sol review powerpoint by gretchen macilwaine. who was the monarch of france leading up to the...

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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SOL Review PowerpointBy Gretchen MacIlwaine

• Who was the monarch of France leading up to the revolution?

• Louis XVI

• How was the social structure of France set up before the revolution?

• The three estates

• Who made up the First Estates?

• The clergy of the Catholic church, they paid no taxes.

• Who made up the second estate?

• The Nobility, they paid little in taxes.

• Who made up the Third Estate?

• Everyone else. 97% of the populations, paid very little taxes.

• Why was the Three Estates system unfair?

• Each estate had the same voting power in the government, the 1st and 2nd could always outvote the 3rd.

• The third estate rebelled and began the revolution when they attacked and captured what building in paris?

• The Bastille.

• During the revolution, what was the period of time called when enemies of the revolution were arrested and executed?

• The Reign of Terror.

• Who was responsible for leading the Reign Of Terror?

• Maximillien Robespierre.

• What happened to King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette?

• Beheaded on the guillotine.

• What document was created that guaranteed certain rights to some people in France?

• The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.

• The ideals of what movement were used to justify the revolution?

The Enlightenment.

• In 1799, who rose to power in France?

• Napoleon

• Why did the people of France support Napoleon?

• He was a popular war hero and promised peace and stability after the 10 years of chaos and revolution.

• What was the name of the law code Napoleon created?

• The Napoleonic Code.

• What made the Napoleonic Code different than previous law systems?

• Everyone was equal before the law.

• With the start of the Napoleonic Wars, what was Napoleons ultimate goal?

• The unification of Europe under French domination.

• In 1812, Napoleon invaded what country?

• Russia

• What strategy did the Russians use against Napoleon?

• Scorched-earth

• What does scorched earth mean?

• Burn or destroy anything that could be of use to the invading army. Draw the French deep into Russia and wait for winter to hit.

• Following his defeat in Russia, France was invaded and Napoleon was exiled to Elba. He escaped and was finally defeated where?

• Waterloo

• What was the legacy of Napoleon?

• Napoleonic Code, better roads in Europe, rise of Nationalism in Europe, end of Holy Roman Empire.

• What was the peace conference after Napoleon called?

• The Congress of Vienna.

• The Congress of Vienna was controlled by people who wanted to restore Europe to how it had been before Napoleon. What were they called?

• Reactionaries

• The Congress of Vienna wanted to make it so that one country would not be more powerful than others. What is this called?

• Balance of Power

• What happened to the government in France as a result of the Congress of Vienna?

• Monarchy restored with Louis XVIII.

• The Congress of Vienna redrew the map of Europe. What country did not get restored?

• The Holy Roman Empire.

• Two new political philosophies began to emerge in the years after Napoleon. What were they?

• Liberalism and Conservatism.

• What are the main ideas of liberalism?

• Things should change and move forward based on new ideas.

• What are the main ideas of conservatism?

• Things should stay how they are, or go back to the way they were before.

• What two countries unified in the late 1800’s, partially as a result of the increased nationalism begun under Napoleon?

• Germany and Italy.

• Who led German unification?

• Otto Von Bismarck.

• What methods did Bismarck use to get the people to support unification?

• He appealed to their sense of nationalism and started wars with Austria and France.

• Who led the unification of Italy?

• Giuseppe Garibaldi and Count Cavour.

• What areas did each of them help unify?

• Cavour united Northern Italy, Garibaldi united the South and then led the joining of North and South.

• What was Realpolitik?

• Bismarck’s philosophy of using whatever means are necessary to achieve his goals.

• Latin America was controlled by what European countries?

• Spain, France, Portugal.

• What was the dominant religion in Latin America?

• Roman Catholic.

• How was the class structure set up?

Viceroys - colonial officers

Creoles – Mixed descent

Mestizo - Natives

• What two revolutions influenced the desire for independence in Latin America

• American and French.

• Who led the independence movement in Haiti?

• Toussaint L’Ouverture.

• Who did L’Ouverture lead the revolt against?

• France

• Who led the independence movements in South America?

• Simon Bolivar

• What was Bolivars goal?

• To unify the northern portion of South America into one country.

• What policy did the United States issue, stating that Europe must stay out of the Western Hemisphere?

• The Monroe Doctrine.

• Why was the Monroe Doctrine important?

It told Europeans that they could no longer colonize Central of South America.

• Why did the colonies of European countries think the years after WWII was a good time to try and gain independence?

• European countries were weakened from the war and unable to hold onto all their territories.

• In what areas of the world did the independence movements take place?

