soal tes toefl dan pembahasan jawaban reading

Post on 01-Jun-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 Soal Tes TOEFL Dan Pembahasan Jawaban Reading


    Both in what is now the eastern and the southwestern United States, the peoples of theArchaic era (8,000-1,000 B.C) were, in a way, already adapted to e!innin!s ofculti"ation throu!h their intensi"e !atherin! and processin! of wild plant foods. #n othareas, there was a well-estalished !round stone tool technolo!y, a $ethod of poundin!and !rindin! nuts and other plant foods, that could e adapted to newly culti"ated foods.By the end of the Archaic era, people in eastern %orth A$erica had do$esticated certain

    nati"e plants, includin! sun&owers' weeds called !oosefoot, su$pweed, or $arsh elder'and suash or !ourds of so$e ind. *hese pro"ided seeds that were i$portant sources of carohydrates and fat in the diet.

     *he earliest culti"ation see$s to ha"e taen place alon! the ri"er "alleys of the +idwestand the Southeast, with eperi$entation e!innin! as early as ,000 years a!o anddo$estication e!innin! ,000 to /,000 years a!o. Althou!h the ter$ %eolithic is notused in %orth A$erican prehistory, these were the 2rst steps toward the sa$e $a3orsusistence chan!es that too place durin! the %eolithic (8,000-/,000 B.C.) periodelsewhere in the world.

    Archaeolo!ists deate the reasons for e!innin! culti"ation in the eastern part of thecontinent. Althou!h population and sedentary li"in! were increasin! at the ti$e, there is

    little e"idence that people laced adeuate wild food resources' the newly do$esticatedfoods supple$ented a continuin! $ied susistence of huntin!, 2shin!, and !atherin!wild plants, #ncreasin! predictaility of food supplies $ay ha"e een a $oti"e. #t haseen su!!ested that so$e early culti"ation was for $edicinal and cere$onial plantsrather than for food. 4ne archaeolo!ist has pointed out that the early do$esticatedplants were all weedy species that do well in open, distured haitats, the ind thatwould for$ around hu$an settle$ents where people cut down trees, tra$ple the !round,deposit trash, and di! holes. #t has een su!!ested that sun&ower, su$pweed, and otherplants al$ost do$esticated the$sel"es, that is , they thri"ed in hu$an 5disturedhaitats, so hu$ans intensi"ely collected the$ and e!an to control their distriution.6o$en in the Archaic co$$unities were proaly the $ain eperi$enters withculti"ation, ecause ethnoarchaeolo!ical e"idence tells us that wo$en were the $aincollectors of plant food and had detailed nowled!e of plants.

    10. *he passa!e $ainly discusses which of the followin! aspects of the life of Archaicpeoples7(A) *he principal sources of food that $ade up their diet(B) *heir de"elop$ent of !round stone tool technolo!y(C) *heir de"elop$ent of a!riculture() *heir distriution of wor etween $en and wo$enKunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban: (C) *heir de"elop$ent of a!ricultureTipe soal9 +ain #dea :uestionCara Jawab99 lihat ali$at perta$a setiap para!raf. *e$uan eyword (iasanya

    erulan!-ulan! atau erhuun!an dari 1 para!raf e para!raf lainnya) yan! $en3adipe$ahasan uta$a.;ara!raf 19 Both in what is now the eastern and the southwestern United States, the peoples of the Archaic era (8,000-1,000 B.C) were, in a way, already adapted toe!innin!s of cultivation throu!h their intensi"e !atherin! and processin! of wild plantfoods.;ara!raf /9 #he earliest cultivation see$s to ha"e ta%en place alon! the ri"er "alleys ofthe &idwest and the Southeast, with e'peri$entation e!innin! as early as ,000 yearsa!o and do$estication e!innin! ,000 to *,000 years a!o.;ara!raf

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    11. *he word these in line 1< refers to(A) seeds(B) ri"er "alleys(C) the +idwest and the Southeast() eperi$entation and do$esticationKunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban: () eperi$entation and do$esticationTipe Soal9 >eference :uestion (;ertanyaan ini $en!in!inan Anda untu$en!identi2asi noun yan! di!anti $en3adi seuah pronoun)Cara Jawab99 te$uan noun yan! terleta seelu$ pronoun =these=.--? #he earliest culti"ation see$s to ha"e ta%en place alon! the ri"er "alleys of the&idwest and the Southeast , with e'peri$entation e!innin! as early as ,000 years a!oand do$estication e!innin! ,000 to *,000 years a!o. Althou!h the ter$ +eolithic isnot used in orth A$erican prehistory, these were the 2rst steps toward the sa$e $a3orsusistence chan!es that too place durin! the %eolithic (8,000-/,000 B.C.) periodelsewhere in the world.

    apat ita identi2asi ahwa pilihan yan! palin! tepat ialah pilihan .

    1/ Accordin! to the passa!e, when did the do$estication of plants e!in in %orthA$erica7(A) ,000 years a!o(B) ,000 to /,000 years a!o(C) @on! after the %eolithic period() Before the Archaic periodKunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban: (B) ,000 to /,000 years a!oTipe Soal9 actual :uestion (;ertanyaan seperti ini $en!in!inan Anda untu$ene$uan infor$asi spesi2 y! ada dala$ passa!e).Cara Jawab9 *e$uan ali$at yan! erisi infor$asi spesi2 sesuai yan! dinyataan

    pada pertanyaan.eyword9 do$estication of plants e!in--? *he earliest culti"ation see$s to ha"e taen place alon! the ri"er "alleys of the+idwest and the Southeast, with eperi$entation e!innin! as early as ,000 years a!oand do$estication e!innin! ,000 to /,000 years a!o. 

     Jadi jawaban paling tepat ialah pilihan B.


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    Kunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban: () esire for the consistent a"ailaility of food

    Tipe Soal9 actual :uestion (;ertanyaan seperti ini $en!in!inan Anda untu$ene$uan infor$asi spesi2 y! ada dala$ passa!e).

    Cara Jawab9 *e$uan ali$at yan! erisi infor$asi spesi2 sesuai yan! dinyataanpada pertanyaan.eyword9 $oti"e--? there is little e"idence that people laced adeuate wild food resources. (;ilihan A)--? #ncreasin! predictaility of food supplies $ay ha"e een a $oti"e. (;ilihan )

    Bisa dite$uan ahwa pilihan A telah diantah dala$ passa!e (there is littlee"idence ....).

    1E. *he phrase rather than in line /1 is closest in $eanin! to(A) in addition to(B) instead of (C) as a replace$ent

    () such asKunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban: (B) instead of 

    Tipe Soal9 Docaulary-in-Contet :uestion (;ertanyaan ini $en!in!inan Anda$en!identi2asi arti dari ata yan! di!unaan dala$ passa!e)Cara Jawab9 Sesuaian $ana 3awaan den!an ontes ali$at.

    =>ather than= $erupaan sinoni$ dari =instead of=.

    1F. *he plant su$pweed is $entioned in line /E in order to(A) contrast a plant with hi!h nutritional "alue with one with little nutritional "alue

    (B) eplain the $edicinal use of a plant(C) clarify which plants !rew etter in places where trees were not cut down() pro"ide an ea$ple of a plant that was easy to do$esticateKunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban: () pro"ide an ea$ple of a plant that was easy to do$esticate

    Tipe Soal: actual :uestion (;ertanyaan seperti ini $en!in!inan Anda untu$ene$uan infor$asi spesi2 y! ada dala$ passa!e).Cara Jawab9 *e$uan ali$at yan! erisi infor$asi spesi2 sesuai yan! dinyataanpada pertanyaan.eyword9 su$pweed-- By the end of the Archaic era, people in eastern orth A$erica had do$esticated

    certain nati"e plants, including sunowers/ weeds called !oosefoot, su$pweed, or$arsh elder/ and suash or !ourds of so$e %ind.

    =#ncludin!= $enun3uan seuah contoh (ea$ple). ;ilihan tepat ialah .

    1. *he word thri"ed in line /F is closest in $eanin! to(A) stayed(B) ori!inated(C) !rew well() died outKunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban: (C) !rew well

    Tipe Soal9 Docaulary-in-Contet :uestion (;ertanyaan ini $en!in!inan Anda$en!identi2asi arti dari ata yan! di!unaan dala$ passa!e)

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    Cara Jawab9 Sesuaian $ana 3awaan den!an ontes ali$at.

    =*hri"ed= $erupaan sinoni$ dari =!rew well==.

    18. Accordin! to the passa!e, which of the followin! is true aout all early do$esticatedplants7

    (A) *hey were "arieties of weeds.(B) *hey were $o"ed fro$ distured areas.(C) *hey succeeded in areas with $any trees.() *hey failed to !row in tra$pled or da$a!ed areas.Kunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban: (A) *hey were "arieties of weeds.

    Tipe Soal9 actual :uestion (;ertanyaan seperti ini $en!in!inan Anda untu$ene$uan infor$asi spesi2 y! ada dala$ passa!e).Cara Jawab9 *e$uan ali$at yan! erisi infor$asi spesi2 sesuai yan! dinyataanpada pertanyaan.eyword9 early do$esticated plants

    -- 4ne archaeolo!ist has pointed out that the early do$esticated plants were all weedyspecies that do well in open, distured haitats, the ind that would for$ around hu$ansettle$ents where people cut down trees, tra$ple the !round, deposit trash, and di!holes.

