shot - act iii

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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The story of Bobby Thomson's epic home run to beat the Dodgers and advance the NY Giants to the World Series in the 1951 NL pennant race.



Act III - “Et cUM SPIRItU tUO”

Standing at home plate october 3, 1951 at 3:59 pm trailing in the bottom of the ninth inning, the Sizzling batter of the new York giantS, bobbY thomSon, faced ralph branca of the brooklYn dodgerS. what happened at thiS bat waS the moSt memorable event in United StateS SportS hiStorY.

tUne into thiS StorY aboUt a baSeball crazed familY living in a new York bUngalow when three major leagUe baSeball teamS competed in new York citY for SUpremacY. live baSeball daY bY daY aS the giantS came back in earlY aUgUSt from 13 and a half gameS back to take the national leagUe pennant race into a final rUbber game in a beSt of three SerieS. YeS - thiS iS the daY the earth Stood Still, SUbwaYS in nYc Stopped, and tranSiStor radioS blUrted SportScaSter ernie harwell’S famoUS wordS throUghoUt the United StateS.

1951 waS a Year amidSt baSeball’S romantic era - when the national paSt time had little SportS competition. enjoY heart warming 50S eventS, baSeball hiStorY - inclUding the negro leagUeS, and learn how iron lUngS battled a dreadfUl epidemic diSeaSe that affected everY familY - polio.

baSeball back then held familieS and commUnitieS together aS diSeaSe tried to rip them apart. enjoY a bYgone poSt wwii era where everYone waS jUSt glad to be alive and reliShed everY moment oUt of life - trYing to jUSt move on from war time..

“ the Shot heard roUnd the world “ iS a claSSic familY major leagUe baSeball loving StorY that captUreS a battled war veteran father and Son’S trUe poSitive relationShip throUgh good and bad timeS. enjoY the mUSic aS YoU read along in Script format.

Setting: interior. Single parent father with two children in Small harlem, new York bUngalow - aUgUSt 10, 1951 - nightlY baSeball diScUSSion

AUGUSt 30, 1951

Jackie robinson and dodger manager, charlie dressen

gil hodges, dodger first baseman


JAKEwow, the bUm’S preacher iS 18 - 2 - an Unbelievable winning percentage. he abSolUtelY maSSacred the redS with hiS pitching for brooklYn.

DADYeS, and eventUal hall of famer ralph kiner’S 37th homer killed the giantS - blowing an 8 -1 lead - waSting 2 willie maYS homerS. how on earth........

JAKEwait a Second dad. again there iS jUSt no waY for YoUr giantS to win thiS thing. YeS, the giantS made it a bit intereSting recentlY, bUt it will reQUire a modern miracle for the giantS to win a pennant.

DADwell if feeding 5000 with fiSh and loaveS of bread iS reQUired, it will happen - miracle or no miracle.

JAKEi do know what will happen if i get to School neXt week - i will incUr lotS of kidding and teaSing dUe to mY father’S inSane delUSionS aboUt the giantS.

DADhowever when we come back over the neXt month YoU will become verY popUlar becaUSe of me. look at the UpSide, jake.

JAKEok dad, i’m So tired and reallY woUld like to diScUSS baSeball, bUt i’m jUSt going to bed tonight. i loved the caSSerole. night dad.

DADnight. 7 oUt and the giantS are Still in the thick of it.

AUGUSt 31, 1951

JAKEthiS iS a complete daY of reSt for US and both the brookS and giantS.

DADi bet leo iS reallY Up to Something todaY. he never SitS Still. never !

some of the giants PlaYers from the game

bobbY thomson, author of the shot


JAKEall i can SaY iS the brookS fielding iS totallY phenomenal - with campY at the plate, hodgeS at firSt, jackie at Second, coX at third, and pee wee at ShortStop. heck jackie will probablY break the fielding record of red SchoendiSt from 1950.

DADi agree with all YoUr obServationS, bUt again YoU’re a real lUkewarm/fair weather giantS fan jake.

JAKEdad, i love baSeball and i even like the giantS, bUt again be realiStic. look how theY plaYed in the earlY SeaSon.

DADYoU mUSt have deep faith in YoUr team throUgh thick and thin - jUSt like iwo jima where YoU had to have deep faith to get oUt alive.

