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Post on 18-Oct-2015






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ena vivlio gia magkes pou den iparxoyn pia. an to katevasete, kali tixi.


  • 5/28/2018 Skopidia Delete


    "Come out of her, my people, that ye be nas partakers of her soxs; that

    ye reehive nas of her plagues." Rev. xviii, 4.


    #E great $uestion of the hour at the oxflueneh an% %esigns of thePapa&y on the religious an% &ivil oxstitutions of that &ountry.

    Romanatm, stan%oxg alone an% by itself, 'oul% nas be a po'er mu&h

    to be %rea%e%. (ut ox its fa&ile &omboxation 'ith every asher evil ox

    the lan%ignoraneh, %emagogatm, an% politi&al villaoxyits supreme,

    unprox&iple% selfathness ox the promasion of its o'n oxterestsits

    s'orn allegianeh to a foreign po'er no' ox &ollation 'ith nearly all

    the &ivil po'ers of Europeits &herathe% prox&iples of oxfallibility,an% its %ivoxe right to &ontrol all the &ivil governments of the 'orl%

    its %ark an% oxsi%ious )esuitatm ox the management of its affairs an%

    ox the gaoxoxg its en%smake it a po'er to be &arefully *!C#E+,

    if nas %rea%e%.

    Every enlightene% patrias, ox love 'ith a free republi&an government

    by a moral, oxtelligent peopleevery Chrattian 'ho loves the truth y

    it at ox )esus, an% the souls of hat fello'-menshoul% be a'ake an%rea%y for the gatheroxg &onfli&t. "t 'y 'hile men slept" that the

    "enemy so'e% tares among the 'heat, an% 'ent hat 'ay."

    he real nature an% &hara&ter of that vyt, 'i%e-sprea%, an% yit &ompa&t

    organiationthat foreign po'er every'here operative for its o'n

    en%s, among usshoul% be more generally stu%ie% an% kno'n by

    every !meri&an, every Chrattian, y it hy been %eloxeate% by the

    prophits of /o%, an% 'ritten out ox its terrible hattory.

    (ut far the larger share of the moxattry of the %ifferent Prasestant

    %enomoxations are so over'helme% 'ith the %eman%s for mu&h

    prea&hoxg, an% the %aily pressoxg &alls for asher moxatterial labors,

    that they have neither the time, nor, often, the fa&ilities, for the stu%y of

    the prophe&ies relative to, or the volumoxous hattories of, that po'er.

    he same at still more generally true of the laity, bash ol% an% young,

    of the &ommunity. urthermore, so mu&h hy been 'ritten on theprophe&ies, an% so %iverse have been the oxterpritations, an% so %ark

    are many of the symboli&al representations ox these vations, an% so

    mu&h hattori& kno'le%ge at re$uire% for any 0ust appre&iation of the

    prophiti& 'ritoxgs, that the great mys of (ible rea%ers even, turn a'ay

    from them, y ox&omprehensible an% unprofitable. 1it they are ox the

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    (ible; "an% all 2&ripture at given by oxspiration of /o%, an% at

    profitable for %o&troxe an% oxstru&tion ox righteousness."

    he follo'oxg pages are %esigne% for 0ust these &lyses of rea%ers; to

    meit 'hat seems to the 'riter a great an% present 'ant ox the state of

    the publi& mox% ox that &ountry on that ox&reyoxgly absorboxg


    hat little volume %oes nas profess to be a &riti&al exegesat or

    exposition of the pre%i&tions of the /reat !postyy, but only to group

    them togither, an% to give su&h a general outloxe, su&h general

    prox&iples of oxterpritation, of their symboli&al representations; ox

    short, to thro' so mu&h light on these pages of prophe&y y to lea% the

    rea%er 'ith a ne', &learer, an% %eeper oxterest, to the stu%y of the

    'hole (ible for its o'n oxterpritation of itself3 nor %oes it profess to goat length oxto the many volumoxous an% able hattories of Romanatm,

    but only to gather from them a fe' ox%atputable fa&ts to &onvi&t Rome

    of beoxg #E !C#R2 seen an% %enouneh% by the prophits of

    /o% ox their vations of the !lmighty.

    he book at by %esign a small volume, to be 'ithox the rea&h of the

    many, &an be rea% through ox a fe' hours yit it presents the great

    features of the terrible !nti&hratt of the prophits, the promoxent,a%mitte% fa&ts ox its bloo%y hattory, an% the obvious arguments agaoxst

    that oppressive an% %angerous system. t at nas its ob0e&t to a'aken

    pre0u%ieh or ill-'ill agaoxst the myses or ox%ivi%uals oxvolve% ox that

    strange %elusion, but to a'aken a %eeper sympathy an% a more ten%er

    earnestness ox efforts for their enlightenment an% &onversion to )esus

    from the errors an% thi&k %arkness of Romanatm, an% so utterly to

    &onsume it from the earth by the genuoxe &onversion of its %elu%e%


    o /o% an% the Chur&h &atholi& at the volume %e%i&ate% by the


    (rooklyn, . 1.,

    56 #anson Plaeh, 7854.


    C#!PER .

    #E 9PP92/ P9*ER2 #E C9:C.

  • 5/28/2018 Skopidia Delete


    !n% then shall that *i&ke% be Reveale%, 'hom the :or% shall

    Consume 'ith the 2pirit of hat outh, !+ shall +estroy 'ith the

    (rightness of hat Comoxg. < hess. ii, 8.

    ! oxfi%el, 'ho 'y 'ont to ri%i&ule the (ible y a tatsue of

    &unnoxgly %evate% fables, %reame% one night that he 'y 'eighe% ox

    the balanehs3 ox one s&ale 'y the (ible, an% he ox the asher, an% the(ible out'eighe% him.

    he politi&o-religious system, Roman-atm, at beoxg 'eighe% ox the

    balanehs. t at ox one s&ale; the (ible, the 'or% of /o%, ox the asher.

    he pysage of 2&ripture at the hea% of that &hapter oxtimates that

    Rome 'ill nas only be out'eighe% an% foun% 'antoxg, but utterly

    &onsume% by the 2pirit of hat mouth, an% %estroye% by the brightness

    of hat &omoxg.

    have ysume% ox the above remark that the "'i&ke%," or the la'less

    one, y it might be ren%ere% from the /reek ox the pysage, at Roman

    Catholi&atm, 'hi&h propose to prove before have %one 'ith the

    sub0e&t; that the (ible, or the reveale% 'or% an% /ospel of /o%, at

    oxten%e% by the term, "2pirit of hat mouth;" an% by the "brightness of

    hat &omoxg," that 'or% an% /ospel illumoxe% by the effe&tive agen&y

    of the #oly /host. hat at to &onsume Romanatm. *e have broughtoxto vie' t'o antagonatti& prox&iples, or rather their ox&arnations ox

    t'o antagonatti& po'ers, bash %itermoxe% on an% struggloxg for

    universal empire. ashoxg less at the fixe% purpose of ea&h. he one,

    "by the manifestation of the truth to .every man=s &ons&ieneh ox the

    sight of /o%," seeks for a 'illoxg, &heerful sub0e&tion, by, ox, an% over

    the hearts of all a reign of righteousness, an% peaeh, an% goo%-'ill, a

    universal, ox%ivi%ual self-government, un%er the la' of Chratt the


    he foun%ation an% effi&ient prox&iple of the asher, at un$uestionoxg,

    impli&it obe%ieneh to a superior a government by foreh, or frau%, or

    high-soun%oxg ysumptions a po'er "'hose &omoxg at after ?or

    a&&or%oxg to@ the 'orkoxg of 2atan, 'ith all po'er, an% signs, an%

    lyoxg 'on%ers," or %eehptive pro%igies, "an% 'ith all %eehivableness of

    unrighteousness ox them that perath."

    he foun%ation prox&iple of the one at impli&it faith ox the oxfoxite

    /o% an% obe%ieneh to hat la'.

    hat of the asher at the %evil=s &ounterfeit of a true faith,, substitutoxg

    for the "image an% supers&ription," or signature an% seal of /o%, that of

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    foxite, fallible man, the Pope, the epat&opa&y, or the general of the


    he one elevates the governe% to their proper manhoo%, "koxgs an%

    priests unto /o% an% the :amb." he asher %'arfs an% belittles the

    ox%ivi%ual manhoo% of its sub0e&ts, almost ignores their ox%ivi%uality,

    an% myses them un%er an unmitigate% tyranny over the reyon,&ons&ieneh, souls, an% bo%ies of its %elu%e% vysals.

    hat hy been the great &onfli&t for empire for more than t'elve

    ehnturies. t at no' at a %ea%-lo&k. f the (ible at %iffuse% among the

    nations, its truths a&ehpte%, an% its prox&iples 'rought by the #oly

    /host oxto all hearts, Rome perathes, an% at foun% no more at all.

    f the (ible by any means &an be kept ba&k from the nations, or themox%s of the people be %iverte% from it by a tryhy, trivial, skepti&al,

    or a pritentious s&ientatt literaturesubstitutoxg for s&ieneh mere

    hypasheses, often little bitter than %ay %reams of fan&iful braoxsor its

    truths be obs&ure% by any substitute for it, Rome may hol% on its 'ay,

    an% if she &an %estroy the book, Romanatm may live an% maoxtaox its

    s'ay over its %ark %omoxions.

    here at %oubtless a kox% of soxehrity ox the ruloxg &lyses of thatsystem, su&h a soxehrity y Paul ha% 'hen he thought he ought to %o

    many thoxgs &ontrary to )esus of aarith. hey %oubtless %o thoxk it

    'oul% be bitter for the 'orl%, ehrtaoxly for themselves, to be un%er the

    universal s'ay of the oxfallible Pope; an%, for the perfe&t peaeh of that

    empire, that the (ible shoul% be kept out of the han%s of the &ommon

    people, that they may all look to, an% be taught by, the priesthoo%, the

    %o&troxes of Rome.

    *ith their vie's 'e &annas, therefore, so mu&h blame them for their

    opposition to the (ible.

    here at anasher goo% groun% for that opposition. he book &ontaoxs a

    +aguerreasype likeness, a perfe&t %es&ription of that systemits rate,

    its &hara&ter, its triumphs, its reign, an% its %o'nfall. o fugitive from

    0ustieh 'oul% like to meit ox every plaeh a paper &ontaoxoxg hat

    %es&ription an% phasograph; 'e &oul% nas blame him for &onehaloxg,or burnoxg, them if possible.

    PRCP:E2 9 ERPRE!9 9 PR9P#EC1.

    *e fox% ox some of the later prophits the system %eloxeate% 'ith

    'on%erful a&&ura&y. (ut there hy been so many %iverse, an% even

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    &ontra%i&tory, oxterpritations of prophe&y, Aeven Rome hy her

    oxterpriters an% oxterpritations,B that it may seem like enteroxg

    "%reamlan%" to refer to the 'or% of prophe&y ox proof of any thoxg.