    1G. Accordin! to the passa!e, it is thou!ht that $ost of the people who e!an culti"atin!plants were(A) $edical worers(B) leaders of cere$onies(C) wo$en() huntersKunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban: (C) wo$enTipe Soal9 actual :uestion (;ertanyaan seperti ini $en!in!inan Anda untu$ene$uan infor$asi spesi2 y! ada dala$ passa!e).Cara Jawab9 *e$uan ali$at yan! erisi infor$asi spesi2 sesuai yan! dinyataanpada pertanyaan.eyword9 people who e!an culti"atin! plants were-- 6o$en in the Archaic co$$unities were proaly the $ain eperi$enters withculti"ation, ecause ethnoarchaeolo!ical e"idence tells us that wo$en were the $aincollectors of plant food and had detailed nowled!e of plants.=eperi$enters with culti"ation= $ewaili $ana =e!an culti"atin! plants=.

    +any ants fora!e across the countryside in lar!e nu$ers and undertae $ass$i!rations' these acti"ities proceed ecause one ant lays a trail on the !round for the

    others to follow. As a worer ant returns ho$e after 2ndin! a source of food, it $ars theroute y inter$ittently touchin! its stin!er to the !round and depositin! a tiny a$ount of trail phero$oneHa $iture of che$icals that deli"ers di"erse $essa!es as the contetchan!es. *hese trails incorporate no directional infor$ation and $ay e followed yother ants in either direction.

    Unlie so$e other $essa!es, such as the one arisin! fro$ a dead ant, a food trail has toe ept secret fro$ $e$ers of other species. #t is not surprisin! then that ant speciesuse a wide "ariety of co$pounds as trail phero$ones. Ants can e etre$ely sensiti"e tothese si!nals. #n"esti!ators worin! with the trail phero$one of the leafcutter ant Attate'ana calculated that one $illi!ra$ of this sustance would suce to lead a colu$n ofants three ti$es around Iarth.

     *he "apor of the e"aporatin! phero$one o"er the trail !uides an ant alon! the way, andthe ant detects this si!nal with receptors in its antennae. A trail phero$one will

  • 8/8/2019 Soal Tes TOEFL Dan Pembahasan Jawaban Reading


    e"aporate to furnish the hi!hest concentration of "apor ri!ht o"er the trail, in what iscalled a "apor space. #n followin! the trail, the ant $o"es to the ri!ht and left, oscillatin!fro$ side to side across the line of the trail itself, rin!in! 2rst one and then the otherantenna into the "apor space. As the ant $o"es to the ri!ht, its left antenna arri"es inthe "apor space. *he si!nal it recei"es causes it to swin! to the left, and the ant thenpursues this new course until its ri!ht antenna reaches the "apor space. #t then swin!s

    ac to the ri!ht, and so wea"es ac and forth down the trail.

    /0. 6hat does the passa!e $ainly discuss7(A) *he $ass $i!ration of ants(B) Jow ants $ar and follow a che$ical trail(C) iKerent species of ants around the world() *he infor$ation contained in phero$onesKunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban9 (B) Jow ants $ar and follow a che$ical trailTipe Soal9 +ain #dea :uestionCara Jawab9 Cuup lihat aris perta$a setiap para!raf 

    ;ara!raf 19 +any ants fora!e across the countryside in lar!e nu$ers and undertae$ass $i!rations' these acti"ities proceed ecause one ant lays a trail on the !round forthe others to follow.;ara!raf /9 Unlie so$e other $essa!es, such as the one arisin! fro$ a dead ant, a foodtrail has to e ept secret fro$ $e$ers of other species.;ara!af

  • 8/8/2019 Soal Tes TOEFL Dan Pembahasan Jawaban Reading


    inter$ittent9 not happenin! re!ularly or continuously' stoppin! and startin! repeatedly orwith periods in etween Madi, pilihan 3awaan y! sesuai N sinoni$ ialah 3awaan A.


  • 8/8/2019 Soal Tes TOEFL Dan Pembahasan Jawaban Reading


    Kunci Jawaban9 () *hey sense the "apor throu!h their antennae.Tipe Soal9 actual :uestion (;ertanyaan seperti ini $en!in!inan Anda untu$ene$uan infor$asi spesi2 y! ada dala$ passa!e).Cara Jawab9 *e$uan ali$at yan! erisi infor$asi spesi2 sesuai yan! dinyataanpada pertanyaan.eyword9 !uided

     *he "apor of the e"aporatin! phero$one o"er the trail !uides an ant alon! the way, andthe ant detects this si!nal with receptors in its antennae. (line 1-1E)

    the ant detects this si!nal with receptors in its antenna O *hey sense the "apor throu!htheir antennae.

    /. *he word furnish in line 1F is closest in $eanin! to(A) include(B) pro"ide(C) co"er() selectKunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban9 (B) pro"ideTipe Soal9 Docaulary-in-Contet :uestion (;ertanyaan ini $en!in!inan Anda$en!identi2asi arti dari ata yan! di!unaan dala$ passa!e)Cara Jawa9 *e$uan sinoni$ dari ata yan! dipertanyaan. Mia dala$ pilihan 3awaanterdapat leih dari 1 sinoni$, sesuaian $ana 3awaan den!an ontes ali$at.

    furnish9 to pro"ide with furniture' to put furniture inSan!at 3elas, 3awaannya ialah B (pro"ide).

    /8. *he word oscillatin! in line 1 is closest in $eanin! to(A) fallin!(B) depositin!

    (C) swin!in!() startin!Kunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban9 (C) swin!in!Tipe Soal9 Docaulary-in-Contet :uestion (;ertanyaan ini $en!in!inan Anda$en!identi2asi arti dari ata yan! di!unaan dala$ passa!e)Cara Jawab9 *e$uan sinoni$ dari ata yan! dipertanyaan. Mia dala$ pilihan 3awaanterdapat leih dari 1 sinoni$, sesuaian $ana 3awaan den!an ontes ali$at.

    oscillatin!9 to $o"e repeatedly fro$ one position to anotherswin!9 to $o"e easily and without interruption acwards and forwards or fro$ one sideto the other, especially fro$ a 2ed point, or to cause so$ethin! or so$eone to do this

    /G. Accordin! to the passa!e, the hi!hest a$ount of phero$one "apor is found(A) in the receptors of the ants(B) 3ust ao"e the trail(C) in the source of food() under the soil alon! the trailKunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban9 (B) 3ust ao"e the trailTipe Soal9 actual :uestion (;ertanyaan seperti ini $en!in!inan Anda untu$ene$uan infor$asi spesi2 y! ada dala$ passa!e).Cara Jawab9 *e$uan ali$at yan! erisi infor$asi spesi2 sesuai yan! dinyataanpada pertanyaan.

    eyword9 hi!hest a$ount 

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    A trail phero$one will e"aporate to furnish the hi!hest concentration of "apor ri!ht o"erthe trail, in what is called a "apor space. (line 1F-1

    the hi!hest a$ount O the hi!hest concentration (eyword)o"er the trail O 3ust ao"e the trail (unci 3awaan)

     *he :uaers, also called the Society of riends, are a Christian !roup that arose in the$id-1th century in In!land and the A$erican colonies. :uaeris$ ca$e into ein! inIn!land on or around 1FE/, when Peor!e o e!an to or!aniQe con"erts to preach hisdoctrine of LPod in e"ery $anL. *he riends were silent at their $eetin!s, waitin! for theLinward li!htL. *hey elie"ed people should sense Pod inside of the$sel"es, withoutchurch uildin!s, appointed preachers, written litur!y, or $any of the outward trappin!sassociated with Christianity.

     *he Society of riends is part of the left win! of the 1th -century In!lish ;uritan$o"e$ent' in A$erica, :uaers were persecuted y ;uritans. :uaers eperienced$uch ocial persecuted y ;uritans. :uaers eperienced $uch ocial persecution,includin! i$prison$ent and eecution, for their elief that worship of Pod should e "erypersonal. *he ter$ L:uaerL $ay refer to their penchant for Luain!L durin! reli!iousser"ices, or it $ay e a dero!atory reference to supposed :uaer cowardliness and elief in paci2s$.

    :uaeris$ in the A$erican colonies eisted $ainly in the northeast. *he A$erican:uaer population sur!ed after 1F8/ when :uaer 6illia$ ;enn founded the state of;ennsyl"ania as a ha"en for :uaers and a Lholy eperi$entL in reli!ious toleration.:uaers were pro$inent and powerful in the ;ennsyl"ania state !o"ern$ent in theperiod efore the A$erican >e"olution. urin! and after the >e"olution, riendsconcerned the$sel"es with the pli!ht of %ati"e A$ericans. *hey also wored withescaped sla"es and for the aolition of sla"ery. *hey continued to e nown for their

    eKorts at social refor$.


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    (B) lauded(C) harassed() elie"edPembahasan Jawaban9scrutiniQed --? to ea$ine so$ethin! "ery carefully in order to disco"er infor$ationlaud --? to praise

    harass --? to continue to annoy or upset so$eone o"er a period of ti$eprosecute --? to treat so$eone unfairly or cruelly o"er a lon! period of ti$e ecause oftheir race, reli!ion, or political eliefs or to annoy so$eone y refusin! to lea"e the$aloneari earapa pen!ertian di atas ata yan! palin! sesuai d! $ana =persecuted= ialah=harassed=.

