sm dr. kakade div b.docx

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SM Dr. Kakade Div B.docx




Course : MBA Sem IV (Div-B)



1. Concept of strategy, marketing & evolution of strategic marketing Meaning strategic marketing nature & scope, Business level Strategies

2. Global Marketing Environment micro marketing macro marketing mega marketing vs. morph marketing marketing myopia impact of Globalization on market trends Domestic market-Global Trade- Foreign Trade

3. Economic Reforms 1991 Paradigm shift in marketing changing domestic marketing environment SUPRA System Systems Approach Porter Model

4. Case study : Coke Vs. Pepsi HUL Vs. P & G Ltd

5. Core marketing concepts strategic marketing Vs. marketing strategies Tactical marketing components of strategic marketing Vs. Corporate plan strategic marketing process model

6. Strategic marketing in mass media - e- Business applications ERP, Virtual marketing/Digital marketing tools

7. MarutiUdyog Ltd, Hyundai case study strategic marketing models

8. Marketing strategies STP in manufacturing & service sectors Psychographic Segmentation - positioning strategies concept of marketing mix variables

9. Marketing mix MNC Vs. Indian Companies Tata Motors, Nestle, Cadbury case studies

10. Class text

11. Class room presentations.

12. Competitive marketing strategies market leadership strategies ponds India case study TVS Vs. Bajaj Auto case study

13. Market challengers strategies Nirma case study, Hero Motors Gorellia marketing war market followers strategies LIC Vs. Private Players Mercedes Benz, Honda Citi case studies

14. Class room presentations.

15. Class room presentations.

16. Niche marketing strategies Specialty - marketing Hi-tech marketing current trends in Niche marketing process.

17. Marketing strategy formulation process strategic Decisions , SBU & organization structures (Geographical, Project, Matrix etc)

18. Class room presentations.

19. Class room presentations.

20. Marketing planning nature & scope, components process model, limitations

21. Marketing plan Vs. Corporate plan Dabur India, Amway case studies

22. Class text.

23. Strategic marketing in manufacturing Vs. Service sectors Insurance Sector

24. Strategic marketing Gujarat Tourism Development Corporation, Karnataka Tourism case studies.

25. Strategic marketing in Air Travel services Air India Indian Airlines, Jet Airways Singapore Airlines.

26. Strategic marketing in Banking sector Private Vs. Nationalized banks.

27. Class presentation

28. Case study role play

29. Marketing quiz

30. Strategic marketing models introduction- applications into practice Ex: IT companies at a glance

31. Ansoff Matrix, BCG Matrix, GE-9-Cell Matrix, Sales Grid

32. Strategic marketing in practice HUL, Colgate Palmolive, Marico Laboratories, CiplaPharma case with reference to BCG Matrix

33. Strategic Marketing environmental Scanning models SWOT (SWOL) or TOWS Matrix, PEST/STEP Analysis, GOTA Significance into practice.

34. SWOT Analysis Reliance Group, MarutiUdyog ltd, Star TV network, Radio- Mirchietc

35. Class text

36. Class presentation

37. Implementation of strategic Marketing plan strategies to evaluate concept of marketing control process model

38. Business Quiz

39. Tools of Marketing Control Marketing Audit, Marketing Ratios, Market share-concept, Market share Analysis

40. Revision Dabur (I) Ltd, case presentation.

EVALUATION CRETERIA Attendance Class Test Field Surveys Desk Research/Lib Assignments Internal Examination

REFERENCES:1. Marketing Management Dr.PhilipKotler2. Marketing Management Ramaswamy&Nandakumari3. Brand Positioning - Sena Gupta4. Fundamentals of Marketing - Stanton5. Strategic Marketing Xavier6. Marketing Planning Guide Robert Stevens7. Marketing Management text and cases Dr. M.D.Kakade8. MAGAZINES(a) HBR (b) 4Ps (c) Marketology (d) Strategist


LECTURE PLANBy Prof.Dr.M.D.KAKADEFaculty, Marketing

Sub: Marketing ManagementCourse:- MBA (IT & General) Sem IIBy:Dr M.D.KAKADE


1a. Evolution of marketing why marketing?b. Question bank ( 65 questions)

2a) Core concepts social marketingb) Creation of utilities conceptc) Economic Reforms 1991

3a) Post Globalization Erab) Modern Concept of marketingc) Consumer delight Vs. satisfaction

4a) Case study concept, format. How to solve case study?(Poona coffee House, Baresta Vs. Cafe- coffee day)

5a) Marketing Vs. Sellingb) Changing role of marketing manager & Sales Manager

6a) Marketing Environmental studies (SWOT Analysis, PEST Analysis & GOTA)b) Urban Vs. Rural marketing

7a) Rural marketing : HUL, P & G, LIC case Discussion.

