semester at sea, spring2020 - kahal · feb 19-24 penang, malaysia feb 29 - mar 5 cochin, india...

Post on 26-Sep-2020






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@kahalabroad /kahalabroad

Semester at Sea, Spring 2020


@kahalabroad /kahalabroad /




Temple Emanu-El: Temple Emanu-El is a spiritual, cultural and social center of Jewish life for those who live on or visit the island of Oahu. It is Hawaii's largest and only affiliated Union of Reform Judaism (URJ) Jewish congregation.

Chabad of Hawaii: An Orthodox organization that welcomes Jews of all backgrounds and caters specifically to students and travelers. They hold Friday night, Saturday morning and Holiday services, and have free meals for students. It’s an open and welcoming environment, and they organize Jewish learning opportunities as well.

Congregation Sof Ma'arav (Conservative): Established in 1971, Congregation Sof Ma’arav

is a supportive, caring and egalitarian havurah for its members in Hawaii, and a spiritual oasis for our visitors from around the world.


Chabad of Kobe: An Orthodox organization that welcomes Jews of all backgrounds and caters specifically to students and travelers. They hold Friday night, Saturday morning and Holiday services, and have free meals for students. It’s an open and welcoming environment, and they organize Jewish learning opportunities as well.


Chabad of Pudong: An Orthodox organization that welcomes Jews of all backgrounds and caters specifically to students and travelers. They hold Friday night, Saturday morning and Holiday services, and have free meals for students. It’s an open and

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Chabad of Ho Chi Minh City: An Orthodox organization that welcomes Jews of all backgrounds and caters specifically to students and travelers. They hold Friday night, Saturday morning and Holiday services, and have free meals for students. It’s an open and welcoming environment, and they organize Jewish learning opportunities as well.

Ho Chi Minh Progressive Community: There is a small Progressive (Reform) community that gets together for occasional Friday night Shabbat services and dinners. The community also holds services and communal meals for Holidays and loves welcoming international students!



Historic Jew Town & Kadavumbagam Synagogue: Jew Town is one of Cochins biggest attractions and is easily explored on foot. There is an old synagogue that’s easy to find and open to visitors. The Jewish community has about 10-20 remaining members. Connect with KAHAL to get in touch with the synagogue’s caretaker, who is one of the few remaining Jews in Cochin. Note that the synagogue is no longer active and it is now a tourist attraction.



Chabad at UCT: An Orthodox organization that welcomes Jews of all backgrounds and caters specifically to students and travelers. They hold Friday night, Saturday morning and Holiday services, and have free meals for students. It’s an open and welcoming environment, and they organize Jewish learning opportunities as well. They are based right on the University of Cape Town campus, so it’s a great place to meet local and study abroad students.

Connections to Other Study Abroad Students: Cape Town attracts Jewish study abroad students from all over the world. Take advantage of KAHAL’s network and meet up with other students who are spending the semester there.

Home Hospitality: There are many families that love hosting study abroad students in their home for Shabbat and Holiday meals. Contact KAHAL staff to be set up with a local family.

Moishe House Cape Town: A group of young adults that live together in an apartment and put on several events a month (Jewish and non-Jewish events for local young Jews). Events include falafel nights, yoga, Shabbat dinners, study hours, paintball, and more. Orthodox/Traditional Synagogues: Cape Town has several Orthodox/ Traditional synagogues that

welcoming environment, and they organize Jewish learning opportunities as well.

Connections to Other Study Abroad Students: Shanghai attracts Jewish study abroad students from all over the world. Take advantage of KAHAL’s network and meet up with other students who are spending the semester there.

Jewish Tours of Shanghai: Shanghai has long been the home of a thriving Jewish community and has a fascinating history that is not to be missed. Join world renowned tour guides for Jewish walking tours of Shanghai and learn about this unique Jewish story.