    1F. 6here in the passa!e does the author !i"e an ea$ple of :uaer in"ol"e$ent insocial issues7(A) lines < - (B) lines G - 10(C) lines 1F - 1() lines 1G - /0

    Pembahasan Jawaban9-? urin! and after the >e"olution, riends concerned the$sel"es with the pli!ht of%ati"e A$ericans. (lines 1F - 1);ertanyaan ini $e$inta Anda untu $enentuan di $ana (aris e erapa) suatuinfor$asi dite$uan atau diahas.Cara $en3awa soal y! seperti ini ialah $e$aha$i terleih dahulu ide poo yan! adadipertanyaan. e$udian eli$inasilah 3awaan satu persatu.+etode yan! ai di!unaan ialah =si$$in!=. *e$uan =eyword= pada pertanyaan dancarilah pada setiap aris (sesua d! pilihan 3awaan).

    1. 6hich of the followin! would e an ea$ple of Lthe outward trappin!s associatedwith ChristianityL referred to in lines F - 7(A) cler!y(B) silent, leaderless worship(C) concern for social refor$() the doctrine of LPod in e"ery $anLPembahasan Jawaban9Soal ini sediit $udah untu dite$uan pada tet (acaan) arena eywordnya =theoutward trappin!s associated with Christianity= pada pertanyaan 100R dite$uan padaacaan.--? *hey elie"ed people should sense Pod inside of the$sel"es, without churchuildin!s, appointed preachers, written litur!y, or $any of the outward trappin!sassociated with uildin!s, preachers, litur!y  erhuun!an den!an cler!y.

    18. #t can e inferred fro$ the passa!e that early :uaers eperienced ocialpersecution ecause9(A) they were nown for Luain!L durin! reli!ious ser"ices(B) they helped found the state of ;ennsyl"ania(C) they ca$e to A$erica fro$ In!land() their reli!ious eliefs were considered su"ersi"ePembahasan Jawaban9eyword pada pertanyaan ialah =persecution=. dari tes acaan dapat dite$uan ali$aty! $e$uatnya.--? =:uaers eperienced $uch ocial persecution, includin! i$prison$ent andeecution, for their elief that worship of Pod should e "ery personal. =

    1G. 6hy does the author $ention =eecution= in line 117

    (A) #t is an ea$ple of the persecution :uaers faced(B) #t is an outward trappin! of Christianity

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    (C) *his ser"es as an ea$ple of 6illia$ ;enn=s policies() +any reli!ions were concerned with this issuePembahasan Jawaban9--? :uaers eperienced $uch ocial persecution, includin! i$prison$ent andeecution, for their elief that worship of Pod should e "ery personal.includin! O ter$asu

    /0. *he para!raph after this passa!e would $ost liely e aout9(A) the decline of the :uaer population since 6orld 6ar #(B) *he si$ilarities and diKerences etween :uaers and ;uritans(C) 6ays in which :uaers today show concern for others() Social refor$s enacted y :uaers durin! A$erican >e"olutionPembahasan Jawaban9Soal ini $enanyaan topi apa yan! aan $en3adi pe$ahasan pada para!rafselan3utnya. Anda $esti $enari esi$pulan secara tersirat (not directly stated).Cara $en3awa soal ini ialah den!an $elihat a!ian ahir dari ali$at ahir padapara!raf terahir.--? *hey continued to e nown for their eKorts at social refor$.sesuai den!an =6ays in which :uaers today show concern for others=

    /1. ro$ the passa!e, it can e inferred that the ;uritans were9(A) riends(B) persecuted(C) intolerant() eecutedPembahasan Jawaban9eyword dari pertanyaan ialah =;uritants=--? :uaers were persecuted y ;uritans. :uaers eperienced $uch ocial persecutedy ;uritans.ari ali$at dari accan yan! $e$uat =;uritants= ta$pa ahwa =;uritants= tida punyatoleransi y! ai (intolerant).

    //. *he word =penchant= in the line 1/ $ost nearly $eans9(A) appreciation(B) propensity(C) disinclination() propositionPembahasan Jawaban9penchant --? a liin! for, an en3oy$ent of, or a hait of doin! so$ethin!, especiallyso$ethin! that other people $i!ht not liepropensity --? a tendency towards a particular way of eha"in!, especially a ad onedisinclination --? a feelin! of not wantin! to do so$ethin!


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    Iurope was transfor$ed--in our perception, at least--into one of the solar syste$=s $ostintri!uin! worlds. *he i!!est initial surprise was the al$ost total lac of detail,especially fro$ far away. I"en at close ran!e, the only "isile features are thin, inedrown lines rese$lin! cracs in an e!!shell. And this analo!y is not far oK the $ar.

     *he surface of Iurope is al$ost pure water ice, ut a nearly co$plete asence of craters

    indicates that Iurope=s surface ice rese$les Iarth=s Antarctic ice cap. *he e!!shellanalo!y $ay e uite accurate since the ice could e as little as a few ilo$eters thic--atree shell around what is liely a susurface liuid ocean that, in turn, encases a rocycore. *he interior of Iurope has een ept war$ o"er the cons y tidal forces !eneratedy the "aryin! !ra"itational tu!s of the other i! $oons as they wheel around Mupiter. *he tides on Iurope pull and rela in an endless cycle. *he resultin! internal heat eepswhat would otherwise e ice $elted al$ost to the surface. *he craclie $ars onIurope=s icy face appear to e fractures where water or slush ooQes fro$ elow.

    Soon after Doya!er /=s encounter with Mupiter in 1GG, when the est i$a!es of Iuropewere otained, researchers ad"anced the startlin! idea that Iurope=s susurface ocean$i!ht haror life. @ife processes could ha"e e!un when Mupiter was releasin! a "aststore of internal heat. Mupiter=s early heat was produced y the co$pression of the

    $aterial for$in! the !iant planet. Must as the Sun is far less radiant today than the pri$alSun, so the internal heat !enerated y Mupiter is $inor co$pared to its for$er intensity.urin! this war$ phase, so$e .F illion years a!o, Iurope=s ocean $ay ha"e eenliuid ri!ht to the surface, $ain! it a crucile for life.

    1. 6hat does the passa!e $ainly discuss7(A) *he eKect of the tides on Iurope=s interior(B) *e$perature "ariations on Mupiter=s $oons(C) isco"eries leadin! to a theory aout one of Mupiter=s $oons() *echniues used y Doya!er / to otain close-up i$a!esPembahasan JawabanSill9 +ain #dea :uestion (;ertanyaan #de ;oo)Cara $en3awa ide poo ialah den!an $elihat ali$at perta$a setiap para!raf.

    /. *he word Lintri!uin!L in line E is closest in $eanin! to(A) chan!in!(B) perfect(C) "isile() fascinatin!Pembahasan JawabanSill9 Docaulary :uestion (;ertanyaan tentan! pe$aha$an osaata)Cara $en3awa soal osaata ialah den!an $enyesuaian ontes $ana ali$at dariosaata yan! ditanyaan.

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    (A) pro"ided $any contradictory statistics aout Iurope(B) considered Iurope the $ost i$portant of Mupiter=s $oons(C) did not e$phasiQe Iurope ecause little infor$ation of interest was a"ailale() did not $ention Iurope ecause it had not yet een disco"eredPembahasan Jawaban: Mawaan terdapat pada sea!ian esar para!raf perta$a.3urope is the s$allest of planet 5upiter4s four lar!est $oons and the second $oon out

    fro$ 5upiter. Until 166, it was 7ust another astrono$y te'too% statistic. #hen ca$e theclose-up i$a!es otained y the e'ploratory spacecraft 2oya!er *, and within days,3urope was transfor$ed--in our perception, at least--into one of the solar syste$4s $ostintri!uin! worlds. #he i!!est initial surprise was the al$ost total lac% of detail,especially fro$ far away.

    E. 6hat does the author $ean y statin! in line that Lthis analo!y is not far oK the$arL7(A) *he de2nition is not precise.(B) *he discussion lacs necessary infor$ation.(C) *he diKerences are proaly si!ni2cant.() *he co$parison is uite appropriate.Pembahasan Jawaban: ;aha$i ali$at dari phrase dan ali$at-ali$at seelu$nya.

    3"en at close ran!e, the only "isile features are thin, %in%ed rown lines rese$lin!crac%s in an e!!shell. And this analo!y is not far o the $ar%.

    F. #t can e inferred fro$ the passa!e that Iurope and Antarctica ha"e in co$$on whichof the followin!7(A) Both appear to ha"e a surface with $any craters.(B) Both $ay ha"e water eneath a thin, hard surface.(C) Both ha"e an ice cap that is $eltin! rapidly.() Both ha"e areas encased y a rocy eterior.Pembahasan Jawaban: co$plete asence (etul-etul tida ada)#he surface of 3urope is al$ost pure water ice, ut a nearly co$plete asence of cratersindicates that 3urope4s surface ice rese$les 3arth4s Antarctic ice cap.

    . *he word LendlessL in line 1 is closest in $eanin! to(A) new(B) 2nal(C) te$porary() continuous;e$ahasan Mawaan9 endless (ta eru3un!) O continuous (erelan3utan)

    8. Accordin! to the passa!e, what is the eKect of Mupiter=s other lar!e $oons on Iurope7(A) *hey pre"ent Iurope=s susurface waters fro$ freeQin!.(B) *hey pre"ent tides that could da$a!e Iurope=s surface.(C) *hey produce the "ery hard layer of ice that characteriQes Iurope.() *hey assure that the !ra"itational pull on Iurope is $aintained at a steady le"el.

