selling a million dollars worth of pearl waterless car wash products

Post on 29-Jul-2015






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Pearl Waterless Car Wash products are imported by importers, entrepreneurs, salesmen and even other detailers from around the world. Many of them use Selling Techniques that are Proven to be Effective in different climates and cultures. Who would have ever imagined that there are selling techniques just for waterless car wash & detailing products?

Which ones have proven to be effective? Everything depends on the amount of effort and skill exerted in making the sale. The best way to make the retail sale is to let the products sell themselves. You demonstrate the products, say little and allow the customer to test it out themselves. Pearl products work so well, that they will do all of the selling. All you have to do it show people the products. That’s it!

Challenge the status quo. Be Different!Many salespeople see the selling process as linear. For them, there is a beginning and there is an end. When the end comes, the prospect will decide whether they will be working with you or with your competitor. In reality, the decision isn’t about two end points. There are always other options. According to studies, a large percentage of prospects remain undecided, rather than choosing between two competitors. Therefore, it is only by challenging the status quo that you secure the sale. Be different.

Know your value and the problems you can solve.Show interest in the customer. You need to know what you can provide your customer and what you can offer to them. Ask them about the problem they are trying to solve. People buy products that solve a problem. Position the Pearl products as the solution to their problem. Dirty car? No problem. Pearl products can clean it. Little time to clean your car? No problem. Clean your car with Pearl products in 10-15 minutes, almost anywhere/ anytime/ in the sun or shade/ wet or dry. The point is the have a solution to any kind of resistance that they may toss at you.

Tell stories about how others use the products.Word of mouth is something that attracts more visitors and customers. Thus, you have to tell something about your company in a way that would sound interesting to your prospects. If you want your customers to have a positive perspective about you, you have to tell them about your humble beginnings up to the time you made it big in the industry. There should be contrast in the stories that you will be sharing them. If you tell stories, do not be shy to add some emotions. Basically, tell them about the Pearl customers, examples of how they have built their business and their successes. People want to do what others are already doing.

Make the customers feel important.Each person has his own story. As a business, you have a story of your own. As the owner, you need to guide them. You need to help them adapt and survive in this challenging world. Offer to help them with their business. It could be a conference call or a Skype video or writing a letter.Use props.

There are countless ways to tell a story. The others are proven effective while the rest are overused. It would be used to use physical props so that customers will have an idea on what to expect. Through this, you can get their attention and relate things easily in real life situations.

These props can really be useful because you can always continue selling even if you have already left them. For instance, any item with the Pearl logo on it would be an excellent prop. Marketing materials, vinyl banners, A-frame signs and business cards are also very good tools to use for this. Show off your business.

Selling is about people. People do business with other people they know and like. Be likable. Show the products with pride and confidence. Pearl products perform like no other product on the market. Let the product do the work! Demonstrate it to anyone and everyone. You will sell a million dollars worth.

Please let us know if you are up to the Pearl Million Dollar Challenge.

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