second revision no. 601nfpa 702015 [ section no. … · 12/22/2015 national fire protection...

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Second Revision No. 601­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 300.4 [Excluding

any Sub­Sections] ]

Where subject to physical damage, conductors, raceways, and cables shall beprotected.

Informational Note: Minor damage to a raceway, cable armor, or cable insulationdoes not necessarily violate the integrity of either the contained conductors or theconductors’ insulation.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Nov 02 11:49:07 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The informational note provides guidance to an electrical inspector that minor(superficial) damage to the jacket of a cable is not an issue. The first sentence ofthe proposed informational note is unnecessary since it states the obvious thatphysical damage doesn’t just occur from normal building operation.


Public Comment No. 1028­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 300.4 [Excluding any Sub­Sections]]

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Second Revision No. 623­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 300.5(A) ]

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(A) Minimum Cover Requirements.

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Direct­buried cable, or conduit, or other raceways shall be installed to meet theminimum cover requirements of Table 300.5.

Table 300.5 Minimum Cover Requirements, 0 to 1000 Volts, Nominal, Burial inMillimeters (Inches)

Type of Wiring Method or Circuit

Location ofWiring Method

or Circuit

Column 1DirectBurial

Cables orConductors

Column 2Rigid MetalConduit orIntermediate


Column 3NonmetallicRacewaysListed forDirectBurialWithoutConcrete

Encasementor OtherApprovedRaceways

Column 4ResidentialBranchCircuitsRated 120Volts orLess withGFCI



of 20Amperes

Column 5Circuits

forControl ofIrrigation

andLandscapeLightingLimited toNot MoreThan 30Volts andInstalledwith TypeUF or inOther

IdentifiedCable orRaceway

mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in.

All locations notspecified below 600 24 150 6 450 18 300 12 150a,

b 6a, b

In trench below 50mm (2 in.) thickconcrete orequivalent

450 18 150 6 300 12 150 6 150 6

Under a building 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0(in racewayor Type MCor Type MI

cableidentified fordirect burial)

(in racewayor Type MCor Type MI

cableidentified fordirect burial)

(in racewayor Type MCor Type MI

cableidentified fordirect burial)

Under minimum of102 mm (4 in.)thick concreteexterior slab withno vehicular trafficand the slabextending not lessthan 152 mm (6in.) beyond theundergroundinstallation

450 18 100 4 100 4

150 6 150 6

(direct burial)(directburial)

100 4 100 4

(in raceway) (in raceway)

Under streets,highways, roads,alleys, driveways,and parking lots

600 24 600 24 600 24 600 24 600 24

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One­ and two­family dwellingdriveways andoutdoor parkingareas, and usedonly for dwelling­related purposes

450 18 450 18 450 18 300 12 450 18

In or under airportrunways,including adjacentareas wheretrespassingprohibited

450 18 450 18 450 18 450 18 450 18

aA lesser depth shall be permitted where specified in the installation instructions of alisted low­voltage lighting system.

b A depth of 150 mm (6 in.) shall be permitted for pool, spa, and fountain lighting,installed in a nonmetallic raceway, limited to not more than 30 volts where part of alisted low­voltage lighting system.


1. Cover is defined as the shortest distance in millimeters mm (inches in. ) measuredbetween a point on the top surface of any direct­buried conductor, cable, conduit, orother raceway and the top surface of finished grade, concrete, or similar cover.

2. Raceways approved for burial only where concrete encased shall require concreteenvelope not less than 50 mm (2 in.) thick.

3. Lesser depths shall be permitted where cables and conductors rise for terminations orsplices or where access is otherwise required.

4. Where one of the wiring method types listed in Columns 1 through 3 is used for one ofthe circuit types in Columns 4 and 5, the shallowest depth of burial shall be permitted.

5. Where solid rock prevents compliance with the cover depths specified in this table,the wiring shall be installed in a metal raceway, or a nonmetallic raceway permitted fordirect burial. The raceways shall be covered by a minimum of 50 mm (2 in.) of concreteextending down to rock.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description300.5_SR623_LM.docx

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Nov 03 10:35:31 PST 2015

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Committee Statement


Swimming pool, spa, and fountain low voltage lighting in a nonmetallic raceway orsimilar installation should not be required to be installed any deeper than any otherColumn 5 less than 30 volt low voltage landscape lighting. Since the actual textcovering pools, spas and fountains is not located in Column 5, there are inspectorswho require the nonmetallic raceway containing these low voltage lightingconductors to be installed at an 18­inch depth.


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Second Revision No. 602­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 300.7(B) ]

(B) Expansion, Expansion­Deflection, and Deflection Fittings.Raceways shall be provided with expansion, expansion­deflection, or deflection fittingswhere necessary to compensate for thermal expansion, deflection, and contraction.

Informational Note: Table 352.44 and Table 355.44 provide the expansioninformation for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and for reinforced thermosetting resinconduit (RTRC), respectively. A nominal number for steel conduit can bedetermined by multiplying the expansion length in Table 352.44 by 0.20. Thecoefficient of expansion for steel electrical metallic tubing, intermediate metalconduit, and rigid metal conduit is 1.170 × 10­5 (0.0000117 mm per mm of conduitfor each °C in temperature change) [0.650 × 10­5 (0.0000065 in. per inch ofconduit for each °F in temperature change)].

