short introduction to dp & prophecy

Post on 23-Feb-2017






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Short Introduction

Divine Principle&


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Short Vocabulary:AGS =Absolute Good SpiritsCBG = Chambumo Gyeong, Holy TextbookCSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy TextbookCIG = Cheon Il Guk, Two persons become one, KoHCP = Cheong Pyeong, Spir. training ground KoreaDP = Divine Principle, v1973 EDP = Divine Principle, v1996ODP = Original Divine Principle, 2008KoH = Kingdom of Heaven LSA = Lord of Second AdventOT = Old TestamentNT = New TestamentCT = Completed TestamentTF = True Father, SMM = Sun Myung MoonTM = True Mother, Hak Ja Han MoonTTM = Teaching and Textbook Material (G=Great)UC = Unification ChurchSee also extended Vocabulary:

Prophecy is a process in which one or more messages that have been communicated to a prophet are then communicated to others. /Wikipedia

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2006Book5 Ch3:1.4The course of spiritual experience

To be experiencing the spirit world means to be communicating with the world of the fourth dimension. When doing that, you can connect with, communicate with or counsel with sages and patriots who lived thousands of years ago.

In other words, you can experience and feel them directly within the sphere of time in your actual life today. /SMM 1958.5.4

Physical World Spiritual World

Different frequency

Two people in one

Physical Body

Physical Mind

Spiritual Mind

Spiritual Body

Mind is the internal nature and body is the external form. Mind and body are two correlative aspects of a human being; hence, the body may be understood as a second mind. /EDP

”Second Minds”

• Hearing • Seing• Touching• Smelling• Tasting

• Hearing • Seing• Touching• Smelling• Tasting


Hildegard says that she first saw "The Shade of the Living Light" at the age of three, and by the age of five she began to understand that she was experiencing visions. She used the term 'visio' to this feature of her experience, and recognized that it was a gift that she could not explain to others.

Hildegard explained that she saw all things in the light of God through the five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.  (exactly as DP)

Hildegard(1098 – 1179

Vibration: Evil spirit World Good Paradise KoH True Love & God

SatanFallen Angels


True Parents Saints Spir Wrld Saints on EarthFallen Man

Old Test.New Test.

Holy ReflexionCompl. Test.

Holy Radiation

Reflecting Jesus Divine Spirit

BecomingDivine Spirits

ProtonNeutron Electron/Positron


Quantum mechanics is the science of the very small: the scientific principles that explains the behaviour of matter and its interactions with energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.

Conclusion: Our Physical World = matter and interactions with energy

Quantum mechanics

Comment: Thoughts are energy as real as matter! Our World is a Thought-structure – Law of Attraction is working

Ex. Jesus making vine out of water! Materializations of Spirits

As long as the conscience knows, it is recorded in the computer of the spirit world, in the original palace of the world of conscience. /SMM 1994.8.21


Just like the theory of Matter and Energy have developed so the Spiritual Truth must be more revealed. Revelation includes PROPHECY!

 In order for man to attain the good purpose of the original mind's desire, there must come a time when there is a new expression of truth, enabling mankind to bring these two matters together under one unified theme. These two matters are religion, which has been coming closer to science, and science, which has been approaching religion. /DP73 Intro

Divine Messianic Thoughts will create a New World

“…the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” /Mark 2:10

The purpose of indemnity is to remove the original sin, but in order to remove sin the fundamental problem of the lineage has to be solved.

Fallen human beings cannot possibly resolve the problem of their lineage by themselves.

That is why the Messiah is necessary.

“…the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” /Mark 2:10

/SMM 1970 Oct 13

Therefore, the waves of God's love must be renewed in order to make an impact upon this world.

Although God's love was there, He had no way to convey His love waves to the world until the time of the installation of True Parents.

They were the central point of those waves.

The first True Parents, representing the love of God to others, also had to be True Children on another level.

Without both parents and children, God's love could not be fulfilled on the earth.

Anyone who says, "I want the love of God, but I cannot go beyond my life," will never reach the love of God. This is a very important, cardinal rule for the Unification Church way of life.

That is the point of the showdown between God and Satan within oneself.

Jesus said, ''He who seeks to gain his life will lose it but he who seeks to lose his life for my sake will gain it."

Why did Jesus teach such a paradox? It is because the true love of God is beyond or outside of the life realm of the satanic world, so unless you are willing to give up that life you cannot reach it. Therefore, self-denial must be complete in order to return to the love of God. This is not my sermon; this is what the principled point of view states.