    Pembahasan Jawaban9 Mawaan terdapat pada ali$at 5upiter4s early heat was produced y the co$pression of the $aterial for$in! the !iant planet.

    G Accordin! to the passa!e, what is elie"ed to cause the thin lines seen on Iuropassurface7(A) A lon! period of etre$ely hi!h tides(B) 6ater reain! throu!h fro$ eneath the surface ice(C) *he continuous pressure of slush on top of the ice() Jeat !enerated y the hot rocy core

    %et to its sheer siQe, the profound isolation of its $any s$all islands is the $ostdistincti"e feature of the ;aci2c 4cean. 4"er /E,000 islands are scattered across the

    surface of the ;aci2c, $ore than in all the other oceans co$ined, ut their land areaadds up to little $ore than 1/E,000 suare ilo$eters, aout the siQe of %ew Tor State,

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    and their inhaitants total less than two $illion people, aout a uarter of the nu$erthat li"e in %ew Tor City. *he oceanic islands of the ;aci2c are so$e of the $ost isolatedplaces on Iarth. +any are uninhaitale, y "irtue of their s$all siQe and particularcharacteristics, ut e"en the $ost fa"ored are "ery isolated fra!$ents of land, strictlycircu$scried y the ocean, strictly li$ited in ter$s of the nu$ers of people they cansupport. *his asic fact of en"iron$ental circu$stance has een the $ost per"asi"e

    in&uence in deter$inin! the social arran!e$ents, and cultural practices of the peoplethat settled in the ;aci2c #slands.

     *he peoplin! of the ;aci2c #slands has een descried as the !reatest feat of $ariti$ecoloniQation in hu$an history. Contrary to the conclusions of *hor Jeyerdahl=s on-*iiepedition of 1GF, the e"idence of plant dispersal, archaeolo!y, lin!uistics, and !eneticsnow shows uite conclusi"ely that the ;aci2c #slands were not populated fro$ tile east ySouth A$ericans who drifted on alsa-wood rafts and the pre"ailin! wind and current,ut fro$ the west, y !roups fro$ $ainland Asia who !radually spread fro$ island toisland out into the ;aci2c. *he process e!an o"er 0,000 years a!o and reached Iaster#sland the $ost isolated place on Iarth-aout 1.E00 years a!o. #t ended aout 1,000years a!o, when people 2rst settled in Jawaii and %ew ealand.

    Si$ply sur"i"in! those ocean crossin!s of indeter$inate len!th, in open canoes, to arri"eon the shores of uninhaited and hitherto unnown islands, was a for$idaleachie"e$ent. But ha"in! found an oasis of land in a watery wilderness, crossed its reef,and landed, on its shores, the sur"i"ors then faced a series of pressin! prole$s forwhich solutions had to e found uicly if the s$all !roup was to eco$e a "i!orous, self-sustainin! island population.

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    (A) South A$erica(B) Jawaii(C) %ew ealand() Asia

    osetta stone in the late ei!hteenth century. *he stonecarried the sa$e $essa!e written in ancient Pree, I!yptian hiero!lyphs, and I!yptianhieratic, a si$pli2ed for$ of hiero!lyphs. *he >osetta stone thwarted scholars= eKorts forse"eral decades until the early nineteenth century when se"eral ey hiero!lyphic phraseswere decoded usin! the Pree inscriptions. Unfortunately, we ha"e no 4ld Iuropean>osetta stone to chart correspondences etween 4ld Iuropean script and the lan!ua!es

    that replaced it.

     *i$ incursions of #ndo-Iuropean tries into 4ld Iurope fro$ the late 2fth to the earlythird $illennia B.C. caused a lin!uistic and cultural discontinuity. *hese incursionsdisrupted the 4ld Iuropean sedentary far$in! lifestyle that had eisted for

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    (B) #n&uences on the de"elop$ent of 4ld Iuropean script(C) Si$ilarities etween 4ld Iuropean script and other ancient writin! syste$s() I"ents leadin! to the disco"ery of 4ld Iuropean script

    /osetta stone was unearthed(C) As soon as additional ilin!ual inscriptions eca$e a"ailale to scholars() A few decades after the hieratic script was decoded

    /8. Accordin! to the passa!e, which of the followin! is true of the >osetta stone7(A) #t was found y scholars tryin! to decode ancient lan!ua!es.(B) #t contains two "ersions of hiero!lyphic script.(C) Se"eral of its inscriptions were decoded within a few $onths of its disco"ery.() +ost of its inscriptions ha"e still not een decoded.

    /G. *he word LthwartedL in line 1 is closest in $eanin! to(A) continued

    (B) in&uenced(C) encoura!ed() frustrated

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    (C) the use of the 4ld Iuropean script declined() the 4ld Iuropean culture sur"i"ed for a ti$e after the #ndo-Iuropean incursions

     *he chan!in! pro2le of a city in the United States is apparent in the shiftin! de2nitions

    used y the United States Bureau of the Census. #n 180 the census ociallydistin!uished the nation=s uran fro$ its rural population for the 2rst ti$e. Uranpopulation was de2ned as persons li"in! in towns of 8,000 inhaitants or $ore. But after1G00 it $eant persons li"in! in incorporated places ha"in! /,E00 or $ore inhaitants.

     *hen, in 1GE0 the Census Bureau radically chan!ed its de2nition of uran to taeaccount of the new "a!ueness of city oundaries. #n addition to persons li"in! inincorporated units of /,E00 or $ore, the census now included those who li"ed inunincorporated units of that siQe, and also all persons li"in! in the densely settled uranfrin!e, includin! oth incorporated and unincorporated areas located around cities ofE0,000 inhaitants or $ore. Iach such unit, concei"ed as an inte!rated econo$ic andsocial unit with a lar!e population nucleus, was na$ed a Standard +etropolitanStatistical Area (S+SA).

    Iach S+SA would contain at least (a) one central city with E0,000 inhaitants or $ore or() two cities ha"in! shared oundaries and constitutin!, for !eneral econo$ic and socialpurposes, a sin!le co$$unity with a co$ined population of at least E0,000, the s$allerof which $ust ha"e a population of at least 1E,000. Such an area included the county inwhich the central city is located, and ad3acent counties that are found to e $etropolitanin character and econo$ically and socially inte!rated with the county of the central city.By 1G0, aout two-thirds of the population of the United States was li"in! in theseuraniQed areas, and of that 2!ure $ore than half were li"in! outside the central cities.

    6hile the Census Bureau and the United States !o"ern$ent used the ter$ S+SA (y1GFG there were /

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    () E0,000

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    eperiences no eternal torue, it ou!ht not to e ale to twist around as it falls.

    #n the speed of its eecution, the ri!htin! of a tu$lin! cat rese$les a $a!ician=s tric. *he !yrations of the cat in $idair are too fast for the hu$an eye to follow, so the processis oscured. Iither the eye $ust e speeded up, or the cat=s fall slowed down for thepheno$enon to e oser"ed. A century a!o the for$er was acco$plished y $eans of

    hi!h-speed photo!raphy usin! euip$ent now a"ailale in any phar$acy. But in thenineteenth century the capture on 2l$ of a fallin! cat constituted a scienti2c eperi$ent.

     *he eperi$ent was descried in a paper presented to the ;aris Acade$y in 18G. *woseuences of twenty photo!raphs each, one fro$ the side and one fro$ ehind, show awhite cat in the act of ri!htin! itself. Prainy and uaint thou!h they are, the photos showthat the cat was dropped upside down, with no initial spin, and still landed on its feet.Careful analysis of the photos re"eals the secret ' As the cat rotates the front of its odyclocwise, the rear and tail twist counterclocwise, so that the total spin re$ains Qero, inperfect accord with %ewton=s laws. Jalfway down, the cat pulls in its le!s eforere"ersin! its twist and then etends the$ a!ain, with the desired end result. *heeplanation was that while no ody can acuire spin without torue, a &eile one canreadily chan!e its orientation, or phase. Cats now this instincti"ely, ut scientists could

    not e sure how it happened until they increased the speed of their perceptions athousandfold.

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     *he techniue of direct car"in! was a rea with the nineteenth-century tradition inwhich the $ain! of a clay $odel was considered the creati"e act and the wor was thenturned o"er to studio assistants to e cast in plaster or ronQe or car"ed in $arle.%eoclassical sculptors seldo$ held a $allet or chisel in their own hands, readilyconcedin! that the assistants they e$ployed were far etter than they were at car"in!the 2nished $arle.

    6ith the turn-of-the-century Crafts $o"e$ent and the disco"ery of nontraditionalsources of inspiration, such as wooden African 2!ures and $ass, there arose a new ur!efor hands-on, personal eecution of art and an interaction with the $ediu$. I"en asearly as the 1880=s and 18G0=s, nonconfor$ist Iuropean artists were atte$ptin! directcar"in!. By the second decade of the twentieth century, A$ericans W @aurent andorach $ost notaly W had adopted it as their pri$ary $eans of worin!.

    Born in rance, >oert @aurent(18G0-1G0)was a prodi!y who recei"ed his education inthe United States. #n 1G0E he was sent to ;aris as an apprentice to an art dealer, and inthe years that followed he witnessed the irth of Cuis$, disco"ered pri$iti"e art, andlearned the techniues of woodcar"in! fro$ a fra$e $aer.

