setting up vision & culture for departments and teams

Post on 07-Jan-2017






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Setting up Vision & Culture for Departments and TeamsMichael Tarnowski,

PC: Anthony West,

-2 - 02.05.2023

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URL: free Team Charter Canvas A0-Poster

SW Engineer & Coder (C++, Linux)Project manager (Air Traffic Management)

IT consultancy: • QA, PM, ReqEng, Testing, SDLC• SW process improvement (CMMI, ISO 15504) • Scrum Master, Agile Coach

Evangelist in Serious Play @ Work:• Play@Work• Cert. LEGO Serious Play Facilitator• Cert. Innovation Games Facilitator• Agile Games Fan

Individuals innovateStanley Kubrik, 2001 Odyssey in Space,

Hominine works aloneStanley Kubrik, 2001 Odyssey in Space,

Hominine works aloneStanley Kubrik, 2001 Odyssey in Space,,1297644.html

Apes raise their children in teams, but works aloneRoss Pollack,

People…Richard Allaway,

…consists of Individuals

…who works alone in – CraftsmanshipWikimedia,

…but in Manufacturing & Development in Teams

In Organisations teamwork takes place…ttp://

…in cubicles

…or Open Rooms

People have to collaborate in narrow space

Organisations & Teams fuse or mergePC, Sandeep Mane,

Team B is assimilated by team A.Team A lose all it’s characteristics.

Team A and team B create together a new team with new characteristics.

Often a merger is an “friendly” acquisition

Team ATeam B

Team A Team B

Bruce Tuckman1965: Forming, Storming Norming, Performing 1970: + Adjourning





Forming Time








• Making contact and bonding

• Developing trust

• Members dependent

• Establish base level expectations

• Identify similarities

• Agreeing on common goals

• Expressing differences of ideas, feelings, and opinions

• Reacting to leadership

• Members independent or counter dependent

• Identifying power and control issues

• Gaming skills in communication

• Identifying resources• Decisions are made through

negotiation and consensus building

• Members agree about roles and processes for problem solving

• Achieve effective and satisfying results

• Members find solutions to problems using appropriate controls

• Members work collaboratively

• Members care about each other

• The group establishes a unique identity

• Members are interdependent



Bruce Tuckman – Team Behaviour


• Making contact and bonding

• Developing trust

• Members dependent

• Establish base level expectations

• Identify similarities

• Agreeing on common goals

The team leader takes an active role in outlining and defining the team’s objectives.At this stage team members receive most of their direction from the authoritative figure usually a manager because the team leader lacks direction and they are just becoming accustomed to their new team environment.


• Expressing differences of ideas, feelings, and opinions

• Reacting to leadership

• Members independent or counter dependent

• Identifying power and control issues

• Gaming skills in communication

• Identifying resources

In the storming stage there is an active role on the part of management in delegating duties and responsibilities. This is the idea stage. During the storming stage individuals will exchange ideas and determine how they will work collectively. Identifying problem issues and evaluating each other’s perspectives is central to this phase of team development.


• Decisions are made through negotiation and consensus building

• Members agree about roles and processes for problem solving

This stage of development is where the ground rules are set for team performance. In the Norming phase a pattern develops which begins to lay the framework for a cohesive environment. Additionally, ideas are agreed upon and shared and common ground is established. Management continues to play an active role at this stage however, their involvement is generally participative and the team has more decision-making ability.


• Achieve effective and satisfying results

• Members find solutions to problems using appropriate controls

• Members work collaboratively

• Members care about each other

• The group establishes a unique identity

• Members are interdependent

During the Performing stage team members have reached the pinnacle of performance. The team has a set of standards in place. They have established a charter or way of conducting the business of the team and conflict is handled in a constructive and dynamic fashion. Furthermore, management no longer plays a central role in governing the team and the decision-making process is in the hands of the team itself. Teams that reach this stage often exhibit a synergy that did not exist previously.

What makes a High-Performing Team / Department?Wikimedia,

What's motivates People?

NY Times, Feb. 25, 2016

“Project Aristotle”

The Google Study: Five Keys of a Successful Team

The Google Study: Psychological SafetyJuan Camilo Trujillo,

Psychological safety:

Can we take risks on this team without feeling insecure or embarrassed?

The Google Study: Dependability

Dependability: Can we count on each other to do high quality work on time?

The Google Study: Structure & ClarityDan Flavin,

Structure & clarity: Are goals, roles, and execution plans on our team clear?

The Google Study: Meaning

Meaning of work: Are we working on something that is personally important for each of us?

The Google Study: Impact

Impact of work: Do we fundamentally believe that the work we’re doing matters?

We Need New Goals, If Our Goals Don't Align

What is a TEAM?

What is a TEAM?드림포유 :


“A team is a group of people with different abilities, talents, experience, and backgrounds who hold each other accountable for a common purpose to produce a specific outcome. ”

Team = Accountability

+ Diversity+ Purpose

AccountabilityUnited Workers Spring Retreat 2014,


In leadership roles:

• acknowledgment and • responsibility for actions,

products, decisions, and policies including the administration, governance,

• Role or employment position and encompassing the obligation to report, explain and be answerable for resulting consequences.

DiversityGeorge A. Spiva Center for the Arts,


many different types of things or people being included; a range of different things or people.

Purposephoto fiddler,


• The reason why something is done or used

• The aim or intention of something

• The feeling of being determined to do or achieve something

• The aim or goal of a person • What a person is trying to

do, become, etc.

Team Chartering = Navy

Team-Chartering – Onboarding the Team

Elements of a Team Charter

Elements of a Team Charter“WHY? - HOW? - WHAT? - WHAT NOT? - WHO? - WOW!”Glyn Lowe:

Mission Statement — WHY: reason the team exists.

