sierra county advocate, 1902-05-02 · 2020. 7. 2. · sierra w m "lit ifi m ikc! im thvi tur!...

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Sierra County Advocate, 1885-1917 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Sierra County Advocate, 1902-05-02J.E. Curren

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Recommended CitationCurren, J.E.. "Sierra County Advocate, 1902-05-02." (1902).

W M "lit Ifi M IkC! IMSierra thVI tUr!



I i


latorr.tlna-- I'ualiloa of lb Boath ANrlaaa Hvpubll. tlrawa hr Van- -

al Uvarral aiuna.m.iv he had.Will. M. Robins,Adirenb : II emu mi, N. M.

lUngn Near Ileriwowa N. M.

All Ini'iouNo IJrainK' l HMinc an cut

Dealer In Everything--

0r Ooodsad Groceries WW Axle

GreasePtjM!ii5. w ts y w v-- w



Oil CI.

that makes yourhorses glad.Flour and Feed.

Hav and Grain- -

An lntcr,Hitiii)r pU'tum of the TrniiavTnul anil Kit,. lUte fn Aiiffuiit, aftertln wnvc of war Imil pnititt'il over tliocon 11 ry ia prcKcnti-i- l in n rrpni't fromCoiikuI (icncriil Slown nt t Hpc Town,lu li'il AiifjiiHt 17. lie hint jiiNt returnedto tlic I'apo from 11 trii llininjfH theIWu rrpnhlics, nnil nay tluit for linn-ili'ii-

f in i It m nil tliu ii. in ladown ami cannot lie uumI Ufjiiin. '1'lia

ifil linve been burned for fuel and11 uixt lie repined with Iron pnata, ow-- I

UK to I lie Kciircity of timber.The plowing In priifrrcN viii. limited

compared with former joiira, nmlthere will Mill tie 11 lnt),re mnrket forAliierlcnii erreiilH. ty Murch, HUH,

mill iiMieliincry will lu wnnted.Mont imd iiw' .tuck will continue tolie liiipoilril, nml .loliHcncKburi,' hadonly three I.i,m fiipply of meat whenMr. S( ov, e left I )n low 11.

Wliile the ll'iers who Imvc returnedlire niiiiiiii. lo ffi 10 wink, ncveriilluuiilhs inn, t chipM' befrre thlii),'N net-

tle ilnwn to a ntifmul biu.i.1. Thein Inilli1itii( 11 low line of

111 11 wc. v from II111 riMiih h to couneetwith the Oiihii. t'nl, my kvntcm, othnt tie Ni'lherliiiuls ruilvMiy, withitM pir cut. li hlcrida, w ill noloii).M'i' hiiM' a monopoly In the Triin.- -

mil. There will be 11 bin ih inninl forhriilKe imilerlnl and elcliieul maelilii-er- y

ni',1 mippllcH,Lord lii.litilH hn appointed an

eoiiinilt tee to OhMxt I1I111 in thsriMpeniiii'' of Joliiiuiieabiuir andcure the return of t lie iiiinin(f popula-tion, upon which the proHpei ity of thetown depend.. It 1. ipii'ntioli.bltjwliether (he undciilrahle element com


f .roll )inT.ft lifHl'.r, in...Tin of Ilm

en A 11 ID W A IS B !J

Rattcfe & Muio Supplies,TAILOR MADE CLOTHING


l,.,,.lran nmlln well. I' ,nvi In OH, alini r VI.,-

Ivul .hVKlo.-- " ',1 I ' lim; 1 .'I. ,.aRi..,t mo " nl ku..ln( llio lniW

I'lBUIMlliU I'ltJHU t 10 tHUi.



The two irliivijsil tlermun fortreaaeaon the Halt U) acu ure at Konl(fsberf 4iuJlaiuir. Central (inrmaay hue threef ratH'hisji fortreHHc., HpaiuUni, Mnde-bni'f- f

ii ml KiiMtritti on the r'reneU fron-

tier, Metjs ami Stri4iurif ; and on theIk'luln frontier (xilogtiw uud Koblrnc.

The C'yeloM-B- t walla of Haalliee weredefensive work bulltof etonea, so greatin size that even the most cluliornte

niillanee. of the present daywould be timed ( tranaiort tben.Kumo of these stones are ll feet looffby10 to IS thick, mid of unknown width.

The wiille of Jtubylon were mad ofd brick. They are aald to hare

been ."100 feet, hljrh. ami wide enough Atthe top for from three 4o Ave chariot todrive nbrcntit. Tito material, however,wn o friable thnt of these (flffautlaet ruettircs not a trace now rctnulim.

The walls of the callc built in En(Kind by YVIIIIum the Compteror were ofremarkable, tlilektteaai. The rustle offliistiii),' and tbe. keep or round towert f Vliiils4r have walls ii.pwnil of 30 fetlu tl.lckucsa, Such, a fort Ideation waslinpti irtitible iitfniimt all forma of at-ta-

then in uho.In "The Voynffeaof Capt. Cook" tiiem

la a (iiteiiient. to the effect that In NewZcnlnn-i- the town, of the native mnnil protected by ntockadc. In nomnriiaca theso were formed of double ortriple row of tree, the space, between

lnltieed with wicker work andfilled with

Toward the cloae of the civil war thaimen on bolh a'dra lierameixi In

rrertlnir tiMnporary fortifiect ', , MistIn a few tii.liiiites an entire rep'ment,halted In nn opii field, would illsappenrfrom view breu.l.woi k. throwntip by the men.


Hoy. are employed at Moorbunk, N. 8. W picking caterpillar,off v I ilea ami ere bcliiR paid at the ratevt alx jarnee jsr quart, honest measure.

The loii)r coiitlmiaitc of the trlkin the glass faclorlea has left the ware-house empty and created a great de-

mand. The mer expect to have a busyaeason. .

A dosejt new coaj mine bare beenopened in Virginia end Tennessee, andthere la a revival there of the coal andcoke business, ns well aa an. active de-

mand for miner.Mexican uonu'ii are never employed

ns boolihei-pci's- , cashier, .tenograpb-cr- s,

tvpewrlter.i or saleswomen or Inany brunches o' Industry w herein wom-an cull ctirn lia' ow n living.

The Mayor of Hun ha noti-fied the trade assembly of tbet citythat orgiini.ed lulKir will lie representedon the committee, to be uiiolnted toprc are a new city charter.

There are 12 cotton factories In Atbnitii. ()u that are now riimilng at fullcapacity. They were never eomjiletelyIdle during the panic and have paid uni-form wage J1 the time.



' inn Ni'nr II illhhuro.

rir!ht bip and niilo,Inor"iK Hrnmlnl on

tln'nli hih) dti 1 if,' lit niiV.Knur .M.'itUx : Ci m hih) t.iu mi!h rih

n;iil, hil l fl.


l'lttolTlce Pi r'u cnniyN. M li.i i"t', Aiii'ims Unnclt, sic mCuiitity. I'nr iirirkM. umli-- Imlf cr. peui'U car. Ilor-- c brand Hiitt.c an c.iltic,bill on Icf; s'ioiiUI T.

A iidi 110N h Ulusny it1

JliJf 0:1 left hip. line or ai, c.W (.rt i h-- . i'2 ri I t hip.SnS'llthU.! "'"''

L A !( ( Vf si lo)

lT(lcft .houhlor)

W. S. nOrV.WiJ-.n- ,M,ni.if- r.

EAT 'EM LIKE CANDYAgent For White Sewing M:chimrionnant. I'alatnliln. Ci.l.ilil. Iln.,.1. Cn llnolt,

N,...r Hiokrn, '.. or OH- .- lu. i 1.1.U M .;".i,i,r Wrlia lor fi.'a aau.fir. ami 1.

ImiiiIIIi. Ail.hf.ai11 in iii h, mv rnvi'iiir. run in" ar kitw TOiik. mon to nil inlnliijr town, will he al-

lowed to return to Jiihiliini'bui(f.


a--i r.Afsiny CATHAnnn . A I frail (). tanilarlilll Takaa t'p thaI'ruliUie nf lOnrulaii a l.lvlna with

nil,l)IHI,ll,fO u atari Oa,or. lit V- -. V ?,"l rV7af3.

H IM.if . fc J lis X..- -

Ceuhit: rf.iTprd C, C. C. Ncvrr !J In I u,'!l.

bvUsrr cf I'k rff.iltr vlio trh-- j (o ivil

"aoii.i'Uii'i.; liU guild."flJAC GO Til.

I! AN(l!, PAl.OM.Vb CltELKif Purple Block, flillob ro, fSn'rr i County, N M.)

The Oirtnii drive id tliu favorite ami lv pituizMl by ! uhiiian mi, tlm trVrtl '.ny public, milling ami (intil'u-iii- . H.vt niPitle) amiaUdjlllg ll toWU. M rule at all liuuirt. (

Mrn .J. V. OiU;i. UU), IVoprioir-s- s.



.... Vallsy, Eiikko ad Kiagstaa

Alfred (iuyni). Vamlai hllt, po.nemorof K..ill,ll(H),llt,U imd hi llil of hi house,the olher iluy did the fli t duy'i workof bin life. Iti iht mid curly hiis atthe tii iti il (', nliul ttiilii.u, full of tillnml en I h uisiiiK in, to li hi n he railwaybiiMiii k.h. He tool li it, jiluce iiiikii ;rtheothi r ,iiiiiir eli lliM In tlie treiisui er'.ollici' ' I ; lie New o k Cent I III 'Ilill withthem ri in it li id on duty till f,.iu i. in,,with mi hour oiT for luncheoii. "lie l n

.Miiinir 0 it of aeiiH!-,- riiiil 'I'ri iii er

Itiuv r, "ai'ti lie ri In t he I ei polulliil-itii-

that bin wenllh bus lirnlilit uponhim. I.IKe nil the nnilei blilH, be want,to bi' ii hit n limn of biihii IM rind i.i hiha KtHi l' il in to le.irn th u nrliln,' n ofth itiit pi',iniiy in which he ha.mich a larji' Ink i i t.

"l!i- v.lll ,'f. ) is- - h with thcn'luryiiin.).' im n, mKo lire n line c lm-- oflinyi.," eoiillniii il Mr. liossiter, '"I'helr

nhi;-- nii i nce i. a week. 1 enn'tKiiy wl.nt Mi. V'niiileibllt'it niilniy willbe. Of com M" be won't have to rrmiiiiiilliiii;i; i. hniirt-- . The (fruit ileiiiiilid.of hi iKinli' will tike hi in from heroften. 1 r'un't mi: c he w ill Imve to(ik me when be VinntM lo rii out forhalf mi limn."

Ar.d Mr. I!in,ller laughed at hl jolie


On Inillann iiier laor AppulalaTan VVuiuiiii In Ilia lllalrlal

aa ICiiiimeralur.

JotEx ores si Lino.,S (til itsW.auaVl3

Wiui! of Ciirtliil is Iho ifiiiirilhincf 11 wniLian'M health nml huppl-ne.-

from youth to old it'e. It

helps her MitVly into wtuiiunhooil.It Miniums her iluiinjr the tibilsof jirc.riiii.iicy,'iilh nniliimlhci liooil, iniikiiiir ciisynml prcMMilinjr llootline; nml o.

It fjcntly IcihIm her

tlirouj;h thn ,1.ui,';i'i'ou i periodKnown ni Ihn chi,ii;'c of lifo.

lb aiala H.blbll aa AaaaHaaaLuaumotlv.

Poat O'liiip : l.nfc Paloui'm

N. M.

Ct iv an S

ftfking close connection with all trains to and from Lak

Valley, for Hillsborough and Kingston.4iiek tiua. Njw and comfortable .Uoks and Conches, and Oooi


). W. ORCHARD, Proprietor.

A ft T a ITS Is? SI Gcffl

In .11 lu '- n- tto J,i'4'x ,'-- IElj

Ci"UllCC,nrlboi' lir


csiircH lcucorrhica, fulling of thn

womb, ami iiicnstninl iiTcjriihirityin every f riii. It Is viiliinbhi in

very trying jici lod of n woiiiiin'slife. It reinforce the nervous

hyslem, nets directly oil thn ffcni-l-

(irgiins ;unl is the I'mest t inlii

for women luiown. A .k yourlrujr;:M for u H1.00 bottlo of

Wine of t'lii.bii.

4 Qifcwaya 4ill!

C'n-un- i r.iilii! Ic .li.r ii.'n tus 'proaiinover Iho meml ir.i in l.c ': ' m

inliiil.ut .Curb f.)"iw. ll lHi. t 'li'J --.!'Jnot prui'.uco snii'Ji,!.'. l.n-2- W oiii'ia at I'ru-(jis- t,

or by inuil; Ti ial K.-- 1()':pi.

Sty UiiUTlJn.ll.', W V.inri. Sue.:'., Iiiv York.

THElliitt nvlllB, Ala., July II, Iimi.

