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Post on 22-Oct-2019






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"*'»«;i.^3|§J -"

riyknown a* _ Se i t wis*'-'*-?;-g|g

'» ••ji^-^i^ft"..

thoroughly mjutaW

... ..(•-.- 'tffirfaggjsrtvf*



*t;Ial Block;

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ata^t lwiat fasafe atonei' wfieiw1tl8ft*

# a * h # T r e a i t . „ a^Ab^ABK. Alt* os*pr3ee.< •• ••«*-«**•'{

fc*-aia*n»B«p avkflirgoasV

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rMfssfcuaarr corstfogta sofTtoo-*reqaire<t £ & • « « » ' reaa»,o* Bfftsost. cecjator •


fabnn. j Q f e» ft, t . wst T " * Sir?'tii eJwswi «?£!

yfiiWrtfay; freafes KES, t l l i n i i n ^ %

- W W " ' -fltsM ,_-EBQMeSOK-'S ss?

H, of the n a i tasaSfce ofMhe.

P.M. T J f c i t a i V Austin, of tbef '

^y^fffin?3*!!**' go, attho.ttaie-e hundred -and laiandlntereet... ,

tow, therefore,» «j»er,af«ate.fti_ 'oreaiS^«ttainf and proridaoV^ ! of the prem •old, atpobllc > ia the town of st d»T o M a n «

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f, Amlgoets.

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Offlce, lifo; J Unit

•••/ •' '.)'• • p j l ^ i VHt«|*9otIS<rJber»ii«Or.

Ths Pabliihen expect pti>> irioflj.iftiitaiinej?.

' p taHaesorj le f i make a ^ U M ^ : / < - • liqaar* 1 Weill . . . . . . . $ l 00 | l«qaare l^»r- - - .

'hi 'ft.-*


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t th»r»te»Tptoflded bj Lav.

...__ ^ _. . ©ettael .t«i®ftl.^wjsi 4 * ^ the xtwr. All chanfes In exceu.of.thls will be charged extra.

iai-a^ttattifor]~adfertlllof are diie at the time of the

be«ar^tmiep|ai,<!fJa*? iMt-.D« faKrJeai &&&&* they, wDt WiSnan^Hli f fotb ld , or at the option of the publiih-

s Etrno u R H o U;SE, •«-,- P . J^TALLMAN^roprfttor,;; , (

This HonselseHglblysIta»tedon tbe corner of Ford and atatestreets. IthasfecentlybeenreflHeaandrifarhlsHed, andtnailtta appolntmenu !»a flntelasa hotel.; Charge* reasonable. , ... ^ .. 1 8 . 6 0 ^ ,





fil • t a •fa

Maaio P a w n o r , D i a k r in'Pi ino fa t iM,


A#Ct»d*~llt^rra]lted. Pianos Tuned. MKTftiHOR, » KfATB 8 t , KOdHBSTK, NEW YORK

'datedli A the PhiUdefph!* OOUege Of .Dental Sorgefj, and nor pennaneptlj locate d i n

Halone, would respectfully lnforca the citlienaof Malone a9d.»lcInHy»«lia' h» i|i»Mpajed to perforia all'deWol oper­ations III a superior manner and at most reasonable prices. Splendid Teeth'IOserWd on all the Base* g o * In Use.

Offioe at tha old'stadU.OTer Uorthome * P«Imec'a,Stor», So.4.CnlonJBoelt, Hilone.N.X- s

't f •*»: -gift •»-!? '•'ff ' '.•»iT • r

Oft*,-.-* W f l ^ ^ i n ^ -e.|toc ERS

Ja»ML«3.»imaar>«=»x't:ora»,| JBand 8.0 Eeide 8lffeet,ji»o'6rs East of Broadway,

wc Iff SaCsWSWI

T« .^l»i% -i^l/shpi^^lftti^l Pianos I dls-Kbueotthe oldest aBd keat »Jat»- Maaafaotarera la

the eoantrjr, and no firm maijes'a better Jnstrujaeiit. ,Oai)EK^80UCI' MyWJr.


Attovnejw aiid Cojau§eIIor« »t Law, 'HiJt%kon-,iroe«-*Ver«; TMi'«aiIr%»rtt|fftor«.

~. , . . 1*IA!J(..«ON'.B.s",1ii..' V.. ' JuSOBtek.

*A* "iI.*#A-i Attorney ^a*lTt4ilslBll<»f i t l X a v ,

>. 1 , V i s i o n B l o v k .

y and Counsellor,


• » . « " « * ^

d Surgeon, itjof the irethodlst<Jharcb,

i » o s 51. SiOirrr, f i j JcsiusKiU-a Sacanx , tnuuKK.BcxosuiK,r. > , ( W M . B . T Q W » 8 « » B , <

1893 WM.BWiKBBORO. ly-

' • < ' • ' " " • ' •—r— r • • • • • * ; — : ••' -•',•<, i *: — —

RKovyK, P A N ^ B Q W & C O . ImporiereandJobbereof

ap A. wr o *•' »t* o « x> s : 8«teonardStiMet,tiro|do,oi;»from5roadway,Sr«w-Tor*.

i .w.rwasoar , I Combs, Bottons, Threads, U . w . B i r u i . t \ mows , f OatlqrjyieaifeliT .Plated Wate, 1

; * c . i * c , M.I.COOLST


BALDWIN,' aFISHER & Co., .WUolksaleDealeraln

f B o o t s , Shoi?s, aLeather, &c«, fo .»6 Parx Bow, opposite the Aator Iloase.fonnerWcation

" orthoF<r»ftheatre,New-Tork^ . > »r. at. asiuwiir. 'dffi&'i.tifEiia. . •aaaxoix .