8a) Marketing information system conceptApplications limitations. Tools in briefb) Marketing concept Marketing Research

9a) Current trends in marketing Hi- tech.Marketing, Symbiotic Marketing, EthicalMarketing, Digital Marketing/E MarketingDirect Marketing/Virtual Marketing ERP Model

10a) Dot com companies marketing role(E bee. Com. Redif Mail. Com cases)b) E- business Vs. Traditional business.

11a) Anway India Ltd. Direct marketing case studyb) Sony World marketing practices in India

12a) Target marketing (STP) concept necessity & Process

b) Marketing segmentation concept, bases for consumer goods, Industrial goods

13a) Market segmentation automobile tyres, car marketing, PC, furniture, readymade garments, Health Care, Life Insurance case studies concept of product Positioning.

14a) Product positioning strategiesb) Coca cola, Pepsi, Rasna Kelvinator, Videoconc) DTH, cos : changing marketing practices

15a) Marketing plan Nature & Scopeb) Marketing plan components, processc) Marketing plan Its limitations.

16a) Marketing Plan : Tata Motors (Nano, Indica case Studies)b) Marketing Plan : ITC, Britannia case

17a) Strategic marketing practicesb) BCG Matrix, Ansoff matrix

18a) Concept of marketing mix (Ps)b) Panwala as a P of marketc) Marketing mix & product life cycle.

19a) Product mix-concept & strategiesb) Branding, packaging strategiesc) New product launch competitive marketing Strategies

20a) New product launch 20 steps model questionto be asked before new product launch productFailures eg, Complan Biscuits, Maggi Soup, Pickles, blue Pepsi etc

21a) New Product launch the step towards reality Tatas Nano practicesHUL water filterITC (Sun feast : Biscuits, Noodles etc)Himalaya Health Care products.

22a) Price mix : meaningb) Price decision marketing processc) Skimming Vs. Penetration pricing(Nirma, Surf, Tide, Rinetc)d) Pricing of the services

23a) Price administrationb) Numerical problems on price cost relationshipsFOB, CIF pricingc) Pricing in TITIAN, BATA, MARUTI UDYOG LTD

24a) Place mix : Conceptb) Channels of distributionc) Direct Vs. Indirect Distributiond) Changing role of wholesalers & retailers

25a) Physical distribution componentsb) Logistics Vs. supply chain managementc) Logistics in Cement (ACC), Asian Paint,Cotton Textiles, Pharmaceuticals, Readymade Garments: Success stories

26a) CRM e CRMb) Customer Experience Mgt (CEM)c) Customer Value Mgt (CVM)d) CRM In B- schools, Banking Sectore) Customer bonding & CRM strategies

27a) Promotion Mix conceptb) Ingredients of promotion mixc) Advertising : objectives, DAGMARApproach Social Advertising event marketing.

28a) Push Pull strategiesb) USP Vs. USBc) 7MS of Advertisingd) Advertising process

29a) Advertising & Sales promotionb) Public relation strategiesc) Advertising current trends : Radio Mirchi, Mural Advertisingd) E Advertising practices

30a) Advertising & Sales promotion in electronic goods market.b) Advertising (LG, Nokia, IBM, Dabur success stories)

EVALUATION CRITERIA1) Attendance: 10 marks2) Class room : (Objective type ) test 30 marks3) Field work ( 30 topics given choose any 1 ) 30 marks4) Class room presentation (Team of 2,20 topics given) 30 marks


1) Marketing Management Dr.PhilipKotler2) Marketing Management Ramaswamy Nanda Kumari3) Marketing Management Text and cases Dr.M.D.Kakade4) 4Ps in marketing (AIMS) publications5) Marketology6) Case studies: Circulated in class (Soft copies available)

(Dr. M.D.Kakade)

TEACHING METHODOLOGYBy Dr.M.D.KakadeProfessorMarketing

1) Power Point Presentations.

2) Case studies discussions

3) Field work followed by post survey presentation

4) TA.T. Test, Ad- effectiveness studies test (Ad-Analysis)

5) Data Base marketing : Tests

6) Lib assignments ( Book Reviews, Articles Analysis, on line assignments)

7) Marketing Quiz

8) Test series on the basis of question Bank

9) Role plays (sell well, sales talk & sales presentation)

10) Surprise tests/Brain storming Exercises.

11) SWOT Analysis Exercises.






1Modern marketing department is the product of long evolution Discuss

2How does marketing differ from Selling in its scope & activity? Explain by citing examples

3What are the approaches to study of Marketing? Which approach do you think is the best? Why?

