september 2015 newsletter...crams model air fair august 21-24&&&&( check...

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LISMORE  MODEL  FLYING  CLUB       NEWS    August  2015  IMPORTANT  DATES    Club  Meeting    4th  Oct  2015     At  the  field  starting  at  9.00am.

 BIG FUN CLUB DAY from James Spencer    The  LMFC  Fun  day  Cub  day  was  a  successful  social  event  for  LMFC.      At  about  10.00  am  we  had  47  people  present.  This  figure  was  made  up  of  more  visitors  than  LMFC  members.  More  visitors  also  flew  than  LMFC  members.  There  was  a  formation  flight  of  three  Cubs,  pleasing  those  who  were  watching.  John  Morgan  was  flying  his  electric  cub,  Phil  Crandon  and  Craig  Thomas  the  I.C  cubs,  well  done  LMFC.      Phil  Crandon  flying  the  largest  Cub  (one  third  scale),  was  the  only  person  who  landed  on  the  carrier  deck..  Good  one  Phil  ,  conditions  were  a  bit  gusty  at  that  time.      Graham  Hardy  was  the  most  active  and  enthusiastic  LMFC  flyer,  who  attempted  to  bomb  the  deck  landing  Carrier  (good  guys),  but  let  the  Tirpitz  (bad  guys)  escape  unharmed.  He  was  also  one  of  the  LMFC  flyers  to  attempt  the  Limbo,  along  with  John  Morgan  with  his  

foamy  profile  Mustang.      Graham  also  displayed  his  33cc  Buggy  to  everyone’s  enjoyment,  at  one  stage  Graham’s  Buggy  was  being  

harassed  by  Craig  doing  touch  and  go’s  with  a  Bixler  pusher  electric  glider  in  front  of  Graham’s  Buggy.  They  are  both  good  pilots  and  friends  so  it  was  all  in  fun.      The  LMFC  members  who  turned  up  enjoyed  a  social  day.  It  was  good  to  see  Brian  Gander  and  his  wife  talking  with  members  who  had  not  seen  Brian  for  a  long  time,  (owing  to  his  illness).      Glenn  Williams  was  a  welcome  guest  who  bought  along  some  flyers  from  Grafton,  they  participated  with  enjoyment,  but  said  our  field  was  a  little  small  to  what  they  fly  on.  

   The  crash  of  the  day  award  went  to  a  visitor,  Harold  Hill  from  the  Upper  Tweed  club.  He  was  flying  a  large  expensive  I.C  powered  3D  aerobatic  model  doing  exotic  manoeuvres  when  he  accidentally  hit  his  kill  switch,  (it  happens).  The  resulting  dive  and  crash  caused  a  broken  undercarriage,  a  cracked  cowling  and  a  dirty  engine.  Harold  was  not  upset  by  the  accident  and  was  philosophical  about  the  repairs.      All  who  flew  did  a  good  job,  as  conditions  kept  changing  throughout  the  morning.      The  award  for  Junior  Pilot  of  the  day  went  to  Finn  from  LMFC,  who  few  his  Radian  and  Craig’s  Cub.  Finn  is  becoming  a  good  pilot,  with  mentoring  by  Craig.  Finns  mother  Leanne,  was  good  enough  to  bake  some  chocolate  cakes  with  strawberry  crowns,  and  a  large  lemon  cake,  these  went  down  well  with  the  visitors.      John  Roche  had  a  busy  day  making  and  serving  tea  and  coffee,  good  idea  John.  John’s  support  was  very  welcome  and  inspiring  over  the  long  time  it  took  to  get  this  event  happening  Graham  Hardy  and  David  Millburn  provided  bacon,  egg  and  sausage  meals  throughout  the  day,  we  all  know  that  LMFC  owes  a  lot  to  these  fellows.      There  was  also  a  new  member  who  showed  off  great  flying  skills,  plus  another  potential  new  member.    At  the  bring  and  buy  sale  lots  of  planes  and  parts  changed  hands  for  quite  good  prices.    The  Grafton  flyers  have  invited  us  down  south,  details  of  this  will  be  available  over  the  next  month  or  two.      A  few  whole  families  were  there  for  the  first  time,  staying  for  quite  some  time  too,  and  that  family  support  is  great  to  see.  Most  of  all,  those  who  were  there  had  FUN.      LMFC   members   who   did   not   attend   missed   out   on   a  good  day.        