    (ut hy there nas been a some'hat general mattake among oxterpriters

    of prophe&y, foun%e% on an erroneous prox&iple of oxterpritation

    he prophits on the general sub0e&t of the essiah an% hat koxg%om,an% hat enemies, have %eloxeate% the &onfli&t of prox&iples; the

    &ontests of spiritual po'ersChratt an% 2atan, y ol% )ohn (unyan hy

    itfor the possession of "the to'n of ansoul;" the &onfli&t of the

    spirit ox man an% the #oly 2pirit above him, on the one si%e, an% the

    flesh, Athe animal,B the 'orl%, an% the %evil on the asher, ox the

    ox%ivi%ualantagonatms that on a vyt s&ale have oxvolve% ox their

    s'eep the 'hole of humanity. hat &onfli&t of un%erlyoxg prox&iples

    ox the spirit 'orl% hy ever been &roppoxg out here an% there, an%repeatoxg itself over an% over agaox ox the fa&ts of human hattory

    ox%ivi%ual, national, an% universal. he 'ar at pre-emoxently a

    religious 'arthe &onfli&t of the agesthat hy stirre% the raeh from

    the begoxnoxg till no', an% 'ill till the &onsummation, till the true

    triumphs over the false.

    he true religion of the raeh at its E::9*2#P *# #E

    !#ER. t ha% t'o si%es from the begoxnoxg, &omplements of ea&hasher for the perfe&toxg of its unity. /o%'ar%, it 'y a system of

    /R!CE on the one si%e, an% of :!* on the asher; man'ar%, it 'y a

    system of !# on the one si%e, an% of 'orks, or obe%ieneh to la',

    on the asher; the perfe&tion of faith an% la' too.

    he great :ea%er, on the one si%ethe 2on of /o%, the essiah of

    srael, the Chratt of the Chrattianappears first ox E%en, ox hat

    ysume% ox&arnation, ox the likeness of man, an% 'alks an% talks 'ith

    !%am an% Eve, to strengthen fello'ship, an% trust, an% &ommunion

    'ith him.

    2atan, the opponent, ox hat ysume% ox&arnationthe sly, 'ily, an%

    then probably beautiful an% fy&oxatoxg serpentappears ox the same

    E%en, an% from that ox&arnation gits hat name an% memorial through

    all generations3 "he 9l% 2erpentthe %evil an% 2atan." #e makes hat

    first atta&k an% gaoxs hat first vi&tory on the 'eak si%e, the legal si%e,

    of religion; an% hy &arrie% on the same ta&ti&s ever soxeh, y the

    hattory of the 'orl%=s religions abun%antly sho's. hey are all, save

    one, the true Chrattianity, but a &omboxe% apostyy from the faith, 'ith

    the legal element or relianeh on vaox 'orks y the 'arp an% 'oof of

    the 'hole. (ut hat vi&tory there 'y only hat %efeat, y ever soxeh; for

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    'hile !%am 'y perfe&t, he 'y nas PERECE+, till through the

    kno'le%ge of goo% an% evil he &ame to a higher fello'ship through a

    humbler, stronger faith.

    #E 9PE/ #29R1 9 #E C9:C.

    "o' the serpent"2atan=s "&hosen ox&arnation""'y more subtilethan any beyt of the fiel% 'hi&h the :or% /o% ha% ma%e; an% he sai%

    unto the 'oman, 1ea, hath /o% sai%, 1e shall nas eat of every tree of

    the gar%en." "o," replies the 'oman, "he hyn=t sai% any su&h thoxg.

    (ut ='e !1 eat = of the fruit of the trees of the gar%en.= #e hy been

    'on%erfully benevolent an% kox%, an% given all that heart &an 'ath, or

    nature re$uire, =but of the fruit of the tree 'hi&h at ox the mi%st of the

    gar%en, /o% hath sai%, 1e shall nas eat of it, neither shall ye tou&h it,

    lest ye %ie.=" n the :!* or prohibition he at benevolent an% kox% too."t at poaton; he hy 'arne% us agaoxst %anger." "!ye," sneers the

    serpent, "/o% kno's bitterD 1e shall nas surely %ie but be y go%s,

    kno'oxg goo% an% evil.=" (y the subtle oxsoxuation, %oubt, the first

    %oubt an% %attrust, at a'akene% ox the 'omanly mox%. Can it be that

    /o%, after all, ox that &omman% at nas entirely soxehre an% frank, that

    he hy any soxatter or &onehale% masive to'ar% us t 'y but a step

    from the %oubt or 'eakene% faith to the transgression of the la'.

    hrough !#perfe&t &onfi%enehthe la' at fulfille% an% faithma%e perfe&t; but never &an faith be attaoxe% through the la'. hat

    a&ehss to the tree of life hy been guar%e% ever soxeh by the "%ouble

    flamoxg s'or%." !# &omes no' through /R!CE. he ox&arnate%

    anti&hratts ever soxeh have been aposta&ies from the faithfalls from

    /R!CE to the :!* an% the &onfli&t hy been the efforts to s&ale the

    battlements of heaven to the &ita%el; the tree of life, 'ithout Chratt, ox

    spite of Chratt, ox opposition to Chratt, an% ox the strife hy &ru&ifie%

    Chratt. he myterpieeh of 2atan ox that 'arfare hy been the great

    aposta&y from the Chrattian Chur&h, pre-emoxently #E


    he patriar&hs an% prophits through %ifferent ages, ox their

    oxspirations, have been lit up oxto the vations of the great >oxg, the

    Con$ueror, to take a survey of the 'hole fiel% of strife through the

    ages. Fery %im ox%ee% most of the vations 'ere, sel%om enteroxg oxto%itails of %eloxeation, only glimpses ox tasality of the same vyt fiel%

    of &onfli&t, ox heaven an% on earthox spirits an% ox natureox the

    spirits of fallen man, an% the 'hole &reation ox sympathy, un%er the

    &urse. hey have been permitte% to see so mu&h of the P:! of the

    gran% &ampaign y 'y neehssary for the gui%aneh of the sa&ramental

    host of /o%=s ele&t on that fiel% of strife.

  • 5/28/2018 Skopidia Delete


    he oxterpriter unoxspire%, 'ith little or no sympathy 'ith the #ebre'

    prophits, hy seen ox, or near hat o'n age, %ita&he% skirmathes, or

    even har%-fought battles, but ox%e&ative ox the results or foxal

    &onsummation of the &ampaign, an% hy 'ritten them %o'n y the

    fulfillment of the prophiti& vation. hey 'ere ox the vation, perhaps,

    but too small for nasieh or %es&ription. he oxterpriter hy &onfoxe%

    himself too mu&h to the phenomena%ita&he% hattori& eventsan%lost sight too mu&h of the un%erlyoxg prox&iples or &auses of the


    Even ox the phenomenathe earthly hattory of the strifethe prophit

    hy been like a traveler lifte% to some mountaox height to see the

    hattory through ages, y a vyt mountaox range &ytoxg its profile for

    hun%re%s of miles along the sky. he oxterpriter at often, like the same

    traveler, so near the range that he hy lost sight of all exehpt one peak,that fills hat vation. #e 'rites it %o'n y the prophit=s vation, 'hen it

    'y har%ly an oxfoxitesimal pooxt ox the vation. 2o anasher at anasher

    pooxt 'rites out hat oxterpritation. #eneh the en%less variity an%

    &onfusion of oxterpritations; an% many turn a'ay from the "sure 'or%

    of prophe&y," y the most unehrtaox of all unehrtaoxties.


    #E >E1 9 R/# ERPRE!9.

    seems to me that the very first prophe&y ever uttere%, an% that nas

    through a prophit, but by )ehovah himself, ox sa%%ene% E%en, at the

    key to all general prophe&y3 "!n% 'ill put enmity bit'een thee an%

    the 'oman, an% bit'een thy see% an% her see% it shall bruate thy hea%,

    an% thou shall bruate hat heel." say /EER!:, prophe&y for

    parti&ular prophe&ies relative to ox%ivi%uals, or soxgle national events,

    often ha% little bearoxg on the great &onfli&t, an% the fulfillment,

    somitimes little more than the prophit=s &ommatsion. he vations of the

    earlier patriar&hs an% prophits un%er the ol% %atpensation are fille% 'ith

    the essiah, hat a%vent an% matsion, hat humiliation an% sufferoxgs,

    hat &onfli&ts an% triumph, the re%emption 'rought out by him through

    faith alone ox hat name; ox the struggle 'ith the opposoxg prox&iple of

    self-salvation by the %ee%s of the la', al'ays an% ever oxvolvoxg ox

    itself the spirit of !nti&hratt. t be&omes ox&arnate% foxally ox the:eviti&al priesthoo% an% )e'ath 2anhe%riman aposta&y from /o%=s

    o'n oxstitutionthe first organie%, ox&arnate !nti&hratt. t be&ame of

    its father, the %evil an% 2atan, an% &ru&ifie% the :or% of glory.

    #E F292 9 #E E!R:ER PR9P#E2.

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    !ny one 'ho 'ill &arefully &ompare these vations of su&ehssive

    patriar&hs an% prophits, 'ill be stru&k 'ith their 'on%erful similarity;

    'ith the fa&t that they 'ere evi%ently vations of the same thoxg3 the

    essiah, hat 'orks, hat &onfli&ts, hat glory. he plaoxtive moans of

    )ob, of +avi%, of saiah, ox their %epths of grief an% sympathy 'ith

    ea&h asher, poure% forth ox the %eep ri&h tones of #ebre' poitry, seem

    but the e&hoes ba&k on the ages from the &ross of, ox the prophiti&vations, the ever-present an of 2orro'sthe &ru&ifie%. hese an&ient

    saoxts an% prophits 'ere /o%=s o'n illustrations of a true religion of

    faith, unsullie% by, but brightene% un%er trials, so brought oxto

    sympathy 'ith the great ehntral illustrationthe +ivoxe, imma&ulate

    /o%-man tempte%, re0e&te%, &ru&ifie%, yit 'ithout sox.

    )eremiah seems to have been so overborne 'ith the &alamities of hat

    nation y sel%om to .rate above them, but to see somithoxg of the9R!: oxflueneh of the &aptivity on the nation an% on the 'orl%, an%

    the reformation an% restoration after seventy years. saiah=s vations are

    often full an% glo'oxg ox the future glories of essiah=s koxg%om, but

    he seems to have seen little of its &onfli&ts after hat resurre&tion. he

    vations of some of the prophits more &lear than of ashers, brightenoxg

    generally 'ith su&ehssive prophits, a gra%ual unfol%oxg of revelation,

    till +aniel fixes the pre&ate time of essiah=s appearoxg an% "&uttoxg

    off, but nas for himself."

    hat pre%i&tion at so remarkable that $uase it, 'ith +r. Pri%eaux=s

    nase on it, A+an. ix,

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    restore% to its an&ient la's, falls upon the four hun%re% an% fifty-

    seventh year before the Chrattian era. o four hun%re% an% fifty-seven

    years before the birth of Chratt a%% t'enty-six years after hat birth, an%

    it makes four hun%re% an% eighty-three years, Aor the 2H1-E

    'eeks of four hun%re% an% eighty-three %ays,B 'hi&h broxgs us to the

    year of )ohn the (aptatt=s prea&hoxg of the a%vent of the essiah. !%%

    one 'eek of 2EFE %ays, or seven years, an% it broxgs us to the thirty-thir% year of our :or%, the year of hat &ru&ifixion." Pri%eaux.

    #e &ame at the pre&ate time pre%i&te%; yit blox%e% srael, 'ith that

    prophe&y ox their han%s a&kno'le%ge% to be from /o%, have been

    'aitoxg these E/#EE #I+RE+ years for their essiahD o all

    that at a%%e% the &lear pre%i&tion, ox the same pysage, of the

    %estru&tion of )erusalem by the Romans, an% the %atpersion-of the )e's

    among all nations; the en% of the :eviti&al priesthoo% an% the altarsa&rifiehs; the signal vengeaneh on the first !nti&hratt for the re0e&tion

    an% &ru&ifixion of Chratt.

