social media and academic medicine: dangerous liaisons?

Post on 21-Nov-2014






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Why I think it's important for academic physicians and researchers to have a presence on Social Media. This is a compilation of talks that I have given while on sabbatical in the Bay Area and Grand Rounds at University of Michigan Noun Project citations: Jerry Wang


Joyce Lee, MD, MPH

Twitter: @joyclee

Social Media & Academic Medicine:

Dangerous Liaisons?

Ok, that was a

provocative title to

get your attention

The real title of

the talk is:

“10 Reasons why

you should

consider using

social media”

My Disclosure:

I am currently Social Media Editor

for JAMA Pediatrics

But first, what is

social media?

Social Media

Web-based and mobile technologies used to turn communication into

interactive dialogue between organizations, communities, and


Social Media

What is Twitter?

It’s a microblogging platform,

a place to have a conversation

How do you use Twitter?

First, set up your profile:

Who are you?

What do you care about?

An Unengaging Profile

“Who is this egghead?”

An Engaging Profile (s/p a social media intervention)

Show people what you care about and how to learn more about you

To tweet, hit this button


You only have 140 characters to say something


Share something that you think is interesting


Include a link to provide more comprehensive information

Use a link shortener to save space

Use #hashtags

#Hashtags are used by the community to label groups and topics

#mhealth = mobile health

Follow individuals on Twitter; and they can also follow you.

Use mentions to reach out to specific individuals

Retweet someone else’s tweet

Retweets are like citations

“RT”- A reposting of someone else’s tweet “MT” – A reposting and modification of

someone else’s tweet “H/T” – “Hat tip” to recognize the source of

information you found

So now you know how to use

Social Media, but why would a doctor use it?

You don’t feel like tweeting your morning breakfast

You’re not Miley Cyrus

You have better things to do than put your math skills on display

Neither are you mother monster (Lady Gaga)

You don’t make cakes to resemble the papers that you


You are not a celebrity doctor

Plus, haven’t you heard that “social media and medicine

is a dangerous mix”?

60% of US medical schools reported incidents of students posting unprofessional online content 13% reported violations of patient confidentiality 52% reported student use of profanity 48% reported frankly discriminatory language 39% reported depiction of intoxication 28% reported sexually suggestive material

JAMA, 2012

“Professionalism and social media can be an uneasy mix...”

BMJ, 2012

but there are a few principles to follow as a physician

on social media

If you have a personal account, separate it from your professional one


Dr. Joyce Lee Associate Professor

by day

Lady Gaga by night

“Don’t Lie, Don’t Pry Don’t Cheat, Can’t Delete Don’t Steal, Don’t Reveal”"

Follow the 12-word Social Media Policy from the Mayo


Remember HIPAA!

-Dave Ekrem

Don’t talk about patients, even in general terms

If you wouldn’t say it in an elevator, don’t say it online

Why should you consider taking the plunge?

First: To follow movements and

people that can help inform your work/research

I follow the Quantified Self Movement since I am interested in Mobile Technology

Mood Tracker

Heart Rate Recorder

GPS Logger

Sleep Monitor

Calorie Counter


I follow the hashtag: #quantifiedself

I followed the Quantified Self Conference hashtag to learn the highlights: #qs2012

I engage in real-time conversations through a Tweetchat: #qschat

Wow, quantified self already has a curated guide of 500+ tracking tools!

Super useful for my research

And I discovered Eli from,

who is teaching me a ton about user

research, motivational

visualizations and email campaigns

Because I follow #dataviz people, I found this meetup

and stumbled upon d3, a powerful visualization tool

d3 is what we will be using to create web-based visual dashboards for our

mobile technology work

Check out this first prototype There are many more to come!

Google “Healthcare Hashtag Project” to find hashtags, conferences, tweetchats

of interest to you

Also, consider following some of the great curators, like Patricia Anderson

who tweets and blogs

Because of her, I found this great article about #mhealth uses of urine

Which led to my discovery of “extreme” uses of #mhealth, which I

may not want to replicate

Second: To crowdsource solutions to your research problems

and find collaborators

I asked @pfanderson this question on Twitter

She asked the question on the #hcsm tweetchat and used Storify to curate the content so that I could have real-

world examples for my talk

Here is an example of the traditional way to seek help: Go Local

They kindly responded….