Crams Model Air fair August 21-24            Check   out  This  it’s  the  home  site  for  Gratton   field   not   too   far  from   the   Amberley  Airforce  Base  in  QLD.  This  has  got  to  be  one  of  the  finest  model  airfields  in   the   country,   privately  owned   and   maintained  by  Chris  Gratton.      

Not   only   does   this   place  have   ample   undercover   for   models,   but   also   sports   a  great   kitchen/canteen,   admin   office   and   indoor   and  outdoor  dinning  areas.  

Saturday   night   was  catered  at  the  field.      Topping   all   this   off   is  basic   accommodation  huts,  plus  showers.    We  didn’t  count  up  the  number   of   models   but  it  must  have  been  well  in  excess  of  fifty.    The   aircraft   variety  spread   through   most  

styles  and  periods  of  aviation.  Craftsmanship  was  also  of  a  very  high  standard  and  pilot   skill   levels   seemed  right  on  the  money.    Ample  time  allowed  a   relaxed   flying  format   over   the  three   days.   Rarely  however,  was  there  less   than   two   or  three  aircraft  in  the  circuit.  The   event   drew  from   north  

Queensland   to  Sydney   in   the  

south.  This  guaranteed  a   real   diversity   of  model   and   plenty   to  give  that  motivation  to  move   on   to   the   next  project.  

 We   had   several  chances  to  aero  tow  at  the   event   as   well.  Some  Queensland  guys  said   it   was   the   first  time   they   had   ever  seen   it   done.   Pretty  impressed,  judging  from  their  reaction.      


Look  out  for  this  event  next  year.  Its  only  2.5  hour  drive  north  and  well  worth  the  effort.    Scale Towing Beaudesert An   early   start   for   a  great   day   out.   Up   the  highway   to  Beaudesert’s   favourite  turf   farm   for   a   day’s  aero   towing  with   Craig,  David  M,  Jamie  and  me,  plus  four.    We  were   joined  by   four  Queenslander  enthusiasts   for  a  wonderful   days   soaring   is   near   perfect   conditions.   So  good  was  the  midday  thermals  that  several  parra-­‐gliders  were   aloft   in   the   flat   valley   enjoying   some   excellent  cross  country  soaring.    Several   times   we  thought   they   were  coming  our  way   to   find  a   landing   zone,   only   to  look  back   seconds   later  as   the   circled   again  gaining  altitude.    You   couldn’t   wipe   the   smile   off   your   President   Craig’s  face   when   he   clocked   up   his   longest   flight   ever   on   his  

Blanik   and   David   tested   his   new  Ka8,   which   shows   excellent  potential   as   a   good   entry   point   to  aero-­‐towing.    

Count the Moths

Herc flew as good as it looks

Superb turbine powered Vampire

The   Qld   guys   had   a  couple   of   outstanding  vintage   models.   None  better,  than  the  Primary  Glider   seen   here.   The  controls  all  worked  and  the  little  guy’s  arms  and  legs   are   all   articulated  to   accentuate   the  

movements.   He  also   clocked   a   38  min.   flight   which  pleased   Jillies,   the  builder,  no  end.    This   day   out   is  looking   like   it   will  develop   into   a  regular   monthly  one   dayer.   Stay  tuned  for  more  info.  

The Tuesday Crowd  Sept.  22nd    The   weather   was  very   mild   early   and  allowed   about   10  flyers,  some  with  the  smaller   electrics,   to  get   some   good  airtime   around   the  field.  

 As   the   morning  progressed,   the  breeze   stiffened  somewhat   but   many  of   the  models  stayed  

aloft,   with   only   a   little  effort   needed   to   come  in   crosswind.  Eventually   the  strengtening   weather  caused  an  early  cessation  and  we  adjourned  to  the  local  

coffee  house   to  enjoy   a  good   chat  session.…          

Some Sheet n Sticks = Sig eRiser By John Morgan

Flew  my  new  Riser,  flies  very  well.  Something  to  be  said  for   ones   your   own   built   models.   Bit   more   tuning  required  naturally.  