I am nVnif W in ci of ( Holnl lii'd 1 !''t-for- ti

a l!lfk liHiil,t, timl 1 (eel l'u aliiiiriptit ivtiiiililt alri' rl.'t'l,il lull, i.a t.eia ke-- li tt, lie "lli'ill' H in tli. lr ft

p Ikhik k .'ill II. a linn". 1 lin. tliu." liirla f

nml thi.y nnt uli,ar It wHIi eit . U'.PACIFICTEXAS m Wia. 1VAI1;, f

Ynr an't l'lHiliil", alilfn. li.if Ufrini'li li:. 'Il.f! IJ..C.V .III' I... il I. i'l. III... ", 'I lif' , h'.lli.litii'lia Alt'ill, H,l , "mi'tliy, 7I li.'ll'4IH.iiilM, 'I .'im.

to. II-- Movers,


Little Corner Saloon,Hiilsboro, N. M.

jjCT Walk in, c'l.t'eincn.

a railway- -

Iu the official .ectioii of the m.ohlna-r- y

exhibit at Vinceiinrt I. a locomotiveiiiniiufscl uri'il lu America for thKtate, The action of the mini. tar ofpubllu work., M. l'lerre Hamlin, in

.ticlt an exhibit ha. arou.edconsiderable feeling among the Frenchrnglnc builder., who were at first

with the governinent for hav-

ing recourse to American .kill and thenresented what they considered to bey.i oftlelal iiilvertlsementof their Amer-ican competitor. M. Dapsette, repub-lican member of one of the division ofMile, who rejirrsent Important,

lutere.t., voiced thl. iit

the other day In the chamberof (trinities, demanding to know whythe government wa thu arivcrtlaitiffn foreign manufacturer "to the detxtmcnt of French engineer.."

Ttimnif Atklna oa rka rial.Many are the tale, of daring andeool

bravery told of individual, at Jammer-ber- g.

On the flr.t day of the lnve.t-ine- nt

a iergeant of the ('. M. It. wawounded and carried off the fieldby stretcher brar.ra. The fire waa rt

hot that at one time the beareraleft their burden and aought cover,Thia was uotleed by Trumpeter VVa.h-Ingto- n,

C, M. It., who went up to theut Sov.-r- . w ""

aide," and practically .hivlded him withhi. body for several minute until thebearer, mustered courage to .g.lrj takup the stretcher and get out of thalone of fir.

good. .mall reading lamp., toy with)atoruK battrrie. utt.ohed, rt?,, la betnken to the palnce ud tuoiagM 14the attention of the ia.!taa. Tha latter w. much sluacitd by. tha no

elty of the article, aad avught thawhole ooii.igunivNt for hi ptraona)u.e. He a i an autborixed tke linporta--tion of aliuilar article.

A raartaild Cal.arallaa.Oil. (iirard. of NeuivbaUl Hwltxef-lau- d,

ou one aud the aaiue day cel.bratvd hi a eightieth birthday, bigold- -

en widilliig, lb silver wedding of hla,daiirfblrr, and the marriage of a grand-- ,daughter. . . -

jaarra TORACCOPPIT1 . I' (I W It"No tro ble to answer Questions. "

fa. Vlt f Xj I f....... .1

rrtimiii Super iaor J. D. I'outch, ofthe .New Albany (hid.) illmrlct, lunup-jiointi-

two feniule eiiiiini'i iilul il)

bin lerrilory. One in Mm. Ituih lOllen

1'iiiik, of luri lHon county, and the oth-

er Min Alt u Hitter, of Oi uii).'i'Villr,

Orange county. Mis Itilter is lit pres-ent einpbiyeil lis n teacher In the iuli-lli- !

.ehoolH of Koltouio, and Is uubrlKbl yoiinif woiiinn, kiiiy.

local njioit. Mm, Kutik wrved usen nine nil or w hen I he efii.ii. was takenti n years iio, und her work wus high-

ly .atisfiietory.In .peakitiff of the mutter, Mr

J'ouleli na hi: "It li it at been il moll.trilled Unit a woman can !u excep-

tionally Kooil w,i'k as mi , iiiiini nitor,H H she is n t nil t iinea pa iust it k llitf mid

careful, and her work is, us n rule, amodel of i net.s. You will nl.o no-

tice llmt I have mimed it crt-n- t manyteiiehi rs for this work. The rea-.-

ffir Kla la. I aiioonae, due fil'llicl-jinll- y

to the fact thnt the ucliools clo.B

just before the tukiii of the eensiubegin, mid the teacher, mn b c theaji-plieatio-

In order to have .omt'thlnKto do duriiiK the vacation. 1 sent .am.pie bluiiku to alt the applicant, to btilled out, and naturally the teacher,were more .ucceasful lhan any other.In fllliiitr theae blank., tliua .ecuriugtlii uipiiliitrnrtit.

"Probably about 60 per ceat. uf theeiiiiincratiiia In the country are

At least this t iu In Indi-

ana, ami, I atiM)e, In other at a tea overthe country. It riquiie much morecar. to make a successful enumeratorthan Is suppnnil. and theauM-riso- I. .ubjeeted to a frreat manytrials ami much trouble In remedyingthe defect., ao that hi. position 1. notthe plrnmnt and desirable one thatuiuiiy petti. n. aiipiiose."

mui MivawuiOI in. il l' v.,mron I hi Kih,.

yon can be rnren of unjr lrii iwu-t-vu i.r....rMailr. ta mml u wpit. iitrouir. m muHir. full .

lil and viy.r hy Ukinirthat mnkf. weak men alroiiK- Miuy frionIco iKiuiula in en daa. o.rr BtiO,OUUcUTatl. Alt ilriiKtHla. turn ifiiaf mtlcr-l- . t

an.t artita iflim a'l'l'.KI.l N,kKMtDT CO., Chicago or Near York. 4J7

Tiia h in 4 vnaly eqiippl train e El Paao daily and run CATARRH1!TG

ami j::j.minotfiri: o

ttr-.Ja'- 10 ji 114 lily wjthxit oh-tr,- where tl irot oon --

ctioos r ml for t ho North and Ktat ; also direct Connec-

tion! tU Shrerpirtor VewO.-lBtn- a for all poiota io tue Souteaat.Latitat Patent Pullman Buffet Sleepers.


!!!Elegant New Chaira Cars Seata Free.r.u,f n4 ).lWfnt tfX ,


KalaWithfil In Coloratlo.lei. Bam)lf?a br mail orrr Hut alien' ion

Cc!d &SUcr Bullion ttffi&'&T4Concentration Tes!i-,,"

1736-173- 9 Lawrcaca St., bearer, Cl.

Solid Vtfibiiltd Traiim Tbronghout.iurtmm dn r, 5-'-

Far Diftriptive Pamphlet, or other informrtion, rail on or adder.",R. V. CURTIS, E. P TlTRNEK,

t. V. P. A., G. P. k. T- - A.SHCOLDIIEAD

Hil. .nil rr.uyu lh Mcmltran!. Httutrrt th.Hn,M o( Tu"l nd f nfll. I,ar'a Hiv, ttf ccnlauWr.iBTltHnf l"T mill; Tnl Si'.e, cn. lr m.ll.

LLY UltCi'l Ilik-C- d. M Wm kueeU t ork. LOCATION M.ANFSEl Paso, TVxae- - Dallas, Texaa.B v


Cdaratn Tonr Hli Ullh raitimU,'miilr ,'tiUinrtlr, cur rmtl(iiili,n f.,rver.

iiCC ('. fuii. ii.ouc.l o SaU' at this Office.,4 v

NOT UK IOU I'LIH.K'AION.' THE RKSlBOa'iWhy Is H tin! thtt firMWti i h',1 h m

fift.-- 'the he dlliiest of a family of i hil- -

V imiMUtio HHeBiiii)o fur anwh"r unco h Iimh

wnrkfd thf tiiincH on the prapprtymid hv fold tlm (IfiiohitH, nint:fidf Action in not nuB to rfcoypr fur

i J -

(Sierra County advocatefV. O. Tijimi'ooK, 0'1 Proprietor


I" -


IN Alt! M K;

At, Year , I2.W

IrtHl f Ito )fn to - t flV GZC.1GZ ZD WARD GRAHAM.tKt. A Child li.llow child tin; mother

' .....Jnii and Ifi vitality; ofuii ijuIrtimiKti fur hcnrlf and none, llierefote,for hr child,- Month .. J

Tfic Irtrurlil AwrntM rrm wr ounr.rira.ii.,WM ,,,,I th li. R. S. Uroi.klyn iiirlilr tue en'lre llv.ninnDix "I His int'alirn. Illvi.titl IUl by lb Aiitlil' tlui'lng the Hilit.

i he !. mid ot cupt'i'"! or for rf-n- t

mid ptofitH. hut for n pirlof thecn-tH- t

itMf-l- f which thf ihiBkcn nd cmricd wny, Alihy v,

tHiri"Onnl of ili tiiiirl ir.I. mill Ollin. hi (. (irnrc,, , ( t f

NOTICK 1 Ou t ili fulliiifiiiii-liflii.c- l

i a.r !. i).1 huUm. ul Inn ini.i.ii...ito mi.iiiii in.iii ( roof In ii.Mrf i tin c!!m.

ri'l thai, ml.l i,r , Wi, ,c- lum!.; Ii. I'mno- ;)fili ill If Mi,, ro, N, M n .Hr,;ii :i;i,1H2. i.lJ'Sllvi H. I.A'IHAM llornoti..i(l iil'Hun N". Vtil h I'"' H tiV( ami Kv. .ih1.

a 7 1. in h. u. u,ii " liit-n- El, loi.owin ltri'Bi. in junyilii ti.irii. ii.ii, r,'iiinn" Hmiii h1 cuil. . ti',n'f iii'l! l.r', ft.Tvril, uf l.nki- Vulli-v- , K, M.

llnrnin. r, !.,! , .if ,i,i,. .). ,vi,A " 'J l.iitl.BUl, l,f l.iilii. Vilil.J.N, M,

K. HifXn, of Liiki! Vniliy, N. M.Kmu. ,s i.iiiitAi,

(Kirn riililii nil.iii, l',H)2,

Lnjtcctaiit tno'tiera who use Doctor " J"

fc 1, -l'lcrit a l'avorlte Pre- - "1 rio Most SensationalBonk of tho Day

Three Mnn'ha 70

0e M.mU

tHinnta fo , JO

TUt Sierrt Citunhi Art rot n If ' r.ntcicl

pi Iht I'oll Oflicf at lltH'hmt,, Hiirrn u ,

AV'f ,tfi"r(, ir trn nruiin 1 1, , ,,,1'jh llirV. S, Mnih,n wmil t lunt mallei ,

V 4II I' 1Tlir. trim ftory of tliu fumoin ciulwj of th Flylnf.:,, uuilvr t.'unimoiiori) Wlnllclil Hcott Soblny, lOPltlU--

n'll iiiit tin' h!,.rk.1u nml ifHrwumi ni mo tmi ,

Vhcclt r (( N. 10. R-.- ., 1075),

HclATK! ItllH V VTlf-- C.'l HKfl AT"I I K 1 ol'HTI t N Vf:AJW OK HlF-Jllll-

' I hnyp ticni ftihicipd witlj pci- -

TULU FOB TUB flKHT TIM;.p " A' v uCnuln n atttoirrnrh mlorement and paraonat

IK'tipii'MI llll'l (tint itkeep them in vi;.f-Oi- i

Thry catwell, let-- p I! mi. I

arc iiit firrvmis.When Itahy rutin- - ifi

fivi-M- t IS ptm'tienllypnililf-a)-

, and themother in made hnp--

hy the l ift!) of awn'lliy child. Jf you

would he a healthymother of healthychildren '. Tnvor- -

account of thtt baltla oy iit-a- aoiiiirni ntuic,."The rnft r llin atnry or the movumenU

.mi , nf tlte Kljlna Kiiinulrmi aa thoMINERAL APPLICATION NO 719.iitic rliciiiiifttifi'i fur f'iiirtBti'y'Hrp," J aulliui' tU tlieu iu thla ht-- eorrect.w , a. aofit,ii.tlTim A iivik'atki the Official P.ij,it of

f'urn County, mijm Jonh Jidi.'1"') 'f (IcrrriHntiiw n, ' '.1"I W Hrl I. bin to bo Nrtiund bi.t An lrtsrenting narratlva of facta. Kiplalnii tba Bo- -

callii.l "Kctnigraile atoyaiiwlrti" lb" ' Lo'ip' th "Coallin I

fiMliloiii " ami cinclunlvily uniry adToraa rulliiK I

of llm t;ourtol Inquiry.ii .L i;J iii 'in"'Hiin1'hi 't;ihtHt"i''CitttfifAiitly hdiT' . I trb'd

I foil Id ftcur of and Bt ltnthh fold ifi try ChHtnborbtinV I'm in

FRHUY. MAY 2, l!W2. v In

!.VPRFSIUFNT llonsrvni.T. when Oovernor TIIH NHW YORK HERO 0 tiy: "Mr.