    Bac in %ew Tor City y 1G10, @aurent e!an car"in! pieces such as *he ;riestess,which re"eals his fascination with African, pre-Colu$ian, and South ;aci2c art. *ain! awalnut plan, the sculptor car"ed the epressi"e, styliQed desi!n. #t is one of the earliestea$ples of direct car"in! in A$erican sculpture. *he plan=s for$ dictated the ri!idlyfrontal "iew and the low relief. I"en its irre!ular shape $ust ha"e appealed to @aurent asa rea with a lon!-standin! tradition that reuired a sculptor to wor within a perfectrectan!le or suare.

    1. *he word $ediu$in line E could e used to refer to(A) stone or wood(B) $allet and chisel(C) techniue

    () principle

    /. 6hat is one of the funda$ental principles of direct car"in!7(A) A sculptor $ust wor with talented assistants.(B) *he su3ect of a sculpture should e deri"ed fro$ classical stories.(C) *he $aterial is an i$portant ele$ent in a sculpture.() esi!nin! a sculpture is a $ore creati"e acti"ity than car"in! it.

    oert @aurent learn to car"e7(A) %ew Tor

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    (B) Africa(C) *he South ;aci2c() ;aris

    . *he phrase a rea with in line

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    F. *he author $entions the Unity *e$ple ecause it(A) was 6ri!ht=s 2rst uildin!(B) in&uenced the architecture of suseuent churches(C) de$onstrated traditional ecclesiastical architecture() was the lar!est church 6ri!ht e"er desi!ned

    . 6hich of the followin! state$ents est re&ects one of ran @loyd 6ri!ht=sarchitectural principles7(A) Beautiful desi!n is $ore i$portant than utility.(B) Icclesiastical architecture should e deri"ed fro$ traditional desi!ns.(C) A uildin! should 2t into its surroundin!s.() *he architecture of pulic uildin!s does not need to e re"olutionary.

    8. 6hich of the followin! is %4* $entioned as a type of structure ran @loyd 6ri!ht$ade 7(A) houses(B) factories(C) southern plantations

    () churches

    Kunci Jawaban

    1. B /. C

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    para!raf perta$a)--?;ara!raf 19 @ichens li"e where "irtually nothin! else can;ara!raf /9 @ichens are fa$ous for their aility to sur"i"e;ara!raf

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    --?@ichens are fa$ous for their aility to sur"i"e V water shorta!e. 6hen water is scarce (asis often the case on a $ountain), lichens $ay eco$e dor$ant and re$ain in thatcondition for prolon!ed periods of ti$e.

    F. 6hich of the followin! ter$ is de2ned in the passa!e7

    (A) LanchorsL (line E)(B) Lsta!nantL (line F)(C) LdewL (line 11)() Lultra"ioletL (line 1

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    ali$at-? colony O a !roup of ani$als, insects or plants of the sa$e type that li"e to!ether

    10. *he word LencounterL in line 1 is closest in $eanin! to(A) lose(B) support

    (C) $eet() createKunci Jawaban9 (B) +any lichens li"e to!ether in one area.Tipe Soal9 Docaulary in Contet :uestion (;ertanyaan ini $en!in!inan Anda$en!identi2asi arti dari ata yan! di!unaan dala$ passa!e)Cara Jawab9 (1)*e$uan sinoni$ dari ata yan! dipertanyaan' (/) Mia dala$ pilihan 3awaan terdapat leih dari 1 sinoni$, sesuaian $ana 3awaan den!an ontesali$at-? encounter O $eet O erte$u

    11. *he word LtheseL in line 1G refers to(A) partners(B) uds(C) lichens() ani$alsKunci Jawaban9 (B) udsTipe Soal9 >eference :uestion (;ertanyaan ini $en!in!inan Anda untu$en!identi2asi noun yan! di!anti $en3adi seuah pronoun N siapa atau apa yan!diru3u oleh ata !anti tertentu)Cara Mawa9 #deti2asi pronoun (ata !anti) -leta 3awaannya seelu$ pronoun.--?Stallie LudsL that for$ on certain lichens are roen oK y the wind or y ani$als'these toll or are lown to a new location

    After 18E, the production of children=s oos in the United States increased utre$ained lar!ely reprints of British oos, often those pulished y Mohn %ewery, the2rst pulisher to produce oos ai$ed pri$arily at di"ertin! a child audience. Ulti$ately,howe"er, it was not the cheerful, co$$ercial-$inded %ewery, ut An!lo-#rish author+aria Id!eworth who had the stron!est in&uence on this period of A$erican children=sliterature. *he ei!hteenth century had seen a !radual shift away fro$ the spiritualintensity of earlier A$erican reli!ious writin!s for children, toward a $ore !eneraliQed$oralis$. %ewery notwithstandin!, A$ericans still looed on children=s oos as"ehicles for instruction, not a$use$ent, thou!h they would accept a $oderate a$ountof 2ctional entertain$ent for the sae of $ore successful instruction. As the children=soo $aret epanded, then, what oth pulic and pulishers wanted was the ind of2ction +aria Id!eworth wrote9 stories interestin! enou!h to attract children and $orallyinstructi"e enou!h to allay adult distrust of 2ction.

    A$erican reaction a!ainst i$ported oos for children set in after the 6ar of 181/ withthe British. A wa"e of nationalis$ per$eated e"erythin!, and the self-conscious newnation found forei!n writin!s (particularly those fro$ the British $onarchy) unsuitale forthe children of a de$ocratic repulic, a slate of self-!o"ernin!, eual citiQens. ;ulishersof children=s oos e!an to encoura!e A$erican writers to write for A$erican children.6hen they responded, the pattern estalished y +aria Id!eworth was at hand,attracti"e to $ost of the$ for oth its rationalis$ and its hi!h $oral tone. Iarly in the18/0=s, stories of willful children learnin! to oey, of careless children learnin! to taecare, of sel2sh children learnin! to Ltire for others,L started to &ow fro$ A$ericanpresses, successfully achie"in! Id!eworth=s tone, thou!h rarely her li"ely style. #$itati"eas they were, these early A$erican stories were uite distin!uishale fro$ their Britishcounterparts. ew ser"ants appeared in the$, and if class distinctions had y no $eans

    disappeared, there was $uch de$ocratic insistence on the worthiness of e"ery le"el ofirth and wor. *he characters of children in this 2ction were serious, conscientious, self-

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    re&ecti"e, and independent-testi$ony to the continuin! in&uence of the earlier A$erican$oralistic tradition in children=s oos.

     1. 6hat does the passa!e $ainly discuss7(A) *he career of +aria Id!eworth as an author of children=s oos(B) *he de"elop$ent of children=s literature in the United States

    (C) Successful pulishers of children=s oos in Britain and %orth A$erica() Basic diKerences etween British and A$ericanKunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban9 (B) *he de"elop$ent of children=s literature in the United StatesTipe soal9 +ain #dea :uestionCara Jawab9 Cuup lihat aris perta$a setiap para!raf --?;ara!raf 19 After 18E, the production of children=s oos in the Untied Statesincreased ut re$ained lar!ely reprints of British oos ....;ara!raf /9 A$erican reaction a!ainst i$ported oos for children set in after the 6ar of181/ with the British.

    /. *he pulisher Mohn %ewery is principally nown for which of the followin! reasons7(A) Je produced and sold oos written y +aria Id!eworth.(B) Je had $ore in&uence on children A$erican children=s literature than any otherpulisher(C) Je pulished oos ai$ed at a$usin! children rather than instructin! the$.() Je was co$$ercially $inded and cheerful.Kunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban9 () Je was co$$ercially $inded and cheerful.Tipe soal9 actual #nfor$ation :uestion (learner di$inta uN $en!identi2asi infor$asispesi2 y! secara eplicit dita$pilan dala$ passa!e)Cara Jawab9 *e$uan ali$at yan! erisi infor$asi spesi2 sesuai yan! dinyataanpada pertanyaan -eyword9 5ohn ewery is principally %nown

    --?1. ... often those pulished y Mohn %ewery, the 2rst pulisher to produce oos ai$edpri$arily at di"ertin! a child audience./. it was not the cheerful, co$$ercial-$inded %ewery, ut An!lo-#rish author +ariaId!eworth who had the stron!est in&uence on this period of A$erican children=sliterature.

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    Kunci Jawaban9 (B) A$ericansTipe Soal9 >eference :uestion (;ertanyaan ini $en!in!inan Anda untu$en!identi2asi noun yan! di!anti $en3adi seuah pronoun N siapa atau apa yan!diru3u oleh ata !anti tertentu)Cara Mawa9 #deti2asi pronoun (ata !anti) -leta 3awaannya seelu$ pronoun.--?

    %ewery notwithstandin!, A$ericans still looed on children=s oos as "ehicles forinstruction, not a$use$ent, thou!h they would accept a $oderate a$ount of 2ctionalentertain$ent for the sae of $ore successful instruction.

