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Burt Goldman

Copyright 2014 Palm Desert CA


The seven principles of the Kybalion have proved to be so important to virtually

everything in life, and perhaps once understood, even beyond that, is the reason you

will find mention of it in everything I do. In this short work I shall endeavor to

unlock some of the mysteries although I must say that even after a lifetime of study,

many of the uses of the principles elude even me. The Kybalion itself can be

downloaded from the internet as it is long ago out of copyright but you will find

many of the keys to its secrets right here on these virtual pages. I often introduce a

story in metaphor form to illustrate one of the aspects of the principles and it is my

hope that a better understanding of the mighty seven will unlock not only the secrets

of the Kybalion but life’s secrets as well.


Contents CHAPTER ONE - What is the Kybalion? .......................................................................... 4

CHAPTER TWO - The seven principles of the Kybalion. ................................................. 8

CHAPTER THREE - Attitude .......................................................................................... 14

CHAPTER FOUR - Using Polarity to control habits and addictions. .............................. 24

CHAPTER FIVE - Beatnoks ............................................................................................ 29

CHAPTER SIX - Mastering your ten emotions ............................................................... 35

CHAPTER SEVEN - Cleansing ....................................................................................... 40


CHAPTER ONE - What is the Kybalion?

It was over a hundred years ago when a small book with the intriguing title

of the Kybalion was first published. I discovered it much later. The year was 1978; I

was relaxing in front of a pleasant fire; the mesquite wood permeated the room with

a pleasant aroma. My Great Dane Maggie was on the floor, just close enough to the

fireplace to enjoy the warmth. Maggie was in her favorite position; snoozing

alongside of my easy chair.

A steady downpour had been coming down for hours pattering on the roof like

pebbles bouncing off a sheet of aluminum. It was still early but grey, low lying

clouds turned the day into a sultry dark afternoon. I lived at the end of a private

road in Tarzana, a suburb of Los Angeles. The house, surrounded by trees and

foliage could not be seen from the street. There were very few uninvited visitors and

so I was surprised by a knock on the front door. Maggie jumped up and with a wuff

and a few jumps she reached the entry long before I did. Opening the door I saw a

rain soaked young woman standing under the outer entry overhang who, without a

word, handed me a slim, black book. Taking it I looked down to see the title, The

Kybalion; I had never heard of it. She mumbled something about someone who

wanted me to have it. I opened the book and flipped through it— after a moment I

looked up again to ask who my benefactor was, but to my amazement the woman

had disappeared, she was gone. I looked down the driveway but no one was there.


I took the book inside and started to read. At the time I had been studying the

concept of infinity but the more you contemplate an infinite universe the more you

realize that you can never fully grasp the idea. The first chapter of the Kybalion

spoke of Mentalism and it was as though the barriers of my mind were blown apart,

it explained infinity and finally I understood. I understood all religions and beliefs,

the God concept became clear. I closed my eyes and a thousand thoughts flew

through my mind. I read about vibrations and polarity and correspondence, and

rhythm, and cause and effect and gender—I devoured the slim volume.


The Kybalion was the key to deciphering life itself. It was a Rosetta Stone for

me. I spent the next three days with it, reading and re-reading and thinking about

the concepts. I had been teaching ESP without really understanding it just as I

taught healing with not a clue as to why people were healed. But the Kybalion

opened my eyes to all things. My entire world was turned upside down as floods of

understanding poured through me. Since that time I have gone through the pages a

hundred times. Each time I did something became clearer. To this day, almost forty

years later, I still do not have a clue as to the identity of the woman who handed me

the book that sultry day so long ago.

I decided to teach the concepts I had been studying. I called my new seminar,

Supermind. The premise of the class was an understanding of life and reality—what

came before and what will be after. Supermind was about attracting positive things

and success and repelling negative things and failure. It was about love and

understanding, about achievement and attitudes, about fear and courage, about

relationships and trust. In short about life itself and it was all based on the seven

principles outlined in the Kybalion.

But before we begin to unlock its secrets you must be aware of the general and

absolute principles of Hermes. The Kybalion, written anonymously with no known

author credit, was originated millenniums ago by Hermes Trismegistus.

In Greek mythology Hermes was identified as the messenger of the gods.

Trismegistus, “three times great.” The Romans called him Mercury and pictured

him with winged shoes and hat. Known as the father of science, eloquence, and

cunning, Hermes was also the protector of boundary lines and commerce. He

founded alchemy, which ultimately became the art of chemistry and medicine;

astrology, which formed the basis of astronomy. He brought us mathematics,

philosophy, and virtually all of the modern sciences.

Hermes, reputed to be a contemporary of Abraham, developed much of what

was to become the basis for all esoteric teachings. The “Hermetic principles” can be

found in both the most ancient of the Indian teachings and in the scrolls of the

ancient Egyptians. Wise men came from all lands to sit at the feet of the Master


Adept. For more than a millennium his teachings have remained hidden, known to

very few.

The secrets of the principles became enshrouded in the mysteries of occultism

when the dark ages settled over Europe and the land was rife with the guardians of

the faith who would torture and kill all who dared investigate the “dark secrets.”

Today much is written about the knowledge of Hermes and especially about the

seven principles he put forward which form the keystone of all knowledge. The

rediscovery by scholars unearthing ancient manuscripts in the quest for the age-old

wisdom has brought the seven principles widespread interest in recent years. I offer

the principles to you, along with my interpretation, in the hope they will serve to

help you too to grow and mature.

To gain the most benefit from the Seven Principles you should meditate on each

one. As you do, your sense of awareness will rise and you will be a step further on

the road to enlightenment. Do not expect understanding to come as a flash of

inspirational lightning; rather, it comes gradually as each principle is thought

about, digested and used.

The Seven Principles influence all things and are immutable. They cannot be

changed, modified, or destroyed. Their function can be likened to the rules of the

road. Because they are universal rules, they govern all things, from the smallest

particle to the expanding universe itself. An understanding of these rules gives you a

step up on the game of life. You may very well say that the seven principles are the

rules of life.

The Seven Principles are immutable laws of nature. They cannot be changed,

modified or destroyed. However, law can be used against law, the higher against the

lower, the lower against the higher. A log being swept down a stream is at the mercy

of the current—a person swimming in that stream can use the principles of cause

and effect, action and reaction to gain the shore. It is not necessary to have an

understanding of these laws to be able to reach the shore; you simply swim there.


However, an understanding will enable you to think at the shore what could be done

if you were to fall into the river. Carrying the metaphor forward, we might say that

the universe is a river, the planet is a river, and the mind is a river.

These principles are for you to meditate on, to understand, and to work with so

that they can help you in all aspects of your life. The usefulness will unfold as you

continue to grow and to evolve.

Many of the manifestations of the principles are obvious. Others are more

difficult to see, but every one of them underlies the chapters of this book — and,

you’ll discover, all other things as well.

We program, or set goals, for a thing or event by sending out a mental message

via the Gender principle. You will soon see how the forces of gender are at work and

when you understand you will use the force for your benefit. Or when using

assertiveness to unvictimize yourself, see the Correspondence principle at work. See

how the principle of Vibration works with respect to illness and health. You’ll have

a better understanding of cause and effect and create new cause by setting goals.

You will use polarity to change from the negative to the positive, from fear to faith,

from hate to love and Mentalism will make you more secure in your spiritual life.

In short, the principles of the Kybalion will help you to not only take charge of

your life but to get you the things you want, and need. Before we get into how to

unlock the secrets of the seven principles you must know what they are. The names

of the seven and in no particular hierarchical sequence are: Mentalism,

Correspondence, Vibrations, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect and Gender.


CHAPTER TWO - The seven principles of the Kybalion.

The First Principle is Mentalism.

The principle of Mentalism states: The universe is a mental creation of the All,

or God. Now we run into the great problem with this principle: it is generally

misunderstood by most people. Does it mean that we are a dream of some infinite

entity so far removed from us that we may never hope to gather a glimmer of

understanding of the nature of God, and therefore ourselves?

Are we powerless robots of some omnipotent lab scientist? Not so. Just as the

character in a novel is a creation of the novelist and is, therefore, an aspect of the

novelist, so are we and everything else in the universe a part of the Creator. We are

aspects of the totality of Creation. As we are relative to God, so is our universe

relative to us. Your world is very real and very much yours. But it may not be my

world at all, for in the relative sense, my world is a mental creation of my mind, just

as yours is of your mind.

