seameo-japan esd award · what we call 3r standing for reduce, reuse and recycle. to reduce the...

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SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award

Submission Form of 2016SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award Theme: Saving Energy

The last day for submission of entries: 25 November 2016

PART I: Details of Your School

1. Name of your school: Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 2 Blora /Public Senior High School 2 Blora

2. Full address: Jalan Rembang Km. 4 Blora, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

3. Postcode: 58251 4. Country: Indonesia

5. School’s telephone number (country code+city code+telephone number): +62 (0296) 531373

6. School’s fax number (country code+city code+fax number): -

7. School’s email Address:

8. Name of the Head Master/Principal/School Director: (Ms or Mr)Mrs. Yuni Ni’wati, M.Pd.

9. Name of the Teacher Coordinator:(Ms or Mr) Rini Widiastuti, S.Pd.

10. Email address of the Coordinator:

11. School website (if available)

12. Educational level (Such as Grade/year 1-6 or Grade/year 6-12): 10-12

13. Total number of teachers in your school: 59 Teachers

14. Approximately number of teachers participated in planning and implementing this school’s programmefor saving energy: 59 Teachers

15. Total number of students in your school:828Students

16. Approximate number of students participated in planning and implementing this school’s programme for saving energy: 828 Students

PART II: Information about the School’sProgramme The information of part II from no.1 to 13should be no longer than nine (9) pages long of A4 in total. The information should be written in Times New Roman font, 11-12 point size. 1. Title of the school’s programme

Recycling and Saving Energy


2. Summary of the programme (one half-page of A4 sheet size)

Saving energy is very important to do, moreover, recently Crisis of energy has happened all over the world.Because of this crisis, various alternative energy resources have been created to fulfill the need of energy we use. Therefore; as energy users, who know the complex process of the energy production, must use the energy wisely and save it optimally. Our school has been trying to aplly many ways to recycle energy. The first, We make the school members aware of the importance of energy saving for all human beings. Students as the young generation must have awareness and strong commitment to be the agent of energy saving. To make them aware we intergrate natural environment education in all the subjects of intracurriculair as well as extracuriculair. Besides we have built, so far, the tradition to make them smart in using energy by putting many notices and banners to use the energy wisely and economically. Secondly, Our school has done some ways to save water, like we have patched the ablution water in a pool and we use it to look after fish. We also patch the rain water as much as possible by storing it in a basin or small dam. We create electricity energy using the rain water and we name it PLTAH (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air Hujan) or Rain Water Power Plant. The third, to save the electricity energy, we try to use alternative energy, that is solar cells, and Rain Water Power Plant. We make many biopori, a hole in the land to keep leaves and water which is very beneficial to store water and to make the soil more healthy and productive. Also we make school regulation to use electrical appliances economically. Not only water and electricity, our school also save and manage waste energy by implementing what we call 3R standing for reduce, reuse and recycle. To reduce the waste of plastic we provide the students with a permenent bag for each student they can use to carry food from canteen and they bring their own drink bottle. The waste bottles and cups and plastic bags are recycled to become fine handicraft like hat, tissue place, drink place, dress, flower pots, dolls, desk lamp holder, parcel box, brooch, pillow sheet,bag, purse etc, and they can be sold.Every class has recycle corner on which they can display their creativity of recycling products. We have Waste Bank where every Friday students put the going-to be- recycled waste they have stored in the classroom to the bank and we recycle it. Meanwhile, the leave waste are recycled to be compost.We have three big unportable composters and many portable composters. And the compost can be used to fertilize all the plants in our school. We feel happy to prove that young generation can be the agent of saving energy movement and we feel satisfied to manage the waste thing to be the fine ones. 3. Background information or reasons why the school created this programme

There are some reasons why our school implement the programme of Recycling and Saving energy.

1. Our regency, Blora, often lacks of water especially in dry season, so it is important to apply many strategies to save water and to provide the real experience of saving the water to the students.

2. We have experienced crisis of electricity energy as we know that electricity is not renewable energy but it can be extict sooner or later, so we must save it and try to use the other alternative energy.