Kehilat Shanghai: A Progressive (Reform) community that holds weekly Friday night and Shabbat day services. The community also holds services and communal meals for Holidays, as well as frequent social, cultural, and tikkun olam events and activities. The community is made up of lots of American expats and loves welcoming international students.

Moishe House Shanghai: A group of young adults that live together in an apartment and put on several events a month (Jewish and non-Jewish events for local young Jews). Events include falafel nights, yoga, Shabbat dinners, study hours, paintball, and more. The residents in the Shanghai house are mostly American, and they attract students and young professionals from all over the world.

Young Professionals Network: Shanghai has a hub of Jewish young professionals who have come to China for business opportunities. The group gathers every few weeks to learn from seasoned professionals about their careers.

hold weekly Friday night and Shabbat day services. Depending on your interests, KAHAL can help find the best community for you.

Temple Israel: A Progressive (Reform) community that holds weekly Friday night and Shabbat day services. The community also holds services and communal meals for High Holidays, as well as frequent social, cultural, and tikkun olam events and activities. It is a warm and open community that loves welcoming international students.

South African Union of Jewish Students (SAUJS): A group of South African university students and young professionals who organize social and cultural events. They love having international students join in their events, which are a great way to meet local and other study abroad students.

“The holidays and Shabbats I spent with Jewish communities changed my entire perspective about Jewish identity and peoplehood... Immersing myself in Jewish communities across three continents made me realize that as a part of the Jewish people, I am part of something much bigger.”

Abby Seitz (SAS 2016, Columbia College)

@kahalabroad /kahalabroad /


Chabad of Ho Chi Minh City: An Orthodox organization that welcomes Jews of all backgrounds and caters specifically to students and travelers. They hold Friday night, Saturday morning and Holiday services, and have free meals for students. It’s an open and welcoming environment, and they organize Jewish learning opportunities as well.

Ho Chi Minh Progressive Community: There is a small Progressive (Reform) community that gets together for occasional Friday night Shabbat services and dinners. The community also holds services and communal meals for Holidays and loves welcoming international students!



Historic Jew Town & Kadavumbagam Synagogue: Jew Town is one of Cochins biggest attractions and is easily explored on foot. There is an old synagogue that’s easy to find and open to visitors. The Jewish community has about 10-20 remaining members. Connect with KAHAL to get in touch with the synagogue’s caretaker, who is one of the few remaining Jews in Cochin. Note that the synagogue is no longer active and it is now a tourist attraction.



Chabad at UCT: An Orthodox organization that welcomes Jews of all backgrounds and caters specifically to students and travelers. They hold Friday night, Saturday morning and Holiday services, and have free meals for students. It’s an open and welcoming environment, and they organize Jewish learning opportunities as well. They are based right on the University of Cape Town campus, so it’s a great place to meet local and study abroad students.

Connections to Other Study Abroad Students: Cape Town attracts Jewish study abroad students from all over the world. Take advantage of KAHAL’s network and meet up with other students who are spending the semester there.

Home Hospitality: There are many families that love hosting study abroad students in their home for Shabbat and Holiday meals. Contact KAHAL staff to be set up with a local family.

Moishe House Cape Town: A group of young adults that live together in an apartment and put on several events a month (Jewish and non-Jewish events for local young Jews). Events include falafel nights, yoga, Shabbat dinners, study hours, paintball, and more. Orthodox/Traditional Synagogues: Cape Town has several Orthodox/ Traditional synagogues that

welcoming environment, and they organize Jewish learning opportunities as well.

Connections to Other Study Abroad Students: Shanghai attracts Jewish study abroad students from all over the world. Take advantage of KAHAL’s network and meet up with other students who are spending the semester there.

Jewish Tours of Shanghai: Shanghai has long been the home of a thriving Jewish community and has a fascinating history that is not to be missed. Join world renowned tour guides for Jewish walking tours of Shanghai and learn about this unique Jewish story.

