search results - · file : 2002_danceforcommonhandbook_scan.pdf title : dance for...

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Search ResultsSummary Searched for : 11:11In index(es) : H:\KS_Scan_Library\MasterIndex.pdxResults : 35 document(s) with 147 instance(s)Saved on : 7/8/2017 6:52:47 PM

File : 2001-05_SecretsOfLemuriaTranscript_scan.pdfTitle : Secrets of Lemuria (transcript)Subject : Partial transcript for Kauai workshopAuthor : MCEO Freedom TeachingsKeywords :

Page: 6

12:12 and 11:11 Christos Reclamation Program. For many thousands of years since

File : 2001-12_TheRealChristmasStory_scan.pdfTitle : The Real Christmas Story - HandbookSubject : Eieyani dispensationAuthor : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana DeaneKeywords :

Page: 7

Stalemate and the 11:11 The Founders second intended objective in the Christ Period

Page: 8

England, the "11:11" Site, would be manually activated using the Star Gate

imbedded in the 11:11 Axiatonal/Ley Line via Stonehenge. If the Pleiadian-Nibiruian

File : 2001_MastersTemplarStewardshipFieldGuide_scan.pdfTitle : Masters Templar Stewardship - Field GuideSubject : Planetary Shields Clinic Field GuideAuthor : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana DeaneKeywords :

Page: 58

12:12111:11 Christos Reclamation Mission Sites for Khundaray Rainbow RoundtablesPlanetary

S Ireland, through 11:11 Transmission Line, severing link between Earth"s Merkaba Field and

File : 2001_MastersTemplarStewardshipManualintro-only_scan.pdfTitle : Masters Templar Stewardship - Manual (Intro section)Subject : (doc contains only the intro section -- first 18 pps of the manual --

scanned seperately so the page numbers in the main content are accuratein searches)

Author : MCEO Feedom TeachingsKeywords :

Page: 18

Chart The 12: 12111: 11 Chnstos Reclamation Mission (Signets, Cue Sites, the NDCG

File : 2001_MastersTemplarStewardshipManual_scan.pdfTitle : Masters Templar Stewardship - ManualSubject : Templar Stewardship (without roman numeral pages, so pg numbers

should be correct or very close)Author : MCEO Freedom TeachingsKeywords :

Page: 167

use this "11: 11" Templar 0001dinate and SG -11 to capture oontrol

Page: 187

The 12:12/11:11 Christos Reclamation Mission Signet Sites, Cue Sites, the NDCG

4--TRANSMISSION UNE 11: 11 (Q : SG) U 4-\--4+l..r--

in Earl 12:12111:11 CHRJSTOS RECLAMATION Open Hals ol Amolea Passage & Sirius

Page: 188

12:121 11:11 Christos Reclamation Mission Sites for Khundaray Rainbow RoundtablesPlanetary

S Ireland, through 11:11 Transmission Line, severing link between Earth"s Merkaba Field and

Page: 222

Emerald Covenant. GA 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence released. Rebel Anunnaki groups form

Page: 254

Gate-11 activates, 11:11 clearing starts. RRT England GA NDCGrid Nibiruian Wormwood-Stonehenge

File : 2002_DanceForCommonHandbook_scan.pdfTitle : Dance For Series - HandbookSubject : Common handbook for all ten associated Workshops (March "02 - Aug "03)Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana DeaneKeywords :

Page: 6

Cosmic 12:12/11:11 Activation Technique 12: The 12:121nduction and Rishiac Shield

Page: 199

Emerald Covenant. GA 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence released. Rebel Anunnaki groups form

Page: 228

Cosmic 12:12/11:11 Activation Universal-Galactic-Planetary Amoraea-Eckasha-A Flame Body

and Descent, Cosmic 11:11 and Blue Fire Sword Initiations and the 12-Reuche

with the Cosmic 11:11 Consummation on August 12, 2003, and Consummates/activates on

