smi group's airborne isr 2016

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AirborneAirborneAirborne isrisrisr2016

26th - 27th



• Learn from those at the heart of air ISR systems operation,

development and integration

• Deliberate the requirements of the current operational


• Hear the very latest technological developments from

research and industry that are enhancing intelligence,

surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting

CHAIRMAN: Lieutenant Colonel (ret) Jock Honeyman, Electronic

Warfare and ISR Consultant, Former Intelligence Advisor to the United Arab Emirates

SENIOR MILITARY EXPERTS Air Commodore Paddy Teakle, Deputy Commander,

AEW&C Force Command, NATO

Colonel Andrew Dippolito, Commander, 435th Air and Space Communications Group, United States Air Force

Colonel Enrique Martinez Vallas, Chief of the Strategic Projection of Force Programme, Air Systems Programme Management Division, Armaments Directorate, Ministry of Defence, Spain

Wing Commander John Williamson, Offi cer Commanding 1 ISR Wing, 1 Group ISTAR Force, Royal Air Force

Wing Commander Al Walton, SO1 Air C2 Capability Development, Chief Of Staff Capability, HQ Air Command, Royal Air Force

Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Webster, Commander, 95th Reconnaissance Squadron, United States Air Force

Lieutenant Colonel Tanguy Benzaquen, Squadron Commander, French RPA Squadron 1/33 Belfort, French Air Force

LieutenantColonelPeterIllmann,StaffOfficer,Plans,German Air Force, Forces Command

Lieutenant Colonel Wilbert Ligtenberg, Branch Chief, ISTAR & Space, Directorate of Operations, Royal Netherlands Air Force

Commander S.G Jens Kristian Terp Petersen, Head of Strategic Concepts and Capability Development Branch, Policy and Concept Department, Defence Command, Denmark


airborne isr Day One 26th October 2016

8.30 Registration & Coffee

9.00 Chairman’s Opening Remarks Lieutenant Colonel (ret) Jock Honeyman, Electronic Warfare and

ISR Consultant, Former Intelligence Advisor to the United Arab Emirates

9.10 Transforming the Next Generation of ISR to Deliver Battle-Winning

Knowledge and Effects • An overview of the RAF’s approach to current and future ISTAR • Feedback from operations and capability development:

placing Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) at the heart of the RAF ISTAR Force

• Working toward a fully federated PED capability. How can we make PED more effective across defence

• Ideological and technological practices that the RAF is taking to realise these objectives

Wing Commander John Williamson, Officer Commanding 1 ISR Wing, 1 Group ISTAR Force, Royal Air Force

9.50 Medium Term Plans for the French Air Force Advancement of RPA

Based ISTAR • Overview of the MQ-9 capability since introduction: Feedback

from operational deployment • New capabilities to be integrated in the Block 5 systems,

electronic warfare payloads, separate channels for flying the aircraft, mission systems and data transmission

• Considering training requirements and flexibility to operate the new platform in European airspace

• Plans to co-operate further with United States and European partners

Lieutenant Colonel Tanguy Benzaquen, Squadron Commander, French RPA Squadron 1/33 Belfort, French Air Force

10.30 Morning Coffee

11.00 435th Air and Space Communications Group Delivery and Sustainment of ISR Systems Supporting U.S. and Coalition Forces

• An overview of the group’s role in providing forward and reach back operational and ISR systems support while in garrison and deployed austere environments

• Current employment of IT and intelligence technologies to thwart threats posed by global terrorism and regional conflicts

• Description of enterprise intelligence and command and control systems delivered throughout Europe and Africa

Colonel Andrew Dippolito, Commander, 435th Air and Space Communications Group, United States Air Force

11.40 PANEL DISCUSSION: Effective Concepts of Operation for Collection of Intelligence

• Collection requirements during coalition operations • Analysis and processing of intelligence • Preventing information overload • Interactive question and answer session Wing Commander John Williamson, Officer Commanding 1 ISR

Wing, 1 Group ISTAR Force, Royal Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Tanguy Benzaquen, Squadron Commander,

French RPA Squadron 1/33 Belfort, French Air Force Lieutenant Colonel (ret) Jock Honeyman, Electronic Warfare and

ISR Consultant, Former Intelligence Advisor to the United Arab Emirates

Colonel Andrew Dippolito, Commander, 435th Air and Space Communications Group, United States Air Force

12.20 Networking Lunch

1.20 AProgressReportontheFulfilmentoftheAlliedGroundSurveillance Programme (AGS): Feedback from Trials and Evaluation

• An overview of the programme since its inception and progress made since Unified Vision 2014

• The latest integration of sensor systems: How the Multi-Platform Radar Technology Insertion Program (MP-RTIP) will facilitate greater sensor fusion, detection and tracking

• Feedback from exercise Unified Vision 2016 • What 2017’s planned fulfilment means for key stake holders Mr Rob Munday, Unified Vision 2016 Deputy Trial Manager, ISR