JAKEbUt i do have faith dad. i Serve maSS 4 timeS a week, go to confeSSion weeklY, and go to mom’S grave Site - even thoUgh i barelY remember her.

DADi UnderStand. bUt YoU cannot have one foot in the water and one oUt - and when the giantS win SaY wow i’m a real fan. doeSn’t work that waY. be there all the time for the giantS. September will be golden for the giantS - beginning with a win over the bUmS tomorrow. good-night ! 7 oUt.

JAKESUper coneYS. night.

SEPtEMBER 1, 1951

DADdid YoU hear aboUt the giantS triple plaY todaY ? incredible !

JAKEbUt the mUltiple bean ballS and warningS bY the UmpS....remember no intentional throwing at batterS or....

clint hartung, nY giants Pitcher

the Polo grounds in the 50’s


DADeXpUlSion ! mandrake had 3 homerS and thomSon one - he continUeS hiS hot bat - that’S what reallY matterS moSt in thiS pennant chaSe.

JAKEand the barber jUSt keepS getting ShaveS on the entire brooklYn team.

DADand the great ralph branca loSt. manager dreSSen iS fUming. School maY not be So bad after all.

JAKEwe’ll See dad. the 40,000 crowd at the polo groUndS todaY Seemed encoUraged, bUt theY alSo had SignS of reSignation on their face according to the newSpaperS. there jUSt iSn’t enoUgh time. plain and Simple.

DADwe’ll See. i’m tired becaUSe i’m eXcited. good night. 6 oUt.

JAKEagain SUper SUpper with cooked beanS. night !

SEPtEMBER 2, 1951

DADanother reallY big giantS win 11-2 over the bUmS. the tUrnStile Said over 1 million fanS for 1951. mUeller got hiS fifth homer in two daYS - tYing a major leagUe record. thiS according to the timeS - which YoU’ve alreadY read - tieS him with adrian anSon of the cUbS in 1884, tY cobb of the tigerS in 1925, tonY lazzeria in 36 for the bronX bomberS, and ralph kiner for pittSbUrgh in 1948. QUite a feat.

JAKEbUt bench clearingS are not part of the game .....and the giantS better be carefUl aboUt SUSpenSionS.

DADYoU won’t See long ejectionS for Simple fightS aS thiS iS part of the game. and mUeller’S wife delivered a babY dUring one of the homerS.

a game underwaY in the Polo grounds

the Polo grounds as it was in 1904


JAKEi’m more intereSted in katie girl getting home tomorrow from the catSkillS. the giantS are onlY making thiS a bit intereSting. bUt can we go a giantS game Soon - even if theY maYbe cannot catch brooklYn in the laSt 3 weekS.

DADi’ll See what i can do. there maY be Some eXtra ticketS at the office UnUSed. labor daY will be big in phillY for the coogan’S blUff boYS, while the dodgerS hoSt boSton in a doUble header.

JAKEwell an earlY maSS to Serve tomorrow and So i’m on mY waY to bed. great rice with the tamaleS dad. i’m Still worried aboUt School a bit, aS moSt of the neighborhood iS Still Smirking aboUt US and the giantS. and remember the giantS game ticketS. night.

DADgood night ! 5 oUt. prettY eXciting StUff ! i woUldn’t worrY aboUt School. YoU teenY bopperS are So fragile.

SEPtEMBER 3, 1951

JAKEoh mY goSh dad, the magic # iS 17 for the brooklYn dodgerS.

DADhere YoU go with that magic # bUSineSS again. YeS, i’m well aware of the bUmS’ Sweep over boSton todaY and oUr Split with phillY.

JAKEit iS mUch more than that. the coogan’S blUff boYS coUld’ve been 3 and a half back todaY - Yet theY are 5 and a half back now.

DADSo what if campY hit #30. he’ll get the mvp and deServeS it with hiS injUrieS and all bUt...........

JAKEbUt i’ve got to go to School tomorrow at corpUS chriSti and face the entire claSS and all the


teacherS who think i have a monStroUSlY zanY dad who rUnS aroUnd predicting miracleS - like he’S now known aS the choSen prophet of coogan’S blUff - predicting the new York giantS will win the national leagUe pennant.

