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1 TurnKey Solutions Corp. Confidential July 2014

Slide Scripts for the

TurnKey Sales Presentation

Slide 1:

Good morning/afternoon and thank you for the opportunity to present our solution and what we

believe is the future of automated testing.

Slide 2:

During today’s session we want to cover the challenges that we have been hearing from our prospects

and customers, discuss with you how TurnKey addresses these challenges with our “next generation” of

automated testing capabilities and then show you how our technology works with an live

demonstration. We will leave time at the end for any additional questions that are not covered during

the presentation.

Slide 3:

TurnKey solution has been in business for many years, initially starting out in consulting and migrating to

a software product company as we developed tools and expertise around the HP/Mercury platform.

That is one of the reasons that our solutions are built exclusively for HP ALM. We believe that the latest

version of our Scriptless Testing solution is a major leap over current technologies and sets us apart from

the competition.

TurnKey currently has offices in Lakewood, CO and New Delhi, India, and are rapidly expanding across all

markets through their reseller channel.

Slide 4:

As you can see, our Scriptless Testing solution is used by a number of well-known companies, large and

small, across a variety of industry verticals. Key to our success is our ability to provide a strong ROI by

significantly impacting the testing productivity and costs of our customers.

2 TurnKey Solutions Corp. Confidential July 2014

Slide 5:

If you were given unlimited time and resources to test your applications, testing all of the application

with the highest level of quality would not be an issue. But more often you hear that someone wants

their applications tested by “x” date and with your current resources. Generally, it can’t be done. So

most Test groups find themselves with this dilemma of how much can they get done on-time with the

highest level of confidence in the quality of the applications they will turn over to their business users.

This trade-off is a challenge for all test teams. IT and QA departments are constantly under pressure to

provide results faster, with maximum quality at the lowest cost possible

Slide 6:

So let’s look a little deeper at some of the challenges we hear.

*** Ask if they see any, or all, of these challenges (get a read on their pain points) ***

(Optional to drill down into any bullet)

Record and Playback Technology

The most common method of creating test scripts, it is not without its challenges. TurnKey helps avoid a

fundamental problem inherent to all “recorder” based test automation software - path locked scripts.

Most enterprise application are complex and an application can several “paths” though the screens to

accomplish a process within the application. Think about a requisition process, one path may be a “small

dollar amount, no approval required”. Another may require an approval. One may be a standard

address, another may be for a drop ship to a remote office. Each of these paths through the application

screens must be recorded and a test case developed for it. This results in huge libraries of test cases that

must also be maintained when changes occur.

Minimal automated test coverage

Knowing when you have enough test automation coverage can be a tough realization. The test

engineers we speak to on a day to day basis seem to be constantly grappling with this question. What

constitutes an adequate degree of test automation coverage? Is it when every single function in the

application, big or small, has a corresponding test associated with it or is it when the core functionality

of the application has corresponding automation or somewhere in between? Does every application

need a full end to end automation suite built out or just enough to satisfy the quality assurance and

business development departments

Keeping Automation Test Cases Up-To-Date -

Constant change creates the need to constantly maintain and keep up-to-date test cases. Unfortunately

for those who think automation means that they can set and forget their software testing, I’m sorry to

inform you but there always be some amount of maintenance needed on your automation scripts. The

simple fact that any change to the DOM elements can halt an automation script in its tracks means your

3 TurnKey Solutions Corp. Confidential July 2014

testers need to have an intimate understanding of how the scripts are interacting with the application

under test so they can quickly identify issues, correct them, and re-validate the test. It is always a good

practice to create detailed documentation for all test cases in the automation suite to help facilitate the

debugging process.

Proper Use of Testing Resources -

Let’s face it. Test Automation is a technical skill. It takes someone with a technical mind to properly

build, maintain, and understand the reporting of test automation. Developers can manage but they

aren’t seasoned testers just as testers can’t write simple programs but aren’t really developers. Keep

this in mind when you consider how to utilize your company’s resources with the automation process.

Slide 7:

Resource Inefficiencies

It is a challenge to balance the number of people and right skill sets in your test environment between

BAs, manual testers, automation testers and IT. More people are needed due to the silo-ing of skills

which never seem to “cross-pollinate” teams.