 Details,   SIG   Riser   100   kit   built.  Bought   it   for   $135.   More   bits  did  cost  some  more  though.    Motor   Turnigy   NTM   3542  1250rv  running  

on   220  3cell.  

Uses   a  12x6.5"  

folder  prop..  This  gives  about  10  vertical  climbs,  with  20%  left   in  battery.    And  yes  it  thermals  well  at  1.5kg  for   its   1000   sq   in   area.   This  wing   loading   is   a   smidgen  less  than  a  Radian.    John   is   one   of   LMFC   regular   newsletter   supporters.  Really  appreciated  by  your  editor.    And  more  from  John……..  Retro  Frisky  Stunter  from  Hearn’s  Hobbies.  

 The   Burford   2.5cc  model   13   diesel  included.  

Re-­‐working   a   1/4   scale  Jungmëister.    

IN MY SHOP Zambo’s Big Cub

Still   building   away   at  my   Super   Cub   and   it  will  purr  with   the  Moki  100  in  it.  

Been   working   away   on  the   wings   and   finally  I’ve   finished  them  both  but  man  there’s  some  work,   it’s  quite  easy  to  frame  up  and  progress  looks  quick  but  then  comes   the   fitting   of   hinges   and   you   look   at   the   kit  

supplied   hinges   and  don’t   like   them   or   in  my   case   they   were  short  by  2  hinges  so   I  decided   to   use   pin  hinges   on   the   flaps   in  

Nice fleet Rodney

lieu   of   the   butt   style  hinge   which   will   give   it  a   better   scale   look   but  the  way   I   frig   around   it  took   me   a   day   to   make  the  decision.    

 Anyway   moving   along   the   pin   hinges   will   go   on   the  underside   as   per   full-­‐size   and   there   will   be   no   gap,  beautiful!  Then   there   is   the   servo   fixing   and   there’s   some   more  days  figuring  things  out,  but  the  beauty  of  building  from  a  kit  or  scratch  is  the  fact  you  can  mount  things  the  way  

you   want,   glue   joints  your  way,  and  add  things  in  etc.    

Did  I  mention  the  landing  lights?  I’ve   done   a   fair   bit   more  

work   since   then   building   the   fuse   and   tailplanes,   also  finishing  the  wings  off    

And  as  of  last  weekend  the  whole  model  is  covered  and  doped  ready  for  paint!  But  other  projects  are  getting   in  the  way  so  the  painting  will  be  a  while  off  yet  

Ain’t  it  beautiful?  JZ  

Just a thought.

It’s mid week. Doesn’t matter which day

or, probably, which field. I was early today. And sat to watch others arrive. The first bloke takes five minutes to park. After he appears satisfied with his reverse parking, he gets out of the car, then stands, alternately gazing at the field and the sky.

While he was doing his thing, the resident know everything bloke pulls up. You know this bloke. He was the crew chief on the Wright Flyer, according to him. As he parks he has a story, as he whips out his plane he has another story. I could tell he was ready to do some serious flying though. He had fresh duct tape on the wings and nose of his pride and joy. Not long after another retiree pulls up. His silk and dope job looks like the day he built it and the Taipan diesel shines like a new penny. In the meantime the gazer appears to be satisfied with his deep thought and begins to take his equipment out. The very first thing out is the toolbox. He starts by looking over the box. After careful inspection he opens the box and, oh my, finds a screwdriver out of place. This triggers a complete contents inspection of the kit.

While he was looking over the contents of the box the next fellow pulls up. Well dressed for action, a hat displaying his favourite brand of radio and a vest bearing every model product patch ever known, sewn

on in strategic places.

The engine adjuster has parked and is already fiddling with his mixture screw, apparently because the temperature is 3 degrees warmer than when he last flew this model. He and Mister Know Everything have already offered to re-arrange Mr Organised’s tool box for him, and he has a plan for keeping the screwdrivers in place.