• Asia, India, Africa

• India was trying to gain independence from who?

• Great Britain

• Who led the Indian independence movement?

• Mohandas Ghandi

• What methods did Ghandi use to try and gain independence

• Peaceful resistance and civil disobedience

• When India gained independence, it was divided into what two countries?

• India and Pakistan

• Why led to India and Pakistan being separated?

• Religious Divisions, India is Hindu, Pakistan is muslim.

• Following independence, what form of government did India adopt?

• Democracy. Today India is the largest democracy in the world.

• Indian society is divided along what lines?

• The Caste System

• How were the revolutions in Africa different than in India?

• Africa had both peaceful and violent revolutions, while India was relatively peaceful.

• What country underwent a violent rebellion against British rule?

• Kenya

• Who led the independence fight against the British in Kenya

• Jomo Kenyatta

• Which European countries lost their colonies in Africa?

• Britain, France, Belgium, Portugal

• Which country had a violent rebellion against France?

• Algeria

• What was the policy of racial discrimination in South Africa called?

• Apartheid.

• Under apartheid, who controlled South Africa?

• The minority white population controlled the government and military.

• Who led the fight against apartheid in South Africa?

• Nelson Mandela

• What happened to Mandela as a result of his struggle against apartheid?

• He was jailed for over 30 years. When he was finally released he became the first black president of South Africa.

• The new countries of Jordan and Palestine were originally part of the Mandate system set up by what organization?

• League Of Nations

• What new country was created in the Middle East in 1948 as a homeland for the Jews

• Israel

• Golda Meir led Israel to victory in the Yom Kippur war. Which of the superpowers in the world supported Israel?

The United States

• Who was the leader of Egypt who built the Aswan High Dam, nationalized the Suez Canal, and established a relationship with the USSR?

• Gamal Abdul Nasser

• The fall of this city in 1453 encouraged Europeans to look for new water based trade routes

• Constantinople

• What did the Europeans want from Asia?

• Spices, tea, silk, paper, porcelain, textiles

• Europeans were also driven by the desire to spread what religion to new lands?

• Christianity

• This man sponsored early voyages of exploration.

• Prince Henry The Navigator

• What two European countries led the early stages of exploration?

• Portugal and Spain

• Who found a water route to India and established trade routes to there?

• Vasco de Gama, who sailed for Portugal

• Who was trying to reach Asia, but actually ended up finding North America?

• Columbus who sailed for Spain

• Who conquered the Aztecs in what is present day Mexico?

• Hernando Cortez, who sailed for Spain.

• Who conquered the Incans in present day Peru?

• Francisco Pizarro, who sailed for Spain.

• Who made the first attempt to sail around the world? He gets credit for it even though he died halfway.

• Who made the first attempt to sail around the world? He gets credit for it even though he died halfway.

• Magellan, who sailed for Spain.

• Who was the first Englishman to sail around the world? He also led the English defense against the Spanish Armada in 1588.

• Francis Drake.

• Who was the French explorer who claimed Eastern Canada for France?

• Jacques Cartier

• How was Christianity spread to the New World?

• Colonists moved to the New World and missionaries set out to convert Native Americans

• What country led the colonization of Central and South America?

• Spain

• What country in South America does not speak Spanish

• Brazil

• What happened to most of the Native Americans within a few years of the arrival of Europeans?

• They died either from war against the Europeans, or from European diseases like smallpox.

• Who was at the top of the social classes in the New World colonies?

• The people of pure European descent. The Natives were under them.

• With most natives dead, Europeans turned where to find a source of labor?

• Africa

• Africans were forced into slavery and brought to the New World for what purpose?

• To grow cash crops

• What is a cash crop?

• A crop grown only to sell and make money

• The system of trade routes connecting Europe, Africa, and the New World became known as what?

• The Triangular Trade.

• What was the Middle Passage?

• The part of the Triangle Trade that carried slaves from Africa to the New World.

• What is the name given to the massive exchange of plants, animals, ideas, religions, people, and diseases between the Old and New World?

• The Columbian Exchange

• What things went from the Old World to the New World?

• Horses, technology, diseases, religions.

• What things went from the New World to the Old World?

• Cash crops, corn, potatoes, tobacco.

• European nations like Spain got very wealthy from what?

• Taking gold and silver from the New World, and selling goods to their colonies there.

• What was the original location of the Ottoman Empire?

• Asia minor. What is present day Turkey.

• The Ottoman Empire expanded to conquer what areas?

• Southwest Asia, Northern Africa, and the Balkan peninsula

• What was the capital city of the Ottoman Empire?

• Istanbul. It used to be called Constantinople.