PIAIV «tfflnw ^**-* B » •'/:.,.SHE'ET Hi^ffif^ww^y,,.

Sole Agent*Tor the, CTlebrited JIallet, Oa»to ft 0o ,> Piano Tort^rand the oOTlralled'«4tey * Green' Uelddibni. Also dealers In sheet Mnslc, MiislqBooki and Musical Merchan­dise generally. New. Masic regularly received.

L. BALLARD Oealerln! and' Repairer^of


Dye-Stuffs, fiolsSt lilrtf *t*Jr <o3oi», «ov

JSo;*Bfttoft Jjc^at^aloner %. X.

Watche CfJdcks,

. «&

Plate! Ware, i« t lEtV- ••

^»« lpde4 i io and^|«fiirn.'iK94vWhenre<jaired.

SKi&:Co:,'?r.;T."'.' ---• •. CHATBADGli: -efX^ <MM.- tf^W •


e*=M «?sfe5 ....

oaiMfriConataltttf lr " i »

S«^'Malorit, •» . -T . ' ' •"

.t.f. •••••


st^SiSS "^sfe ^iSrhjteBofaBia Dealers to • - rt« '•'; •'

"iSiutTtia '*to*is>wst/-- •.' >

i,-,iii.:tr»5at Vaarlett, '^.'••• :-^r8»Vp'i4i^>-TniTd'&^^






Anhagl^n of the Mammoth Watoh,

W o . * E a g l e B l o c f e , W a t l o n e W. * . ' •: r - W ' r • ; T,-i,i t ,"

I lf& i- •. A vUantryaqtnrerof

D o o r s , S a s h and B l i n d s , . ' . . , ' f r v i a : ' ••" - ' ' -" -

t n Bonding-near\y"oo|fln-;factoiT,Jtaloaa,|(,ar. 3MhiBoorsandBllndscon*tantlyAn hand,and al lorders

. wUltepronfttlyatiiendedto. ,_ One 0 tWoodworth'sPlanlngMachlnea has beenaddedt

to plane al -easonablerates. AlsOi aV far Tnawhingfloorjnaard*,<

most ngnetngandGroo^ngMaohine

i» ':-..• -Witt

• S^A.»S»mk3aa2WEr ,3DE


pass! tiojr with'StigVa for KK^SIILI, andS iay t i c

- " - • * - - — ippn.

and charges reasonable.



X 'itis'. BiUcic

TrTdayj/Af.iH'i'^n. ! taca . Ar.^4^B^ilatnrda»aften>i..

Alt'erta'rJds and express^oslness properly-attended to, . Jan. 21,


l i t * itfost Simple and Durable n t

t « a * e « ^ d i a W d a ^ » « l ^ « M « a i i w . AHb»V^f^&. i. «•••;

i ^ * j ' «W'

K?,C«;'i .

~. The^»»<iiia*aa»l •a*tsi»<i>« »«a4« «f tra<U aarf-tlsaay* ' m a r ^ M a S f r F l S i M t o ' a w a 3 r j r V « * « | > ? ! * « tafar-

, ketrtsrlaa aay vs^aay. ^ ^ . ^ ,. #

ato»aaa«wta,»i> t ,»*."M.i i tr«>,« • * . . * 0 t 3 » «

•> .1

Conlns and Cabinet Work. >*•' J i

W b ^ i f i b ^ S i i c I : W/.ttia. . | i ib]|^a*ia:^tlnijeito'(Pai^ on the C a b i n e t S a a l n e M In all lis Branches, ati

*95i8!fflEK"'"'" •Bhai«I,«rniao« ! • ordeif. ati order*from abroad^ ,>-..- • 'A ,.^JajaonB^.l?«o.Itipo».- ... j ' .


irauantfoit paB to

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tsireweil, ya'nrai-tes'-o^ t^o ^es't—

ftreWeil'.ye'pIesiaiishirfygrorss. ' ^ ^ . . / ^ a r i l r q a i a i i i V . . .

. W t h > o n M p l r s t t r } j ; . IBBt^'e^onfrrc^l^for^Iariteeni,

. 'l,Jini)gt|ne,^ffl'fl6Jj-.'Sp , < ; ' , , , . .

' thoog^'r m'nit l e a « ray pleasant home,

Though I must shake the parting band ' And drop the farewelltear—

' Vet home and friehds mnst be content, • - WBen 1 am far asray," For my country's son's are lighting—

f cahnstlonierstay.

Our honored tfajp we will defend ' Agalest foul traitor's hsid, '

And not a Joe shall there remain 'ti^on'-b"urao.hD^il}nd f "'

The Sta'ri.and'St'rtlJes wewliinnfdld '-.'•IVnere^^lor^ianaerfwItTita, ' ' "And nof* rtliej flag shall Boat,

tfe* «#eat b$ palrlott* grarea.

Though Copperheads of northern States, Will view ny with conteaipt,

Because some Secculon pups Will soon be polling hemp.

Vet. we care not for traitors' froitnt, jtor our loved flag j e t waves j

Ajjjld If wo die a tnartyrB death, ._ .OTleaie plant It o'er our grarea.

Three yean of bloody strife Is past, Onr. wqr]k Js near an cnd^..

s And when Oils cruel war is o'er, We hope to meet our friends;

But treason's Dig shall ne'er disgrace The relics of the brave.

But o'er their graves the Stars and Stripes, In pride shall, ever wave.