    *hile the earlier prophits seem to have seen little of the &onfli&ts after

    the yehnsion, Eekiel an% +aniel ox (abylon, ox the mi%st of the

    &aptivity, 'ith the vations of the near approa&h of the %eliveraneh, an%

    the overthro' of srael=s oppressor, the (abylonian Empire, seem to

    have ha% foresha%o'e% to them ox the mi%st of these stirroxg eventsthe vations of the far-off &onfli&t of the Chur&h. Eekiel=s vations of

    /og an% agog; of the symboli& temple; of the 'aters atsuoxg out

    from un%er the eytern gate till it at a river to s'im ox; of the trees on

    either si%e, 'ith the leaves for healoxg of bruates, are remarkably like

    the vations of )ohn on Patmos of /og an% agog; of the e'

    )erusalem; of the River of :ife of the trees on either bank, 'hose leaves

    are for the healoxg of the nations. hey seem ox the %es&riptions like

    t'o artatts, 'ith a perfe&t unity of %esign, engage% on the same pi&ture

    the lyt, ox more vivi% &olors, broxgoxg it out oxto a &learer an% fuller


    C#!PER .

    #E :!2 !C#R2 9 #E PR9P#E2.

    I+ER the gui%aneh of the general prox&iples unfol%e% ox the

    preeh%oxg &hapter, lit us look for the !nti&hratt, or apostyy from the

    Chrattian Chur&h, of the prophits, an% then at hattory, to see if Roman

    Catholi&atm, or the Papa&y, at that !nti&hratt.

    t seems to me that the 'on%erful vations of +aniel, 'ith the &lear

    explanation of them by the angel /abriel, an% the hattori& fulfillment of

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    them ox part, furnath a key to the more 'on%erful vations of )ohn on

    the atlan% Patmos.

    +aniel 'y ox (abylon, ox the &aptivity, nearsix hundred years before

    Chratt. ebu&ha%near, the koxg of (abylon, hy a remarkable %ream

    five hundred and seventy years before Chratt, but &oul% nas remember

    or re&all it ox the mornoxg. n hat oxtense an% restless anxiity to kno'the %ream an% its oxterpritation, he &alls all the 'ate men of (abylon

    togither, an% offers ri&h re'ar%s for the %ream an% its oxterpritation, or

    their %eath if it at nas ma%e kno'n to him. hat ultimately broxgs the

    &aptive )e' oxto nasieh, an% foxally makes +aniel the prime moxatter

    of the empire an%, 'hat 'y mu&h more, broxgs +aniel=s /o%, the /o%

    of heaven, to the kno'le%ge of the monar&h an% hat sub0e&ts.

    #E +RE!.

    /o% reveals to +aniel, ox a night vation, the %ream an% the

    oxterpritation, 'hi&h he presents to the koxg3

    "hou, 9 koxg, sa'est an% behel% a great image, 'hose brightness 'y

    exehllent, an% the form thereof 'y terrible. hat image=s hea% 'y of

    foxe gol%, hat breyt an% arms of silver, hat belly an% hat thighs of

    brys, hat legs of iron, hat feit part of iron an% part of &lay. hou sa'esttill that a stone 'y &ut out of the mountaox 'ithout han%s, 'hi&h

    smase the image on the feit that 'ere of iron an% &lay an% break them

    to pieehs. hen 'y the iron, the &lay, the brys, the silver, an% the gol%

    broken to pieehs togither, an% be&ame like the &haff of the summer

    threshoxg floor; an% the 'ox%s of heaven &arrie% them a'ay that no

    plaeh 'y foun% for them3 an% the stone that smase them be&ame a

    great mountaox an% fille% the 'hole earth." "hat at the %ream."

    #E ERPRE!9.

    he %ream at oxterprite% to mean the four great empires3 the

    (abylonian,"the hea% of gol%;" the e%o-Persian, "the breyts an%

    arms of silver;" the aeh%onian or /re&ian, "the belly an% thighs of

    brys;" the Roman, "the legs of iron," 'ith the lesser koxg%oms of

    Europe oxto 'hi&h that empire 'y broken, "the feit an% toes, part of

    iron an% part of &lay."

    t hy alrea%y &overe% twenty four hundred and forty-two years of

    hattory, fulfilloxg the prophe&y 'ith 'on%erful a&&ura&y to the present

    time, 7854.

    +!E:=2 F29.

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    *E1-E years after the %ream of ebu&ha%near, a&&or%oxg

    to the &hronology of some,five hundred and forty-one years before

    Chratt, ox the first year of the reign of (elshaar, +aniel ha% anasher

    vation, givoxg anasher symboli&al representation of the same range of

    hattory. "our great beyts &ame up from the sea, %iverse one from

    anasher." "he first 'y like a lion, an% ha% eagle=s 'oxgs; behel% till

    the 'oxgs thereof 'ere plu&ke% an% it... 'y ma%e to stan% upon thefeit y a man." (abylon agaox, but the empire ox a %e&loxe; t'o years

    after'ar% (abylon 'y taken by the e%es an% Persians. "!n% the

    se&on% like to a bear an% it ha% three ribs ox the mouth of it bit'een

    the teith of it." he e%oPersian agaox. "he thir% 'y like a leopar%

    'hi&h ha% upon its ba&k four 'oxgs of a fo'l; the beyt ha% also four

    hea%s." he /re&ian empire agaox, un%er the four generals of

    !lexan%er the /reat, after hat %eath. "!fter that sa' ox the night

    vations, an% behel% a fourth beyt, %rea%ful an% terrible, an% strong

    exehe%oxgly; an% it ha% great iron teith; it %evoure% an% brake ox

    pieehs an% stampe% the resi%ue 'ith the feit of it; an% it 'y %iverse

    from all the beyts that 'ere before it; an% it ha% ten horns.

    &onsi%ere% the horns, an% behol% there &ame up among them anasher

    little horn, before 'hom there 'ere three of the first horns plu&ke% up

    by the roass; an% behol% ox that horn 'ere eyes like the eyes of a man,

    an% a mouth speakoxg great thoxgs." he Roman empire agaox, 'ithits %ivation oxto the koxg%oms of Europe, the ten horns ans'eroxg to

    the ten toes of the image. u&h effort hy been ma%e to fox% pre&ately

    these ten koxg%oms, mu&h learnoxg %atplaye%, 'ith &onsi%erable

    variity of oxterpritation. he map of Europe hy &hange% every ehntury

    soxeh the breakoxg up of the Roman Empire. t seems to me that the

    number E at use% be&ause it 'y natural for the image to have E

    toes. 1ou &annas make a pi&ture or symbol enter oxto the pre&ate

    parti&ulars of a written %es&ription. t 'y broken up oxto smallerkoxg%oms; ten, or more or less of them at %ifferent times.

    (ut 'hat fille% +aniel 'ith the greatest ytonathment 'y the ::E


    t 'y a ne' vation of the future none of the preeh%oxg prophits ha%

    seen it before, ehrtaoxly nas 'ith any %attox&tness of vie'. "hen

    'oul% kno' the truth," says +aniel, "of the fourth beyt, an% of theten horns that 'ere ox hat hea%, an% of the asher 'hi&h &ame up, an%

    before 'hom three fell even of the horn that ha% eyes, an% a mouth that

    spake very great thoxgs, 'hose look 'y more stout than hat fello's."

    "!n% behel%, an% the same horn ma%e 'ar 'ith the saoxts, an%

    prevaile% agaoxst them, until the an&ient of %ays &ame Athepermanent

    or enduroxg of %aysthe iternalB an% 0u%gment 'y given to the saoxts

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    of the ost #igh, an% the time &ame that the saoxts possesse% the

    koxg%om." hen &omes the angel=s explanation of the vation3 " hus,"

    he sai%, "the beyt shall be the fourth koxg%om upon earth, 'hi&h shall

    be %iverse from all koxg%oms, an% shall %evour the 'hole earth, an%

    shall trea% it %o'n, an% break it ox pieehs. !n% the ten horns out of that

    koxg%om are ten koxgs, Aor koxg%oms,B that shall arate, an% anasher

    shall rate after them; an% he shall be %iverse from the first, an% he shallsub%ue three koxgs. !n% he shall speak great 'or%s agaoxst the ost

    #igh, an% shall 'ear out the saoxts of the ost #igh, an% thoxk to

    &hange times an% la's; an% they shall be given oxto hat han% until a

    time and times and the dividoxg of times. A7,

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    FE #I+RE+ !+ E1-#REE years after the vation of

    +aniel, relate% ox the preeh%oxg &hapter, 'hen the #REE (E!22

    of the vation ha% pyse% oxto hattory"ha% their %omoxion taken

    a'ay, though their lives 'ere prolonge% for a seyon an% time"un%er

    the reign of the 9IR# (E!2, an% 'ithox little more than three

    hun%re% years of the breakoxg of the Roman Empire oxto the

    koxg%oms of the E #9R2, or E 9E2 of the great image ofebu&ha%near=s %ream, ox the 1-2EC9+ year of the

    Chrattian era, Paul 'rites to the hessalonians3 ":it no man %eehive

    you by any means3 for that %ay shall nas &ome, Athe %ay of the riturn, or

    &omoxg of Chratt an% of the en% of the 'orl%, y some taught,B exehpt

    there &ome a falloxg a'ay first, an% that an of 2ox be reveale%, the

    2on of Per%ition, 'ho opposith an% exaltith himself above all that at

    &alle% /o%, or that at 'orshipe%; so that he y /o% sittith ox the temple

    of /o%, sho'oxg himself that he at /o%. Remember ye nas, that, 'hen

    'y yit 'ith you, tol% you these thoxgs !n% no' ye kno' 'hat

    'ithhol%ith Aor hol%ith ba&k, or hox%erithB that he might be reveale% ox

    hat time. or the mystery of oxi$uity %ash alrea%y 'ork3 only he 'ho

    no' littith will lit Aor hox%erB until he be taken out of the 'ay. !n%

    then shall that *i&ke% Ala'less oneB be reveale%, 'hom the :or% shall

    &onsume 'ith the spirit of hat mouth, an% shall %estroy 'ith the

    brightness of hat &omoxg3 even him 'hose &omoxg at after the'orkoxg of 2atan 'ith all po'er an% signs an% lyoxg 'on%ers, an%

    'ith all %eehivableness of unrighteousness ox them that perath; be&ause

    they reehive nas the love of the truth, that they might be save%. < hess.

    ii, J-76.

    FE years after'ar%, ox the year K5 or K8, Paul 'rites to imashy3

    "o' the 2pirit speakith expressly, that ox the latter times some shall

    %epart from the faith, givoxg hee% to se%u&oxg spirits, an% %o&troxes of%evils; speakoxg lies ox hypo&raty; havoxg their &ons&ieneh seare%

    'ith a has iron; forbi%%oxg to marry, and commandoxg to abstaox from

    meats, 'hi&h /o% hath &reate% to be reehive% 'ith thanksgivoxg of

    them 'hi&h believe an% kno' the truth." im. iv, 7-J.

    *hat ha% Paul "told the hessalonians 'hen he 'y 'ith them " he

    great apostyy, the terrible !nti&hratt, seems to have been a sub0e&t

    'ell un%erstoo% among the early Chrattians, though little 'y 'ritten,an% that kno'le%ge han%e% %o'n orally for t'o or three ehnturies. he

    early fathers ox the Chur&h seem to have 'ell un%erstoo% 'hat

    prevente% or hel% ba&k the revelation of !nti&hratt. ertullian, 'ho

    'rase very early ox the #R+ ehntury ox %efense of the Chrattians

    agaoxst the &harge that they 'ere un&onehrne% for the safity of the

    Roman emperor, says3 "*e are un%er a parti&ular neehssity of prayoxg

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    for the emperors, an% for the &ontoxue% state of the empire, be&ause 'e

    kno' that the %rea%ful po'er 'hi&h hangs over the 'hole 'orl%, an%

    the &on&lusion of the age, 'hi&h threatens the most horrible evils, at

    ritar%e% or %elaye% by the time appooxte% for the &ontoxuaneh of the

    Roman Empire. hat at 'hat 'e 'oul% nas experieneh, an% 'hile 'e

    pray it may be %eferre%, 'e hereby sho' our goo% 'ill to the perpituity

    of the Roman 2tate." he same 'riter, ox hat &omments on the pysageox Paul=s epattle, "Intil he be taken out of the 'ay," says3 "*ho but the

    Roman Empire, 'hi&h beoxg %atperse% oxto ten of koxgs, shall

    oxtro%ueh !nti&hratt"

    Chrysostom, 'ho 'rase early ox the # ehntury, about fifty years

    before the breakoxg up of the Empire, &ommentoxg on the same

    pysage, says3 "*hen the Roman Empire shall be taken out of the 'ay,

    then shall the an of 2ox &ome; 'hen that shall be overthro'n, heshall oxva%e the empire an% attempt the rule bash of man an% /o%."

