see file no. - wakespace scholarship | zsr library rowland, who passed away a few years ago; shaw,...

Post on 30-Apr-2018






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File No.


/91:2- ~!1

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DATA: Photograph

SOURCE: Centennial Directory of Belmont First Baptist Church (286.175677/B41) \

Ht';:ion No. D-i\Iay 7-8-First Church, l'11nio:1.

1'P;:-ion No. 10-~fay 7-8-First Church, !'rim. ·)Llkl' vour plans nO\Y to attend the Con-·

rent ion in your Region!


Firman Cuthriell of Portsmouth, Va., has w·Ppted a call to Berea Church,' near Eliza­ loeth City. He was graduated in January from Bob Jones College, Greenville, S. C. Claude White, who has been at Campbell

('ollr;;e since January, 1947, as director of n-ligious work and a member of the faculty, 11118 resigned to become assistant pastor of Wrst Durham Church, of which B. E. 111orris i~ pastor. T. Pan! Deaton has resigned as pastor of

l'11rkton Church, Robeson Association, to be­ come full-time pastor of First Church, Hills­ l.oro,

Dr, Guy B. Funderburk has resigned as pastor at Oteen to accept the pastorate at 1>11khoro, Stanly Association. Dr. Funder­ hurk is president of the North Carolina Bap­ tist Pastors' Conference this year. Thonras l'i'. McKneely has concluded his

services as pastor of Cheek Heights Church, Durham, writes William L. Lynch, superm­ u-ndent of missions in Durham, and is avail: :1hlP for a pastorate. J\1r. J\IcKneely, a Texan J1Y hirth and a graduate of Hardin-Simmons ~;HI Southwestern Seminary, went to Cheek lfci;;hts straight from the Army Chaplaincy three years ago. Mr. Lynch writes that Mr. )ftKneely has done much for the church, and that he is now in the prime of his strength

• n11d ardor. Fred R. Poplin began his work with

fletcher Church, Carolina Association, Janu­ Jr.l' 1. He bad resigned as pastor of Horse )l10e Church, same association. Hc1·. Quinn l\Iorgan, graduate of Louisiana

;;,1ptist College and New Orleans Seminary, ' now pastor of the Watha field in Wil­ ccington Association, including the following ·trnrclles: Watha, Willard, Mt. Holly and '·!aple Hill. HcY. George White, formerly missionary

·" the Brunswick Association, on January 1 '"::in his work as pastor of the Atkinson ·: .. Irl, Wilmington Association. His churches m Atkinson, Shiloh and Moore's Creek.

He1·. Harry l\Ioore of Currie, N. C., is now ;.:1>tor of Long Creek, Ivanhoe, and Bear !:ranch in the Wilmington Association. He>. Arthur R. Glazier is now serving

T.1hcrnacle Church, Wilmington, as pastor. if" has served other chnrches in the Wil­ .. ini:ton Association. Hl'r. George Dowd, nntive of Alabama,

··~an his ministry of i\Iaftitt Villag-e Church, ;ilmington, February 1. He hn s been a isior in the Brunswick Association. l:r1·. 1Yooclro1T W. Hasty of Brooklyn, N. . l1;1s accepted a call to the Wallace Church, itrnington Association. A nn tivs of Jack- 11. X. C., and gradun te of 'Yake Forest ·lli·i:e. illr. Hasty hccame pnstor of a Brook­ .1 church after graduating from Crozer :ninar;r.

.\ true friend is like ·hr-the grC'ater the n. the closer it clings.-Ex.

Experience keeps a dear school, but fools ;1 Jearn in no other.-BENJAMIN FRANKUN.

· bruary 11, 1948

Dr. Pruette Meant Much to Mecklenburg I I By .WM. HARBISON 'VILLIAMS

THE BAPTISTS of Mecklenburg County have suffered a severe loss in the death

on December 6, 1947, of their spiritual fath­ ei-, Rev. L. R. Pruette. Brotller Pruette was !Jorn at Boiling

Springs, N. C., on October 2, 1859. He wus graduated from Wake .Forest College with the A.B. degree. and was ordained to the gospel ministry in 1887. For sixty years he was a faithful and efiicient minister of Christ. In 1888 he was married to Miss Di:>ra Dunn

Shaw, who through the years walked hy his side in love and sympathy. She was to him a constant source of. strength and inspira­ tion, and their devotion to each other was beautiful. To this union four children were born: Rowland, who passed away a few years ago; Shaw, Mrs. John D. Carroll, and Mrs. Harry P. Carter.