We are, each one of us, characters in a universal, spiritual novel. You might say

that you are the leading character in your book while I am the leading character in

mine. Everyone is the leading character in their own novels.

This principle can lead to a better understanding of our own minds and how

they work. Mental power works because the universe is mental. All things are seen

from the relative position of your mind and what you think you see. You may think

you see a tree, whereas a squirrel thinks it sees a home. Your friend may think that

a Picasso is a fine wall decoration and you may think that it’s a great investment.

You may see a situation as a problem and your spouse may think that it’s a

challenge and see the solution. Of course, everyone is correct for what you think you

see, you do indeed see.

The secret of the Kybalion is based on the fact that the mind can control forces

and events outside oneself. This is a fact only because the world we see is our own

mental creation; that being so, if we created it, we can recreate it. You only have to


understand that within the confines of your life novel, you can learn to use your

mind to change and to control your reality; your world.

The Second Principle is the Principle of Correspondence.

The principle of Correspondence states, “As above, so below; as below, so


As it is on the physical plane, so it is on the mental plane, as it is on the mental

plane, so it is on the spiritual. To understand the mental, study the physical. To

better understand the spiritual plane, study the mental. Just as your brain waves

may be in high Beta at forty cycles per second, so is your emotional experience one

of extreme agitation. Just as the universe is a mental creation of God, so is your

personal world a mental creation of your own.

Understanding this principle will help you to unlock many emotions both

positive and negative. It also helps you to tackle any problem area that has a range

of manifestations. By dealing first with the easier, less intense manifestation of your

problem, you will be solving, in some measure the same problem in its most

extreme. There are many ways the principle of correspondence applies to your

everyday life. Solve the small and unlock the large.

The Third Principle is that of Vibrations.

The principle of Vibrations states: All things are in constant and never-ending

motion. Energy is a manifestation of the principle of vibrations.

A change in the vibration causes a change in the manifestation. Health has a

vibration. Illness has a vibration. Success has a vibration and failure has a

vibration. Color has a vibration; as example the color green’s wave length is

approximately 5,000 angstrom units or wavelengths; the color red is 6,000. It is


possible to use the vibrations of color to heal if the healer is aware of the vibratory

notes of color.

By changing the vibration you change the manifestation. Water at a high

vibration is steam. Water at a low vibration is ice. But water, ice, and steam are the

same, differing only in the vibratory note, which causes the change in the


Perhaps it is easier to understand with respect to the vibrations of music. The

first note on the musical scale is A. On the piano, the A just above middle C vibrates

at the rate of 880 cycles per second (if the piano is properly tuned.) Therefore 880

CPS represents A. Every single time. If you had a guitar and loosened the A string

so that it vibrated at 870 cycles per second, the sound would be a bit off. A fine ear

would say that it’s flat. The A, you might say, would have a slight cold; it would be a

bit ill.

Loosen the A string still more so that it vibrates at 860 CPS and it would be way

off. Even if you do not know an A from a G, you would know that it doesn’t sound

right. The A is now very ill; it has pneumonia. Loosen the string more and the A is

no longer recognizable; it died. But not to worry, it’s easy to resurrect an A. You

simply tighten up the string.

As above, so below; as below, so above. As it is with a guitar string, so it is with

your body. When you are ill, your vibrations are off. Adjust the vibrations to the

proper level and a healing takes place. That’s what healers do, raise the energy level

(the vibrations) to health and transmit that to the person with the problem.

The Fourth Principle is Polarity.

The principle of Polarity states: All things are dual. Everything has its opposite.

Opposites are the same, differing only by degree.

Tall and short are the same. There are tall little people and there are short

basketball players.

There is no such thing as tall or short, only as it is relative to you.


Hot and cold are the same, as seen in the principle of vibration. A hundred

degrees Fahrenheit may be hot when you are outside and that is the temperature of

the weather but cold if that is the temperature of your oven and you are cooking a


We use polarity to swing from dislike to like, from fear to faith, from hate to

love it helps us to go from guilt to self-forgiveness, and from anger to forgiveness.

We use this principle frequently to shed light on the meaning of words like love,

fear, and anger, defining the word by examining its opposite. Take the word fear,

for instance. What is it? A negative, certainly. But a negative what? If you were to

draw a scale of polarity with a negative on one end and a positive on the other, you

would place fear on the negative side. After some thought you would conclude that it

was an expectation. Keeping within the nature of the word, you would place

expectation on the negative end and also on the positive side.

Fear is a negative expectation; you are expecting something bad to happen.

Faith is a positive expectation; you are expecting something good to happen.

Therefore fear and faith are the same, differing only by the degree of

positiveness or the degree of negativeness. Change the degree and you change the


The Fifth Principle is Rhythm.

The principle of Rhythm states: All things are born, grow, peak, diminish and


All things rise and fall. There is a rhythmic cycle of birth, growth, deterioration,

and demise in all things. There are cycles and rhythmic functions that affect us

constantly, every moment of the day.

When you wake up, your day is born. You begin the cycle of the day. When you

eat breakfast, you start a cycle that concludes when you finish breakfast. Your day

dies when you go to sleep, at which time your nighttime cycle is born. Your dreams

are a cycle. Everything you do during the day is a cycle. You never know where you

are on that cycle except in retrospect.


Things taken at the flood are more likely to be successful. We all have a high

point in our cycles, and a low point. This includes the sleep cycle, health cycle,

energy cycle, success cycle, luck cycle, and so on. Each cycle has a different time

period to run.

The cycle of the moon, like a woman’s menstrual cycle, runs twenty-eight days;

the sleep cycle runs ninety minutes. Most of the other cycles, however remain

hidden from us. If you were to chart your life with respect to colds, energy, luck,

romance, enthusiasm, and lethargy, you would find a rhythm just as you will in all


To discover more about your life cycles, go to the alpha level, that is simply a

relaxed state of mind, and tell yourself that you wish to examine and become more

aware of whatever cycle of activity you want to know more about. Gambling during

the high point of your luck period would bring you good luck. Shopping for a house

at the height of your success period will find you the best house. Salespeople will

find there are certain periods of the month when they can do no wrong.

People and places have a certain rhythm of their own. If you have ever met a

total stranger and felt very close instantly it’s because your rhythm patterns are

similar. Meet a stranger and feel like kicking them in the behind and you can be

sure your rhythm patterns are out of sync.

And so it goes.

The Sixth Principle is Cause and Effect.

The principle of Cause and Effect states: Every cause has its effect and every

effect has its cause. All things happen according to law. Accident and coincidence

are the result of unrecognized cause.

Look back on your life and you will find many cases where a simple, seemingly

insignificant event had major, long lasting effects. We have all had them, in my

Quantum Jumping program we call them Source foundations. Let’s say you were

going out to meet someone for business or pleasure. On your way a car turned in


close to the sidewalk to avoid a dog that had strolled into the street. The car went

over a muddy puddle of water and splashed the white suit you were wearing at the

time. You went home to change your suit and was late for the meeting. Because you

were late certain things happened and you …..? The dog walking across the street

was a source foundation and had an effect on the rest of your life. A better

understanding of this principle will enable you to set your own source foundations

for a better effect.

The Seventh Principle is Gender.

The principle of Gender states: All things have a masculine and feminine aspect.

Gender manifests on the physical plane, on the mental plane, and on the

spiritual plane. The masculine force is the outgoing, the positive, the instigative; the

feminine force is the incoming, the receptive, the negative, the creative. This has

nothing whatever to do with the male and female sexes, although they are

manifestations of the principle of gender on the physical plane. A dynamic speaker,

for instance, is producing a masculine force while speaking, whether the speaker is

male or female.

Those are the seven principles. In the following chapters you will learn to use

the principles as a major resource in your life. But before we unlock the riddles of

the Kybalion it is important that you understand something more about

meditation—that fixation of attention that will often bring about an examination of

a principle at a level of mind that focuses the concentration and attention required

for a full understanding of a subject.



Meditation brings about a stress free mind that produces an attitude to attract

the good things in life. Here’s why that’s important to you. Psychologists have listed

hundreds of causes of stress, even to listing them in a hierarchy, on a variety of

scales, usually listing the death of a spouse as the number one cause and hundreds if

not thousands of other reasons for stress, all listed by number generally from 1,

which indicates a mild stress, to 100, which indicates a stress so severe it could be

not only debilitating but life threatening. However we are going to look at stress a

bit differently.