Tet some will die a soldier's death. It may be my sad lot .

To rail upon the battle Odd By some foul traitor's shot.

An« if It Is God's holy will ' 'Contented there I'll He, '

For my country's nag I'D ever light. For my country's fla* I'll die.

"•No TVhiSPbWiat T*'niJMoV/'i,r80 tjeen sleeping outx^n' ly . ^e'jfi^S.l^anwnircitBa, I Is.-

"SUencelil? "Sartin, sartin,' " Who -tjo yoii Moii^i "Yah"5! yah r I ain't ;

gwiOeaway,liois^" ^ i * '•' ^-^"^ * '

"But ivliat wa^otir*ii^sriianiB i |5'' "Cabnel^fllW'' f"f'''"*' - ' *"

' ^Dna-no. YCT«e-di»chicten \»;ere Jeft -be-hin'-wld olomissitsan' da gals, wileMafis' Billy gwuieto d^Var vVa^^J^^tl^oii*. An' yer see, de ole missus she dun gib dlsnig a iickin'.so I jis slips out in de night Ume.cliuibS inter de barn, steals all the pigeous, an'Clare the track for Ole Virgintty. Yah tyah.l T$e a awful cusa, I is l" i '

"Pigeons I "What did you do with the pig­eons ft* I asked, nly cnrioslty ©rrrjinff .me away from the subject in hand. • ' ' ,* **

"Libs on *em snore,"moBJi'r! Dey*se bully fodder, nicer dan de hard tack. Yah! yah!' reogotjlsonelefV I J T - . J ***** i

>9PPjMitiQ}i#ty .Which, oflen dUww?g!$,m except when f spoke of thrf future of =M» race, of their prospecta for frleiao^ tttfJ irAproveident. •flfir'^s would i p W a p ^ i | ^ ^ e features would fairly (flsJ*it%itH^bu*j*Bm,

"Y«s, mass'r,1' he oneway ea»daim#fK?Iffeeli i^ in^ny bones. M l coirio'ronn1

item*/. Iipw miifW, »iritn|e glean of passion leap

)J t

"a '• «2.00 per!Afn>wm^iiVarl«i.ljl« Aslrasiee.

TV [T ssMWaasssssssiassassai

speal n6w,fan*deBnrran>

M I S O E I L . L ^ . I s r Y .

From the Atlantic Monthly.

1ITTM STiRi,ICIBT. It was soon after the first of thpse terrible

Wilderness-'battles of last -spring that Little Starlight made his first appearance among us.

Now Jiajeyott any idesTwho Liftle Starlight was I f ye iy probably, ftom his romantic name^ you picture him to yourself as a pretty boy—al beautiful Young America, with clustering curls, and I he relevant blooming precocity of face and form,, Sqtijjngiof Jhe kind-s Qur Little Star-light was a negro urchin, extremely small for his age—which might hare been fifteen could we have had ft' dirle to recRbrf fromMnrid as black as the'acfe-dryjiaacs, wheff "the ace of spades ia exc^lsively black and shiny.

Wlierc-he came from, who he-belonged to, how he came among us, we never exactly knew. He was^t Sort of masculine Topsy, and probably

""gVojwtid." sosjriejw1i;i|y'<e t n tbe vicinity of our bivouac. On the' morning after the battle he had been found in our lines, strutting about the camp in a very nonchalant way, with a. quick, pbsjMiwgveye forU'verything lia faw. .His ap-|i^arance was comical \R, the extreme. - Upon his ebon head, and entirely concealing his crisp wool, •watfja.unlily placed a span-new artillery cafV>wnf$Kfce lifid prooaTfly found on the field. He bad fastened to the right shoulder of his ragged coat—a: swallow^ailed blue of unknown antiquity—an ihimensls fpaulet, probably plun-dered from,tl%^f^g^^lT6oine ofllcer^ while

,» silkqu, sashpflflaring ifrimson. was twined round his walit-iH^rtuiariner'at once striking and barbaric, with;* Jong end 'that trailed be­hind like the gaudy tail or some variegated tr.opicb'u-d.i His .trowsers-^we will skip them ; ^etit;sumce'1o>88y'-i that they wore unffiebtioa-•We ^o tHSihsPdi^;^1*' ' ' ' -' •*-, , ,^omo cfluld.teU how the liltle fellow got Into thecamp,an<Mi& wouldn't tell hlmself^-T6^ tjpi6keS €_ttd sekitries' swote .prodigiously ^jfa$M$a$t$bj^^s^t^tem, ^>'wo WW com-^ll^^iekiUeimy'wt'ff ot Wa pirWirance re--il^n*1(lfiB0lv*«ft!'"4,l^ftTS""?*^> ,"-< v ' r ' '.»"*

ofihegiiardljroughtvhimbeforemei with i »Here'i§a'prlson^ _ _ _ W^$fi$0'M^< .^2fMtJ??ckedIJirnJ^, , ,^ i ' ^ e ^ ^ m n C b ^ h e n T m d e " r dpi and oon tftnow wnat to do with.Jt:~

one of the capacious pockets Of his tattered cpn£ a sorry looking pigeon, still alive, which, before: we could guess his intention, the proceeded id put to death in a very summary manner. Nip* ping the head of the bird between bis fingei-and thumb, he twirled the body around, in the air till it fell to tbevground, completely twisted from tbe head, which remained In his hand,. -

''What are you doing that forf I exclainje'dl somewhat horrified at what I saw, ns were the rest of the "Court."

Tlie little fuljow threw away the.pigeon's head without answering, picked up the body, and laid it at my feet, with a "Yah! yah I" from which I judged«that itTyas meant ns a present for my breakfast.