For the first two rears of his ministr,y he served churches in Hertford County: Har­ rells,-ille. Bethlehem, and Buckhorn. From 1889 to 1894 he was pastor of the First Bap­ tist Church of Mt. Airy, N. C., and in 1894 he came fo Charlotte. The city was then a comparath-elJ· small town, nncl there were onl:v two full-time Baptist preachers in rhe entire association. For the first two ~·ear;; of his residence here he was pastor of Olivet Church, n·hicll has since clissolvecl. In 1896 he organized nncl became pastor of Ninth A Yenue Baptist Church. He served here for thirty years, anc1 during this time the church grew to a membership of approximately a thousand. lrnd a large and attractive house of >1-ori;:hip. ancl ""1s a leader in denomina­ tional actil·ities. The si·o1-r of his g-reat usefulness cnnnot

he told in terms of the church which he served a~ pastor. for under his leaden•llip many of our larg-est churches 1Yere org-an­ ized. In 1026 he retired from tbe pastorate and fill<><I 110 oflicial po::;ition, but in these la::;t twenty-one yenrs of his ministry he did what was possibl.r the greatest work of his life. He supplied pulpits when the pastor was a way, he filled in the gap between pastorates,

be was a sane ancl valued adviser to churches which were having difficulties. When he came to the end · of his journey, he was thought of as pastor emeritus of every church in the association. The brethren of the State, realizing his

worth, conferred many honors upon him. He served as a Trustee of Wake Forest College, Vice-President of the State Convention, mem­ ber of the State Board of Missions, Trustee of Wingate College, and was many timea moderator of the Mecklenburg-Cabarrus As­ sociation.

He was a man of strong convictions, un­ disturbed by doubts; his life was spotlessl.r pure; no breath of scandal was ever con­ nected with his name; he was wise and sym­ pathetic in counsel. During the interim between the pastorate

of Dr. Clay I. Hudson and the present pae­ tor of Pritchard Memorial, he supplied the pulpit of the church, and so wise was his leadership that on l\Iarch 25, 1928, he was elected an "honorary member" of the church. On November 10, ·1929, he and Mrs. Pruette came into the membership of the church by letter. During the years he was one of her most useful members, attending the sernces whenever he was not preaching elsewhere,--

. intensely interested in every phase of the work, and absolutely loyal to the pastor. His funeral was conducted at Pritchard

Memorial by Ms pastor, assisted by Dr. A_ B. Wood and Dr. George Heaton. The. pas­ sage used was those words of Paul,' "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." The words were heavily marked in his Bible, and during his last illness he quoted them over and over again. The outline used was from a sermon which Brother Pruette preached sometime ago at the funeral ·of an aged friend. His life was victorious, and his influence will e,-er live in the hearts and minds of those who knew him.

"Sen-ant of God, well done! Thy glorious warfare's past;

The bn ttle's fought, the race is won, And thou art crowned at last."



\V.J\I.t:. Institute to be Held in Oharlotw

The \Y.M.U. of the l\Iecklenburg Baptist Association \Yill hold a l\Iission Study Insti­ tute Friclay, February 13, at 10 :00 a. m. in the Central Baptist Church. Charlotte, N. C. The facu]t~- is composed of l\Irs. John Cay­

lor of Atlanta, Ga .. and the follO\Ying teach­ ers from local Baptist churches in the asso­ ciation: Rev. Lucius EYans, l\Irs. A. V. Blank­ Pnship. i\Iri'. Edwnrd L. Worrell, l\Irs. l\I. K.

· M:olter.-J\IR,.. PuEsToN S. VANN, Missum St11dy Chairmcm. ,.

Jl:orTOR: Did you write this poem yoursel!? CoNrnrntJTOll: Yes, every line of it. PiDITOlt: 'l'lll'll rm g-l11d to llleC't you, Edgar

Alln n Poe. I 1 houg-ht you were dead long ngo.-J?.:r.