• What was the religion of the Ottoman empire?

• Islam

• What goods did the Ottomans trade to Europe?

• Coffee and ceramics.

• What was the location of the Mughal Empire?

• Present day India

• What famous building was created by the Mughals?

• Taj Mahal

• Indian textiles influenced the development of a textile industry in what European country?

• Great Britain.

• What was the religion of the Mughals?

• Islam

• What was Japans policy towards European trade?

• Isolationist, they wanted nothing to do with Europeans.

• How did the Chinese control European influence in their country

• They set up trading enclaves. These were the only places the Europeans could go to, limiting their impact on the people.

• Who ruled Japan?

• There was a powerless emperor, and a military leader called a Shogun who actually ruled.

• What was the Commercial Revolution?

• When European nations began competing for colonies and resources.

• What economic theory says that colonies exist only to benefit the mother country?

• Mercantilism.

• Following WWII, who occupied Germany?

• The USA, USSR, Britain, France

• The British, French, and American sectors joined together to become what?

• West Germany

• In the years after WWII, what two countries became known as Superpowers?

• The USA and USSR

• The Nazi’s responsible for the Holocaust were put on trial where?

• Nuremberg, several were executed for their crimes against humanity

• The United States created what to help rebuild Western Europe after the war?

• The Marshall Plan

• What did the Marshall Plan do?

• Gave money to European countries to help them rebuild

• What international organization was created after WWII?

• The United Nations

• The UN issued what document, saying that all people have certain rights?

• The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

• Who was responsible for the occupation and rebuilding of Japan after the war?

• General Douglas MacArthur

• Following the war, West Germany and Japan quickly rebuilt and experienced what?

• Great economic growth

• What phrase was used to describe the split between Western Europe and Eastern Europe?

• The Iron Curtain

• What terms would describe the government and economy of Western European countries?

• Democracies, capitalist

• What terms would describe the government and economy of Eastern European countries?

• Communism, socialist

• What military alliance was formed after WWII, led by the USA?

• NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization

• What military alliance was formed after WWII, led by the Soviet Union?

• The Warsaw Pact

• As a condition for them giving up their militaries, the United States guarantees the security of what two countries?

• Germany & Japan

• What conference laid the foundations for what would become the Cold War?

• Yalta

• The United States created what doctrine to deal with the threat of communism?

• Truman Doctrine

• What did the policy of containment state?

• That we would fight to stop the spread of communism, but not attack it where it was already established

• What was the point of containment?

• To stop communism from expanding, while not having a major war with the Soviet Union or China

• What was the first military conflict of the Cold War?

• The Korean War 1950-1953

• What happened in the Korean War?

• Communist North attacked the Democratic South. The UN and US helped the South. War ended in a stalemate with no winner. Korea divided along 38th Parallel.

• To stop people from leaving East Berlin, the Soviet Union built what?

• The Berlin Wall

• What role did the United States play in the Chinese Civil War?

• None, we did not get involved at all

• Who was the leader of the Chinese Nationalists?

• Chaing Kai-Shek

• Who was the leader of the Chinese Communists, and became the leader of China after the Civil War ended?

• Mao Zedong/Tse-tung

• Following their defeat in the Civil War, the Chinese Nationalists fled to what island?

• Taiwan

• The Vietnam War began as a revolution against what European colonial power?

• France

• Who led the North Vietnamese against the French and later against the USA?

• Ho Chi Minh

• Why did the USA get involved in Vietnam?

• Because of our containment policy.

• Why did the US use a strategy of limited warfare in Vietnam?

• We wanted to stop the aggressive North, but not provoke a war with the USSR or China

• What was the end result of the Vietnam War?

• The United States withdrew, South Vietnam fell to the communists afterwards.

• What event happened in 1962 that almost led to a nuclear war between the US and USSR?

• The Cuban Missile Crisis

• What happened in the Cuban Missile Crisis?

• The USSR tried to sneak nuclear missiles into Cuba, US found out and tried to stop them. Standoff lasted 13 days, ended with USSR removing the missiles.

• What theory says that both sides having thousands of nuclear weapons means that neither will ever use them?

• Deterrence. If one side uses theirs, the other will respond, and both will end up destroyed.

• Who was the British Prime Minister who developed a closer relation with the US during the Cold War?

• Margaret Thatcher

• Who was the leader of the Soviet Union towards its end?

• Mikhail Gorbachev

• What events led to the eventual collapse of the USSR?

• Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, arms race with the USA, poor living conditions at home.

• Why was the USA able to spend far more money on our military than the Soviet Union?