4The role of Marketing Manager is wider in scope unique in significance Discuss.

5Marketing Management is what marketing manager does Discuss with examples.

6Marketing environment in urban market contrast with that of rural market- Explain fully by citing examples

7Explain the term Consumer Delight. How is it measured?

8What is Consumer satisfaction? Is it different from Consumer Delight? Explain fully by citing examples.

9What are Buying Motives? How are they classified?

10What are the factors influencing behavior of a buyer in:1) Consumer Market?2) Industrial market?

11What is Marketing Mix? State its components. Design Marketing Mix fori) Consumer goodsii) Industrial goods.iii) Service organization, by citing examples

12Failure of any P of marketing, results into failure of marketing strategies- Justify

13What is Marketing Strategy? Is it different from Strategic Marketing? Develop step by step marketing strategy process model by citing examples.

14What is Market Segmentation? Why is it needed? Give examples.

15Develop step by step Target Marketing Process Model for i) Consumer non durables,ii) Consumer durables,iii) Agricultural goods market.

16What is Market Segmentation? Is it different from Product positioning and Product differentiation?

17There exist difference between consumer market segmentation and industrial market segmentation- Do you agree? Justify.

18What are the bases of Market Segmentation? Suggest market segmentation strategies for 1) Consumer goods,2) Industrial goods

19You want to launch a new product. What are the steps you are likely to follow? Explain fully by citing examples.

20What are the components of Marketing Plan? What are the basic steps involved under marketing planning? State its scope & limitations.

21Corporate planning precedes marketing planning Justify.

22Marketing planning and Marketing Control are twin sisters of modern marketing Amplify this statement.

23What is SWOT Analysis? How is it carried out?

24What is Product life Cycle? What are the stages of Product life Cycle? Explain the relevance of pricing as consumer goods passess through various stages of its life cycle. Give examples.

25What is marketing information system? State its components. How does marketing information system differ from marketing research, market research field surveys? Give illustrations.

26What is Marketing Audit? How is it carried out? Give examples.

27What are the components of Marketing Control? Design Marketing Control Process Model for product of your choice.

28Consumerism is the result of failure of modern marketing Justify

29Develop marketing research techniques for marketers of 1) Soft drinks2) Air Travel Agency,3) Software consultancy firm.

30Design a questionnaire to study a) Market potential for mineral water in Rajasthan,b) Consumer perception towards usage of Helmet,c) Smoking habits of College going students,d) Demand estimation survey for Milk & Milk base products market.

31Design marketing mix strategies for 1) Readymade Garments,2) Cosmetics,3) Life Insurance,4) Star Hotel.

32Design marketing plan for Biscuits market with assumptions if any.

33Design market segmentation strategies fora) Magazine (b) Furniture (c) Bicycles (d) Cosmetics,e) Auto Spares, (f) T.V. Sets.

34Do SWOT Analysis of Mobile phones market.

35Design Pricing Strategies for newly introduced i) Shoes (ii) Toothpaste (iii) P.C (iv) Watch, (v) Oil Paints

36You want to launch a new brand of portable water purifier in the state of Maharashtra. How will you proceed? Give plan with assumptions if any.

37What might be marketing strategies followed by1) HindustanUni - Lever Ltd2) MarutiUdyog Ltd3) L.I.C4) I.T. C5) Philips (I) Ltd?

38What are the factors that are affecting behavior of a buyer while purchasing 1) 4 store bike (2) PC, (3) Breakfast cereals, (4) Medicines, (5) Car?

39Design Distribution Network for i) Fertilizers (ii) Cement, (iii) Text books (iv) Oil Paint (v) Liquor

40Write notes on 1) Integrated Marketing2) Branding Strategies3) Brand Equity4) Consumer Satisfaction Process Cycle5) Buying motives6) Product Differentiation Strategies7) Marketing Myopia8) Market Research Process9) Test Marketing10) Primary Data Vs. Secondary data11) Demand estimation techniques12) Idea generation Techniques13) Causes of Product failure14) Product classifications.15) Product line Strategies16) Market Leadership17) Niche Marketing.18) Market Challenger, followers Strategies19) UPS Vs. UBP20) Mega Marketing.21) Multilevel Marketing Vs. Network Marketing22) E-Marketing/Online Marketing23) Penetration pricing24) Skimming pricing25) Psychological pricing26) Cost plus pricing27) B.C.G Matrix28) Multi brand Strategies29) Characteristics of Industrial goods30) Marketing of Services31) Promotion Mix32) Market Share Analysis33) Use of Marketing Ratios34) Types of Marketing Control.35) Consumer Movement in India.36) W.T.O37) Marketing Finance.38) Overseas Marketing Research39) Hi-tech Marketing40) Digital Marketing in India



1How do the cultural and demographic marco-environmental forces affect the shaping of the operations & performance of an organization in the Indian Market? Illustrate your answer.