    E. *he word LallayL in line 11 is closest in $eanin! to(A) clarify(B) attac(C) reduce() con2r$Kunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban9 (C) reduce

    Tipe Soal9 Docaulary in Contet :uestion (;ertanyaan ini $en!in!inan Anda$en!identi2asi arti dari ata yan! di!unaan dala$ passa!e)Cara Jawab9 (1)*e$uan sinoni$ dari ata yan! dipertanyaan' (/) Mia dala$ pilihan 3awaan terdapat leih dari 1 sinoni$, sesuaian $ana 3awaan den!an ontesali$at--? allay O reduce ($en!uran!i)

    F. #t can e inferred fro$ the passa!e that A$erican children=s oos sold efore 18Ewere al$ost always(A) written y +aria Id!eworth(B) attracti"e and interestin! to children(C) written y A$erican authors() intended only for reli!ious and $oral instruction

    Kunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban9 () intended only for reli!ious and $oral instructionTipe Soal9 #nference :uestion (learner di$inta uN $en!identi2asi infor$asi spesi2 y! *#A secara eplicit dita$pilan dala$ passa!e)Cara Jawab9 (1) Mia seuah eKect dinyataan dl passa!e, $aa y! diu3ian ialah cause.(/) Mia seuah co$parison dl passa!e, pertanyaan y! diu3ian asis of the co$parison.(eprintin! 2ctional oos fro$ earlier in the centuryKunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban9 (B) ;ulishin! literature consistin! of ecitin! stories that would appealto oth children and adultsTipe soal9 actual #nfor$ation :uestion (learner di$inta uN $en!identi2asi infor$asispesi2 y! secara eplicit dita$pilan dala$ passa!e)Cara Jawab9 *e$uan ali$at yan! erisi infor$asi spesi2 sesuai yan! dinyataan

    pada pertanyaan -eyword9 the end of ei!hteenth century -pulishers (USA) $ostconcerned

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    --As the children=s oo $aret epanded, then, what oth pulic and pulishers wantedwas the ind of 2ction +aria Id!eworth wrote9 stories interestin! enou!h to attractchildren and $orally instructi"e enou!h to allay adult distrust of 2ction.

    8. *he word Lper$eatedL in line 1E

    (A) opposed(B) i$pro"ed(C) co$peted with() spread throu!hKunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban9 () spread throu!hTipe Soal9 Docaulary in Contet :uestion (;ertanyaan ini $en!in!inan Anda$en!identi2asi arti dari ata yan! di!unaan dala$ passa!e)Cara Jawab9 (1)*e$uan sinoni$ dari ata yan! dipertanyaan' (/) Mia dala$ pilihan 3awaan terdapat leih dari 1 sinoni$, sesuaian $ana 3awaan den!an ontesali$at--? per$eated O spread trou!h ($enyear e seluruh)

    G. Accordin! to the passa!e, A$erican children=s stories diKered fro$ their Britisheui"alents in that the characters in A$erican stories were(A) children who showed a chan!e of eha"ior(B) children who were well eha"ed(C) rarely ser"ants() !enerally not fro$ a "ariety of social classesKunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban9 (C) rarely ser"antsTipe soal9 actual #nfor$ation :uestion (learner di$inta uN $en!identi2asi infor$asispesi2 y! secara eplicit dita$pilan dala$ passa!e)Cara Jawab9 *e$uan ali$at yan! erisi infor$asi spesi2 sesuai yan! dinyataan

    pada pertanyaan -eyword9 diered fro$--#$itati"e as they were, these early A$erican stories were uite distin!uishale fro$ theirBritish counterparts. ew ser"ants appeared in the$ ....ew erarti ha$pir tida ada atau 3aran! (rarely)

    10. *he wordL testi$ony toL in line /8 is closest in $eanin! to(A) inspiration for(B) e"idence of (C) reuire$ent for() de"elop$ent ofKunci & Pembahasan9

    Kunci Jawaban9 (B) e"idence of Tipe Soal9 Docaulary in Contet :uestion (;ertanyaan ini $en!in!inan Anda$en!identi2asi arti dari ata yan! di!unaan dala$ passa!e)Cara Jawab9 (1)*e$uan sinoni$ dari ata yan! dipertanyaan' (/) Mia dala$ pilihan 3awaan terdapat leih dari 1 sinoni$, sesuaian $ana 3awaan den!an ontesali$at--? testi$ony to (esassian) O e"idence of (uti)

     *he reasons for the etinction of a species, and for the rapid rates of chan!e in ouren"iron$ent, are currently a focus of $uch scienti2c research. An indi"idual species=susceptiility to etinction depends on at least two thin!s9 the taon (the iolo!ical !roup- in!do$, phylu$, class, order, fa$ily, or !enus) to which a species elon!s, and the

    o"erall rate of en"iron$ental chan!e. ossil e"idence shows that $ore $a$$als andirds eco$e etinct than do $olluss or insects. Studies of the etinction of the

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    dinosaurs and other reptiles durin! the Cretaceous ;eriod show that a chan!in!en"iron$ent aKects diKerent taa in diKerent ways. So$e $ay e dra$atically aKected'others less so.

     *he est way to answer the uestion of what causes an etinction is to co$ine 2elds ofinuiry and "iewpoints. Usin! the fossil record and historical docu$entation, the diKerent

    rates of etinction of "arious taa and diKerent responses to en"iron$ental chan!e cane detected. *hen, the e"olutionary de"elop$ent of the diKerent species can eco$pared and traits that $ay e disad"anta!eous can e sin!led out. inally,researchers can use $athe$atical for$ulas to deter$ine whether a population is lielyto adopt itself tY the chan!in! en"iron$ent or disappear. Jopefully, as $ore of thisinfor$ation is collected, specialists in diKerent 2elds -physiolo!ical and eha"ioralecolo!y, population ecolo!y, co$$unity ecolo!y, e"olutionary iolo!y and syste$atics,io!eo!raphy, and paleoiolo!y - will wor to!ether to $ae predictions aout theroader chan!es that $i!ht occur in the ecosyste$.

    1. 6hich of the followin! is the $ain topic of the passa!e7A. assess$ent of the wor of specialists concerned with ecolo!yB. a discussion of possile causes of etinction, and of ways to $ae predictions aout

    en"iron$ental chan!eC. the chan!in! aspects of our en"iron$ent. a co$parison of the eistin! rates of diKerent taa

    /. *he word susceptiility in line < is closest in $eanin! to9A. insensiti"ityB. recepti"enessC. i$$unity. "ulneraility

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    8. *he word 2elds in the line G is closest in $eanin! to9A. areasB. $eadowsC. studies. careers

    G. ro$ the passa!e it can e inferred that disad"anta!eous traits are9A. occurrin! at diKerent ratesB. a contriutin! cause of etinctionC. adaptale. learned y $athe$atical for$ulas

    10. *he epression sin!led out in line 1E is closest in $eanin! to9A. isolatedB. la$edC. seen. di"ided

    11. Accordin! to the passa!e, the lielihood of a population eco$in! etinct can e9A. lessened y the eKorts of a few concerned specialistsB. unaKected y en"iron$ental chan!eC. deter$ined y $athe$atical for$ulas. al$ost i$possile to ascertain

    1/. *he word roader in line /0 is closest in $eanin! to9A. fatterB. etraC. wider. $any

    Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan

    1. B. a discussion of possile causes of etinction, and of ways to $ae predictions aouten"iron$ental chan!e

    Pembahasan9 Soal ini yaitu terait soal $ain idea. Cara $en3awa soal se$aca$ inicuup den!n $e$aca ali$at perta$a setiap para!raf. Untu ela3ar leih 3auh teraitsill ini, li *ips +en3awa Soal >eadin! *4I@9 +ain #dea :uestion. ata unci uta$aterdapat pada #he reasons for the e'tinction of a species (9ara!raf 1) dan what causesan e'tinction  (;ara!raf /)

    /. . "ulnerailityPembahasan9 Cara $en3awa soal pertanyaan osaata seperti ini yaitu den!an$encari sinoni$ di pilihan 3awaan yan! sesuai den!an ontes ali$at.

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    F. C. possessed disad"anta!eous traits;e$ahasan9 Soal entu ini $asu dala$ ate!ori soal !mplied "etail #uestions -dimana $nda mesti men%impulan ide dari alimat atau e% word tertentu. Mawaan terdapat pada #hen, the e"olutionary de"elop$ent of the dierent species cane co$pared and traits that $ay e disad"anta!eous can e sin!led out.

    . A. stron!lyPembahasan9 Cara $en3awa soal pertanyaan osaata seperti ini yaitu den!an$encari sinoni$ di pilihan 3awaan yan! palin! sesuai den!an ontes ali$at.

    8. C. studiesPembahasan9 Cara $en3awa soal pertanyaan osaata seperti ini yaitu den!an$encari sinoni$ di pilihan 3awaan yan! palin! sesuai den!an ontes ali$at.

    G. B. a contriutin! cause of etinction;e$ahasan9 Soal entu ini $asu dala$ ate!ori soal !mplied "etail #uestions -dimana $nda mesti men%impulan ide dari alimat atau e% word tertentu. Mawaan terdapat pada the dierent rates of e'tinction of "arious ta'a and dierent

    responses to en"iron$ental chan!e can e detected. #hen, the e"olutionaryde"elop$ent of the dierent species can e co$pared and traits that $ay edisad"anta!eous can e sin!led out.

    10. isolatedPembahasan9 Cara $en3awa soal pertanyaan osaata seperti ini yaitu den!an$encari sinoni$ di pilihan 3awaan yan! palin! sesuai den!an ontes ali$at.

    11. C. deter$ined y $athe$atical for$ulas9e$ahasan9 Mawaan terdapat pada researchers can use $athe$atical for$ulas todeter$ine whether a population is li%ely to adopt itself t: the chan!in! en"iron$ent ordisappear.

    1/. C. widerPembahasan9 Cara $en3awa soal pertanyaan osaata seperti ini yaitu den!an$encari sinoni$ di pilihan 3awaan yan! palin! sesuai den!an ontes ali$at.

