short story 1 sara went shopping

Post on 28-Apr-2015






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Listen to the passage below and then answer the questions that follow it.

Sara Went Shopping

Sara Smith, a Pasadena resident, went shopping. She is 30, and has lived at 3037 N. Foothill Street since 1992. Sara has been married to John for seven years. They have two children; Bob is five years old and Nancy is three. Sara owns a 1995 four-door blue Toyota. At 9 a.m., Sara got into her car and drove to Barget, a department store a mile away.

Barget was having a holiday sale. Sara bought a four-slice toaster for $29.95 plus tax. The regular price was $39.95. She paid by check. On her way home, Sara stopped at MilkPlus to buy a gallon of nonfat milk. The milk was $3.50. Sara got 50 cents back in change.

Sara arrived home at 10 a.m. John and the kids were still sleeping. She woke them up and then made a hot and nutritious breakfast for everyone.


Pasadena - A city of southern California northeast of Los Angeles.

resident - a person who lives / resides in a particular place permanently or for an extended period

owns - has or possesses as property

got into - entered

department store - A large retail store offering a variety of merchandise and services and organized in separate departments.

a mile - A unit of length equal to 5,280 feet or 1,760 yards (1,609 meters), used in the United States and other English-speaking countries.

holiday sales - the period between Thanksgiving Day and Christmas time when the price of products is lower

four-slice toaster - a mechanical device used to heat and brown bread

tax - a contribution for the support of a government required of persons, groups, or businesses

on her way home - while she was driving / going home

a gallon - A unit of volume in the U.S. Customary System, used in liquid measure, equal to 4 quarts (3.785 liters). British Imperial System (4.546 liters).

1. Questions

Answer these questions:

Did Sara go shopping?

Is Sara 50 years old?

Does she have any children?

Does Sara have a new car?

Was Barget having a holiday sale?

Did she buy the toaster at the regular price?

Did she buy eggs on her way home?

Was her husband still sleeping when she arrived home?

Did she make breakfast for her family?

Was the breakfast nutritious?

How old is Sara?

Who is Sara married to?

How many children do Sara and John have?

What kind of car does Sara have?

When did she go to Barget?

What is Barget?

How did she pay for the toaster?

What did she buy on her way home?

What was the price of the milk?

What did she do when she found that her kids were still sleeping?

Open questions

Does Sara love her husband?

Why wasn’t John at work at 10 a.m.?

How did Sara know that Barget was having a holiday sale?

How many cars do you think the Smiths have?

How long do you think it took Sara to get to the department store?

Does Bob go to school? If yes, what kind of school?

Why do you think Sara bought nonfat milk?

Do you think Sara's husband makes a lot of money?

Do you think Sara wakes her kids up every day? Why do you think Sara’s family was still asleep at 10 a.m.?

What do you think they usually eat for breakfast? What do you usually eat for breakfast?

2. Read these answers an then you ask the questions

She is 30 years old.

She is married to John.

They have two children

She has a 1995 four-door blue Toyota

Barget is a department store.

She paid by check.

She bought some nonfat milk

It was $3.50.

She went to Barget at 9:00 a.m

She woke them up when she arrived home.

3. In pairs, try to complete the two crosswords below:

Story Crosswords 1

Across:1. ___ stores sell clothes, jewelry, TVs,

phones, and many other things.3. I'd rather ___ than be a passenger.5. Fruits and vegetables are ___, but junk

food isn't.7. Are you a ___ or are you just visiting

this country?9. I ___ up when the alarm rang.

10. I'm a wealthy man. I ___ my ___ business.

11. A ___ contains 4 quarts or 4.5 liters.13. People get together for meals and fun

with their families on ___s.14. You can pay by ___ or by credit card.15. If the ___ is right, it's a good deal.

Down:2. Most people get ___ after they

get engaged.4. ___ now, pay later.6. She ___ a new car after she

sold her old one.7. ___ gas is always cheaper than

premium.8. Use your ___ to heat bread and

pop-tarts.12. Roosters ___ up the

neighborhood every morning.

Story Crossword 2

Across:2. ___ping is very popular just before

Christmas. There are lots of sales.3. Your ankle is connected to your ___.4. Sara has ___ married for 7 years.5. Bob is 5 years ___.9. You meet, you date, you get engaged, you

get ___, you get divorced. Then you meet someone else, you date,....