Cost of testing

We are continuing to see test costs increase as a percentage of the IT budget. These increases are due


- Increasing costs of IT personnel - Growing number of applications needed to be tested

o Growth in ERP modules

o Departmental solutions now requiring integration to core systems

End-To-End Business Processes Can Cross Many Platforms and Applications

Again, adding to the complexity of application testing and the growing impact of cloud and mobile

applications. This continues to drive the challenge of limited or incomplete automated tests.

Managing Reporting, Test Plans, Test History, Compliance Is Challenging

Testing tools not easily integrated with test management; not only are you dealing with testing across

multiple environments, testing tools can also be “niche” apps requiring additional test management

tools from different vendors and the inherent integration issues.

Slide 8:

The challenges that we just discussed map well to a recent survey taken of the attendees at last year’s

EuroSTAR 2013 event in Amsterdam. Having the resources to effectively meet expectations comes

across loud and clear, followed by having maintainable test automation systems.

4 TurnKey Solutions Corp. Confidential July 2014

Well today, we want to discuss with you how Turnkey can help with these challenges so that you can

more effectively meet, and exceed, those expectations.

Slide 9:

So, when we look at any combination of these challenges, is it a wonder that most companies can on get

to 20% of their applications for testing. So identifying what the “Happy Path” is to the “right”

applications to test to minimize business risk becomes a big challenge.

Slide 10:

So what if you could have a solution that helps you overcome these challenges?

o Eliminates recording and programming to create and maintain scripts

Eliminates the manual creation of scripts by letting non-technical users click

through their application screens and use drag & drop technologies

o Uses data-driven technology to enable users to create test flows covering all possible test


Maximizes test coverage with the fewest possible test cases required, e.g. a

major financial services company that processes 80,000 application scenarios

with fewer than 100 master test cases

o Automatically creates and maintains automated tests

Allows users to view and apply changes to test cases without technical

resources and literally update thousands of test sets with the push of a button

o Fully leverages your investment and skills in HP ALM

Slide 11:

The solution to these challenges, as you we will show you, is TurnKey’s Scriptless Technology using our

cFactory™ solution and, where applicable, our accelerator packages. cFactory™ allows your users to

easily create BPT components and drag-and-drop the components into test cases. No programming, no


And we will talk about the ERP accelerators, which provide pre-built components and test cases to

significantly speed up the implementation on TurnKey on these ERP environments.

5 TurnKey Solutions Corp. Confidential July 2014

Slide 12 (for SAP prospects) A recent addition to the TurnKey solution for SAP is the TurnKey LiveCompare® which automatically identifies changes to your SAP applications and helps you to determine which transactions are most ‘at risk’. It then pinpoints relevant test assets and gaps so you can maintain optimal test coverage as your applications change. This added intelligence allows you to deliver higher quality software at lower cost with streamlined end-to-end test management

Slide 13:

Let’s first look at cFactory™.

Slide 14:

As I mentioned, cFactory™ (c =Component Factory) is an automated, programming free way to create

BPT components and test cases.

• Eliminates the need to program

• By driving the tests from an Excel worksheet, you can significantly reduce the number test cases

versus current methods

• Let cFactory™ identify application changes and automatically update test cases

• Built on and tightly integrated into QTP and Quality Center

Slide 15:

cFactory™ creates automated testing components that enable scriptless code free testing in any

environment supported by QTP/UFT. (can talk about the pictured QTP/UFT environments show if



Creating the components to test an application is basically launching the application then walking

through the application and clicking on the screens. cFactory™™ analyzes the screens then automatically

generates fully optimized and standardized automation components you will need to test the


With cFactory™, the creation of automation components evolves from scripting to clicking a mouse.

Slide 16:

These components, which are stored in Quality Center, then become the building blocks used to create

tests. To create a test you simply string the components together – just drag and drop them into a test

and you have created an automated test case.

6 TurnKey Solutions Corp. Confidential July 2014

And you can string these component based test cases together for end-to-end process testing.