Section, NATO

2.00 Session Reserved For Sponsor

2.30 Danish Requirements and Plans for the Further Development of ISR Capability

• ISR in the Danish Armed Forces • Domestic security requirements and the challenges presented

by terrain and the arctic environment • Danish requirements for expeditionary warfare, lessons learnt

from past counter-insurgency operations • Future plans and specific areas for capability development Commander S.G Jens Kristian Terp Petersen, Head of Strategic

Concepts and Capability Development Branch, Policy and Concept Department, Defence Command Denmark

3.10 Afternoon Tea

3.40 Keeping the Technical Advantage: Improving & Sustaining ISR Interoperability in a Changing World

• An update on UK & NATO technical activities • Benefits of interoperability and standards • Key current and future areas of standardisation • Efforts to articulate a better vision Dr Stephen Helsdon, Principal ISR Consultant, Cyber and

Information Systems, DSTL

4.20 Lessons Learned from the Development and Support of ISR Capability within UK and the Middle East

• UK ISR - Move from silos in isolation towards full collaboration

• Issues from inter-service cooperation

• Issues from coalition cooperation

• Issues from wider partnerships

• Issues affecting Air ISR in the current Middle East Lieutenant Colonel (ret) Jock Honeyman, Electronic Warfare and

ISR Consultant, Former Intelligence Advisor to the United Arab Emirates

5.00 Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One Lieutenant Colonel (ret) Jock Honeyman, Electronic Warfare and

ISR Consultant, Former Intelligence Advisor to the United Arab


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SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITION OPPORTUNITIESSMi offer sponsorship, exhibition, advertising and branding packages, uniquely tailored to complement your company’s marketing strategy. Prime networking opportunitiesexisttoentertain,enhanceandexpandyourclientbasewithinthecontextofanindependentdiscussionspecifictoyourindustry.Shouldyou

wishtojointheincreasingnumberofcompaniesbenefitingfromsponsoringourconferencespleasecall:Sadia Malick, Director, on +44 (0)20 7827 6748 or email

MARKETING OPPORTUNITIESAre you interested in promoting your defence services to a targeted industry sector? SMi offer tailored marketing packages so that your association/

publication can gain access to a global market and key decision makers in the defence market.Contact Shannon Cargan SMi Marketing on +44 (0) 20 7827 6138 or email:


airborne isr Day Two 27th October 2016

Alternatively fax your registration to +44 (0)870 9090 712 or call +44 (0)870 9090 711

8.30 Registration & Coffee

9.00 Chairman’s Opening Remarks

Lieutenant Colonel (ret) Jock Honeyman, Electronic Warfare and

ISR Consultant, Former Intelligence Advisor to the United Arab


9.10 NAEW&C - The Role of Battle Management and Control in ISR

• An overview of the NAEW&C Force

• Emphasizing the aircraft’s battle management and control

capability, an overview of current mission systems

• The need for battle management and control in ISR

• Contemporary examples of battle management and control

Air Commodore Paddy Teakle, Deputy Commander, AEW&C

Force Command, NATO

9.50 US and UK Airborne ISR Partnership: The USAF/RAF RIVET JOINT


• History of the RC-135 program

• Operations support

• Current operations

Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Webster, Commander, 95th

Reconnaissance Squadron, United States Air Force

10.30 Morning Coffee

11.00 Future Doctrine and Requirements for the Enhancement of Air

Command and Control

• The complexity of the modern battle space and challenges


• Effectively considering human factors such as information


• Ensuring de-confl iction of air assets

• Potential framework for responsive, adaptable and resilient C2

organisation: Is centralised control and decentralised execution


Wing Commander Al Walton, SO1 Air C2 Capability Development,

Chief Of Staff Capability, HQ Air Command, Royal Air Force

11.40 The German Air Force’s Approach to Network Enabled

Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Operations

• Current command and control capability for effective

intelligence collection, process and dissemination

• Planning considerations that must be taken into account during

today’s complex operational environment

• Measures for increasing interoperability with NATO partners

Lieutenant Colonel Peter Illmann, Staff Offi cer, Plans, German Air

Force, Forces Command

12.20 Networking Lunch

1.20 Medium and Long Term Spanish Plans for the integration of Medium-Altitude, Long-Endurance UAV into the Armed Forces

• Current UAV capability within the Armed forces and the need for a MALE system

• Considering the current platforms available and the requirements of the Spanish Armed Forces

• Plans to procure and integrate the MQ9 into current force structure

• The potential for long term future co-operation on joint-European projects, such as the European MALE UAV

Colonel Enrique Martinez Vallas, Chief of the Strategic Projection of Force Programme, Air Systems Programme Management Division, Armaments Directorate, Ministry of Defence, Spain

2.00 Session Reserved for Sponsor

2.30 An Update on the Netherlands Doctrine and Development of C4ISTAR

• Current capability and doctrine • Collaboration with NATO’s Joint ISR • Future plans for development Lieutenant Colonel Wilbert Ligtenberg, Branch Chief, ISTAR and

