ ् +इ +झ ् +अ +क् +अ +त ् +ए अनभनी -अ +न ् +अ +भ ् +अ +न ् +ई

    नीचे लरिे शब्दों औय अथों के सही जोड़े फनाकय लरखिए। क. कार प्राम्

    ि. कड़ी खिन्न

    ग. अतसय सभम

    घ. रौ ननकरी

    ङ. अनभनी सभान


    Pg 39 - I can do it:-

    B. List all the factors of each of the

    following :

    3. 18

    1 x 18

    2 x 9

    3 x 6

    Factors of 18


    2. 28

    1 x 28

    2 x 14

    4 x 7

    Factors of 28


    1. 36

    1 x 36

    2 x 18

    3 x 12

    4 x 9

    6 x 6

    Factors of 36


  • Page 18 of 22

    Pg 44 –

    Ex 3.2 Q7 – Q12

  • Page 19 of 22

    Answer Key


    Page 42-Ex 5:

    a) Neuron b) Cerebrum c) Brain stem /Medulla d) Reflex action e) Iris

    Ex 7 a) Nervous system forms a network of connections all over the body that links various


    together and controls all the functions of our body .

    b) Difference between cerebrum and cerebellum .

    cerebrum cerebellum .

    Largest part of the brain Small structure present below the


    Centre of intelligenge , helps us to think ,learn

    ,remember , create .

    Controls and coordinates the actions of

    muscles .

    It controls the working of the eyes ,ears ,nose

    ,tongueand even are voice .

    It maintains the body balance and keep

    upright .



    1. Multiple Choice Questions:

    (a) The Democratic Republic of the Congo lies in the _________________ region.

    (i) Polar (ii) Temperate

    (iii) Frigid (iv) Equatorial

    Ans. Equatorial Region

    (b) ____________________ countries share their borders with the Democratic Republic of the


    (i) Six (ii) Seven

    (iii) Eight (iv) Nine

    Ans. Nine

    (c) Which of the following are parts of wildlife in DRC?

  • Page 20 of 22

    (i) Tigers (ii) Leopards

    (iii) Antelopes (iv) All of these

    Ans. Antelopes

    (d) _______________ is the staple food of the Congolese.

    (i) Plantain (ii) Maize

    (iii) Rice (iv) Cassava

    Ans. Cassava

    (e) ________________ is the largest city in the DRC.

    (i) Kinshasa (ii) Lubumbashi

    (iii) Kisangani (iv) Matadi

    Ans. Kinshasa

    2. Very Short Answer Questions:

    (a) The Democratic Republic of the Congo was earlier called Zaire .

    (b) The Congo river is also called the Highway of Central Africa.

    (c) The country has vast grasslands called the Savannahs .

    (d) Mineral industries are well developed in the country. True or False?

    Ans. True

    (e) The Equator passes through the northern / southern part of the country. Tick the correct option.

    Ans. northern

    3. Short Answer Questions:

    (a) Name some lakes in the country.

    Ans. A number of lakes are found in DRC including lake Albert, Edward, Kivu, Mweru, etc.

    (b) What kind of climate does the Democratic Republic of the Congo have?

    Ans. The Democratic of Republic has a hot and wet climate with abundant sunshine and rain.

    (c) A large part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is covered in dense forests. Why?

    Ans. Democratic Republic of Congo is covered in dense forests due to its climatic conditions with

    consistent heavy rainfall.

  • Page 21 of 22

    (d) What are rainforests?

    Ans. Rainforests are the dense forests with the evergreen trees, found in areas with consistently heavy


    (e) Why does the country have a poor transport system?

    Ans. The country has a poor transport system because of its dense forests which poses a difficulty in

    construction of roads and rails.

    4. Long Answer Questions:

    (a) Discuss in brief the location of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    Ans. The Democratic Republic of Congo lies in Central Africa. Its capital is Kinshasa. The Equator

    passes through the northern part of the country. DRC shares its borders with 9 other countries and is

    the second largest country in Africa. The second largest river in Africa, the Congo river, flows through

    the DRC. The highest point of the DRC is Mt. Stanley.

    (b) What kind of wildlife exists in the country?

    Ans. The rainforests and grasslands are home to a large variety of wildlife. The grasslands have lions,

    giraffes, elephants, antelopes and a variety of snakes as inhabitants. Many rare species of gorillas,

    chimpanzees and baboons roam in the forests freely. The areas near the river are home to

    hippopotamuses and crocodiles. It also has a variety of birds and butterflies such as toucans, humming

    birds, macaws and parrots.

    (c) Discuss the two main tribes of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    Ans. The two main tribes of the country are - Bantu tribe and Pygmies.

    Bantu tribe: -

    Most of the Congolese belong to this tribe. Bantu people are tall and have curly hair. They wear

    colourful dresses and enjoy music and dance.

    Pygmies: -

    The country’s original inhabitants were Pygmies. They are short people and live in forests in the

    north-east and survive by hunting and gathering. They are nomads and live in simple huts made of

    branches and leaves.

    (d) What is the main occupation of the people of the country? Discuss.

    Ans. Agriculture is the main occupation of the people of the country. The methods of farming are

    primitive and traditional. However, new technologies are gradually being introduced. The Bantus and

    Amazon Indians form the farming community and practice shifting agriculture. The main cash crops

    are cocoa, coffee, rubber, cotton and palm.

  • Page 22 of 22

    (e) What do you know about the main cities of the DRC?

    Ans. The Democratic Republic of Congo is sparsely populated. The main cities are as follows: -

    Kinshasa, the capital of DRC, is the largest city.

    Lubumbashi is the main city in the country’s mineral rich region.

    Matadi is a major port city.

    Kisangani and Kananga are other important cities.

    5. Beyond the text (HOTS Question):

    Do you think that life of people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is different from yours?

    Give reasons.

    Ans. Yes, life of the people living in the Democratic Republic of Congo is different from ours. We live

    in a region which has moderate rainfall so there are only a few dense forests here but due to the

    climatic conditions of the DRC there are many dense forests in the region. India is hugely populated

    whereas the DRC is sparsely populated. The DRC has a poor transport system due to its dense forests

    whereas India has an excellent transport system through road, rail and airways. Thus, India’s climate,

    vegetation, transport system, etc. is different from that of the DRC.

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