similar texts

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Analysis of Similar Texts

Holly Fairbairn

Love, Rosie


Genre: Comedy, RomanceTA: Rated 12 ASummery: Rosie and Alex have been best friends since they were 5, so they couldn't possibly be right for one another...or could they? When it comes to love, life and making the right choices, these two are their own worst enemies.


Titles0:00 – Lionsgate0:00 – Constantin Film0:12 – 0:13 – This year0:25 – 0:26 – GETTING SOME IS AWKWARD0:52 – 0:53 – LOVE, ROSIE0:53 – 0:54 -#LOVEROSIE0:55 – 0:57 – Share your awkward moment0:57 – 0:59 – Coming soon

Sound0:00 – 0:07 – Backing music (1975 - Chocolate)0:01 – 0:02 – Diegetic Sound/ Speech “Hey Alex”0:02 - 0:03 - Diegetic Sound/ Speech “Bethany”0:03 – 0:04 – Diegetic Sound/ Speech “I missed you in the library today”0:04 – 0:09 - Diegetic Sound/ Speech – Stuttering0:09 – 0:10 - Diegetic Sound/ Speech “Don’t be a stranger”0:10 – 0:11 - Diegetic Sound/ Speech/ Laugh0:12 – 0:22 – Backing music (1975 - Chocolate)0:13 – 0:14 - Diegetic Sound/ Speech “Pathetic”0:15 – 019 - Diegetic Sound/ Speech/ Laugh “Give me some tips then, how do I go about seducing a girl that’s out of my league”0:19 – 0:25 - Diegetic Sound/ Speech “Well you’re at a disadvantage being a, you know, virgin”0:25 – 0:45 – Backing music (1975 - Chocolate)0:30 - Diegetic Sound/ Speech “I’ve got news”0:32 – 0:34 – Typing0:40 - Diegetic Sound/ Speech “Oh S**t”0:40 – 0:41 - Diegetic Sound/ Speech “Right get yourself to the heads office”0:41 – 0:43 - Diegetic Sound/ Speech “It was my fault, I had something to tell her”0:44 -0:47 - Diegetic Sound/ Speech “So I see Alex, Congratulations, on losing your virginity”0:47 – 0:52 - Diegetic Sound/ Laughs/Cheers/Claps0:50 – 0:59 – Backing music (1975 - Chocolate)

Camerawork0:01 – 0:02 – Wide/ Establishing shot0:02 – 0:03 – Close up0:03 -0:04 – Low angle0:04 – 0:11 – Close up/ Mid shot0:11 – 0:12 – Low angle0:13 – 0:15 – Shot reverse shot/ Two shot0:16 – 0:17 – Close up/ Mid shot0:17 – 0:28 – Shot reverse shot/ Two shot0:21 – 0:22 – Close up0:22 – 0:24 – Two shot0:24 – 0:25 – Close up/ reaction shot0:27 – 0:28 – Establishing shot0:28 – Close up0:29 – Mid shot0:29 – 0:30 – Close up, horizontal pan0:31 – 0:32 – Close up0:32 – Close up0:32 – 0:33 – Close up0:33 – 0:35 – Slow zoom0:35 – Close up0:36 – 0:37 – Slow zoom0:37 – Mid shot0:37 – Mid shot0:38 – 0:39 – Slow zoom0:39 – 0:40 – Close up0:40 – Establishing shot0:41 – 0:42 – Vertical pan up0:42 – Mid shot0:42 – 0:43 – Mid shot0:43 – Mid shot0:43 – 0:46 – Mid shot0:46 – 0:47 – Slow zoom0:47 – 0:48 – Shot reverse shot0:48 – 0:52 – Establishing shot

Editing0:12 – 0:13 – Text transition (slide)0:25 – 0:27 – Text transition (slide and zoom)0:52 – 0:53 – Text transition (slide)0:53 – 0:54 – Text transition (fade in)0:54 – 0:55 – Text transition (fade in and zoom)0:56 – 0:57 – Text transition (slide)

TitlesThe use of titles in the Love, Rosie teaser trailer is minimal and those used are spread out. The use of minimal titles shows that the camerawork and sound is more important and provides more information than the titles do. The titles used however are relatable to the target audience which would be teenagers (majority female) as the phrase “Getting some is awkward” is used which could be relatable to situations mostly linked with teens. The final 7 seconds of the film is purely titles starting with the name of the film which then changes to “#LoveRosie” which is relevant to teenage culture as it is bringing in the use of social media along with the instructions to “Share your awkward moment”. This title makes it clear that the film will be all about the awkward moments of teen hood. The final title is “Coming soon” which builds up anticipation as there is no clear release date, therefore making the audience want to find out more about the film and find out when the film will be released.