Page: 229

hold the Cosmic 11:11 Initiation will anchor the D13R Blue Fire Sword Metatronic

Page: 230

12:12:12/Universal11:111nitiation of November 5-17,2002 When the natural Gold Wave

12:12:12/ Universal11:111nitiation. The Cosmic 12:12:12:12 Initiation began on

Clock. The Cosmic 11:11 Activation is the Templar Lock Key-Code Activation Sequence

Page: 231

within the "11:11" symbology. The Cosmic 11:1113th Pillar Activation begins the

symbology. The Cosmic 11:1113th Pillar Activation begins the re-set cycle on the

receive the Cosmic 11:11 13th Pillar Lock Key-Code Sequence. The opening procedures

12:12:12/11:11 Templar Code Sequence. The Cosmic Templar opening procedure has

27, 2003 Cosmic 11:11 (Krist-1 Code) 13th Pillar Initiation. The Cosmic

Initiation. The Cosmic 11:11 13th Pillar ActivationiConsummation will occur on August 12,2003.

and coming Cosmic 11:11 13th Pillar Activation. Eckasha-Aah- The MCEO Freedom Teachings

Page: 232

2003 (between 11:11 PM-12:12AM May 28, 2003 USGRT-Universal Standard

SILENCE, the Cosmic 11:11 13th Pillar and the Krist-1 Code will Initiate

and the Cosmic 11:11 13th Pillar Initiation will set in motion the natural

begin the Cosmic 11:11 Initiation as the 13th Pillar Eckasha-Aah-Amoraea Eiros

receive the Cosmic 11:11 Consummation/activation and Initiation of anchoring the 12 Reuche

& the Cosmic 11:11 of May 27, 2003. The MCEO Freedom Teachings®

Page: 233

Technique#-17: The Universal11:11 Eckasha-Amoraea Flame Activation- Veca Code 11:11parallel

Activation- Veca Code 11:11 parallel Thun-lmmanU Induction . Part 4 of the

Page: 253

Technique 17: The 11:11 Veca Code -11 & Parallel Thun-lmmanu Elemental

Page: 254

Technique 17: The 11:11 Veca Code -11 & Parallel Thun-lmmanu Elemental

Page: 282

1 Code Cosmic 11:11 13th Pillar Initiation to "Catch the wave of

File : 2002_VoyagersII_scan.pdfTitle : Voyagers II - Secrets of AmentiSubject : Freedom TeachingsAuthor : Ashayana DeaneKeywords :

Page: 126

intervened. SOLAR CRISISAND 11:11/12:12 Wave-of Flame and Red Pulse In

Page: 127

SOLAR CRISIS AND 11:11/12:12 Guardian groups entered the UHF bands of

energetic terms the 11:11/ 12:12 Frequency Fence took the form of a

Page: 128

AD and the 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence of 1972. All three of

experimentation. When the 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence was established in 1972, the

Page: 129

operational again, the 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence had to be removed, which

blocked by the 11:11112:12 Frequency Fence, so correction of the Sun"s Merkaba

Page: 130

fields. However, the 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence allowed the Guardians to employ

Page: 136

of the Guardians" 11: 11 I 12: 12 Frequency Fence of 1972, the Guardians"

balance once the 11:11112:12 Frequency Fence was released, so the fence had

to remove the 11:11112:12 Frequency Fence, the Merkaba Fields of the Sun

Page: 179

Fields so the 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence could come down. Once this

Page: 180

allowed for the 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence to come down, once the

11, I992: The 11:11-Promise Of Ascension-Granted as Guardians Transmitted The II

That Would Allow 11:11/I2:12 Frequency Fence to Later Release. On 1111/

create the protective 11: 11 I 12:12 Frequency Fence, which stopped the Red

beginning of the 11: 11 I 12: 12 Frequency Fence disengagement. The Fence had

known as the 11:11 in New Age circles, representing the celebration of the

Page: 181

Of Amenti. The 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence Releases. Earth Guardianship Is Turned

codes of the 11: 11112: 12 Frequency Fence completed re-entry into the Earth"s

field and the 11:11112:12 Frequency Fence was fully dismantled. The 12th base

by the Guardians" 11: 11 I 12: 12 Frequency Fence, would now be determined

Page: 182

occur while the 11:11112:12 Frequency Fence remained in place and DNA strands

Page: 312

years as the 11:11112:12 Christos Reclamation Mission, the Divine Commission previouslyattempted