A nominal number for aluminum conduit and aluminum electrical metallic tubingcan be determined by multiplying the expansion length in Table 352.44 by 0.40.The coefficient of expansion for aluminum electrical metallic tubing and aluminumrigid metal conduit is 2.34 × 10­5 (0.0000234 mm per mm of conduit for each °Cin temperature change) [1.30 × 10­5 (0.000013 in. per inch of conduit for each °Fin temperature change)].

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Nov 02 13:01:37 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The revised text makes it clear to inspectors, designers, and contactors thatexpansion­deflection and deflection fittings are acceptable to be used with racewaysto address thermal expansion, deflection, and contraction. Revising the text alsorequires a revision of the title to this subsection.


Public Comment No. 99­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 300.7(B)]

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Second Revision No. 603­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 300.11(B)(1) ]

(1) Fire­Rated Assemblies.Wiring located within the cavity of a fire­rated floor–ceiling or roof–ceiling assembly shallnot be secured to, or supported by, the ceiling assembly, including the ceiling supportwires. An independent means of secure support shall be provided and shall be permittedto be attached to the assembly. Where independent support wires are used, they shallbe distinguishable by color, tagging, or other effective means from those that are part ofthe fire­rated design.

Exception: The ceiling support system shall be permitted to support wiring andequipment that have been tested as part of the fire­rated assembly.

Informational Note: One method of determining fire rating is testing in accordancewith ANSI/ASTM E119­2014 2015 , Method for Fire Tests of BuildingConstruction and Materials.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Nov 02 13:48:28 EST 2015

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The ANSI/ASTM E119 has been changed from 2014 to 2015.Response Message:

Public Comment No. 122­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 300.11(B)(1)]

Public Comment No. 801­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 300.11(B)(1)]

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Second Revision No. 604­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 300.19(A) ]

(A) Spacing Intervals — Maximum.

Conductors in vertical raceways shall be supported if the vertical rise exceeds thevalues in Table 300.19(A). At least one support method shall be provided for eachconductor or cable assembly at the top of the vertical raceway or as close to the top aspractical. Intermediate supports shall be provided as necessary to limit supportedconductor lengths to not greater than those values specified in Table 300.19(A).

Exception: Steel wire armor cable shall be supported at the top of the riser with acable support that clamps the steel wire armor. A safety device shall be permitted atthe lower end of the riser to hold the cable in the event there is slippage of the cable inthe wire­armored cable support. Additional wedge­type supports shall be permitted torelieve the strain on the equipment terminals caused by expansion of the cable underload.

Table 300.19(A) Spacings for Conductor Supports


Conductor Size Support of Conductors in VerticalRaceways





m ft m ft18 AWG through 8 AWG Not greater than 30 100 30 1006 AWG through 1/0 AWG Not greater than 60 200 30 1002/0 AWG through 4/0AWG Not greater than 55 180 25 80

Over 4/0 AWG through350 kcmil Not greater than 41 135 18 60

Over 350 kcmil through500 kcmil Not greater than 36 120 15 50

Over 500 kcmil through750 kcmil Not greater than 28 95 12 40

Over 750 kcmil Not greater than 26 85 11 35

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Nov 02 13:51:21 EST 2015

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Committee Statement


Deleting cable assembly ensures that each individual conductor is supportedat the top of a vertical raceway.


Public Comment No. 1151­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 300.19(A)]

Second Revision No. 605­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 300.22(C)(3) ]

(3) Equipment.Electrical equipment with a metal enclosure, or electrical equipment with a nonmetallicenclosure listed for use within an air­handling space and having low smoke and heatrelease properties, and associated wiring material suitable for the ambient temperatureshall be permitted to be installed in such other space unless prohibited elsewhere in thisCode.

Informational Note: One method to determine low smoke and heat releaseproperties is that the equipment exhibits a maximum peak optical density of 0.50or less, an average optical density of 0.15 or less, and a peak heat release rate of100kW or less when tested in accordance with ANSI/UL 2043­2008 2013 , FireTest for Heat and Visible Smoke Release for Discrete Products and TheirAccessories Installed in Air­Handling Spaces.

Exception: Integral fan systems shall be permitted where specifically identified for usewithin an air­handling space.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Nov 02 14:16:41 EST 2015

Committee Statement


This updates the informational note to the latest version of UL 2043. ANSI hasbeen retained in the title of the UL Standard.


Public Comment No. 163­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 300.22(C)(3)]

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Second Revision No. 624­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 300.37 ]

300.37 Aboveground Wiring Methods.

Aboveground conductors shall be installed in rigid metal conduit, in intermediate metalconduit, in electrical metallic tubing, in RTRC and PVC conduit, in cable trays, inauxiliary gutters, as busways, as cablebus, in other identified raceways, or as exposedruns of metal­clad cable suitable for the use and purpose. In locations accessible toqualified persons only, exposed runs of Type MV cables, bare conductors, and barebusbars shall also be permitted. Busbars shall be permitted to be either copper oraluminum.

Exception: Airfield lighting cable used in series circuits that are powered by regulatorsand installed in restricted airport lighting vaults shall be permitted as exposed cableinstallations.

Informational Note: FAA L­824 cables installed as exposed runs within arestricted vault area are common applications.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Nov 03 11:12:31 PST 2015

Committee Statement


This revision recognizes that these cables are often installed exposed within arestricted airport lighting vault to facilitate easy access for modifications andreconnections during emergency situations.


