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SCHOOL NEWS Vol 19 Issue 6 : 7 December 2017

Diary Dates

20 December 2017 School Closes for End of Term (staggered finish for students — see below)

4 January 2018 School Re-opens for all year groups

7 December Year 13 Parents’ Evening

7 December Years 8-13 Music CMK Performance

8 December Year 9 Sports Leadership Festival

11 December Years 12/13 Drama trip to Tin Drum

11 December School Carol Concert at the Church of Christ the Cornerstone — 7pm

14 December Year 11 Art Mock Exam

14 December Year 10 Drama Practical Mock

14 December Years 7-13 Music Primary School Concert

14 December Year 11 Parents’ Evening

15 December Year 12 Drama A Level Practical Exam

18-20 December Year 11 Art Mock Exams

18/19 December Year 12 Drama A Level Practical Exam

19 December School Christmas Meal for Students

19 December Student Voice Quizmas Event — 7pm

20 December School Closes for End of Term


Students will be leaving school for the Christmas Break on Wednesday 20 December. The school will re-open

on Thursday 4 January for students in all year groups at the usual time of 8.25am.

Students will leave at the following times on 20 December:

Year 7 12.50pm Year 8 12.25pm

Year 9 11.55am Year 10 11.30am

Year 11 10.45am Sixth Form 12.50pm

4-12 January Year 11 Mock Exams

8/9 January Year 8 CEIAG Work Tree Workshop/Earn2Learn Day

10 January Year 8 Preferences’ Evening

13 January Years 9/10 Bronze/Silver DofE Training Day

15-19 January Year 13 Drama Practical Exam

15-18 January Year 11 Mock Exams

15 January Year 7 Art Festival of Quilts

17 January Equalities LBGT Conference

17 January Years 12/13 Financial Studies Exam

18 January Year 8 Parents' Evening

19 January Year 10 Science trip to GCSE Science Live


The last newsletter before Christmas and still so much happening!

I hope to see many of you at the Years 13 and 11 parents’ evenings (and shortly after we return

there will be two evenings for parents of Year 8 students).

As usual, most students will be allowed to leave school early on the last day of term (20 December)

after their assembly. The times are given on the front cover.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a peaceful and restful Christmas break with

your family.

Mr G Martin



Inclement weather affecting the opening of the school

During periods of inclement weather which may result in school closures,

parents are encouraged to log on to the Local Authority website and sign up

for school closure alerts as well as using the school website to see if the school is

affected. The school will also tweet the information by @sbeschool.

As the school is contained in one building it is sometimes possible to open (even when other schools

are shut) although the start of school may be delayed. Unless there is clear indication that the

school is shut, parents must assume that the school is open.

To prevent unauthorised absences, parents are expected to ensure their child attends school when

the school is open, even if there is a delay to the opening times caused by inclement weather.

Emergency closure of the school during the school day

In the event of school closure, parents who are happy for their child to make their own way home

during the school day have already given their permission, and will not be contacted individually. An

email will be sent to parents or a text for those without email. Twitter will be used, and a message

placed on the school website.

If it is increasingly likely that snow may lead to an early closure of the school, having your mobile

phone with you or access to the internet is helpful.

It is important to have spoken to your child regarding the procedure you want them to follow in

the event of an enforced closure of the school during the school day.

If going to a relative or friend, ensure that everyone is in agreement and that your

child can actually get into the relevant house if no-one is there. Remind your child

to go straight home (or to the relative or friend). Anxious parents have previously

contacted school about a ‘missing’ child, who, instead of going straight home, has

stopped off to play in the snow, arriving home sometime later, wet through but

without a care in the world! It is helpful if your child has a mobile phone with

them. When there has been an emergency closure, the school has found that the

mobile phone providers have not been able to keep up with the demand, although

students will be encouraged to let their parents know they are going home.

Make sure your child knows in advance where in the school they will meet with siblings and friends

with whom they normally walk home. Having a set place in school where they all know they are

going to meet will save a lot of confusion on the day. If you have not given permission for your

child to go home please come to reception to collect your child, as soon as possible, as closing due

to inclement weather usually indicates that conditions will worsen. Members of staff who are

waiting with your child also need to get home safely. Additionally, children often are anxious as

they see other children going home but they are still waiting.