Kehilat Shanghai: A Progressive (Reform) community that holds weekly Friday night and Shabbat day services. The community also holds services and communal meals for Holidays, as well as frequent social, cultural, and tikkun olam events and activities. The community is made up of lots of American expats and loves welcoming international students.

Moishe House Shanghai: A group of young adults that live together in an apartment and put on several events a month (Jewish and non-Jewish events for local young Jews). Events include falafel nights, yoga, Shabbat dinners, study hours, paintball, and more. The residents in the Shanghai house are mostly American, and they attract students and young professionals from all over the world.

Young Professionals Network: Shanghai has a hub of Jewish young professionals who have come to China for business opportunities. The group gathers every few weeks to learn from seasoned professionals about their careers.

hold weekly Friday night and Shabbat day services. Depending on your interests, KAHAL can help find the best community for you.

Temple Israel: A Progressive (Reform) community that holds weekly Friday night and Shabbat day services. The community also holds services and communal meals for High Holidays, as well as frequent social, cultural, and tikkun olam events and activities. It is a warm and open community that loves welcoming international students.

South African Union of Jewish Students (SAUJS): A group of South African university students and young professionals who organize social and cultural events. They love having international students join in their events, which are a great way to meet local and other study abroad students.

“Going to the Chabad in Ghana was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. We walked in and were welcomed with open arms. We spoke to people from America, France, Switzerland, Israel, Spain and many more. There were even 4 Ghanaian Jews which I did not expect at all. Hearing all of their stories and traditions was amazing and many of them offered to take us around the next couple of days and showed us a great time.”

Jessi Vishny (SAS 2018, University of Miami)

@semesteratsea /semesteratsea /


Take advantage of the unique opportunity to observe Purim in Cape Town, South Africa. KAHAL has contacts with the Cape Town Jewish community and can help get students set up for Megillah reading and festivities. Arrangements must be made in advance.



Chabad of Ghana: Previous SAS students said connecting with Chabad of Ghana was one of the highlights of the entire semester! Do not miss this unique opportunity to meet Jews from all over the world. Let KAHAL help you arrange transportation for the hour-long ride from Port of Tema to Chabad of Ghana in Accra. Chabad is an Orthodox organization that welcomes Jews of all backgrounds and caters specifically to students and travelers. They hold Friday night, Saturday morning and Holiday services, and have free meals for students. It’s an open and welcoming environment, and they organize Jewish learning opportunities as well.

Project TEN: The Jewish Agency’s Project TEN is an international development program that operates volunteer centers bringing together young Jewish adults from all over the world. The site in Winneba, Ghana is just over 2 hours from

“The Passover seder in Casablanca, was by far the coolest experience I had while abroad... It was an amazing experience that made me feel at home in such a far away land. I learned that I have family all over the world because I am Jewish, and it made me very proud of my resilient faith.”

Gabriel Kisber (SAS 2017, University of Missouri)

Port of Tema. Join the team for a day or two and learn about their work with educational, agricultural and health projects, ranging from basic literacy, youth empowerment, health education, to agricultural development. It’s four hours from Winneba to Takoradi, so consider meeting the ship at the next port!


Students will be at sea for both Passover seders. KAHAL will provide students with all of the materials necessary to arrange their own seder at sea. KAHAL can also set students up with host families in Morocco for different Passover experiences.


Home Hospitality: There are a few local families that love hosting study abroad students in their home for Shabbat and Holiday meals. Contact KAHAL staff to be set up with a local family.

Jewish Tour of Casablanca: The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) has an office in Casablanca and KAHAL can set you up with their in-house tour guide

Rafi if you want to get the lowdown on Morocco’s Jewish past, present and future.



Amsterdam Modern Orthodox Synagogue: This is a friendly modern orthodox congregation near the centre of Amsterdam. They hold weekly Shabbat services and regular holiday services.

Beit Ha’Chidush: This is a reform/ progressive community that is fully inclusive and egalitarian, welcoming people with a Jewish background (paternal or maternal) and regardless of gender and sexual orientation. Services take place at least three times per month for Shabbat and they also have a full holiday program.