The budget flyer stands back watching the discussion. He’s a little puffed from his attempts to fire up his used Albanian glow special, with epoxy repairs on the carby, its only done about 300 hours. His model was a real beaut when it was built, but the covering is barely holding things together now and the model has had more fixes than a heroin addict, but the 30 year old, 27 meg, radio has just had a new set of Tandy re-chargeables and should be fine for another day.

The “going to be flyer one day”, is at the field early today, as he has been every week for several months now, and he’s talking again to the flyer who’s built or flown every known model and has competed in every part of the sport, about which one he should start with.

It’s mid week. It doesn’t matter which day or even which field. We all know these people. We are these people and we all keep coming back to this field of dreams, because model flying may have its characters, be they the beginner, the know all, the budget man or the twiddler. It doesn’t matter.

We will fly again today and we will enjoy each other’s company. Some will do all of it correctly, some will get parts of it correct and get more practice repairing and some will just unload their planes then sit and chat, but that’s OK. This hobby is as much about friendship as it is about flying.

Thanks  GH-­‐S,  fantastic!  

Anything goes at LMFC. Hillbilly Day!

Newsletter  Contributors  October  ISSUE.  Thanks  David,  John  and  Craig.  Your  contributions  in  this  issue  were  greatly  appreciated  and  make  this  rag  so  much  more  relevant.  NEXT  UP  IS;  

Rodney  Mison  Scott  Johnson  Nigel  Virtue  You  could  contribute  with:  

• Your  current  building  or  assembling  progress  of  a  new  model.    Any  good  photograph.  

• Something  you  found  on  the  web  that  interested  you.  

• Your  dream  model  for  the  future.  

• A  good  source  of  modelling  supplies.  

• Anything  aeronautical  that  interests  you.    Rodney,  Scott  and  Nigel   can  you  send  me  something  by   the  end  of  August  please?   .

Lismore  Model  Flying  Club  –Calendar  Lismore  Model  Flying  Club  

Flying  &  Away  Events  Calendar    (at  23rd  July  2015)  

 Oct  2015  

4/10   Meeting  (discuss  joint  glider  trial);  BBQ  breakfast;  E-­‐Glider  comp;  Labor  Day  Monday;  

11/10    18/10   Fling  Comp  2016  &  BBQ  lunch  25/10    

Nov  2015  1/11   E-­‐Glider  comp  8/11    15/11   Final  Fling  Comp  2015  &  BBQ  lunch  

Dec  2015  6/12   Tentative  Date  Only  

Meeting;  BBQ  breakfast;  Santa  Sale  &  Swap;  27/12   Christmas;  

   Jan  2016  

17/1    24/25/26  

1  Australia  Day  Tuesday;  away-­‐  Armidale  Sailplane  Expo  

31/1    Feb 2016 – MAAA Club Assistance Scheme 2016 Opens

7/2   Meeting;  BBQ  breakfast;  E-­‐Glider  comp;  14/2    21/2   1st  Fling  Comp  2016  &  BBQ  lunch  

Mar  2016  20/3   Fling  Comp  2016  &  BBQ  lunch  27/3   Easter  

Apr  2016  3/4   Meeting;  BBQ  breakfast;  E-­‐Glider  comp;  10/4    17/4   Fling  Comp  2016  &  BBQ  lunch  24/4   Anzac  Day  Monday;  

May  2016  8/5   Mother’s  Day  15/5   Fling  Comp  2016  &  BBQ  lunch  

June  2016  5/6   Meeting;  AGM;  BBQ  breakfast;  RENEWAL  fees  due  

by  19th  June  12/6   E-­‐Glider  comp;  -­‐Queen’s  B’day  Monday;  19/6   Fling  Comp  2016  &  BBQ  lunch  

July  2016  17/7   Fling  Comp  2016  &  BBQ  lunch  


 LMFC is on FACEBOOK!!!!

Don’t  be  afraid  of  this  social  media  forum.  There  is  a  whole  lot  of  interesting  info  being  shared  by  the  modelling  world  just  waiting  for  you.      Here  is  your  LMFC  link

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