"Well, what is the decision of the Court ?"— said I laughing, and turning to the 3!ajor.

"I really do not know." was the reply.— "Ask the monkey if he will fight find which side he favors."

I put the question. "De Union all de time, shore!" was the en­

thusiastic reply. "What can you do ?" I asked. The little fellow cast a comprehensive glance

around him in every direction, as if he could do any and every thing under llie sun, and was merely puzzled upon which u> try his hand for an outset. l • '

Atlengthbiseye caught sight of a kettle-drum which was taking ah airing a short distance olf, and with a guffaw of delight bo ran toward it. Quick as thought the strap was over his shoul­der, the sticks Were in his hand, and throwing back his head with a gesture of pride^ he rolled off the reveille with the flourish and accuracy of a ma8tt>F.

"Bravo V cried "Captain Allen. "You're the man we want Why not have blm drnm for our company ?'' he added, turning to ma— "Johnny went into the hospital day before yesterday,'and we have had hut little music since." - <

**Anexc*Uen^d«al"6ttidLj - .., . 'The Major also agreed; and Starlight, to his

infinite satisfaction, was forthwith installed as second, dr^mmer-bpy, Company C, —th New Infantry.

Hifl name—»by which lie was altogether known among as—originated, at the suggestion F of oho of the officers, in the wonderfully starry aspect of the heavens on the night preceding the early morning of his "capture."

He was a fitvorite in the company, and a standingjoke wiii} \hq jtegiment, in a single day* Ni6a& oquki surpass. Jiiinoalhe.drum^ and he never complained, of too much work.' We made fiift^sff ffl^ieliftnOrbughiy in the river, nnd then presented hiui.wjilh a. genuine uniform, of,.which.he proud as a young peacock of her Bprouting tail.

liilllo StarligntjiWas not onerpfjjs long, but if I.should undertake, to (descrfho onerbolf of his whimsical charScferistics "-tbte-iiun' would go down on thejuimniihed tale?/*- f"'il

•He rfevep'g^t ouc-ofilranjor,*ai;never.ex­cessively hutigry^anafiia^^de^frame was of Iron inotfld? m^$0ef mW$$ ^™m

at anir ttalk^'OHftll^u^^S^caes wfiiiqlt tried to the jUtmost'tn^rstaTwart^fKimes of hardened Tet»r*n^ »^dWour65!aRe*r'ine march, execute With ^ ^ - ^ ( ^ ^ l ^ ^ i ^ r a , ' andBob^Ridleys for, the ^iyc^ipniOf.tbii^eaiy

Itam'Jv 1 n % Atir''miai

»iipp,£ r, an* de sun am setting, m

f , . . . . . • • '-• *'K am cbening mass'r. ButI hears

deu& dram cjb tte akyrOllm'^eSebjslHe oh de *M&:l^mtfmmv> , ;:";' j t r o r r t f a a y ^ r ^ ^

Proclamatloii htia made. y3at.*#a Yo»(h*ve , JffifeiclfiiiedKimffei* iTe'moveifm"4**-. . . . ,:^.>,. , A , ^ ^ , f t ^ . ,1 , , 1kM*nbl&MSy%]m 'stifled foreVer.

he He was dead.

_.. . . . , .^,fe, ' '" ilo bona pi; I nebber nilLtUlIg^OKJitrWiKv^

Jis" remme git on WmfcjM ^ S & ^ d ' t t e ! tffiteg t&tW the°arm, "let f 1 cfanced'at Grant and saw BliS ha*fflii6fr»i*» • * ''" ^ • • f e ^ f e ^ J s ' - " ;:;^Zr\: ^ j J k ' ^ o u s i y . I glanced at the nagroeivaad

entaWaV I saw'hi

yer know, oncef '

"On to whom ?" I asked. ., , , a

"On de 6'le Man-pVhnel1Baly.', %M lenuno git on tohiniifafn rilbofreeir . , s. s ••.-. T

"Yon purely-would. notkilJjyoni>oldmi»t«rf"(

"WouWtylr Yah! yahr' And thereat Starlight began to fumble- among the various knives and pistols which «dorhed a autpner;afy tljinghutconciliatory, "yraa '^ cuiclftsj," he.conlinued. "I -f eeps an de look-

••- •Presentl^thfr set^nt4iegaawgery^^rjdaaUy to relax his/oldfandfrw-Jigiaeoijg tbemaereral .times as the crushed buffalo quivered, he un­wound a fold ertUrely. Then hispauiecL 'JThe nex't irdh-Hkeban'ofwas the'Onewhieh*litfld>mo prisoner; and as'I felt it little by littte; Uttla try little tinclaBping, my heart stood stJiiwth hope and W.'''''»rlS^B'«i»nnbeliig'iiBeA « » * e -inimhea atmrnnconirfllled hjr iity«WiiljHsti|ht fall from the cttshfon-like bed in whiehlt lay . And such a mishap might bring the spate M d . around my neirik or cheat, and fttien-farewell-io the sources of the Nile. Oh, hoW hardly, hew desperately X struggled to command ntyaell*-

And sure enongh? as he spoke, he drew from ,oj»6;» ebery; -fight. I seed |him..lick. my. ole . .^.. * ,-..- ....^...i — muddertiU de blood flew*. Ji»\'Jemmeson to

him, mass'r, and yott'Jtsee4h£ hlood fly your­self. Yah ! yah ! I'se^a nwfill cuss, I is,"

Upon briefer ncquaintuncel with Starlight I slmnld have smiled at the serio-comic manner in which these sentiments Were enunciated; but, as it wins, I shuddered a4 .the; intensity of passion which lurked in his tohes. . ' /Ami through nil those battles, and rapid marches and counter-niarcues,j with which Gen. Grant terrified and confused the rebel foe, from the Rapidan to the walls of Richmond, Little Starlight conducted himself with sterling credit^ winning golden opinions from aJL and, upon one occasion a hearty handtshake from the General of our division. •, • ,,.