So as you can see, not only is the creation of the components free of scripting, so is test case creation.

Slide 17:

Applications today continue to add functionality and complexity to keep up with changing business

needs. This is reflected many times a single business process having many different flows, and related

input screens, for data to be entered depending on the specific business requirement.

Slide 18:

In the traditional “record” tools, each workflow through the process must be recorded/scripted as a

separate test.


This results in a very large number of test cases that must be created, run and maintained for a business

process and overall application.

Slide 19:

In each of these cFactory™ generated components, there is a technology we call our dataDriver™.

What dataDriver™ ultimately provides is the ability to drive the test via the data. Not through

programming, not through scripting, but via the data.

This means you can create a single test that can support an almost limitless number of data scenarios.

Slide 20 (flows with 19):

When the tests are executed as each test data set loads data driver determines at runtime the

components that should be executed. This means I can create a single test that can support an almost

limitless number of data scenarios

So we see the first test, scenario driving this set of screens on the next scenario, a different set of

screens. Again, all based on the data.

Slide 21:

Once we define the screen flow when creating our tests, the components will automatically be analyzed

and a column for every required input and output necessary to drive the test will be generated in a

7 TurnKey Solutions Corp. Confidential July 2014

formatted Excel workbook. This is excel workbook is where we will identify the data we will use to drive

the application through the processes we want to test.

You will notice that there is a column for each component. These columns can be expanded to show

each of the fields/objects on the application screen requiring data input, along with the controls. You

simply input the data as you would on the screen.


If you need to see the screen, when creating the components, a copy of the screen was saved with the

component. By clicking on the “eyeball” on the worksheet, the user can see the actual input screen from

the application.

Slide 22:

As we discuss in the beginning, constant changes to applications and the need to continually maintain

the test cases maintaining is a huge burden, to the extent that it impacts your ability to adequately

cover the number of applications requiring testing.

So how do you know what has changed when you get a new release of an application? How much work

will be involved?

Slide 23:

When applications experiences a change…that is where our test architecture has a tremendous benefit.

We talked about rather than building standalone test cases, we leverage a shared library of business

components. So as we see in this illustration, for each page in the application under test. We’ve created

a corresponding BPT component.

These components can then be linked together to create test cases.


Now when changes occur to the applications, rather than editing each individual test case,

<CLICK> we identify the component that represents the changed page, and update it.

<CLICK> Since all of the tests share the component library, every test inherits the change. Greatly

reducing the time and effort required to maintain our tests library.

BPT has been available for quite a few years. But what has kept customers from adopting this

technology is that it required a relatively technical testing team to create and maintain these BPT


8 TurnKey Solutions Corp. Confidential July 2014

Slide 24:

How do we know what changes have occurred in the application so that we can determine if what we

need to change? cFactory™ provides a report showing both the prior and new components and

highlights the changes, for example “green” is a new field, “red” means one went away, the “blue”

shows fields that moved.

Slide 25:

And the users will see the changes in their data worksheet also, allowing them to quickly update the

data in support of the changes.The red heading mans the data filed has been removed, the green a field


Slide 26:

So, as we like to say that at TurnKey, we “automate the automation”.

With tools supporting such non-technical requirements such as such as point & click component

generation, drag & drop test case creation and data maintenance and tests driven from Excel

worksheets, you can increase the speed of testing while reducing cost and/or get to a broader coverage

of the applications in your company. And as the need to expand test coverage across new technologies,

such as cloud and mobile, you will already have a repository of re-usable components to more quickly


Slide 27:

Recognizing that a major challenge in the testing market is with the large ERP applications, we have

created accelerators to facilitate the implementation and running of these applications with TurnKey.

Slide 28:

We talked earlier about the challenges you face in testing today ERP applications add on a few

additional dimensions to make those challenges even bigger as testing. ERP and enterprise CRM

applications have their own unique testing challenges.


Because of the way metadata works, a single change can have an unexpected effects across the entire

application, so we not only have to test frequently, we have to test broadly.


9 TurnKey Solutions Corp. Confidential July 2014

Complex business processes. There is no such thing as a standard order or invoice or hire. Each

business process can have multiple scenarios that have to be validated based on customer history, credit

ratings, inventory, delivery dates, discounts and even user authority.