Stress, very simply, is caused by a change of the way things are. Any change

in the status quo will create a situation that causes stress. However you cannot give a

number in a hierarchy for an event as a person’s attitude will determine how they

react to the change. People react differently to change, and therefore to stress. If

everyone always reacted the same way then there would be no point in trying to

alleviate stress by changing an attitude, but they don’t and so that allows us to

modify, and in many cases, eliminate stress. Stress causes an uneasy mind. When

your mind is restful, stress is impossible. Now the question will arise, how can I have

a resting mind?

Often, a metaphor can show the way. So let me tell you a story of an incident

that would normally cause a great degree of stress in most people. The story is so

representative of the right attitude that I include it in many of my books and all of

my seminars and lectures. It took place 25 years ago during a class I was presenting

on stress and how to deal with it. Lunchtime came along and I, along with three

people in the class went out together to go to a nearby restaurant. We were going to

take my car as I had purchased a new one only the week before. As we approached

the vehicle in the parking lot we all saw it at the same time; a big dent in the right

front fender. Someone had slammed into the car while it was parked in the lot and

had driven off without even leaving a note on the windshield. The three students

with me looked at me and waited for the blowup. I must admit for a moment I could


feel irritation and my body tightening with anger. But I cut it off immediately with a

simple technique I will teach you in a moment.

Jumping into the car I said to the three “Let’s go. There’s a body and fender

shop just down the street.”

“You going to get it fixed right now?” One of the students asked.

“Nope.” I answered, “What I’m going to do is to get a price on what it costs

to repair the dent, and whatever that price turns out to be, I’m going to create

something that I’m not doing right now, and I’m going to make three times the cost

of the dent.”

We drove to a nearby shop and I was told that the cost of repairing the

fender would be $450.00. I immediately tripled the figure and thought, $1,350; I’ve

got to earn with something new, $1,350.00. Now whenever I looked at the dent in my

fender I didn’t mentally start cursing the low life who dented it and ran off, no, not

at all, now when I looked at the dent I thought, $1,350.00 I’ve got to earn $1,350.00.

I kept thinking of how I could make that amount of money. It had to be something

that I was not doing at that time. I thought about it and thought about it and finally

came up with the answer.

I would create a brand new seminar for my friends and if they liked it I

would send out a mailing to all the people who had been through my classes and I

would set a goal of making $1,350.00 from it. And so I put the seminar together and

did it for fifteen of my friends, didn’t charge as I was checking out the new material.

My friends loved it. I sent out a mailing after renting a meeting room and did the

new seminar. I was surprised I made more on that seminar than the new car cost,

and all because someone dented my fender.

The technique that I used was a simple re-direction of energies, something I

think of as the re-direction of rhythm. But first, I had to rest my mind. Stress

requires an active mind. When you are stressed out, many things are flitting

through your mind, expectations of things to come. There is always some catalyst to

set the mind off. The catalyst is usually of a negative nature but not always. Winning


the lottery, or getting a promotion are both positive things but they can precipitate a

good deal of stress. Any change in the normal routine will do that. When you are

involved in routine your mind is resting, you act by rote, just a mechanical

repetition. That repetition can be with regards to an occupation, the routine of

housework, or a simple taking a walk with your dog. Anything that you do over and

over again you will find that you usually do that with a mind at rest. The rhythm of

routine is restful.

When I first saw that dented fender my mind flew off into all kinds of

directions. Mentally cursing the person who did it while I looked around to see if

there were any cars speeding away, there wasn’t, and I knew immediately I had to

redirect that negative mental activity at once. In came Bagha Yoga. I used it and felt

immediately at ease. And now comes our technique to bring about the resting of the

mind to forestall and eliminate stress. But first, let me tell you when I learned it. It

was actually the first technique I ever learned. It was over fifty years ago. I have

used it thousands of times since. I’ve never been disappointed in the effect.

Let me take you back to 1951. I was at Paramahansa Yogananda’s Self

Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine near Brentwood, California. To me it was, and

is still, the most peaceful place on Earth. To be there is to soak up the rhythm of

peace and contentment. I spent a lot of my time there practicing Kriya Yoga and

just meditating near the windmill. But I was disturbed that day. I don’t recall why.

My friend Chelso picked up on my unease. “How can you meditate when your mind

is filled with butterflies?” He asked.

I just shrugged.

“Use the Bagha,” he said.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Bagha Yoga. You know. Haven’t you been taught the Bagha?”

I shook my head. I had no idea what he was referring to.

“Let me help you brother,” he said sitting on the bench next to me.

“What makes your comfortable?” he asked.


“Sitting here, by the windmill, and meditating. Nothing makes me more

comfortable than that.”

He smiled and nodded, I’m sure that he felt the same. All the disciples were

most comfortable at the Lake Shrine.

“Close your eyes and create a picture in your mind of this place. Sense that

you are comfortable and in deep meditation but do not meditate, just imagine that

you are meditating.”

I did so.

“Now hold the image of yourself meditating and comfortable and touch the

roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue.”

With my eyes and mouth closed I lifted my tongue and touched it to the roof

of my mouth holding it there for a few seconds. I took a breath, sighed, opened my

eyes and looked at Chelso.

He smiled at said, “You’ve just been initiated into Bagha Yoga.”

“What is it?” I asked.

“Whenever you feel your mind is too cluttered, or whenever you feel too

excited to meditate. Just touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue and like

magic, you will be comfortable. But Burt, when I was initiated I made a promise to

initiate only brothers, and I must ask of you that you do the same. There are some

things that should be known to very few outsiders, this gives us much of the strength

of authority that we need.”

That was all right with me. At that time I was just about ready to cast off all

worldly things and join the Ashram as a dedicated disciple, but fate, or kismet, or

whatever force you believe in had other plans for me. I asked, “Fine, I will keep the

Bagha as my own personal force. Can I teach it to other people?”

Chelso smiled, and when he did smile, which was almost constant, a dimple

appeared in his right cheek that seemed to put an exclamation mark on what he was


saying. Chelso was a dedicated disciple and had been for a few years. “In fifty years

you may teach it to anyone.”

I laughed and agreed, fifty years. It was 1951, I was 24 years old. When

you’re that young fifty years seems like eons. Fifty years, why that’s more than

twice the years I’ve already lived, I thought, and look at all I’ve learned. Fifty

years? He may as well have said a thousand.

And then fifty years later, looking at that dent in my fender, I used Bagha

Yoga and the anger dripped away from me in a moment. I was able to function. I

was also able to turn a negative event into a successful outcome. I have used the

Bagha method of instant meditation, and to cut stress off before it affects me many

times over the years, but this time it came to me that I could now teach the

technique to other people. The seminar I was presenting that day was the first time I

spoke of the Bagha publicly. I have made it an important part of every class I’ve

taught since.

Personally, whenever I wish to rest my mind I simply touch the roof of my

mouth with my tongue and close my eyes and just like that I’m calm and restful. I

use the Bagha effect for many issues, if I ever feel the slightest bit of resentment,

anger, jealousy, regret, guilt, or any negative feeling I simply touch the tip of my

tongue to my palate and I am instantly at ease. The Bagha is a metaphoric icon that

enables one to instantly change their rhythm.

Use it and you will find it may well change your life. It will certainly give you

complete control over your attitude toward things.

Stress is also caused by the fear that you will experience harm or loss. This

fear is usually based on a real or an imagined threat to the routine of your life. In

the most general sense, stress is created, and controlled by opinion. Your opinion of

things is called attitude. Your opinion of yourself is called Ego. When dealing with

stress and attempting to gain a life that is free of stress you must address the

difference between attitude and ego.


Is the stress caused by something outside yourself, say a war, the economy, a

natural disaster, a person, an event or series of events, a perceived loss of some

kind? That would be stress caused by attitude.

Or is the stress that you are undergoing caused by a feeling of not being as

worthy as you like, or a feeling of guilt, or self limitations. The Polarity principle is a

useful resource in either instance. If you were to take all your friends and put them

in a hierarchy or ladder of success, who would be on the top rung; who would be on

the bottom? And where on that scale would you be? Write that hierarchy on a sheet

of paper. Take 3, or 4, or ten or twenty, however many friends you have and write

their names on a sheet of paper. You might even want to include relatives and

family members. This is your success scale, the way that you perceive success.