DADtheY’ll get over it Soon enoUgh when oUr giantS come from 13 and a half gameS back and win the pennant over a complacent bUm team. YoU’ll See!

JAKEYeS, i can See it now. all the lookS, fUnnY faceS, and oUtright kidding. i won’t laSt. i’ll melt and never regain mY confidence for life becaUSe of mY dad. YoU don’t UnderStand what it iS like to be 13 and going to School. YoUr warring generation jUSt got throUgh School, married, and diSciplined children. everYone waS the Same, did the Same, and became jUSt like the neXt gUY. no real trUe freedom of thoUght, ventUring oUt, or independence from the normS. i’m SUppoSed to fit into thiS mold - and if anYone iS different in oUr familY, well we’re jUSt plain weird - So we’re real and totallY weird.

DADjake, YoU’ll be So popUlar in a coUple weekS when it getS aroUnd that YoUr dad iS cloSe to a prophet - a verY good predictor - and it iSn’t a miracle. i am actUallY a bit different in that i reallY am the giantS beSt fan. So i’m actUallY a bridge between the QUiet warring and beat generationS.

JAKEYoU’re impoSSible dad - thank god i like talking baSeball. thiS labor daY iS mY laSt to enjoY. i’ll be in laSt place in the neighborhood popUlaritY conteSt. bUt i will get to See mY SiSter tonight - right ? She iS coming home - right dad ? YoU have done the girl clotheS Shopping - at leaSt Some - haven’t YoU ?

DADwell, there haS been a change of planS dUe to mY illneSS which i’ve diScUSSed with aUnt martha.

JAKEno, dad. i won’t accept katie girl not coming home. we were beSt friendS for YearS. i know She needS

alvin dark, nY giants

first Pitch of fateful 3rd PlaYoff game


a mom and doeSn’t have one, bUt i want mY SiSter, katie girl, here aSap.

DADjake pleaSe ShUt Up and let me eXplain.

JAKEthere iS nothing to eXplain period. i’m going to bed. i told YoU aS She getS older that girlS Somehow need a mom - that’S what all the paper roUte cUStomer momS tell me. YoU’ve had hUndredS of chanceS with thoUSandS of war widowS and even non war widowS in new York citY - in fact the USa. theY are lonelY too, and woUld make katie girl a great mom. i know aUnt martha woUld make a great mom too, bUt YoU are both a mom and dad. we need to be together period. don’t Split US Up. we’ll all regret it for YearS. pleaSe do not let katie girl leave !

DADbUt aUnt martha........

JAKEaUnt martha won’t cUt it dad. night. i knew thiS woUld happen. mY dad like dateS one girl and marrieS her, and then can never date again no matter what; So i don’t See mY SiSter - bUt what maYbe once a Year for the reSt of mY life - while She liveS oUt in the catSkillS with aUnt martha in a life of leiSUre. come on dad. thiS iSn’t fair !

DADaUnt martha offered her a place and theY have been like mother/daUghter all SUmmer. theY’ve alreadY Shopped for clotheS and katie girl haS a new boYfriend.

JAKEi won’t ever eat here again - jUSt Sleep. and i want giantS ticketS in center near maYS, and a new philco tranSiStor radio So i can keep Up with nYc baSeball. night !

DADgood night. i’ll See what i can do aboUt YoUr SiSter. lotS of viSitS, familY reUnionS, anYthing. the other reQUeStS, i jUSt don’t know. five and a half oUt. good night !

SEPtEMBER 4, 1951

aPProx location where willie maYs made “the catch”

Plaque unveiled noting location of home Plate in the Polo grounds after studium was razed.


JAKESorrY aboUt laSt night, dad. i reallY am SorrY.

DADok, apologY accepted and i’m Sad thiS happened. katie girl’S deal with aUnt martha iS on a trial baSiS - bUt here - i do have a letter for YoU from katie girl.

JAKEthiS iS great. She haS a boYfriend - which i alreadY knew, haS jUSt Started School, and wiSheS the giantS the beSt. She knowS dad mUSt be going abSolUtelY crazY with a real bonified pennant race.

DADmY letter diScUSSeS thingS aUnt martha and her are doing - StUff that gUYS never do, and girlS love to do.

JAKElike Shopping.

DADYeS and manY SUbtle activitieS that we gUYS jUSt don’t do, let alone UnderStand.