Page: 416

to Earth core, 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence begins release e/1992: Earth"s

File : 2003-02_ForbiddenTestaments_scan.pdfTitle : The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation 1 - HandbookSubject : The Cosmic Clock, Secrets of Lohas and the Arc of the CovenantAuthor : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana DeaneKeywords :

Page: 55

"C" Cosmic 11:11 Flame Body Activation, Golden Fleece and The Great Silence

St•ff COJmic 11:11 Eltelllcal Krlat Code (lf!J.OrlfH.TriRJ "

OrlfH.TriRJ "11:11/12:12" Grtuequtnce wllhln tht PC PKAand Primal Ligllt

once the Coemlc 11:11 Eiec:trttlll Krill Code and Unlvwul Flame Body have

at the "11:11pm" vlb111Uon point In Earth"s Shields, Iaiii for 1 hour

beglna ... Cosmic 11:11 Eleclrlcal l<Iisl Code Stanz (Shield Flow) ,

Page: 56

beings at the 11:11 PM time co-ordinate, the 2 Bastrtone Magnetic Veca

began at the 11:11 PM com!}letion of Stage-C He-thar-o.

Page: 60

· the "11:11:11:11" Cosmic Krist Override Network. The "11:

Network. The "11:11:11:11" Tr$nshannonlc USG Complex Is controlled through

Temple for the 11:11:11:11 Gate Network. When activated, the Temple of

Page: 75

the Covenant Stanzas 11:11 Zephar-Duun-Atura, 12:12 Orimmanu-Yon-A-Sa,

for each ofthe 11:11, 12:12 and 13:13 Arc Stanz Codes. For

Page: 79

The 11:11 Zephar-Dunn-AturA Second Code to Induce in this

File : 2003-05_CouncilCommunicationOpenLetter.pdfTitle : Council Communication Open LetterSubject : Guidance and information for the KS eGroupAuthor : Ma"a speaking on bahalf of the Eieyani Ecka CouncilKeywords :

Page: 11

Hetharo Peak "11: 11-12: 12" Veca Mahadra RRT. During the Hetharo Peak

the Hetharo Peak 11:11-12:12, the original Amenti gate system of Earth

File : 2003-08_DanceForJoy2Transcript_scan.pdfTitle : Dance for Joy 2 (workshop transcript)Subject : Transcript for Dance For Joy 2 Workshop (Andorra, First HeThaLOn peak)Author : MCEO Freedom TeachingsKeywords :

Page: 2

do for the 11:11, 12:12, again we"re going on a midnight one

Page: 8

tomorrow night between 11:11 and 12:12. It"s not going to be like

Page: 15

first part between 11:11 and 12:12 tomorrow night, and then going into

Page: 47

yet. That"s the 11:11:11 connection. This one connects into the seed atom

Page: 52

you have the 11:11, which are the other points of this one. That"s

Page: 57

of it, between 11:11 and 12:12. Tomorrow is the next part. We"re

Page: 64

location, ideally between 11:11 PM August 12th and 12:12 AM August 13th.

some time between 11:11PM August 12- 11:11PM August 15th. Activations strongest during

11PM August 12- 11:11PM August 15th. Activations strongest during ideal August 12-13

August 12-13 11:11PM- 12: 12AM period.) Preparation: Activate Lotus Bud and 24

File : 2003-09_ScienceSpiritCreation_scan.pdfTitle : The Science and Spirituality of Creation - HandbookSubject : Cosmic Order, Interdimensional Anatomy, Primal Life Force Currents,

Merkaba, Flame BodyAuthor : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana DeaneKeywords :