Public Comment No. 108­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 300.37]

Public Comment No. 113­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 300.37]

Public Comment No. 115­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 300.37]

Public Comment No. 1472­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 300.37]

Public Comment No. 1496­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 300.37]

Public Comment No. 246­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 300.37]

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Second Revision No. 606­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 590.4(G) ]

(G) Splices.A box, conduit body, or other enclosure, with a cover installed, shall be required for allsplices except where:

(1) The circuit conductors being spliced are all from nonmetallic multiconductor cord orcable assemblies, provided that the equipment grounding continuity is maintainedwith or without the box.

(2) The circuit conductors being spliced are all from metal sheathed cable assembliesterminated in listed fittings that mechanically secure the cable sheath to maintaineffective electrical continuity.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Nov 02 16:08:00 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The addition of “nonmetallic” ensures that (1) applies to splices of multiconductorcords or cable assemblies with a nonmetallic jacket.


Public Comment No. 826­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 590.4(G)]

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Second Revision No. 607­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 590.4(J) ]

(J) Support.Cable assemblies and flexible cords and cables shall be supported in place at intervalsthat ensure that they will be protected from physical damage. Support shall be in theform of staples, cable ties, straps, or similar type fittings installed so as not to causedamage. Cable assemblies and flexible cords and cables installed as branch circuits orfeeders shall not be installed on the floor or on the ground. Extension cords shall not berequired to comply with 590.4(J). Multiconductor cord or cable of a type identified inTable 400.4 for hard usage or extra­hard usage shall not be required to comply with590.4(J) . Vegetation shall not be used for support of overhead spans of branch circuitsor feeders.

Exception: For holiday lighting in accordance with 590.3(B), where the conductors orcables are arranged with strain relief devices, tension take­up devices, or otherapproved means to avoid damage from the movement of the live vegetation, treesshall be permitted to be used for support of overhead spans of branch­circuitconductors or cables.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Nov 02 16:11:00 EST 2015

Committee Statement


Multiconductor cords or cables that are identified in Table 400.4 for hard usage orextra hard usage shall not be required to comply with 590.4(J) as far as support isconcerned. The extra text helps clarify what types of cords are acceptable for thistemporary application.


Public Comment No. 1143­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 590.4(J)]

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Second Revision No. 608­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 590.6(B) ]

(B) Use of Other Outlets.For temporary wiring installations, receptacles, other than those covered by 590.6(A)(1)through (A)(3) used to supply temporary power to equipment used by personnel duringconstruction, remodeling, maintenance, repair, or demolition of buildings, structures, orequipment, or similar activities, shall have protection in accordance with (B)(1), (B)(2),or the assured equipment grounding conductor program in accordance with (B)(2) (3) .

(1) GFCI Protection.Ground­fault circuit­interrupter protection for personnel.

(2) SPGFCI Protection.Special purpose ground­fault circuit­interrupter protection for personnel.

(3) Assured Equipment Grounding Conductor Program.A written assured equipment grounding conductor program continuously enforced at thesite by one or more designated persons to ensure that equipment grounding conductorsfor all cord sets, receptacles that are not a part of the permanent wiring of the building orstructure, and equipment connected by cord and plug are installed and maintained inaccordance with the applicable requirements of 250.114, 250.138, 406.4(C), and590.4(D).

(a) The following tests shall be performed on all cord sets, receptacles that are notpart of the permanent wiring of the building or structure, and cord­and­plug­connectedequipment required to be connected to an equipment grounding conductor:

(1) All equipment grounding conductors shall be tested for continuity and shall beelectrically continuous.

(2) Each receptacle and attachment plug shall be tested for correct attachment of theequipment grounding conductor. The equipment grounding conductor shall beconnected to its proper terminal.

(3) All required tests shall be performed as follows:

a. Before first use on site

b. When there is evidence of damage

c. Before equipment is returned to service following any repairs

d. At intervals not exceeding 3 months

(b) The tests required in item (2) (3) (a) shall be recorded and made available to theauthority having jurisdiction.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description590.6_B_SR608_JS.docx Word document shows changes made in SR 608

Submitter Information Verification

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Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Nov 02 16:19:21 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The changes to 590.6(B) involving special purpose ground­fault circuit­interrupterprotection (SPGFCI) for personnel are accepted since Panel 2 has accepted a newdefinition of SPGFCI, however, Equipment Ground­Fault Protective Devices(EGFPD) is listed by UL for equipment protection, not personnel protection. Sincethe requirements in 590.6 are for protection of personnel, the changes suggested forEGFPD are not accepted.


Public Comment No. 615­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 590.6(B)]

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Second Revision No. 609­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 725.3(C) ]

(C) Ducts, Plenums, and Other Air­Handling Spaces.Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 circuits installed in ducts, plenums, or other space usedfor environmental air shall comply with 300.22.

Exception No. 1: As permitted in Class 2 and Class 3 cables selected in accordancewith Table 725.154 and installed in accordance with 725.135(B) and 300.22(B) ,Exception shall be permitted to be installed in ducts specifically fabricated forenvironmental air. .