When you finish that scale do another, with the same people, but this time do

it with how you perceive happiness. Put the happiest one on the top of the ladder

and the unhappiest at the bottom. Where are you on that scale?

What is your attitude towards yourself with regards to the two scales of

hierarchy? How do you feel about being where you are? Which is more important to

you, the success hierarchy, or the happiness?

Is age a factor? The scales will be far different for people in their twenties

and thirties as apposed to those in their sixties and seventies. That’s a factor that

few books on the subject bring out. Stress is different for someone in their twenties

than it is for a sixty year old. Especially so when you consider the generality that

there is stress deriving from attitude, and there is stress deriving from ego. Attitudes

and ego’s change with aging.

But they can be treated the same.

Attitude stress is due entirely to the expectation of a negative outcome with

regards to a person, event, or loss.

Ego Stress is due entirely to the expectation of a negative outcome with

regards to what you think of yourself in some area of your life, disappointment and

frustration fall into this category.


Once you understand the difference between the two, which comprise

virtually every type of stress, you will also realize how easy it can be to control.

But first, here is a great truth for you, an axiom. STRESS AND

RELAXATION ARE THE SAME THING, they only differ by degree.

Now you are going to take exception to that, as well you should; at least until

I explain what I mean by that statement. I’m going to now show you how by using

the principle of Polarity. Polarity states that all things have an opposite, and the

opposites are the same, only differing by degree. Allow me to follow that thought

through to see if it leads us to a solution to the secret of deleting stress from your

life. First of all how would you find the opposite of stress? That’s the right question.

You find the opposite by either reducing or enhancing. Well it’s obvious we do not

want to enhance stress, so let’s reduce it. Take stress and put it on an arbitrary

scale. Say the stress on our scale is at the one hundred degree mark. Now make it

less, less again and as you lessen the stress you of course become a little relaxed.

Make the stress still less and you will be even more relaxed. Stress can easily be

unlocked, so long as you use relaxation as your key.

The secret of ridding yourself of stress is to use relaxation as a weapon to

defeat it. How do you get dark out of a room? You can’t sweep it out, you can’t

wash it out, you can’t talk it out; the way to get dark out is to let light in. You get

stress out of your mind by letting relaxation in. The greatest form of relaxation is

meditation; on that virtually all authorities agree.

Stress is insidious. It comes at you from everywhere. Some would say this

emotion goes back as far as the cave dwellers. Well we don’t have to have our

metabolism speeded up by a shot of adrenaline to leap up a tree and away from

danger, but the chemical is still produced by our bodies when perceiving any


Luckily though, the solution is easy to utilize. And once you know the

technique, it will be with you, like all of our techniques, forever.


Everyone knows the word meditation and most people have a picture in their

minds of a person sitting quietly, hands in lap, with eyes closed, at peace with the

world. Well that’s a description of meditation, but there are other ways to reach

that state when you have a desire to use meditation to modify and rid yourself of

stress. Especially so if the stress is getting in the way of your productiveness and

making you less effective at what you do.

The way to look at meditation is as a concentration of attention. Anytime

your mind is at rest, and focused on a single objective, excluding all the trivia that

normally besets your mind, you are in kind of a trance like state.

You just learned about the Bagha. Once you begin to use the technique of

instant meditation you will find that stress will bother you less and less. Do

remember however that one of the facets of meditation is intense concentration on

one subject. After many, many years of meditation I use a very simple method to get

there. Preparation is essential. Yes you can use the Bagha while walking along an

avenue and it will work, you can use it for a great many things. But the formal type

of meditation that most people are familiar with is different. This is the way that I

do it. In my home, I have a corner that I use strictly for meditation. If you can

arrange such a thing in your home or office it will make the process much easier as

a calming energy builds up when you practice in one area. Places absorb energy.

Places where people gather to worship have a peaceful energy that can be felt.

Places where people are restrained such as hospitals and prisons have a strong

negative energy that can be felt.

That’s why, if possible, I advice you to set aside an area for meditation.

So, now you have decided you wish to formerly meditate. You want to be

more productive, and more effective in what you do every day. Before you meditate,

you must understand that you will be leaving behind all the trivial details of the day,

all the mental images that bother you. When you sit down and make yourself

comfortable you then direct your thoughts to one objective. This is the first

concentration of thoughts. Many people will use a mantra to concentrate their

attention. Indeed, when a person counts down, or see colors, or uses music they are


fixing their attention on whatever method they are using. What we will use as a

focus of attention is the mantra Ohm. It is said in a drawn out manner, and

mentally. Ohhooomm, Ohhooomm. Aa Ohhooomm ooomm. Use the mantra

Ohhooomm by saying it mentally with each outgoing breath, or each exhale.

Concentrate on the word, only the word. Do it slowly. Now, here is the secret to

deepening your meditation.

With eyes closed, you take a breath and as you exhale you mentally say the

first Ohhooomm and project it to your right at about ear level. Take another breath

and as you exhale you mentally say Ohhooomm and you project it to your left at

about ear level. Each time you take a breath and exhale, you mentally repeat the

word Ohhooomm and go from right to left again and again. You will find this takes

you to the very pleasant state of meditation.

To use the Bagha in any of a variety of ways outside of meditation,

experiment with this. Say that you want something of an immediate nature. A good

seat at a restaurant, or a parking place in a difficult situation, or you’re late for a

meeting and you want to get there on time, or for any of the ordinary things that

normally come up in your mind. Use the Bagha in this manner. This is called, the

Bagha Duo, or the BD technique. Touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your

mouth, think of the thing that you want to happen as already having happened, and

sense it first at your right ear, and then at your left. Do this a series of times, but not

less than three times, right, left, right left, right left. You will find your attitude

towards things changing as you get more and more successful in the use of the BD

technique. What this does is to change your rhythm to the rhythm of the object of

your desire.

You wish to be more productive. Think about how you can be more effective

and more productive. Think about the end result of your being more productive.

Then use the Bagha Duo. Touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth

and think about the job you wish to be more productive with as successfully

completed. Bring that image to your right and then to your left as you just learned.


That’s the quick and easy way to have a resource at your call anytime you wish, to

adjust your attitude and to gain control over quick and easy meditation.


CHAPTER FOUR - Using Polarity to control habits and addictions.

There are many definitions for addictions and habits, possibly the simplest

and easiest to understand is that an addiction is something you are dependent upon,

have a great interest in and devote a lot of time to. A habit is something you do over

and over again often without realizing it. You can be addicted to a thing, a drug, a

person, a philosophy, or any other thing that you depend on. Let’s see if we can

develop a technique that will help in your problem with a particular person, thing,

or substance.

Dependence to an addiction simply means that you have a great need for it.

In other words there is a good relationship between you and the thing you are

addicted to. With respect to a habit, the dependence is much weaker as there is not

as great a need to do the thing again and again.

Over the years, I have been involved with many different philosophies. Just a

few as example are, yoga, hypnosis, huna, kabala, mind control, NLP, eye movement

therapy, psychic healing, Pavlov, Hermetic philosophy, Feng Shui, parallel

universes, Quantum Jumping and a dozen or so other concepts. Most of which I

have been teaching others over the past decades.

I have often been asked if there were not something in all that to help a

person with an addiction to overcome that thing they were so dependent upon. The

problem is that like all things there are varying degrees. Some people have addictive

personalities and a single exposure to something that comforts them, hooks them so

that they cannot escape. Other people exposed to the same thing can rid themselves

of it with a shrug of the shoulders. No single thing seems to work for everyone.

Most addictions and habits are started by a stimulus of some sort. It could be

a stimulus coming from the outside, as example a picture of a slice of apple pie seen

by a person addicted to food, or it could be the craving of the body for a particular

experience or drug. Stimulus surrounds us constantly. Some are affected by it some

are not. For those affected by stimulus, a thought is created. Something in the

imagination builds until an energy is formed. This energy allows the individual to


take an action. The acronym for this set of syndrome is STEA. Stimulus, Thought,

Energy, Action. Stimulus cannot be controlled, it is everywhere. The energy build

up to facilitate the action is also difficult to control as this is the true cause of the

addiction. What is left is thought. And therein lies the solution, also, the problem.

