session 2: keys to an effective church. session 2: keys to an effective church romans 12:4-8;...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Session 2: Keys to an effective church

Session 2: Keys to an effective church

Romans 12:4-8; Ephesians 4:11-13;

1 Corinthians 12:7-11

1. What is the Church? Why go?

•It is not a spectator sport!

•A body can only function properly when every member is engaged

•Non-functioning members have an adverse affect

•Why go? Hebrews 10:24-25

• ‘One another’ ministries

•Jesus is our example

2. How can each part be effective?

•It’s not a natural talent!

•We need spiritual help – God provides through His gifts

•He is the source. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

•Verse 11 “All these work of one of the same Spirit, and He gives to every person – just as He determines”

3. They are GIFTS!

•Romans 12:6a “We all have different gifts – according to the grace given to us.”

•GK. Gifts – a God given ability for service

•We can’t earn them or deserve them

•They must be sought for seriously! 1 Cor. 12:31;14:1

•God will never force them on you

4. What are the Spiritual Gifts

•Paul lists twenty gifts at our disposal

•Romans 12:4-8; Ephesians 4:11-13;1 Cor.12:7-11

•2 Categories – Speaking and Serving

•11 Speaking Gifts, 9 Serving Gifts

•Focus on the gifts that build up 1 Cor. 14:12,26

5. God’s gifts are irrevocable

•Romans 11:29

•He never withdraws once given

•He doesn’t change His mind!

•His gifts are never loans – always deposits

•If God has given you gifts – they are still there!! Start using them today!

6. They must be used!

•1 Timothy 4:14 “Don’t neglect your gift”

•Jesus warned sometimes care of life divert us and make us unfruitful

•Time to take stock

•Paul encourages Timothy “Stir up the gift given you…” 2.Tim.1:6

•He hasn’t finished with us yet!

7. Who are they for?

•1 Peter 4:10;Ephesians 4:7 – “Each of us”

•“To each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit”

•Not reserved for the spiritual elite

•Recent survey – 88% church members ever heard of the Spiritual gifts. 40% of those identify their own gifts. Much less practise them.

8. All gifts must be expressed in love!

•There are tyrants in the church. Spiritual Abuse!

•Mother Teresa “We must grow in love and to do this we must go on loving and giving until it hurts – the way Jesus did!...”

•Paul states a “better way” – end of chapter 12 – The motive must always be love

9. What should I do now?

•Seek God for the gifts

•Stir up latent gifts!

•The gifts from God are essential to be effective for Him

•All our spiritual needs should be met from within the body of Christ

•Let’s be strengthened, built up and effective in extending His Kingdom

On-line Spiritual Test

•Answer 140 questions on-line

•140 questions, approx 1 hour

•Automatic analysis

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