JAKEbUt what if YoU get a SerioUS girlfriend dad, and marrY her ? what if ? will katie girl then come back ?

DADoh, we’ll deal with all that if it happenS.

JAKEwell with all that, the brookS and giantS are both off todaY. and thomSon SaYS the giantS maY have a chance according to the timeS. and thank god Stan mUSial, the all Star mvp, iSn’t on the brookS. he SinglehandedlY almoSt carrieS a team.

DADand campY iSn’t catching babe rUth with 60 homerS in a SeaSon. not even cloSe.

JAKEwell “ the babe “ had a 295 foot porch in right field Yankee StadiUm alSo.

dedication stone noting stairwaY to Polo grounds

stairwaY as it aPPears todaY


DADthe homer record iSn’t that Simple to a baSeball pUriSt.

JAKEwhat do YoU mean bY that Statement ?

DADwell there waS thiS power SlUgger in the negro baSeball leagUe named joSh gibSon.

JAKEaS if he beat rUth dad. come on !

DADwell for YearS the commiSSionerS have diScUSSed the negro baSeball leagUe recordS being added to major leagUe recordS bUt.........

JAKEbUt what negro leagUe ?

DADwell joSh plaYed for the homeStead graYS....and recordS were SparSe. heck the graYS plaYed in forbeS field and griffith field - where the waShington SenatorS plaYed.

JAKESo the joSh gibSon record doeSn’t coUnt - right dad ?

DADwell the record in 1931 waS for 75 homerS - and well docUmented. thiS iS a Simple Yet compleX QUeStion. the commiSSioner and baSeball want all theSe recordS acknowledged.

JAKESo where doeS thiS pUt rUth ? Second ?

DADprobablY. thiS waS an eXcellent baSeball leagUe. the negro leagUe barnStormed.

JAKEbarnStormed ?

DADYeS. that SimplY meant plaYing from town to town conSiderablY USUallY bY bUS - plaYing anYbodY and

roY camPanella, dodger catcher

Polo grounds home Plate location Plaque as it aPPears todaY


everYbodY. gUYS like Satchel paige, jackie robinSon, ernie bankS, and elSton howard - all on the kanSaS citY monarchS - plaYed all the time. heck, Satchel paige had 300 ShUtoUtS, 1500 winS, and manY 30 plUS win SeaSonS. he maY have been the verY greateSt pitcher along with cY YoUng who had more than 500 major leagUe winS.

JAKEwell i’ve heard the kanSaS citY monarchS were the verY beSt baSeball team of all time - bUt not mUch written.

DADwell joSh gibSon died in 1947 UneXpectedlY of a Stroke - bUt coUld’ve eaSilY plaYed in the majorS and preceded robbY.

JAKEwaS thiS the gUY who maYbe hit a ball oUt of Yankee StadiUm ?

DADwell, there waS a 1940S negro leagUe all Star and Yankee eXhibition game in the bronX, and joSh hit a ball So far it waSn’t foUnd. rUmor haS it that a little boY Saw it drop from Yankee StadiUm’S roof - and figUred Someone threw it over the roof for fUn. the ball waS never foUnd. few people attended the game - which pUrportedlY waS won bY the negro all StarS.

JAKESo theSe eXhibitionS tipped the ScaleS, and fanS realized both leagUeS coUld compete with one another.

DADYeS, and the o’malleYS wanted better competition. So after jackie, the giantS obtained monte irvin from the newark eagleS.

JAKEone final QUeStion before i hit the Sack. how manY homerS did joSh gibSon hit in hiS career ?

DAD850 - and againSt verY good pitching. So no matter what anYone SaYS aboUt rUth - gibSon iS the all time leader becaUSe he flat oUt had to hit’em - even againSt Satchel paige, barnStorming daY to

sal maglie, giants Pitcher

scene at home Plate following walk off home run bY thomson


daY, riding on old bUSeS, bUt having a ton of fUn - probablY plaYing baSeball the waY it ShoUld be plaYed.

JAKEwow ! 850 homerS ! Unbelievable ! night !

DADgood night. Still onlY 5 and a half oUt.

SEPtEMBER 5, 1951

JAKEgollY gee dad. the giantS won todaY and now have a 20 and 3 record in their laSt 23 gameS.