It was, however, at the severe skirmish on our left, immediately following- our general repulse from the rebel works, and shortly before the transfer of our army to tbe south bank of the James, that tbe part which Starlight played in the great drama was to assume a truly-tragic phase.

The enemy's skirmishers and ours were hotly engaged, and tbe fight bid fair to be bloody, if brief. I was immediately in tbe rear of the. •regiment, which was In reservc-busy. with.Wip wounded; and Starlight was-ihoppingfabOu,^

Wtifj 'dgil' ot-fJb.

., T - r - _ j | f n ^ a p i i s h , hu^ IflSink n'^oneoTt^o^fairmouMd'^rlth a deeper,

m ' a ^ a m Vhtf ^as arudf^hynisfer in

Others of the cbitfpa'ny Wtformea' WHatlittle of-A » o • » , . „ „„ . . ! , » « U ^ - » l ? i U l . l k J A Y : ^ „ . . i L ^ j « „ .


flees, they could,.and"Mcolori'?!ioqtilrcdpar-tlcufa'rry Info fflfe h^Mij^i^-m'mkth.-

nipp."al|m '^ere'ouT^io* se^a'rtery—they • few: Statriighf also nMaiitMgrave of

He wis jSj^*y&\«. apd thus came ia

> i -1 -iiinost expl<)dc«l**ithi1anghter at" seeing Inje Iftdlvidn'al to ^ s t i o n j but immediately sat

sdo%i>; 4ft a -B^^wk^is&^^y^j^^^^ jgapt*Aljencameialongfltthesame time, and preaently tlie Major also dropped in. So we; formed ourselves into an informal m^43^k &«*]<# S»V ^^tfpa^th,the viewof.havin^ abmeamuscment for the hungry half hour that would elapse before breakfast.— ^The "bras " o^tlje was fiurprisffig • for he ,%ef§lchVft%e ^ 'of this ceremony, which we mado as, impo»irjg aswecftultfby•word^'iSiiatook. All cye»were; tt(rned;on me;expectMitiy^s^l opejied; the

.,ftWhati*y^ncnamsnnlyboyl'', > , y.ifDuhlhti, aiassfe' 'Sj|eot-j isn't-got hone,v

^^r i^ lna i ty^rea^ ih j . s^'<bJ90gh'b»Jte^B« ymonscowlition waa a, matter ^fmuch self-sat-

^irt«^' ;-.'.:•'v' ,V :'-'t , ''•'"^f-::v'r•'•':•."! /-. •••':

:i.«Wb8|,4i#;they ^l^u^.-hp^ei*!.'-;:.^.;'..,,;.,, •i5wt alien: tome/ wl^wit:callinV/Butwen I skinned along kinder slow, ;aom«lime dey'd iihg'ou*, Wgf- abiriedisilbal4!ttfe*il%i?\-sijiT; den

'q^tfcTty-ti^VVt#\wf&'fa^t JUf' he ^c4«*ha^ .wtoguighit artnt?gleeihlly about Ski^hnflfmg 6fe toi^feetaaifcoptemplati .feaJfc^W», ,,; ; t ^ i ,, .ir; , ., ,., '-,,( , .•. f! . U*BdttP>',xota&-to* -MajorjiWhO; acted a i prealdhi^ofilcer,' at the sam^ time knitting bis 'ta&r«.fiia$^ UlmortrjUol^d hiw. ''Hllwo*, or I'll commit yon for contemptI" .;;±. m -•> " ^ e w l i a t ^ ^ i e d . by^e^vehfinteiBc> of;rthif

i^^hctlop isffja little fetfoir r^^ihed Mew, and, 4iahl»ff«f h i <*P, oon^^nc^ of a head in a serious manner, which w*s more comtori^hanhis mirth. ;'

comeftvmr" ""* *' """ "*' ' '

flrej and I have seen* Inrh-ugder^lio. hottest.— Heiiaffaipenihaut foV;oh^lhlngfltrbphleV on thjrjaeld-of battle;* and Catrieiao many knives and pistols upoh his person that be1'was quite a WalWhe jaraena], More than ,onoa Jie^waa agen ^ ^ i e l r y f W M V t o n g ' r k ^ ^ ^ ^ never the leaSf -wi thUhe l fe s tS f intent ions .