Values — HOW: team does business, treats others.

Norms — HOW: team interacts, makes decisions, resolves conflicts, and relays information.

Goals — WHAT: measurable team outcome/ performance, benchmarks towards constant improvement.

Scope — WHAT NOT: within and outside the scope of the team.Roles, Responsibilities, and Strengths — WHO: each member’s contribution, unique skills and strengths.

Fun Events — WOW: celebrate Success & Failures.

Elements of a Team Charter

Elements of a Team Charter“WHY? - HOW? - WHAT? - WHAT NOT? - WHO? - WOW!”

Mission Statement — WHY: reason the team exists.

It communicates the purpose of the team.

It is short and simple and outlines what the team’s purpose is and is related to the specific sector the team operates in.

It filters and separates what is important to the team from what is not.

The mission statement should guide the actions of the team, spell out its overall goal, provide a path, and guide decision-making.

It is like a goal for what the team wants to do for the world.

Elements of a Team Charter

Elements of a Team Charter“WHY? - HOW? - WHAT? - WHAT NOT? - WHO? - WOW!”

Values — HOW: team does business, treats others. A set of core values unifies your team. Values are going to look different for every

team, team member and company, depending on individual personalities, customers, goals, and company mission.

Brainstorm About What’s Important to You and Your Team: create ideas of what is important to each individually.

Consolidate and Define: take all the ideas brainstormed, combined the similar ones, narrowed the list down to 10, and thoroughly define each resulting value.

Frame Your Values According to Your Team’s Culture

Evaluate Your Values as a Complete Set: with a unifying set of team values, your employees will feel more unified — knowing exactly what’s expected out of them and their teammates.

Elements of a Team Charter

Norms — HOW: team interacts, makes decisions, resolves conflicts, and relays information. Norms are the rules that the team agrees

to follow as it conducts its work. Norms represent protocols and

commitments developed by each team to guide members in working together.

Norms help team members clarify expectations regarding how they will work together to achieve their shared goals.

Each team establishes its own norms. Norms are stated as commitments to act in certain ways rather than as beliefs.

Elements of a Team Charter“WHY? - HOW? - WHAT? - WHAT NOT? - WHO? - WOW!”Ron,

Elements of a Team Charter

Elements of a Team Charter“WHY? - HOW? - WHAT? - WHAT NOT? - WHO? - WOW!”richard evea,

Goals — WHAT: measurable team outcome/ performance, benchmarks towards constant improvement.

Elements of a Team Charter

Goals — WHAT: measurable team outcome/ performance, benchmarks towards constant improvement. Team goal setting enables a team to clarify

what constitutes meaningful results for them.

Goals provide a foundation for accountability and performance.

Clear goals: What do we want to accomplish?

Define goals S.M.A.R.T.S pecificM easurableA ttainableR elevantT ime-boundElements of a Team Charter

“WHY? - HOW? - WHAT? - WHAT NOT? - WHO? - WOW!”richard evea,

Elements of a Team Charter

Elements of a Team Charter“WHY? - HOW? - WHAT? - WHAT NOT? - WHO? - WOW!”Michael,

Scope — WHAT NOT: within and outside the scope of the team. Scope implies boundaries. Find out the exact parameters of the task

that your team will tackle, or its ongoing role in the organisation.

Elements of a Team Charter

Elements of a Team Charter“WHY? - HOW? - WHAT? - WHAT NOT? - WHO? - WOW!”Brett Curtiss,

Roles, Responsibilities, and Strengths — WHO: each member’s contribution, unique skills and strengths.

Elements of a Team Charter

Elements of a Team Charter“WHY? - HOW? - WHAT? - WHAT NOT? - WHO? - WOW!”Siddhu2020,

Fun Events — WOW: celebrate Success & Failures. Take time-outs to recognize small steps or

progress towards milestones or objectives. Recognizing small victories is essential in

the development of team confidence and commitment.

Any team member shall identify individual contributions as well as overall team results for recognition by the entire team.

Celebrations may take different forms but most often might involve a simple team cheer.

Have Fun. The team needs to recognize the importance of play in developing team spirit and morale. Humor and fun, so long as it is not at the expense of others, can help build energy and improve the teams ability to succeed.

Organisations & Teams fuse or mergePC, Sandeep Mane,

Team B’s identity and culture is replaced by team A’ one

Team A and team B create together a new identity and culture

Often a merger is an “friendly” acquisition

Team ATeam B

Team A Team B

Consensus – Intersection of Interestsrob_rob2001,

Hard to achieve – you have to break some eggs

Team- & Group Decision Processes

Consent – Interstection of Tolerancelisaclarke,

Easier to achieve – take care no egg breaks

Team- & Group Decision Processes

Collect all Findings in a Team Charter Canvas

Slides from the Workshop

Slides from the Workshop

Slides from the Workshop

Further Readings

• Download free Team Charter Canvas A0-Poster

• Adams, Susana: The World's Most Ethical Companies 2015, Forbes Mar 2015.

• Appelo, Jurgen: Moving Motivator Cards

• Donoghue, Mike: Code of Conduct, Code of Honor: Why You Need an Ethics Policy,, Feb. 2016.

• Duhigg, Charles: What Google Learned from its Quest To Build the Perfect Team. New York Times, 25. Feb., 2016

• Kotter, John: The Key to Changing Organizational Culture, Forbes Sept. 2012.

• Lawson, Jeff (CEO and co-founder of Twilio): Draw The Owl and Other Company Values You Didn’t Know You Should Have. FirstRound.com

• Pink, Daniel H.: Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Riverhead Books; Reprint (5. April 2011)

Twitter: @M_Tarnowski, @PlaysInBusinessFacebook:

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