EditingThe editing in the teaser trailer is little to none as there are no transitions in the actual clips, instead using continuous clips from the film, only separating the different scenes by using a title. The fact there are no transitions in the clips suggests the movie is light hearted as there is not cut offs. There were however transitions in regards to the text in the titles with movements like slow zoom, slide or fade. The different transitions on the text gives a fun tone to the movie, showing that it is light-hearted film that will most probably be comedic.

Camera WorkThe camerawork in this particular teaser trailer is very basic with a lot of close up and mid shots, clearly highlighting not only the star cast of the film but also the two main characters as both are the centre of the clips that are shown. Also the fact that there are also two shots of the two show that they are close friends which gives some idea to the audience of the relationships shown in the movie. There also a few low angled shots when the character Bethany is on screen which is obviously the love interest of Alex, this could show that having a crush is intimidating which will relate once again to the target audience due to the nature of the situation. The fact that these three characters are the only ones shown in the trailer suggests that the story will revolve around them.

SoundThis teaser trailer relies solely on diegetic sounds and backing music. The music used in the trailer (Chocolate by 1975) is light hearted and upbeat suggesting the film would most probably fun and comedic rather than dramatic. The use of character dialogue gives away information about the main character’s of the film and their relationship with each other and other characters mentioned. However, at the same time, it doesn’t reveal anything of the plot just the genre as some of the phrases are comedic and can relate to the target audience who understand the embarrassment of some of the situations.

Mise-en-sceneThe Mise-en-scene of this particular teaser trailer is very typical for a teenage drama as the setting is stereotypical, showing a party and a school respectively. Not only this but the messaging software shown is suitable for the time the particular part of the film was set in (2003) which makes the film more realistic than if they had a more updated version, similarly with the computers shown in the school.

LightingThe lighting in this particular teaser trailer is natural lighting in attempts to make the situation as realistic as possible. As the lighting in each scene is suitable for the settings which once again makes the whole film more realistic as the lighting is what would be expected in those locations. The use of natural lighting also gives the film as a whole a more casual tone and makes it more light hearted rather than suspenseful like low key lighting would.

Character Representation

ALEXAlex is first portrayed as a teenage boy who can’t talk to girls due to the fact that he stutters around the girl “Bethany” but we then see him talking to the other protagonist Rosie suggesting that the only reason he was nervous was because he likes Bethany. He is also portrayed as quite shy which is backed up by the fact when the teacher calls him out, he blushes slightly.


Rosie is first portrayed as Alex’s best friend who likes to jokingly make fun of him, suggesting that their relationship is purely platonic. However when Alex tells her that he has lost his virginity to Bethany, she swears suggesting that she has other feelings towards her best friend.

If I Stay


Genre: Drama, Romance, MusicTA: Rated 12Summery: Life changes in an instant for young Mia Hall after a car accident puts her in a coma. During an out-of-body experience, she must decide whether to wake up and live a life far different than she had imagined. The choice is hers if she can go on.

StructureTitles0:02 – What was the best day of your life?1:00 – 1:02 – What was the best day of your life? Show us your best day. Post a photo or video with #Best day1:02 – 1:05 - #IfIStay

Sound0:02 – 1:05 - Backing music0:04 – 0:13 – Narrative “People always say certain events will be the best day of your life, like your sweet sixteen or your prom. The best day of my life was one I never even saw coming.”0:13 – Diegetic Sound/ Speech “Mia” 0:13 – 0:15 – Diegetic Sound/ Speech “No way, I’m not playing for you guys”0:15 – 0:17 – Diegetic Sound/ Speech “Not for us, with us”0:17 – 0:19 – Diegetic Sound/ Speech “Come on Hall, we’ll play together”0:22 – 0:27 - Narrative “I’ve always thought of the cello as a solo instrument, it’s probably why it’s always made me so comfortable” 0:28 – 0:31 - Diegetic Sound/ Speech “You can’t hide in that rehearsal room forever. It’s too late, I see you”0:34 – 0::35 – Diegetic Sound/ Speech “Why me?”0:35 – 0:39 – Diegetic Sound/ Speech “Because I like to watch you play, you go to another place, and you’re beautiful”0:42 – 0:54 - Narrative “I never really felt like I belonged, until the night of the bonfire. That was my scene, that was where I belonged, that was who I belonged with. That’s what happiness felt like”