Please be aware that the school has a limited number of outside lines, making it challenging

contacting parents who have not given permission for their child to leave the school in these

circumstances. Please only ring the school if it is absolutely necessary eg you are returning a

missed call from a member of staff. It is important that your telephone numbers are kept up-to-


Finally, each time there is an enforced closure during the day, some of the older students are left

in school who tell us they are more than capable of going home on their own – but we retain them,

as the instruction you have given when starting school states that your child does not have

permission to go home, and this lasts throughout their time in school.

If you now wish to change your instruction, please notify the school in writing and address the

letter to Mrs Lannin, Headteacher’s PA. A parental signature is required and so we cannot accept

email requests.


Jackets, blazers, PE kits, football boots, shirts and ties, shoes etc. These are

just some of the items we are continually finding in the Lost Property bins in the

front office.

Again, these bins are full and we are putting the lost property contents on tables in the street

from 11 December until close of school for the Christmas break on 20 December.

Please encourage your child to look for any lost items, and parents are welcome to come into school

to look, at the end of the school day. Any items remaining at the end of this term will be recycled.

Items of value are kept in a locked drawer in reception, and enquiries for

these items should be made to the receptionist.


On 22 November, 19 students attended the Milton Keynes Schools Cross Country

Championships which took place at Campbell Park, Central Milton Keynes. The

students had to brave high winds and cold conditions for the duration of the afternoon but should

be proud of their achievements. Many of our runners finished within the top 20 within their

respective age groups, but particular praise goes to Jamila Clare, Jack Ratcliffe, Tommy

Blennerhassett, Abby Murrell, Nicole Whittle and James Palmer for being the highest finishers in

their age groups. Below is a complete list of results

Well done to all the runners and thank you to Alex Browne, Nathan Ley, Taliyah Wilson, Madeline

Payne and Sam Norman for volunteering to help lead the event.


Young Furniture Makers Exhibition — 10 October 2017

On Tuesday 10 October I went to London to present my GCSE coursework

project in Resistant Materials at the Young Furniture Makers Exhibition,

which was in the Austin Friars hall near the Bank of England.

The exhibition is organised by the educational section of the furniture makers’ guild. It is

supported and funded by many large furniture companies. I was very proud that I was selected to

go and present my work along with lots of other students from around the country.

I was one of only a few school students that received a prize (a book) from the furniture makers’

charity this year. I was nominated by my school and met other school students from around the

country. I also met university students who were also presenting their work.

Girls’ Results Boys’ Results

Place Age Group Name Time Place Age Group Name Time

5 Junior Girls Jamila Clare 5.46 7 Intermediate Boys Jack Ratcliffe 11.14

25 Junior Girls Bethany Tyler 6.48 8 Intermediate Boys Tommy Blennerhassett 11.16

29 Junior Girls Mia Kington 6.53 23 Intermediate Boys Lewis Tyler 12.23

12 Intermediate Girls Abby Murrell 13.42 31 Intermediate Boys Ethan Dyer 12.53

28 Intermediate Girls Alex Shirley 15.11 34 Intermediate Boys Nathan Davidson 13.19

36 Intermediate Girls Katie Goodman 15.49 40 Intermediate Boys Jake Sams 13.37

43 Intermediate Girls Lateefah Agberemi 16.36 43 Intermediate Boys Leo Tregurtha 13.49

6 Senior Girls Nicole Whittle 15.59 59 Intermediate Boys James Jesuthasan 14.56

11 Senior Girls Charlotte Fox 17.33 10 Senior Boys James Palmer 17.42

21 Senior Boys Nathan Browne 19.25

I enjoyed the day as it allowed me to talk to some of the top retailers in the furniture industry and

also I got to understand and find out how Plywood was produced when I visited an exhibition at the

Victoria and Albert museum. In the evening the presentation talk was given by a leading furniture

designer Sebastian Conran.

If there anyone else gets the chance I would highly recommend that they go to it as it is a great


Sam Norman Y12


We are pleased to confirm that we have appointed three new parent governors following our request

for nominations:

Mr A Abdullahi

Mrs V Hurdley

Mrs H Pugh

A full list of the Shenley Brook End Governing Body can be found on the school website under the

parents and community section.


Year 8 Preferences

Year 8 students will shortly be picking their Preference subjects ready to begin in Year 9. To help

the students with this, there will be an assembly, a Preferences Fair and support from tutors,

subject teachers, House Leaders and Year Leader. A book with all the subjects and a form

indicating the school’s recommendations for your child will also be issued before Christmas.

Letters inviting parents to an information evening about the preferences on Thursday 11 January

2018 in the theatre will be sent out shortly. However for your information:

6.00pm will be parents of students in 8BSS, 8BSD, 8CEB, 8CAN and 8EKR.