Orakan. ia the telling ol facia, leaves thereader lrc lo make the deduction thatseveral naval ollkeie need a Court ol In-

quiry to their reputulloua, U

ite I'r, script inn. "

"I will 1. very vtad oany n Irw iv'.T'! l"t lr,J'lt t.f ftcwi

rf tlltt Mr l H.I) Hljjlil. i if Muiiw.hvilli,Illume i'o., Oit' Usr " )Mtr-tll-

Hit? flint I.. mi- ,

Vfi'lt I I'M.Ui.I l.ifWrtffl It)tlfrontHiK Q ni'.liit. i

ry tiiiM jj ttiima Hii'l v.')iitlii.jt. tttt'l I

l it n li rrtbly tt. k

ni New Vt,rk. Mid: Mr.Urshiiin tory Itllir bent BccMint I buve lieard or read ol th

ival lit mm durinf ib ar. Il n:cdtil justan much tonrtiys to rr fbnul tokitiir pboio

Cnited Miitt-- LiindOIIVe. )

l'.-!- . 2: iih, I'.IO'.'. )X'tlii-- in ht'ieby ifivrn ihutCliriHi Hum-"W- r

ntitl (J. Will ti Viiit NiHl, h.i,-- f

P-- 'Hire andrexa ia. tint eniil ChristI U. H g.'el , hi ,ri ie, SierrH t'oll' IV, N.M., mikI Ihe ami (i. Wtllett Van S k, '20Ns ami i'O Hioml .Sin eta. Near Y uk, N.Y., huvii in it lit iii,liritiioii for u l.'n t dSluieM paler, I fur t I.i- lletiMT firnti)) i,flit.tiii K i i,.iinM, ininei' il riiirvey, Nf. 111!,aittiats in i tie I'ni-hli- m;:: W diMrirt,in lint eiiiiiitv nf S and Territory ofNew Moxieii, coiiipitHiiin l.'.'lll fo.'t nil the"I It'llHT" lo-i- i.i a illl'ttrt tin N. i'lO !ei.'..'!0 iidll. Vv'. UlM ilr..fHV lioie':

It r . vtliich I did nd whh imiufdintttl y r licvii him) in a nh'trttiiiio cur l, nod I bhi h!iiitv to Buyit bin not "inct returned," Whynot lli'c Ihhl liniinotit Hiid get well?It in for Hnln bv (lo, T. Miller. '

IbeX can Beinulit il aiil lo mirk m ium.

Where, oh whore ia Rodey i,d


Tba Carrie. Nibn of the If. F,

Array ha by 1 1 w unit no dmibiJotubled to the fuel tht there are

N.,Biil,!t.rtlinsitverl..' l.elnrn tint imhlla thitt, hns liiterested everybotly aslie iMBimer In l.lcl. S. hi. y Ic.Wn tr.-- toii, nmi ui a men, . r. ,iit t

, rt. yf r,cpvWni Ao Hwo or Santiago. T i Is biKik ti Istt iiiTiy t iirti: tin'- .'W--JIMI1II4 IH; I 1,11 ,r .

l,f limd. Al Oih Hint I 1". any ine i i ' v. .'ey7"--, tt? b iivcuUM ""', tlllk. Vlliltiru Lib. rul rntuii,;. 'hi.;. 0.Mt tin.l Imnka now rcifly. he nil Ns'70u i

Heiitstampforc.inviim.. - U ACT tjolCK. Now Is tin) Utne to MAkntrntp lo I f rir-rr'-, flmi ht I'-- i.K- to ysl Iti' iVuviMjttp I'n. npti'.li ' me) r. IwitUf uf ' (...l.i. it

n ,' J ii'ilf T ... ti, i.n iwlifn I linil lul't-- tliciM a frw (!y I fill luitiilliifti't. an.l wiimi ! hn'! (uk.ii ti..i..H tl.ii

S3 Price $t.0, $1.75, 2.2, i2.73, according to style or Dinoinq ocs.reaNO TIHK LOST.

1 hivfftold CbaiLbci hiiii'a Oolio

yftr, and would ralliPr bp out ofciuiipi fiin? Ii'too leel tin Ui "Littl" II JiaZHTS I W. ?. GOfSKEY COMPANYul ch l.lll I ii It l nml I'.uM nt well m

tty mi, unit iiiitil rtrt t'" :r-- 'n wi' hout HtivtrmlMr C' riM ii ,i iiu mii,,hiiiK vt n ) i icofTi-- and Hiifarttian it. Icoldfivi

(ul lr Oi Ti.l. fi.t M: li, nil: ii,t, i . , , ...

t hert who knew aomefhing aboutrulei governing civilized wifrc,Mi well UUM OolU.J HTuii.bnybrigadier.

tNew Mexico aepirant fur 4oro--

ill honor need not anticipate

tl.nlll. IV

iii'f I I' ll nil v- lt'i MK' Ok y rf itii k, to grttli-.- tut-- , i.i witfi.- tu Or

Tlx we wtio miller from chronic flis-ent-

re to vitt-- to coiiwiit I r. Pierre,by letter, fne. Ail corrcnpoiitlencuitrictly pri'vfite. A'Ulre lJr. K. V.


To Thettl'ire Wild, ei owner .wi'h the

I'.oriitMZ.t." Iml.., Ihe lif'urtx ehim,e.lfrom the jwni-- N. 0 ile-.'- f.K

iitiii. W. :;tll) ei it ii S, !l lie.--, lil-- K.I2IM) lent; cinii ni niid milium c:ailiiiilyiiiur in Hurlinii :(u Tp. 1 s, I;. 7 V. N.AI. i'. M. mid tioift p.irti, uhtrly .Ii iici ih, tlas fob v: -

Th"ii nv.-r- ri.le,( Vi ; ineiii n(, i , m, r .No, I., a Hmc-t-lor.- e

t k I'li'JIxii; im i,i s net, 12 i elit'Btlicvjroiiud ii ink. tl I inoiiiitt ol

iirFtotie , Ion .'ile, 2 feet and IH

ltl,..l, Wli'-llc- lh,'. 4 r'ee. c he'ivicnei'tioi. '24 ;oi.l 2i 'i i . 1 !. K. S W. N. ,M.

I. M.. ;t lava Hfnti.. IlixH.vS ir;rl,e-- t Hlmvetytoiin ! sr-- t in i: n m n I n nikil nn'h

immediate aervioe to the dear peo

i mi i it's oi i ! ycHicniny 10 llirct-l- rM

that rnuld go no farlhcr, and llicyart at work ayain thin uiofnirif. --

II. It. I'lM'I.I'H, riyii.outb, OkUho.ina. Ah will ! H'cn tiy tho ahuv,'tba thraht ra vvcrc abl to keep onwith iheir work wi'Lout loainit. i n f dai ' tirufl. Voi) nbonbl ke'a hottleof thiaretnedv in yuiirhoiiic,Koraalw ly Oao. 'V, Miller.

i l'irrce, llnfhilo, N. Y

pie. Th fepuhlioMn pnrliHliif tit f i Jr. ricn e' I'l'ftfiititt IVllcts cure til- -

ii t . ...i i: . . i.: ... . . una bick laiviuiaie.

im, lot ri"d , .tihun Wil l, nf Iht.t et rluincold, hdver ni. il enpper l.earii (f led'. A y

chii ti krei'.vri, lo Mleil Mi ll r co detl"The II eru I . tl'-,- sitnafi-ii- , 1 ii y un l

t.eitil' in I,:' , p, tint Mininir. inthe ( nn ly nf Su'ir.i. in the Tt rriloiy ofNew Mcfico, iiii'l in herehyinn 'In tt tilt' ii'i'nttla of the nflici nf l

'ii'it cieik ti ml iff t ;emf ( 'nniil yol in It i k "K" of Minimr l.,.rit- -

Hin IIJ-- ! Ill IRIHI HU III i nini I 111 i ill in

led HgniiiHt riy new ntntt! thttr libl to Rain blnp of jiovmr

over th pfPHtjut rcputiliimri (oldUudard elnient.

i1 .,;

ia Hnid to liivu tiikt'ii pi tec Iihm lici n

told. It ia not known how manynttivea bavrt been put to death inthia manner.

Crcppiti Araon.).laiuea Keny, Co. Camuiiasionera..VI Iniran. I

W. II. II. Llowellyn,. . .Diafrict AttorneyI'miopio lories t'r.'batu Jun.aileiK. I!. Hall l'lohate Cleilr,.I.e. I'ieininonH, . .Treaanrer & CollectorWill. Al. Hohins HlierifJAndrew Kolloy AssesmirFiunk I. Uivtit Snpt. of cnluula

COURT J)ATES.Fourth Mondays in May and Novcm

her Court for the Third Jmlii-i-list ric-- t convenes it. Sierra Cotinly, liiji

Honor, Jude. F. W. 1'uiker, preaiiling.

A. T. & S. F. It'y CO.Time Table in F fleet at Lake

Valley, January J at, 1900.Train Arrives 12:0") p. m.Train DcpHitn J 2:25 p. in.

O. A, Hallock, Agent.

Freab fallen mow wei(.liH 5 2 lbs,

t.'i cubic foot. A column of waterthirty-fou- r feet in height ptvee a

prendre on the baae of fifteen Ilia,

to the square inch. Oneeubni inchof watt-- r will innke approxini ttelyone cubic foot of tst atu at atnioa-pheri- c


T. Vj. f.Jry eotiHiiiticd puicii'eat !, Ciucea, liHcuthia tbroiitwith a jack knife.

ti'tiia at p..rit 11 thereof; ortoliiaaiiccaa-n- r

iii inl to f -Where.iM ynii ir y ntir r in

are lieu am' lit all the toiiea here-inai-

r hme Itren tint nwiierOf llll Illltlivided t Vlr-- I hit irt jl,teri-Ht- . inc aid mini ni claim heiciiihef, 'reileaerihcd.nn! wheieift .. iiie'eo-itiii'd- , .lilaiuWdll, is II ,v illni nt lid t ill 'M

lllftiliiiti d Ii;ih In eu t'.e i nif,,f the(no 'iv inter.-s-- t il,

niiil lliitliiiif 1 ill!.' V lire !i"te:.v nnli-lii"- it liiil the ti. !'l, Jniiiia 'Wihl,

sMe V,, tiem-- N. ii.'! ile(t. W. ;7 ft. (lift.Ilt li lllfllllur Iheliee jN. Ill 1. ';) i, ji, :,liOU lit, t to c.irncr No. 'J, a loiiet t.iiin reekllliirkeil 2 ; (In nee S. Til) d. g.;il) mill.

lTtT-- feet, Ihe Vi. corner nf the "('.Hueeli" ! re, 32 il) feet lo i nliu r N't.

.'t; llienre K, 4:1 nt'tr. mil.. W'. Otll)to ciiitier o, 4; ilifiic.. N. ,'il) tie.'. :;oniie. V. PJ'iit feet lo crnerNo. 1, t,.place nf l.rj.c.nnitv.

The "Lit ll itiiiiiza" f,'dCo'iHn in,f hi i,.., i ni'1 .Nn. I, i 'en t "o

wi'h enrnni N i. of t.i,. "t,.uv r" 1 "!eof iIih u 1 in at, 'lie n k 4x tv2in, Het ii,. in ihe in .irkml 1

and 4

III!', wi'li of a'nt e nli-jr--

le 2 lei 1 I ii ..i S i.i hii.di. wl.inie..1l'f i a e. -.r. h 'Uveen ,ei'liiiin Si undL'-

-Tp. 1 1 h. n. r. .m m fi.! !eir. . !

!. u in In'i1

Wb offer Otia I'itii'dt'ed DullaraHnward for any ci of Cntarihthat rannol be I'lired by Ilidl'aOntario Cut. l J, CHKNKY &

To Cure a Cold in 0n3 Da .

1'itke li'ixaiive Hroiiii'CiiipitieTiit).b'ta. All dru,'i;iHin rifiind Ce

i o iter wiiii ' tin in 'in. i nihii'ii erfni'ined ,,il di" hiimr .v il mini.' nilthe il";-- iive-n- 'J'li e In 1,. .!. n." i

n, ile v n ft" Ihe Leii-- e

Furiaton'ii mouth ban broken ruil

igain. Milea whh roaateil Inciiii.abit eipraHM-- hifl idr-n- of the nnond nnw army bill bcfor the

fienate Ciinniittee. (lenernl Fun-ftin- o

wants all lover of freedom

bung aa traitor, yet tho atlininiH-tratio- o

baa mined no afiioita oli

jnotlona. Wbila inveategation byaanato oonjinitlea ia in order it

yrouhl br wdl to .in voatigtf 8ky-I-o-

del Fnnatou'a ootnluot in thnI'bilippina, Ha baa been openlynocoaail of Introducing f hi"liern vn.Jent imilatiou i)ter cure'' pro-pet-

Ji .' . "i1

Republican "Benevolent As- -

CO., Toledo, Ohio,We, I he uudera'cned, huve known B'Hlllt"' ef lie ',: it-- :l Ht a f..r tlte ITVrn V Till IX- - .it a

r, l fini L.ll . mimi, .' "F, J, Cheney for the lni 15 k. li'ltn. ii't.t I v ii" '. t! i ml n.'i a

VI' til!,' ill., f 'l'n nf ilOILDI) I'.i, I: ..v.-nun. V. ;,K ,A i et iIhi

tnoitev il it fitiln to cure K. WOltive'at'iiiiitlilt'oneach box, 'Jftc.

