september 16 (ee)

Post on 12-Jun-2015






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  • 1. How many words do you thinkthere are in the Englishlanguage?A. 70,000B. 170,000C. 500,000D. 2 million

2. Free writewrite without picking up yourpen or pencil until I say stop. Do notworry about grammar, spelling, orsounding silly. Start with the promptand go where your mind takes you.Prompt:What do you do that you feel the senseof mastery Pink describes in Chapter5? How/when do you feel flow?112334456778::::::::::03000333330000000000 3. You are going to teach someone elsethat chapter! 4. With your partner, choose a paragraph or two(not the same ones you did for homework!) andparaphraseCheck off your work with me when you arereadyNow add a proper in-text citation 5. To integrate a paraphrase properly within aparagraph, a good writer usually has(1) At least one sentence to introduce theparaphrase,(2) the paraphrase itself, and(3) at least one sentence to comment on theparaphrase. 6. Top piece ofbread: atleast onesentence tointroduce theparaphraseMeat:paraphrase withproperdocumentationBottom piece of bread: at least onesentence to explain, comment on, orprovide an example of the paraphrase(usually the majority of the paragraph) 7. Begin with a topic sentence that givesthe reader a sense of what the singlemain idea of the paragraph will be. Thissentence should be one of thesupporting reasons for your thesisstatement. It should have opinion! 8. This is the part of your paragraphwhere you support your topic sentenceby including a specific point taken fromthe proof text (the essay, article,book, everyday life, etc. you are writingabout or analyzing). The evidence is aparaphrase or quotation. 9. You want to explain your topic sentence andits connection to the evidence. You want toinclude your analysis here. Why did youinclude the quotation or paraphrase? Whatdo you want to say about it? You shouldinclude specific examples to illustrate yourpoints (these examples should come fromyou, not the source), but be sure to showhow your examples connect to yourstatement (topic sentence). This sectionshould comprise the majority of theparagraph. 10. Statement:I used to believe that if a particular subjectwas difficult for me that I was just not giftedwith intelligence in that area; now that I ammoving toward a growth mindset, Iunderstand that my knowledge in anythingis dependent on the amount of effort I putinto learning. 11. Evidence:According to Carol Dweck, students with afixed mindset believe that people arenaturally smart in certain subjects whereasthose with a growth mindset understandthat they are capable of understandinganything with the right amount of effort. 12. Explanation:I tell people that I am bad at math, but I am working onchanging that attitude to a more realistic self-view. I earnedaverage grades in my high school math classes, but theconcepts did not come easily to me. In my college algebraclass, I watched as other students breezed through tests andquizzes and I felt like I was struggling to pass. Instead ofrealizing that I needed to put more work into the class, I put theresponsibility on others. I decided the teacher was boring. Iimagined that the other students just understood the materialright away. I began to miss class and skip assignments. Ofcourse, my actions resulted in a failing grade. At the time, I wasquick to shift the blame to other people and circumstances, butthe truth was that I was making excuses rather than tryingbecause I did not want to try and fail. Doing so would affirm mybiggest fear: I was dumb. I have come to realize that I trulyearned the F, not because of my lack of natural math skills, butbecause of my own lack of effort. 13. I used to believe that if a particular subject was difficult for me that Iwas just not gifted with intelligence in that area; now that I am movingtoward a growth mindset, I understand that my knowledge in anythingis dependent on the amount of effort I put into learning. According toCarol Dweck, students with a fixed mindset believe that people arenaturally smart in certain subjects whereas those with a growthmindset understand that they are capable of understanding anythingwith the right amount of effort. I tell people that I am bad at math, but Iam working on changing that attitude to a more realistic self-view. Iearned average grades in my high school math classes, but theconcepts did not come easily to me. In my college algebra class, Iwatched as other students breezed through tests and quizzes and Ifelt like I was struggling to pass. Instead of realizing that I needed toput more work into the class, I put the responsibility on others. Idecided the teacher was boring. I imagined that the other studentsjust understood the material right away. I began to miss class andskip assignments. Of course, my actions resulted in a failing grade.At the time, I was quick to shift the blame to other people andcircumstances, but the truth was that I was making excuses ratherthan trying because I did not want to try and fail. Doing so wouldaffirm my biggest fear: I was dumb. I have come to realize that I trulyearned the F, not because of my lack of natural math skills, butbecause of my own lack of effort. 14. Integrate your paraphrase using the SEEmethodWhen you are finished, submit your work toMoodle and you are free 15. A. Flow Free WriteB. VideoC. Teaching autonomy ormasteryD. ParaphrasingE. Creating a SEE paragraph 16. A. FlowB. AutonomyC. MasteryD. ParaphrasingE. SEE paragraphs 17. Read Drive Purpose pages 129-145Choose a paragraph or two fromthe reading and create a SEEparagraph with a proper citation(due Thursday, September 18, at10:35 a.m. to Turnitin)Participate in the weekly discussion(post due Thursday and replies dueSunday)

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