Plnh1 dres~el!<, f!Ults. coa.tA, regulnrly $5. TIO\V $4, rte. DetH.•rlhl"t ;\·our gnrn1ent, ifrnperles. slJp COl"ers; writ• fnr rletnilR todn;L

FOOTER'S, DYERS SINCE 1870 Baltimore 1, Maryland

. 'v jt



PRUETT, LEONARD ROWLAND, 409 East 7th St., Charlotte, N. C.--

Born, Boiling Springs, N. C.; W.F.C., B.A., 1887; Lie. Aug. 12,

'82, Boiling Springs Ch., N. C.; Ord. Mar. 25, '86, Wake Forest

Ch.; P. Harrellsville, Bethlehem, Buckhorn, '87-89; Mt. Airy,

'90-94; 2nd Ch., Charlotte, '94-97; 12th St. Ch., Charlotte, '97-99.


Page: 589

G. W. Lasher, Ed.

J. T. ALDERMAN, Chairman,

Henderson, N. C.

1Ristnriral Q!nmmissinu ~a:ptist ~tat~ <!!onu~ntion



Give (for the printer) your full name :r.e~o~tl J:~p.·;:.lil-nd---I-±"!lV~ r t-tB--------------------------------------

Date of birth-month, day, year Q_c.t.o.~ e..r 2.nct, .:-.t::.GI 1-ci..\ .. ~~--6~-------1.~H.1.. Your father's name ----------------------------------.3-01-.::n---?-::.~ltutt-e--------------------------------------------------------------------- Your mother's maiden name _susann-:;. ... ~~0l-la11t"!-------------------------------------------------------------

Where you were educated J~-~-~~:1:~---~'.E~~-~!?:::.~ __ r ~-~~-1-~---~-~t~Q_Ql.::'.'.'.R..'.~.e ~.o-~:-.cs_t _ Degrees received and the source g ... !'-oc-.---~::'.f.:,"!g:_.~---~--fl~-:e---r-G-r-e-s-t--.00l-le'3-e----\'-'i!:.\ _

Where and when ordained .... ~~~a_'_:.e ::o.r_e.s.t __ .. :.8 __ (; ·--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When and where you were married .Qc_t_ohe.r ... I.s:t.,,..:De_g_..,. _;_~a,-r.•-r-e-::l-ls-vi-'.f-3:e------=--------c---------- - , ' .... . . Give wife's maiden name in fulL :':':0..ra .. -=-:1211n :;:.~a:,:; ----------------------------------------------------------------- Give date of her birth-month, day; year !~-O:<J: .... .20:t~~1,.---I-D-7-2-..-----------------------------------------------

Her parents' names Car;i.t .•... and---~---P-&-.----F-.----±r•·---S-llfrn-0--------------------------------------------------------------- ( If a second marriage, give like information) ------------- -----.-·------------ _

Where have been your activities ? -~::a s.t 0F---a-t-- .c.o'-'0-- ~-~-----'-'--- -- -::l-e-t'--:t-G>' """"'~--''-'------"'----- ------------ --- - · ' ' - • ' - .. I.v .!.VJ!J' - • V • '

T<"lY>~'>el1"'---'.1le H (" ••.!. ··- T - , - ~ __ c,_ ---~--- ....... -- ,. ... e, •• ,. ••• ..,.,-------1.1-.-~,-±:i:,..~--,-----:-•·---·;·;.··;-··an-a:---e-na:r-Iutte-··r1:Y!:"·-·3-r---~,-ea·ii•s·;·------ Positions of honor and trust you have held-(Moderator, Trustee, Etc.) _

.... ode.:;.!a.t.o-::•---o.f---~-~ec-'-·-1-en;;u7•-~;.;:r~,.,-.,..---,--_;;--------r.i·.;;,-----·r··------;:;·--.-------:;------------------------------------------------- - -- - .: ,_,o.oar_us-~_,_usvee .a :e ~·'orest Co11e~e

.. and :..:.n:::a.tG--,::-::t.:nio:.,..--e·o·J:iT'-r~e--.------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-:-:: ... ~----------------- You are the author of-(Books, Monographs, Special Articles, Etc.)-------------------------------------------


Kindly give reference to any write-up, or other articles commendatory of your work which might

aid in the preparation of a personal sketch .... -----------------------------·------------------------------"------------------------------------

Give on back of this sheet any further information; nationality, remote ancestry, names of children, foreign travel, industrial engagements and other items of interest.

The information here sought is for use in the preparation of a Biographical Work of the North Carolina Baptist leaders. We hope no name will be omitted.

A personal sketch written by yourself or some friend will be greatly appreciated. Fill and send this blank now; the sketch may come later.