Stops the Couhend works off the Co')- -

LiUallVe ftronm t.biiniife Tllblltncur" a cob! in one day, No, cure,no F'ty.

' I'rice 2") cents.

11 'Itv, ,,o mill, liilO f.. t, fu cn-nc- r Nf. I ii.e te.i. i, .in. nn

icikh vaney janunry'.Uf, 1!)0() Sunday train eervieati Lake Valley branch ia rliacon.

'iiuied. Train w.ll run dailyexcept Sunday.

(LA. HaILoiIC. Ati-e-

j, a..,H,.r.M ii'i nt

ami believe htm to bit peif. ctlyhonorable in all I h i i . fun tritltt'tctioliM, m il (inaticlally ulile lo entryout any obligation (nude by theirIlrm.WkkT A Tiurx, Whoh Hide Iitir-RtatN- ,

Toledo, ( ),

WAt.PlMl, Kl.VNAN iV M.MlVlN,

lii-ii- s. ii d, ; ns n.i; , 1;. i;.o j f,.e,to (Oit.i-- r o. :.: ; t !,er ee Iii ,l,.t.. ;; nin.

V. tiitll i . t lo emni r No. (, ;n,! thciiee

N. ii tlt(., r.fiidn. W. IMC) t , ii.inrrNn, 1

, ihe p in ! nf he ,.'i mi rf.Tim. aid "M. nver" lo ! ctml cnn lC.fl'i

in-t- i n, tli , ..., !,tt!i.,isIn !" enti'in,' 17. 7 a, - .

The m.'i. i. ni "i'iiti ,n '.f Ihe'T) n rri"im i,.,i,,,l, ,J in p.,. nlli,,, ,,( , ;.


aii.-l- i clatt.ti, a nil tha voir po.p tti'.nowner ni in u tivt led !v for .s int'T

in 8iil el.-- hr, i foil I'Xjvn.'i'urcIm nin ni !)::;: Z D,.,, i it i , i,..rei.

mini.' f y il 'f i ii T il'- .'mil pay y, topo'l'tiiton ni I !io ti nn nut"in nin. el. dm a a r- - 'i'i i. d hv -- .i p.-- i.

'-1 of the ,i-. d inil t i,o Lrn it

et! Kt.t.V-- , t it llll) ,111)1 if u,irh i.i h miisix-hii- - f,,:tj , , n or !) fni'it i! .

p"f mneiy "vs ft, i ihtt dim p'l.ihcut:, ill nf ihi.i t o ire in the new - p., (HI jfotit! Im: it- ni iit'eft h aid el rrn.rtti.iu .ry !,;, l:,.t? .1 tp V.'ji.n.- in-- t I'u t.ij. ;.i 0 t i i h unity '.il, piiri.

similation" in the Philippines.

from tba Manila Freedom ofMarch 7, in taken tha followirp

W lidleHiiht Di uu'iala, lohdo,llaH'a Cattirrli Cure im inkrn in.

terimlly, actinji duecdv upon theblood and inncot'H him farce of thenyHlein, Trice 7.r en fa pt-- botih-- .

H CALL IOU P'JMtS.To the liil.tet' ef t'uret t K fittii:-

mi l I lit tl I K I'.nni K"f ISH'.I nf tin. CminHiB,CH-ii- , New 'eM-,i- . 'l i lte in lire, that

I'.'ffi ii m i,im nxin.ii'in recT ti n--

fdit '"inil i' nf i. ra al p n.:e liil inl!o, k l,.if i:ie Mmi njt U , v't,K in n,',;,it''i". I ion! 'he mi i.i ' I 'illi- - i;.,ii'ii,i"lode la i I d in lite (.ttidt-if- ni I a .re

0 ill in MhI; 1 1, of the Aiming Loentiimait, haul nilii e,

Neiidiher n or il !joinin; rl limn nre,thn Cupper liiei n I n ln, it 'j initio ihe"lietlvei" lone nn tie en t Hide line

Sold by all (Imii.'iwIh, Tintinioninlsfree. HaH'a Family FiiU aro Hieheat.

tint melt ihj,iii tl, Tre. ,M;irt r of Die ( 'niin- -

ftaternpnt of Hip chatpca niirtinKt

Major Waller.iu which it iat xpbdn-f'- l

that th rnajor la inaane;"Major Littleton W, T, Waller

pf tba rnarjuK pofpa, who baa Made,no ppvidbla reputation for binoelfio China and Harnar, in in n fnir

KfliiCij of of Hierrn, ii w Mevieo. piy, uponp hi i t it ion , iv' hii idle' in ) I 'I'mIiio.New Mixiio or ai '1'l-e- oil N.uiitni,I'duk in Die (. ity nf New Vn k.nrHl the1','ink'lli.' Il I", if. It. liiim & B,.jh,

' : f ' i.v. VJ. . IT" 'Vl- - Z,t"r. ,

and Feed StableCaningea, Saddle rioreea, find Single

ami Dotihlo Uia to Let.IIILLSBtlUO, - . A.Alex.

To Hoy F Wrlcl. r ti". l ii u'-l- ., n r. tln 'r

Itiaaaitla local coir)pnv W'H

build a railroad from Itoawell ioTortence to connect wi'h the Hock

Iwlaud and the Hanht I'e CentralJi.iHMn, Aoe c m tin; eit t r benvcr, Cohi- -

way to be. tried for a!lii'il torltup

llel-tif- ; I 'to-i-i-i iH'-.- ej r ; the"I lei in r" lode (ne'd.illio

on the HimiheaHt, hnth nf lliisRomp,

I'mii. Snl iN c,io tinier.

Il'bal I'liltliciilioti Feb. , tii(l2.


in its, l.ii'i'im r.,' ieri'"innl :.

V'oi:, un.l a li nl' in,. hM, i.nt, n0,(tlnit tin' m,i. a il li.".e duiii,.. Hi.- y,,in-l'.l't-

iriu .r-- il n.ili.irs if in.i.nti)in eiliiir mviI iui.r n "mni!- - t,p m m tii. ,..1'lV.lnf H ll' li I, Iiit, 1 ' - ,ii a: S..y .,I'., I.tfniit,, f iili il, l; x, liiilcliiii'l;. ii h i.tMi.iiiiui'ly mill 1', i tii n . nil h.iiiuic, lylu,. ,i,Miti, :i, in tlf I.f Aniiniii M i ii i ti Ids-ri- n,-i. nn l, nin ilv, irir nnv i f N.tiv M'.'x.-.- . iliin)iii,, tl'iil i.i, !, ut yon, nr.. f.iiih,.,. 111,1111,4thin t'xwn lit a, et. re mii,;e in iinn r p,h M Mii.l r infill in in i i.i-- f.snt ,"! g;i2 ii : Pit' 1 t'vi e.i siiiiim-- of n.I Hi.Miw f'l. tlH- yi'i.r fiiilin.r PiociiiIut't 1ft, I Stll I tniil if Tl ill, in i, , y nj(p ,(,,vs 1If ,

oi in, ti e fnlo- ina linn It-

Si per rent .'unn;if K: ptih.n-- of iH-;- Kna. tit, h), in

e!iiive, fur J ). cm h, ih.p.,1

.Inly 1, lss'i, T. tnl 't,n00Bi 1 P !' Cnnl l''llllllil l llilllMH t f

oil murder of native in

"Maj ir Wallor Whh the leader ofthe expedition from LanHiiu to, Haruar, which reunited in Ho

WON'T FOLLOW ADVK'R AF.ti:k I'.winc ft) it i r. THE UWIIAIM

The only firBt-olna- a place in town,Always have on band the finest

Nn.y d'co to !nt PnMtihp,!,

SUN I'll At, APPI.irXTKlN N... 71.'.

Fnii tl S iiietLand i ) P In

I.'ia Cnii't", N't w , lFrhi'i'di-- :t, no'. I

ia v ei veil Mint Freili i iel; J.Sterner tied Mm. Murine K. Vrrhlr, hv.1 "Hejilt KiiiHiiu'er, llmi" iii.irntwtitHi' P"Hl t'l'let' B'tdri-- jH KintNt 'ti, Nrr.

N'on, "I hi H', flirluive,tlnie-- Jul v t, IS I'.l, Tmul fsMliVlO

No- -, fl to UV ',:.) t:W,4'i, 4H. 54 In ftt, :t

to 7'', "H, 7'.' H: iih K), all intliiHive,are for ftuno elicit.

In a recent article a pmtiinrrtphyaicmn riiya, ''I t ia mil to imiiOhaible for the pbyeician to jelilia patieuta to cat ry out any pre.acribed eonrae of hyejiiuie or diet tothe aumllcal extent; be lorn Iml mtereeorl left, namely, iIiimIiui; tret.

dantb nf eleven of hia men from

starvation, and the crippling of

nearly the entire remainder, Fromthe rflVtcta of that terrible exjiedi.lion It is alledged he baa never fuljr recovered, and that b ia povv

more or leaa deincnteil."fbe torture which ha la charg

"" ' ""'"' ' e I'i "H "i, ul tins ii'iint.'ill fin er nn ii,' lo r..uii.h,i, or In theiel- tMir.icti tour in port ,m a ! ckpenilil-- 'rea n- - , ac, w.-- m hihI iiiim ,

hii.i l.'tll'ln; , ,,i mi, nih i. t In !u, K.U11,.wi.i li.Tuiin, (li,- nf tl u,i,'r-iij,.- (iiihIdi aalil a.'. Lou i.'iit in amil k..vp, siuhcpkH"' .1. M Aev,t. K,l. K. HOHIN,

"AM"Kirat I'lili'li alini, Im li. 1 1, ply--. '

Noa. 17, 47.MM.tfl',r. o (17, 77, NO, M,nil inclusive, l'of f 'HOtMn h.

stock of Wiuee and....Liqnore ....

Wehnndleonly the beat Import- -ed and Domestic Cigars.Try them and yon will be con,vinced.

L. TRES.SKL, Proprietor.

nient," When uiclicinia are naeti N"'- - l:Oo 1b IS 'i!. :!!it. 44, 4. 4i, Rl

ra l nnntv, .New rttt'Xtcn, hn-- i mmle attph-etiti.n- ifor n I'ntte Stiiteu 1'Hfent f r the

Silrnt Frieini Tele Mit:sn Claim, Att'ieritlHarvey No. 1118, nit mi,' e in tint Blacktifire Nn. ; Mmmi.' I hm icf . Ciui'v nfSierrn. Hint Teiriti.rv of .Vmv Mi.-ii- , eov-- t

rim.' 4' ti ft. of Ihr Silrnt Fiitnil i .!-.- if.-- .

for chrnniu ronatipntttui, the moi i , ", nil iinln-iv- e, for tl.M h,

mild and gentle obtuit alde, Mich iih ami thai ieteiea1 on H.iiil Imn x II enum- -

mi tlif'iid tl i of .tune, . t). I'M '2..JOHN l'l.i:MlMti

Tie.tieirer nf Sierrn i . miitv,

nunied cnirae n. tii it.... ,', min. W. fromtleift X". I. ami I Ml ft. vn.nnni.

il fiance H. Ifi il't;. n tnii-- , K. fr,;n, SMid

ed with having iiiatitfaied are ofthe moat horrible and are alledgedtf bave been committed by Lieut.Day of the trpr.'is corpa at th

of Major Waller. All

('haiuberlain'a Stomach A Live?TahletH, Hlioiild bo impb.yid.Their use ia not followed by

ae (bey leave ihe howela in


. KLLiurr,

Attnrnej ut Law,

llilletioro, N. M

NKW MKX1COlis,.. Mi, i r No. 1, 'ine in T.iv.mNtn Mexico

n,it-,da- t ttill-- New Mexico, April UH' N'k r S' K- - ",rul '! w 'oiMinvveil.,. mil "'ore pnrt.oulnrly dnmirit., il iih fol. THE PARLOR SALOONIowa: :,. ', I tut. ,

d'ii t pul li. ati.iii .Aptil 2"t, w

a natural ami neaithy coialuptii.For sale by (l.o. T, Miller.

