sent email

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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COM&Events Responsible

COM&Events Responsible

You used to only send emails to your friends and your family .SENDING a formal email! This is not quite the same thing. Clarity, conciseness and accuracy are the key to successfully write a good formal email.To learn how to write this type of read on!

COM&Events Responsible

Your email address must be a variation of your real name and not a pseudonym or nickname. Use a dot, dash or underscore key (8) to create an email address that matches exactly your full name (in the order you want). Do not add a number or letter if possible.

Do not use an email address that would not work at all. Nobody will take you seriously if you meet with a personal email address like @

COM&Events Responsible

In the header "Subject" of your email, write a short and precise way. Do not say too much in the header of the message, but make sure the subject is clear to a person that you know little or nothing and it reflects the content of your email. If possible, include a keyword that facilitate storing the contents of the email. For example, "Meeting of November 2, 13" will be explicit enough that the email will not be confused with another, but it will not be too specific as to be confusing to the recipient. Example of a too detailed to avoid topic: "Planning, guest list, requests for lunch and a summary." COM&Events Responsible

It is best to address the recipient by name. Use the title of the person (Mr., Mrs., Miss, Doctor, Teacher, etc..) And its name followed by a comma. You can precede the title with "Dear" or "Dear" as the person to whom you are talking and the subject of your email. "Hello Mr. or Mrs. X" is also acceptablea in an email. Do not you send directly to the recipient by his first name but his last name.

Several expressions are allowed, and of course depend on your familiarity with the interlocutor, and the history of your matches. ? Greetings- Informal greeting: "Hello Susu" or "Hi souma" - Formal Salutation: Dear soumaya (neutral), Dear Mr. soumaya introductory phrases and message body?

COM&Events Responsible

Writing a formal mail to some one for the first time it is actually necessary to introduce yourself and even mention how you got their contact, even if you signature said it all .Also explain briefly why you are writing this email and how you found your email address. For example:"I 'm SOUMAYA EL Kamel . I found your email address on the formal group AIESEC OF TUNISIA . “

COM&Events Responsible

The introductory sentence should give a clear indication of the purpose of the e-mail, in line with the object. It is not necessary to present at the beginning of this long, since the signing gives precise information about your identity. Some of the following sentences can also be used in the message body: Handshake

COM&Events Responsible

Make sure you go to the facts. If your message is not going straight to the point and he is confused, the reader will risk to do the fly without paying attention to important details. To make your email more clear , consistent and easy to read , try to organize paragraphs that each correspond to a different theme.Your email should not exceed five paragraphs and each paragraph should contain no more than 5 sentences .Skip a line between paragraphs . It is however not necessary to make paragraphs. They might anyway be deleted automatically when transferring email.Make sure you avoid slang . You must use a relatively strong language

COM&Events Responsible

This will depend on your level of intimacy with the recipient. For example, you can write:‘’Sincerely’’

If you have a professional title (manager, responsible, etc..), Specify it in your name and add the name and / or the website of the company you work for. If your email is professional, do not include the address of your website if it is related to your career and if not treated your hobbies or your interests.COM&Events Responsible

Make sure you have not missed any important information and you did not repeat. It will be very helpful to read your email.

If your email provider does not offer a program to check the spelling and grammar of your email, copy and paste your message in a word processing software and do a self-check then copy it and paste it back it in your email once it is fixed. However not rely 100% on automatic correction because they make mistakes!

The introductory sentence should give a clear indication of the purpose of the e-mail, in line with the object. It is not necessary to present at the beginning of this long, since the signing gives precise information about your identity. Some of the following sentences can also be used in the message body.

COM&Events Responsible


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