/Rev. Sun Myung Moon Nov. 5, 1983

DP: Christ conceusness is a matter of mental warfare against the lower evil thoughts (vibrations)

• That’s why Jesus as Christ was controversial

• That’s why DP (Divine Principle) and LSA (Lord of Second Advent)-True Parents are controversial!

Eph 6:12: “For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities (rulers), against the powers, against the world-rulers of thisdarkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

Apostle Paul instructs us to put on our spiritual armour because our battle in this world is a "spiritual" one.

A warfare that involves the trickery and power of the devil, as opposed to a human battle.

Analogy: Life in the Physical Body is like bicycling

You are the Spirit Body, not the bicycle (Physical Body)You need it to get far and fast (Spiritual development)

Once you discard the bike (die)it takes so much longer/slower to travel (develop spiritually)

You can borrow another bicycle (returning resurrection) but now you are two or more people on the same bicycle = slower!

Prophecies are not for the purpose of the satisfaction of human curiosity,rather to prepare us for the future. 5% Human + 95% Divine =100% Divine

People simply like to know what will happen, but in fact we should be eager to understand what God expects from us – otherwise calamities will come.

Reason for those failures was that most religions could not fathom the importance of the human part of responsibility in what is happening in the world. Therefore we are at the center of the providence. On us it depends whether we will bring blessing or curs in our future. /Nostradamus, the Korean Prophecy and the Bible Yulian Marianov September 14, 2010

“And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

1st Dual Prophecy a clear WarningGiven to Adam & Eve

The Fall of Adam & Eve was the RootCain klilling Abel was the Fruit.

Mankind multiplied it!

A tragic start!

Spiritual persuasive Rape – Lucifer & EveIlicit love – Adam & Eve

Murder – Cain & Abelin the first human Family


Seed =1st Adam’s family

The only way to get an apple tree is to find a good apple seed (New Adam).

Seed =New Adam

Restoration is like returning to the original seed.

The perfection of restorationis the perfection of the seed.

Through the Fall, Satan seized the central root.

”Serpent Seed!” (Google Branham)

Thus no one could harvest a perfect seed.

SMM 2005 03 181st Eve -1stAdam

Fallof Man

Impure/Illicit sexuality

Eve - satan

2nd AdamJesus

SpiritualSalvationMarriage Feastof the Lamb?

Bride-Holy Womb Missing =

Lost Physical BlessingChristianity onlySpiritual Bride

Fallof Man

Impure/Illicit sexuality

Eve - satan

1st Eve - 1stAdam


2nd Eve?

Sinless Seed+

Holy Womb=Marriage Feast

Rebirth to Mankind!

2nd AdamJesus


3rd AdamLord of Second Advent

True Parents

Christianity onlySpiritual Bride

Fallof Man

Impure/Illicit sexuality

Eve - satan

1st Eve - 1stAdam

The Bibles 3 Greatest Prophecies

Old Test.

• The 3 Great Blessings – 1st Adam 1st Eve

• The Coming of New Adam – Messiah – Christ – Jesus

New Test.

• The Second Coming – New Adam – LSA – Sun Myung Moon

Ask yourself:

• Why has the 3 Great Blessings not yet been fulfilled!

• Jesus came as New Adam – Messiah – Christ Why was doubting – going to jail? Why was Saul percecuting Christians – later becoming St Paul great Christian

Why the world still evil and wars, famine, poverty…

• Why a Second Coming!


1st A





- Je




Old Test. Prophecies

New Test. Prophecies

Time is crucual for acceptance!

This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. Jesus Luk 4:21

Reaction: They were filled with wrath!They got up, drove him out of the town, and took him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built, in order to throw him off the cliff. Luk 4:28,29


1st A





- Je




Old Test. Prophecies

New Test. Prophecies


St P



ls4 E




Time is crucual for acceptance!





Why did Saul and John doubt?

Jesus shroudTurin Italy

Because Jesus most likely looked just like another Jew

Artist impresssion of the shroud in Turin Italy

It was the Word of Jesus in the Gospel that convinced 2000 year of Christians Not his Physical appearance

If will also affirm that Jesus ascended intoSprit World, as recorded in the Bible, and the reason why his body was found to be missingfrom the tomb, was that it had been dematerialized.

Your scientists are nearing the truth when they make their findings known about the shroud of Turin.