Exception No. 2: Class 2 and Class 3 cables selected in accordance with Table725.154 and installed in accordance with 725.135(C) shall be permitted to beinstalled in other spaces used for environmental air (plenums).

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Nov 02 16:24:52 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The First Revision FR 614 modified 300.22(B) by adding a new Exception indicatingClass 2 and Class 3 cables are permitted in ducts specifically fabricated forenvironmental air with two conditions (a) The wiring methods or cabling systemsshall be permitted only if necessary to connect to equipment or devices associatedwith the direct action upon, or sensing of the contained air and (b) The total length ofsuch wiring methods or cabling systems shall not exceed 1.2 m (4 ft). These twoconditions correspond to Section in NFPA 90A—2015. The 2017 FirstRevision FR 614 in 300.22(B) reads as follows:

Exception: Wiring methods and cabling systems, listed for use in other spaces usedfor environmental air (plenums), shall be permitted to be installed in ductsspecifically fabricated for environmental air­handling purposes under the followingconditions:

(a) The wiring methods or cabling systems shall be permitted only if necessary toconnect to equipment or devices associated with the direct action upon, or sensingof the contained air and

(b) The total length of such wiring methods or cabling systems shall not exceed 1.2m (4 ft).

Class 2 or Class 3 plenum rated cable is acceptable in ducts specifically fabricated

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for environmental air but only where connecting to equipment used to sense or hasdirection action on the contained air and limited to a maximum of 4foot length basedon NFPA 90A.


Public Comment No. 460­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 725.3(C)]

Second Revision No. 610­NFPA 70­2015 [ New Section after 725.121(B) ]

(C) The power sources for limited power circuits in 725.121(A)(3) and limited powercircuits for listed audio/video information technology (equipment) and listed industrialequipment in 725.121(A)(4) shall have a label indicating the maximum voltage andcurrent output for each connection point. The effective date shall be January 1, 2018.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Nov 02 17:03:37 EST 2015

Committee Statement


This new section addresses labeling of limited power circuit output connectionpoints on listed IT equipment and listed industrial control panels and equipment.Bundling of large numbers of Class 2 conductors from IT servers and other similarIT and industrial equipment can create safety issues with very small current levelsso having the output ports identified with the current and voltage rating is critical sothe installer can connect the proper cable types. Labeling the output connections willpermit the installer to have ready access to the current and voltage levels at thepoint of connection at the equipment, rather than internally within the equipment. Theeffective date was inserted to allow the manufacturers to comply with thisrequirement.


Public Comment No. 1351­NFPA 70­2015 [New Section after 725.121]

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Second Revision No. 612­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 725.133 ]

725.133 Installation of Conductors and Equipment in Cables, Compartments, CableTrays, Enclosures, Manholes, Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Raceways, and CableRouting Assemblies for Class 2 and Class 3 Circuits.

Conductors and equipment for Class 2 and Class 3 circuits shall be installed inaccordance with 725.135 through 725.143 725.144 .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Nov 02 19:38:52 EST 2015

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The addition of 725.144 requires modification of 725.133.Response Message:

Public Comment No. 689­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 725.133]

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Second Revision No. 613­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 725.135(A) ]

(A) Listing.Class 2, Class 3, and PLTC cables installed in buildings shall be listed and labeled .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Nov 03 08:10:11 PST 2015

Committee Statement


FR 638 already accepted this text. The panel reaffirms its stance on this topic: Byadding the word "labeled," it will identify that listed products also need to be labeled.Both terms "listed" and "labeled" are defined in Article 100, but are not usedconsistently throughout the NEC.


Public Comment No. 1423­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 725.135(A)]

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Second Revision No. 620­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 725.135(K) ]

(K) Other Building Locations.The following wires and cables shall be permitted to be installed in building locationsother than the locations covered in 725.135(B) through (I):

(1) Types CL2P, CL3P, CL2R, CL3R, CL2, CL3, and PLTC cables

(2) A maximum of 3 m (10 ft) of exposed Type CL2X wires and cables innonconcealed spaces

(3) A maximum of 3 m (10 ft) of exposed Type CL3X wires and cables innonconcealed spaces

(4) Types CL2P, CL3P, CL2R, CL3R, CL2, CL3, and PLTC cables installed in thefollowing:

a. Plenum communications raceways

b. Plenum cable routing assemblies

c. Riser communications raceways

d. Riser cable routing assemblies

e. General­purpose communications raceways

f. General­purpose cable routing assemblies

(5) Types CL2P, CL3P, CL2R, CL3R, CL2, CL3, CL2X, CL3X, and PLTC cablesinstalled in raceways recognized in Chapter 3

(6) Type CMUC undercarpet communications wires and cables installed under carpet,floor covering, modular tiles, or planks. Carpet, floor covering, modular tiles, orplanks shall be free­floating and shall use interlocking means to attach to eachother or shall be adhered to the floor and shall be attached with release­typeadhesives, but shall not be attached to the floor using grout, nails, orscrews modular flooring, and planks

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Nov 03 09:59:16 PST 2015

Committee Statement


Type CMUC under carpet communication wire and cables are permitted to beinstalled under carpet with an installation expansion for modular flooring and planks.

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The installation instructions for free floating and interlocking does not necessarilyapply to all kinds of modular flooring and planks and could be overly restrictive.