Page: 62

Star) throughout the 11:11-12:12 period, visualising, as far as possible, that

File : 2003-10_CosmicClockReset_Scan.pdfTitle : The Cosmic Clock Reset - HandbookSubject : Entering the Reusha-TA Great Healing CycleAuthor : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana DeaneKeywords :

Page: 28

27.May.2003 11:11pm Pruc.os · 28

Page: 31

~~ at the 11:11 PM time co-~rdinafe, the 2_ ~ase-!one

Page: 32

AzurA During Hethaio 11:11·12:12 will allow separationof falling Arc Gate

File : 2004-04_Kathara23-Manual_scan.pdfTitle : Kathara Levels 2 & 3 Foundations - ManualSubject : Awakening the Living Lotus, Healing Facilitation Through Crystal Body

AlignmentAuthor : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana DeaneKeywords :

Page: 157

12:12:12, 11:11:11 & 8:8:8 Descending Ecka Monadic Vortices

he 12:12:12,11:11:11,8:8:8 S1gnetVort1ces )1 . .-,-"" ....

Page: 304

Star) throughout the 11:11-12:12 period, visualising, as far as possible, that

File : 2004-09_MichaelMaryLine_scan.pdfTitle : The UK Michael-Mary Line - HandbookSubject : The Zendradon, Ecka-Indigo Shiled and Planetary Shield Awakening of the

Universal Indigo Sun and Planetary Diamond Sun HostAuthor : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana DeaneKeywords :

Page: 82

12:12:12, 11:11:11 & 8:8:8 Descending Ecka Monadic Vortices

he 12:12:12,11:11:11,8:8:8 StgnetVorttces of the descendinf) Ecka Monadic

File : 2005-03_KeysMasteringAscension_scan.pdfTitle : Keys for Mastering AscensionSubject : Kathara Team Module studying the Veca codesAuthor : MCEO Freedom TeachingsKeywords :

Page: 12

Clock. The Cosmic 11:11 Activation is the Templar Lock Key-Code Activation Sequence

the "Universal 11:11 Activation; Veca-11/Paranel- 11 =Veca 12 Initiation.

ThunlmmanU Veca code 11:11 parallel induction. Together techniques16 and 17 of the Flame

Page: 13

initialing the cosmic 11:11 13th pillar Krist Code 1 activation during the HE-

Code. The Cosmic 11:11 Is actually the entry of the "ONE Codes"-

1 Code Cosmic 11:1113th pillar initiation to catch the wave of ascent to

"12:12/11:11" symbology, which has been known as the "Krist

cloaked" Wlthtn the 11:11 symbology. The Cosmic 11 :1113th Ptllar Activation begins

File : 2005-05_EthradonAwakeningDiary_scan.pdfTitle : Ethradon Awakening - DiarySubject : Morocco Workshop DiaryAuthor : MCEO Freedom TeachingsKeywords :

Page: 16

was scheduled for 11:11 pm. The activation however was not "ripe" so

File : 2006-02_TreasuresOfTheTowerDiary_scan.pdfTitle : Treasures of the Tower - DiarySubject : Workshop diaryAuthor : MCEO Freedom TeachingsKeywords :

Page: 6

to be (11: 11 to 12:12), we all had a great time.

File : 2007-04_Kathara23Sect7-8_scan.pdfTitle : Kathara 2-3 Sections 7 & 8 ModuleSubject : Kathara Team Module expanding the technical details of Kathara 2-3Author : MCEO Freedom TeachingsKeywords :

Page: 15

12:12:12, 11:11:11: and 8:8:8: Signet Vortices open. This

File : 2007-05_KRYSTHLRiverDanceHandbook_scan.pdfTitle : The KRYSTHL River DanceSubject : 1st Dance of the Cycle of "Last Stands"Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana DeaneKeywords :

Page: 18

2007- Sundown · 11:11 pm 6. Aquafereion Host Shield engages "Rebirth of

File : 2009-05_Sliders4Diary_scan.pdfTitle : Sliders 4 - DiarySubject : The Call of Aurora, Probability Alignments and the Adjugate Bond