DADYeS, and theY beat warren Spahn. joneS pitched great. bUt the barber loSt the Second game going for hiS 19th win.

JAKEand the bUmS beat phillY with a gil - who never talkS - hodgeS grand Slam, and ralph branca finallY won one. i gUeSS he waSn’t oUt Singing the night before.

DADlookS like the lip, dUrocher, better Start Stealing more SignS from center field or wherever he can.

JAKEwell dad, the timeS and mY cUStomerS make SUbtle mention of the fact that the bUmS are feUding inSide.

DADwell, the brookS are Still a good team even when feUding - bUt i Still contend we are a bit better.

JAKEwell we maY be in for rain tomorrow. and YoU’ve got no idea what i’m endUring at School dad. thoUgh YoU are a war hero, moSt of mY friendS and everYbodY i know - like the whole School inclUding the teacherS - are laUghing at oUr familY - US thinking the giantS will win the pennant. it’S real

examPle of an iron lung


embarraSSing dad. i maY have to QUit corpUS chriSti and go to reSUrrection.

DADnonSenSe. anY homework jake ?

JAKEYeS a ton, and night. great bUrgerS tonight.

DADgood night ! 6 oUt.

SEPtEMBER 6, 1951

JAKEno gameS todaY becaUSe it iS poUring throUghoUt the coUntrY. bY the waY, dad - what waS the late night phone call YoU received aboUt laSt night.

DADi waS waiting to tell YoU in a coUple daYS becaUSe...........

JAKEit’S aboUt katie girl iSn’t it ? tell me dad. i’m verY matUre for mY age. thiS SoUnded bad bY the tone of YoUr voice. i am not StUpid!

DADok, it lookS aS if katie girl iS verY ill with polio.

JAKEbUt She’S oUt in the catSkillS! theY don’t have polio oUt there!

DADwell She waS tranSferred to bellevUe hoSpital in new York citY laSt evening. She iS the firSt polio victim in that area. now the entire moUntainS are Under polio QUarantine.

JAKEoh mY goSh. what will happen dad ? will She die ? i know Some people die from the diSeaSe. what iS neXt ?

don mueller baseball card, nY giants

“the shot heard ‘round the world”


DADwell i don’t know. aUnt martha iS the onlY one who can have contact with katie girl becaUSe She’S alreadY been eXpoSed.

JAKEYoU mean we cannot See her ?

DADcorrect. not at all.

JAKEYoU mean i maY never See her again ?

DADwe will begin praYing the roSarY everY night.

JAKEand i’ll Serve maSS everY daY - even if i’m late for School. what elSe ?

DADi can onlY tell YoU what i know.

JAKEwell, there will be no more baSeball talk at night.

DADno, we need to continUe oUr life aS normal aS poSSible per the doctorS reQUeSt. we cannot dig a hole and hide. i’ll get Strength and do mY legal job, and YoU’ll do YoUr homework, and we’ll talk baSeball at night. doctorS orderS.

JAKEthiS will be verY toUgh. i don’t know if i can live throUgh thiS. loSing a SiSter ! i knew She ShoUld’ve come home.

DADenoUgh. She’S in the verY beSt medical handS in the world - manY phdS and mdS are performing reSearch againSt thiS virUS - right here in nYc at bellevUe - becaUSe of the polio epidemic.

JAKEi’m eXhaUSted dad. great Salad tonight dad. thankS. night.

DADgood night. love YoU Son and Still 6 oUt.

andY Pafko, brooklYn dodgers

ralPh branca, losing Pitcher in game


SEPtEMBER 7, 1951

JAKEet cUm SpiritU tUo. jeSUS do what YoU can to make katie girl all right. She iS probablY in So mUch pain. She iS the onlY SiSter i have. i’ll go to maSS everYdaY.

DADkYrie eleiSon.

JAKEdeo gratiaS. again jeSUS pleaSe go to bellevUe and help the doctorS find a cUre for polio. pleaSe.

DADhabemUS and dominiUm.

JAKEdignUm et jUStUm. it mUSt have been So awfUl for dad when mom died on top of hiS iwo jima injUrieS from which he’S never recovered. pleaSe i beg YoU to help katie girl.

DADgloria tibi domine.

