session 2 biodiversity conservation · contents 1.basic information of bird migration

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Biodiversity Conservation

Session 2

Migratory Bird Conservation in Migratory Bird Conservation in KoreaKorea

2011. 11. 222011. 11. 22

National Institute of Environmental ResearchNational Institute of Environmental Research

PARK, JinPARK, Jin--YoungYoung

TPM 8 ‒ Okinawa JAPAN


1. Basic information of bird migration

2. Study method of bird migration

3. Interesting recorvery

4. Black-faced Spoonbill story

Bird Migration Bird Migration is is ……..

the regular seasonal journey undertaken the regular seasonal journey undertaken by many species of birdsby many species of birds

-- Migratory Bird Migratory Bird

-- Resident Bird : nonResident Bird : non--migratory birdsmigratory birds

Approximately 1,800 of the worldApproximately 1,800 of the world’’s 10,000 s 10,000 bird species are long distance migrantsbird species are long distance migrants

Flyway Flyway is is ……..

a flight path used in bird migrationa flight path used in bird migration

Figure 1. Two major flyways for Anatidae in Asia. Central - South Asian Flyway: solid line and East Asian Flyway: broken line.

Figure 2. flyway for Shorebirds in Asia


-- ca. 530 speciesca. 530 species

-- migratory species : 90 %migratory species : 90 %

International cooperation is very importantInternational cooperation is very important

Migration ResearchMigration Researcho Migration route(flyway)

- breeding, wintering & staging area

o Migration Ecology

- food, habitat, weather….

o Migration Strategy

the most important information for

the conservation of migratory bi d

1.1. Bird Banding Bird Banding powerful tool for the bird migration studypowerful tool for the bird migration study

쇠개개비 Black-browed Warbler

Banding : 24 Oct 2004. Hirata City, Shimane Pref.

Recovery : 3 Nov. 2004. Hong Is. Sinan-Gun

1.1. Bird Banding Bird Banding • Banding total(1993~2010):

-- 278 species(subspecies)278 species(subspecies)-- 41,806 individuals41,806 individuals

• Recovery and resightings total: -- 45 species45 species-- 1,081 individuals1,081 individuals

• Banding places: --Yoeyeon Is. Chungnam ProvinceYoeyeon Is. Chungnam Province--Yubu Is. Chungnam Province Yubu Is. Chungnam Province -- Bigeumdocho Jeonnam ProvinceBigeumdocho Jeonnam Province-- Hong Is. Jeonnam ProvinceHong Is. Jeonnam Province-- Mara Is. Jeju ProvinceMara Is. Jeju Province-- Gwanak Mt. SeoulGwanak Mt. Seoul-- Nakdong estuary and etc.Nakdong estuary and etc.

Mara Is.Mara Is.

Yubu Is.Yubu Is.

Nakdong Nakdong EstuaryEstuary

Bigeum & Bigeum & Docho Is.Docho Is.

Hong Is.Hong Is.

Yoeyeon Is.Yoeyeon Is.

Gwanak Mt.Gwanak Mt.

Banding & Colour flaggingBanding & Colour flagging

•• WingWing--tag for Cinerous Vulturestag for Cinerous Vultures- Attach wing-tag to recovered vultures at Wildlife Rescue Center in each provinces

- Totally 27 ind. flagged during March 9-March 30, 2011

Banding & Colour flagging Banding & Colour flagging

•• Banding and colour flagging in wadersBanding and colour flagging in waders- more than 3,000 shorebirds were colour


during migration period in Korea

Broad-billed Sandpiper Dunlin

•• Great Knot- Banding : 2008~ Shanghai China

- Resighting : 5 May 2011 Kanghwa Island Korea


Banded in Korea, resighted in JapanBanded in Korea, resighted in Japan

•• WhiteWhite--fronted Goosefronted Goose- 20 geese were released with neck band

Banded in Korea, resighted in JapanBanded in Korea, resighted in Japan

•• WhiteWhite--fronted Goosefronted Goose- 20 geese were released with neck band- 10 geese (50%) were found in JapanColour & Number

Date of release

AreaDate of resight

Resighted area

A23 2008-10-13Cheorwon,Korea

2010-11-28 Dongsong, Cheorwon, Korea

A24 2008-06-03 〃 2009-03-29 Ganghwa Is., Korea

A26 2008-10-13 〃 2009-03-22 Yangju, Korea

A27 2008-06-02 〃 2009-03-22 Yangju, Korea

A36 2008-06-02 〃 2008-10-07 Miyajima-numa, Bibai, Hokkaido, Japan

A36 2008-06-02 〃 2008-10-08 Miyajima-numa, Bibai, Hokkaido, Japan

A36 2008-06-02 〃 2008-10-13 Miyajima-numa, Bibai, Hokkaido, Japan

A36 2008-06-02 〃 2008-11-26 Shimohataoka, Wakayanagi, Kurihara, Miyagi, Japan

A40 2008-06-02 〃 2010-10-02 Izu-numa, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan

A40 2008-06-02 〃 2010-11-21 Shin-numa, sanbongi, Ohsaki, Miyagi, Japan

A40 2008-06-02 〃 2011-01-17 Noyachi rice paddy, around Kabukurinuma, Minamikata, Tome, Miyagi, Japan