When you can control thought, you control the energy and the action.

The mind cannot hold on to two thoughts at the same time. Whenever

stimulus triggers a thought, the trick is to change the polarity, or to put it in another

manner, allow the stimulus to let you think of the opposite of the problem thought.

The one technique that we will be using over and over again is the Bagha, the

touching of the tip of the tongue to the roof of your mouth. In many cases this tells

the mind, get ready, we are going to do something. In this case, the ‘doing

something’, is changing the energy of the thought for a different action.

As example, I used to be a smoker. About a pack and a half a day. To my

mind it was a nasty addiction that I wanted to rid myself of. There were many

stimuli. When I was stressful, I reached for a cigarette. When I finished a meal, I

reached for a cigarette. When I had a cup of coffee, I reached for a cigarette. When

I had nothing to do, I reached for a cigarette. When I sat down to rest, I reached for

a cigarette. It seemed that anything I did caused me to reach for a cigarette. I

decided to quit. Thinking of all the methods I chose a technique that I used to get

people to stop drinking.

What I did was to think of the cigarette as a snake. I used the Bagha, went

into a deep meditation and imagined packs of cigarettes as packs of small snakes. I

saw myself pulling out a cigarette and lighting it and when I inhaled, a snake rode

the smoke into my lungs. I did that for about twenty minutes setting the metaphor

in my mind. Now the thought that was created by the stimulus was not of a cigarette

with soothing smoke going into my lungs, but a snake riding the smoke into my

lungs. I quit then and there and have not smoked since. To put it another way I had

polarized the thought of smoking.

I recall Vince Silveri, a person who had tried everything for his alcoholic

problem but nothing seemed to work. He asked me how to change the stimulus as


when he wanted a drink it became the most important thing in his life. He couldn’t

help himself, how could he change the energy of his thoughts, how could he think

about something else?

First thing we had to turn the problem, alcohol, into something else.

Metaphors are helpful in that they allow you to conceptualize without the

stimulation of the actual difficulty. In this case I used a gorilla. Vince said he liked

the effect that drinking had on him and he realized that it was bad for him but all

that was ‘some day’, a day far in the future. Addictions are now things, actually all

addicts are immature in that they need instant gratification. We had to turn the

addiction into something he could imagine, something that was happening now,

something that would turn his thoughts in another direction. Here is what I told


Hidden within alcohol is a different kind of entity. Vince, what you do not see

is that there is a twelve hundred pound gorilla. This gorilla has the ability to smile

and confuse you all the while he waits until you are lulled into a state where he can

pounce and tear you apart. This gorilla has the ability to make himself so small, so

seemingly insignificant, that he can fit into a one ounce glass. But make no mistake,

once the alcohol in that one ounce glass gets into your body the gorilla grows. He

needs sustenance and so he demands that you feed him. That’s why you always want

more. It’s not you that wants it, but the gorilla and he insists you bring him more,

he demands another ounce of alcohol, and then another. Alcohol is what he lives on;

inside your body. You are powerless when confronted by this gorilla.

Every time you drink, even to touch your tongue to any form of alcohol, the

gorilla is invited in. You cannot avoid it. Touch alcohol to your tongue and the

gorilla leaps into your body, and that’s the only way he can get there. You have

absolutely no ability to get him to leave. And when he has settled into your body, he

needs more alcohol to sustain him. When you drink alcohol, to any degree, the

gorilla takes over. You give him the power to command you. You do things the

gorilla wants to do, not you. But without the power to countermand his needs, you

are forced to follow along with his.


You are powerless before this twelve hundred pound gorilla. The only way to

regain your own power is to realize he is too strong for you. Your power is in

building a defense against him; that defense is easy, you know that the only way, the

only way he can enter your body is through alcohol, that is his channel to you. And

once his great power overcomes you, you become his obedient slave. If you are

willing to be a slave then so be it, but if you realize that he is just too much for you

then the answer is easy. You must be willing to take the power back. And the way to

do that is to simply not take another drink of any type of alcohol.

Why let a gorilla to manage your life? You can do a much better job without

him. Start today, right now, make a decision. Never again allow that gorilla inside

your body.

Before you can overcome a problem, you must admit a problem exists. The

metaphorical gorilla is managing your life and you were unable to manage it. At this

time, admit that you are powerless against the alcohol and what it introduces into

your life.

Think of one way, just one for now, one way that you are powerless over

alcohol. Think of one way you were powerless over alcohol during the past year.

Consider how your life is unmanageable. Consider how alcohol has made

your life unmanageable. And most of all: Think about how your life will be if it were


Take the power away from the gorilla and the rest of your life will be the best

of your life.

Use the polarization technique. This technique will often work when all else

has failed. However we do recognize that no technique will work for everyone. I like

to call this technique a band aid. Not everyone needs brain surgery; most just need

some sort of a process to help them along. Try it, if it works for you wonderful, if it

doesn’t, well you’re no worse off than before. But it may well work. Do it. And ask


yourself this question. ‘What would my life be like if I did not have this habit, or




Walk from one end of your room to the other—while you do that beat out a

rhythm on your thigh with the fingers of either hand. You’ll notice that you are

beating a particular frequency. That is your natural rhythm for walking at the pace

you are walking. Walk faster and your rhythm changes; you’ll beat a faster rhythm.

Walk slower and you will tap slower. You have a rhythm for everything. Now try to

walk faster and beat your hand slower. Confusing isn’t it? You can walk fast and

beat slow, but it throws you off balance as that upsets your rhythm. Tap or beat

your hand on your thigh naturally and your rhythm is restored. At this point you

may well ask: How is that information helpful? Let’s take it to the next step.

Think about a time you were very sad; a time when you were unhappy about

something. Now beat on your thigh or the table or wherever and note the frequency

of the tapping. Now think about a time when you were very happy and note the

frequency. Write down the frequency of happiness, about how many beats per

second. Actually you don’t even have to do that as whenever you want to use this

technique just think about a happy time and beat out the rhythm. Now whenever

you are unhappy about something beat the happy rhythm and note a change in

your attitude for the better.

The next step would be for health and for energy as everything has a rhythm.

Once you have a general understanding of the rhythm principle and the underlying

energies that tapping releases you are ready for the next step, healing.

To use this method you simply focus on a time when you were in the best

health of your life. A time when you were pain free and happy. Imagine yourself

doing something that you would not do if you were in pain. With that thought in

your mind tap out a rhythm. You can either beat out the rhythm on a table, or on

your leg, just so long as you have the frequency of the beat. Remember the rhythm;

that’s how many taps per second. If you have any pain, a headache, or muscle ache,

or whatever, tap the pain free frequency over the place where the pain is. If it’s a


headache, tap the pain free frequency on the top of your head, if you have a stomach

problem, tap the pain free frequency on your stomach. That’s all there is to it.

Say that you have a stomach problem, pain, or upset or whatever. Think

about walking briskly down the street with a smile on your face. Your healthy and

energetic. Hold that thought and tap a rhythm.

Once you have the rhythm, the frequency of the tapping, tap your stomach

with that frequency. You will often note the pain immediately diminishes or even

disappears completely.

Now I would like to tell you how this beat business started for me. It was

many years ago; it seems like ages as the year was 1951. My friend and fellow monk

had just learned some secrets from our fellow friends that they had picked up after

years in the ashram. One of them was similar to something I had learned a few

years before from a shaman in Korea, we called it ‘beating away the pain.’

We laughingly called ourselves ‘beatnoks’ kind of a play of words regarding

the beatniks of the time but we were light years away from the beatnik generation

that Jack Kerouac had started. The Beatniks were seeking to tear down the world

while we were looking to save it. We picked up the label through the use of a

technique that has been long lost to the world, the Third Eye Chakra Beat.

The third eye chakra, sometimes called the intuition point is associated with

ESP and imagination. Many pains are imaginary; just see how well placebos work

for proof of that. Knowledge of TEC (third eye chakra) can help in more ways than

I can put down here. Allow me to tell you a bit more about the ‘Beat’ and TEC

(remember please, TEC is an acronym for Third Eye Chakra) TEC is a spot

between and just above the eyebrow line, low on the forehead. Knowledge of how to

use the TEC will help you immediately. I have to go back to my beatnok days for

this one. How my friends of 65 years ago would laugh at that. Gathering and

teaching a new generation of beatnoks through the etheric energies of the internet.