Public Comment No. 223­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 725.135(K)]

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Second Revision No. 621­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 725.135(L) ]

(L) Multifamily Dwellings.The following wires and cables shall be permitted to be installed in multifamily dwellingsin locations other than the locations covered in 725.135(B) through (I):

(1) Types CL2P, CL3P, CL2R, CL3R, CL2, CL3, and PLTC wires and cables

(2) Type CL2X wires and cables less than 6 mm (1∕4 in.) in diameter in nonconcealedspaces

(3) Type CL3X wires and cables less than 6 mm (1∕4 in.) in diameter in nonconcealedspaces

(4) Types CL2P, CL3P, CL2R, CL3R, CL2, CL3, and PLTC wires and cables installedin the following:

a. Plenum communications raceways

b. Plenum cable routing assemblies

c. Riser communications raceways

d. Riser cable routing assemblies

e. General­purpose communications raceways

f. General­purpose cable routing assemblies

(5) Types CL2P, CL3P, CL2R, CL3R, CL2, CL3, CL2X, CL3X, and PLTC wires andcables installed in raceways recognized in Chapter 3

(6) Type CMUC undercarpet communications wires and cables installed under carpet,floor covering, modular tiles, or planks. Carpet, floor covering, modular tiles, orplanks shall be free­floating and shall use interlocking means to attach to eachother or shall be adhered to the floor and shall be attached with release­typeadhesives, but shall not be attached to the floor using grout, nails, orscrews modular flooring, and planks

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Nov 03 10:02:54 PST 2015

Committee Statement


Type CMUC under carpet communication wire and cables are permitted to beinstalled under carpet with an installation expansion for modular flooring and planks.

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The installation instructions for free floating and interlocking does not necessarilyapply to all kinds of modular flooring and planks and could be overly restrictive.


Public Comment No. 224­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 725.135(L)]

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Second Revision No. 622­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 725.135(M) ]

(M) One­ and Two­Family Dwellings.The following wires and cables shall be permitted to be installed in one­ and two­familydwellings in locations other than the locations covered in 725.135(B) through (I):

(1) Types CL2P, CL3P, CL2R, CL3R, CL2, CL3, and PLTC wires and cables

(2) Type CL2X wires and cables less than 6 mm (1∕4 in.) in diameter

(3) Type CL3X wires and cables less than 6 mm (1∕4 in.) in diameter

(4) Communications wires and Types CL2P, CL3P, CL2R, CL3R, CL2, CL3, andPLTC cables installed in the following:

a. Plenum communications raceways

b. Plenum cable routing assemblies

c. Riser communications raceways

d. Riser cable routing assemblies

e. General­purpose communications raceways

f. General­purpose cable routing assemblies

(5) Types CL2P, CL3P, CL2R, CL3R, CL2, CL3, CL2X, CL3X, and PLTC wires andcables installed in raceways recognized in Chapter 3

(6) Type CMUC undercarpet communications wires and cables installed under carpet,floor covering, modular tiles, or planks. Carpet, floor covering, modular tiles, orplanks shall be free­floating and shall use interlocking means to attach to eachother or shall be adhered to the floor and shall be attached with release­typeadhesives, but shall not be attached to the floor using grout, nails, orscrews modular flooring, and planks

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Nov 03 10:03:55 PST 2015

Committee Statement


Type CMUC under carpet communication wire and cables are permitted to beinstalled under carpet with an installation expansion for modular flooring and planks.The installation instructions for free floating and interlocking does not necessarilyapply to all kinds of modular flooring and planks and could be overly restrictive.

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Second Revision No. 614­NFPA 70­2015 [ Part IV. ]

725.170 Listing and Marking of Equipment for Power and Data Transmission.The listed power source for circuits intended to provide power and data over Class 2cables to remote equipment shall be as specified in 725.121(A)(1) , (A)(2), (A)(3), or(A)(4). In accordance with 725.121(B) , the power sources shall not have the outputconnections paralleled or otherwise interconnected, unless listed for suchinterconnection. Powered devices connected to a circuit supplying data and power shallbe listed. Marking of equipment output connections shall be in accordance with725.121(C) .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Nov 03 08:14:41 PST 2015

Committee Statement


This new section provides appropriate references to other Sections within Article725 that apply to Power and Data Transmission equipment. Marking of the outputconnections was referred back to 725.121(C) where the marking requirementoriginates.


Public Comment No. 691­NFPA 70­2015 [Part IV.]

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Public Comment No. 225­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 725.135(M)]

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Second Revision No. 611­NFPA 70­2015 [ New Section after 725.143 ]

725.144 Transmission of Power and Data.The requirements of 725.144(A) and (B) shall apply to Class 2 and Class 3 circuitsthat transmit power and data to a powered device. The requirements of Parts I and IIIof Article 725 and 300.11 shall apply to Class 2 and Class 3 circuits that transmitpower and data. The conductors that carry power for the data circuits shall be copper.The current in the power circuit shall not exceed the current limitation of theconnectors.

Informational No. 1: One example of the use of cables that transmit power anddata is the connection of closed­circuit TV cameras (CCTV).

Informational Note No. 2: The 8P8C connector is in widespread use withpowered communications systems. These connectors are typically rated at 1.3amperes maximum.