2There exist different between strategic marketing & marketing strategies. Discuss with examples.

3Marketing environment within the country & outside the country is different Justify by citing examples.

4Market Analysis is the essence of modern marketing-Do you agree?

5What is Situational Analysis? How is it carried out?

6Corporate planning precedes strategic marketing Discuss

7What is marketing strategy? How is it formulated?

8Market leader creates market Do you agree? Justify.

9Compare & contrast the marketing strategies followed by market leader, market challenger & market followers in the world of competitive business.

10What makes you market leader? Justify by citing examples.

11Explain the significance of strategic marketing plan in the world of competitive business.

12Design strategic marketing plan for consumer market.

13Design strategic marketing plan for industrial market.

14What is Environmental Scanning? How is it carried out?

15What is situation Audit? How is it carried out? Illustrate your answer.

16What are the fundamental steps involved under strategic marketing Process? Illustrate your answer.

17What is marketing mix? How far strategic marketing fits into it?

18What is mega marketing? Why is it necessary?

19What is market segmentation? Is it different from product differentiation? Design product differentiation strategies for marketers of i) Consumer durables,ii) Consumer non durables,iii) Agricultural goods,iv) Industrial goods

20What do you understand by Produce positioning & brand positioning? Design Brand positioning strategies for consumer market by citing examples.

21What is BCG matrix? Examine the relevance of PLC in BCG matrix. Give examples.

22What is Niche Marketing? Is it different from followers strategies? Justify.

23Explain each of the following tools of strategic marketing :-1) Ansoff matrix,2) Marketing objectives,3) Marketing Audit

24Design Marketing Audit questionnaire to study impact of marketing mix on market performance of a company in International market.

25What is Turnaround Strategy? Why is it so called? Justify.

26Marketing planning & Control is the essence of modern marketing Justify.

27You want to launch a new product. How will you proceed? Give your plan.

28What is Brand Equity? How is it calculated? Explain fully with hypothetical figures.

29What is product life cycle? Examine the relevance of pricing as product passess through various stages of its life cycle. Give examples.

30What is Sales Promotion? Outline the role of Sales Promotion in competitive market.

31Business is Innovative Marketing Comment.

32What is price mix? Explain each of the following methods of Pricing

1) Penetration pricing ,2) Skimming pricing,3) F.O B Pricing,4) Psychological pricing,5) Cost plus pricing.

33What is Target Marketing? How is it carried out? Explain fully by citing examples.

34Design Brand Extension, Strategies for i) Consumer market,ii) Industrial market

35Design strategic marketing plan for 1) Soft drinks, (2) Instant foods (3) Mineral Water, (4) 4 Stroke bike, (5) VCR, VCP & Music system

36What might be marketing strategies followed by marketers of i) Asian Paints, (ii) Nirma detergents, (iii) Maggi Noodles, (iv) Parker Pen (v) Maruti Car, (vi) Bajaj Scooter

37Do market situation Analysis for 1) Mobile Phone services,2) City transport services,3) Air Travel Agency,4) Management Institute,5) Building Construction Company

38Do SWOT Analysis of a) Soft drinks market,b) Four wheeler market

39Design Target marketing plan for Ice cream market.

40Assume each of the following products at maturity stage of its life cycle & design marketing strategies with assumptions if any (1) Fan, (2) Furniture (3) Refrigerator,

41Assume a hypothetical marketing unit & design marketing control mechanism with justifications.

42Design Sales promotion campaign for tea powder, cold coffee, fresh juice market.

43Design Strategic marketing plan for a large scale Direct Marketing Company operating in domestic market.

44You want to launch Mineral water in Rajasthan. How will you proceed? Give your plan.

45What might be product positioning, marketing strategies followed by marketers of 1) Solapurichaddars,2) Titan Watch,3) Ponds cosmetics,4) Videocon TV, VCR, VCP etc.5) Usha fan.

46Write Notes on:1) Marketing Myopia2) Niche Marketing3) Business level strategies4) SBU5) Corporate Planning Vs. Strategic Marketing6) Ansoff Matrix7) Marketing Planning process8) Situational Analysis9) Management Audit10) Marketing control process11) Types of Marketing Control12) Mass Marketing13) Micro Vs. Macro Marketing14) Social Marketing15) GE-Nine Cell Matrix16) Global Trade Vs. Domestic Trade17) Rural Market Vs. Urban Market18) STP19) Brand Extension Strategies20) G.O.T.A

1Dr.M.D.Kakade, (Professor, Marketing, IMED, Pune)

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