set your goals

Post on 26-Jan-2017






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Set Your goals!!

Motivation You are your own best

motivator. Your motivation must

come from within yourself.

Others may try to encourage you, but you are the only one who can attain what you desire.

You must convince yourself - you can!

Goals give direction Goals are like road

maps; they get you from one point to another.

Goals provide the direction you need to reach your destination, the motivation to sustain you on your trip, and a way to measure your progress.

The best way to get results is to plan for the future, but live one day at a time.

Be A Life Long LearnerEducation is

the door to opportunity.

Your most valuable asset and skill in life as well as in the market place is your ability to learn and to apply this knowledge.

Become an Efficient, Successful Student

No matter what your goals are, work at maximum efficiency.

Be a student who works smarter as well as harder

Failures do what is tension relieving,while winners do what is goal achieving. Dennis Waitley

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