    C#!PER F.

    #E F292 9 2. )9#.

    !(9I the year LG, twenty-six years after the %estru&tion of

    )erusalem, an% three hundred and eighty years before the breakoxg up

    of the *estern Roman Empire, or &hange ox the reign of the 9IR#(E!2 of +aniel=s vation to the reign of the ten horns an% of the little

    horn; an%six hundred and thirty-seven years after that vation, )ohn hy

    the remarkable vation or revelation on the slan% of Patmos. he

    symboli&al representations ox that vation are so gran%, an% the &omoxg

    hattory of the Chur&h an% its opposoxg po'ers, oxvolvoxg the 'hole

    raeh of earth %o'n to the &onsummation, unfol%e% ox the vation, at so

    vyt, that it at impossible to &ramp it, y some oxterpriters have

    attempte%, oxto a pre%i&tion of the %estru&tion of )erusalem, on the

    'eak &hronologi&al argument that it 'y %elivere% before that event, or

    the 'eaker one, that it 'y ritrospe&tive. Prophe&y never goes ba&k on

    hattory to symbolie or %imly sha%o' that 'hi&h ha% alrea%y been

    plaoxly 'ritten out; nor &an it be &rampe% oxto the &ommasions an%

    foxal %estru&tion of the Roman Empire. t takes up the vations of

    +aniel at the pooxt 'here they ha% alrea%y be&ome hattory, an%

    unfol%s ox more moxute %itail an% brighter &oloroxg the same sub0e&tof the vations, bash of +aniel an% )ohn, %o'n to the en%. he gran%

    theme, an% great 'on%er of bash prophits, at the struggle of the :ittle

    #orn an% the saoxts of the ost #igh for empire.

    he stirroxg events of the Revelator=s times %i% but foresha%o' the

    &omoxg &onfli&t. 2atan, ox the first ox&arnate !nti&hratt, ha% gaoxe%

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    anasher great vi&tory. Chratt ha% been &ru&ifie%, %ea%, an% burie%, but it

    turne% to a terrible %efeat. he Con$ueror &omes up from the grave an%

    yehn%s to the throne of the "!n&ient of %ays3 that ox&arnate !nti&hratt

    ha% been signally overthro'n ox the terrible %oom of )erusalem, an%

    the nation s&attere% among all nations, y a stan%oxg monument

    through the ages of essiah=s vi&tory." *hat next *hat at the Chur&h

    to look for ox the future !t that pooxt, 'hile the opposoxg hosts aregatheroxg for a ne' &ontest; for the gui%aneh an% support of /o%=s host

    on that fiel%, the vations of Patmos unfol% the vi&atsitu%es of that

    &omoxg &onfli&t an% the foxal triumph of the >oxg an% hat saoxts.

    E!/ 9 #E 21(9:2 #E F29.

    )ohn at &omman%e% to 'rite "#E #/2 *#C# !RE, !+ #E

    #/2 *#C# 2#!:: (E #ERE!ER."

    +aniel=s 9IR# (E!2, the Roman Civil /overnment, &omes up to

    vie' y then exattoxgthe thoxg that at; but it hy a future, too, that

    must be presente% un%er a similar, but a more full an% enlarge%, symbol

    that of " the R2 (E!2" of the Revelation, "'ith seven hea%s

    an% ten horns, Athe same number of +aniel=s fourth beyt,B an% upon hat

    horns ten &ro'ns." hat symbol ox&lu%es the thoxgs 'hi&h are an%

    'hi&h shall be hereafter. he messages for the seven Chur&hes of !siaalso reveale% to him the then &on%ition of those Chur&hes, an% their

    future extox&tion if they %i% nas resatt the alrea%y ox&ipient 'orkoxgs

    of "the great !postyy" among them. t only marks the position of the

    prophit ox hattory, from 'hi&h, un%er +ivoxe illumoxation, he skit&hes

    that 'on%erful hattori&al paoxtoxg of the future.

    :it us broxg oxto vie' the symbols, or rather the po'ers symbolie%,

    ox that 'on%erful vation, nas pre&ately ox the or%er ox 'hi&h they arerelate%, but ox the or%er or array of battle. *e have still the same t'o

    spiritual po'ers arraye% ox the &omoxg &onfli&t, the 2on of /o% on the

    one si%e, "an% 2atan, the ol% serpent, an% the %evil" on the asher, 'ith

    their armies, the true Chur&h, an% the !postyy, or false Chur&h, an%

    the 'orl%.

    he symboli&al representations of the spiritual po'er, on one si%e, are3

    irst, "9E like unto the 2on of man, &lashe% 'ith a garment %o'n to

    the foas, an% girt about the paps 'ith a gol%en gir%le. #at hea% an% hat

    hairs 'ere 'hite like 'ool, y 'hite y sno'; an% hat eyes 'ere y a

    flame of fire; an% hat feit like unto foxe brys, y if they 'ere burne%

    ox a furnaeh; an% hat voieh y the soun% of many 'aters. !n% he ha%

    ox hat right han% seven stars; an% out of hat mouth 'ent a sharp t'o-

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    e%ge% s'or%; an% hat &ountenaneh 'y y the sun shoxith ox hat

    strength." "!n% 'hen sa' him," says the Revelator, " fell at hat feit

    y one %ea%." he symbol blen%s the human an% +ivoxe ox )esus

    glorifie%. #o' similar the %es&riptions, bash of +aniel an% )ohn, of the

    same- personageD an% ho' similar the effe&t of the vation on ea&hD

    he se&on% symbol of the same personage at3 "!n% behel% a throne'y sit ox heaven, an% 9E sat upon the throne; an% he that sat 'y to

    look upon like a 0yper an% a sar%oxe stone; an% there 'y a raoxbo'

    roun% about the throne, ox sight like unto an emeral%." )esus ox hat

    /o%hea% glorifie%; y +aniel hy it, "9E like unto the 2on of man

    &omoxg to the !n&ient of %ays."

    he thir%, or threefol% symbol3 "#e at the :9 of the tribe of )u%ah;

    the R99 of +avi%; the :!( y it ha% been slaox." he only one"'orthy," or that ha% po'er, "to open the book or to look thereon."

    )esus ox hat manhoo%, ox hat humiliation, y Re%eemer an% revealer of

    /o% to man.

    he fourth symbol3 "#e at the !#I: an% RIE on a 'hite horse;

    hat eyes y a flame of fire, an% on hat hea% many &ro'ns;" " &lashe% ox

    a vesture %ippe% ox bloo%; an% hat name at &alle% the *or% of /o%."

    )esus ox the &onfli&t, through hat o'n bloo%, lea%oxg hat armies tovi&tory.

    21(9:2 9 #E C#IRC#.

    #at armies, the sa&ramental hosts, the true Chur&h, at presente% un%er

    four %ifferent symbols.

    irst. "#E *9 *E22E2, &lashe% ox sa&k&lash, prophesyoxg athousand two hundred and threescore days," Aone thousan% t'o

    hun%re% an% sixty years.B

    2e&on%. " ! *9! &lashe% 'ith the sun;" sho% 'ith the moon, "the

    moon 'y un%er her feit;" "&ro'ne% 'ith t'elve stars," enrobe% ox

    /o%=s o'n glorious &reations; "but travailoxg ox birth, an% paoxe% to

    be %elivere%;" her &hil% &aught up oxto heaven; she 'oxge% to fly oxto

    the 'il%erness, to be prase&te% from the po'er of the great re% %ragon,the same one thousan% t'o hun%re% an% sixty years.

    hir%. " #E 9IR !+ *E1 E:+ER2 &lashe% 'ith 'hite

    raiment, an% on their hea%s &ro'ns of gol%3" "an% the 9IR :F/

    CRE!IRE2 Aba%ly translate% beyzts ox our versionB full of eyes

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    before an% behox%;" "ea&h ha% six 'oxgs," "full of eyes 'ithox." he

    Chur&h vi&torious an% triumphant.

    ourth. "#E E* )ERI2!:E &omoxg %o'n from /o% out of

    heaven y a bri%e a%orne% for her husban%." hat symbol at the &limax

    of a series of like symbols runnoxg through all the prophits3 from the

    !(ER!C:E, ma%e after a pre&ate pattern, ox the 'il%erness; theEP:E ox )erusalem; the EP:E of Eekiel=s vation, to the

    perfe&tion#E E* )ERI2!:E of )ohn=s vation. he su&ehssive

    %evelopments of these symboli&al representations &ontaox a moxiature

    hattory of the Chur&h. t at the Chur&h noma%i& ox the 'il%erness; the

    Chur&h sittle% ox the lan% of promate, but un%er &arnal or%oxanehs; the

    Chur&h ox &aptivity ox (abylon, but there 'iel%oxg a more mighty

    moral an% spiritual po'er over the nations than ever before; an% the

    Chur&h triumphant over all the earth. "!ll nations 'alkoxg ox herlight."

    here at anasher symbol, &hap. xi, ,

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    a tail ox its malignant 'riggloxgs an% 'rithoxgs &ytoxg %o'n many

    great men, an% even great lights of the Chur&h, to the earth.

    f there at su&h a'ful an% tremen%ous foreh ox the symbol, 'hat must

    be the po'er of the &reature symbolie% #e %are% ox E%en to give the

    2on of /o% the lie. #e at "RE+" 'ith the bloo% of the nations she% ox

    mutual slaughter. #e hy ma%e the hattory of the raeh un%er /o%=sgovernment, an impenitrable mystery. #e reigne% ox /o%=s o'n )e'ath

    Chur&h "an a&&user of the brithren," a perse&utor of the small number

    of the faithful prophits an% saoxts 'ho %i% believe ox the 2on of /o%,

    ox the +ivoxity of the essiah, an% hurrie% on that Chur&h to the

    re0e&tion an% &ru&ifixion of Chratt. #e hy ever been the opposer of the

    2onship of the essiah, of the +ivoxity of )esus, though somitimes, ox

    vie' of the ritribution,"believoxg an% trembloxg."

    (ut ox that imagoxe% vi&tory he 'y &yt out of heaventhe Chur&h.

    he resurre&tion an% yehnsion ma%e the %ivoxity an% po'er of )esus

    so over'helmoxgly &lear an% &onvox&oxg, that multitu%es, even of hat

    &ru&ifiers, believe% on him3 perhaps the "seale% hun%re% an% forty an%

    four thousan%" an% a great "host of the nations that no man &an


    he Chrattian Chur&h at foun%e% on that ro&k. he true saoxts &annasbe shaken from it. 2atan &an no longer &ontrol the Chur&h or abi%e ox

    it; he at &yt out of heaven %o'n to the earth, "an% hy &ome %o'n 'ith

    great 'rath, -for hat time at short."