The Ifeihld ,a new paper mill

make, tia appt ranee at Forfait',Chav.-r- . Comity, May 9th.


l'olt S.vt.K The libta Chazlimiee, ,ri rooina, 2 lot. For $150canb. Apply to Julian Chavez.

have taken plaoo aincelhe Lnnanp-Haae- y

eipedition, ate) have been

perpetrated In the vicinity of Una

yy, wbteli ia oeoupind by the marine

fre, quder command of MtjorWaller, It i ftlleriged that nmlerIhe order of Major Waller, LieutDay baa taken i riaonera at vartotia




Veaay . ttice at Luidlaw buildinp

west of Court Uoiiie.

H.viimf.ip "t 'or.N'o. I, a I'lnrst'.np S4x'fiU iim. H, t 1." inn i i the gr, tnid, ina.'loil.1 Ilia, with a iimitiil of tue, aft. 1mm.,IV ft. hii'll HlotiO'itdo, ivtiiit'i',, VnrthiVrol.a Initial o. 1 Pln-l- ;

Minim? Dirtirjnt ..No. 2, Sierrn Ci.untv. KerM x'eo hi.Hr tt. S8 ileif. !A in n P 7(1" ft.dint, and rntinim; tiiet'.ee h. 7ti il,.p. 1!

min y., Ull ft. to Cor. No. 2., ti liuieslottn.Mil lM inn, marked, 2 8 ; t lienrit a. Ifitil? M niie. l.Vrt ft. to Cr N H. n li -

Mtone !'.' iim. neirkei', .1 1 1 ; tht'tirttn. 7i; deif I'i mil (am ft. to Cor. N",,, 4. ,1

Imie Htotie. V'4ti10xH nix., innrkeil


Blacksmith idiot) well equippedA woman w ho haa IihiI

with thin dir.-are- , tella how to vvnh to.tla ard utoi k to rent onet o Iterma. A. .1. IIihkiTI,Aprl 18. HilUboio, M . M.

prevent any dtingeroua conaeijnencc from it, Slo any. Our threechildren took wLn..piiu cunii !,,(

tlietioe II, 11 iitf. " mill. w. lfaO ft. to Cor.No. 1. the place of In uinnitii--, eontninii c,eiehiHtv.' nf e tntiiet with minernl rc.rvevNo. :tU, Him ki U'de MiuiiiK Claim, ao. (I)ael't.

The 11 tlieu nf looatnoi of 'Itiarlnim ary.e'',rte,l In oli;.. ,i, 1... e. . .


Pool and Milliards

tnjea recently to aeclutied placeaptttaitleof the town of K'uev, andtrapping tbem totreca, alowly tor

ture.,J them to duath. Th pmcchhia 1et ilied an follow- - Th nnfortuoate nativ wouhilirt be almtWith a revolver or nfl in the b ,

auuiiuer, our babv boy . bi'inir ouh I

three niontha old, and Mt Inn Pvour Silver ( ill Assav Ollicefold n (ITieiit of Siorrn 'iotintv,New Mt xioo.iti U.M.k, "A." on pai ,151 anil!:!, Ml "l'tu Rnik, .' pan'oSs, Hiiloboro, s.a

ivi.iif them Chamberlain' Cuuehltemedy, they loft pone of theirpliimpn. aa and CHine out in mu.dibelter health then other childrenwho did imt uat thU rimedy. OtiroideHt little till would cll lut-ttl- v


Hillalioro, . MexcoTGMUKSON'S

foot or other Don vital iart of the

!1y, or per ha pa in at vainl placeamt nfterwaida takU buck to Ibieey

Th oejt day tbe operation vyuldbe repeated, the native being kept

Ill l.lT, WOl)WAIil it WOOD,iToprititora.

Hex l;"l, S Ivor City, New Mexico.Ft, ptre. Control, ("heck and peti-me- it

oi k f licitttl.Alailinir Ftivel. jm free,

,cui veyintt, Mappitt( and i;ctrtiii) Minjna IVtpi rtirs a p eta'tv.

w. nun .in ims I, ' "ttiin ; mi l inIttMk, H," on pn,jM, V) and .Vl, Miningl,'.t,ttot,a.

Nei .'hliiiritiu-- , ndjointnij and conflietini?clnuu are, on th west, thp Silver Ntii'etliode, litoid,in.-vl- . nil hv the Hl.iekv Li!,.Atim riii Survey, Nix Hticli J, Wilm,rhiiuiant. No other luljoinm or

claim known.T'MIL Sot tUNJC,

KRiitr.It rn Puldication Feb. 7, PC.

for coii"h avrup between wIiooiimIkHHiK t'lXKKV Hail, Sprinjiville,Ala. Tina reiuedv is for sale bv

RELIABLE ASSAYSjn ihtj (ueantitne without food or

C'. ila e-- p, in. lent p Soiirited.F"ter. At a ueual thing, the native ' l,J"- - ' MtTer.- t .ritlrJd

iuld and Silver.would flowly be allot to dath, ex. Lead f,()Oohi, Silver and t'opper. . . 1.50

Place,Fine line of liquoreand Cigar

Samples by Mail Receive Promptattention.

Educate Your Bowel.Your bowels can be trained as well

as your hum U s or your brain. i'as-care- t

Candy Cathaitif tr.un v.urb inds to do rif ht. Ocnuinc tabidsbtjinpcd C. C. C. Never soid ialook. All drn;gi!t!.,ioc.

(.iring withiu from three to Ave

day after the fire t wound. Tbereftm atill darkened criruee rumored,jind, yeaterday a prominent reef-fJe-

of Manila in ft prtiition to

tj , '! that not a third of w hat

li. i '.i'H. B 'tihatn. W. II. 11, Mcnrllyn.

V tl.t.l AM H. tl. Lt KWKIXVM,

liol. Attoriuy Th;u,l .luill, il Diatr'. t.I KI'l'KK, . M W ti.

I'ra, Orr In all Oic Onuri. of Kc-nrt- t !n SewM i a .out N ,,riio . it l ,

Chronic Constipation Cured.The most important discovery of

recent years is the positive remedyfor constipation. Cascarets CamlyCathartic. Cure pnaianteed. Genu-ine tablets stamped C. C. Neversold iu bulk. ice.

Uoid amISIlver.refincd and bought.OGDEN ASSAY CO.,

Sixteeuth St., Denver, Colo. Ca!I in and ee mo


Kcitorand Proprietor.ftV. 0. ThompmoK,

FRlUlY, MAY 2, 1W02,


P. K, Load Otlice,I .a Ciuces N, M f

April s'h. Pn)iXuti.-- ishcrt by Uit Jte Vei i a rei tei l. e the city of I'onuell;- -

" 7 ew-- . .Vr".cv if ..'"

t - -

r ftH v 11 . a I P riu.r l Mi Kenn i. C.'i.n n I

3 Mi Jv nun, i liaiiL'. Iiulj:'i-- t II. t.inil- -the work of yearsc cmsIcss experiment his male Levi Strauss,& G's cc-- p:r riveted ovaall.the strum-fi-t r

TERMS OK aitnscRiiTio.v wmCTiy cashIS ADVANCE.

III r.,M Si--. . . "JlMM

..... 70

.... 25

ri 'i -- ".. il tr.ost durable fanM- - I 1 " the wctii has cvi

miyii d th ln'n of l itwiml M McKeiimideed. sal ' Is of ihe oitv of Pilis'-urr- U

m 'ti S..te..f I'cn-svl- ra d i by tlicir at-

torney i t William il. lt,ii her, ho epis ..ilieem ll t'eiinty of Sierraan ! T, rut a v oi N, w Mexieo", has tl,.i!tlieir..p l e.iiu.-- i for p:ita:l f r loiirteeliliiuubvil ninety live and tif:y fourliini'Sreiliba I near feet ef the Sfoni't'ib:nvein,, Imiriatf allsilver, tog.'ibei witli smfaee ground livehundred unit fifty oi.e f.a t to it Imnilredfeel in width. Plate in the I n'ai Vullev

(One Year..,.,gix MonthsThree .Woii'.lm.

4)ne Month...,im.lfl Copied.

crr -

H. . .


mtousrislie5Mtnp a few days ago. V Hietold that his mission here was forthe purpose rf examining theMamie Richmond mine to di ter-

ming the most Appropriatefor the treatment of the ore

H"cietsrv cf ihe InternationalMining AsKooittion ot F.I l'uso,who spent a few days lookiuja; overthe camp o that be could speakintelligently of itn eHourc('s. Mr.(iff od expressed himself as we'lpbni ed w ith the mineral showingof the Riinge.

.Minin iWrici. C a ty of Sena andTerritory of New Mexico, ami d aunat,id by tne i Id n..t,-- uiel i.llh i.,1 pint entile in thia ulli t an mrvev No. 1'J.f, a--

l es wholly whliiti tl:i K. ., . f Section21, Towi.s'up IS S., Uni'ije 7 Went of theN w Mexico Prim-ipn- Meridian, sidsnr ve la iu i i Led aa l ows, to vvi' :

Mineral Sit v.'y No. 1 U' Stone t'alan

91 Crohn for the King of fashion(

Mde mixth and muKli, in nil doiiriliU colon and varying widths u tirlm.Tumevl ovnr, bound, or raw rdfi.

Mail only by HENRY It. ROCLOFS CO.,Brown itnd Uth Sts., PhUfcdolphla, U.S.A.

Farwlf liyull lundlim Hstml lluttura. Hone vntmnt uilhvut our trademark.


Alex Maxwell ,o Plomat, and

C. H.Laidlaw o Fairview r m


The ladies of the Cat hoi ic church

cleared over $31 at their alo lout

Saturday.The young folks enjoyed a

pleasant Sanc at dalles hall

Saturday evening.A. Preisser, who has bean in

the IWaJ- -i; uuntr ol a tJi'iii onll

hole.Iieginmi n at corner No, 1 an nnietuledlec.iiio. eoriM r, a I ne1 rock i'Txlex l inehea, i . act P) m

ot that Mu..a. Il i hIsd stilledthat Mrs. Pearson hns her com-

pany prjs'anu-'d- , all the minbnrs.thereof I eing Indies, with plentyof money on hai d t erect redno-tio-

works and o, en up the mine.Sullicii'i t new ground has beenoppued up during t1 e pant year tokeep a consideia'de force employ-ed for tn'o enrp.

tlieear'hii I fiinomiled hv a liioini.f a ooi a I If it, hisxh nu t 'J it. banc, witl

a in am (if at-- e 1'., ft. liiuh atel 2 ft.

iH.Ukht luis reaehod here. Hop ilis a go.

IJ nrv 8. Cloudman, of V a,recently had his nii-- at tjo (litli-ent- e

rehu'ated, is airaiit'ementHpendiiio for a ileul tv which con-

siderable work w ill be done tow ardsdevelopment, ami be w ill pttJwihlvvisit the Kango iu the next thirtydays.

The Winston hohlep crowd isoocaNional'y heard from but not by

Mrtxion foi several moutba, relumed haai nl iff! ale. u e the corner to S- e'i2. t'7 (V Township Is S.

ft.miio 7 West ' f toe N ov i'citl ifiA Hillsboro yesterday.

Aleri ban ,'tl! dtur. Id mm. e.,Aa unusual utimhor of car ital li(ii.7"t. and Mouuin.'iit 1'eaU lieais

II .Iik. 10 edn. e., 2;M.I.H II. (ealenlaled).ics nud ltiiniog ma have investedDealer in

the town during the-week-.

m ff Kf lt--r has iPceiveci a una

Nn beaip'S trees avadab'e.Them e h. 40 . l min, w. V'a. l'J dep.

20 min. e. l;r!eet er. ss atiaft. 4vHv 10 ft.deep. ISM feet v 1 l cuutse easteily.Ascei d. ."00 fii t ir.eude location ninthens! end center, a I'm utona HxlOxS in

the pailiis hnntitig them.The Colorado Iron and Fu d Co.,

You cannot afford to trifl witha (.loujl). It may restiii in some fa-

tal nmla iy. Take time by the fore-lock and iikh Simmons' Cotiuh Sy-

rup, (iiiiiraniccd. 1 rice 2") and5i) cenes. Forsale by Geo. T.

plat of thi group of mines ow ned

jby the Mascot Mining company.H. C. McCreery nod T. V. Tan

Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Hay.

Grain anil Country Produce.


who are boring for tv al a little be.low the second pump station inFort MoCrea gulch, are down overlift; en tin m! red feet. The first.1,01.1 is with 2 inch core diamondd.i'l and ihe last inOnr ever oneinch. About one foot of coal wnsstruck iu tie huavv bore but not

ner, two raining men from Coouey,are doing the camp this KINGSTON.


J. K. Hopkins was in town this New Mexico.lOI'O,

The watch that wis stolen fromthe express aom time agJwis discov r-- d in tho possession ofFrank Lyons. The cisi was triedbefore Judge Uernard last Monday,Lyons plead guilty and was sent lo

jil for fn d n v f .