A41 2008-06-03 〃 2010-03-25 Seosan (Cheonsoo bay), Korea

A42 2008-06-03 〃 2008-12-06 Gimhwa, Cheorwon, Korea

A42 2008-06-03 〃 2009-03-26 Seo-myeon, Cheorwon, Korea

H22 2008-03-14 〃 2008-10-04 Forest Park, Rishiri T.,Hokkaido, Japan

H23 2008-03-14 〃 2008-04-26 Cheorwon

H33 2008-06-02 〃 2010-10-03 Izunuma, Tsukidate, Kurihara, Miyagi, Japan

H40 2008-10-14 〃 2008-11-21 Gimhwa, Cheorwon, Korea

O06 2010-03-06 〃 2010-11-28 Dongsong, Cheorwon, Korea

T13 2007-03-30 〃 2007-10-20 Shin-Ichinomagari, Minamikatamachi, Tome, Miyagi, Japan

1,468 km

Mandarin duck Mandarin duck

Yongseol Reservoir, Anseong, Gyeonggi province (2007.2.26) →Russia, Amursk, O., Oktyabrskiy distr., river Zavitinka, Maryanovka (2010.9.8)

Migration distance: 1,468 km

Satellite tracking of migratory birdsSatellite tracking of migratory birds・ Common Buzzard・ Rough-legged Buzzard ・ Black Kite・ Black-faced Spoonbill・ Cinereous Vulture

▣▣ Common BuzzardCommon Buzzard-- This buzzard return to the same wintering ground last two yearsThis buzzard return to the same wintering ground last two years-- Distance : 1,650km / 25 days (northward migration 2011)Distance : 1,650km / 25 days (northward migration 2011)

1,661km / 18 days (northward migration 2010)1,661km / 18 days (northward migration 2010)

▣▣ Black KiteBlack Kite-- Nakdong Estuary : 2010 Feb. Nakdong Estuary : 2010 Feb.

The BlackThe Black--faced Spoonbill faced Spoonbill Platalea minorPlatalea minor is is

a a globally endangered species (IUCN)globally endangered species (IUCN)

Their range is very confined to Their range is very confined to East AsiaEast Asia

World population: World population: 2,0652,065 in 2008, in 2008, 2,0412,041 in 2009, in 2009, 2,346 2,346 in 2010in 2010

• Breeding – Korea, China, Russia• Wintering - Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam

East Sea

Range of Black-faced Spoonbill

• 한국 KOREADaegamdo, DeokdoYudo, Bido, Seokdo, Yodo, Hambakdo, Gakhoedo, YongmaedoChilsando

• 중국 CHINAXinrentuo Is. (2-3 pairs from 2002)

• 러시아 RUSSIAFurugelm Is., Russia: 1-3 pairs from 2003

Breeding sites of Black-faced Spoonbill


1999 2004

Former researches on the northward migration Former researches on the northward migration of Blackof Black--faced Spoonbill by satellite trackingfaced Spoonbill by satellite tracking

•• From Hong Kong and Taiwan to Korea (From Hong Kong and Taiwan to Korea (HambakdoHambakdo、、Yokdo)Yokdo)•• From Okinawa to Korea (From Okinawa to Korea (UdoUdo、、YokdoYokdo、、Yongmaedo)Yongmaedo)

Joint Research on the southward migration of Joint Research on the southward migration of BlackBlack--faced Spoonbill by satellite tracking in 2009faced Spoonbill by satellite tracking in 2009--1111

각시암 Gaksiam

수하암 Suhaam

Joint Research on the southward migration of Joint Research on the southward migration of BlackBlack--faced Spoonbill by satellite trackingfaced Spoonbill by satellite tracking

•• Suhaam : Located in the north east of Suhaam : Located in the north east of Youngjong islandYoungjong island

•• Gaksiam : Located in the south of Gaksiam : Located in the south of Ganghwa islandGanghwa island

• ID96704 (K84): 2009-07-28 (Suhaam)• ID96705 (K85): 2009-07-28 (Suhaam)• ID96706 (K86): 2009-08-07 (Gaksiam)

• ID96704 (K84): 2009-07-28 (Suhaam)• ID96705 (K85): 2009-07-28 (Suhaam)• ID96706 (K86): 2009-08-07 (Gaksiam)


Nakdong estuary

Shijiu LakeShijiu Lake




Futien, Fuchen


Vin TuensungTakeo


Searching for E12 (ID 42994) in Cambodia on February 13, 2011.

Expedition was carried out by BirdLife International in Cambodia

Using numbered color band and combination of small color bands

Totally 62 BFSs have been banded (K31- K88)

Banded at Okinawa (May 9, 2008)Resighted at Youngsoori, Jeju Island, Korea(June 15, 2008)



Color band resights and possible migration route

Next step, what should be done?Next step, what should be done?

Keep the birds living in the wildKeep the birds living in the wild……. . Not keep them in museum or as a sculptureNot keep them in museum or as a sculpture……..

Thank You~Thank You~

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