(Intermediate Atmic Ah-VE"-yas Body Training & Freeing the Mind forSlide) - Workshop Diary

Author : MCEO Freedom TeachingsKeywords :

Page: 3

parallel Veca-2 11: 11 and 12: 12 alignments, activation of the M31 333

File : 2009-05_Sliders4Transcript_scan.pdfTitle : Sliders 4 (workshop transcript)Subject : Transcript for Sliders 4 WorkshopAuthor : MCEO Freedom TeachingsKeywords :

Page: 9

such as the 11:11, the 1212, the 333. You The MCEO Freedom Teachings

Page: 10

up it"s like 11:11 or 12:12 or 3:3:3? We"ll start

Page: 104

numeric codes- the 11:11 "s and 1212"s, because we could intercept

Page: 108

1212"s and 11:11 "s and all those things - right? This

we use the 11:11 "s and the 1212"s because, even though

File : 2009-05_Sliders4_scan.pdfTitle : Sliders 4 - HandbookSubject : The Call of Aurora Probability Alignments & The Adjugate Bond,

Intermediate Atmic / Ah-VE"-yas Body TrainingAuthor : MCEO Freedom TeachingsKeywords :

Page: 13

& the "11:11"f12:12" broadcasts began as our GL ·1

File : 2010-01_FOL10_scan.pdfTitle : FOL 2010 - HandbookSubject : AmorAea KRYSTHL Temples, the Monadic Passage, and Galactic Spiral

Alignments Aquafereion Shield Stardust Blue Transharmonic AmorAeaMerkaba Activation 1

Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana DeaneKeywords :

Page: 11

-Light Body 11:11 = PR = ElorA CW ELB = ElorA CW

Page: 14

:11 :11:11" Kryst-Buddha Alignment Halls of ArrorAea fDfm from: ElorA:

12:12:12/11:11 :11 :11" "Kryst-Buddha" The MCEO

12:12:12/11:11:11:11" Probability Dominion Alignment activates the "Halls

Page: 19

Micca ""666" 11:11 & 12:12 Complexes online to begin drawing ourVeca-

File : 2010-04_CamelotInterview_scan.pdfTitle : Camelot Interview - HandbookSubject : Diagram pack for Camelot InterviewAuthor : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana DeaneKeywords :

Page: 15

Micca "666" 11:11 & 12:12 Complexes online to begin drawing our

Page: 33

12:12:12/ 11:11:11:11" Probability Dominion Alignment activates the "Halls

File : 2010-05_Sliders7_scan.pdfTitle : Sliders 7 - HandbookSubject : The Lands of Wha Mirror Mapping, the 3 Paths of the KRYST and the Wha-

YA-yas Masha-yah-hana Adashi AdeptsAuthor : MCEO Freedom TeachingsKeywords :

Page: 9

Micca "666" 11:11 & 12:12 Complexes online to begin drawing our

File : 2010-08_Sliders8_scan.pdfTitle : Sliders 8 - HandbookSubject : Awake, Aware, and ALIVE in the Lands of Aah, The Sea of Ah-Yah, Eternal

Stream of Ah-Yah-YA the Covenant of Ah-Yah-Rhu and Eternal DreamFields of the ONE, Preparing the Body for Slide - Advanced Level

Author : MCEO Freedom TeachingsKeywords :

Page: 4

12:12:12/ 11:11:11:11 Activation, Introduction to the Cosmic Clock, and

12:12:12/ 11:11:11:11 Activation, Cosmic Clock, and Preparing for HE-

Page: 34

12:12 / 11:11:11:11 Kryst-Buddha Alignment, the Mashaya-Hana Baptism

File : 2010-10_Sliders9_scan.pdfTitle : Sliders 9 - HandbookSubject : The Flame of CosMAyah, Mayan Mother Matrix & Luminary Body

Activation, Advanced Spiritual Body TrainingAuthor : MCEO Freedom TeachingsKeywords :