     *he locations of stars in the sy relati"e to one another do not appear to the naed eyeto chan!e, and as a result stars are often considered to e 2ed in position. +anyunaware star!aQers falsely assu$e that each star has its own per$anent ho$e in theni!htti$e sy.

    #n reality, thou!h, stars are always $o"in!, ut ecause of the tre$endous distancesetween stars the$sel"es and fro$ stars to Iarth, the chan!es are arely perceptile

    here. An ea$ple of a rather fast-$o"in! star de$onstrates why this $isconceptionpre"ails' it taes approi$ately /00 years for a relati"ely rapid star lie Bernard=s star to$o"e a distance in the sies eual to the dia$eter of the earth=s $oon. 6hen theapparently ne!li!ile $o"e$ent of the stars is contrasted with the $o"e$ent of theplanets, the stars are see$in!ly un$o"in!.

    1. 6hich of the followin! is the est title for this passa!e7a. 6hat the eye can see in the sy. Bernard=s starc. ;lanetary +o"e$entd. *he I"er$o"in! stars

    /. *he epression Lnaed eyeL in line 1 $ost proaly refers to

    a. a telescope. a scienti2c $ethod for oser"in! stars

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    c. unassisted "isiond. a ca$era with a powerful lens

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    irections9 #his section is desi!ned to $easure your aility to read and understand short passa!es si$ilar in topic and style to those that students are li%ely to encounter in orth A$erican uni"ersities and colle!es. #his section contains readin! passa!es anduestions aout the passa!es.

    @eonardo da Dinci was orn on April 1E, 1E/ in Dinci, #taly. Je was the ille!iti$ate son of Ser ;iero, a lorentine notary and landlord, ut li"ed on the estate and was treated as ale!iti$ate son.

    #n 18

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    c. dan!er

    d. pain

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    c. he was ille!iti$ate

    d. he couldnt draw

    8. *he word the% in the third para!raph refers to9

    a. the feathers

    . the irds

    c. the studies

    d. the win!s

    G. #n what year was the 2rst helicopter &own

    a. 18<

    . 1E/

    c. 1E1G

    d. 1G

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    E. d. orn out of wedloc

    F. c. para!raph E

    . a. $otors were not yet in"ented

    8. . the irds

    G. d. 1G

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    F. *he word o3ections in line is closest in $eanin! toA. protestsB. !oalsC. a!ree$ents. attles

    . #n line 8, the etchin!s areA. a type of paintin!B. the sa$e as a litho!raphC. an art for$ introduced y 6histler. an art for$ in"ol"in! en!ra"in!

    8. *he word asy$$etrical in line 11 is closest in $eanin! toA. proportionateB. une"enC. alanced. lyrical

    G. 6hich of the followin! is %4* true accordin! to the passsa!e7A. 6histler wor with a "ariety of art for$s.B. 6histlers +other is not the ocial na$e of his paintin!.C. 6histler is est nown for his etchin!s.. 6histlers +other is painted in so$er tones.

    10. where in the passa!e does the author $ention the types of artwor that 6histler wasin"ol"ed in7A. @ines 1-<B. @ines -EC. @ines F-. @ines 8-10

    Kunci Jawaban


    Caron tetrachloride is a colorless and in&a$$ale liuid that can e produced yco$inin! caron disul2de and chlorine. *his co$pound is widely used in industry todayecause of its eKecti"eness as a sol"ent as well as its use in the production ofpropellants.

    espite its widespread use in industry, caron tetrachloride has een anned for ho$euse. #n the past, caron tetrachloride was a co$$on in!redient in cleanin! co$poundsthat were used throu!hout the ho$e, ut it was found to e dan!erous9 when heated, itchan!es into a poisonous !as that can cause se"ere illness and e"en death if it is

    inhaled. Because of this dan!erous characteristic, the United States re"oed per$issionfor the ho$e use of caron tetrachloride in 1G0. *he United States has taen si$ilaraction with "arious other che$ical co$pounds.

    1. *he $ain point of this passa!e is thatA. caron tetrachloride can e "ery dan!erous when it is heatedB. the !o"ern$ent anned caron tetrachloride in 1G0C. althou!h caron tetrachloride can le!ally e used in industry, it is not allowed inho$e products.. caron tetrachloride used to e a re!ular part of cleanin! co$pounds

    /. *he word widely in line / could $ost easily e replaced yA. !randly

    B. etensi"elyC. lar!ely

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    . hu!ely

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    oose"elts >ou!h >iders were stationed there durin! the

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    Spanish-A$erican 6ar in 18G8. +uch of the prosperity of this re!ion is due to Tors ci!arfactory estalished $ore than one hundred years a!o.

    /. 6here is Tor City located7A. South loridaB. Cua

    C. 6est lorida. +arti

    eturn toC. i!ht. dise$ody

    . *he word see in line F is closest in $eanin! toA. ;urchaseB. ;ursueC. Ilude

    . de"elop

    E. 6hy will people proaly continue to re$e$er Tors na$e7A. Je suKered a !reat dealB. An area was na$ed in his honorC. Je was a Cuan re"olutionary. Je was forced to &ee his ho$eland

    F. #n line 1/, the word &oced is closest in $eanin! toA. Ca$e in lar!e nu$ersB. Iscaped hurriedlyC. #ncreased rapidly. ;rospered !reatly

    . #n the early years, how $any residents of Tor City wored in the ci!ar factoryA. ,000B. E,000C. 10,000. /0,000

    8. 6hat is the est title for the passa!e7A. *he Spanish-A$erican 6arB. Cuan Contriutions in the e"elop$ent of Tor CityC. Tors Contriution to de"elopin! part of the *a$pa Area. *he ;rocess of Ci!ar +anufacturin!

    G. #n line 8, site is closest in $eanin! toA. @ocationB. DiewC. Dision. #ndetedness

    E0. 6ho was Mose $artiA. A !ood friend of TorB. 4ne of *eddy >oose"elts >ou!h >idersC. A Cuan writer who sou!ht to free his country. A worer in the ci!ar factory

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    Pembahasan Kunci Jawaban Soal T'()*

    /. Soal ini $enanyaan di $ana loasi Tor City. ari ali$at LSiteen years later, laorunion prole$s in ey 6est caused hi$ to see a etter location alon! the west coast ofthe stateL dapat dietahui ahwa loasi dari Tor City terleta di 6est lorida. Jawaban%ang benal ialah pilihan C.

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    A. aristocracyB. Bra"eC. intellectuals. $uscular

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    $enandaan ada oran! e ti!a yan! diperintahan atau ertu!as untu $enaruh oli"ewreaths di atas epala $erea. #n!at pela3aran Causati"e (Ja"e [ 43ect [ D###). Madi, 3awaan yan! enar yaitu jawaban $ inners placed oli/e wreaths on their ownheads0.

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    twentieth century when ;ana$a taes its duties.

    11. 6ho currently controls the ;ana$a Canal7A. rance B. United States C. ;ana$a . Canal one

    1/. *he word \locs in line F is closest in $eanin! toA. Securities B. latches C. laes . canal !ates


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    (A) a refri!erator for the ani$al ody(B) a $ethod of onin! $eat(C) electrical sti$ulation of eef () early ecision

    F. #n the line 11, Learly ecisionL is closest in $eanin! to

    (A) "acuu$ paca!in!(B) hot onin!(C) carcass chillin!() electrical sti$ulation

    . *he tou!henin! of $eat durin! hot onin! has een co$atted y(A) followin! hot onin! with electrical sti$ulation(B) tenderiQin! the $eat(C) usin! electrical sti$ulation efore hot onin!() re$o"in! only the edile $uscle and fat preri!or

    8. *he word Lo"ineL in line < is nearest in $eanin! to(A) cold

    (B) electrically sti$ulated(C) eef () por

    G. *he word LthisL in line 1F refers to(A) hot onin!(B) hot onin! followin! electrical sti$ulation(C) ri!or $ortis() re$o"in! edile $uscle and fat preri!or

    10. #n line

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     3awaan ita lihat ahwa pilihan *ou!hness of $eat $erupaan drawac darihot onin! ($etode pen!!anti con"entional $ethod). Se$entara pilihan lain A, B,dan C $erupaan drawac dari con"entional $ethod.

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    A. *he %eolithic A!eB. *he ;aleolithic A!eC. *he stone A!e. *he #ce A!e

    G. 6hich of the followin! est descries the +esolithic a!e7

    A. ;eople were in"enti"eB. ;eople stayed indoors all the ti$eC. ;eople were warriors. ;eople were crude

    10. #n line 1, the word eras is closest in $eanin! toA. a$iliesB. ;eriodsC. Jerds. *ools

    4. Pemabahasan Kunci Jawaban

    E. 1. Mawaan yan! sesuai tet yaitu 3awaan B. Madi ;eriode Stone A!e dia!i edala$ < $asa9 $asa ;aleolithic, +esolithic, dan %eolithic.

    /. Mawaan yan! palin! $irip $ananya den!an ata deri"ed yaitu ori!inated.eri"ed dan ori!inated dala$ onte ali$at #ts na$e was deri"ed fro$ the stoneer$na erasal dari.

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    10. *es dari awal $e$ahas tentan! periods. Madi eras palin! deat $ananyaden!an periods.

    SIC*#4% <

    >IA#%P C4+;>IJI%S#4%

    Time-55 minutes

    including the reading o, the directions0

    6ow set %our cloc ,or 55 minutes.