Camerawork0:04 – 0:05 – Mid shot0:05 – 0:06 – Wide shot0:06 – 0:07 – Mid shot0:07 – 0:09 – Establishing shot0:11 – 0:13 – Establishing shot slow pan to the right0:13 – 0:14 – Two shot (Wide)0:15 – Close up0:15 – 0:17 – Two shot0:17 – 0:19 – Wide shot0:19 – 0:20 – Two shot 0:20 – 0:22 – Close up, slow pan to right0:22 – 0:24 – Wide shot0:24 – 0:26 – Wide mid shot0:26 – 0:28 – Wide shot slow pan to left0:28 – 0:30 – Mid shot0:30 – 0:31 – Mid shot0:31 – 0:32 – Mid shot0:32 – 0:33 – Extreme Close up0:33 – 0:34 – Mid shot0:34 – 0:35 – Over the shoulder shot0:35 – 0:36 - Low angle/ over the shoulder0:36 – 0:37 – Extreme close up0:37 – 0:38 – Pan up0:38 – Close up0:39 – 0:40 – Over the shoulder0:40 – 0:41 – Over the shoulder0:41 – 0:42 – Two shot, slow zoom0:43 – 0:45 - Close up, pan down0:45 – 0:47 – Wide establishing shot, slow zoom0:47 – 0:49 – Establishing shot, slow zoom0:49 – Two shot0:49 – 0:51 – Pan down0:51 – 0:52 – Close up0:53 – Establishing shot0:53 – 0:54 – Mid shot0:54 – Extreme close up0:54 – 0:55 – Mid shot0:56 – Wide shot0:57 – Over the shoulder high angle0:58 – Low angle0:59 – Establishing shot

Editing0:03 – Title fade to picture0:05 – Fade0:07 – Fade0:09 – 0:10 – Fade to black0:19 – Black fade to picture0:23 – Black fade to picture0:24 – Fade0:28 – 0:29 - Fade to black0:32 - 0:33 – Fade to black0:35 – Quick fade to black0:40 – Fade0:42 – Cut to black0:47 – 0:48 – Fade to black0:52 – Cut to black0:59 – Flash to titles1:02 – Flash to title.

TitlesThe use of the titles in the If I Stay teaser trailer is very minimal with only two titles not including the title of the film. The use of the first title “What was the best day of your life?” is repeated at the end of the trailer. The first time it is used is almost as if it is asking the main character the question in a rhetorical sense and as it is asked at the end it is directing the question towards the viewer. Giving the impression that the film is based off of the memories of the main character. By using a hashtag in the final title, appeals to the target audience by making it relatable.

EditingAlthough the editing in the teaser trailer for If I Stay is very basic with just transitional fades, fade to blacks and cut to black, it is cleverly done to relate to the plot of the film without giving it away to those who haven’t seen the film. The fades also highlight the transition between memories and this paired with the narrative makes it obvious the events that are being shown happened in the past, giving away some of the footage for the film but still keeping the plot a surprise for when the audience actually see the film.

Camera WorkThe use of minimal different camera angles makes it clear who/what the teaser trailer is focusing on. The use of mid-shots when the characters are on screen, gives the audience a view of their facial expressions around other characters. The use of the two shots when the two main characters are on screen suggests that narrative surrounds these two people and their relationship. The use of the extreme close-up when focusing on the instruments also suggests the love of music is another main theme in the film.

SoundThe backing music played throughout the entire video is melodic but has a sad tone to it, suggesting that despite the seemingly happy memories, there is a sad side to the story that the teaser trailer doesn’t show, making the audience want to find out what it is, therefore creating anticipation. The narration also hints at this as the main character is talking in past tense “That was…”suggesting that those happy memories are in the past and no longer matter after what has happened recently. This is a clever tactic to use to show the themes but not the plot of the film.

Mise-en-sceneThe settings shown in the teaser trailer are stereotypical to a teen drama, showing different ‘activities’ teenagers would do, such as school, concerts, family meals and a party/bonfire. The use of these locations/situations would appeal to the target audience as they would relate to what is going on, on screen. The use of musical instruments is both conventional and unconventional as the use of a guitar is typical to a teenage musician in that background, where a cello would be slightly more obscure, adding originality to the character.

LightingThe lighting in the teaser trailer for If I Stay is mostly natural lighting which makes the whole situation seem more realistic and therefore possibly more relatable to the audience. They also use high key lighting in the concert which is natural for that situation. The idea of using lighting that matches the setting of the scene gives the film a more relaxed tone, rather than over the top by using only high key lighting.

Character Representation

MIAMia is first shown as a solo character who seems alone in the world and is quite serious, which is shown by the wide shots when she is on screen as well as her neutral facial expressions. This is her outer presence but later on in the trailer we see that she is a lot more adventurous and carefree than she lets on which is brought out during her relationship with Adam.

ADAMThe first shot we see of Adam shows him performing on stage at what seems to be a rock concert, giving him the representation of “Bad boy” that can’t be tamed. However later in the trailer we see him talking to Mia softly which suggests he has a softer side that not many other people see which is shown by his dialogue “I love watching you play… and you’re beautiful”

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