Table 725.144 Ampacities of Each Conductor in Amperes in 4­Pair Class 2 or Class 3Data Cables Based on Copper Conductors at an Ambient Temperature of 30°C (86°F) with all All Conductors in All Cables Carrying Current, 60°C (140°F), 75°C (167°F),and 90°C (194°F) Rated Cables


Number of 4­Pair Cables in a Bundle1 2–7 8–19 20–37






60°C 75°C 90°C 60°C 75°C 90°C 60°C 75°C 90°C 60°C 75°C 90°C 60°C26 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.7 0.8 1 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.424 2 2 2 1 1.4 1.6 0.8 1 1.1 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.523 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.2 1.5 1.7 0.8 1.1 1.2 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.522 3 3 3 1.4 1.8 2.1 1 1.2 1.4 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.6

Note 1: For bundle sizes over 192 cables, or for conductor sizes smaller than 26 AWG,ampacities shall be permitted to be determined by qualified personnel underengineering supervision.

Note 2: Where only half of the conductors in each cable are carrying current, thevalues in the table shall be permitted to be increased by a factor of 1.4.

Informational Note: The conductor sizes in data cables in wide­spread use are typically22–26 AWG.

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(A) Use of Class 2 or Class 3 Cables to Transmit Power and Data.Where Types CL3P, CL2P, CL3R, CL2R, CL3, or CL2 transmit power and data, thefollowing shall apply, as applicable:

(1) The ampacity ratings in Table 725.144 shall apply at an ambient temperature of30°C (86°F).

(2) For ambient temperatures above 30°C (86°F), the correction factors of 310.15(B)(2) shall apply.

Informational Note: One example of the use of Class 2 cables is anetwork of closed­ circuit TV cameras using 24 AWG, 60°C rated, TypeCL2R, Category 5e local area network (LAN) cables.

(B) Use of Class 2­LP or Class 3­LP Cables to Transmit Power and Data.Types CL3P­LP, CL2P­LP, CL3R­LP, CL2R­LP, CL3­LP, or CL2­LP shall be permittedto supply power to equipment at a current level up to the marked ampere limit locatedimmediately following the suffix LP and shall be permitted to transmit data to theequipment. The Class 2­LP and Class 3­LP cables shall comply with the following, asapplicable:

Informational Note 1: The “(xxA)” following the suffix ­LP indicates theampacity of each conductor in a cable.

Informational Note 2: An example of a limited power (LP) cable is a cablemarked Type CL2­LP(0.5A), 23 AWG. A Type CL2­LP(0.5), 23 AWG could beused in any location where a Type CL2 could be used; however, the LP cablewould be suitable for carrying up to 0.5 A per conductor, regardless of thenumber of cables in a bundle. If used in a 7­cable bundle, the same cable couldcarry up to 1.2 amperes per conductor.

(1) Cables with the suffix “­LP” shall be permitted to be installed in bundles,raceways, cable trays, communications raceways, and cable routingassemblies.

(2) Cables with the suffix “­LP” and a marked ampere level shall follow thesubstitution hierarchy of Table 725.154 and Figure 725.154(A) for the cabletype without the suffix “LP” and without the marked ampere level.

(3) System design shall be permitted by qualified persons under engineeringsupervision.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description725.144_SR611_JS.docx For staff use.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:

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Zip:Submittal Date: Mon Nov 02 19:37:38 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The new section 725.144 and the accompanying table has been added based uponthe Fact Finding Report on Power over Local Area Network type cables withadditionally an introduction to new cable type LP that provides the current limitationdue to cable bundling and some other installation considerations for power overEthernet.


Public Comment No. 692­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 725.143]

Public Comment No. 1689­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 725.143]

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Second Revision No. 617­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 760.135(A) ]

(A) Listing.PLFA cables installed in buildings shall be listed and labeled .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Nov 03 08:55:04 PST 2015

Committee Statement


FR 634 already accepted this text. The panel reaffirms its stance on this topic: Byadding the word "labeled," it will identify that listed products also need to be labeled.Both terms "listed" and "labeled" are defined in Article 100, but are not usedconsistently throughout the NEC.


Public Comment No. 1429­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 760.135(A)]

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Second Revision No. 615­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 725.179 ]

725.179 Listing and Marking of Class 2, Class 3, and Type PLTC Cables.Class 2, Class 3, and Type PLTC cables, installed as wiring methods within buildings,shall be listed as resistant to the spread of fire and other criteria in accordance with725.179(A) through (H I ) and shall be marked in accordance with725.179(J)725.179(J)725.179(J)725.179(J)725.179(I) .

(A) Types CL2P and CL3P.Types CL2P and CL3P plenum cable shall be listed as suitable for use in ducts,plenums, and other space for environmental air and shall be listed as having adequatefire­resistant and low­smoke producing characteristics.

Informational Note: One method of defining a cable that is low­smoke producingand fire resistant is that the cable exhibits a maximum peak optical density of0.50 or less, an average optical density of 0.15 or less, and a maximum flamespread distance of 1.52 m (5 ft) or less when tested in accordance with NFPA262­2015 , Standard Method of Test for Flame Travel and Smoke of Wires andCables for Use in Air­Handling Spaces.

(B) Types CL2R and CL3R.Types CL2R and CL3R riser cables shall be marked as Type CL2R or CL3R,respectively, and be listed as suitable for use in a vertical run in a shaft or from floor tofloor and shall be listed as having fire­resistant characteristics capable of preventing thecarrying of fire from floor to floor.