3. Waste can become serious problem if we can not manage it well. The mount of waste is the source of our life problem waste disposal becomes more and more serious problem. Therefore, we must make the students and all the people aware it is very important to treat the waste wisely by reduce, reuse and recycle it.

4. Schools as the place to build the character of the young generation must provide habits, traditions and education to make the students aware and become the agent of energy saving for the sustainable development.

4. Objectives/goals of the programme


To encourage, motivate and plant the culture of saving water, electricity and reduce reuse and recycle the waste to the students, teachers and the administration staffs and all the surrounding society. 5. Period of the time when the programme was/has been started

The programme has been carried out since 2010 6. Activities (Actions and strategies of implementation)

Here are some actions and strategies we have done to save and recycle energy: a. Water Saving. Our school has tried to improve the system of reusing the used water (water for ablution ). The

water is stored in a pool to look after fish and for plant cultivation we call aquaponic. Our school has the subject of cultivation and fish cultivation is included in this subject. This water is also used to water the many plants in our school. The water waste from the bathroom is also stored to water the plants. We collect the rain water to be used in dry season and we try to develop Rain Water Power Plant installation to create energy. To keep the water inside the earth we make many biopori all over our land to keep the water and to keep the leave waste, and after the composting process, we can harvest compost from the biopori and the soil can be healthy and it can keep much water in the soil. We also store the rain water in a big water reservoir in our school forest to keep the water available in our school especially in dry season.

b. Electricity saving Surely our school has been implementing to save electricity by doing the following strategies and

actions: • Using energy- saving lamps in all rooms. • Painting our classroom with light colour so the room is not dark and we do not need lighting on the day. • Providing the classroom and the other rooms with enough ventilation for air and light circulation to make the room bright enough and the lamp is not needed on the day. • Using solar cells for alternative energy. • Using Air Conditioner only if necessary. • Putting many slogans calling for energy saving.

c. Waste Recycling Here are some actions we have done to recycle the waste:

• Minimizing the use of plastic waste by using the reuse bags and reuse bottle for the students to carry their snacks and drink from the canteen. • Classifying the waste into five kinds that is: plastics, papers, leaves, metals and mirror. • Recycling the waste of leaves into compost by using composters and biopori. • Making the used cans, bottles, cups and plastic bag into beatiful handycrafts like hat, hanging pots, dolls, tissue place, glass shelf, bags, lamp holders, photo keeper, brooch, parcel box etc. • Providing the classroom recycle corner where the students can display their creative products of recycling the waste. • Providing the classroom with reading corner and wall magazine where the students can read and share anything about how to care our environment. • Carrying out waste bank to which everyclass can put the going-to- be recycled products waste,

and the waste will be sold. • Using many utensils from waste-recycling products to promote the ommunity about the

importance of waste recycling.


d. Environment-Loving Campaign One form of contributions of SMA N 2 Blora in global activities to reduce global warming is to

hold annual events in the form of socialization of how to traeat the environment wisely including energy saving. The purpose of this event is to increase awareness of all students, teachers, employees and the people about the importance of maintaining the balance of the earth and saving energy.

Activities which have been carried out include: • Activities of saving electricity and water by all students, teachers, employees at the school. • Greening activities by students, teachers, and employees and their families at school and at home. • Activities of energy saving and planting 1,000 trees in Blora area. • Exhibition of the environment education that contains the ways and wise methods to save our energy and the products of waste recycle from the area of the classroom and school. • Exhibition of the Environment is conducted annually in the school anniversary and the

Environment Celebrating days that contains examples of ideas for energy saving the products of the work and activities of creative waste recycling created by the students.

• Keep campaigning to the people for saving energy and recycling the waste

7. Teaching and learning approaches that the school applies for teaching “Saving Energy”

Energy efficient learning in State Senior high school ( SMA Negeri 2) Blora implementedintegrated in the activities intra and extra curricular activities. a. Intra-curricular activities