ETci waa a hatural born^^:thieg'a^a;4w^H im-, preseivoMrmonizinjr totally-failed^ to'convince him of ^ g r a v i t y hi;^/Anli.,:He ?gen)ed to. Consider hiiMqlf naturally., depray.ctl,, an4: ,w^ ffferefore philosophically complacent with his

:»in, m*tmg; my'adto ;«TW;8,,:a.wnii ca^jrhh8%^ij^my%e!in, saiirf|i;aa ^ o ^ than pity 4 * ; hini Wben-I:^^^ natnegie^W^^

;unforjtunatarace, ^BeaidcSj the tnii(<:fal:eS:ett& ^-hJ<^e*iBg Wei» -nbi' ooh»ideraW«!,i IChere Waanatmuch.,to:«tekr In*-the iWti^la^'^nd; when.any one did n ^ £ h $ b j | i g ^ fng, atight ciutch »r^i^lS^i^hJ^»;W»h4p}pe •nd a few rjrtposUmuatnreai* would generally cause him to' «sheU out" the mLwng ariiele if it ia^."r^aUJ^Jja">^.I5pa^s^ gener^y^n^ipd; that :^)ik^aea^^vthain r

counterbalanced his foibles.. For his hand was as ready to'iapp^.arWQdn^Haia^^^a<£'aro--•o'njance.aa it;.was' ,it!ii^p^'|3(jB*p^Mar6f a. fallen foe. r<7;, .]...,"> \":.: .*r? •*. •- -;.-:*| -

There WM one thing alone wltidt a lmost^ d*e'med him In mi eyes; and that was his'',pa«B-' Uittius desire 'sW.''ss%edom^tii^t


votlon to the cause u^der whoiio Ibanflcr he aert^ffi-'l-.^V-fOf',^'', ' ; -'ki,->t\rn': ;. '^

"My^Uties aachaplnini.w'rre in sad demand hi ttOMhlopdytatfte-days^when'^in^trayonXto' the dyin^ and Dra^era-'ibr' b/o^eatl .vrere'-.^re-

heathen always listened with the proA)uf|d<,'«t.:

gravity to every thing I said, but with i

then looking up, aud throwing curious glanoos toward the fight, which was not distant.

Suddenly an exclamation from him--caused me to turn, when I saw- bun gazing intently, with his hand pointing toward the ground' where the skirmish was progressing. •'••««

"Hooray! hooray 1 Bere he is f dere f* he shouled.

He succeeded in directing my attention to la' fine looking rebel officer, who-waa cheering on' his men in a charge they were .matting on our position. '

"Dat's him! dnt's him!" cried Starlight, (it tbo same time freeing himself from/ hi» drum and casting it on one side, while bis voice' was' wild and strange with, a fierce,Joy;

And before I could arrest him; or exactly understand his intention, he snatched a musket and bayonet from thaground, and ran like a7

deer after our column, which was advancing (0 ,rqpel the threatened assault. • .•

From my position I could see the whole* af­fair. The smoke of the musketry fire 'was thick but a western gale was1 blowlng^andttha'orjpoa-' ing columns were pretty- plainly discerflable.—>•• Then the firing ceased, and I saw them meet m tbe shock of steel to steel. The ranks of the rebels were broken, and they scattered back toward their abatis and the thick Woodron tbejr right; bat the officers retained their ground, en­deavoring to inspirit theirm'en by their o wnex-amplesrand %hUngbr*veIy. I*iW LlttleStasri' light rush headlong at the man to whomhelisd' directed my attention, and I could hear hiashrfll' cheer come ftdnfing-Wtm#. online wind. He seemed to be but half (he size, of Jiia antagonist, yet tiiry met'with a shock which •ecma^.eaual on both sides. Tbe officer evaded, the bayonet

the tfnl Were SO his own. to the ownership of about five' feet of that earth Which had not been a very affectionate mother to him.

J said he had Jan epitaph. I t was scrawled upon.tbo-rude bead-board by tbe author, and as then is something epigramatic about it, i t may not be out of plate tocopcludo our story with.


ITS BISHT TOPiaaasiED'FiucKDOM TrraouoH •THE roKHAH's BBini/ic omT;

• „ • • • ' • » £ • '•**'• s . . - -


As Tap STABS ABa1,nf Taan|Oa^nY.

****** %&ter w,th * At the "earliest possible moment, after our

camp bad been pitched, -a bnnt was set afoot, and Capt Grant, myself, and some attendants, sere, toon' makingDOur? way to «tho path."— Thererwere noanimals therewheuTvearrivea,

me, dqing what he»could to assist, but now ana except a &w> hippopotami,, and we?W£{»0b]iged to waitt.the ^ more, palatable game. Our patience, however, was severely t*^3Bo^;aad£Bfteca-lo»jg.dolf*yv jwe- wer.c. about to "bag" a hippopotamus, when one of our at-

lenofants, perched in a tree aootit a mile' distant, Ivihg his blanket Ifhis waa a signal

thitgam'e was'app'foacnfng. a We immedrately drew into cover, and awaited tha com'ihr up k>f

" ^ were ^ ¥ e I . T e ^ I o d i i r l @ ^ a ' lbng-rJolumn' of animi!^'Yrr^^?i^ha'nt ,o the^dbbrappiart^Vhj^ffol&nf a ftgood pace to the river, •'^hefr^liaaita^refe'soon pre-

ofhis puny fi}^,fmd*st^ck out $$$$ $Mfi*. sword, and I saw the hlood spring up Men from

Capt Grant was equally suiScessful wlffr'a' hoo­doo, and several speari,Ica^Tb^Our'iittcndantsf