This shroud was indeed the one used when Jesus was taken from the Cross.

Shroud of Turin

But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. /Micah 5:2

Prophecy ofMessiah from Bethlehem

Saul at the stoning ofStephanus

Conversion to St PaulNew Knowledge


Prophecies not understood Prophecies understood


OT Propheciesexisted

354 Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus ChristGospels written c. 70–100 AD.


Prophecies not understood Prophecies understood

Human Spiritual History

GodAngels Jesus

0-33yrs (40!)

Holy Spirit


Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper (Holy Spirit) will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. /John 16:7

Prophets Prophets

GodTrue Parents

Blessed Couples

All Mankind

Benny Andersson

Two Kinds of Prophecies Concerning the Fall

Do NOT eat!

= A good World

Fall of Man

Sinful Satans World

Two Kinds of Prophecies Concerning the Cross

As Isaiah prophesied24(Isa. 9, Isa.11, Isa.60) and  and as the angel announced to Mary,25(Luke 1:31-33)

it was foretold that Jesus would become the king of the Jews in his lifetime and establish an everlasting kingdom on the earth.

Jesus and his Bride2nd Eve & 2nd AdamMarrriage of the Lamb

A New Sinless World

Only Spiritual Salvation

Physical Salvationpostponed 2000 years

Comment about the early Christians:

So in the present case I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!”  /Acts of the Apostles, chapter 5, verses 34- 42

Why was the Old Testament an obstacle? Malachi 4:5-6 contains the prophecy: "I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers....“

Then who was Elijah? God promised to have Elijah come first. About 900 years prior to Jesus Christ, Elijah came as a prophet; he fought evil; then he ascended into heaven in a chariot of fire.

Since the Old Testament predicted the return of Elijah, the people of Israel of Jesus' time expected that Elijah would come from the sky, because the Bible recorded him as ascending into the sky.

Then did Elijah come? No. According to the Jewish faith, no Elijah had appeared.

Then one day, all of a sudden, they heard the great shocking news: the man of Nazareth, this humble figure from Nazareth, began proclaiming, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand"; “I am the son of God."

People were shocked, because they had not yet heard the news that Elijah had come.

Jesus Christ himself said in Matthew 11:13, "For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.“

Comment: Even today Jews celebrate the return of Elijahat Passover by keeping opening the front door.

Why could the New Testament again as the Old Test. be an obstacle?

Jesus Resurrection, “… shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven.”• Jesus the Last Adam• Last words "It is finished"

Matthew 21:37

The Parable of the Tenants

37  Last of all, he sent his son to them. ‘They will respect my son, ’ he said.38  “But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, ‘This is the heir.  Come, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.’ 39  So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.

43 “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you (Israel) and given to a people who will produce its fruit. (Korea?) /Jesus

Jesus Holy Lifeended prepamaturely

and abruptly on the CrossHad he continued until 40

He would have become True Parent /SMM

The Body “Bride” of ChristAll Christians


Jesus said27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. / Matthew 24:27


1st A





- Je




Old Test. Prophecies

New Test. Prophecies


Time is crucual for acceptance!





2000 year Cycles

Source: ESSION_11_The Second Coming_Version 2.pptx

Why would people doubt the Second Coming as New Adam?

Because the Lord of the Second Advent most likely looks just like other people.

4 Koreeans present @ Matching 1982

Korea 1954 Farmers son from todays N. Korea

Remarkable Messages from the Spiritual RealmSpirit World already knows!

Sung Han Lee2000-2002

It is the Word of the Lord of the Second Advent that convince Future Mankind that Christ has come!

She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron (Truth). He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. Rev 12,&19:12 The Messiah will come with a "New Name“ = New Adam

…rule all nations with a rod of iron (Truth). Rev 12, 19:12


There was great rejoicing on September 1, 2015 in Cheong Pyeong, Korea, with the successful publication of the Cham Bumo Gyeong in Korean, English and Japanese.

Exposition of the Divine Principle1996 Translation

PART IIChapter 5

The Period of Preparationfor the Second Advent of the Messiah

• In the course of the providence of restoration, a false representation of the ideal appears before the emergence of its true manifestation. The biblical prophecy that the antichrist (Communism) will appear before the return of Christ is an illustration of this truth.