Informational Note: One method of defining fire­resistant characteristics capableof preventing the carrying of fire from floor to floor is that the cables pass therequirements of ANSI/UL 1666­2012, Test for Flame Propagation Height ofElectrical and Optical­Fiber Cable Installed Vertically in Shafts.

(C) Types CL2 and CL3.Types CL2 and CL3 cables shall be marked as Type CL2 or CL3, respectively, and belisted as suitable for general­purpose use, with the exception of risers, ducts, plenums,and other space used for environmental air, and shall be listed as resistant to the spreadof fire.

Informational Note: One method of defining resistant to the spread of fire is thatthe cables do not spread fire to the top of the tray in the UL flame exposure,vertical tray flame test in ANSI/UL 1685­2010, Standard for Safety for Vertical­Tray Fire­Propagation and Smoke­Release Test for Electrical and Optical­FiberCables. The smoke measurements in the test method are not applicable.

Another method of defining resistant to the spread of fire is for the damage (charlength) not to exceed 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in.) when performing the CSA vertical flametest for— cables in cable trays, as described in CSA C22.2 No. 0.3­M­2001, TestMethods for Electrical Wires and Cables.

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(D) Types CL2X and CL3X.Types CL2X and CL3X limited­use cables shall be marked as Type CL2X or CL3X, andbe listed as suitable for use in dwellings and raceways and shall be listed as resistant toflame spread.

Informational Note: One method of determining that cable is resistant to flamespread is by testing the cable to the VW­1 (vertical wire) flame test in ANSI/UL1581­2011, Reference Standard for Electrical Wires, Cables and Flexible Cords.

(E) Type PLTC.Type PLTC nonmetallic­sheathed, power­limited tray cable shall be listed as beingsuitable for cable trays and shall consist of a factory assembly of two or more insulatedconductors under a nonmetallic jacket. The insulated conductors shall be 22 AWGthrough 12 AWG. The conductor material shall be copper (solid or stranded). Insulationon conductors shall be rated for 300 volts. The cable core shall be two or more parallelconductors, one or more group assemblies of twisted or parallel conductors, or acombination thereof. A metallic shield or a metallized foil shield with drain wire(s) shallbe permitted to be applied over the cable core, over groups of conductors, or both. Thecable shall be listed as resistant to the spread of fire. The outer jacket shall be asunlight­ and moisture­resistant nonmetallic material. Type PLTC cable used in a wetlocation shall be listed for use in wet locations or have a moisture­impervious metalsheath.

Exception No. 1: Where a smooth metallic sheath, continuous corrugated metallicsheath, or interlocking tape armor is applied over the nonmetallic jacket, an overallnonmetallic jacket shall not be required. On metallic­sheathed cable without an overallnonmetallic jacket, the information required in 310.120 shall be located on thenonmetallic jacket under the sheath.

Exception No. 2: Conductors in PLTC cables used for Class 2 thermocouple circuitsshall be permitted to be any of the materials used for thermocouple extension wire.

Informational Note: One method of defining resistant to the spread of fire is thatthe cables do not spread fire to the top of the tray in the UL flame exposure,vertical tray flame test in ANSI/UL 1685­2010, Standard for Safety for Vertical­Tray Fire­Propagation and Smoke­Release Test for Electrical and Optical­FiberCables. The smoke measurements in the test method are not applicable.

Another method of defining resistant to the spread of fire is for the damage (charlength) not to exceed 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in.) when performing the CSA vertical trayflame test for cables in cable trays, as described in CSA C22.2 No. 0.3­M­2001,Test Methods for Electrical Wires and Cables.

(F) Circuit Integrity (CI) Cable or Electrical Circuit Protective System.Cables that are used for survivability of critical circuits under fire conditions shall meeteither 725.179(F)(1) or (F)(2) as follows:

(1) Circuit Integrity (CI) Cables.Circuit Integrity (CI) cables, specified in 725.179(A), (B), (C), and (E), and used forsurvivability of critical circuits, shall have the additional classification using the suffix“CI.” Circuit integrity (CI) cables shall only be permitted to be installed in a racewaywhere specifically listed and marked as part of an electrical circuit protective system ascovered in 725.179(F)(2).

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(2) Electrical Circuit Protective System.Cables specified in 725.179(A), (B), (C), (E), and (F)(1) that are part of an electricalcircuit protective system shall be identified with the protective system number andhourly rating printed on the outer jacket of the cable and installed in accordance with thelisting of the protective system.

Informational Note No. 1: One method of defining circuit integrity (CI) cable or anelectrical circuit protective system is by establishing a minimum 2­hour fire­resistive rating when tested in accordance with UL 2196­2012, Standard for Testsof Fire Resistive Cables.

Informational Note No. 2: UL guide information for electrical circuit protectivesystems (FHIT) contains information on proper installation requirements tomaintain the fire rating.

(G) Class 2 and Class 3 Cable Voltage Ratings.Class 2 cables shall have a voltage rating of not less than 150 volts. Class 3 cablesshall have a voltage rating of not less than 300 volts. Class 2 and Class 3 cables shallhave a temperature rating of not less than 60°C (140°F).

(H) Class 3 Single Conductors.Class 3 single conductors used as other wiring within buildings shall not be smaller than18 AWG and shall be Type CL3. Conductor types described in 725.49(B) that are alsolisted as Type CL3 shall be permitted.