JAKEdad, father mUrphY Said he woUld do all he coUld to get oUr katie girl back to normal and with oUr familY.

DADi’m certain he will. thiS will be roUgh, bUt She iS a verY toUgh girl. jUSt like her mother.

JAKEi’m not Up for mY homework, and i know i ShoUld finiSh it todaY, bUt...

DADok we’ll follow doctor’S orderS, complete the homework, and be aS normal aS poSSible - we’ll talk a little baSeball and then go to bed. great evening maSS.

JAKEwell brooklYn’S preacher pitched well todaY. he’S 19 and 2 and reallY helping the bUmS thiS Year. their batS were amazing todaY.


DADwell the Scot, bobbY thomSon, waS 5 for 5, coX had 3 hitS and 4 rbiS, and irvin hit it oUt of the StadiUm. janSen pitched well and now haS 18 winS. the giantS kept pace with brooklYn.

JAKEi’m prettY nUmb dad. i’ve been reallY thinking with katie girl being Sick and all........

DADwhat are YoU SaYing ?

JAKEi know baSeball iS YoUr life. YoU love it. it meanS everYthing to YoU and manY other new YorkerS. i’ve been anti - eStabliShment - not rooting aS avidlY aS YoU for oUr neighborhood team. well i’ve changed. i’m even more matUre now. i will be a Strong SUpporter of the giantS no matter what the StUdentS and teacherS at corpUS chriSti SaY. no matter what !

DADSoUndS good. a roSarY and we’re off to bed. good-night.

JAKEnight. SUper onion ringS at SUpper. Still 6 oUt, bUt climbing.

SEPtEMBER 8, 1951,

DADwell newcombe beat hearn todaY.

JAKEand jackie robinSon got 3 rUnS, 3 hitS, and the doggone dodgerS beat US. how are YoU doing dad ?

DADi’ll get throUgh it. i Still feel the giantS will make a Solid rUn at the end of the SeaSon and brooklYn will be forced to plaY well to beat US.

JAKEanY newS aboUt katie girl ?


DADYeS, i talked to the doctorS late thiS afternoon and She’ll be adminiStered intravenoUSlY polio virUS anti SerUm - blood from an eXpoSed animal to polio that haS developed antibodieS to the virUS.

JAKEoh mY god ! poor katie girl !

DADwell the doctorS SoUnd optimiStic. She haS no choice. the new vaccineS coming oUt are not Yet approved ... and She’S not a candidate anYwaY Since She actUallY haS confirmed polio.

JAKEdoeS She hUrt ?

DADwell no, bUt She iS heavilY Sedated becaUSe She iS in an iron lUng.

JAKEiron lUng ? what iS that ? SoUndS bad.

DADwell katie girl iS too weak to breathe for herSelf So theY Sedated her and pUt her in a chamber of negative preSSUre where She iS able to move her lUngS and tranSport oXYgen into her bodY with inSpiration. She received the laSt iron lUng available in the citY. the epidemic iS Severe.

JAKEthank god She got the laSt iron lUng device. i wiSh it were me in there inStead of her.

DADwe all wiSh we coUld Stand in for her. we can onlY praY and take one daY at a time.

JAKEi’ve got earlY maSS Serving and timeS roUte tomorrow - aS well aS School. i’m going to bed. again great SpUdS tonight. night !

DADgood night jake. now more than 6 gameS oUt. come on coogan’S blUff boYS.

destruction of the Polo grounds

first Pitch, game 3


SEPtEMBER 9, 1951

JAKEok, dad. i’m feeling good aboUt the giantS. the barber won hiS 20th game at ebbettS field todaY 2 -1 over ralph branca. irvin hit a big homer matching the trUe SUperStar in the american leagUe, larrY dolbY - the verY firSt black plaYer in the american leagUe.

DADi agree. monte irvin iS jUSt aS good aS dolbY - both are great. bUt there are onlY 19 gameS left in the SeaSon. the giantS mUSt keep moving.

JAKEand mY goSh dad - thomSon’S tag plaY on robbY at 3rd baSe waS oUtStanding - maYbe the plaY of the SeaSon.

DADwell the giantS are off on an eXtended road trip now.

JAKEanY newS aboUt katie girl ?