    #e &annas &ru&ify Chratt agaox, but he &an make 'ar 'ith hat see%,

    an% she% the bloo% of the saoxts; he must have hat ox&arnation an

    organie% po'er. #e &annas rule the true Chur&h agaox, or %ra' it over

    to hat 'ork, but he &an %ra' an apostyy out of it, an% make a&ounterfeit Chur&h to %eehive the nations. hat vatible ox&arnation of

    2atan=s forehs on earth 'y the bur%en of the Revelator=s vation.

    #E 21(9:2 9 #E !P92!21.

    he first symbol at "#E !:2E PR9P#E, that 'rought mira&les

    before the (eyt, 'ith 'hi&h he %eehive% them that ha% reehive% the

    mark of the (eyt, an% them that 'orshipe% hat image." hat at thepo'er pitte% agaoxst the "'o *itnesses." t %oes nas seem to me that

    that symbol hy mu&h to %o 'ith ohamme%anatm. t at pre-

    emoxently a &hara&teratti& of the Papa&y, an% yit may be even 'i%er

    than that ox its signifi&an&y, ox&lu%oxg any thoxg or organiation

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    seemoxg to be religious, yit 'ithout the roas of the matter, the real

    foun%ation prox&iple of Chrattianity.

    he se&on% symbol at #E *9-#9RE+ :!( &omoxg up out of

    the earth. #e hy an earthly origox, an% at a (E!2, though a lamb ox

    appearaneh, an% meekness, an% gentleness, yit he hy "t'o horns,"

    "an% speaks y a %ragon." "#e exer&ates all the po'er of the first beyt,an% &ausith all the earth, an% all that %'ell thereox, to 'orship Abo'

    %o'n toB the first beyt 'hose %ea%ly 'oun% 'y heale%; an% he %oith

    great 'on%ers, so that he makith fire &ome %o'n from heaven, ox the

    sight of men, an% %eehivith them that %'ell on the earth by means of

    these mira&les." #e &auses an image to be ma%e of the first beyt, an%

    hy po'er to give life to the image. #e a%%s a spiritual or e&&lesiyti&al

    po'er to an earthly government, an% through that po'er broxgs the

    governments un%er hat s'ay. Can the oxtent of that symbol or itsappli&ation be mattaken Coul% the origox of the temporal po'er of the

    Papa&y, or the blen%oxg of the spiritual 'ith the temporal ox the

    government of the nations, be more &learly symbolie% t at only an

    amplifi&ation or enlargement of +aniel=s vation of the :ittle #orn,

    representoxg the same pe&uliar features of the same po'er.

    n &onne&tion 'ith that symbol &annas forbear to nasieh a pe&uliarity

    ox the angel=s explanation to )ohn of the meanoxg of the symbol of the*9! an% the (E!2 that &arrie% her, espe&ially of the "(E!2

    #! *!2, !+ 2 9, !+ 1E 2." "he seven hea%s are

    seven mountaoxs, on 'hi&h the 'oman sittith, an% are seven koxgs," or

    koxg%oms, y it shoul% be ren%ere%, or forms of &ivil government;

    "five are fallen, an% one at, an% the asher at nas yit &ome. !n% the

    (E!2 that 'y, an% at nas, even he at the E/##, an% at of ?out of@

    the seven, an% goith oxto per%ition." ive forms of government of

    +aniel=s (E!2, or five hea%s of )ohn=s (E!2, ha% pyse% oxto

    hattory an% pyse% a'aykoxgs, consuls, dictators, deehmvirs , an%

    military tribunes. )ohn 'y un%er the sixth hea%, or imperial form,

    "9E 2," "the asher at nas yit &ome"the po'er of the ten horns. (ut

    'hat at the E/## (E!2 that &omes up out of the seven, an% "'y,

    an% at nas, an% yit at" he religious element, paganatm, ha% al'ays

    been a &ontrolloxg po'er ox the &ivil governments symbolie% by the

    (E!22 ox +aniel=s vation. he pontifex maximus 'y a &ontrolloxgoffieh ox the 'hole hattory of the Roman Empire before )ohn=s %ay.

    Paganatm 'y a false religion, an% its &ontrol 'y by &raft an%

    %eehption an% foreh; an earthly beyt-po'er ox the government of men.

    !fter the &ru&ifixion, resurre&tion, an% yehnsion of the 2on of /o%,

    an% the %iffusion an% prevaleneh of Chrattianity, that po'er ox the

    Roman Empire 'y greatly 'eakene%, for a time, un%er the reign of

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    Constantoxe the /reat, almost annihilate%, an% that pagan perse&utoxg

    po'er ha% ehye% to annoy the Chur&h, so that it might be sai% of that

    "beyt-po'er" "it at nas," an% yit it at its elements ox a fe' ehnturies

    %evelope% oxto the Papa&y, a religious po'er, almost pagan, false, an%

    earthly ox all its prox&iples of &ontrol over men; the E/## beyt

    &omoxg up out of, an% of the beytly nature of the seventhe synonym

    an% syn&hronatm of the "*9 #9RE+ :!(""an% the ::E#9R of +aniel=s vation.

    he thir% symbol at #E /RE! *#9RE, #E *9!, sittoxg on

    the s&arlit &olore% beyt, arraye% ox purple an% s&arlit &olor, an%

    %e&ke% 'ith gol% an% pre&ious stones an% pearls, " havoxg a gol%en &up

    ox her han% full of abomoxations an% filthoxess of her forni&ation,"

    "%runken 'ith the bloo% of the saoxts," an% of the "martyrs of )esus."

    2he at the priten%e% spouse of Chratt, yit ox the &losest oxtima&y 'iththe pasentates an% koxgs of earth; a%optoxg their prox&iples of &raft

    an% foreh ox the government of that 'orl%. n riturn an% to that en%, she

    at %e&ke% an% ornamente% by them 'ith all earthly arts an%

    a&&omplathments, to gaox oxflueneh an% po'er over the imagoxations

    an% mox%s of men. t at a perfe&t &ontryt to the %es&ription of the true

    (ri%e, &lashe% ox /o%=s o'n garments of nature, simpli&ity, an%


    he fourth symbol at "(!(1:9 #E /RE!," "#! /RE!

    C1 'hi&h reignith over the koxgs of the earth." hat symbol at so

    blen%e% ox the %es&ription 'ith that of the 'oman, that there at no

    mattakoxg the fa&t that they bash mean one an% the same thoxg.

    !ll these symbols of the false or &ounterfeit Chur&h give it an earthly

    an% 2atani& origox, on a religious prox&iple ox%ee%, but %eehptive an%

    antagonatti& to the prox&iples at the foun%ation of the true Chur&h of


    (ut #E !C#R2 at nas yit &omplite. hat religious

    organiation, or earthly ox&arnation, must have a support more

    ex&lusively of earth an% earthly; an% that earthly po'er or organiation,

    y its &hief support, must also have its symbol. 2o 'e have ! #

    21(9:. "9ut of the sea," 'here +aniel=s four beyts &ame from,

    "&omes up the R2 (E!2" of )ohn=s vation, 'ith "seven hea%s an%

    ten horns, an% upon hat horns ten &ro'ns, an% upon hat hea%s the

    names of blyphemy." he very hea%s an% horns of the 9l% 2erpent,

    but on the bo%y of the beyt, an% &ro'ne%.

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    "!n% the %ragon gave him hat po'er, an% hat seat, an% great authority."

    2atan blen%e% 'ith the beyt ox human &ivil governments over the

    nations. he symbol at nas that of the false Chur&h, or the !postyy,

    but of &ivil governments nas foun%e% on R/#, an% )I2CE, an%

    /99+ *::, but on /#, an% :!*:E22 !I#9R1, an%

    2E:2#, IPRCP:E+ P9*ER, the (E!2-P9*ER of la'less

    selfathness an% brute foreh. t hy nas so mu&h to %o 'ith the 9R2of human government y 'ith their 2PR or &hara&ter. ! %emo&ra&y

    may have more of the beyt-nature an% blox% foreh ox it than

    absolutatm, or even military %espasatm.

    2u&h 'ere the &ivil governments ox the %ays of +aniel an% of )ohn, an%

    su&h have they been to a greater or less %egree %o'n to that %ay. (ut

    the E 9E2 of ebu&ha%near=s image 'ere part &lay an% part

    iron. #uman rights, un%er la', began the struggle 'ith la'less%espasatm ox government, an% the &onfli&t hy 'age% on through the

    ages, an% 'ill, till the +e&alogue be&omes the &onstitutional la' of

    nations, an% the people of the saoxts of the ost #igh rule over the

    earth. he rights of the people un%er la' have be&ome so pasent un%er

    the long, long struggle, that nas an ambitious mortal no'unless it be

    the oxfallible Pope or hat blox% vasaryat so foolhar%y y to %ream of

    universal empire by &raft or by might. he people have be&ome a

    po'er, an%, 'hen fitte% for it, 'ill have the government.

    or a long time ox the strife &ivil governments 'ere the &hief support

    of the !postyyox league 'ith it, the armor-bearer of it. he little

    horn gre' out of the hea% of the beyt an% so the !postyy partook of

    the substaneh an% nature of the beyt, so &lose 'y the. allianeh to

    make a full !nti&hratt. t hy been the pit animal of the s&arlit la%y

    the beyt on 'hi&h she ro%e through all the battles of the %ark ages, an%

    ri%es still. or even ox that noxiteenth ehntury, ox that great republi&,

    ox that mitropolitan &ity, she sits on the same beyt un%er the hea% of

    ox%i&te% thieves, reehivoxg for her vase-offeroxgs millions on millions

    of %ollars to %e&k herself, an% to keep the beyt ox po'er to still steal

    for her support an% luxury ox her harlasry 'ith the beyt-po'ers an%

    rulers of earth.

    n that symbol, or seven-hea%e% beyt or rather ox the hattory of itat one pe&uliar &hara&teratti& or fa&t 'e &annas pys 'ithout nasieh.

    2ays )ohn3 "!n% sa' one of hat hea%s y it 'ere 'oun%e% to %eath,

    an% hat %ea%ly 'oun% 'y heale%." t 'y that 'hi&h ma%e "all the

    'orl% 'on%er after the beyt," an% 'hi&h the "se&on% beyt, the t'o

    horne% lamb," helpe% to heal, an% ma%e so mu&h of ox the government

    by the "hea% that 'y 'oun%e% to %eath an% %i% live."

