social psychology project one

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Name : Lim Yang Kang

Student ID: 0320538

Group/Session: Monday 9am

Subject and Course: Social Psychology (PSYC0103)

Assignment 1- Individual Journal

Submission date: 27-4-2015

Entry 1:

Chapter 1: Social loafing

What is social loafing? Social loafing can be define as tendency of certain members

of a group to get by with less effort than what they would have put when working alone.

In my experiences, my friend is a swimmer who feels that other players aren’t as

good as they are however are receiving more praise than them. This could also as act as a

motivational downfall, the swimmer will feel less happy to put extra work in when praise

isn’t equally rewarded. Another reason for this may be contracts, a swimmer who has a 5

year contract may feel less motivated to perform than someone on a 1 year contract due to

the security a contract will provide them with, this may in turn cause them to social loaf and

rely on other members to perform.

Entry 2:

Chapter 1: Social facilitation

What is social facilitation? Social facilitation is the idea that you will likely do better

on a simple task when other people are watching you. However, you would tend to do less

well on complex tasks where you were being watched or evaluated.

In my experiences, when I was eleven years old, I was asked by the teacher to

perform a relatively easy task, that is cleaning up a common work area. Social facilitation

theory says that I would be likely to go the extra steps to put everything in its place and

make the area very tidy if there were people watching me while I was working. But, if I was

doing this same task after few minutes, when the teacher had leaves the classroom, I

might not be as attentive to all the details.

Entry 3:

Chapter 2: Motivation

What is motivation? The definition of motivation is gleaned from a variety of

psychology textbooks and reflect the general consensus that motivation is an internal state

or condition that serves to activate or energize behavior and give it direction. In general,

explanations regarding the source of motivation can be categorized as either extrinsic

(outside the person) or intrinsic (internal to the person).  Intrinsic sources and

corresponding theories can be further sub-categorized as either physical, mental such as

cognitive and emotional or spiritual.

In my experience for the extrinsic motivation is when I was standard six and this

was a very important year for me, because it was the Primary School Evaluation Test

(UPSR). My parents promise me that if I get a good result in the exam and their will give

me a reward. Because of that motivation, I study hard everyday and I hope that I can get a

good result. Finally, I get a good result in the exam and my parents fulfil their promise.

On the other hand, in my experience for the intrinsic motivation is I am a guy who

like to involved in community service for example visit to the old folks’ home or become a

volunteer in Zoo Negara. So when during the secondary school, I join the service club

called Leo Club. Enjoy to be a part of this club, this is because I can attend the service

activities that organised by them and learnt a lot of things from the club.

Entry 4:

Chapter 2: Attribution

What is attribution? Attribution is proposes that the attributions people make about

events and behavior can be classed as either internal or external. In an internal, or

dispositional, attribution, people infer that an event or a person’s behavior is due to

personal factors such as traits, abilities, or feelings. In an external, or situational,

attribution, people infer that a person’s behavior is due to situational factors.

In my experience,when I was driving my car in the town and my car suddenly

broken down. For the internal attribution, I believes that it will happened because of I forgot

to repair my car but one of the reason my car will broken is because my car is old, I am

making on external attribution.

Entry 5:

Chapter 5: ABCs model of attitude

Every attitude has three components that are represented in what is called the ABC

model of attitudes: A for affective, B for behavioral, and C for cognitive. Although every

attitude has these three components, any particular attitude can be based on one

component more than another.What is ABCs attitude? Affective component refers to the

emotional reaction one has toward an attitude object. The next component of an attitude is

behavioral component, and it refers to the way one behaves when exposed to an attitude

object. The third and final component of an attitude is the cognitive component, and it

refers to the thoughts and beliefs one has about an attitude object.

In my experiences, I have ophidiophobia (a phobia of snakes). So that, when I saw

the snake, I will felt fear and anxiety. For the behavioral component, if I does see one, I will

screams, tremble and run way. Because I think that all the snakes are dangerous and

gross. Beyond the physical and emotional reactions of my phobia, there is also this

cognitive component of my attitude.

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