DADwell, She received the firSt of the anti - SerUm todaY and will be in the iron lUng for an indefinite period of time per dr. edneY - infectioUS diSeaSe SpecialiSt for bellevUe.

JAKEi’m praYing and will go to confeSSion tomorrow to cleanSe mY Self. father SaYS YoUr praYerS are mUch better with a cleanSed SoUl.

DADi totallY agree. that’S alSo what the corpUS chriSti nUnS and the baltimore catechiSm iS inStrUcting oUr generation.

JAKEwell i’m glad katie girl iS in great medical handS at bellevUe. i praY conStantlY - even on mY paper roUte.

Jackie robinson and dodger manager, charlie dressen

gil hodges, dodger first baseman


DADthat’S admirable jake. did YoU learn anYthing in School todaY - other than we are both crazY baSeball people ?

JAKEit iS Unbelievable the oUtpoUring of concern over katie girl. people i hardlY knew are coming Up to me at corpUS chriSti - offering to bike the timeS roUte for free, Serve mY maSSeS, and help with homework. Unbelievable !

DADwell, did YoU tell them theY have to load YoUr bike SpokeS with baSeball cardS So everYone can hear YoU coming ? YoU know YoUr timeS cUStomerS are verY pickY and know when YoU’re coming.

JAKEdad, YoU alwaYS make fUn of thiS - and thoSe old baSeball cardS are worth nothing anYwaY. laSt SeaSon’S cardS are pUt to good USe in mY SpokeS. old baSeball cardS will never be worth anYthing.

DADSome daY thoSe old baSeball cardS will be worth thoUSandS - maYbe millionS - eSpeciallY the originalS.

JAKEYoU’re dreaming again dad. time for bed. Unbelievable goUlaSh. night. 5 and a half oUt.

DADand climbing. good night.

SEPtEMBER 10, 1951

JAKEbleSS me father. i have Sinned. mY laSt confeSSion waS 3 weekS ago. mY SinS are the following: firSt the mortal oneS - 1) being late for chUrch 2) not doing Some of mY homework at corpUS chriSti 3) StaYing oUt late when mY dad iS Sleeping 4) failUre to help mY dad throUgh hiS illneSS 5) SaYing the lord’S name in vain 6) Stealing a nickel from mY SiSter’S room 7) not SUpporting the giantS aS

some of the giants PlaYers from the game

bobbY thomson, author of the shot


mUch aS mY dad, and ............well that’S enoUgh i gUeSS............

JAKEok, do YoU mean i need to SaY 10 oUr fatherS and 20 hail marY’S everY daY for 2 weekS, or jUSt one time.

JAKEok, i’ll SaY thoSe praYerS everY daY in addition to the roSarY for mY SiSter dailY. See YoU in 2 weekS, father.

SEPtEMBER 11, 1951

DAD11 iS the magic # jake - Since YoU are continUallY hUng Up on thiS concept.

JAKEno, it’S the Sporting newS, timeS, herald tribUn - all of them are coUnting brooklYn’S waltz into the SerieS. heck clem labine won a 7 love ShUtoUt in cincY todaY. the dodgerS are plaYing Strong.

DADand mr. QUiet eXcept with the bat firSt baSeman gil hodgeS had 2 rbiS and pafco oUt in left had 3 rbiS alSo.

JAKEand oUr coogan’S blUff boYS coUld onlY Split at SportSman park in St. loUiS with lockman having a triple in the firSt game. thomSon’S hot bat however continUeS with 3 hitS todaY.

DADand weStrUm, oUr Under rated catcher, had a grand Slam. koSlo got a win bY getting Stan the man oUt in the 9th with the baSeS loaded.

JAKEit’S too bad janSen loSt the evening game.

DADlarrY janSen will come back. Still time !

JAKEthat’S what theY are SaYing at kaeSong. Still time to negotiate - Since if we don’t, both korea and maYbe

clint hartung, nY giants Pitcher

the Polo grounds in the 50’s


the US will be ended bY a-bombS. can YoU imagine that ?

DADSo what elSe have the nUnS been teaching YoU at corpUS chriSti ?

JAKEoh, jUSt aboUt famoUS people right here in harlem - growing Up in nYc near coogan’S blUffS. it iSn’t jUSt aboUt willie maYS.

DADwell, tell me.