11. Her s___ is a ___ wide.12. ___ is Sara's daughter.13. If you're a teenager, ___ seems like a very

old age.15. Sara ___ shopping.16. There are convenience stores, grocery

stores, and ___ stores.17. Sara ___ been married for 7 years.21. Nancy ___ 3 years old.22. If you ___ a house, you know that on

weekends, your house ___s you.23. Are you an alien, a ___, or a citizen? Or

something else?24. Sara is 30 ___ old.

Down:1. ___ is a short form of

'Robert.'2. ___s are places that sell

you products or services.4. If you're depressed, you

feel ___.6. ___ is Sara's last name.7. ___, CA and ___, TX.8. Please go ___. I never want

to see you again.10. Sara ___ her car to Barget.14. Sara got ___ her car.17. Sara and John ___ 2

children.18. 'I've loved you ___ the

moment I laid eyes on you,' Mike told Laura.

19. Some cars have two ___, some have four. Some have more.

20. ___ is Sara's husband.

4. Take a dictation

Grammar / Structure

Present Perfect Simple ( to talk about an event that happened in the past when the exact time is not known, or when there´s a result or a connection being made to the present, or when the time reference is still unfinished, as in today, this week, up to now, or during my entire life)

Don't ask me what sort of day I've had.(period of time not yet finished)

Ever since it moved in there's been nothing but trouble.(point in time in the past that continues until now)

Have you ever heard anything so disloyal? (during your entire life)

Have you noticed anything strange about that rabbit? (at any time in the past until now)

I think I've had enough.(until now)

it's been here two days and hasn't asked me for money yet.(for a period of time)

I've told you about painting nails at the table. (giving new information)

Our son has just come out. (with just meaning a short time ago)

She's had crushes before.(giving new information before now)

She's waited for six months.(for a period of time)

You haven't told me what you're up to yet. (until now)

Your mother has been very silly.(giving new information)

You've done this kind of thing before? (asking about new information before now)

You've had the cracked filling repaired. (having a result now)

you've woken up every Nick in the world.(having a result now)

Past Simple ( taking a about completed events/activities in a time before now; to say when something happened)

I gave you the old one.(finished action in the past)

I left a note on the fridge, I told Brigitte and I wrote it in lipstick on the bathroom mirror.( finished action in the past)

It wasn't in the instructions.( finished action in the past)

Where did you last see them? (finished action in the past)

You didn't read them. (finished action in the past)

You didn't tell me we had plans tonight.(finished action in the past)

Past Continuous ( being in the middle of doing something at a certain time in the past; saying that something happened in the middle of sth else)

I was sitting in the chair and he...

I wasn't listening.

We were just talking, he seemed so nice.

You were talking to a rabbit.

I was walking home when I met Peter.

It was raining when I got up.

They were watching TV when we arrived.

Open questions possible answers

Does Sara love her husband?

Who knows? In America, the divorce rate is almost 50 percent. I’m sure she loves her children, but I don’t know if she loves her husband. Maybe she’s just used to him

. Why wasn’t John at work at 10 a.m.?

Possibly because it was a weekend or holiday, or maybe he was sick or had the day off or was on vacation.

How did Sara know that Barget was having a holiday sale?

She probably heard commercials on the radio, or saw commercials on TV, or saw advertisements in the newspaper.

How many cars do you think the Smiths have?

They probably have two cars. John uses his car to go to work, and Sara uses her car to run errands.

How long do you think it took Sara to get to the department store?

It took her just a few minutes, because the store is only a mile from her home.

Does Bob go to school? If yes, what kind of school?

Yes. He probably goes to kindergarten. Nancy probably stays home or goes to a daycare center.

Why do you think Sara bought nonfat milk?

Because it is cheaper, and better for you than milk that contains fat.

Do you think Sara's husband makes a lot of money?

I don’t know. If someone drives an old car, maybe they don’t have much money or maybe they’re saving their money for other things.

Do you think Sara wakes her kids up every day? Why do you think Sara’s family was still asleep at 10 a.m.?

I don’t know. Maybe they were up late the night before watching TV or playing games.

What do you think they usually eat for breakfast? What do you usually eat for breakfast?

I think they usually have a bowl of cereal with milk, banana, and a glass of juice. I usually have bacon, eggs, toast, and coffee.

Lesson 1 Crossword Puzzle Key



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