Bendigamos: This is a new Jewish movement in Amsterdam keeping traditional Sephardic Portuguese traditions. They are an open and accessible community who provide many educational opportunities as well as services.

Chabad Amsterdam Kspace - Chabad on Campus: Rabbi Yanki Jacobs lived in New York for many years, but is originally from Amsterdam. He and his family host many local and international students weekly for Shabbat. Chabad is an Orthodox organization that welcomes Jews of all backgrounds and caters specifically to students and travelers. He lives by the South Amsterdam Train Station and loves welcoming students for Shabbat, holidays, social events and learning programs.

@kahalabroad /kahalabroad /


Take advantage of the unique opportunity to observe Purim in Cape Town, South Africa. KAHAL has contacts with the Cape Town Jewish community and can help get students set up for Megillah reading and festivities. Arrangements must be made in advance.



Chabad of Ghana: Previous SAS students said connecting with Chabad of Ghana was one of the highlights of the entire semester! Do not miss this unique opportunity to meet Jews from all over the world. Let KAHAL help you arrange transportation for the hour-long ride from Port of Tema to Chabad of Ghana in Accra. Chabad is an Orthodox organization that welcomes Jews of all backgrounds and caters specifically to students and travelers. They hold Friday night, Saturday morning and Holiday services, and have free meals for students. It’s an open and welcoming environment, and they organize Jewish learning opportunities as well.

Project TEN: The Jewish Agency’s Project TEN is an international development program that operates volunteer centers bringing together young Jewish adults from all over the world. The site in Winneba, Ghana is just over 2 hours from

Port of Tema. Join the team for a day or two and learn about their work with educational, agricultural and health projects, ranging from basic literacy, youth empowerment, health education, to agricultural development. It’s four hours from Winneba to Takoradi, so consider meeting the ship at the next port!


Students will be at sea for both Passover seders. KAHAL will provide students with all of the materials necessary to arrange their own seder at sea. KAHAL can also set students up with host families in Morocco for different Passover experiences.


Home Hospitality: There are a few local families that love hosting study abroad students in their home for Shabbat and Holiday meals. Contact KAHAL staff to be set up with a local family.

Jewish Tour of Casablanca: The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) has an office in Casablanca and KAHAL can set you up with their in-house tour guide

Rafi if you want to get the lowdown on Morocco’s Jewish past, present and future.



Amsterdam Modern Orthodox Synagogue: This is a friendly modern orthodox congregation near the centre of Amsterdam. They hold weekly Shabbat services and regular holiday services.

Beit Ha’Chidush: This is a reform/ progressive community that is fully inclusive and egalitarian, welcoming people with a Jewish background (paternal or maternal) and regardless of gender and sexual orientation. Services take place at least three times per month for Shabbat and they also have a full holiday program.

Bendigamos: This is a new Jewish movement in Amsterdam keeping traditional Sephardic Portuguese traditions. They are an open and accessible community who provide many educational opportunities as well as services.

Chabad Amsterdam Kspace - Chabad on Campus: Rabbi Yanki Jacobs lived in New York for many years, but is originally from Amsterdam. He and his family host many local and international students weekly for Shabbat. Chabad is an Orthodox organization that welcomes Jews of all backgrounds and caters specifically to students and travelers. He lives by the South Amsterdam Train Station and loves welcoming students for Shabbat, holidays, social events and learning programs.

JEWISH LIFE AT SEAKAHAL and Semester at Sea partner to provide

meaningful Jewish experiences for students while at port and at sea. KAHAL has a student liaison on board the ship who helps connect the Jewish students to each

other and to opportunities at port. KAHAL also provides Semester At Sea students with resources to lead Friday night and Saturday morning Shabbat services, holiday

services, and other programs. In addition, every Semester at Sea student can access up to $250 in funding through KAHAL’s micro-grant program to participate in Jewish excursions at port or to plan Jewish programs at sea.

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