Well this technique I’m about to teach you is reaching thousands, perhaps

tens of thousands, it depends on how many actually hear what I say here. But


enough talk let me teach you the technique; use it once or twice and you will thank

me forever. Now this takes nothing away from what I have already taught you; I’m

only extending it.

Say that you have a pain in your left knee. Quiet your mind for a moment by

concentrating on a blue sky. Just that, blue sky. The color blue. This holds the

vibration energy you need for healing pain; the energy is locked into the color blue.

While concentrating on the blue take your strongest hand and with the tips of your

fingers, gently beat on the TEC, the spot just a wee bit above the center of your

eyebrows. After a few seconds stop the beat and gently press your fingers on the

TEC, that’s the third eye chakra just above the eyebrow line in the center and low

on your forehead. Add to your visualization of the sky an image of yourself briskly

walking along a familiar street with a smile on your face while your fingers press

gently on TEC (the third eye chakra location.) After a few more seconds move your

fingers to the left knee, or wherever the pain is located, press gently for five seconds

and then continue with the same beating rhythm, holding the image of yourself

walking along the street with a smile on your face. Continue the beat for ten or

fifteen seconds more and the pain should have been resolved.

I’ve been training people in this method for many years and have been told

of thousands of successes. The first time I used the technique was in 1978. I

remember it vividly because it was with the great Latino civil rights activist Caesar

Chavez. He was a student in my class and I was demonstrating various healing

techniques. Caesar had a shoulder problem and I used him to demonstrate the

healing technique, it worked very well. After that he sent many of the staff of his

United Farm Workers union to the next few following seminars of mine.

Here’s still another way you can use the rhythm of the beat. Weight control.

If you’re overweight you have a problem with food. Well by now you have probably

figured out that you have a rhythm for every food that you eat. Prove it to yourself.

Think about a food that you love and beat out a rhythm. Now think about a food

that you hate and beat out a rhythm. You will find the rhythm is different. Say that

you’re not really hungry but you have a feeling for a desert that’s loaded with


calories. Think about a food that you dislike, tap out the rhythm; then think about

the desert you want and tap out the rhythm for the food that you dislike and just

like that you will lose your appetite for the desert.

Carole Sanders was grossly overweight. She’d been on diet after diet. They

all worked but as soon as she got off the diet she would gain all the weight back,

usually adding a few pounds for good measure. She came to one of my classes and

was fascinated by the rhythm technique she couldn’t wait to get home to try it. She

told me later that at home there was an entire apple pie waiting for her that she had

bought the day before. She was going on the soup diet and wanted this last fling at a

desert before she started the diet. Isn’t that typical? Kind of defeats the purpose

wouldn’t you say.

Well when she got home she put that whole pie on a big plate, then she

scooped three heaping tablespoons of ice cream over it. She justified this by meaning

to skip dinner entirely; that would be her dinner. Tomorrow she would start with

her soup diet. But then, she thought, that’s exactly what she did when she started

the Slim at Last diet except just before that one she ate a whole pound box of See’s

chocolate candies. Looking at the pie for a long minute she closed her eyes and

thought about liver. Carole hated liver. Her mother made her eat it when she was

about ten years old and she gagged on it. She thought about that time and tapped

her hand on her thigh. The taps were slow about one tap every two seconds. Then

she looked again at the apple pie and tapped one tap every two seconds. She tapped

her stomach but it wouldn’t have mattered where so long as the rhythm was

established. About thirty seconds after tapping the slow rhythm out she suddenly

had a yuckie kind of feeling for the apple pie. She wound up throwing the pie in the

garbage and had a salad for dinner instead.

The rhythm beat could be a major resource for you and this alone will start

you on the way to transcend your life.

Say that you have met someone for the first time and you just don’t click.

You want to but there seems to be something wrong. In all probability you are


operating on two different frequencies, and the further the difference in frequency

the further you get from the other person.

But say that you want the other person to like you. To do that you should

match the other person’s rhythm. Here’s how. Look at the person and build a

mental image of the person as well. While you are focused on the person beat out a

rhythm on your desk, or your thigh. That will be the other person’s rhythm. Think

about that rhythm whenever you are in the vicinity of the other person and you will

soon have good and lasting rapport.

Use rhythm whenever you get a chance as it is still another method of using

more of your mind. And do remember when you use more of your mind you get

better at everything that you do and your life improves naturally.

You can program the TEC resource in your inner consciousness so that it

will always be available to you. Just relax and allow yourself to drift into the

meditation state, visualize yourself with the resource you are programming for, that

will get you into the right rhythm and when you are immersed into the image of

yourself successful either tap out the rhythm you feel by tapping your tongue on the

roof of your mouth, or tapping on your thigh. And of course if you use the Bagha

just before or during the rhythm beat it will work even better.

Now we are going to program the TEC, the third eye chakra beat for letting

go of limitations and pain and negative emotions. Say that you have a pain in your

left knee. Quiet your mind for a moment by concentrating on a blue sky. Just that,

blue sky. The color blue. This holds the vibrational energy you need for healing

pain, blue. While concentrating on the blue take your strongest hand and with the

tips of your fingers, gently beat on the TEC, the spot just a wee bit above the center

of your eyebrows.

After a few seconds stop the beat and gently press your fingers on the TEC

spot, that’s the third eye chakra just above the eyebrow line in the center and low on

your forehead. Add to your visualization of the sky an image of yourself briskly


walking along a familiar street with a smile on your face, while your fingers are

pressing gently on TEC (the third eye chakra location.) After a few more seconds

move your fingers to the left knee or wherever you have a pain, press gently for five

seconds and then continue with the same beating rhythm, holding the image of

yourself walking along the street with a smile on your face. Continue the beat for ten

or fifteen seconds more and the pain should have been resolved.


CHAPTER SIX - Mastering your ten emotions Now that you have gone through the first chapters and have started to use

the beginning techniques it’s time to get into an important part of you; emotions.

The ten emotions that most people have problems with are Joy, Sadness, Anger,

Forgiveness, Gratitude, Anxiety, Fear, Faith, Hate, and Love. But those designations

don’t really tell you exactly what an emotion is. Allow me to define the word

emotion; and with the definition you will be able to understand emotions better, and

with understanding comes control. Unless you know exactly what you are dealing

with, it is not possible to control.

First of all the definition of an emotion.

An emotion is any thought that has like or dislike attached to it; the more

like the more emotional you are. The more dislike, the more emotional you are.

You can polarize an emotion because the emotion and the opposite of the

emotion are on the same scale. What I mean by that is that joy and sadness are the

same, they only differ by degree. Love and hate are the same, they only differ by

degree. How can you tell if two things belong on the same scale? All that you have to

do is diminish it and see if you wind up with its counterpart. Let’s diminish joy.

Tune joy down and make it less, and less and less and pretty soon you run into

sadness. Just as if you were to make a person less sad, less sad, and still less sad,

pretty soon you run into joy. Diminish hate and you run down the scale to dislike

and then like and eventually love. When we define an emotion simply as degrees of

like or dislike we see emotions for what they are.

Let’s use fear as an example, I would define it as a negative expectation. That

is in the broadest sense to take in every kind of fear. When you are fearful you are

expecting something bad to happen, something negative. The opposite of fear would

be a positive expectation; expecting something good to happen, and that of course is

faith. When you have faith in a thing then you expect something good to come out of

it. Fear and faith are the same, they only differ by degree. One is a positive, the

other a negative.


Let’s see if we can get a better handle on the control of fear and anger. These

are the two emotions that often get people into trouble. To control fear we want to

control the negative expectation. Here is where rhythm and frequency come into

play. All things, as you heard in the first chapter have a rhythm, a frequency. When

you discover the rhythm for a thing and reproduce it by tapping it out you can

control it. You learned about the TEC (the third eye chakra area) and beating a

rhythm to change in the previous chapter. So then what is the rhythm of fear? Well

what is it you fear? Think about that fear and beat the rhythm of the fear with your

fingers on your thigh, or anywhere else. It’s different for everyone. People fear

different things. But fears are mental, you are learning to control those mental

images. When you build a mental image of the thing that you fear and beat out that

rhythm, you are developing the rhythm of fear. All things have an energy form, this

energy manifests on the physical level as a rhythm. Control the rhythm and you

control what the rhythm manifests as.