Z. 0. Stiver and S Hurst, of Car- -

ches set ," lie hea in the earth, and sur-ren-

led l.v a iiiiumd uf atones t ft. Iiitiand 2 ft. base. li'Ml leet to comer No. 2, anamended Imcimoii coiner, a traehxte-- lone 2iil'U:i inches, chiselwl 1") inehcH in the curth with a miminl ofatom s I'j, ft. Iiiuh and 2 ft. haso uloni.'-aide- ,

whence a toichvte ledge ehiM'ledI!. H. 2 1122 l a. 4 div. 20 min. e.,o2.7o II. No oilier he itiin; rocln or treesavailable. Monument Peak bears h, fifiletr. 40 min. e.Thence n. 4'J J7 min. w. Vn. 12 de.I'd mice. IVseeinl, li'o feet cross line3- -4 Hur. No, 42), "St nn Cabin" I.odomi' inc cl dm, ol which It. M. Sherteanwas claim ml, a, 'Jl ilaj. lil inin.e., 1071. 7.r

ft. fiom the poi.-.- (or corner No. 4 Sur.No. 42".. Noti:: Sur. No. 12j, "St-u- eCabin" hale iienm.f i din was aoueiloti-e-

in A . 1, lss I. llilfe.t lb leh; eouraoem t rly. Ase nd. Hoi fei t. lone stonetidp'. PeHCend. Ill cl f (( I iuleh; eoiirseeasterly. AsCitld.'.;i CroSH linn4 1, Sur. N'K 42-r- . s. H7 4.'i min. w.,Ul i.i! ft. fr.nn the poii, t for (.'or. No. 4, andn. H7 il H. 4."i teie. p., lit) !) ft. f aiin the pointfor C or. No. l.Sur. No. 4.Ji, lri00 feet to'Corner No. I!, ii hni ) L'ex I ov.'t inches,

being encuth, woik was nontii ued.They are now in snnds'ono andwill continue the search ns tin yare ptil! in carboniferous, slrifa,Th fl '.w of water struck at 00 ftstill raises find is a valuable prop-ositi p, even if nothing else is


John Wilnnrhas a fine lead pro-podio- n

about 12 miles from Engle.


' A General Banking Business Transacted

penter mining district, brouaht insome beautiful speciiuens of goldore Ust week, which can be seen atthe poHtoflice.

II. and Rert Cowley and wife

you sufferingand annoyinaas Hingworrn,n m thine sim- -

My friend, arefrom anv painfulpliinI'etter, I'c 'prn i or

week. Hp a portable 35-Loi-

power engine and boiler for sale ata bargain.

Will M. Robins has purchased a

one-fourt- h interewtin theohl Ameri-

can raina. Consideration said to

fce $2,500.Oliver C. Connor, Sr., of Cintn-nat- i,

O , is hern looking into some

milling propositions in the vicinityf Annua Peak.

Sheriff Robins has a mixture of

iices in his boarding hou. Therenreilnee Mexicans, one negro and

a Chinaman.Tliadd"tis Whitley, a represen-

tative of die. Miner and Alanufac-ture- r,

pn'.ilifsiwi ut El I'nt-o- , was a

JJillshnM visitor this wefk.

The man that can't say a goodword for his own camp ought to

tnover n. The "kuocker" is a de-- 1

came br,ok from Arizona last week.The boys arc back to do work onthe Lone Siar.

ihl? Ifs'jii't try one box ofHunt's i'nre. It, t pvik fail". (Inir-i-nlep-- l.

Pric 50 cunts. For salehv (iijo, T. Mil'er.

enis le! ?, 1 pj, ni ii a htiiki n limn.i'one le li, and rmrri uial" bv u ino imfi f stones i ft. herb and 2'1,'baa , with

, , - - - v. - ' i i;f.u i Md

jr. . 1WC1IER, Cashttr.Anna I'oicher returned to her

home at Hi Inborn last week. Kile?! toTin cameIihs heeu visiting with her frnnd-mothe- r

Mrs, Judtii; West, for sever- - eloie at L is Ono-i'- s hml Satuidiiy.The j try which w.i out only twen-

ty minutes returned a verdict ofweeka.

E. Armor was hisdily ctlled tothe I edtdde of his little dnnoliterMary who ir seriously ill with ty C. C. MlLLER,---phoid pneumonia. Dr. (liven, of

a m am I of st ties 2'tf ft. Iiii'h and 2'..,ft, ba a. aloiiij'.ido, wheivn the annniiledlocation corner, a pine post 2'; t ins. and4 ft', long, in u mound ' f atones 2 ft. higband t"a ft- bas , bears n. 42 de;,'. 17

m'n. w., t'.o,4 ft. A lime lin k le tre chiseledN Ii. 1122, a. Kl .La. Itll min.c , I7.!i' ft., and a limn r id; I alge chiseledIt. Ii. 1 122, hears h M die. 22 min.w., 7.1 ft. Thence N. 40 di g. 2-- i min. e.Va. 12 ee. :"2 min. e. 1100 feet to nort. i

West end center, a no, Wild of stones 2 ft.hiitb and 2'v ft. base, whence theamende liic daoti north west end center,a pine p ist 2x4 ins. and 4'B" ft. lonir, in umound of stones 2 ft. hih and 2 ft. base,bears n. 42 ilr. 17 min. w., I ft. Noti::The mounds of stones adjoin. The I

ai monument, it mound of stonesft. Iiii.di nnd2'.i. ft., base, bears H. Ill)

dty. OIJ min. e., 2'i2 ft. fVil fia t to Cor-ner No. I. a limn rock 2s IHx-- t incheschiseled X et on a broken limeroelt In !

, and Hiirroiui led by a moundof i loin m 2' ft- - biu'h and S'.j ft. base,with a m mid of stone 2' it. iiittli and2 ft. ha-- e iiliieusidp, whence th" amendedlocal ion c rner, a pinu tmst 2x1 inches

not guilty, The 101 Paso Ilaraldsays: A (lir o iS thii g I apfenedas thi jury tinned in the verdict.There w ere thiee blank forms g!vnto tl;p forrtoin mid wden theverd ot,

was handrd in the form of ''guiltyof murder in the sieond decree"was (n the top and whs tend neailythrough by the clerk before he dis-

covered that it wt si ot signed. Ap-

ologizing, h" turned the pa je andfound the verdict of ncquital

The eff 'Cton Ih i defend


Painls, Oils' id Window Glass.

Orders ly Mitil Given ICsjiecial Attention

Prescrijdions Comjimmded Day and Niglit

IIILLSl'.OkO, i Hew Mexico.

tritueut to any cotuniiiDity.

(Jrading for the mill Kite androther buildings by the JiillsboroGold Mining fe Milling companyin Heady Pay gulch, is yoiug on

rapidly.The fine gold ring rufll'd off

Tuesday evening at Tomlinson'swas won by Ed Hopkins. Cliff

rews won the Brussels cirpet atthe rafll- Saturday night.

O. 0. Milier has sold his stock ofdrugs to treo. T. Miller. In the.course of a c.iuple of wepks theJailer will move his stock of goodsAnd the postotHce into the buildingoccupied by (J. C. Miller.

The ore body in the CincinnatiLas increased to three feet andiKrows stronger with incror.ped

liillsboro, whs culled atxt every-

thing possible done for the littlesufferer.

Joseph and I'oht. Kinsincpr havea fine lot of young registered goatswhich are a credit to them aa breeders. Then increase has been verysuccessful.

O.T. Barr has come home for keeps.The readers of TnK ADVOCATE neednot lie an prised to see him paradingthe city harnasod lu a boiled shirtand a plug hat.

L.'Heriing came back from LisColorado home last Tuesday.

N.Chase, an old timer of King-ston, now ft resident of Pouglwn,Arizona, came in on Tuesday'scoach.

ant and his attorneys and the hjwas curious to see, so quick

was the trauffoi tnation.

at il l ft loni?, in a tnoimd of stones 2 fthitdi and 2 It., base, heats n . 44 dee;. OK

ui in. w 2..'l.'i ft. A lint lime rock lvalueehi-ee- d H, Ii X 4- -1 122, bears" de. 211

lam. p., r.'.'l "il a II il limerni k leiltfictoeeled S. C. V ii. It. 4- -1 122, bears a. .MlNo equal on eailh hnft HuntV

Lightnini! Oil for Rhenina! ism and

Neuralgia, as well as Sprains, Cuta,Burns, HriiUcH, and Insect Bitesand Stinaf. (hiaranteed. Price2") and fj() cents. For ai;!e 1 y Geo.T. Miller.

--rr-r A Tl--AG) I

dei.'. IHl min. w., ii.O.") ft., and a fl it binereck ledim chiseled II. II.bears a, I de". (H! mill, e 10.! ft., andlt point, for Corner No, 4, ur. No. 42"i,

bears s. I!) dejr. 2"i min. p., 427.S ft.Thence s. 44 'leg. (W min. e. Va. 12 div,22 min. e. I lescend. 51H.7fl. (Iuleh,course eas'crly. Ascend, 711H.07 feetlime rock Dei cnnd. 1 I'do 54 feettn Corner No. 1

, the idaen of begirmintfTotal area of claim, l'U',,',G As. Conflielwith Sur. Nn. 42) Storm Cabin" LodeMining Hiaindoned, 5 H2- 7- As.To'a! srea nf claim laflatl A This

Saf , swift and sure is the propei d otion bf Cheatham's Lax-- :alive Tables. Cure Cold-- i in a day.!Can be carried in ' VBit oeket.

Col. J. F. C'haveu,of public instruction in New Mex-

ico, has completed his repoit forlast jear. The report given thetotal school population at C2,8(!3,an increase over the previous yearof 8,S5'i. The enrollment of pupilswas lf,l)2.), and the average dailyattendance 20,825. The number of

schools, 140, number of teacheis,

Lasy to take. Guaranteed. Frio23 cents.

fl. ' ... I ' r' aM "ilk ' '




depth. Manager Hirsch while inEl Paso last week selected hoistingmachinery to be placed ou tnispromising property.

Onl. A. W. Hurt is h s cirne incontact with somt ood ore in tun-

nel No. 5 of the Illinois mine atKingston. This tunnel in 700 feet

id length and the ore, some ofwhich will go from 500 to 1000 ozh.ailver per ton, has been exposedfuriously on the outact for a dis-

tance of forty feet.

The author of "Mary Had a LittleLmb" was John ft lulston, a youngplan who was a visitor at the school

pear Worcester, Massachusetts,

w jy w

'claim lies wholly within the H. K. ; ofHeelion 21, Township 18 S Uutixn 7

West of ihn New Mexico Principal Mer-

idian.The location and amended hvation no

tices of the ai I Storm Cabin miiiinite'aftn are duly recorded in the nMicc of

the Probate Clerk and Kx ofllidor m a"d f ir Sierra County, New

Mexico, in H ok lof Mimnsr la a ati.ius,on tiMtrea .Vi.'i and .rri(i respectively.

The ailjoinim? elaimants to said StoneCabin mining claim are; (In the west.the Ted i hid" mining claim, nnsurveyeil.Win. V. Kcil claimant, on the north theSal'ie ( i sidin lode minim.' claim; on theeast the San K;k lodu miniiik.' i laiin ;

and on the snutli the lorin ISlne Out luilumininjr claiui.

Any and all persons claiming adver-sely any portion of said St tie Cabin

Messrs. Anderson fe Swinehartwith their wives arrived at Ronndy-vill- e

from South Bend, Indiana, re-

cently. They are a part of theOliver MiuiugCo. and are here toeuy.

Ed James and Austin Crawfordhave some fine looking ore in the

tzi. the annual receipts were

SSr)8,02H,70; annual expenditures,t723.018.32; value of all school

property including territorial insti-

tutions. In the city schools 7,2-1-

were enrolled. There was expended in improvements on the publicsphooladuringthsyear $212,017 00.

The present vain of publicKEUEE, MILLER & GO.

atr r i wuir V VI 1? Y,T A I f i I)K A r.F.UH INiSana Tunnel, aa a result of their,school ptoperty is $1,230, 153. 25.The average annual amount spentper child in the public schools wasbut $1.01.

recent workings.B. S. Phillips is sinking a shaft

on the Silver Monument west fromthe old one. 0,1). Hnllinger andLew Kruse are his American work

ing force, the balance being

IjOin iV, Mllllrf i.iAIII, UI lUI l.i- - Klou.t .,am repiired to file their adverse claimswith ttm Hncisler of tho United Slnteghand Olh e, at l,a CrueiM, in ill" Coun-

ty of Hons Ana and Territory of NewMexico, during the sixty days period ofpublication hereof or they w ill he bar-red by virtue of the provisions of tbestatute.

Nicholas (,Register,

First Publication April 11, l!Ml2.