Page: 20

12:12:12/11:11:11:11" December 21-22, 2012 ......._ AmorAea Pass-

File : 2011-04_ShA-DahL-UUN13Virtues_scan.pdfTitle : ShA-DhaL-UUN 13 Virtues - HandbookSubject : The ShA-DhaL-UUN Rite, 13 Virtues and the Shores of Ah-MA-ya-san,

Planetary Mirror in the Sky Activation 1Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana DeaneKeywords :

Page: 48

12:12 I 11:11:11:11" December 21-22, 2012 ...... AmorAea Pass-

File : 2012-01_Sliders12Pt1_scan.pdfTitle : Sliders 12 Part 1 - HandbookSubject : Externalization of the KRYST, Secrets of the Tan-Tri-A"Jha, The 7 Suns of

Cos-MA-yah, Keys of Aden, Budding of the Lotus Seed and Plasma BodyInitiation

Author : MCEO Freedom TeachingsKeywords :

Page: 2

Tri-TA-jha" 11:11/11:11 Fold The "EYE of ORUS" and

Page: 31

Tri-TA-jha" 11:11/11:11 Fold The 2 Core Center Min-yahs

Page: 33

TA·jha" 11:11/11 :11 Fold The 2 Core Center Min-

File : 2012-04_Sliders12Pt2_scan.pdfTitle : Sliders 12 Part 2 - HandbookSubject : Externalization of the KRYST, Secrets of the Tan-Tri-A"Jha, Dueling

Plasmas, the 15th Bridge, Myotic Awakening, the 7 Stands of the KRYST-Host Fail Safe & Fail Safe Stand 2

Author : MCEO Freedom TeachingsKeywords :

Page: 18

Micca "666" 11:11 & 12:12 Complexes online to begin drawing our

Page: 22

/ 11 :11:11 :11" December 21-22, 2012 ~ AmorAea Pass-

File : 2013_04_ELAiSaAwakening_Handbook_scan.pdfTitle : E-LAi-Sa Awakening - HandbookSubject : The Indelible KRYST Code & Chismatic Self-Healing Level 1Author : ARhAyas Productions - E"Asha AshayanaKeywords :

Page: 44

~atct (exha"cl11111:11ing M ~ .r~ tlltoogh lhekt,stwCIIanW f1"""9""

File : 2014-07_FactuallySpeaking.pdfTitle : Factually SpeakingSubject : Details of the Divorce between Speaker 1 & Speaker 2Author : ARhAyas ProductionsKeywords :

Page: 47

12:1212:121 11:11:11:11·Tewtesbury, UK,November2002 R0RJ11CD+CDIJ!:!ft.

Page: 60

12:12121 t1:11:11·11A<:Iiv~!!o"", INrodi.J(:Ilonlothw CosmicCiock, andPrepar!

12;12:12/11:11;11:11 - Tewki!Siwry, UK,Hovember2002 DFJ2/50VD

File : 2016-03_KDDL2_scan.pdfTitle : Arhayas Productions KDDL2 Hand BookSubject :Author : (C)2015 E"Asha A. ArhayasKeywords :

Page: 224

:11 :11:11" December 21 - 22, 2012 ,._ AmOfAea Pass-Through

12:12:12/ 11:11:11:11" Probab~ity DominionA~gnment activates the "

File : 2016-12_FailSafe5thAnniversaryPt2_scan.pdfTitle : Fail Safe 5th Anniversary Note pt 2Subject : Continuation of the Note marking the 5th Anniversary of Fail Safe

ActivationAuthor : ARhAyas ProductionsKeywords :

Page: 1

Peak-Period" of 11:11AM 8/9/2016 Fltime, when the frequencies a ssociated

File : 2016-12_FailSafe5thAnniversaryPt4_scan.pdfTitle : Fail Safe 5th Anniversary Note pt 4Subject : Supplimental information announcing Grid Activations and KDDL details

given on the 5th Anniversary of Fail Safe activationAuthor : ARhAyas ProductionsKeywords :

Page: 13

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