7.00pm will be parents of students in 8HHE, 8HET, 8SNC, 8SCO and 8EMQ

Parents’ evening is on Thursday 18 January 2018 in the Sports Hall. Parents will be able to book

appointments on-line like last year from Monday 8 January 2018 (after 5.30pm). Letters with this

information will be sent out in January. At parents’ evening, teachers of Year 9 subjects that your

child does not currently have will be available to discuss any questions that have not been covered in

the Preferences Booklet. You will not be able to make appointments with these teachers using the on

-line system, they will be available on a first-come, first-seen basis.

I look forward to seeing you at these very important meetings for your child’s choices.

Mrs S Grave

Year Leader – Year 8



Certificates for candidates who sat external examinations in Summer 2017 (or at any time during

the 2016/17 academic year) have been issued to students who are still at Shenley Brook End

School; any student who was not in form time when certificates were being issued has been sent a

reminder and students are asked to collect these in a timely fashion. A reminder to students/

parents that certificates are costly to replace – please store them safely. Leavers/external

candidates have been sent a letter advising that their certificates are ready for collection.

External examinations may sometimes be taken by students in a subject which is not taught as a

part of Shenley Brook End School’s curriculum; parents/students are asked to get in touch with

me as soon as possible if such an entry is required. It would be helpful to know of any such

requests by the end of January 2017 at the very latest otherwise it may not be possible to make

an entry.

The school reserves the right to make the final recommendation on the qualifications for which

entries will be made. Whilst the school is pleased to make such entries for students, preparation

for the examination is the responsibility of the student.

On our return to school after the Christmas break, Year 11 students will be sitting mock

examinations; timetables have been issued to students and a copy sent home for parental

reference. In late January/early February, Year 12/13 students will be sitting mocks and

timetables for these exams will be available to students on our return from the Christmas break.

In January, teaching staff will be organising entries for the summer external examination period.

Initial timetables will be issued to students in early March with seating timetables being given out

in early May; at this point, a copy of the timetable will be issued to parents of Year 10/11 students

for their reference.

Parental copies are not usually issued to parents of sixth form students but if any parent does

wish to receive a copy of their son/daughter’s seating timetable, please contact me and I will

arrange this.

Coming up in exams:

4-16 January – Year 11 mock examinations

29 January-5 February – Year 12/13 mock examinations

week commencing 5 March – Year 11 mock examinations

weeks commencing 9 and 16 April – Year 10 internally set examinations

week commencing 23 April – Year 9 internally set examinations

week commencing 25 June – Years 7/8 internally set examinations

16 August – AS/A Level results day

23 August – GCSE results day

If you have any questions about exams, please contact me via the school’s switchboard number

(01908 520264) during the school day.

Mrs Bayliss, Examinations Officer


MK Parliamentary Debating Competition

Each year, all of the Milton Keynes Secondary Schools are

invited to participate in a Parliamentary Debating Competition, the

brainchild of local MPs Iain Stewart and Mark Lancaster. The competition

is without any party political bias, rather, its aim is to encourage more

young people to engage in politics and, specifically, in the art of debating.

After preliminary knock-out rounds, the competition culminates in a final

debate in a chamber in the House of Commons, Westminster, with a tour

of both houses. Shenley Brook End has been very successful in the

competition, over the 10 years it has been running, reaching the finals 7

times, and winning on 4 occasions.

This year, Dominic Frost and Matthew Bardsley will represent Shenley Brook End at Westminster,

having triumphed in their semi-final 3-way debate last Thursday evening. The debate motion was:

‘The best way to pay for university education is:

a) From general taxation with no specific graduate contribution;

b) Using the current loan system;

c) A graduate tax with the student paying a higher rate of income tax than non-university


Shenley Brook End proposed the motion, against strong teams from Walton High and Denbigh

School. Dominic and Matthew received very positive feedback from the judging panel who

commented on their teamwork, thorough research, and ability to handle interventions.

The final will take place against Radcliffe School on Tuesday 12 December at Westminster. The

motion will be ‘Elected representatives are under obligation to carry out the democratically

expressed will of the people.’ Our team have to propose the motion.

Congratulations to Dominic and Matthew and thanks go, once again, to our able and committed

advisory team, some of whom attended on the night to offer their support.

Lower School Debate

In our recent lower school debate, Alex Shirley and Abi Moore went head-

to-head to discuss the motion, ‘This House believes it’s time to scrap

the long school holidays’.