One of my students, Georgia Lansa, had a deadly fear of elevators, she

hadn’t been in one of them for ten years. Been to therapists but nothing helped. We

were at the Sportsmen’s Lodge Hotel in North Hollywood, California where I was

presenting a seminar. Georgia’s brother Sol was there with her and wanted to know

if there was anything in the seminar techniques that would help Georgia with her

problem. I said ‘let’s see.’

I asked Georgia to imagine that she was in an elevator and beat out a rhythm

with her hand on the table in front of her. The group was sitting classroom style.

She slapped her hand on the table for about fifteen seconds or so, it was a very fast

beat, almost a nervous beat. Then I had her think about a time when she was very

comfortable; the most comfortable she had ever been. She did so and she started

beating out a different rhythm with three outstretched fingers on her lap, it was a

comfortable tap about one a second; everyone is different, some will tap quickly,

some slow. Good, now we had the rhythm of comfort and the rhythm of fear. Why

did I pick on comfort? Because you cannot be fearful if you are comfortable, they

are mutually exclusive.


I decided to try something different with Georgia. There were about forty

people in that class and as Georgia was beating out her one tap a second rhythm I

asked everyone to tap in unison and soon the entire class was beating the same

rhythm, one tap a second, tap, tap, tap, tap. I said to Georgia, think about getting

into an elevator; the tap, tap, taps, continued. Georgia was thinking about riding in

an elevator and beating the one per second sequence.

We did that for a few minutes and then I held up my hand and everyone

stopped the beat. There is an elevator in the Sportsmen’s Lodge Hotel, it only goes

up four flights but that was enough to terrify Georgia. I said to her, go into the

elevator and tell me if the fear is gone. She asked her brother to go with her and

they both left the room.

About ten minutes later they walked back in smiling. Georgia enjoyed the

ride so much she had been going up and down until her brother said enough. Fear

was gone. She had changed the rhythm of the fear.

Another situation that comes to mind happened in Emeryville, a city just

across the bay from San Francisco. Going from Emeryville to San Francisco is a

short drive over the Bay Bridge, only problem that Pauline Carter, one of the

students there had with that was that she had a phobia about bridges. She was

terrified about driving over them. She had to go to San Francisco once a month and

the only way she could do it was to drive south for an hour go around the entire bay,

and then back up north to San Francisco, a two hour drive because she couldn’t

drive over the bridge for five minutes.

Once again a change of her rhythm came to the rescue. Think about driving

over the bridge and beat out the rhythm, I said. She started tapping so fast I

couldn’t count the taps. After she calmed down a bit I asked her what made her

comfortable. We determined that she was most comfortable sitting in her backyard

under an overhang sipping a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper. All right,

think about that, and tap. She did, and we determined the frequency of the beat

which was a bit over one tap per second. That was her rhythm for comfort.


‘Now then Pauline,’ I said, ‘keep the beat up but just like you are now about

one tap per second. While doing that, think about driving over the bay bridge to San

Francisco.’ She started tapping furiously and then slowed down. Soon she was

beating out a rhythm of a little over one per second while thinking about driving

over the bridge. This took about ten minutes or so. Right after that we broke for

lunch. Pauline and a friend drove across the bridge to San Francisco. She reported

no problems.

During a seminar in Los Angeles there was a couple there who were

separating. Their relationship had diminished and they were no longer in love, as a

matter of fact they were barely speaking to one another and the only reason they

were at the seminar was to get rid of some of the animosity. A friend had

recommended it as there was a child involved and they were heading for a very

messy divorce with a lot of heavy attorney’s fees. The friend, a brother of the

woman got them both there. This was the part of the seminar he was hoping would

get them at least speaking to each other.

They listened to the part about rhythm and how it affects the emotions. Love

has a rhythm as does hate and all the emotions in between. But they weren’t really

interested in changing to a loving feeling by a beat it as they weren’t interested in

bringing back the feeling that they once had. After all they were married and had a

child together; at one time they must have been in love. I noticed they just sat there

with frowns on their faces when I had people changing rhythms. Well tapping isn’t

the only way.

I called on the man and asked him if he would be part of an experiment. He

just shrugged. I handed him a blank sheet of paper and a pen and asked him to

write ten things that he appreciated about his wife. You see, by doing that he would

automatically develop the rhythm of what had once been. That was kind of sugar

coating it. But first he had to do it. As it was an experiment and he was part of the

demonstration he agreed. He was thoughtful for awhile and then wrote a number of

things that he appreciated about the woman he was about to divorce. As he wrote he

had to think about those things he once liked about her, the things he once had


appreciated about her; and when he did that he was automatically producing the

kind of rhythm that they had together in the first place.

When a relationship goes sour the two parties involved lose the very thing

that brought them together—the rhythm of one another. The synchronizing or

harmony of the relationship. Had they both beat a rhythm while thinking of the

other person they would have found the exact same frequency that had brought

them together in the first place. But now, after separating, they couldn’t have been

further apart in rhythm. The ten appreciations would at least bring him to that

harmony; but that was only the first part of the equation; she had to do it as well;

and so she did. They each wrote ten things they appreciated about the other. Now

this wouldn’t be much of a story if it ended there but what happened was they left

the seminar arm in arm and the last I heard of them they were back together and

acting like newlyweds.

Ten appreciations to enhance a relationship. Simply write ten things that you

appreciate about the other person and have the other person write ten things he/she

appreciates about you. Oh, and one thing more. Some time today, write ten things

you appreciate about yourself.


CHAPTER SEVEN - Cleansing You will view your entire life by taking hops backward. At the meditative

state, first think about the last recent holiday. As an example, if Christmas Day was

the most recent holiday, you imagine Christmas Day. You think about all the things

you did on that particular day, the people you saw, the food you ate, the aromas you

smelled, the experiences you had.

Once you have been successful with that, you will hop back to another recent

date, perhaps the year before, Thanksgiving, your birthday, someone else’s birthday

and then hop back again to events that are strong in your memory. Hoping back

perhaps five, six, seven, eight times. When you reach a traumatic event and the

emotion is too strong for you to go through the entire scenario, view the peripheral

area of it and simply see what happened to others. At that time take an outer view

and see yourself as an actor in a play from afar, from an objective point of view.

Go back and back and back until you reach your graduation from college or

high school or grammar school. By this time you should be able to recall with ease.

Then back again until your earliest childhood memory. At this point you have built

a storehouse of events, seen from an objective point of view, almost as though you

were standing in a cloud somewhere viewing your life as a chain of happenings or a

railroad track of events. Something happened at each station. Eventually you have

one long track of time. You see yourself at all the various phases of your life. You

see yourself being graduated, you see yourself being congratulated, you see yourself

perhaps being married, becoming engaged, you see yourself in grammar school, or

perhaps you see yourself as a child. But from an outer point of view. You see all the

various aspects of your fife on this long railroad track.

When you have all the various views on the track at this, start at the

beginning and work through the entire range of experience very quickly with an

energy field. View this energy field as sort of a white cloud. Start at the beginning of

your life and just wash all of the track, including all various views, with this energy

until you come to the present time and back and forth. After you’ve done that, say ,

“I hereby release all of the guilt’s in my life. I hereby release myself from all sins


that were set up for me by outside agencies. I now release myself from any

punishment.” All this I will be helping you to do during the very powerful evening


Simply go back and forth. Wash your entire life as you see it from an outer

point of view on this track, this railroad track of life, going from the very beginning

to the very end, which is the present time. Back and forth, releasing all of the sins,

releasing all of the guilt’s, so that you will no longer have to be involved with any of

the punishments.

You will find that after doing this exercise you have a feeling of great release.

It’s almost as though you have lost a great weight. After you do this two or three

more times, you will find more and more things will be coming into your memory.

You will find yourself more and more relaxed and much better equipped to take a

positive view of things. With your guilt’s gone so are your limitations. You’ll find

that your feeling changes as your viewpoint changes. Your health life will change,

your social life will change, your economic life will change, you will change.

You should have noticed some changes in your attitude by now, soon growing

stronger as you progress. The next step is a spiritual step. That would be empathy.

