
Post on 09-May-2015






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Basic Definitions in SEO:


Search Engine:

                          Search engine optimization (or search engine marketing) is the process of increasing the amount of visitors to a web site by ranking high in the search results of a search engine.


SEO Search Engine Optimizer:

                                                     It refers to an individual or an organization that undertakes the process of Search Engine Optimization.


Inbound links:

                         Links from sites other than your own that point towards your website are called inbound links


Outbound links:

                          Outbound links are links from your web page to another web page. Outbound

Links are also called as External links.


Internal links:

                        The internal links should be a list of the main sections of the entry, and each item in the list should be a link to that section.


Internal link structure:

                           Internal linking structure, also known as website navigation, is an essential factor for a website to attract search engine spiders and more customers.


Link Popularity:

                          Link popularity is defined by the quality and quantity of inbound and outbound links of your web page.



                 The degree to which the content on a web page that is returned in a list of search results (SERPS) "matches" the topic of the information that the user was searching for.



           A search engine results page, or SERP, is the listing of web pages returned by a search engine in response to a keyword query.


Content Relevancy:

                                 Content relevancy is the search engine’s measure of how well a particular Web page accurately matches a searching question.



          A search conducted in a Search Engine using a keyword or key phrase



                The position of a web page in the SERP, plus the number of results displayed prior to

it on previous pages.



                  A word entered into the search box of a Search Engine or Directory by a user to look for information pertaining to the word on the internet.



                  The process by which a Search Engine spider visits your web page and collects   information about it.



                      The process of visiting a website and recording information is known as indexing. The information collected by these spiders is then used to rank the websites. Crawlers are also known as spiders.


On Page Optimization:

                                          On-page optimization refers to factors that have an effect on your Web site or Web page listing in natural search results. These factors are controlled by you or by coding on your page.

Examples of on-page optimization include actual HTML code, meta tags, keyword placement and keyword density.


Off Page Optimization:

                                        Off-page optimization refers to factors that have an effect on your Web site or Web page listing in natural search results. These factors are off-site in that they are not controlled by you or the coding on your page.

Examples of off-page optimization include things such as link popularity and page rank.


Site Analysis:

                                        A system for search engine optimization specialists to assess a Web site's likely rank in search engine results.


Keyword Analysis:

                                        The Keyword Analysis page provides a breakdown of your keyword's performance and Quality Score.


Meta Tag:                                        These are informational and command tags that are placed in the head section of a webpage. Unlike normal HTML tags, meta tags do not affect how the page is displayed. Instead, they provide information such as who created the page, how

often it is updated, what the page is about, and which keywords represent the page's content.


Meta Tags Composition:

                                        The way a page is coded is vital to the success you will get from search engines.


Alt Tags Composition:                                        ALT tags are basically image descriptions within a website. You can attach text to an image to describe it so that Search Engines can also find it. ALT descriptions help you rank higher in search engines.



Link building:

                          The process of getting quality Web sites to link to your Web site, in order to improve search engine rankings.


One-way Link building:

                                      The process of getting a link from a site without linking back to that same website.


Two-way (or) Reciprocal Link Exchange:

                                       The process of getting a link from a site by providing a link back to that same website.


Triangular Link Building:

                                       The process of getting a link from one website and in return provides a Back link from one of our other website.


Directory submission:

                                       Directory submissions are a procedure where your website is submitted to different directories according to their quality guidelines.


Article submission:

                                      The process of submitting our unique article to an online directory of articles that is relevant to our particular website. Then this article gets read and picked up by many other webmasters and sometimes even offline publications.


Press release distribution:

                                    Press release distribution is the most effective way to increase link popularity but it is also the most difficult because the content of your release needs to be interesting enough for publications to want to write about it.


Google Bombing:

                              Google Bombing is when a group of websites mostly blogs link an unfavorable page to a company website in a manner that it ranks high on the Google search result.

Google Dance:

                            It's the period when Google is rebuilding its rankings, and results fluctuate widely for a 3 to 5 day period.


Passive Link Building:

                            Having great tools and/or articles on your site that give other sites a reason to link to you. They come onboard naturally as they find your resources and want to share them with their site visitors. This is passive because you do nothing to make it the links happen, although you do enhance your site to make it attractive.


Active Link Building:

                           Active link building is creating links that could spawn the creation of new links through active human interaction. Pursuing link opportunities, such as article syndication, link swaps, directory submissions, tagging, etc.



Baseline SEO report:

                                  Baseline SEO report is the measure of the progress of the Natural Search Engine Campaign, SEM-Link will deliver monthly ranking reports that will continue to reveal where you rank for your key phrases.









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