• The capitalist economy generates more money for the government than the socialist version.

• What role did Nationalism play in the end of the Soviet Union?

• People in Eastern European countries got tired of Soviet domination and worked to be free again.

• The Enlightenment sought to apply the use of reason to what areas of life?

• Government and philosophy.

• This English writer believed the best form of government was an absolute monarchy because people needed strong control and protection?

• Thomas Hobbes.

• What book did Thomas Hobbes write?

• Leviathan.

• What writer thought people were good and had natural rights?

• John Locke.

• According to Locke, what are natural rights?

• Life, Liberty, and Property.

• According to Locke, what are people allowed to do if a government is unfair and abusive?

• Revolt and overthrow it.

• What French philosopher said the best form of government would include a separation of powers?

• Baron von Montesquieu.

• What book did Montesquieu write?

• The Spirit of Laws.

• According to Rousseau, government is a contract between who?

• The ruler and the ruled.

• What book did Rousseau write?

• The Social Contract.

• What philosopher emphasized the use of reason, religious tolerance, freedom of speech , and separation of church and state?

• Voltaire.

• The ideas of the Enlightenment influenced what American?

• Thomas Jefferson

• Jefferson incorporated Enlightenment ideals into what documents?

• The Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and the Constitution.

• The ideas of the Enlightenment can be credited with influencing revolutions in what countries?

• The United States and France.

• The Enlightenment also encouraged change in what other fields?

• Art and Literature.

Name two famous composers of the Enlightenment time period.

• Bach and Mozart.

• Who was a famous painter of the time?

• Eugene Delacroix, painted “Liberty leading the people”

• Who wrote the first novel?

• Miguel Cervantes, wrote Don Quixote.

• What new technologies were also developed during the Enlightenment era?

• Better roads, farming techniques, ship design.

• Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?

• England

• Why did the IR begin in England?

• England had a supply of resources, money, and available labor.

• What was the Enclosure Movement?

• Large farms being formed, forcing small farmers out of business and leading them to move wherever jobs are.

• What resources were important for Industrialization to begin?

• Coal and Iron

• Where did the IR spread to from England?

• United States and Western Europe

• What industry led the industrialization movement?

• Textiles.

• What source of power was used to power the first machines?

• Water power, factories were located near waterways.

• What industries developed to support industrialization?

• Mining, metal refining, railroads.

• What invention allowed factories to move away from water and into the cities?

• The Steam Engine.

• Who is credited with inventing the steam engine?

• James Watt

• As factories moved to the cities, what happened?

• People moved to the cities because that’s where the jobs were.

• What is the term for the growth of cities?

• Urbanization

• What were some positive effects of the IR?

• Increased standard of living, population increases, education rises, literacy rates rise, better medicine, better living conditions, better transportation.

• The IR led to the beginning of using who as a cheap labor source?

• Children

• What were some negative impacts of the IR?

• Pollution, labor abuses.

• Eli Whitney invented what?

• The cotton gin. It was designed to make the lives of slaves easier, but actually led to increased slavery.

• Henry Bessemer invented a better for making what?

• : Steel. His process made it much more affordable and easier to produce.

• Edward Jenner saved many lives when he developed what?

• A vaccine for smallpox

• Louis Pasteur advanced the scientific understanding of disease when he discovered what?

• Bacteria.

• Did everyone’s lives get better during the IR?

• No, life got better for most people but not all.

• Labor unions formed to fight for what?

• Better working conditions, more pay, shorter hours.

• Child labor was eventually ended through the work of?

• Labor unions and government regulations.

• What economic theory was developed by Adam Smith?

• Capitalism

• What book did Adam Smith write?

• The Wealth of Nations

• According to Smith, what is important in capitalism?

• Competition, no government intervention, people having choices.

• Capitalism led to some people being rich and some being poor. A new economic theory came about that said everyone should be equal. What was it?

• Socialism.

• Who developed the ideas behind Socialism and Communism?

• Karl Marx

• What books did Karl Marx write?

• Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto.

• According to Marx, everyone should be __________.

• Equal

• In Socialism, what role does the government play?

• Redistribution of wealth and resources to ensure all are equal

• What is it called when labor unions negotiate with business owners or management?

• Collective Bargaining.

• As countries industrialized they needed more resources. This led to a desire for more colonies. What is the desire for an empire called?

• Imperialism

• Where did European countries look to establish colonies?

• Asia and Africa

• European countries set up areas they controlled in China. What were these called?

• Spheres of influence. Each European country had their own where only they could go to trade.

• European colonization led to the rise of what in Asia and Africa?

• Nationalism.