Informational Note: One method of defining resistant to the spread of fire is thatthe cables do not spread fire to the top of the tray in the UL flame exposure,vertical tray flame test in ANSI/UL 1685­2010, Standard for Safety for Vertical­Tray Fire­Propagation and Smoke­Release Test for Electrical and Optical­FiberCables. The smoke measurements in the test method are not applicable.

Another method of defining resistant to the spread of fire is for the damage (charlength) not to exceed 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in.) when performing the CSA vertical trayflame test for cables in cable trays, as described in CSA C22.2 No. 0.3­M­2001,Test Methods for Electrical Wires and Cables.

(I) Limited Power (LP) Cables.Limited power (LP) cables shall be listed as suitable for carrying power and datacircuits up to a specified current limit for each conductor without exceeding thetemperature rating of the cable where the cable is installed in cable bundles in free airor installed within a raceway, cable tray, or cable routing assembly. The cables shall bemarked with the suffix “­LP” with the ampere limit located immediately following thesuffix LP, where the current limit is in amperes per conductor.

Informational Note: The ampere limit located immediately following the suffixLP is the ampacity of each conductor in a cable. For example, 1 ampere Class2 limited­power cables would be marked CL2­LP (1.0A), CL2R­LP (1.0A), orCL2­LP (1.0A).

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(J) Marking.Cables shall be marked in accordance with 310.120(A)(2), (A)(3), (A)(4), (A)(5), andTable 725.179(K) Table 725.179(J) . Voltage ratings shall not be marked on the cables.Temperature rating shall be marked on the jacket of Class 2 and Class 3 cables thathave a temperature rating exceeding 60°C (140°F).

Informational Note: Voltage markings on cables may be misinterpreted to suggestthat the cables may be suitable for Class 1 electric light and power applications.

Exception: Voltage markings shall be permitted where the cable has multiple listingsand a voltage marking is required for one or more of the listings.

Temperature rating shall be marked on the jacket of Class 2 and Class 3 cables thathave a temperature rating exceeding 60°C (140°F).

Table 725.179(J) Cable Marking

Cable Marking TypeCL3P Class 3 plenum cableCL2P Class 2 plenum cableCL3R Class 3 riser cableCL2R Class 2 riser cablePLTC Power­limited tray cableCL3 Class 3 cableCL2 Class 2 cableCL3X Class 3 cable, limited useCL2X Class 2 cable, limited use

Informational Note: Class 2 and Class 3 cable types are listed in descendingorder of fire resistance rating, and Class 3 cables are listed above Class 2 cablesbecause Class 3 cables can substitute for Class 2 cables.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Nov 03 08:20:28 PST 2015

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Information on limited power cables is being added to the Code.Response Message:

Public Comment No. 688­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 725.179]

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Second Revision No. 616­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 760.3(B) ]

(B) Ducts, Plenums, and Other Air­Handling Spaces.Section 300.22 , where Power­limited and non­power­limited fire alarm cables installedin ducts or , plenums, or other spaces used for environmental air shall comply with300.22 .

Exception No. 1: As permitted in 760.53(B)(1) and (B)(2) and Table 760.154 .Power­limited fire alarm cables selected in accordance with Table 760.154 andinstalled in accordance with 760.135(B) and 300.22(B) , Exception shall be permittedto be installed in ducts specifically fabricated for environmental air.

Exception No. 2: Power­limited fire alarm cables selected in accordance with Table760.154 and installed in accordance with 760.135(C) shall be permitted to beinstalled in other spaces used for environmental air (plenums).

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Nov 03 08:40:41 PST 2015

Committee Statement


The existing exception was not in compliance with the NEC Style manual. Thesecond exception was inserted to deal with power­limited fire alarm cables installedin other spaces used for environmental air (plenums). The reference to 300.22(B),Exception was inserted to ensure correlation with the requirements in NFPA 90A.


Public Comment No. 454­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 760.3(B)]

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Second Revision No. 618­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 760.176

[Excluding any Sub­Sections] ]

Non­power­limited fire alarm cables installed as wiring within buildings shall be listed inaccordance with 760.176(A) and (B) and as being resistant to the spread of fire inaccordance with 760.176(C) through (F), and shall be marked in accordance with760.176(G). Cable used in a wet location shall be listed for use in wet locations or havea moisture­impervious metal sheath. Non­power­limited fire alarm cables shall have atemperature rating of not less than 60°C (140°F).

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Nov 03 08:57:59 PST 2015

Committee Statement


The temperature rating of these cables is required to provide pertinent informationso the installer is aware of the temperature limitation of the conductors.


Public Comment No. 461­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 760.176 [Excluding any Sub­Sections]]

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Second Revision No. 619­NFPA 70­2015 [ Section No. 760.179(C) ]

(C) Ratings.The cable shall have a voltage rating of not less than 300 volts. The cable shall have atemperature rating of not less than 60°C (140°F).

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name:CMP 3Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address:City:State:Zip:Submittal Date: Tue Nov 03 08:59:57 PST 2015

Committee Statement


The temperature rating of these cables is required to provide pertinent informationso the installer is aware of the temperature limitation of the conductors.


Public Comment No. 450­NFPA 70­2015 [Section No. 760.179(C)]

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