Space, Directorate of Operations, Royal Netherlands Air Force

3.10 Afternoon Tea

3.40 PANEL: Deliberating the Direction and Requirements of Command and Control for ISTAR Operations

• The current direction of Air C2 and in support of ISR operations

• Challenges presented by contemporary operations • Measures for enhancing interoperability and agility • Interactive question and answer session Air Commodore Paddy Teakle, Deputy Commander, AEW&C

Force Command, NATO Wing Commander Al Walton, SO1 Air C2 Capability Development, Chief Of Staff Capability, HQ Air Command, Royal Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Peter Illmann, Staff Offi cer, Plans, German Air Force, Forces Command Ms Elizabeth Quintana, Director Military Sciences, Senior Research Fellow Air Power, RUSI Lieutenant Colonel (ret) Jock Honeyman, Electronic Warfare and ISR Consultant, Former Intelligence Advisor to the United Arab Emirates

4.20 Air Command and Control: Implications for ISR • Evolving and Expanding Threats • Emerging trends in C2 and Air C2 • Understanding the requirements for ISR and Analytics • Simplifying not complicating the problem Ms Elizabeth Quintana, Director Military Sciences, Senior Research

Fellow Air Power, RUSI

5.00 Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two Lieutenant Colonel (ret) Jock Honeyman, Electronic Warfare and

ISR Consultant, Former Intelligence Advisor to the United Arab Emirates

MARKETING OPPORTUNITIESAre you interested in promoting your defence services to a targeted industry sector? SMi offer tailored marketing packages so that your association/

publication can gain access to a global market and key decision makers in the defence market.Contact Shannon Cargan SMi Marketing on +44 (0) 20 7827 6138 or email:

Airborne ISR 2016In today’s complex and ever changing operational environment, the demand for increased situational awareness continues to grow. As a decisive and indispensable tool, air based ISTAR is increasingly relied upon to deliver this capability, allowing commanders to understand the situation on the ground and act accordingly.

As NATO nations seek to advance their intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities in support of ongoing air operations, there is therefore need for collaboration on shared challenges faced. Consequently, it is the aim of our focused meeting to explore the tactics and technologies for advancing capability in this important area. Drawing on the experience and ongoing work of military experts from across NATO and its allies, the forum will aim to comprehensively cover the intelligence chain, ranging from direction and collection, to process, dissemination and targeting. In addition, operational lessons learned, feedback from exercises and key programme updates will be discussed. Importantly, the conference will also benefit from the guidance of technical leaders from research and industry, whose insight into the latest platforms, systems and sub-systems will provide greater awareness of existing and future capability.

Sponsorship of Airborne ISR 2016

• Educate the market on your company’s capability and make the business case for how to solve your potential customers’ challenges and requirements

• Build your brand so your solutions are front of mind when your prospects are putting potential solution providers on their short list

• Meet and network with active buyers while there is still a chance to influence their purchase decision

• Generate new leads through meeting new prospects from both the military and leading OEM providers

Sponsorship Opportunities

SMi offer sponsorship, exhibition, advertising and branding packages, uniquely tailored to complement your company’s marketing strategy.

Should you wish to join the increasing number of companies benefiting from promoting their business at our conferences please call: Sadia Malick+44 20 7827 6748 or email:

Sponsorship Information

SMI Defence Events 2016


Fast Jet Pilot Training Eastern Europe 9th - 10th June 2016 Prague, Czech Republic

MilSatCom USA 28th - 29th June 2016 Arlington, USA

Future Armoured Vehicles Weapons Systems 28th - 29th June 2016 London, UK

Mortar Systems Technology 29th - 30th June 2016 London, UK


Military Flight Training 21st - 22nd September 2016 London, UK

UAV Technology Eastern Europe 21st - 22nd September 2016 Prague, Czech Republic

Defence Exports 28th - 29th September 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands


Air Missile Defence 24th - 25th October 2016 London, UK

Future Helicopters Technology, 26th - 27th October 2016 Prague, Czech Republic

Airborne ISR 26th - 27th October 2016 Prague, Czech Republic


Global MilSatCom 8th - 10th November 2016 London, UK

Naval Systems Architecture 14th - 15th November 2016Rome, Italy

Future Armoured Vehicles Survivability 21st - 22nd November 2016 London, UK

Military Airlift29th-30th November 2016Florence, Italy

For Further Information Please

AIRBORNE ISR 2016 26th and 27th October 2016, Holiday Inn Kensington Forum, London, UK


FAX your booking form to +44 (0) 870 9090 712

PHONE on +44 (0) 870 9090 711

ONLINE at www.airborne-isr.netPOST your booking form to: Events Team, SMi Group Ltd, 2nd Floor South, Harling House, 47-51 Great Suffolk Street, London, SE1 0BSEmail: Tel: +44 20 7827 6004

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VENUE Holiday Inn Kensington Forum, 97 Cromwell Rd, London SW7 4DN, UK


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