•topped the career of oiti?o^!wo^diirereni ani­mals of the herd. ^$%0fmm0^ ' - ' A i t h i a ^ n c t m v . f r ^ r l s f ^ M ' a h n n e x -

pected adventure, th^*flqi|aW ouf sport af least ^ t j t J | C " d a y . ^ b ^ | . ^ p r u n g forward immediately "after Irmg', In order! to obtain a fairshot at a bilge, elephant tliat L; wanted to BrtDg-down'ote, account of his .immense tusks. I got the desirea aim, and pulled the trigger of theaecOnd 1«rrel.i Atthe moment of my doing so, a wild, cry.of alarm, uttered by one ot the bl^ks,.called my attention*) .Glancing round, a y eye cbanced to rapge;up into the foliage of the ire* Which Capt* Grantjind myself had.lain

infldar forieev-eral hourt: previous, -My feelings may possibly be imagined; aiiLbehold an cnor-tno«B-l^i-»^onBtriclpn'Who«»^ldeQusb^ and aieckjprojected.some distance into view, showed that he was about to. make.fJital'fspriDg. His direction was certainJy-towards-me, and as be flf*f*^»jb^l^iUofl^^f|bun4.ef?bolt, I gave myself up for-dead ere aid could reach mo,

the negro's neck. But the next instant they; e^lnj^ira ib&tato^ closed, ihe rushing bayonet g^faa4too.l>I^pf/4' i^to-•-t i"^w-**•' ,•'^^t ,L' ,^••^•• i• """ ~* the'bmeer rind he rolled to"the plain.' Ttrice-^ thrice', I saw (lie flashing 'bayonet^" air," an* 'tfilh Ifisliido"wh again ul trate man, ahdliien, wlin a louder w^obp^than1 .. . . . before, Starlight ^(^^•tiMjwi^iiir '«»«>,f 'itiff **e&aectwith What TfividneSi the


-•!• hj

fight*, a'nd'the ^hbta 'a^eJr /Ra^^ss^ ln^ view by thegatheringsmofe.'fdf thoDreezedied away, ^ . (. , . . . , . / ,.^-./

The flptf was soon tf#r? ^Tu^^^is'jrrere driven far back into the woods, iheir abatis cap­tured and held, and we in. posBessjpn, of the field. )Sly jhterest to what if had. neased.was so Intense tiiat't^mr^el^iely BaatenM t6*tha.

Our lofs^iaa/heen^hcon8meraiwe,*^i?lw Of the .enemy waalarge. ,^helryde^l J B * ar ound •

^^^0^S^MM.,.,.... v,... T bad seen SiRrHght engaged. He WO?f. i inR. ^Jflt*. signla .of "a-rebel- captain, and was stone dead,

met with his breast many times pierced by baw thrush:':' MjtfWaa: *§$&xigy^W&Vh 'sereeanClt^^Ciof t$i 01 x^Wu>* K piiiiritli;* troubled look; . , ; , : - » . • ? • * • : . :

lrig,:"aho}'hiii'ftheato seoV^Sve#taq]8ji.1,CT "<-A

*%arfightJdiFrogt i^^mwj^miim, at the same timeburoriug to the7 poini Indica-t e d - ' " . ' - . . , •'- - • • . ; ' - -.

.>oris,'wi|]b;iyfrig^ ;b>c)ii;Bartr' ^r^Vgfeliows^erejc^ sympathetic-looks ^ d | e i ^ ^ not believe; but neveraieless' lipeaV the truth whep Isa^ih.aOneJi^TVj|oygr^

'wheD'hesaVnie'. ":- !-'-'y-1-' •A-^'^^'-p> : ' fFabfyfthtMass^.^ j««, * om*m wwt~p»nrae. *a* appears

c ^ k j ^ trerylU^ on each othw> face, ^ cloaa were. wc^.aadJLwi>uJd_hav« shauted oJr

last;i" ..?--Wrr.-!' , t i


~-^*-TToie>. " " ' ' ' "FRrtboii I" cried Starlight ap.

feat ;. ' ^ : ^ ^ ^ ^ "


aeeTffllngly cabght Itti»l*hirlWimJof dbst, and aBtratfg^&dftif&n*^ In the 'miAt^r.thia.telfHMaiU'ifev 1 anddeniy-became ftjn^lous OF thapresehceof % second victimr


JAarrled l i t e Wrong Ididjr.

Love is a very uncertain.lhipg,.apd j t , ^ ^iot safe to be too certain,of the symptoms until they are unmistakable. Tbe following wilt explain onr meaning:— .j

Vienna has been stirred up* lately,, byj the comical result of a strange love.»tory. Itjoems that in the house of one Kerr Kuhne, a.teacher of languages,. Dr. Kant, a young lawyer, happen­ed to make the acquaintance of a lady,burdened : with some property and thirty,years., -.The la­dy evinced a particular Interest In the,yaung« shy, andrathervabashedmanoflaw.; She made love^to him, in fact, very alrongly^&jpejinad-ed him to visit ber at her bouse. But,;aJasJ be los:od another lady. Qne evening, white con­versing with the doctor, she aaid-:—' :; i •: ^

< . "With your fovprableiMeaofmatiimony^Biay I ask if yon. have jsver thought offliarrying youraelf?" " ,,:.'- ,»,.,.

Dr. Kant sighed, and his eyes regtbg-ou; the ground, hesitatingly muttered in reply-r^

«[. have already thought ofjmarryfeg^jmd made my choice, but—" . . . . . .„¥fi t i^^

"But?" hastUyinterposed the lady, ;',< , 9 "But,"hQcontinned,"the-jady i$ sp"chj,-«ery

rich, and l a m pomv l a m afraid! conl4«Brar aspire toiler band, and rather than allow *my-aeW to be taxed with sordid designs, L will bury my passion in my breast, an! le^ve it.unoov-.. ered forever." ,,,.,.,.,

At an early hour the following day ahe> hoir-ever, betook herself to a solicitor, and in legal form declared her wish to. present; and band over as his property thftfluunjf 16jDj0iK».giiiiden (£15,000> to Dr. lfanv When thftrdocunient bad been signed, countersigned, and .duly.oom-pleted, she sat dos^n in. tltgoSJce, Andy enclos­ing J tin an elegant envelope, added » note to the following elect s "Dear Sir—J haye much pleasure in enclosinga..naptr whichl ftopejwill r|Bovethoobataj3jqiafhewayo£yoOT«aiyiag^ Believe me, «6CJ, -Alice Martini;",