Mail to



------ ----- i

During Jt of Charlotte was the fat] fessions off

On July : ·}} She was 35 ·

The infa: early days, spring to pu which was l worked, a ti-

The com these days. members th church men for non-atte even for fail missed man' church roll.

In Augus Kings Mour Holland.

On Augu present grot the church, 12, 1912, in

The star) the location hid in the h the wooden the hollow t

It was not until August of 1899 that a committee was appointed to secure benches for the church, and the minutes show that they were paid for in April of 1901, with a balance of forty cents in the church treasury. A good many years ago these benches were sold to Maple Springs Church, a neigh- boring Negro church, where they are still in use. ·


L R. Pruitt and Bun Brydges held first revival meeting at Poplar Springs Church in 1899.


of just such experiences; ( 3) in every such case God has had his man or a small group of men whom he has used to thrust back the darkness and usher in the better <lay; ( 4) if such a man or such a group do not rise now or at least following this situation it will be the first time that such has been the case. Will God fail his people? To faith such a thing is inconceivable.

Look at a few examples. It was a dark day on the earth when the flood came (Gen. 6 :1-6); but it was following this crisis that the rainbow appeared and became the sign of God's perpetual and unfailing presence with his people (Gen. 9 :13); it was a try­ ing day in Israel when it was said that the word of the Lord was "precious," or scarce, in those days; there was no prophet in Israel, but it· was at this time that Hannah prayed and Samuel came. .And it was Samuel who anointed David and started him on his glorious career; the Babylonian exile was one of the most painful and humiliating experiences that God's people ever had to meet (Psalm 137 :1-4), but it was at this time that Ezekiel had his great vision of the appearance of the glory of God (Ezek. 8 :4-16), it was at this time also that Jeremiah appeared and gave to his people that spiritual concept of life which reminds one of the spirituality of the gospel of John (Jeremiah 31 :31-34); it was from this same bitter experience also that those glorious chapters in Isaiah came which shine like beacon lights leading on to the full sunlight of that day when it was said "the people which sat in the darkness saw great light" (Matt. 4:16); we have seen how Paul and John de­ scribed the situation that confronted their generation. But, in spite of this, it was in that day that "the Word became flesh" and dwelt among men, and they "beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth" (John 1 : 14). Probably no period in all the annals of the past has been more like the time in which we live than was that of the fourth and fifth centuries of the Christian era when the Roman Empire was falling to pieces under the impact of the barbarians, but it was at this time that God raised up .Augustine of Hippo. This is the man who looked out from the crumbling world about him and pointed men to a "City" which "'hath foundations, whose maker and builder is God."

The time would fail me to tell of John Wycliffe and the Lollards, of John Hus and his Moravian followers, of Arnold of Brescia, of Francis of As­ sissi, of Peter Waldo, of Martin Luther, of John Knox, of Roger Williams, of the Wesleys and a host of others. Certainly it may be said that God has sent a prophet or a group of prophets to bring to his people a new vision of himself, his grace, his mercy, his love, his help and blessing. In closing the state­ ment from Dr . .Allen quoted at the beginning of this paper this statement was made: There is something, yes, some one behind those forces and stronger than

September 29, 1943 •



them all. That is what men want to be sure of. The man or the group who can make this some one to be­ come a conscious, a vital and a controlling reality in the hearts and lives of the people of this generation will perform for them the service and the only service that can cure our ills and make us to live together in harmony, in fellowship, in mutual helpfulness. Will such a prophet or such a prophetic group be forthcoming? God has always sent such a man or such a group in every great crisis in the past. Surely he will not fail us now! Who will hear the call of God and say with Isaiah "Here am I; send me j" (Isa. 6 :8).

Dr. L. R. Pruette By C. R. Austin

IN THE 37TH PS.ALM, one of the most beauti­ ful epics in all sacred literature, the Psalmist gives us a vivid picture of how God cares for his

own, when he wrote: "Trust in the Lord, -and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed. . . . Delight thyself also in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart," and then David gives this added assurance: "I have been young and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread." In this beautiful lyric the Psalmist gives us a

prototype of one of the best loved citizens, one ·of the most saintly men and one of the most consecrated Christians and preachers North Carolina has ever produced, Rev. Leonard Rowland Pruette, who will, on October 2, celebrate his 83rd birthday anniversary. The Prichard Memorial Church of Charlotte, which is honored in having Brother Pruette as a member, celebrates this event with him each year in a most beautiful and substantial way.