2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ

M Luther (1483-1546)

R. SteinerAntroposophy

Korean Phophecies

Nostradamus 1503-1566

Swedenborg 1688-1772


”1920”Tagore Yeats


St John of Patmos

Fatima Ford Vanga1930s Branham

Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok Jesus

…and the dragon (satan) stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour (kill) her child as soon as it was born. Rev 12:4

She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron (Truth). Rev 12:5

He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. Rev 19:12

The Messiah will come with a "New Name“ = New Adam

St John of Patmos

Korean prophecy that started about 1000 years ago (Chung Gam Rok) and then reiterated and confirmed by many other scholars. It's content speaks of a Messianic figure born in Korea in our time.

Those prophecies coincide with predictions about this man made by Nostradamus and the Bible.

Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok

The Prophecies ofNostradamus


Medical Doctor


The Prophecies ofNostradamus

" For as the lightning comes out of the East, and shines even to the West, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be. . ."

Matt. 24:27.

II 29A man from the East will come out of his seatand will cross the Apennines to see France.

He will cross through the sky, the seas, and snows,and will strike everyone with his rod. (=Truth! – Divine Principle)

The Prophecies ofNostradamus

X 75

Long awaited he will never return in EuropeHe will appear in Asia; (Korea!)

One of the league issued from great Hermes,He will grow above all other powers in the Orient.

William Butler Yeats 1865-1939

Irish poet and drama author.He received the Nobel prize for Poetry in 1923.

"The Second Coming" (1920)

Turning and turning in the widening gyreThe falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhereThe ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction; the worstAre full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;

After the peace treaty was signed in Versailles on the 28th of June 1919, between the Allies and Germany,W.B. Yeats published a poem with the title "The Second Coming". (1920)

  Surely the Second Coming is at hand; The Second Coming! 

Hardly are those words outWhen a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi

Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desertA shape with lion body and the head of a man,

A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it

Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.The darkness drops again; but now I know

That twenty centuries of stony sleepWere vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,Slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?


Bailey; Her vision of a unified society includes a global "spirit of religion" different from traditional religious forms and including the concept of the Age of Aquarius.

p. 66 The works and teachings of Christ will be difficult to accept for the christian world, But in spite of this still be accepted in the Orient.

He will be a World teacher and not just a christian teacher.


Helena Blavatsky, Yelena Petrovna von Hahn1831-1891

Yekaterinoslav, Russian Empire

2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ


• Second Coming of Christ• When• How• Where

• Resurrection• Earthly Men• Spirit Men• Unification of Religions

= Kingdom of Heaven – CIG

2 Greatest Prophecies


William Branham USA had been hearing voices since he was seven years old. 

Finally, in May of 1946, Branham was commissioned by an angel from God to be the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ.

William Branham1946


Fletcher: The Jesus of Galilee will not return – it is not necessary.

The Christ who manifested through him is the Eternal – he will manifest again. 

(Comment: New Adam)

Sitting with Arthur Ford, November 2, 1964

Arthur Ford was one of Americas most famous mediums.Fletcher is Fords contact in the Spir. World.A meeting was arranged with SMM during his 1964/65 visit.

Anthony Brooke: Can you say how near we are to such a breakthrough of universal truth?

Fletcher: You are in the process now. But before Jesus became manifest there were people who had been prepared - John the Baptist came prepared. But the world has grown and multiplied. 

It takes not one man in a little country to be a John the Baptist, but many men in many countries to herald the coming. – (That includes all you who are listening/reading this!)

Mr. Moon reminded me that in the Book of Revelation there is a picture of the New Jerusalem, the Holy City, coming down out of the heavens.

And there was a door on the east and a door on the south, a door on the north and a door on the west –and when the teacher comes, he always has to come through the eastern gate.

In the Holy City of Jerusalem there is an eastern gate long since sealed and blocked. It will never be opened until the new teacher comes. /Arthur Ford sitting 1965


The Hebrew name of the Golden Gate is Sha'ar HaRachamim ( הרחמים Gate  ,(שערof Mercy. In Jewish sources the eastern gate of the Temple compound is called the Shushan Gate., this would make it the oldest of the current gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls.

According to Jewish tradition, the Shekhinah כינה) Divine Presence) used to appear through the eastern Gate, and will appear again when the Anointed One (Messiah) comes (Ezekiel 44:1–3)

Comment : Divine Principle claims Messiah comes from the East, Korea!