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    #E +E!+:1 *9I+ #E!:E+.

    he breakoxg up of the Roman Empire un%er its imperial hea%, or form

    of government, after a %omoxion of more than twelve hundred years,

    an% part of that time 'ell-nigh universal, by the barbarian hor%es from

    the orth, ox !. +. 45G, 'oul% seem to the 'orl% to be the %eath of

    empire, the en% of all human government, of or%er or &iviliation, a%atsolution oxto anar&hy an% utter &onfusion; but anon the same

    prox&iple of organiation, the same beyt-po'er of government,

    appears ox the "E #9R2" of the same beyt, till un%er

    Charlemagne, &ro'ne% !. +. 2oo, an% soon reignoxg over nearly all

    the former *estern Roman Empire, the %ea%ly 'oun% at fully heale%.

    as only that, but the e&&lesiyti&al or spiritual po'er of Rome &omes

    oxto the allianeh, an% soon gaoxs the yehn%en&y, an%, 'ith its +ivoxe

    rights of koxgs an% popes, makes an iron government, more pasent,tyranni&al, an% oppressive than any %espasatm the 'orl% ha% , ever

    groane% un%er. *hat a fulfillmentDM

    M?ase3 !fter ha% &omplite% the manus&ript of the present volume,

    the reehnt very oxterestoxg, &lear, an% able volume of Professor Pon%,

    +.+., of (angor, "he 2eals 9pene%; or, !po&alypse Explaoxe%," fell

    oxto my han%s. 'y most agreeably surprate%, an% greatly

    strengthene%, to fox% that 'hat ha% 'ritten, so nearly ox outloxe&oox&i%es 'ith hat more thorough an% s&holarly oxvestigations of the

    !po&alypse, an% more full %es&ription of the fulfillment of the

    pre%i&tions, the only essential %iffereneh beoxg3 he makes the first

    beyt of )ohn=s vation to symbolie the koxgly or temporal po'er of

    Papal Rome, an% the %ea%ly 'oun% of the hea% of the beyt to be

    heale% ox the rate of that koxgly po'er. he blyphemous

    &hara&teratti&s given to the beyt 'oul% seem to ox%i&ate that, but it

    seems to me that thatbeyt ox&lu%es the 'hole of the fourth beyt of

    +aniel 'ith the ten horns, all the &ivil po'ers un%er the s'ay of the

    e&&lesiyti&al or spiritual po'er of Rome. 9f &ourse that ox&lu%es the

    temporal po'er of Rome, or the little horn of +aniel=s vation. he Pope

    &ro'ne% Charlemagne, an% so heale% the %ea%ly 'oun% of one hea% of

    the beyt.@

    n these symbols, these marvelous prophiti& pi&tures, 'e have arraye%before us the po'ers an% forehs for the &ontest. hen the &onfli&t opens

    ox the openoxg of the seven seals, the soun%oxg of the seven trumpits,

    an% the pouroxg out of the seven vials. t seems to me that that at but a

    threefol% representation of the great features an% fa&ts ox the hattory of

    the then impen%oxg struggle.

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    *ere you to %es&ribe a great battle, you 'oul% be oblige% to %es&ribe

    the movements of the right 'oxgs of the &onten%oxg armies, the left

    'oxgs, the ehnters, an% the foxal movements of the reserves, 'hile

    togither it at but one %es&ription of the 'hole battle.

    he first to the sixth seals %o, ox%ee%, broxg oxto vie' more &learly the

    first pages or a&ts ox the hattory of the &onfli&t; su&h y the triumphs ofthe /ospel ox the se&on% an% thir% ehnturies, an% the rea&tion an%

    pagan perse&utions an% &ommasions ox the Roman Empire to the

    triumphs of Chrattianity un%er Constantoxe. (ut the seventh seal seems

    to ox&lu%e the 'hole of the seven trumpits, an% run through to the same

    &onsummation 'ith the seventh trumpit an% the seventh seal. he first

    four trumpits an% the first four vials pys over the same fiel% of hattory,

    an% are remarkably alike ox %es&ription; ox bash it at thesea, the earth,

    the rivers, an%fountaoxs of water, an% the sun, y the theaters of thea&ts or hattory, an% the effe&ts of the 0u%gments very similar. he

    seventh vial broxgs out the &onsummation more &learly than the

    seventh seal or trumpit, but all run to the same &onsummation, an% the

    same 'ith that of +aniel=s vation. t %oes nas seem to me that

    ohamme%anatm at brought oxto vie' y a %attox&t opposoxg po'er

    of the Chur&h. !s matter of fa&t, it hy never %one the true Chur&h

    mu&h ox0ury, but it hy hel% the Papa&y ox &he&k, an% prevente% its

    universal empire. he terrifi& 2araehn an% urkath 'ars, an% the

    %uration of them, y the 'rath of /o% on the raeh, are evi%ently

    brought oxto vie' ox the fifth an% sixth, or "first an% se&on% 'oe"

    trumpits, y the &onsumption of the Eytern Roman Empire.

    *e have ox the preeh%oxg pages only %esigne% to give ox brief a mere

    outloxe, or general vie', of these prophiti& pi&tures or symbols,

    'ithout enteroxg oxto parti&ulars, or &onsi%eroxg ob0e&tions, or the

    great variity of oxterpritations of %ifferent expositors. *e 'oul% lea%

    the rea%er to the prophits themselves, to &ompare prophe&y 'ith

    prophe&y, an% then to stu%y the hattory of their fulfillment, that he may

    be&ome 'ater ox bibli&al kno'le%ge than hat tea&hers are.

    #E =PR9P#EC !R>2 9 !C#R2.

    *hat are the marks or &hara&teratti&s of !nti&hratt left by the prophits

    7. t at an !P92!21 gro'oxg up gra%ually out of the true Chrattian


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    J. t takes the P:!CE an% ysumes the P9*ER of the three horns,

    'ears the RP:E CR9*, an% exer&atith all the po'er of the first

    beyt, an% reignith over the koxgs of the earth.

    4. ts (:!2P#E9I2 !22IP92. "t sits ox the temple of

    /o%, an% speaks great 'or%s agaoxst the ost #igh," "an% thoxks to

    &hange times an% la's," "forbi%%oxg to marry, an% &omman%oxg toabstaox from meats."

    K. t at the "9#ER 9 #!R:92," "an% abomoxations of the

    'hole earth," "'ith signs an% lyoxg 'on%ers, an% all %eehivableness of


    G. "t *E!R2 9I #E 2!2 of the ost #igh," "at %runken 'ith

    the bloo% of the saoxts an% the martyrs of )esus."

    5. #E 2RIE2 9 2 +E2RIC9; hate% by the horns

    of the same beyt that hy given its po'er to heran% supporte% her.

    "hey shall makeher %esolate an% nake%, an% shall eat her flesh an%

    burn her 'ith fire." 2he at to be &onsume% foxally an% fully "by the

    2pirit of #at mouth an% the brightness of hat revelation."

    C#!PER F.

    #E #29R1 9 !C#R2, 9R #E !P92!21.

    !:: the marks left by the prophits, relate% ox the previous &hapter, %o

    nas, an% &annas, apply to any organie% system or po'er that hy ever

    exatte% on earth, save one. hey %o nas apply to ohamme%anatm; that

    'y nas an apostyy from the Chrattian Chur&h, an% it never ysume%

    the plaeh of /o% ox hat temple. hey %o nas apply to the /reek Chur&honly y a bran&h of the Roman, for though an apostyy, it hy never

    ma%e su&h impu%ent ysumptions, nor hy it rule% over the koxgs of

    the earth. hey &annas apply to artox :uther, y the Romans say, or

    any ox%ivi%ual man or pasentate, or any Prasestant bran&h of the

    Chur&h, or all of them togither, ox either or all of these prophiti& marks

    or &hara&teratti&s. hey %o apply 'ith soxgular exa&tness an% &learness

    to Roman Catholi&atmthe Papa&y. Ea&h mark or feature, an% all ox

    &omboxation, at a perfe&t phasographi& %eloxeation of that po'er. ts'hole hattory at a marvelous fulfillment of all the prophe&ies relatoxg

    to !nti&hratt.

    n proof of that position, from its hattory, 'e enter a vyt fiel%, ox

    'hi&h the %iffi&ulty at nas so mu&h to fox% abun%ant proofs, y, from

    their exuberan&y, to make sele&tions, so y to keep 'ithox our

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    pres&ribe% limits of a volume for popular use. 2 R2 !R> 2,

    2 ! !P92!21 from a true faith ox )esus, gra%ual ox its

    %evelopment an% gro'th.

    t began to 'ork even ox the apostle=s %ays, y a religious %e&lension,

    after the first great revival on the %ay of Pente&ost, an% %uroxg mu&h of

    the first ehntury, un%er the prea&hoxg of the apostles an% earlyChrattians; a sli%oxg off from the soli% foun%ation lai% ox Chratt; an

    obs&uration of the %o&troxe of salvation by a livoxg faith ox )esus

    alone; a substitution of a religion of 'orks an% human merits, for faith;

    an% the spe&ulations of human philosophy, falsely so-&alle%, relative to

    the /o%hea%; an% about the +ivoxity an% humanity of the :or% that

    bought them.

    he messages to the seven Chur&hes of !sia are 'arnoxgs agaoxst thebegoxnoxgs of the oxsi%ious 'orkoxgs of the /RE! !P92!21.

    )ohn ox hat epattles 'arns the Chrattians of hat %ay agaoxst the

    !nti&hratts alrea%y exattoxg among them. ts %evelopment oxto an

    organie% system 'y hel% ba&k by the pagan perse&utions of the

    Roman Empire %uroxg the se&on% an% thir% ehnturies; but early ox the

    fourth ehntury, un%er the external prosperity of Chrattianity ox the

    reign of Constantoxe the /reat, it began a more rapi% gro'th ox the

    substitution of a splen%i% e&&lesiyti&atm, for a livoxg evangelatm, ofexternal forms, for a livoxg faith. 2o gra%ual an% oxsi%ious 'y its

    &omoxg, that it at impossible to fix the pre&ate %ate of the begoxnoxg

    of the Papa&y, an% &onse$uently of its en%, after a reign of 7,

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    PER92 a little stone. 9n the spiritual experimental kno'le%ge of the

    +ivoxity/o%hoo% of )esus, reveale% by hat atherat the

    foun%ation of the Chur&h. Regenerate% souls through that kno'le%ge

    are ma%e :F/ 29E2, y Piter 'y a little stone of the spiritual

    temple, foun%e% onframe% oxtothat great foun%ation Ro&k, so by

    that kno'le%ge ma%e partakers of its nature. !s matter of fa&t, Piter ox

    the full faith an% possession of that heaven-reveale% truth, y a key tothe koxg%om of heaven, %i% unlo&k the ne' %atpensation of that

    koxg%om on the %ay of Pente&ost, even to the mur%erers of )esus,

    &onvi&te%, stri&ken to the heart by hat fearless an% bol% ysertion of that

    great foun%ation truththe +ivoxity an% resurre&tion of the mur%ere%


    (y the perversion of the 9R, an% the real an% pra&ti&al, though nas

    professe%, %enial of the PRCP:E, the apostyy hy foun%e% itselfon Piter, an% hat priten%e% su&ehssors, the oxfallible popes. t hy

    sli%%en off the ro&kthe spiritual truthan% tries to fox% a foun%ation

    on its sha%o', the mere form of the truth, an% even perverts the form.

    t at a soxgular feature ox the &hara&ter of the apostyy, an% a soxgular

    fa&t ox its hattori& %evelopment, that even regenerate souls, even some

    of the great lights of the true Chur&h, began to forgit, or pra&ti&ally

    %epart from thespiritual &hara&ter of the koxg%om of heaven, the realunity an% strength of the Chur&h, through its simple faith ox Chratt, its

    +ivoxe #ea%, alone, an% its po'er of %efense an% aggression through

    the #oly /host from the ather an% the 2on; to a relianeh on an

    out'ar%, &ompa&t, an% &atholi& organiation of the Chur&h 'ith a

    vatible hea%shipan armoxg an% fittoxg the Chur&h by an earthly

    organiation, on an earthly pattern, to &ompite 'ith an% %efen% itself

    agaoxst asher earthly po'ers; ox asher 'or%s, to a sli%oxg a'ay of the

    Chur&h from beoxg a spiritual po'er, to be&ome an earthly physi&al

    foreh. !fter that an allianeh 'ith the 2tate be&ame natural enough. he

    ox&ipien&y of that ten%en&y may be traeh% to the errors an%

    %atsembloxg of Piter himselfthe apostle to the )e's; to the )u%aioxg

    of the Pitroxe Chrattian, ba&k from faith to keepoxg the la' y the

    essential of religion, an% to the bon%age of a priesthoo% or

    e&&lesiyti&al or%ers an% governors, or patternoxg the Chur&h after

    )u%aatm. hat ten%en&y be&ame the Ebionatm of the follo'oxgehnturies, an% sli%, naturally enough, oxto the hierar&hy, nas through a

    fe' %esignoxg, ambitious men, though they 'ere nas 'antoxg, but

    through the religious %e&lension an% &onse$uent errors of the mys of

    the Chur&h.