Empathy is the ability to identify with and to understand another person’s feelings

and or problems. Evil is simply a lack of empathy, goodness, spirituality, is an

abundance of empathy. Empathy resides in the mind. A mind out of control is a

mind devoid of empathy. Control is necessary, as necessary as putting a rudder on a

ship that had been drifting about aimlessly. Suddenly you realize you can direct it.

You can set a course to anywhere. You are in control.

This control of that unique feature of humans we call the mind is a step

toward transcendence. Suddenly you understand that all of your life other people,

other forces, and outside agencies have been exercising authority over your life. In

some aspects of your life that outside control is of a beneficial nature. In other

aspects it is of a negative nature. But the control is there all the same.


Freedom lies in you controlling your own destiny. The knowledge that you do

have control, that transcendent-mind control, is the first step. By utilizing the

concepts and by understanding, you see the road straightening ahead of you. You

begin to understand that outside forces are seeking to influence you—not only

people but astrological, psychic, and other forces. All these influences have no real

power other than an impelling little shove. If you accept the influence and the

outside agencies forecast of your future, then the impelling force turns into a giant

push and the event comes about. It is you, however, who is making the event happen

by accepting the criteria of the outside influence.

Imagine, if you will, a world that is filled with people who understand the

concepts in this program, who view one another from that positive viewpoint we call

love. Who are empathetic to the needs of others. Then would the world change to

where we all idealistically sense it should be. For with a positive viewpoint and

empathy wars would no longer exist. Why would you want to fight someone if you

empathize with and saw the good in each person? And that person in turn would see

only the good in you and would understand you.

An idealistic dream? in the present stage of our development, yes! It is just

that. However, we must take the first step in that direction and the first step lies, as

always, with one’s self. The first step is easy. Simply direct that positive viewpoint

toward yourself. See only the good in you. See the positive aspects of you. Visualize

yourself the way that you would want to be and begin to act as though you were

already there. And you will be there! All things begin with the individual. See things

in all of these positive aspects. View things through your new eyes of love.

Understand that you and the words that you use and the thoughts that you think are

what set your course in whatever direction you find yourself heading.

Tomorrow morning say to yourself, “I am going to be more creative today.”

Tomorrow morning say to yourself. “I am going to see the positive aspects of

today’s events.” At work see the positive aspects of people. Be more creative.

When you eat, see the beneficial effects of the food. Visualize the food going

into your stomach and turning into segments of energy, for that is what food truly


is, something to keep your physical mechanism operating. Fuel! Look at it in that

manner. imagine that the world is your world and that it can be anything you wish

it to be. You are the director of the scenario, and the play is your production. if you

want a negative tale, it will be if you want a positive story, it will be that as well.

Know that what you get you had better give. Send out nice thoughts and love

a little more. Loving simply means seeing things from a positive viewpoint. Soon you

will find that the sky is bluer, the grass greener. In this particular production you

are the director. You set the scene, it’s your choice. What you consider bad will be

bad what you consider good will be good.

If you decide to represent yourself as a negative type of an individual, the

response that you get should be no surprise to you. If you decide to represent

yourself as an outgoing, giving person the fee for that would be one that you would

be quite satisfied with.

Throughout the ages from the time of Plato and before, the philosophers

have described their conceptions of the ideal society, knowing that the seeds of the

destruction of that society were in the very nature of the people— in the beings that

would populate that world. Those seeds are called many things, but all of them are

of a negative nature.

None of the idealists of the past has offered a simple first step toward the

realization of that ultimate secret but have thrust readers into a rather imposing

manner of thought, structured in a way that would take centuries of growth and the

proper expression of that growth to achieve.

Offering an inspiring concept with no means to reach their goal, the

philosophers, for the most part, were “blowing in the wind,” as one of our new age

composers would say. To reach the heights by means of a ladder, we need steps in

that ladder and a base beneath the footing. Here is our base, our foundation, our

first step.

Rid the negative qualities from your surroundings. Concentrate on the

positive. Start with yourself. As simple as that! For some people it’s necessary to


remove a lot of heavy, negative programming. It may take more effort and more

time. For others it is simply directing the viewpoint in another manner.

See the positive aspects of yourself and shortly you will find yourself with a

new energy and a new appetite for life. Love thyself! How do you love yourself?

That’s easy just see yourself from a positive viewpoint. See the good in yourself.

Expect good things of yourself and through your actions.

What is there about those people who have a strong interest in so very many

things? Possibly the happiest are those who find joy in all things: in service, in life.

They find great delight in taking a walk, in collecting, in doing, in taking trips, in

boating, in skiing, in tennis, in painting or in any of a thousand and one pursuits.

How vital this type is!

People having a strong interest in things are interesting. The reverse are

those who have lost interest in doing, who are bored with life, who are uninterested,

who have lost the appetite for living.

Appetites are desires, a wanting for a food, an experience, a person, or, of

course, a thing. They who have a strong appetite for living find great joy in the

world. To desire something is to have faith that ultimately that something will be.

How very sad are they who, having lost their appetite, sit around bored and

flaccid, using some opiate or other thing to direct their attention to nonexistence.

That opiate can be alcohol, television, internet games, even reading for some

people—if it is used as an escape from the real world. People who want to escape

find no attraction in that world.

To lose an appetite is to lose a desire. To reinstall that desire, it remains only

to go back to the basics, belief and expectation. To enhance desire, we utilize

expectation. To have a positive expectation for something, to expect things of great

benefit, to expect good things to happen, is to enhance that desire. When you expect

the food to taste bad, when you expect the person to do harmful things, when you

expect the vacation to produce negative results when you expect the move to have

harmful results, then you lose the desire for these things and boredom sets in.


To enhance desire we simply need to bring in a positive expectation. We view

the person, the food, the trip, the event from our positive vantage point, through the

magic of expectation.

You find a relaxed position, reach the meditative state, go to the alpha level,

and sense the person, the food, the event with a positive viewpoint. See yourself

enjoying. See only the positive aspects of it, and you change the negative

expectations to positive ones, thereby instilling the seed of desire for whatever it is

you are projecting.

And so desire grows. As you program for the various things that you want to

instill an appetite for, you find those appetites increasing daily. And suddenly the

world becomes a better place.

To begin the enhancement of appetite it remains only pick a particular thing

you wish to direct that appetite to, whether it be food, a person, a vacation, or work.

Yes, you can develop an appetite, a strong desire, for work.

A correct attitude is vitally important to instill a healthy appetite for

anything. Attitude is the manner in which you see things. By seeing those events,

those things, those people from a positive type of viewpoint, the appetite grows.

See only the positive nature of whatever it is you are directing your appetite

to. If it is a vacation, see only the enjoyment of the vacation. Anytime you think of

the vacation, see its benefits. If a negative does creep in and you begin to think of

something bad happening, stop the thought for a moment, write a big red NO over

it, thereby dissipating that energy, and turn the thought again to the positive aspects

of that vacation. Soon you will see how all of the concepts work and intertwine with

one another.

Basically, control of one’s life is simply setting a positive viewpoint for things.

See the benefits of events, of people, and soon your desire grows for those things.

Whatever it is that you wish to direct that desire on, or to, see that thing from

a positive viewpoint. Do not look for what is wrong with things or with people. Begin


to look for what is right with them. And soon you will find all those things that are

good, that are of benefit, that are positive.

Start tomorrow morning by developing that viewpoint. Tomorrow morning,

see everyone from a positive viewpoint. Tomorrow morning see only the good in

everyone Tomorrow morning imagine that everyone you come in contact with is a

good and close friend. Do that for the entire morning.

This evening reflect on your morning. You might decide to use that viewpoint

again. You may even decide to see everyone from a positive viewpoint for an entire

day. After that? The decision is, of course, yours.

Developing that aspect of your life that we call beliefs or viewpoints and

directing those beliefs toward the ultimate realization that everything in life is what

.you make of it, then true mind control comes about. You are in control of your

mind. When you control your mind, you control all. Things are. They become only

when your senses modify, qualify, and change them.

Fire is. It becomes good or bad as you believe it is affecting you at the time

the judgment is made. If you see it burning your house, it becomes bad. If fire is

cooking your dinner or warming you, the fire is go od. Fire however, like all things

is neither good nor bad but simply is. It is your beliefs, your viewpoint, that make it

good or bad.

All things are; they become as they affect you at the time.

Life is.

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