CAtrtAlt (JoKo.rjF.RFD P.JilTAlN.Malaria ws conquered by Simrnonti' Liver Purifier (tin box.)Protected from moisture, dust andinsects, Clears the complexion,

fill LIB UUtJJ JUIM..Ii.'' Ii iia W

Carry Largest stock of Goods in Sierra Coiuityi

liny from Firat H an Is, and Our Pricei Defy ComiilUpB.


nvben the incident occurred. Theheroine of the poem was Mary E.

fiawyer, who afterwar'd became Mrs.Columbus Ty ler. She died in Dec.1889. May Ladies' Home Journal.

Frank Lyons, a young coloredhoy, was tried before Justice of thePtce Bernard at Kingston, lastMonday, chargd with the theft ofa watcb from the express offioi atthat place. The boy was foundguilty and sentenced to ten days intha county jail. The watch wag a

phaip atTir and Frank got off cheap- -

I?- -

Lee Terry is rushing the newdouhls compartment shaft on the CU ' T V ' " T'action of tha liver, iur sale bySew hra The mrchinery is fasti,.,, T m f iM

getting in placf.C. II. Latdlaw Arrived in tie 3Eox- - Sale Atti.Bi'.jst Office.CAMUKS,

ilange from El Paso where hej 0n, powM. Eogin, a0(,

went from Las pruoP after being Boiler jD rnnntn? order. Applyexcused from jury service Hs ' t this r,fli,.e. For full particulars,was accompanied by A. W.Giffml 'addre J. E. IIopkiiiB, Arr-y.N.-

low Arm Tr KMn'l'Tr tfel,li'S,rftff. PUKlMlrHll IOiIik'T UN Sftm

(t)c f rr. Aaa suf lieH i;u.,iXHm&j o ti. VMr. Seaman of El Faso, yisited J

WHAT DO Y OU KNOW? 120) Milloit Hosllara E.',Kl!r.'5:S3:Jy floattu oi d etreaoj

in the United Statea by the frictioD procefs of cleaBiup; yet it's a "mailitem compared with the time and enetgy wasted rubblue, ihctn. It' all

i . . . ... ., , . i


Portanal a Urril Flrl for Imtrlaaifcialsrarlsa, sr Oar Mla- -About SIERRA COUNTY, NliW MEXICO, nnd Its


i.ranae, nnd otout fifteen mile fromlllllsboro. Carload shipment oftwenty per cent, copper ore, carryingalso gold and silver, are becomingfjuile iiiinierouti and Increasing, i'lieore I found In Isith fissure and con-tact veins ami there la u large field stillonly partially proapected. Some verylergc velna of lead-silve- ortforty tolifly feet wlleiind averaging overfive per cent, lend ore are being

A Kansn City comjmny

andIRON and COAL. CATTLE, SHEEP trill, beavy tieddiDg uiHy be wabbed aa easily as dh ili a, vor-ie-

lihnknte left eof t and tleeey am) clean but not bbrui.kni ; lace rurrThere I grt field in Portugal forAmerican enierprie, write John N.AGRICULTURAL INTERESTS. Irwin, L'uited States in in. tr to that tain nail lirenltioo u thrnnr) It's a caee wheie trica cfkingoom, In SucecK. Our inariifac (uachiue lo saved iu one week.

TTi Advocate In roiialniiMj' reodvlim j At Valley from only three claimfrom all iMirU of tlie (iuiitrjr, letter tliero wii mined In the unn.-i- of n few

la now at. work and building n mill forone of these groups. Lend ore Is alsofound In richer condition, solid galenabouldei-- s of great size are quite, com-mon and Indicate the possibility ofgreat deislt In the contact veins. Not

tillers reall oiij'l.t to "propn t" inthat little known country, inthrflntplace they are made rnon wf leon.e.The king and the epieen. both yoiinjrai.d truly ngal pak Ki.g:ih perfect-ly a oil are a lining our wai mest iidmir-cr- i.

They reflect liie rii'hiu-n- t oftheir people. In the s, , ,".; place,Aio-rica- good are nit-dcd- , snd theprogressive part of (he populationwould welcome thru, ana iiisnt of ad-

vancing the eot,i,:i jT p: upci ily.Kn.glish-iiiail- e inert- now iu,dtht-r- i of old type and not up to date.In Lisbon thr old siyie of a n pot t

is heirtf chucged to the dccJrlctyxtcin. While Ki.g U ninl'iil g

the ctiterprii-e- eve t hit of ma-

terial, from the t holt to themodern car, is of American n:i.L--

tfee VMi Feiff,UAl'9 why it ia eaey vu iLe cii.thf fd

the operator. Don't waofp ycur irr.rifjclothes and atreegtb od wnehlf aida l n

ymi can bavp au te pieel macbit ewith every convenience jc.u could'a iu iclleis-Wh- eel it atiywl eie. NolioopH to fail ff; bo wood to fioak up ai.dn ii.iu im) initio or dry out and ler.k. Tryit Biid jou'll wish you'd tried it annua r.

thirty dnja and we will HE1 UK D

CLJK MONEY if you don't want i.pvnf to Dim's or liradet reel's. Bettar

I ,., fni circular. DODGK & ZD ILL.lVc''J i Clinton St., 8 ict un , N. Y.

000644;,-,- i 1

far from these ore deposit there arelarge nnd extensive vein of coal offine finality. These mine nnd des.s-ll- s

haro been know n to exist for omeyear, but it Is only lately that xnyreal uttciition has been paid them. Itlook now as If the Calmllo will be-

come the foremost mining section ofHie county. Tlie new owner of theAriuendailJ! grant, which iiiclnilen u

portion of the coal and mineral lands,are going In for a llbeial mhIoiii of

years and with veiy great prollt overf(i.()(,i'KI. At lleiui'ii and at C'lilo.

ride theio was ab.o koiiio very prollfcaids silver mining. No g refit foiiuneihave been uiiiito yet In th gold dltricts, but from tliu I'lucira and Hid

'Jipi, 1:1(1, inc. lid and Kiinke inlnenvery ri Kj tclabu aiitna havo bti u madeby teaai'i a.

la the der)'efl'i lii allver oittjiut dueto the decline In allver, or to the

of tlur ore lioipca? The veryrich ore boillen, an f fir a a known, htivtbeen prncllcally exhaiiKti-d- , and tli

acnrcli for mote I greatly dlcimt! I

In d. Tho (li'cilne in hilvcr opera teiiiiIiimi tho medium pndex and tinwunt of proper rediii tini work't proVi nla the prolltilile v.'oikfu of the In-- '


(Siliinmllble bed'ta of low grade ore.The expel Iiiici.Im iniide lu concent ril-j- '

M"n hove ri t bt'i ii tiiorougli WIIMcya, viiiii.i im ir JIch nra


by theliihelvca M!lll lel!l. Iu a lluvK'tumill tho on; L'niH thiiniL'h a scrle of!

IKkinn tlia nlxivn ami following (juo.jtloua. To iiiiwcr corroniMiiulonu, to

fir, rellnlile, nn-urn- mid iiiitlieulleluformatliit), and to ftirtJier mtvtiuceOur KTvnt IntereHi, It tljp object of I), la

rtk-l- :

tt fild found at JIIllloro lu fjii:irtin or In ilncer7 Ju In, Hi, hut riii-flnl-

in UsHiirc vi Ijju. jjlriwei'ii imoaud tli lee liDiidreil rlnlnm loive been d

ou tliia vein wlilrli tiliow tinor at tli ftiirfneu ntul tliu work donon tbeA varied from mere axmnineiitliolea to Dim irlicljnl roliien tliul Jut v uIm-ci-i devrloH'il to n deitti of fcX) feet.

What la tliH tuition of lint ore? Cup-- c

and Iron ulililiK' and tornr iiitllliiB (tmrtjs. With

ulejilh tlio ore leoiiie nineltliiK midcoucrntratlnif innterlnl. Tlie jierocnt-mg- u

uf (iiiW In (lie ore (dilliped to. the

.mlt(ni la from one to twelve iirtlti-l- U

concent I u le, KoinetlnieH fin IiIkU HA

twetil units. HiUi-- In crude nr fromforty to elulity live. KmtdJt tetliU- -

Portugal foiuls im cork, am! we sendher petroleum and r.p(.-,t- . but in myopinio the balance of trade now In ourfavor could he materially incrcattdif our mnnufac'u.-ri- were to t..:.o LWSTfffl

fir opportuniticfull advantage of thin the little kingdom. i.r t - i n igiii

b ase or sale of llieir property, andthey will extensively ndveiUso tmirInducements. All of tills disirict 1

within a few nil lew of the A., T. H.

V. main lino railroad, with a freight,charge of about $2 per ton to the K

I'nso smelter. No belter marhei forore than I'aso can p,. got nt mencut, as the Mueller the;e niect nilrale offered from more dlhlaiit points,and the great Having iu time Is inii.-t- i

to the advantage of the miner. Otherpromising Held with exleimive dejioa-ll-

of had ore suitable fort lou are found in the Carpenter ilia-

proneasca ntid each proci a will iiivs '

from forty to alxly per cut. of the;viiltto In the pulp Hint conic to it, sothat the tunings finally flow off with a'trilling loxx. In this field there U

Our fc.o returned if wo fail. Any one sending sketch and description of

my invention yiil promptly receive our opinion frco concerning tho patent-a- t

;iity of anrne. "How to oldain a patent" sent upon request. Patentssecured through its for sale at our expense.

Intents taken out t?irou;.'h us receive special notice, without charge, in

Ti'3 I'a t i nt Itiiuoun, an illustrated aud widely circulated journal, consultedLy Jilannfaetu ri-r- n and Jtivcstorij,

fcsond lor l:' copy FSEG. Address,

VSZTiSK J. EVANS CO.,(Patent Attorneys,)

rsrarss Cuming, . WASHINQTOSt, D. O,

fVS,r',?fl' --H7! .,NS

. ' ;r r aa .. - - V. . mtine opening ami a certain profit fortlie Invcatmciit of capital.

la (he mineral field thoroughly ciplored, or Is there Mill a clinnco fotItitelllgi nt proapi ctoia? There iirc linndtcds of i:,pmra mile In tho mineralbelt yet itiiex plorel. It la not likelythat tin drat wave of prospector foundnil tho treiiaures Hint nature ha storedin tho hills. Th great deposit of ail-ve- r

chlorides and attlnhldes fouiid In



HDVtCE AS TO PATENTABILITY tf-- fT ?Va P"Notice In " Inventive Aire " Ri aWf aM MlJa. ul1 1

met, Mix mile southwest of Kings-ton, nml on the Maehlo, a few milesaotitli of Lake Valley.

I there any good hind sllll open tosettlement? fully 2i,ikk) acre of llratnnd second bottom laud on tlie Hlotirtinde and it tributary atrcains. Allof the land are susceptible of Irriga-tion by reasonable 'money investmentor by community ditches and canal.

W hat crops are raised? All kind offruit, grnln and vegetables; everythingHint will grow In southern Kansaand Okluhoma will grow here. ThoMiulhoru latitude Is mitigated by thenltituile, which Is l.l.'UO feet oil the ItioCrauile to bclwecli fi.l hill mid (l.thKl feetabove aea level on tho mounlalu(trtaciH. The supply of water fromthe river I ample and lu the valleyenough eiiu be obtained with a ilulo

the llrldal tlhamlH-- r at I.aU Valleyand lu several Kingston mine lmv,tliclr coiiiiterpiirta waiting for th

r Hook "M iwtooblaiii I'juents" B H Am b -. Chargn mnderat. No fro till patent It aecared.r I.pttsni BtHf tlw .nlt I.,!1


ltavo jtiHtly otirnwl their ropn-tatid- ti

for Accuracy, Durabil-ity and Penetration.

THG CRACK SHOT in verypopular Hinonej tho loy. Atako flown, accurate .22 cali-U- 'f

l iflc for only $4.00.Where these, rilles aro not sold by

dealers, wo will send same uxprrtaptcaid on receipt of price. Helidstamp for cat;1. log describing completeline a.. I coni. .ining valuable iuf or ill-

ation to Hhooter.i.


r. 0. eo. 2i!W ChiCOPtE FALLS, MASS.

fg- PaUbI Laarar. wiM(igtea, i). C.


rate allow Die on to curry front twoJo fourteen otitic n of K"ld, from tlireofio illty otnieea nllver. 'J lie liulk 4,f tliuore aud coiieeni roles aldiiped, liovvuvv',(will ave'rajtv Imui 170 or ton.

llua there Ix'Pii nny large iroiItieli)ti7,Tln Ojumrt unity group Inn prodncuil23,000 ton. of ore and oyer- lwlf a niH-i.o- n

dollnra. T)i Hoiiiiiizh minetoiia aud $2K,0(io. The Hl luiiond fl.tmutona otid over f&io.otii). Tui-a- aru liioaigcat I'rodueera ao far.Am the iiilliitig fnclljtiea good? J'rnc-iJcal- lj

Kiev ore not -- fin miring JmfIweli ' f rout Jlfty to puvi'iity five i..twit. at tin bent. A modern cumIohimill la badly uecded and a forlinieawait I lie partlea wlm will build onu.Kufitelent water and an Id "til ciwreu-Unitin- g

ore, with proper applianceninety to uluvty !lv per cunt, balie aavlng.