Proposing the motion, Alex argued that, over 6 weeks, young people get out

of the habit of learning, get used to a different sleep pattern, and that

childcare for working parents is charged at a premium over the summer


Additionally, she pointed out that companies and airlines raise the cost of their services, knowing

that most families will choose to holiday during this period. She suggested redistribution of the 6

weeks, to shorter 2 week breaks, over the course of the year, would alleviate some of these


Abi disagreed and said that the 6-week holiday has been in place for a long time and would cause

too much disruption if it was changed. Other generations have enjoyed the long holiday, and, in fact,

it is not as long as some other countries enjoy. It allows students and educational professionals to

relax, to pursue hobbies and other interests, or to go on holiday to far-flung places. The holidays

also allow students to develop other important social skills, mixing with friends in a variety of

settings, away from the constraints of a rigid school timetable.

Abi won the most votes from the floor and the committee, with slightly more persuasive arguments,

for keeping the long holidays, though Alex was commended for handling the most questions, and for

arguing against her own personal beliefs.

Survival Bracelet Winners

We had over 70 entrants in our recent competition, where students were asked to explain how they

might use a survival bracelet in a life-threatening situation. 30 lucky students won a bracelet, with

some of the most interesting, imaginative or entertaining entries below:

“Wrap it around someone’s arm when they are losing blood, to stop it” (Devina Kara)

“If me and my friends were lost in the woods, I would take our jumpers, untie the bracelet, attach

it to two trees, put the jumpers over it and we would have a shelter” (Katie O’Brien)

“I would use a survival bracelet to make a fishing rod by using the inner threads” (Jake Mumford)

“I would attach myself to a vulture and make it show me food and water” (Callum Holt)

“Go to a beach (if I’m stranded) and create an SOS signal with the string” (Marzia Ahmed)

“Set up a snare to catch food or tie myself to a tree when I sleep, so I don’t fall out” (Sophie


“Make a gag so teachers can’t give us homework: no mouth – no homework!” (Nathan Molyneux)

Follow this link to discover how to make your own paracord survival bracelet.

Earning flight miles in the Library

In keeping with all subject lessons and form time, we would now ask that all

students using the library have their planners out on tables, both during library

lessons, and at break, lunchtime and after school. We have observed a number

of our student visitors using the library in a very positive way – reading quietly,

using our resources for research, and completing homework – and would like to

be able to reward this behaviour with flight miles.

Whilst our committed team of Library assistants already earn regular flight miles, for giving up

their time to help us, we would also like the opportunity to recognise other students, perhaps those

who offer to put furniture back after our regular events, students who speak at our debates, or

serve on our debating committee, and those who help maintain the calm and productive atmosphere

in our whole-school learning facility.

Christmas Quiz

Twelve teams of 4 joined us in the library, over lunchtime on Friday, for a fun festive quiz.

As well as identifying the Christmas Connections in a picture round, team members

answered Christmas-themed questions on Current Affairs; Science and Numbers and Books

and Films.

The winners were The Dudes, (Beth Wood; Dean Wood; Aliyah Rodriguez and Ami

Gardner) with an impressive total of 68 points out of a possible 80.

Special mention must go to the English team (Mr Seddon; Miss McDermott: Mrs Hazell; and Miss

Richards) who scored a perfect 80 and clearly took part just to show off that reading really does

improve your intelligence and general knowledge!

Forthcoming Events

Library Assistants’ Meeting: Thursday 7 December: 1pm in the Main Library

Books R Us Meeting: Tuesday 12 December: 1pm in the Main Library

6th Form Parliamentary Debating Finals: 6.30 – 10.30pm at Westminster

Seasonal Craft Event: Thursday 14 December: 1pm in the Main Library

6th Form Reading Group: Friday 15 December: 1pm in the 6th Form Library

Library Assistant and Reading Group Christmas Party: Tuesday 19th December: 1pm in the Main


The Library Team would like to take this opportunity to formally thank our committed band of

student library assistants for all of their hard work this term. We wish all of the Shenley Brook

End School community a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


This week all Year 10 students should have brought home a consent form for ”School leaver

booster vaccinations” Once completed please return to Mrs K Baldwin Welfare Support

Leader. The injections will be taking place on Monday 5 and Tuesday 6 February. If your child has

not received a form, s/he can get one from Mrs Baldwin or Matron.

Mrs K Baldwin — Welfare Support Leader


Year 10 EOW placement news

Excellent news for those students who have managed to secure a placement and returned a signed

Own Placement Form to us by the deadline of 6 December 2017. Some students have now also

received their white contracts, which is the final stage in setting up a placement for next March,

so Well Done!