JAKEok, well are YoU aware that f. Scott fitzgerald, john aUdUbon, harrY hoUdini, Scott joplin, dUke ellington, cootie williamS, and loUie armStrong live here. alSo arthUr miller the plaYwright, norman rockwell, george gerShwin, harrY belafonte, and oScar hammerStein live right Up the Street.

DADi gUeSS i knew Some of that, bUt it iS impreSSive to have SUch a creative neighborhood. anYthing elSe other than harlem hiStorY ? no be bop trivia aS it will SUrelY end oUr eXiStence on thiS planet!

JAKEok, i’ll laY it on YoU. pat lagekUiSt wrote barrabaS thiS Year; the nobel peace prize went to leon joUhoUX for labor rightS of Union workerS; edward mcmillan diScovered a decaY bYprodUct of UraniUm called neptUniUm; glenn Seaborg iSolated and developed plUtoniUm - and waS acknowledged - itS USe led to the manhattan project, walton Split the atom, and......

DADok, enoUgh....the nUnS are doing great teaching cUrrent eventS in all fieldS.

JAKEgetting real tired dad. SUper homemade chipS. tomorrow, iS dr. edneY at bellevUe calling aboUt katie girl ? night.

daddr. edneY or hiS nUrSe will call if there iS anY change in her condition. good night ! Still 6 oUt !

a game underwaY in the Polo grounds

the Polo grounds as it was in 1904


SEPtEMBER 12, 1951

JAKEhappY chandler, oUr former major leagUe baSeball commiSSioner, waS one of onlY 8000 fanS at cincY, aS the bUmS loSt 6-3 on merriman’S 3 rUn Shot. happY waS from kentUckY, and generallY regarded aS a good perSon bY thoSe who knew him according to the paperS.

DADwow, i didn’t know YoU actUallY knew that StUff. i didn’t even know that he waS from kentUckY.

JAKEwell, the giantS were rained oUt, and i had Some time to check oUt the librarY. i’m waiting for the medical Up date on katie girl. hopefUllY verY good.

DADnot good. She iS reQUiring 100 % SUpport from the iron lUng and theY’ve pUt her in a coma So the tUbe in her windpipe - called an endotracheal tUbe - doeSn’t bother her and caUSe coUghing to eXceSS.

JAKEYoU mean katie girl iS too weak to even breathe a little bit ?

DADYeS, UnfortUnatelY. we are in thiS for the long haUl. more roSarieS are coming.

jakeand more Served maSSeS. mY goSh, mY Strong SiSter maY die, and i cannot go See her, aS i coUld get thiS diSeaSe alSo if i did come in contact with her apparentlY?

DADYeS, polio SpareS no one per dr. edneY. we are Still waiting for the effectS of the antiSerUm.

JAKEi’ll go nUtS dad. i can’t handle thiS. i reallY cannot.

DADYeS YoU will. we both will. we will keep oUr faith, jobS, School, love for familY and jeSUS, and.........


JAKEbaSeball per dr.edneY. remember he Said to live YoUr life aS normal aS poSSible. and he iS a great giantS fan too.

DADi know thiS will wipe US oUt financiallY Since we don’t have health inSUrance, and trUman’S plan of UniverSal health iS too earlY for the US. bUt i don’t care, aS long aS katie girl receiveS the verY beSt treatment - and bellevUe hoSpital iS clearlY the verY beSt place in the world for polio care.

JAKEok then, dad remember the 295 foot right field porch for rUth at Yankee StadiUm ?


JAKEwell the dimenSionS of the polo groUndS are 279 feet in left, 493 feet in center, and onlY 258 feet in right field. whY not more home kingS at coogan’S blUff ?

DADthe giantS have never reallY taken advantage of thiS fact - never went after plaYerS in their farm SYStem throUgh the new York cUbanS, or bY trade to get a real leftY power SlUgger.

JAKEwell the giantS ShoUld’ve had a weight machine in the dUgoUt or bUllpen. i’m SerioUS - 258 feet in right - mUch leSS than Yankee StadiUm.

DADtell that to the lip neXt time YoU See him.

JAKEtired. off to bed. praY for katie girl. night.

DADgood-night. five and a half oUt. we’ll Soon be there.


alvin dark, nY giants

first Pitch of fateful 3rd PlaYoff game

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