set pesentntion 09

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Newspaper in Education


  • 1. What is NIE?
    • NIE, is an international program begun in 1955 to advance the use of newspapers in schools.
  • The main purpose of the program:-
  • to improve reading, spelling and writing abilities.
  • The N.I.E. program offers a win-win situation.
  • Teachers enhance their curriculum with an innovative and successful teaching method.
  • excited, motivated students learn valuable skills by using the newspaper.

2. Why NIE?

  • Studies show that using newspapers in the classroom helps students increase their vocabulary, comprehension and critical thinking.
  • Newspapers help students establish lifelong reading habits, develop math skills and even score higher on tests.
  • Today's better informed students grow up to be tomorrow's better informed adults.

3. Who is involved?

  • Teachers use the newspapers as textbooks and supplements in areas such as reading, writing, math, science, history, economics, language arts, special education, English as a second language and more. The newspaper can be incorporated into nearly any classroom subject and grade level from kindergarten to adult education. Newspapers are considered the most up-to-date, inexpensive textbook available to students. The skills gained from regular newspaper exposure make each student a better learner, a better problem-solver, and a better leader.

4. Reading Tips

  • Read aloud.
  • Allow for discussion before, during and after each read-aloud period.
  • Dont "test" children on what youve read, but use the opportunity to get their opinions and to share your own.
  • Read the sections that interest you both: the comics, movie reviews, the Food Section, classified ads.
  • Ask questions:
    • What do you think happened next?
    • How do you think the person in the article felt?
    • How does this picture make you feel?
    • What would you have done?

5. Guidelines for the use of Newspaper in Education followed by our school

  • Five minutes should be devoted for discussion of the headlines/ news items everyday in the class by the teachers.
  • It can be used for honing the comprehension skills of the students and for enhancing their word power.
  • Any interesting information can be put up on the display board. Maintain a scrap book on a topic for the month.
  • If any NIE activity is done, the students should keep a record of the same in the respective notebook.
  • Every Friday the newspaper to be returned to the library.
  • Used newspaper can/ to be made into paper bags.

6. Conclusion

  • Newspapers are a useful tool in the ELT classroom for improving reading skills and enhancing students' knowledge of current affairs. There is a danger of putting students off reading newspapers if articles are used in the same way as course books, with tedious comprehension activities. If used in a more inspiring way, newspapers can help students to develop not only reading skills but also writing, grammar, vocabulary and speaking skills

7. Benefits of Membership of Educational Library

  • Library network provides you with access to contemporary ideas and expertise.
  • Membership to the Library has provided benefit to individuals in the organisations as well as the organisation as a whole.
  • It provide access to the latest ideas in your area of study, in your professional life, or in your career development.

8. Services

  • Online library customer services
  • Self development modules like communicating effectively. Access to discussionforum, polls, survey etc.
  • Reference and Electronic Resources
  • Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)
  • Inter library loan
  • Online access terminals
  • Photocopying
  • Workshops for teachers and students


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