simon's graphic design portfolio

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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SImon Spencer Cell: (416) 577-1521

Address: 1359 Sedgewick Crescent Oakville, Ontario

Photoshop Work

This was one of my favourite assignments of the semester that needed to be done on Photoshop. I had to superimpose one image over another and make it into one image.

• The image is intended to be a fictitious image of my brother, who plays House League hockey, to be playing in the 2014 Winter Classic game. !

!• To do this, I took an image of the winter classic

from online, an image of my brother playing hockey, and a clear snow background.!

!• I put the snow falling image over the winter

classic image and turned the opacity down. !!

• I then cut my brother out of his image with the pen tool and added him into the image.

Illustrator Work

This is an example of my recent Illustrator work. We had to create or re-create a logo using Adobe Illustrator.

I chose this logo because, to me, it has always been the most interesting company logo, with all of the colours, fonts, as well as the interesting swerve in the middle of the Pepsi ball.

Step-by-Step Creation of Work

Illustrator Work (continued)

These are examples of two other Illustrator projects I had to complete for the course, both examples of other logo work.

InDesign Work

• For a group project, we had to make a publication in InDesign for a fictional company.

• I was responsible for designing the layout and creating the content for an article that advertised new technologies.

• I chose to do my page on the physical features of the new iPhone 5s, as well as the software features of the new operating system iOS 7 that was introduced with the phone.

• What follows is a visual of my work, as well arrows pointing to the visual elements of the page, accompanied by short explanations of the rationale of my design decisions for them.

I decided to brand our “company" as a company called UTechnology which focused on being a tech - savvy specialist.

I chose the image of the 5s phone because it fit the topic of the text, and applied the same principle to the collage of images at the bottom. The layout of the page follows the Gutenberg diagram principle of design.

I chose the blue and black colouring theme because the contrast was interesting and sharp. The two bar lines and the logo were carried out on all the pages of the publication.

InDesign Work (Continued)

This is another project I had to complete in InDesign, a mock of a Vanity Fair magazine.

Thanks For Viewing!!

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