And finally, we have heterogeneous environments where we mix and match technologies, including

packaged legacy and custom applications.

So, it’s pretty clear that ERP testing is on-going, broad in scope, extremely complex and highly



The first and most critical challenge is that in the ERP/CRM world, change is a constant.

Change can come from business need such as new products and services or modifying processes to stay


Change can also result from the need to meet internal or external regulatory requirements.

What happens when you try and support this type of environment with traditional automation


Slide 29:

Built using cFactory™ technology, the Accelerator for Oracle consists of pre-built automated component

libraries and pre-built component based test cases.

This library is quickly and easily implemented providing a fast path to both automation as well as ROI

• The pre-built component library greatly reduce automation ramp up time and effort by

delivering a huge part of the test automation foundation right out of the box

• The pre-built test library enables fast time to value by providing business critical preconfigured

test cases

• Since the solution is built on our cFactory™ architecture your unique configurations and

customizations are quickly and easily integrated into the prebuilt content

• 100% QTP/QC compatibility mean you can continue to leverage your existing test assets while

maximizing the value of your HP investment

Slide 30:

The BPT accelerator packages are libraries built using cFactory™.

10 TurnKey Solutions Corp. Confidential July 2014

Available for ERP applications such as Oracle, PeopleSoft and SAP, we’ve done all the upfront heavy

lifting. Using cFactory™, we save you hundreds of man hours by created the corresponding BPT

component libraries for you.

Depending on the module, be it Oracle Finance, PeopleSoft HR or SAP Sales & Distribution there can be

hundreds if not thousands of BPT components in the library. Then using these components we have

prebuilt hundreds of critical business process test cases, everything from managing master data to

creating invoices and hiring employees.

Slide 31:

And because these libraries are based on our cFactory™ platform and our BPT components, they can be

installed, configured and ready to run in your customized ERP environment on the average of 8 to 12

weeks, not the 6 to 8 months you would expect for traditional automation

Slide 32:

So, we started by talking about the testing challenges of Time, Cost and Quality…

Slide 33:

…and we have talked about how Turnkey can help solve these challenges by being Faster, Cheaper and




Being faster supports business agility which can mean both being able to rollout new software more

quickly to end users and being able to support strategic changes in the business as reflected in revised

software requirements.

TurnKey also provides a faster time to value through its deep integration with HP ALM and ease of

building out components and test cases.


TurnKey helps reduce the amount of technical skills needed and puts the power into the hands of the


And “maintenance mode” will dramatically reduce the time and effort spent on maintaining the current

test libraries, which are taking up to 70-80% of the staff’s time.


11 TurnKey Solutions Corp. Confidential July 2014

By speeding up the entire process of creating and maintaining test components and test cases, your staff

now has time to begin expanding the number of application which it can test/maintain. This broadening

of test coverage will also reduce the amount of errors the currently occur due to manual testing and


Slide 34:

A recent customer, a large company in the financial services vertical, shared the results of their POC last

year. This slide is part of their internal pitch to move forward with TurnKey. They piloted 2 of their

targeted 50 processes in one of their applications.



o 70 QTP scripts down to 14 scripts

o 3 hrs per script down to 1 hr


o 21 scripts down to 4

o 3 hrs per script to 1 hr

As you see, they were able to show a 78% improvement in the time to test the 2 business processes.

They extended out their projected results for all 50 processes to around 95%, mainly due to the

significant reduction in maintenance effort. Their ROI will be well under one year.

Slide 35:

Another customer, also in the financial services industry, saw similar large savings in time and effort.

They had a web portal for applying for a new “service” with 12 web pages, yet 11,000 different ways to

go through the screens (processes)…requiring 11,000 tests. With Turnkey they were able to:

Reduce the number of components from 150 to 12 (one per page)

Reduce the number of test cases fro, 11,000 to 7,000…BUT…run all of those test cases from one

data worksheet…and they are doing it now with one person!!!

Slide 36:


12 TurnKey Solutions Corp. Confidential July 2014

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