But when I downloaded the app I wasn’t sure what this meant

So I tried colleagues on Twitter instead

And they responded in less than 45 minutes

Because of Twitter, I was able to connect with Deb Estrin

Which lead to grant submissions, &…

Where I met Margie Morris, PhD, Clinical Psychologist and Senior Researcher at

Intel, who visited me while in the Bay Area

And then introduced me to Wendy Ju, PhD Director of the Stanford Design Research Lab,

with whom I am collaborating on design research and designing innovative mobile interfaces

Attending the invite-only Computing Community Consortium Meeting (NIH/NSF)

Third: To provide you with

information to help with your traditional research endeavors

We could not have written this paper with Pubmed alone

the cycle of publishing is too slow to have relevant real-time information

compared with


I follow @MobiHealthNews on Twitter, whose site gave us the relevant

information we needed

Fourth: To provide you with tools to

help with your traditional research endeavors

11:23 AM

11:41 AM

11:49 AM

12:07 PM

With social media, the task took less than 1 hour! (It would have been

30 hours to do by hand)

Is an amazing and generous community of individuals

always willing to help

As you can see,

Fifth: To translate your research

Check out this blog post:

“Research (by two blogging economists at the World Bank) suggests that academic papers cited by bloggers are far more likely to be

downloaded. Blogging economists are regarded more highly than non-bloggers with

the same publishing record.”

An increasing number of scholars are on Twitter, leading to…

Guidance on

And guidance on how to cite a Tweet

Sixth: Unexpected Networking

I met @DCDelMonte virtually through @DoctorNatasha,

who I know virtually

And you can even meet people in your own institution!

Shortly after following our Chief

Information Officer @sgschade on Twitter

She followed me

I was invited to speak at a

Design Conference (an MD at a

design conference?)

•  Media Interviews

•  Workshop Presentations

•  Lecture Invitations

•  Committee Invitations

•  Grant Opportunities

•  Dissemination

Vineet Arora talks about “Twitter to Tenure: 7 ways social media

advances my career”


@aaronecarroll is often cited by Paul Krugman

Seventh: To create new

opportunities for education and engagement

The editor in chief is now tweeting

The monthly clinical case challenge

Is now on Twitter

And creates a conversation

There are Journal Clubs happening exclusively on Twitter, like @iurojc who call themselves

the Uro-Twitterati

Eighth: To be part of a larger dynamic and real-time conversation that

can lead to new ways of approaching clinical care and


I witnessed the most amazing example of use of mobile

technology and social media by following @HugoOC,

a heroic patient advocate

Ninth: Your Patients

To share insights with your patients before they arrive to

clinic, so that you can start the conversation in a different place…

Check out @SeattleMamaDoc and @DoctorNatasha

To learn from your patients

I learn so much about diabetes from the Diabetes Online Community (DOC)

Glucose Sensor + Flovent = Rash-free?

iSeismometer iPhone app + CGM on nightstand = effective alarm

To understand the needs of the patient community & connect patients with

online peer support

“The diabetes online community may serve many communication purposes, but at the core, it’s built for connecting

people to people…Social media has saved lives in the diabetes community. It has helped people who are struggling with their diabetes to take control and

improve their health” -Kerri Sparling

We will fail in our mission to perform important and relevant research and to

improve clinical care, if we do not:

Tenth, finally,

a personal story

My kids have multiple severe food allergies, with reactions

leading to anaphylaxis and trips to the ER

See the allergy action plan that we were given, in serious need of

a design makeover

How was I going to communicate this to the teacher in a face to face

encounter lasting <30 sec? @science2020

Inspired by other social media teaching tools, my son B and I put together allergy videos to teach

his caregivers

The first week of school his teacher broadcast it during

announcements to the entire school of 700+

students & 40 teachers

Design Workshop

Then @dennisjboyle of IDEO showed it to 60+ Health Tech

Entreprenuers/Clinicians/Researchers at the

Then @SeattleMamaDoc posted a blog about it and tweeted it to her 10,000+

Twitter Followers

And then @SusannahFox wrote a blog post about it

and tweeted it to her 10,000+ Twitter


Now that’s the power of social media:

The lessons of a 6 year old boy propagating through the


I now write the URL for B’s blog on

all the school forms

Social Media is not going away

Questions? @joyclee

Thanks to: Hyoung O. Lee, MD, Heeja Lee, E, B, & S,

Valerie Castle, MD, Sarah Clark, MPH, Matthew Davis, MD, MAPP, Gary Freed, MD, MPH, James Gurney, PhD, William Herman, MD, MPH, Ram Menon, MD, Paul Wise, MD, MPH,

Patricia Anderson & the DOC

NIDDK K08DK082386

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