Seventeen years ago, upon the advice of his phy­ sician, :Jfr. Pruette resigned from a happy pastorate of thirty-two years with the Ninth .Avenue Church of Charlotte, a pastorate in which he did perhaps the greatest work of his life. In addition to being a good pastor and preacher, Mr. Pruette was also human; and when he came to the parting of the ways, he had some misgivings as to his means of living, and ex­ pressed as much to the writer, and then an instant later added: "I am going to trust it all to the Lord; he has never failed me yet, and he will not fail me now." And God has not failed him. In a conver­ sation a few years later he referred again to this in­ cident and said that his resignation was of divine direction. "I have had my health restored; the Lord has provided and cared for me in a great way, and he has opened avenues of service to me that I never dreamed of," he said. :M:r. Pruette has not had a pastorate during all these 17 years, and yet he has


been as busy as the average pastor, preaching almost every Sunday and serving in various capacities through the week. Some will say that the days of miracles are past, but we can see miracles every day if we only have eyes to see them.


Leonard Rowland Pruette was born, October 2, 1860, at Boiling Springs, Cleveland County, the son of Susan Holland and John Pruette. His father was a well-to-do and thrifty farmer of that section, and on his mother's side he was a descendant of the Hamrick and Gold clans, two of the prominent fam­ ilies of Cleveland County. Mr. Pruette attended such "old field schools" as were available in that tragic period in Southern history known as "Recon­ struction Days." Later he entered Boiling Springs Academy, which was the forerunner of the present Gardner-Webb Junior College. Completing the course at that institution, he taught school for two years at Grover, and while there continued his studies under the tutelage of Rev. G. P. Hamrick.

Mr. Pruette joined the Boiling Springs Baptist Church at the age of sixteen, and at twenty-one years of age he felt and heeded the call to preach the gos­ pel. In the fall of 1882 he entered Wake Forest Col­ lege and graduated from that institution five years later. Going to Wake Forest, he removed his church membership from the Boiling Springs Church to the church at Wake Forest, and he was ordained to the ministry in the latter church.

His first pastorate was with a group of rural churches in Hertford County, where he remained for two years. It was during this pastorate that he mar­ ried Miss Dora Dunn Shaw, and to this union were born four children. He went from this pastorate to that of the First Church of Mt. Airy and remained there four and a half years. It was while at Mt. Airy that he received a call to the pastorate of the First Baptist Church of Parson, Kansas, and also a call to the Olivet Church of Charlotte. His love for his native State caused him to accept the Charlotte call.


He remained with the Olivet Church 18 months, resigning that charge to accept the post of city mis­ sionary under the auspices of the State Mission Board and the First Baptist Church of Charlotte. In this capacity Mr. Pruette did a monumental work, laying the foundation deep and strong for the phenomenal growth made by the denomination through the years, the Baptists leading any other communions in num­ bers in the city, going from 350 members in 1889 to over 10,000 in 1943.

In his work as city missionary, Mr. Pruette estab­ lished mission stations in outlying sections of the city, many of which later became strong churches. The Ninth Avenue Church was the outgrowth of such


a mission on Twelfth Street. When this church was organized, Mr. Pruette was called as its first pastor, and he served in that capacity for over 32 years, re­ signing in 1926 on account of failing health. In addition to being a good pastor, he has also been noted as an evangelist, and there is hardly a town of any consequence in North Carolina in which he has not visited. He has held 252 revival meetings, and there have been added to the church under the influence of his preaching 5,842 members. Since coming to Charlotte he has received over 30 calls to pastorates of churches outside the city.

Mr. Pruette has his home at 1311 Pecan Avenue, Charlotte, where his friends delight to visit and talk with him, for he is an interesting conversationalist.

Other Hands Than Mine By Lt. James Whittaker

FOR ME, our terrible 21 days on the Pacific rep­ resent the greatest adventure a man can have: finding his God.

Before that adventure I was an agnostic; an athe­ ist, if you will. But there can be no atheists in rubber rafts, any more than in the foxholes of Bataan.

When our Flying Fortress ran out of gas and we prepared for a crash landing on the sea, Second Lieu­ tenant John J. DeAngelis, our navigator, said, "Do you fellows mind if I pray?" I recall feeling irri­ tation, then .... How ashamed I was to remember that thought in the days to come!