M ill lliu owner let go any, or doilier want tlie rintli7 Tlicy are

people, but (liey luy not givingnway their mine, or giving bmida onlongtlnm ralnlKiva. iMirluir t lie panttwo year mnne thirty uiluea l.i.vo lieenBold, uiOKtly around Aiiiliuua I'eiiU, andI bo highest prle jiald ivm 17,tKd.31iat liiltt. 4iin bit'uiiio the lurgeat g

and the beat paying in the it a.t Hot aud I lie owner would now aka vry lurgu mhiii, Tjo greatly

jrlctf of copper and lowerUltftllig rutia lntvu of lute been very

Viteilclal to theae mine. Willi n good.iitin mill tlie progtena would berapid.

What arc ore cli;"lit? From (haMim to tho Id Taao aim Iter from ftllo $7 per ton; from luluu to mill 73

jvnt (o fl.Txi per ton,What la the gtoJogeri formathniY

An crttptlvt? country ruck', by (lu; ex-rl- a

claaaed a Andealte; tho ore vetnare fotind aiH'oiiijtauylng dlkea of tingralued felalle and blrdneyw pitili iywhich cut through the country noith-aa- t

aud south went Moat of tho ic,iare fairly eay working, on diirt con-ji- t

acta prlca hav been from lf: to ftl

If the r.(ct

oi.gliiccring.lint in.ii ket Is there for farm pro-dnce-

There I a good local marketIn tho milling cumps for very muchmote than haw yet been produced. Asuvular s we can ipioto: Alfalfa,

- X'' 14 0 I)!) Not Send

lui ky man, but the hills, like the Scrip,tores, must he Intelligently acurchedbefore they give up their treasure.'1 he prospector can work all tliu year;If anything, orha butter In winterlime. Many of tho mliiea, also, arcopen lo leasing and the chance of thiitstriking rich deposit are worth conatdeiatlon, tiiuo aud very liber-al leases are the rule.

What attotit the recent discoveries re-

ported of rich gold and silver telluriumoi'ea? They are found so far on ourclaim ou TruJIIIo creek, about sLmiles rottth of Kingston. Itetwcet,IfctttMHl and ha already bti'tiI'i mIiziiI ou sale of ore. All this l,nbeen In in it hunches of ore cIimc t.the sin face. (Jnlto a uunilier of mlnoi iacd in- isteclors nro going Int i thlnew field. The section had been en


liivly Ignored and a little it

lesNineiit work, nothing wits doiif'

there. Now, with ore show ing ti

worth thousands of dollars per ton, ITi

Is lki lo be heaiit of a rout d tinworld. Ou Terra Ulniica creek, not j

far from these new discoveries, r.rc r'number of good mines, notably ilu I.oc.... . . l

f- -'t per I, m; colli, Jl to ll.f.O per PKi

l.ctimis; potnloen, tj'i lo fci per IvX,'

Oil ttlu

It i n H'-to- IK. .It ct.i n. lrpot.itils; apples, $5 per bariel.

'Are the c.Utlc rnii.'es fuliy occupied?West of thu lij i (iriiudo the range i

tsn It. , ; l 1 ...

I'.l .1 pint.-- ; InfrM II AWAY V0UR"'I l.iii-s- unit

fut Il .i.'ly enuSlI!-)i- , tt,.

t t'', Irii illiiilllt',1 n t,IVrfi-- i '.t r I ii Iff I (Till: U ' 1 I I T L " LILY

pretly well nloikcd, but east of tin)river there uu extensive rnngv, wellgrniKed, that need only the diggingof well and necessary pumping appa-ratus. Water luneath Hie Hiirfneethere Is plenty, us proved by the rail-roa- d

w el!,I tin; country sultablo for raising

Tito sheep and goals? There are ipilfea number of peopje already who claimto be profitably etigagod In tills o..liess, nnd tliere I undoubtedly loonfor llllile

Tlie most notable event nt this writ-ing nt lllllsboro la the op nliig up of

. ... m vISA 4,

vrce?' .r nmil niuli!iiKiled hv hII Aiercliiinta,1 Mh n u fact ti red liyAtl Sf.ims rfir .tine

P.i.'hj ,.n1 Sfi.!j litn I mm iii.Ki.,


V, s Ust St, fci tv vokh.aaFw flwtn n i i a lai

StaementsGarf.elJ, N. Mex

i;iun, a ateiniy producer or goml onwhich brings from flta) to $roo pelton.

Wliat copper and had mines and do

posits are there In Sierra county? Ni aiChloride, In the northern part of tin

county, there are mines of hUh imidicopper ore, which are nlso rich in Ml

ver, from five to sixty per cent, coppetand up to I.v'imi ounce of slh i r per tooThe S'lver Moiiumeut of this groutbus pro I need something over fl'M.tXklThese mines also carry good gold vullies. Including the Columbus. Ifecentdevelopments on Hit) Ibsishr I'.'y atChloride, have disclosed n flue contiutious vein of gold beurlnir ere..'oiiie of w bleu aaaaya fourteen guncc


Lep;al Blanks,pa, jteSSCljfie,"2?.jS

the lurge-vcl- of rich gold ore on theI level of the Snake mine. Inthe h vela above the foot wall had b 'cnfollowed, w herciiM this ore goes off lothe hanging wall, It was lost. It

present discovery makes practically anew mine of the Snake and insures alarge production for n long time tocome. Ilxpi rts csiimate nt from Jflfti,-PiK- )

to If.'iotUKNl on the ground alreadykliowti. The ore is about one-fourt-

Hist (lass flU to fl'XI per ton, nnd theI. inlander milling an ounce and overper ton lu gold. On the same vein,further north in tho Holdallthe lessees have rot lido a b.ui.'inxasi:d will make a fortune thetefrom.I'rom the Kl Oro. the Hilladelphlu


Letter e HadsNEW


Icr iooi. incline hihtix on rein aticheaply drlreii, bu jctilciU ahnfia lu

counhy rm'lt havo generally been foundrry cxiH'iiNlTn.I there much anew In winter? Not

Hough to awear by; the tllnintc, win-ter and auniiiHT, U. ttum u tninei'point of vlw, Mifect. No anoivalideaaud uo puetimoula for tho miner todread.

! tlierf much phrer tult'li's? Tl:-- rJ an rgleiialvr (ilacer Held which U

en to locators and there are (iIhiivi.iiii men at work who make from t

to IS per day. Am nccaatoual mnwetlirlnga up th nveragi'. Of conrao aom,.men (iru luckier tlinn otTiera, here narUewhere. Mont of the gold U foundWithin a few feel of tho muiYjum, 'J htf

ininera ai'oop up the pay streak diltand run It through dry wiikIiIhk

The lieareat water la dlntanjflre ml'ea and about h fet below (nogold level. Several coiiipunlea hara

I'-a- a

2"?;-Tt- TBflDC MARKS

'" CCPVK(GHT3 &C.SEMI- - Location Notices.

Bill Heads,TROPICA I

IT.d.t per ton. The Nana Is nmUnj rgood showing of ore. pcvit nlue

going fortj ounces gold r toil. '1 In

Tunnel in'iie I a shipper of onwith u value of silver "t oni'.v, copper twenty-tw- per cent., gold $.,".The May, also In the sumo dinrlct, h

a good producer of high v,iai!e silverflipper ore of the I ol t He variety

Anrone "ii!.irf n olrh and .ir,;i lrtt..n mwyO'O. ms. mi. uu o ir ..iii.i..m true wl.,.ttt, r iui:nv.ii; M pr. '.'. 'v , I;..

..trift lr e.iin-li- i Il. lloiKllKMk ..ii do,,. 01. 1... t for a.'i uruif iw!.'iil.I'n!. ni aimi.i fa. rewlraKill., ml thrt-e-. In the

SclcstUffc JJmarlchmUtH U t.f in ' tlf jo.ittml. 'I trr'in, .(

: fmir in mTlu,, fL Hold by all tiowtJaim-ftiUNXCo.""" .iVew1fcrJ

Uraueta (jm . CIS K SU Wubiumuu. D. U

al fviliJKW. aaa HlT i ca

Smelting A: Milling Company are now

hoisting very rli u ore. and enough ofIt to keep the mill In full nwlug. The

Prorpor mine. In the same vh lufty, 1

r.lso doing will and beginning to showa reward for the development of tho

past year. In the Tlerra Itlanca dis-

trict there Is an liniHulant discoveryot lead carbonate ore of great promise.

Is tin- - Best in

the.WorWa revival of Interest In thisteeti fortnet to work tbeao placers on ITicrf la

(ordIMilct nnd some good pil-.c- s will 1h

found lu tlie many claim which, haveI chi Idle slue iMi:t. Among tho ninny II V A I. T IT. I Santa Fe Route,

a high aeahj, liu the liutneiine ,fLrlngliig lu aulltcleni water ha mado

Jr,,"'t .mteii tweA new rnmpany ha reeently Ih-i-

to eiplolt this field w ith a mu-thl- n

of the liucyru tjlthla I

roiably tb very LkH uielhud andllktly lo siMCi'ed.

'Iiim'.i o.r Vstlinnta pf tha total;.tpu ot the tUIUWo inltica, all

llnds, L tolnrT lttwe-- two andt aiitt u q'unttr t: llliua.

pi'oertle that will undoubtedly tie

heurd from during th year I the lS. Treasury. In the Cuchillo range, afew miles to the east of Chloride,liter arc lime shale contact depoaitsof lead calls.nnte and galena, also of

copper pyrlte, and there, ara jnisjilbllltic of very great reward for niallInvestments In this direction. At He-rmes, lte'M'n Illlblsiro and Chlodd.there I one J Us aunt steadily pro- - SPRINGS

. I aW V

in hid oiHiiiern uuivia uuunsi igood strikes, both lu old aud new pnp-ertle- .

are reported. The linmensdyrich gold ore found In the Ivanhoeami Emisirla mine, and also In theOrrat Hcpnblle group at Grafton, arewarrant enough for further search In

that direction. A New York companylinn tsfu organized and lneororatctlfor the jmrch.ise and operntlou of mliiea, anions which theAeandla Tiup pnrchase I ctunpletmtand short time option nre held on theGarfield, McKlnley and others. TheWicks mine company' capital haticen enlarged, a uew manager

and actlrc development willsis.ti be In order. So many favorableIndices of substantial progress etuntir-lif- e

the belief that Vlth the new cen-tur-

Sierra county ,ji entering an eraof advance am! prosperity commenur-it-e

with it Imintusc aud varied uiiu-v- i

ui it.ji;rce.

II anyon made b! nioney at rnln.In Hlerra count j lu the KlugafoqSng th Lady Krankllu, Ilia, k Colt,

ltulllon, 8iiH i li.r. Coint(s k, Caledonia,Ivaugatoo, Itrusb Heap, Illluola, T tiu- -

The Most Direcl Line toKansas City, St, Louis Chicago,

Boston, New York, Philadelphia,....... Denver, Omaha, St.Paul,And All Northern and Lastern Points.o

Through Trains, Fast Time. Smooth Track.o

Elegant Pullman Palace Sleepers on all througn trainsDaily Tourist Sleeping Cars to Denver, Kansas City andChiciiyo. Tourist Sleeping Cars str.ii-weekl- y to St Paulind Minneapolis, and once each week to St. Louis and Boston,All trams not having dining cars stop for meals at theanions Santa Fe Route Harvey Hc:ses. Full informationheeiiully furnished upon applicatiot :c

GLO .E E0E,1. F. 4 P. A.f

W . K BR0 AW K, T. F. & P. A.. E I'aso Tex.

j lii.i live mining camp lu Xew ililicv.;kii.nll a yet, tint with a great ftitura.

j A at Kliij-stoi- the surface lias uoetiI Well plMspected for sliver des.islts and

gdar, Vliglniiia, KrysluUe, CnuiLs-rliunl- , j over f I.kUkm has Ihcu i'urel. Sy I it. a: t ie ai d C n foit,go to the

Oray tagle and a few other piiiTtlcliail up to 5W3 made uu output of

er eight Uiilllon ounces of slher, soldfit au avelage price of U3 cent leT

teinatlc deV ehipliielit and prHT reduc-

tion woikt, for tlie utillzailou of lower

grade ore are now needed. Tlie lowi grade ores iv especially noticeable Is :r3 fft uril-w- . All vi uiese mines large ( auu ,,.,,. are item iue. of siu u o.

n.ftU, from tweuty Ir ceut. ou the !

Kight lu Ituiiiy of the mine Co peV..l.l r.Sie iu eigo., ..... meet, r . . .

f . .

i.lelCI 1. Oil iLe I.ady Kutikliu sod other. orlily lu U.u Cubw..



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