science quiz

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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What is the name of the pigment-containing organelles in autotrophs that collect light energy?

Charles Darwin, famous for his description of natural selection as a guiding mechanism of

evolution, was also an expert on what organisms?

a) Beetles

b) Barnacles

c) Slugs

d) Migratory birds

The specialized structure(s) in snakes that help give them their keen sense of smell is/are the


a) Jacobson's organ

b)Olfactory pits

c) Forked tongue


What helpful substance is cyanocobalamin better known as?

a) The acid blocking medication Prilosec

b) Vitamin B6

c) Vitamin B12

d) The active ingredient in Benadryl

Which of the following is considered an autoimmune disorder?

a) Systemic lupus erythematosus

b) Erythroblastosis fetalis

c) Diverticulitis

d) Pediculosis

Born in Sweden, he is known as the "father of taxonomy". Who is he?

a) Robert Brown

b) Carolus Linnaeus

c) Robert Whittaker

d) Ernst Haeckel

Which does NOT belong to the kingdom Protista?

a) Amoeba

b) Euglena

c) Marchantia

d) Paramecium

The word angiosperm is derived from two Greek words: "angio" and "sperma". What

does one mean by the two?

a) Flowering, seed

b) Naked, seed

c) Covered, seed

d) Non-flowering, seed

Which of the following is not a characteristic of an organism belonging to the Phylum


a) True Coelom

b) Body Dorsoventrally Flattened

c) Triploblastic

d) Bilateral Symmetry

Which of the following is not an echinoderm?

a) Holothuria

b) Chiton

c) Echinus

d) Antedon

In which of these are you most likely to find chloroplasts?

a) Tracheids

b) Stone cells

c) Companion cells

d) Guard cells

A man has a mass of 60 kg on Earth. What will his mass be on the Moon?

a) 90 kg

b) 20 kg

c) 60 kg

d) 30 kg

What is the period of revolution of Mercury?

a) 88 days

b) 160 days

c) 1 year

d) 49 days

Which of these is graphite not used for?

a) Dry-cell batteries

b) Lubrication

c) Insulation

d) Writing

What will happen to a fresh egg in concentrated saline?

a) It will break

b) It will float

c) It will sink

d) It will sink slightly and remain at the centre of the water

Who invented dynamite?

a) Joseph Priestly

b) Isaac Newton

c) Alfred Nobel

d) Henry Cavendish

Who is known as "the father of quantum theory"?

a) James Chadwick

b) Max Planck

c) Albert Einstein

d) Otto Hahn

What is the maximum number of solar eclipses that can be seen from the Earth in one year?



c) 10


Pressure is a concept that is used extensively when considering the physics of gases and liquids. Which of the following is a simple

explanation of what pressure is?

a) Force per unit area

b) Mass per unit acceleration

c) Power per unit time

d) Mass per unit volume

Physics is known for its equations and calculations for the forces acting on an object that travels in a

straight line. However, there is also a force that causes objects to move in a circular motion, such as the movement of a simple pendulum that rotates

360 degrees about an axis. What is this force that is also the subject of the equation F = (mv^2)/r?

a) Electromagnetic force

b) Centripetal force

c) Inertial force

d) Quantum force

Ignoring the medium through which waves travel, the speed of a wave (v) is related to two things.

Firstly, it is related to its wavelength which is measured in metres and secondly it is related to

how many waves pass a certain yet arbitrary point per second. What physical phenomenon is

the second factor describing?

a) Frequency

b) Multiplicity

c) Capacitance

d) Conductance

Gravity is an intriguing phenomenon and it is one which we don't yet truly understand, however, the little we do know started with the work of Isaac Newton and has developed ever since. There is a specific type of energy which is related to the acceleration caused

due to gravity and this is gravitational potential energy (GPE). What is the equation which represents


a) GPE = mgh

b) GPE = VgP

c) GPE = mgv

d) GPE = IgP

This pigment is what affects the colour of the hair, skin and eyes in humans and other mammals. It

also helps protect the skin from the Sun's harmful ultra-violet (UV) rays. It is what helps

human skin tan in the sun. What is the name of this pigment?

a) Babe

b) Limonene

c) Melanin

d) Carotene

Escherichia coli (or E. coli) bacteria are very essential for us, while at the same time, they can pose a hazard. They break down certain foods we eat, such as beans and green leafy

vegetables, to release different nutrients. Which part of our digestive tract do they inhabit?

a) Stomach

b) Large intestine

c) Mouth

d) Oesophagus

This acid is the most acidic of all organic acids and has the chemical formula CH2O2. It is present in

the stings of stinging nettles, bees and ants. Which acid is this?

a) Glycogenic acid

b) Hydrochloric acid

c) Formic acid

d) Calciferic acid

The spider-webs we see around us are constructed out of fine, silky threads of a certain variety of chemical compounds.

Which compounds are these?

a) Vitamins

b) Lipids

c) Carbohydrates

d) Proteins

There is a simple trick to see if your fancy knives are really of a good quality stainless

steel. What could you use on the spot to see if it is really good stainless steel?

a) A pen

b) A hand magnifying glass

c) A magnet

d) A diamond (to make a scratch)

Suppose you have a big aquarium in your living room. When you put a wooden plate in the water with a

rock firmly attached to the top of the plate, the water level will change. Take this new level as a reference. What happens to this level when you turn the plate

upside down and the rock is under the plate?

a) Level will increase

b) Nothing

c) Level may increase or decrease

d) Level will decrease

In 2013 a retired professor from Edinburgh University jointly won the Nobel prize for

physics when the existence of a particle named after him was officially confirmed. What is his


a) Peter Stringfellow

b) Peter Andreas

c) Peter Higgs

d) Peter Hain

Which of the following materials is NOT made up of crystals?

a) Snow

b) Sugar

c) Feldspar

d) Glass

Gravitational attraction brings tiny bits of matter together. But there are points at which there

is neither matter nor electromagnetic radiation. Still, a strange quantum-mechanical

potential lurks there. What is being described?

Zero point energy

Some of his research papers have been rated as the ‘most influential paper of the year’. He has also

been awarded the Padma Shri by the Government of India in the year 2007. His

principal fields of research are Cosmology and the interface between Gravity and Quantum theory. His work has won awards from the

Gravity Research Foundation, USA five times. He is an elected Fellow of the three National Academies of Science in India. Who is he?

Thanu Padmanabhan

X, a Nobel laureate, died of the harmful effects of X’s own discovery. X’s research papers have

been stored in lead boxes because it is too dangerous to handle without protective gear. X is the discovered 2 elements of the periodic

table, one of which is named after X’s hometown. Identify X.

Marie Curie

It is a magneto-optical phenomenon. This effect is due to the rotation of a light beam, which is plane polarised by a magnetic field. It occurs in liquids, gases and in solids as well. Name

the phenomena.

Faraday’s effect

How does the bug walk on water?

The water strider's legs are covered with microscopic hairs that trap tiny air bubbles, allowing the insect to simply float.

Identify it


Identify it


Identify it


Identify it

Lock and Key Model

Identify it


You may encounter this element in pure form fairly often. This metallic element is:


This yellow element is a component of gunpowder. It is:


The big clue for this metal's identity is how it is being used. This element is:


You would wear protective gloves to hold this radioactive element. It is said that the metal is

warm to the touch. This is:


This isn't totally pure, but the majority of the picture is of one element. It's the most

abundant element in the universe. This element is:


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