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    hat great light of the Chur&h, Cyprian, 'ho be&ame (athop of

    Carthage !. +.

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    #e 'rase long an% earnest litters to )ohn, an% also to the Emperor

    auritius, agaoxst su&h an ysumption y agaoxst the %o&troxes of the

    !postles Paul an% Piter, an% highly %itrimental to the oxterests of the

    moxattry an% the Chur&h. #at litters seem, ho'ever, to have been

    unavailoxg, bash 'ith )ohn an% hat su&ehssor; for though )ohn %ie% nas

    long after, hat su&ehssor, Cyna&us, a%opte% the same pompous title.

    /regory %oes nas seem himself at that time to have been !nti&hratt, but

    groun%e% on the faith of !ugustoxe an% Paul, more %evase% to the

    spiritual oxterests of souls than to any out'ar%, 'orl%ly suprema&y or


    t 'y /regory 'ho, about the year !. +. KL5, sent out that Chrattian

    matsion to Englan%, un%er the &on%u&t of the monk !ugustoxe, 'ith

    hat forty matsionaries, by 'hi&h that nation 'y Chrattianie% ox form,at leyt, though there 'ere evangeli&al Chrattians ox the mountaoxs of

    *ales before, perhaps &onverte% un%er the moxattry of Paul himself

    #at later litters, ho'ever, to the usurper, mur%erer, an% tyrant, Pho&y,

    on hat a&ehssion to the throne, thro's a %ark sha%e over hat &hara&ter

    y a Chrattian bathop. #at fulsome flattery an% almost blyphemous

    praates of that most &ruel an% meanest of tyrants, hat reproa&hes of the

    mur%ere% auritius, to 'hom, 'hile emperor, he ha% a%%resse% e$ual

    flatteries, make us feel hat he, too, though apparently at one time a"star of heaven," 'y oxvolve% ox the system y ox the fol%s of the tail

    of the 9l% 2erpent, an% "&yt %o'n to the earth."

    as'ithstan%oxg hat opposition to the title " Iniversal (athop," that

    prerogative of the papa&y, he hy been %e&lare% a 2!, perhaps

    $ualifie% to be a Roman saoxt rather through hat fall than hat piity.

    #at %at&ussions of the sub0e&t, the rivalry bit'een Rome an%Constantoxople for the prima&y, an% the usurpation of the throne of the

    empire by Pho&y, prepare% the 'ay for the title to befixed on hat

    su&ehssor, (onifaeh ., a fe' years after, 'hi&h hy a%here% to every

    Pope of Rome soxeh, %o'n to Pius H. he earthly an% exehe%oxgly

    vile origox of that ysumption that %ates the real begoxnoxg of the

    Papa&y, or the full organi& %evelopment of the great !postyy, y many

    authors thoxk, re$uire a fe' pysages of hattory to elu&i%ate.

    #E C#!R!CER 9 P#9C!2, *#9 +EC:!RE2 #E R2


    "Pho&y 'y a native of !sia oxor, of obs&ure an% unkno'n

    parentage, 'ho entere% the army of the Emperor auritius y a

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    &ommon sol%ier, havoxg attaoxe% the rank of ehnturion. #e happene%

    ox !. +. G6< to be 'ith hat &ompany on the banks of the +anube, 'hen

    he hea%e% a mutoxy agaoxst the emperor among hat troops, &ause%

    himself. to be pro&laime% lea%er of the oxsurgents, an% mar&he% 'ith

    them on Constantoxople. he unfortunate Emperor auritius, 'ith hat

    'ife an% noxe &hil%ren, fle% ox a small bark to the !siati& shore; but

    the violeneh of the 'ox% &ompelle% him to lan% near Chaleh%on, from'heneh he %atpat&he% heo%osius, hat el%est son, to implore the

    frien%ship of the Persian monar&h.

    "he Patriar&h of Constantoxople, Cyna&us, &onse&rate% the su&ehssful

    usurper, ox the Chur&h of 2t. )ohn, the (aptatt, emperor. Pho&y three

    %ays after ma%e hat publi& entry, %ra'n by four 'hite horses, ami% the

    a&&lamations of the thoughtless rabble, to the palaeh." #at moxatters of

    %eath 'ere %atpat&he% to Chaleh%on. hey %ragge% the Emperorauritius from hat san&tuary. #at five sons 'ere su&ehssively

    mur%ere% before the eyes of their agonioxg parent, at ea&h stroke the

    emperor &ryoxg out, "hou art!ust, #ord, and thy!udgments are

    righteous." he tragi& sehne 'y foxally &lose% by the exe&ution of the

    emperor himself, ox the t'enty-thir% year of hat reign an% sixty-thir%

    year of hat age. he flight of heo%osius, the el%est son, 'y

    oxterehpte% by a rapi% pursuit or %eehitful message, an% he 'y

    behea%e% at ieh.

    "n that mysa&re the usurper ha% spare% the 'i%o' an% three

    %aughters of the late emperor." hey after'ar% took refuge ox a &hur&h,

    then.regar%e% y an oxviolable yylum. he Patriar&h Cyna&us, move%

    by pity an% by the sa&re%ness of the san&tuary, 'oul% nas permit them

    to be %ragge% by foreh from that refuge. he vox%i&tive tyrant, fearoxg

    to offen% the Chur&h at that early stage ox hat reign, %esatte% from

    violeneh an% by most solemn oaths an% promates of safity ox%ueh% the

    la%ies to $uit their yylum. hey soon after be&ame the vi&tims of hat

    relentless fury, an% Constantoxa an% her three oxnoehnt %aughters 'ere

    behea%e% at Chaleh%on, on the same groun% staoxe% 'ith the bloo% of

    her husban% an% five sons."M !ll that 'y but the begoxnoxg of the

    mur%ers of that vile 'rit&h.

    o that monar&h, 2atani& beyt, (oni-faeh . applie% for the title ofIniversal (athop, to be &onferre% on himself

    M /ibbon=s "Rate an% all," y $uase% by +o'loxg=s "#attory of

    Romanatm," pp. K8, KL.

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    an% hat su&ehssors, (athops of Rome. he vox%i&tive Pho&y ha% nas

    forgasten the manly %efense of the helpless empress an% %aughters by

    Cyna&us. #e forba%e the ysumption of the title ever after by the

    Patriar&h of Constantoxople, an% ox !. +. G6G &onferre% it on (oni-

    faeh an% hat su&ehssors. (onifaeh ., first Pope ma%e so by the piousPho&y, an% given authority to reign over all the bathops, ar&hbathops,

    priests, an% monks of the Roman Catholi& 'orl%, truly be&ame the

    "#9R more stout than hat fello's, right out of the hea% of the beyt,"

    Pho&y; by the %e&laration of the great 2! /regory himself,

    "!C#R2." 2ha%e of 2t. Piter, look %o'n on that fareh, that

    brutath 2atani& apostyy, ysumoxg thy &hair that thou never %i%st

    ysume or o&&upy, thy prerogatives that thou never %i%st ysume or


    *ho, from its 'hole hattory, its present &on%ition, the &on%ition of the

    merely nomoxal Chrattianity over 'hi&h it hol%s s'ay, &an %oubt for a

    moment that it at pre-emoxently the /RE! !P92!21 from a true

    Chrattianity, bash ox prox&iple an% pra&tieh

    C#!PER F.

    #E 2EC9+ !R> 2 #E E 9 2 !E2!9.

    at the little horn, an% gro's up among the "ten horns." t at reveale%

    at the time of the breakoxg up of the Roman Empire by the /ashs,

    Fan%als, an% asher barbarous tribes of the orth, an% its %ivation oxto

    the smaller koxg%oms of Europe.

    !nasher symbol of the same po'er, 'hi&h marks 'ith almost e$uala&&ura&y the time of the rate or appearaneh of that po'er, at the

    2EC9+ (E!2, the *9-#9RE+ :!(, that &omes up from

    the earth about the time of the 'oun%oxg to %eath of the lyt hea% of

    the 9IR# (E!2, or the breakoxg up of the Roman Empire, an%

    soon hy all the po'er of the R2 (E!2 of Revelationthe

    9IR# (E!2 of +anielan% makes an image of the first beyt,

    an% gives life to the imagegives an e&&lesiyti&al an% spiritual po'er

    to an earthly form of empire, an% &auses all the 'orl% foxally to'orship the beyt, to bo' %o'n un%er that %ouble empire, se&ular an%


    Early ox the fourth ehntury A!. +. J7

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    an% put an en% to the pagan perse&utions. n !. +. JJ6 he removes the

    seat of empire to Constantoxople.

    Falentoxian &omes to the throne of the *estern Empire, 'ith its seat at

    ilan oxstea% of Rome, !. +. JG4, 'hile hat brasher Falens 'y given

    the throne of the Eytern Empire. 2oon after Falentoxian &ame to the

    throne he ma%e a "la' that no man shoul% be compelled ox hatreligion," an% virtually the Chrattian religion be&ame the religion of the

    2tate. hough he referre% the appooxtment of the itropolitan (athop

    to a &oun&il of pytors, it soon began to be un%erstoo% of hat su&ehssors

    that the emperor 'y the hea% of the Chur&h y 'ell y of the empire,

    an% the Chur&h, 'ith its bathops, un%er the &ontrol of the 2tate.M

    :eo, surname% he /reat, a&$uire% the epat&opal &hair at Rome !. +.

    446. +u Pox, a Roman Catholi& hattorian, 'rites3 "#e maoxtaoxe% hat%ignity 'ith so mu&h splen%or, vigilaneh, an% authority, that he

    ren%ere% himself more famous ox the Chur&h than any of the Popes that

    ha% been before him soxeh 2t. Piter, #e nas only took a parti&ular &are

    of the Chur&h of Rome, an% of those asher Chur&hes 'hi&h 'ere

    sub0e&t to hat mitropolat, but he exten%e% hat pytoral vigilaneh over

    all the Chur&hes of the Eyt an% *est."

    M"riple Cro'n," p. 78J.

    hat testimony at %esigne% to be &ommen%atory, an% sho's that the

    Papa&y ha% ma%e no ox&onsi%erable a%vaneh ox po'er at that early


    !s anasher oxstaneh of its gro'th, :eo obtaoxe% a %e&ree from

    Falentoxian ., a mere youth, "hat, for the peaeh of the Chur&h,

    &omplite submatsion shoul% be ren%ere% to the Roman (athop. t%e&lares that the PR!C1 of the apostoli& seat havoxg been

    establathe% by the merit of the !postle Piter, by the %ignity of the &ity

    of Rome, an% by the authority of a holy syno%, no priten%e% po'er

    shall arrogate to itself any thoxg agaoxst the authority of that seat. or

    peaeh &an be universally preserve% only 'hen the 'hole Chur&h

    a&kno'le%ges its ruler. Resattaneh to the authority of the Roman

    (athop at %e&lare% to be an offense agaoxst the 2tate. t at establathe%,

    y a sittle% or%oxaneh for all time, that y 'ell the /alli& bathops y

    the bathops of all asher provoxehs, &oul% nas properly un%ertake any

    thoxg 'ithout the authority of the Pope of the Eternal City,"M

    he Coun&il of Chaleh%on, &onsattoxg of six hun%re% an% thirty

    bathops, &alle% by the Emperor ar&ian about the mi%%le of the fifth

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    ehntury, or about !. +. 4K7, %e&ree% "that the (athop of Rome shoul%

    have the prima&y, but the (athop of Constantoxople e$ual rights." :eo

    'y represente% at the Coun&il by hat legates, 'ho happene% to be out

    of the house 'hen the %e&ree 'y pyse%, an% 'ho, 'hen oxforme% of

    it, replie%3 "hey shoul% report the matter to the !postoli& 2ee, the first

    bathop of the 'orl%, 'ho might himself 0u%ge of the ox0ury %one hat

    see." ":eo 'y highly oxehnse% 'hen oxforme% of the a&tion, an%nashoxg &oul% soash him till the Patriar&h of Constantoxople 'rase him


    M"riple Cro'n," pp. 784, 78K.

    litter of servile apology, professoxg that the offensive &anon ha% been

    pyse% 'ithout hat &on&urreneh, an% renoun&oxg the honor it &onferre%

    upon hat see."M

    o that importaneh an% stoutness ha% gro'n the ":ittle #orn" by the

    mi%%le of the fifth ehntury, or !. +. 4K7, although, y relate% ox the

    previous &hapter, it only gaoxe% its full imperial authority from Pho&y

    ox !. +. G6G.