Intra-curricular activities are activities carried out during the hours of learning both in the classroom and outside the classroom on Monday through Saturday. The time span 07.00 s.d. 13:45 except on Fridays at 07.00 s.d. 11:00. State Senior High School 2 (SMA Negeri 2) Blora since 2013 has been implementing the curriculum of 2013. The number of subjects in Class X = 16, Class XI = 15, and Class XII = 15. All subjects in all levels have integrated material "Save Energy". Integration of the material "Save Energy" for each lesson may vary depending on the characteristics of the subjects. The learning materials can include the realm of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. All of that is documented in the lesson plan. For example on the subjects of Physics and Geography integration in the realm of knowledge. Entrepreneurship subjects craft and its integration in the areas of skills. Even for those already produces maple products "Micro Rain Hydroelectric ". For the realm of attitudes can integrate all subjects. Additionally SMA 2 Blora, since 2011 integrating PLH or enviromental education in all subjects. Even in 2015 successfully received the title of School Adiwiyata in the National level.

b. Extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities are activities carried out outside the hours of learning both in the classroom and outside the classroom on Monday through Saturday. The time span at 15.00 s.d. 17.00. In the 2016/2017 school year there were twenty-seven extracurricular SMA Negeri 2 Blora. All kinds of extracurricular activities also integrates the material "Save Energy" though only in the realm of attitudes. Even for extracurricular "Environmental Education" highly focusing on energy-saving materials both electrical energy and water energy.The students extracurricular PLH or Environmental Education join a community of "KANCIL" ( Environment Lovers Children Community ). For example, participants of extracurricular activities PLH(environmental education) make stickers or posters about energy-saving electrical energy and water. Thanks to the advice of


PLH extracurricular , schools make use the installation of ritual waterwaste for fish ponds and water the plants.

8. Brief information of related activities that the school participated in the community and shared

school practices to the community. Related to the energy saving, SMA 2 Blora has participated in the community and has been shared to the community and others school. It can be seen such as in : -ocialization to the new students on Students Orientation Time ( MOS ) -socialization to the parents when they are invited to attend the plenary meeting -On the School Anniversary, we invite other schools and community to be given some explanations about saving energy and loving the environment -our school participate with the partners on the memorial of great days at SMA 2 Blora 9. Engagement of partners (Please provide the name of your partners in this programme and their


Name of Partners Roles and Contributions BLH ( Environmental Agency ) -they gave aid of some plants -they gave aid of some biopori tools DPUK ( City Public Works ) -they gave aid of trash container and composter Pertamina EP -they gave aid of some plants, fertilizer, and journalism

training Dinas Kehutanan Blora (Forenstry Office of Blora)

Facilitating the training of plant breeding and action of reforestatation.

Dinas Pertanian dan Perkebunan dan Perikanan Blora (The Office of Agriculture Plantation and Fishery of Blora)

Training of managing organic waste and managing medical and herbal plant .

The evitalization of Taruna Bumi (Earth-youth) Scouting. Organizing fish cultivation.

11(eleven) Junior and Senior High Schools in the local area and the other area

-SMA 2 Blora gave aid of some plants - training to make biopori -training for composting and managing the organic and unorganic waste. -training the environment education.

Environment-Loving Community “Sekar Semi”

-Greening activity and managing organic and unorganic waste.

Community -SMA 2 Blora gave aid of some plants -training for composting

(Please add more row if it is necessary) 10. Resources used for implementation

Resources used for implementation

a) All people of SMA N 2 Blora Teachers,staffs and students as human resources have to be active to participate in doing the effort of water and energy saving. By doing the water and energy saving culture, they have to be creative to create any alternative energy.

b) Rain water In rainy season, water is used optimally.It is accomodated in a place (embung).It is called “TIRTA MINA”.It is used to save water supply in dry season and cultivate fishes. Besides the water is saved in “embung” it is saved in a supply place which is made by PLTAH (rain water electric generator)


c) Water waste Every day ablution water waste is saved in a fish pool. It is also used to water the plants at SMA N 2 Blora.Besides it, bathroom water waste is saved in a special saving which is made into clear again. And it is used to water the plants.

d) Sun light energy The use of solar cell for lighting out class. It means that our school gives enough ventilation in all rooms so the sun light can come to all rooms.

e) Plants at SMA N 2 Blora Everyday the plants at SMA N 2 Blora produce oxygen and much organic trash.Our school manage the trashes to become compost

f) Media Our school sets slogans around school. They contain an invitation to save water and electricity energy. The invitation is also delivered in the school radio “GELORA SMADA” to invite all people of SMA N 2 Blora to love the environment and save energy. It is also published by website, facebook or blog of SMA N 2 Blora.

11. Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and summary of results

Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms: 1. There is a work group for water and energy saving. So every teacher and staff have a task and a

responsible their self. And every month they make a report. 2. There is a work group in each class. It consists of picket list and implementation journal for

saving water and energy. It can be a check list which is filled every Friday. It will be evaluated every month by the homeroom teacher.

3. There is a headmaster decree about water and electric energy saving school. 4. To arrange work program every early year and make a report in the end of the activity. It will

be evaluated in every the end of month and year. 5. There is a special officer who oversees the use of water and electricity which is evaluated in a

payment form like electricity bill andwater bill. Summary of results:

The headmaster has full responsible for doing the culture of water energy saving school. So every month she can know the use of electricity and water bills to become effective and efficient. And the payment of it will be stable or decreased. Our school is always active tofollow the competitions which are held by Department of energy and human resources. And finally our school got champion 1 in Central Java Province level in 2015. 12. Achievement from the saving energy effort

a. Greening is done every year to make “Green School”. So our school gets many appreciations, such as :Adiwiyata School in province level in 2015, Healthy and Clean School and Environmentaly Friendly School for Nomination of Green School Award in 2016 at UNNES.

b. Recycling organic and unorganic trashes become many various crafts which have economical value. It also follows in many exhibition events and competitions. Finally it got champion 1 recycling costume in Blora Regency in 2014. It also got many appreciation charters in the education exhibitions.


c. Managing rain water as rain water energy electricity generator which has followed in Creanova in Blora Regency in 2016

d. The Competition of water electricity energy saving in 2016 got Champion 1 in Central Java Province. It is held by Department of human resource enargy (ESDM)

e. The culture of water and electricity saving by all people of SMA N 2 Blora. So the payment of water and electricity bills will be stable and decreased.

13. Benefits/Impacts/positive outcomes of the programme to students, school and the wider community

Students : − Students feel comfortable at school becaue it is clean,beautiful and comfortable. − Students get many knowledges and experiences about the culture of water electricity saving

and the importance of energy. − Students are free to create creation and inovation about alternative energy − Students have a habit to save energy at school,at home or surrounding − Students are so proud with many achievements at school.

School : − Be materialized the school vision and mission − The school looks so clean, beautiful and dazzle. − Many achievements are gotten by school. − Many schools become our school as a place for comparative study − Many people believe to SMA N 2 Blora − Giving many helps from institutions for the progress of SMA N 2 Blora

Wide Community : − The trust of society increases every year.It is proved by many students who register to study

at SMA N 2 BLora. − Giving sosialization and counseling about the importance of energy saving and alternative

energy − Society know the existence and achievements of SMA N 2 Blora by both mass media or

social media.

14. Plan for sustainability and plan for the future

Plan for sustainability: To maintain and increase the culture of environment loving and energy saving. Pan for the future: To make new inventions with student about the technology of energy saving.


15. List of supporting documents (Maximum of 5 documents)such as a copy of the school operational plan or school management plan, action plan, learning/ teaching materials, lesson plans, samples of student worksheet, manuals, etc. If the supporting documents are in the local language, please provide a brief description in English language.

Document 1) (school operational plan or school management plan) Document 2) (action plan) Document 3) (Teaching material of electricity generating) Document 4) (one example lesson plan of Technology the material of which is simple electricity generating ) Document 5) (samples of student photos) 16. Photos related to the activity/programme (Maximum of 5photos with captions in English) (Caption in English) Rainwater has not been well-managed and not exploited in large volumes. To optimize the function of the rain water, then made the installation of rainwater that can become mini power plants in school.

Dissemination and waste management training and development biopores Madrasah Diniyahat wonosari village.


Use of organic wastebecome a compost fertilizer

Implementationof an aquaponics as a natural filter in a fish pond


embung "Tirta Mina" to collect rain water from being wasted, which could be used for fish farming

and water supply in the dry season.

Awards school as Saving EnergySchools nation in 2016


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