On our second day in the rubber rafts I saw Pri­ vate John F. Bartek, the :flight engineer, reading his Testament. None of us kidded him. Maybe we had a premonition of just how much that little pocket Book was to mean to us all.

On the fourth day Bartek again got out his Testa­ ment. Our three rafts were connected by long ropes, and we pulled them together for a prayer meeting. We said the Lord's Prayer, and Colonel Adamson read from Bartek's Bible. My feeling was that it wouldn't do any good but it wouldn't do any harm either. Captain William T. Cherry, Jr., pilot of our plane, then read a text: "Therefore take ye no thought, saying: What shall we eat? or What shall we drink?" I would believe that, I said to myself skeptically, when I saw the food and drink!

By the sixth day it was obvious that we were out of the lanes of patrol planes and ships and might never be found. We were getting weak from hunger. That evening I joined passively in the prayers. We all prayed for food. Then Cherry, who always ad­ dressed the Lord as "Old Master," said, "Old Mas­ ter, we are in an awful fix, as You know. We sure are counting on a little something by day after to-



Supply pastor, Charlotte, N. C.; born, Oct. 1, 1860, Boiling

Springs, N. C.; son of Susan Holland and John Pruette; A.B.,

Wake Forest Col.; ordained May, 1887; married Dora Dunn Shaw,

Oct. 1, 1888, daughter of Norman Leslie and Mary Olivia

McDade Shaw; children, Rowland S., Shaw McDade, Mary Olivia,

Dora Eugenia; pastor, Harrellsville, N. C., Bethlehem, N. C. and

Buckhorn, N. C., 1887-89; First Ch., Mt. Airy, N. C. 1889-94;

Olivet Ch., Charlotte, N. C., 1894-96; Ninth Ave., Charlotte,

N. c., 1896-1926; trustee, Wake Forest Col.; Mis. Bd., N. C.;

trustee, Wingate Jr. Col.; Vice Pres., Bapt. State Conv.;

Mod., Mecklenburg and Cabarrus Assns.; Chmn., Exec. Com.,

Mecklenburg and Cabarrus Assn. Address: 1311 Pecan Ave.,

Charlotte, N. c.


By: John S. Ramond



To Whom This Volume of the ANNUAL is Dedicated Jointly with William Dowd Poe

by Order of the Convention

Born a.t Boiling Springs, North Carol'na. October 2, 1859; Graduated Wake Forest College with A.B. Degree and ordained to ministry in 1887. The first two years of his ministry were with the Ha l lsvTle. Be thl=he m and Buck­ horn Ban t ist churches in Hertford County. F'rorn 1889 to 1894 he served as pastor First Baptist Church, Mount Airy. Coming to Charlotte in 1894, he was pastor of Olivet Church. In 1896 he organized and became pastor of the Ninth Avenue Baptist Church. where he served for 30 years. In 1926 he retired from the active ministry but fer twenty-one years thereafter he was active in the work of the ministry as supply pastor. adviser and promoter of many Christian achievements.

In 1888 he married Dora Dunn Shaw. Their children being Rowland Shaw, Mrs. John D Carroll and Mrs. Harry P. Carter.

At times he served as Vice President of the Convention. Trustee of Wake Forest and Wingate Junior College, Member General Board and many times Moderator of the Mecklenburg-Cabarrus Association. His death on December 6, 1947, closed a remarkably successful Ministry of

sixty years.

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Rii] TO co J.; oiling Springs Cleveland Co. N .C. RO TD co R D TO co R D TO co

STATE N.C. -------


Please read carefully the Instruction Sheet and then list the appropriate information as it directs.

1. NAME Pruette.__,,,..--- L_e_o_na_r_d~~---- P_lO_w~l=a_n_d~-------- (Last) (First) (Second)

Give full names. For a married woman please put maiden name in parentheses. [EXAMPLE: Cole, Mary Ann (Smith).]