• After World War I, what international organization was created to maintain the peace?

• League of Nations

• The League was the idea of who?

• US President Wilson

• What major power did not join the League?

• United States

• What system was created to watch over the colonies and territories of the defeated countries?

• Mandate System

• The economic boom in the US was fueled in part by the growth of what?

• Stock Market

• Who rose to power in Italy?

• Benito Mussolini

• Italy invaded what African country in 1936?

• Ethiopia

• Who was the emperor of Japan during the Interwar Years?

• Hirohito

• What areas of Asia did Japan invade in a drive to capture resources and raw materials?

• Korea, China, Manchuria

• What is the term for a person who is forced to leave their homeland?

• Refugee

• Where have there been ethnic and religious conflicts in recent years?

• Middle East, Northern Ireland, Balkins, Africa

• What have conflicts in the Middle East been over?

• Territory and Religion

• What are some of the effects of globalization?

• Rich countries exploit the poor, environmental pollution, use of resources.

• One of the major environmental issues facing the world today is what?

• Climate Change

• What is the relationship between economic and political freedom?

• As people gain economic freedom they begin wanting political freedom as well. Examples include Taiwan and South Korea.

• What are some examples of international terrorism?

• Munich Olympic attacks, 9/11/2001 attacks in the USA, car bombings, suicide bombings, airline hijackings.

• How did the Renaissance lead to the Reformation?

• The ideas and spirit of seeking new information and questioning things led to people questioning the authority of the Catholic Church.

• Whose actions began the Protestant Reformation?

• Martin Luther

• What did Martin Luther write and post?

• His 95 Theses, a list of complaints against the Church.

• What happened to Luther?

• He was excommunicated from the Catholic Church and formed the Lutheran Church.

• What are the main ideas of Lutheranism?

Salvation by Faith.

Everyone is equal before God.

The Bible is the ultimate religious authority.

• What is secularism?

• Non-religious.

• How did the Renaissance and Reformation lead to a greater sense of individualism?

• People felt more free to question ideas and teachings, education increased, and people began to think of themselves in secular terms instead of religious

• The Renaissance began where?

• Italian City States

• What does the word Renaissance mean? Of what?

• Rebirth” of the ideas of the ancient world. Classical knowledge of Greece and Rome rediscovered.

• What is Leonardo Da Vinci know for?

• Painting the mona lisa and the Last Supper

• What is Michelangelo known for?

• The Sistine Chapel and sculpting the statue of David.

• Why were trade routes important?

• Allowed for the exchange of goods and ideas between places.

• What were some advancements that were exchanged along trade routes?

Paper, compass, silk from China

Textiles from India and Middle East

• This movement focused on the lives of individuals instead of religious matters.

• Humanism

• Who was the famous Dutch humanist who wrote a book attacking the Catholic Church?

• Erasmus

• What previous time periods had great influence on the beginnings of the Scientific Revolution?

• The Renaissance and Reformation

• Why did they have such influence?

• They encouraged people to think for themselves and weakened the power of the Catholic Church over people.

• Louis XIV was from what dynasty?

• Bourbon Dynasty

• What did Louis XIV have built to show off the wealth and power of France?

• Palace of Versailles

• Which is the oldest of the world religions we have studied?

• Hindiuism

• What is known about the early history of Hinduism?

• The founder and time are unknown. There is a general idea that is began approximately 6000 BCE.

• Who is the founder of Judaism?

• Abraham

• Islam teaches that Muhammad received what?

• The Third and Final Revelation

• In what regions of the world would you find Judaism today?

• North American and Israel

• What was the term for pride in ones country, and a willingness or desire to fight to prove your country is superior?

• Nationalism

• What was term for placing great importance on the military, and wanting your military to be the strongest?

• Militarism

• What was the term for the desire of European nations to have colonies and an empire around the world?

• nationalism

• Who led the United States in World War I?

• Woodrow Wilson

• What was the name of the peace plan Woodrow Wilson had?

• The 14 Points

• Wilson wanted the creation of what international organization?

• What role did Nationalism play in Europe in the lead up to WWII?

• Allowed aggressive dictators to gain power by promising their people revenge and glory.

• The failure of what international organization allowed aggression to occur?

• The League of Nations

• Why was the League of Nations unable to stop aggression?

• No power to enforce decisions, US did not join.

• Why was Germany unable to block the trade routes to Britain?

• The British navy was stronger and once America entered the war we helped to secure the routes.

• Who was at the Potsdam Conference?

• Truman, Stalin, Churchill

• What did Truman issue that warned Japan to surrender?

• The Potsdam Declaration

• Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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