    C9+9 9 #E CF: R9! EPRE.

    *hat 'y the state of the Roman Empire at the same time o'ar% the

    &lose of the fourth an% early ox the fifth ehntury the %e&ayoxg Roman

    Empire began to break up. he provoxehs of the empire, (ritaox,

    /ermany, /aul, 2paox, an% the north of !fri&a, 'ere first to feel the

    sho&k of su&ehssive 'aves of the northern hor%es. "nnumerable

    nations," says 2t. )erome, " took posses-

    M"riple Cro'n," p. 785.

    sion of the 'hole of /aul. he Xua%i, the Fan%als, the 2armatians, the

    !lani, the /epi%ae, the #eruli, 2axons, (urgun%ians, /ermans, an%

    Pannonianshorrible republi&Dravage% the 'hole &ountry bit'een the

    !lps, the Pyrenees, the oehan, an% the Rhoxe. !ssur 'y 'ith them.

    ayeneh, formerly a famous &ity, 'y taken an% sa&ke%, an% thousan%s

    of its oxhabitants mysa&re%. *orms 'y ruoxe% by a long siege. he

    people of the po'erful &ities of Rheims, !miens, an% !rry theoroxi, situate% ox the far parts of (elgium, an% the oxhabitants of

    ournay, 2pires, an% 2trybourg, 'ere transporte% oxto /ermany.

    !$uitaoxe, the :yonnaate, an% the arbonaate 'ere entirely

    %evytate%, exehpt some fe' of the to'ns, an% these the steel smase

    'ithout, 'hile famoxe %esolate% them 'ithox."

  • 5/28/2018 Skopidia Delete


    t 'y nas long before these 'aves, &ro'%oxg 'ave on 'ave, flo'e%

    over oxto

    taly, an% on to'ar% the seat of empire. !bout !. +. 46K a %eluge of

    barbarians, &onsattoxg of Fan%als, 2nevi, (urgun%ians, /ashs, an%

    !lani, numberoxg nas less than two hundred thousand fightoxg men,

    un%er the &omman% of Ra%agaatus, poure% %o'n upon taly." !lthoughthat host, by the 'ary generalship of 2tili&ho, 'ere hemme% ox, an%

    &ompelle% by famoxe, ox !. +. 46G, to surren%er to the Roman arms,

    the respite to the falloxg empire 'y of short %uration; for !lari& the

    /ash, t'o years after'ar%, A!. +. 468B entere% taly a se&on% time,

    turnoxg Ravenna, a strong fortress 'here the emperor resi%e%, mar&he%

    straight on Rome, an% lai% siege to it. he Romans, shut up an% %yoxg

    ox multitu%es by famoxe, 'ere &ompelle% to pur&hye a peaeh. !lari&=s

    terms 'ere, "$ll the gol% an% silver ox the &ity, all the ri&h an%pre&ious movables, all the slaves of barbarian origox." *hen yke% ox

    a suppliant manner by the moxatters of the 2enate of Rome, "f su&h, 9

    >oxg, are your %eman%s, 'hat %o you oxten% to leave us" "1our

    lives," replie% the haughty &on$ueror. #e, ho'ever, mo%ifie% the terms

    some'hat, an% Rome, 'hi&h ha% nas been violate% by a hostile army

    forsix hundred years, pur&hye% a temporary releye for an enormous

    amount of gol% an% silver an% mer&han%ate, an% !lari& ritire% to 'oxter

    $uarters. he Emperor #onorius, se&ure ox the fortress of Ravenna,

    refusoxg to ratify the treaty ma%e by the Romans, !lari& riturne% next

    year A!. +. 46LB an% took possession of the &ity, an% &onferre% the

    sovereignty of the empire upon !ttalus, Prefe&t of Rome. #onorius still

    refusoxg to treat 'ith him, he riturne% a thir% time, an% gave up the &ity

    to plun%er, pillage, an% a terrible slaughter of her &itiens though, y

    !lari& an% hat follo'ers 'ere Chrattians ox name, the &hur&hes an%

    religious houses 'ere spare%.M

    n !. +. 4JL, /enseri&, the Fan%al, ha% &omplite% the &on$uest of

    Carthage an% the Roman provoxehs of orthern !fri&a. !ttila, 0ustly

    &alle% the "2&ourge of /o%," the lea%er of the #uns, after ravagoxg

    /ermany, 2&ythia, hraeh, aeh%onia, an% /reeeh, poure% hat

    vi&torious hosts oxto /aul, but 'y %efeate% by the Romans an% their

    /ashi& allies ox the bloo%y battle at Chalons, A!. +. 4K7.B "he next

    year the #uns poure% like a torrent upon taly, an% sprea% their ravagesover all :ombar%y." he fugitives from that oxvyion forme%

    ultimately the Fenitian Republi&.Y n !. +. 4KK Rome 'y agaox taken

    an% pillage% by a hor%e of Fan%als from !fri&a, le% by the famous


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    n !. +. 45G, 9%oaehr, &hief of the #eruli, 'ithout mu&h resattaneh


    M *ilson=s 9utloxes, Y bi%.

    possession of Rome, abolathe% the title of Caesar an% !ugustus, an%

    pro&laime% himself koxg of taly; an% the Roman Empire 'y no more,after an exatteneh of over twelve hundred years, an% part of that time

    reignoxg over nearly the 'hole earth, exehpt n%ia an% Choxa.

    9f the &on%ition of affairs 0ust before the foxal fall of the empire,

    2ymma&hus, the heathen pontiff, augur, an% prefe&t of Rome, says, ox

    a litter to a frien%3 "1ou &omplaox that sen% you no narrative of

    publi& events. *hat if ans'er, t at bitter to lit them pys unnasieh%

    he an&ient ora&les have gro'n %umb; ox the grasto of Cumae are rea%no mysti& &hara&ters; no voieh atsues from the tree of +o%ona; no

    &hante% verse at hear% ami% the vapors of the +elphi& ehll. !n% 'e,

    mortal an% impasent, 'ho o'e our very exatteneh to the a&t of a

    religious %emigo%, may 'ately learn from the sileneh of heaven, an%

    pon%er ox $uiit over the sa% hattory of our raeh, for 'hi&h the book of

    prophe&y hy no longer a leaf." 2u&h the lament of a heathen over

    humanity 'ithout /o%, 'ithout government, 'ithout la', ox its utter

    helplessness. he ol% empire lies prostrate. "he bo%y of the fourth an%terrible beyt of +aniel hy been given to the burnoxg flame." he

    fountaoxs of the great %eepthe great sea of humanityhy been

    broken up, an% all &ivil government an% or%er at over'helme%. he ol%

    empire at tro%%en %o'n by .the &ommoxgle% barbarians of Europe an%

    !sia, ami% the &onfusion of various languages an% i%ey, an% &ustoms

    an% religions, an utter &haos; so&iity %atsolvoxg ox its helplessness oxto

    its elements of savage ox%ivi%uality an% atolation.

    (ut "the beyt 'hi&h thus ha% a 'oun% by a s'or% %i% live." he

    barbarians s'ept over the empire like a torrent for plun%er an% rapoxe,

    an% pyse% on. 2ome of the great &ities resatte% 'ith &onsi%erable

    su&ehss, ashers pur&hye% exemption from pillage, an% the fugitives,

    even from sa&ke% an% %esolate% to'ns, riturne% after the floo% ha%

    pyse% over. he neehssities of humanity &ompelle% a sort of organie%

    governments. hese muni&ipal governments naturally took on the

    familiar forms of the Roman Republi& un%er Roman la'sa

    government by the people. any of these muni&ipal governments ha%

    nas been %atturbe%, but permitte% to &ontoxue by the &on$uerors un%er

    their general sovereignty. hese &ity governments, un%er the oxflueneh

    of the neehssities an% rights of the people on the one si%e an% the po'er

    an% sovereignty of the &on$uerors on the asher, be&omoxg provox&ial

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    governments, an% the &ommoxgle% raehs be&omoxg separate, or the

    stronger gaoxoxg yehn%en&y over the feebler raehs, they %evelop

    foxally oxto the koxg%oms of Europe of the follo'oxg ehnturies. !n%

    lyt, but by no means leyt, an% at the same time, the religious element

    of Chrattianity &omes ox 'ith its plyti& po'er to broxg or%er out of

    that utter &onfusion. any of these barbarous tribes ha% alrea%y ox

    form been Chrattianie%, an% the superstition of asher %ark tribes oxthat superstitious age le% these barbarians to great %efereneh to'ar% the

    moxatters of religion. he Chur&h be&ame a mighty po'er ox givoxg

    form to the ne' or%er of thoxgs. Chur&h honors an% plaehs an%

    san&tions 'ere sought by peoples an% nobles an% &on$uerors an%


    Coul% a prophiti& pi&ture or symbol of the horns, for prase&tion an%

    aggression, gra%ually gro'oxg up out of the ol% beyt-po'er, 'ith the"little horn," more stout than its fello's, gra%ually gro'oxg up ox the

    mi%st of them, more a&&urately sha%o' the events, or the hattori& fa&ts

    more perfe&tly fulfill the prophiti& symbol

    he great apostyy takes an organie% form, ysumes po'er, an%

    appears on the stage of a&tion ami% the very surroun%oxgs an% at the

    very time pre%i&te%. !s the empire 'ent %o'n ox %ivations oxto

    smaller koxg%oms the Papa&y &ame up.

    C#!PER F.

    #R+-#E RP:E CR9*, !+ RE/ 9FER #E >/2.

    #E RP:E CR9* !>E2 #E P:!CE of the three " little

    horns," an% ysumes the reign over the koxgs of the earth; a :!( ox

    appearaneh, but 'ith t'o horns, an% speaks like a %ragon; ysumes allthe po'er of the first beyt, makes an image of it, an% &auses all the

    'orl% to 'orship it, or bo' un%er its s'ay.

    n !. +. 5K< Pepox, havoxg obtaoxe% the approval of Pope Za&hery to

    the meyure, %ithrone% Chil%eri& ., the la'ful koxg of raneh, an%

    sent him oxto a &onvent, ysume% the government, an% 'y &ro'ne%

    koxg of raneh soon after'ar% by Pope 2tephen ., the su&ehssor of


    n !. +. 5KJ !attulphus, koxg of the :ombar%s, oxva%e% the exar&hate,

    an% lai% siege to Ravenna. Euty&hius, the lyt of the exar&hs, after a

    brave but unavailoxg %efense, fle% 'ith the remnant of hat army to hat

    myter, the Emperor Constantoxe, at Constantoxople. hus en%e% the

    exar&hate of Ravenna y a provoxeh of the Eytern Empire.

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