Cleveland Co. North Carolina 2. BIRTH Boiling Snrin~s ( lace) (County) (State)

2 Oct. 1859


3. P ARENTS--...i-u!!-U--J~~~,,,;;a~n~d'-7S,,,._u,,.,s~a"""n~Ho~l==l"-"a~n~d"'--'P~· ru;..=e~t--"'t.:::.e~~~---------­ PLE: Alec Joe Doaks and Lucy Mae (Brown) Doaks]


6 Dec. 1947

Father's occupation _F_a_r_m_e_r Mother's occupation _H_o_u_s_e_w_i·_r_e _

4. BROTHERS (5 List full names and year of birth _G_. B ___L

(Living or deceased) Number b. d.2~ Mr .19~4; _J_®i~. _e_s __,_• _J_o_h_n _ Gold Griffin, b. 1852-d, 20 Dec. 1926; R9ylfilld Shaw, b. 16 Aug. 1889,, d~ 13 Apr. 1942.

5. SI::;TEHS ( 1 ) List rull names and year of birth (Living or deceased) Number Eugenia (Pruette) Pamrick

6. CHILDHOOD RESIDENCE: (Please list each residence of 3 years duration or more, up to the time of the 18th birthday)

Type of Community Post Office County State Dates Rural (R); town under 2500 pop. (T); city 2500 or more pop. (C). Check one.

7. EDUCATION: Grammar school: Graduate? Yes (x ) No ( High school: Graduate? Yes (x ) No (

) Year graduated _ ) Year graduated __,_ __

School attended:Lovel ace Sc1W'rulet011se, Pail i ng(~Ir'c~? ngs, N. C. (State) (Whether graduate or not; if more than one was attended, show the last one.)

College: Years attended: None ( ) One ( ) 2-3 ( Graduate (x ) Whether graduated or not, list college(s) attended: (EXAMPLE: 1935-'38)

Boiling Springs Academy Boiling Springs, N.C. (Name) (Place) -(S~ta~te~) - (Years attended) (Degree)

'.ake Forest College 'ake .? crest N. C. 1882- 187 AB, 1887 (Name) (Place) (State) (Years attended) (Degree)

Graduate-level: List college(s), seminary(ies), etc. attended; earned degrees (Name) (Place) (State) (Years attended) (Degree)

8. SPECIAL AWARDS OR RECOGNITION RECEIVED: (Honorary degrees, such as: D.D., Howard College, 1948; citations, such as: Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, 1939; honorary positions, such as: "Man of the Year"-Pryor, Okla., 1943; etc.)

9. MARITAL INFORMATION: Spouse Birthdate Place of Marriage Date of

of Spouse (Town and State) Marriage

(1) Dora Dunn Shaw 2g N 1871 Har-r el J svi 11 e 1 Oct 1887 (2)

Number of children ( 5 ). List their full names and birthdates: (an example of a married daughter would be: Mrs. John Alan (Mary Lou) Ross, 3-7-1918)

Rowland Shaw Pruette 1·rillis Glenn Pruette

Mrs • Harry .Lee Dora Jean) Cp.rter . 10. VOCATIONAL HISTORY (List all vocations, occupations, trades, or professions engaged in for two or more years) T~ught school ih Grover N.C. '-------'-----'--;:__:__ _

11. RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE: Conversion Baptism ------ ----~~~---

(Date) (Age) (Date) (Church) (Location of Church)

List any church, other than Baptist, with which formerly affiliated Ordained as: Minister ( x) Deacon ( Other _ 14 Mr 1887 boiling Springs Ch. Boiling Springs, . ", North Carolina (Date ordamed) (Church) (Place) (State)

12. LOCAL CHURCH ACTIVITY, UNSALARIED (Place the number of years service, in the space provided, for each office ever held.)

Gen. Supt., Dept. Supt., Teacher, List below other Other Offices Director, Director, Counselor, offices or service, (give number of years service) President Circle Chm. Sponsor, such as: Sec.,

Leader Assoc. Supt., etc. Deacon Ch. Treas. - - Trustee - Ch. Library -

Usher - Ch. Recreation __ S.S. Ch. Clerk - Choir Mem. -

Other - Choir Direc. - T.U. Ch. Committee Chm.LL.

V.B.S. List completed Study Course diplomas (Indicate related organizations, such as: S.S., T.U., etc.)



13. DENOMINATIONAL SERVICE, UNSALARIED. (Please list positions held in Baptist associations, conventions (state or Southern), national and world-wide organizations, such as; moderator, president, clerk, trustee, board, commission or committee members; etc.) Example: S.S. Superintendent

(Position) Bethel Association Kentucky


N. C.



~us tee. T.fake .i< crest College, ----~ __ h_· n.,..,ga~t_e N_._C_. _


(Organization, board, agency, etc.)