I can only repeat the vision of John, that when the New Age comes, the Eastern Gate will open, and not only man –

but Revelation – will flow out of that gate. /Fletcher

But you cannot expect the message to be accepted immediately by vast numbers of people only those who are ready and who are willing to listen and to whom this particular message seems to be right and meaningful. That is the way that all the world teachers have had to go. 

And remember one thing only, that if it is of God, it can not fail.

And it is of God.

Who Is He?by Sung Mo Koo

The Messiah down to earth in secret

The Korean Books of Prophecy



This is only a Short Introduction to DP & Prophecyso please go to the more detailed explanation of each person above at:

John the Baptist of 2000 years ago was a person of tremendous influence, enjoying great prestige all over Israel as a great man of God -- just like Billy Graham of today, a great Christian leader.

Let us say some unknown young man suddenly appeared and began proclaiming himself to the world as the Son of God. As a student of the scriptures, you would ask him, "If you are the Son of God, where is the promised Elijah?" If this man said, "Do you not know that Billy Graham is Elijah?"

what would be your reaction?

You would undoubtedly say, "Impossible! How could Billy Graham be Elijah? He did not come out of the blue sky. We all know he came from North Carolina!"You could not accept that, could you? Precisely this same kind

of unbelief confronted our Lord Jesus Christ.

People could not accept John the Baptist as Elijah, simply because he did not come from the sky. The people of 2,000 years ago were stubborn in their belief that the prophecy of Elijah's return must be fulfilled literally, that he must come from the sky. They were the victims of the letter of the Old Testament

We must not doubt the messages from spirit world. When we enter there, we will be measured by our belief in spirit world messages.

/ SMM Dec1, 2000

The amazing power of spiritual world!And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him (Jesus), Teacher, rebuke your disciples. And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.


The shape of Korea: special meaning according to the I Ching. It looks like the archangel blowing a trumpet. Rev 8:6; 1 Thess. 4:16

USA has the role of roman-empire 2000 years ago.DP: The situations unfolding in Christianity today are

similar to those which took place in Judaism at Jesus' time. 

Church levelWorld level

Cosmic level

1960 20032013

The Korean flag is called taegukki. Its appearance symbolizes the principles of yin and yang in Oriental philosophy. 

The circle in the center is divided into two equal parts. 

The upper red section represents the ”positive” cosmic energy yang. Similarly, the lower blue section symbolizes, the ”negative” cosmic 

forces yin. 

The two forces together embody the concept of perpetual motion and balance and harmony 

that characterize the eternal realm. (KoH)

Summary: Divine Inspiration and Prophecy requires Human responsibility = Prayer & Action

Responsibility = Respons-Ability, Ability to Respond to Divine Prophecy = Prayer & Action

• Satan violated the Divine Principle

• Immature Man gave him the keys

• Jesus took them back Spiritually

• True Parents took them back both Physically and Spiritually

• Now WE must use those keys… = making Spiritual conditions!

• Restore our Abel/Kain tribe!

Kang Hyun-shil, first evangelist joining the UC

“I Cannot Forget True Father's Praying Voice, Even Now”

I Honor this presentation to those Early PioneersWho believed…when there was not much …

Mr EuDP-Lecturer

The Pioneer of PioneersChrist – Messiah

True Man & True Women

True Parents



Prophecies are not for the purpose of the satisfaction of human curiosity, rather to prepare us for the future.

Mans 5% + Gods 95% = 100 % Fulfillment of Gods Will! Be Responsible – Witness - Do Good!

We are at the center of the providence. On us it depends whether we will bring blessing or curs in our future. 5%/5%

/Nostradamus, the Korean Prophecy and the Bible Yulian Marianov September 14, 2010

Unification Church Universal Holy Blessing

It is the Word of the Lord of the Second Advent that convince Future Mankind that Christ has come!

She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron (Truth).He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. Rev 12:5,&19:12 The Messiah will come with a "New Name“ = New Adam

…rule all nations with a rod of iron (Truth). Rev 12,:5


There was great rejoicing on September 1, 2015 in Cheong Pyeong, Korea, with the successful publication of the Cham Bumo Gyeong in Korean, English and Japanese.

References:Main Source: Divine Principle: of Unification Studies Volume: by Sun Myung Moon: Seong Gyeong Unification and Christian friends and some own Inspiration

Share the Gospel of Gospelsfor the 21st CenturyChrist has Returned

A New Bright Future for Sinless Mankind

8 Nov 2015 Helsinki FinlandAfter talk on Prophecies

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Have a great Blessed week. by Bengt de Paulis

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