.Dr»-!KanVifojr^beandso.otheip wa*#hoad­dressed, was the happie«j man. H»}the iBgrid on receiving this generous epistle. Repairing at

I tbo

^no^tanotaeroee my mind, that this'second 'Tictlm!Ws«C»pt.tGrant, my noble companion, iSfllie^ at^teTfl^he^MflefSandSfe fcrsev-«ralaeo^nd«;f«cfis6cohd se^edlatarlafiitable, there ensued a^ll'aatdmeas'df deatt^and.1 opened my eyes, expecting to look upon those u ^ e x p k ^ l # i d i t i i ^ only in Jheicodntrybaybnd^ifomb;. Instead of that

m^jsm mmmMmriBettwEd me,

twaea.'.wl$i^::a^^lMiii°VFitad fnnjtuclkily placed ftyaelf & the montent of flrhjg flprin; tbe ele?

d » r i ^ loweref^lpafeaofolr With th«uji|iMtOBati| coWl

'«isatttJMR^.i!9li|s^^^ a^uldw at the rco* of tfa. Mc^-Rnd ^ t . ' ^ a aoft bedafflMh, tote which ttvrss Jammed, "Km*m*i>rii*>\*mmm+rm»m9{ th* ser-: p»t?abody,thatwa#«lte1rtoWbardh A* I a a ^ G t a f a t a W t o - . ^ M o n ' o f a « . I b r I f h * - T t ^ T r ^ - f r m g h t r ^ Hy t CTpe, klUrtb* boa released far. ftld, from

: # « j o o w . ''tmlem&iBto&fa gtrik, tta Mptltojt woitltlia ita wawilaioB^ilUsh or

»e,-1 uti&mSh$fmt**» appeared \o mte»Yl Mtif^teptobitM* tot o\t tjooh* - - - — — "•--!"s- - - - "* • -< * CuuneV-liily'^^ahrryah! I ^ ^ t a t ' f a a V

Of *T««aJ*««p|lA»t Mtn, had I dared*.

S K K g S t t sssaaasB

or »M love, he^mppqted for andjiece b a D d ^ a W w I f t o o r i g - S e i r f l a t t e r e d by his delicate though, n«ai^WBd..attenU»n> J His replyi to, Fraulcin J^artini^besicles Lcoavaying hia^ncsBreat thank»»^htotee4,4«o!carte»~de viiite,flnked, toge*et;.by Jbiei^ignaiianjtfiose. coloreil ribbon, jaisa Martini forthwitbepned the happy.;braegroom f«;r«tit«aoD, bttt, as BO promise of marriage had, been made, the.;case was, by two snecessive courts, docided'against h e r . - ' " . " - ,"1 ? < " , • ; ' . « : ' - ' • i.- r t * -1 ' ' » * *-%fj>:'-

• . , - . . ; ' . ' L ... :" — ' . " • V -' i i i ? t « ^ . . ' . K

. Kotea for: tlie Cariona*' . ", A frencbjopni^ recently /''"™

• - : »

4£ ta-

The (^n^eracy, W ^ j a t l f i n e

>% :-M>^^ Jtoltjrt3aM»,.^.,^ '

• ' ^ ' X V J mr&mpM&f

.tir.-irfj. wis*'wWrW*',- * column read asparately tXsntalM ^ha

crwd ofthe. RebeW the twQ read together that

cloaawettL.wa^d l.wouM ^^'^«^ ^ ^ m h W ^ ^ ^ ^ S S S ^ of 7o-,W f o r ^ W n ^ A ^ ^ ^ ! K %rxJWtmbed tiagbarff the betrMttof

WOBld- w I t l k f t t o r W A r t d - ' ' • S r ^ ' - -

a i

Crtijjm still gazing, as though petHfla^Wfth astonfshment. I glanced at (ha serpenPWoaHi- , somp bead and saw its bright, deadly* "^J*s, watching for fhb least' sfgh oflife id itaTprey.— ITow, the reptile loosened ffe fold on m^'airnl a hair's breadth, and now a little more, titi(I!:ilalf ari'incb, or space separated ttiy arm andiWniit-tled skin. I.could hate wbipped'out rhy^liaiid, but dared nor take ihe risk. Atomtfibf-'li&e dragged themselves into ages, and a'mldtite s,eemed eternity itseff! The second fold- waa removed entirely, and the next one was «asifig. Should I dash away now, or wait a more faTor-able movement? I decided upon the former; and witli lightning Speed I bounded a'way. to­ward Grant, the crack of whose piece I heard at the same instant. For the first time- to-my fife I was thoroughly overcome; and sinking down, I remained in a semi-corfscious^Sfte-for several minutes.

When I fully recovered, Grant ancfThe* over­joyed negroes held me up,, and pointed out ths boa, who was stift writhing m his death aginnef. I shuddered' as I looked upon the effects of^his tremendous dying strength. Foryaro%"alfotilid where he lay, grass and bushes arid sapliBgs, and in fact everything except the more1 fully grown trees, were cut clean off, as though1-tbey had been trimmed with ah immebse-acythtt— This monster, when measured, was'flfty^jne feet two inches aud a half in extreme length, while round the thickest portion of blsvbedy, the girth was nearly three feet, thus proving, I believe, to be the largest serpent that was ever authentically heard of. ' "


. m w m I**

v f > m




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