     *his section is desi!ned to $easure the aility to read and understand short passa!essi$ilar in topic and style to those found in %orth A$erican uni"ersities and colle!es.

    "irections9 #n this section you will read se"eral passa!es. Iach one is followed y anu$er of uestions aout it. Tou are to choose the one est answer, A, B, C or , toeach uestion. *hen, on your answer sheet, 2nd the nu$er of the uestion and 2ll inthe space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you ha"e chosen.

    Answer all uestions aout the infor$ation in a passa!e on the asis of what is stated ori$plied in that passa!e.

    >ead the followin! passa!e9

     Mohn :uincy Ada$s, who ser"ed as the sith president of the United States fro$ 18/E to18/G, is today reco!niQed for his $asterful states$anship and diplo$acy. Je dedicated

    his life to pulic ser"ice, oth in the presidency and in the "arious other political ocesthat he held. *hrou!hout his political career he de$onstrated his unswer"in! elief infreedo$ of speech, the antisla"ery cause, and the ri!ht of A$ericans to e free fro$Iuropean and Asian do$ination.

    Example I

     *o what did Mohn :uincy Ada$s de"ote his life7

    (A) #$pro"in! his personal life(B) Ser"in! the pulic

    (C) #ncreasin! his fortune() 6orin! on his pri"ate usiness

    Accordin! to the passa!e, Mohn :uincy Ada$s Ldedicated his life to pulic ser"ice.L *herefore, you should choose (B).

    Example II

    #n line , the word Lunswer"in!L is closest in $eanin! to

    (A) $o"ale(B) insi!ni2cant(C) unchan!in!

    () diplo$atic

     *he passa!e states that Mohn :uincy Ada$s de$onstrated his unswer"in! elief

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    Lthrou!hout his career.L *his i$plies that the elief did not chan!e. *herefore, you shouldchoose (C).

    %ow e!in wor on the uestions.

    #uestions 7-8

    Caron tetrachloride is a colorless and in&a$$ale liuid that can e produced yco$inin! caron disul2de and chlorine. *his co$pound is widely used in industry todayecause of its eKecti"eness as a sol"ent as well as its use in the production ofpropellants.

    espite its widespread use in industry, caron tetrachloride has een anned for ho$euse. #n the past, caron tetrachloride was a co$$on in!redient in cleanin! co$poundsthat were used throu!hout the ho$e, ut it was found to e dan!erous9 when heated, itchan!es into a poisonous !as that can cause se"ere illness and e"en death if it isinhaled. Because of this dan!erous characteristic, the United States re"oed per$issionfor the ho$e use of caron tetrachloride in 1G0. *he United States has taen si$ilaraction with "arious other che$ical co$pounds.

    1. *he $ain point of this passa!e is thatA. caron tetrachloride can e "ery dan!erous when it is heatedB. the !o"ern$ent anned caron tetrachloride in 1G0C. althou!h caron tetrachloride can le!ally e used in industry, it is not allowed in ho$eproducts.. caron tetrachloride used to e a re!ular part of cleanin! co$pounds

    /. *he word widely in line / could $ost easily e replaced yA. !randlyB. etensi"elyC. lar!ely. hu!ely

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    C. instituted. too away

    8. #t can e inferred fro$ the passa!e that one role of the U.S. !o"ern$ent is toA. re!ulate product safetyB. prohiit any use of caron tetrachloride

    C. instruct industry on cleanin! $ethodolo!ies. an the use of any che$icals

    G. *he para!raph followin! the passa!e $ost liely discussesA. additional uses of caron tetrachlorideB. the annin! of "arious che$ical co$pounds y the U.S. !o"ern$entC. further dan!erous eKects of caron tetrachloride. the $a3or characteristic of caron tetrachloride

    #uestions 79-78

     *he net artist in this sur"ey of A$erican artist is Ma$es 6histler' he is included in thissur"ey of A$erican artist ecause he was orn in the United States, althou!h the$a3ority of his artwor was co$pleted in Iurope. 6histler was orn in +assachusetts in18

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    C. worin! class. $ilitary

    1E. *he word o3ections in line is closest in $eanin! toA. protestsB. !oals

    C. a!ree$ents. attles

    1F. #n line 8, the etchin!s areA. a type of paintin!B. the sa$e as a litho!raphC. an art for$ introduced y 6histler. an art for$ in"ol"in! en!ra"in!

    1. *he word asy$$etrical in line 11 is closest in $eanin! toA. proportionateB. une"enC. alanced

    . lyrical

    18. 6hich of the followin! is %4* true accordin! to the passsa!e7A. 6histler wor with a "ariety of art for$s.B. 6histlers +other is not the ocial na$e of his paintin!.C. 6histler is est nown for his etchin!s.. 6histlers +other is painted in so$er tones.

    1G. where in the passa!e does the author $ention the types of artwor that 6histler wasin"ol"ed in7A. @ines 1-<B. @ines -EC. @ines F-. @ines 8-10

    #uestions 9-;9

     *he locations of stars in the sy relati"e to one another do not appear to the naed eyeto chan!e, and as a result stars are often considered to e 2ed in position. +anyunaware star!aQers falsely assu$e that each star has its own per$anent ho$e in theni!htti$e sy.

    #n reality, thou!h, stars are always $o"in!, ut ecause of the tre$endous distancesetween stars the$sel"es and fro$ stars to Iarth, the chan!es are arely perceptilehere. An ea$ple of a rather fast-$o"in! star de$onstrates why this $isconceptionpre"ails' it taes approi$ately /00 years for a relati"ely rapid star lie Bernard=s star to

    $o"e a distance in the sies eual to the dia$eter of the earth=s $oon. 6hen theapparently ne!li!ile $o"e$ent of the stars is contrasted with the $o"e$ent of theplanets, the stars are see$in!ly un$o"in!.

    /0. 6hich of the followin! is the est title for this passa!e7a. 6hat the eye can see in the sy. Bernard=s starc. ;lanetary +o"e$entd. *he I"er$o"in! stars

    /1. *he epression Lnaed eyeL in line 1 $ost proaly refers toa. a telescope. a scienti2c $ethod for oser"in! stars

    c. unassisted "isiond. a ca$era with a powerful lens

  • 8/8/2019 Soal Tes TOEFL Dan Pembahasan Jawaban Reading


    //. Accordin! to the passa!e, the distances etween the stars and Iarth area. arely perceptile. hu!ec. 2edd. $oderate


  • 8/8/2019 Soal Tes TOEFL Dan Pembahasan Jawaban Reading


    di"orces are ein! !ranted on a no-fault asis.

    ;roponents of no-fault di"orces ar!ue that when a $arria!e fails, it is rarely the case thatone $arria!e partner is co$pletely to la$e and the other la$eless. A failed $arria!eis $uch $ore often the result of $istaes y oth partners.

    Another ar!u$ent in fa"or of no-fault di"orce is that pro"in! fault in court, in a pulicarena, is a destructi"e process that only ser"es to len!then the di"orce process and thatdra$atically increases the ne!ati"e feelin!s present in a di"orce. #f a couple can reach adecision to di"orce without 2rst decidin! which partner is to la$e, the di"orcesettle$ent can e ne!otiated $ore easily and euitaly and the postdi"orce healin!process can e!in $ore rapidly.

  • 8/8/2019 Soal Tes TOEFL Dan Pembahasan Jawaban Reading


    c. introducin!d. resultin!

    e"olution, the two est-nown and $ost in&uential writers, Benranlin and *ho$as ;aine, were oth stron!ly supporti"e of that cause.

    Ben ranlin 2rst attained popular success throu!h his writin!s in his rother=snewspaper, the %ew In!land Current. #n these articles he used a si$ple style oflan!ua!e and co$$on sense ar!u$entation to defend the point of "iew of the far$erand the @eather Apron $an. Je continued with the sa$e co$$on sense practicality andappeal to the co$$on $an with his wor on ;oor >ichard=s Al$anac fro$ 1

  • 8/8/2019 Soal Tes TOEFL Dan Pembahasan Jawaban Reading


    . #t is i$plied in the passa!e thata. so$e writers in the A$erican colonies supported In!land durin! the >e"olution. ranlin and ;aine were the only writers to in&uence the >e"olutionc. ecause *ho$as ;aine was an In!lish$an, he supported In!land a!ainst the coloniesd. authors who supported In!land did not re$ain in the colonies durin! the >e"olution

    E. *he pronoun LheL in line 8 refers toa. *ho$as ;aine. Ben ranlinc. Ben ranlin=s rotherd. ;oor >ichard

    F. *he epression Lpoint of "iewL in line G could est e replaced ya. perspecti"e. si!htc. circu$stanced. trait

    . Accordin! to the passa!e, the tone of ;oor >ichard=s Al$anac isa. pra!$atic. eruditec. theoreticald. scholarly

    8. *he word LdesperateL in line 1F could est e replaced ya. unendin!. hopelessc. strate!icd. co$ati"e

    G. 6here in the passa!e does the author descrie *ho$as ;aine=s style of writin!7a. lines -F. lines 8-Gc. lines 1-1Ed. lines 18-/0

    E0. *he purpose of the passa!e is toa. discuss A$erican literature in the 2rst half of the ei!hteen century. !i"e io!raphical data on two A$erican writersc. eplain which authors supported the >e"olutiond. descrie the literary in&uence durin! re"olutionary A$erica

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