section a theories

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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•Social disorganization (Shaw and McKay 1942) - the consequence of a community's inability to realize common values and to solve the problems of its residents, resulting in the breakdown of effective social control within that community. The theory claims that delinquency is not caused at the individual level, but is considered to be the normal response of normal individuals to abnormal social conditions. Steak makes the delinquent decision to kill one of the children - yet his common goal may be power or a way out of this dystopian City of God.

•Strain theory (Robert King Merton 1957) - Social structures within society that pressure individuals to commit crime. For example:

1.Steak is forced by the gang to kill, it ultimately is the environment and the fact that Lil’ Ze’ has now become the social structure (metaphorically) that causes this rational choice. The City of God is cursed with poverty and ruin. A sense of escapism is felt by Steak and those that want to be free from this politically unstable city. Alternatively, Steak’s fulfilled aspirations in spite of frustration or failure could also further catalyse these decisions for a misguided youth.

2.Toto is forced to betray Maria

3.Tsotsi and his gang rob the man on the train

Student work – Callum Dawson

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