We are still working with form tutors to try and identify a suitable placement for the remainder of

the year group and your support is, as ever, most appreciated.

Destination Day — Forward Planning

Another exciting event is coming to Shenley Brook End School to assist students with

their on-going Career Planning.

On Tuesday 12 December, over 30 representatives from Further/Higher Education, Employers,

Volunteering and Training Providers will be setting up their stalls in the Sports Hall and preparing

to talk to students from Years 11 and 12 about their courses, jobs and the qualifications which may

assist students in deciding which career route they may like to follow in the future.

The following sectors will be represented, so students need to prepare a list of

questions to ask the delegates and plan which careers they would like to find out more

about. Staff will be right here in school and they will be very happy to answer

questions and talk to students about their career aspirations!

Please note that the event is mandatory for Year 11 and Year 12 students; Year 13 students may

attend if they wish and any interested students from the lower year groups should speak to Miss

Pearson about it.

Sectors represented at the event include the following:






Retail & Catering


Great Learning

Well done to our First Half Term Champions who earned the most Flight Miles in their

Year Group. These students are working hard to master their attitude, skills and knowledge to be

successful learners.

Year 7 - Lucy Knox

Year 8 - Joseph Cullen

Year 9 - Lateefah Agberemi

Year 10 - Luke Marshall

Year 11 - Katy Barnett

We are also looking to celebrate the great things students are doing outside of school. Please do

encourage your child to inform their tutor of their successes in their life away from SBE School.

Mr Reynolds


Lifeskills Autumn Term

This half term has been a very busy period for the team.

On Monday 20 November, PC Furber with the support of DC Paddy, NAVIN and Compass

delivered an enrichment programme to all our Year 8 students.

This has helped embed the knowledge and skills being taught within the drugs unit and develop an

awareness on what is happening around MK.

On Tuesday 28 November, Year 10 students watched a performance from Web-lies on

social media and internet with a focus on being safe online followed by a question and

answer session.

Social media has a huge impact on the wellbeing of our young people and it is important to engage in

effective communication with them.

On Monday 4 December, Year 9 experienced their enrichment session which was delivered

by Thames Valley Police and Oakhill which complements the work being delivered on


Students learning focus was on the use of ‘Stop and Search’ as well as discovering a day in the life

of a young person at Oakhill. Students had the opportunity to raise questions prior to the event

which were answered during the session. This work will complement the assessment activity that

they are currently undertaking.


A festive date for your diary: Our SBE annual carol concert will be at

Christ the Cornerstone Church, CMK on

Monday 11 Dec at 7pm.

There is no charge for entrance but you will

have an opportunity to make a charitable

donation at the end of the concert.

Please bring friends and family to help us celebrate.

All welcome!

Congratulations to the following students on their recent music exam success:

Choir Workshop

Last week our school choir, Cantabile, were visited by musicians from St Peter’s College, Oxford.

The Director of Music and four students ran a workshop dealing with various aspects of singing and

musicianship and performed a couple of items for us to enjoy. Our students all agreed they had

learned lots and had fun with all the activities. We’re looking forward to more workshops and

similar events in the future.

Eloise Smith clarinet Grade 5

Jack Orr drums Grade 1 Passed with Distinction

Rishi Meethalaprath keyboard Grade 5

Lydia Myers trumpet Grade 5 Passed with Distinction

St Cecilia’s Day Concert

According to legend, St. Cecilia was raised a Christian in a noble Roman household. She is regarded

as the patroness of music, because during her marriage ceremony, as the wedding music played, she

heard heavenly music in her heart. She distributed all her possessions among the poor and was

martyred at the age of 30.

Over 50 of our talented young musicians took part in our concert on 22 November to mark St

Cecilia’s Day. We were treated to some excellent solos as well as many very accomplished and

enjoyable performances from our Orchestra, Jazz Band, String Groups, Wind Ensemble and

Percussion Band. Members of FOSMUS (Friends of Shenley Music) kindly added to the occasion by

serving refreshments during the interval.


Join this friendly group of parents and carers who

enjoy our concerts and performances at Shenley

Brook End School

Members of FOSMUS volunteer to help out with

refreshments, front of house, setting up, clearing

away, publicity etc at SBE concerts and

performances whenever they can.

If you have any specific skills, contacts or

interests you’d like to offer

(programme/poster design, publicity etc) please

let us know

To find out more, please contact a member of the

Music Team

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