Mecklenb~g-Cabarrus Assoc. ------


Trustee N.C. Baptist State Convention Mission Board. Vice President N.C. Baptist State Convention.

(Position) (Place of Service) (Date of Service)

14. TO BE FILLED OUT ONLY BY THOSE WHO ARE, OR HA VE BEEN, IN SAL­ ARIED CHURCH-RELATED VOCATIONS. (Including pastors, denominational work­ ers, missionaries, ministers of education and music, church secretaries, faculty members or employees of Baptist institutions, agencies, etc.) TYPE AND LENGTH OF SERVICE: List all positions of such service with one or more years of duration; check F (full-time) or P (part-time). Examples:

(Position) (Church, agency, area, institution, place of service) (Date of service)

F D p [!] 1. pastor County Line Baptist Church, Turkey Creek, La. 1925-1929 F [!] PD 2. missionary Ogbomosho, Nigeria, W. Africa 1930-1952

F J Pw 1 • Pastor Bethlehem, Hertford Co., N.C. 1887-1889

F r-i p~ 2. Pastor Buckhorn, Hertford Co., N.C. 1887-1889 r:.......

p~ 3. Pastor Harrellsville, Hertford c N.C. 1887-1889 F D o.,

F GJ PD i: Pastor Mount Airy First, Surry cs., N.C. 1890-1894 F £] PD 2. Pastor Olivet, Charlotte, N. C., Mecklenburg Co, (E) 1894-1896 F Li] PD 6. Pastor 12th St,: 9tL Ave.(Midwood, Charlotte, N,C,)1896-1926

x Pastor Boiling· 5prings, Cleveland Co. , N. C. l900---- Over 15. OTHER TYPES OF RELIGIOUS SERVICE: (In associations, assemblies, colleges, con-

ventions (state or Southern), national or world-wide meetings, such as: speaker, music director, committee chairman, etc.)

Organized 16 churches and many Sunday Schools in and aroung Charlotte, N.C. among them: Pritchard Me--orial, Allen Street, North Charlotte, Durham Memorial, Enderly Park - all in Charlotte - and many more.

16. AUTHORSHIP (Include books, booklets, lesson courses or curriculum material, and tracts) (Book, item, etc.) (Publisher) (Date published)

17. CLUB OR GROUP MEMBERSHIP: (Service organizations, fraternal, P.T.A., Civic, etc.) List important positions of leadership held


19. PUBLIC SERVICE: (Military, educational, political, etc. not previously listed) _

The information for items #1-19 has been filled in by Mrs. John David Carroll(daughter), Mailing address 2836 Hillsdale Ave., Charlotte; John R. ':oodard, Jr., H.F.C.;

Sources used in compiling the information are: (Example: personal knowledge; minutes, Cal­ vary Baptist Church, Wisner, La.; Court Records, Copiah County, Miss.; etc.)

Personal knowledge(Mrs. J.D. Carroll): diaries of L.R. Pruette; sketch of Dr. Pruette in Biblical Recorder, 11 F 1948, 13; History of Midwood Baptist Ch. by R.L. Young;

1926-1929 1927-1928 11~- 1931 1931 1932 1933 1934 1934 1934 1936-37 1938 1939 1941 1942

20. DESCRIPTIVE CHARACTERIZATION (Please read special instruction sheet care­ fully and sample biographies before proceeding.)

Name of person writing the above characterization ------------------------

x-Pastor. (S)Pastor. (S )Pastor. (S)Pastor. (S)Pastor. (S)Pastor. (S)Pastor. (S)PA§tor. (S)Pastor. (S) Pastor. (S)Pastor. (S)Pastor. (S)Pastor. (S)Pastor.

· (S) Pastor.

Matthews, Matthews, N.C., Mecklenburr Col, N.C. Pritchard Mem. (Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co. , N. C.) Belmont First Calvary, Morganton, N.C. Centerview, Kannapolis, N.C.(6 months) Hickory, N.C. First, (4 months) Gaffney, S.C. First(3 months) Thrift and Southside(Charlotte), (3 months) ilurham Memorial(Ch~rlotte) (3 months) Belmont: months) Albemarle, N.C. First, (five t months) Durham Memorial, Charlotte, NC.(2 months) Thrift Baptist Church,(2 months) Ninth Avenue(now Midw-ood), Charlotte, N .C. (4 months) Enderly Park, Charlotte, N.C.(2 months)

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