solar system 2011

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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Mrs. Kinney's Class Solar System PowerPoint 2011



Solar System2011

Asteroid BeltBy Dylan Harwood

The outer belt has asteroids 250 million miles beyond the sun.

They are rocky asteroids.

If we put all of the asteroids together it would be smaller then our moon.

CometBy: Lilly archer

Comets are made of dust and ice kind of like a dirty snowball.

Did you know shooting stars are actually comets when you make a whish it comes true I think it has magical dust in them.

Comets don’t live very long.

NeptuneBy Jimmy Miller

I learned that Neptune has 16 moons.

I learned Neptune’s regular temperature is 184 degrees C.

For Neptune it takes 60,190 days to orbit the sun.

Neptune’s winds are the strongest in the solar system.

Jupiterby Trip Howell

The Earth could fit inside Jupiter more than 1,000 times.

There are three rings in all.

The rings are named Gassamer, Main and Halo.

Earthby Anna Voelker

Earth has one moon- its name is Luna.

There is 7 billion people living on Earth.

30% of Earth’s surface is covered with land. 70% is covered by water.

The earth has one moon. Its name is Luna.

70% percent of earth is water.

There are almost 7 billion people on earth.

EarthBy: Eva Watson

Jupiterby Ayden Riddle

Did you know you can see 4 of Jupiter’s moons with a pair of binoculars at night?

Jupiter has 62 moons.Jupiter has a big red

spot which is a giant storm. It has been going for 300 years.

MarsBy: Cleo Wear

Scientists think Mars had rivers, streams, lakes, and even a ocean at one time.

Mars was the Roman god of war and agriculture.

Mars excites scientists because it is more like Earth than any of the other planets.

Cometsby Josh Corey

Comets are cosmic snowballs of frozen gases.

When a comet’s orbit brings it close to the sun, it heats up and throws dust and gases into a giant glowing head larger then most planets.

The dust and gases form a tail that travels away from the sun.

MarsBy Tana Cooney

Mars has two moons- their names are Phobos and Deimos.

Mars is referred to as the red planet because the ground is red.

Mars has higher mountains and deeper canyons than any other planet.

Mercuryby Tommy Brant

Mercury is brightest in the morning.

Mercury has no moons.

Mercury orbit is not perfect.

EarthBy Kaitlyn Knobbe

About 30% of the earth’s surface is covered with land and about 70% is covered with water.

Earth’s moon’s name is Luna.

Earth is the mother of mountains, valleys, streams and other stuff.

Marsby Sydney Schmidt

Mars was the Roman god of war and agriculture.

Mars once had rivers, streams, and even an ocean.

Mars has higher mountains, and deeper canyons then any other planet.

MercuryBy Ally Parra

You wouldn’t weigh as much on Mercury as you do on Earth.

Mercury is just a little bit larger than Earth’ s moon.

The surface of the planet Mercury is covered with craters.

NeptuneBy: Elizabeth Klein

Neptune is a very windy place.

Neptune is the smallest of the four gas planets in our solar system.

It contains hydrogen, helium and methane.

Jupiterby Claire Thiele

Jupiter has at least 62 moons , that is cool.

The earth could fit in Jupiter more than 1000 times.

Jupiter’s moon Calisto is almost the same size as mercury.

Neptuneby Kyden Johnson

Neptune has 13 moons.

Neptune was discovered in 1846.

Neptune had a great storm but then faded away.

PlutoBy Tommy Didonato

Pluto has three moons.

Pluto is smaller than 7 moons.

Pluto’s orbit is egg shaped.

Saturnby Aiden Rupprecht

You would weigh 74.5 pounds on Saturn if you weigh 70 pounds on Earth.

Saturn is most well- known for its rings.

Its beautiful rings are 169,800 miles wide.

Uranusby John Dickas

Some people believe a big object made Uranus spin sideways.

Uranus spins at a 99 degree slope.

Uranus has 27 tiny moons.

Saturnby Max Sanders

Saturn has 53 moons. The most famous one is Titan.

Its rings are made of ice, dust and rocks.

Saturn spins so fast that it is not as round as other planets.

SunBy Kyle Hatcher

Light from the sun can reach earth in only 8 minutes. This is called the speed of light.

The sun is 93 million miles from the Earth.

The sun was born in a large cloud of gases.

SaturnBy Juliana Drzaic

Saturn has 52 moons.It’s rings are 169,800

miles wide. Saturn's rings are

made of ice, dust, and rocks.

Sunby Cole Tuma

It is a common middle sized yellow star.

The sun was born in a vast cloud of gas and dust around 5 billion years ago.

The sun is too far for an astronaut to even get to it.

UranusBy Karmen Reimer

Uranus is a giant gas planet.

A long time ago, a large object crashed in to Uranus causing it to spin on its side.

It is an extremely cold planet.

VenusBy Nick Dimari

Venus is the evil twin of Earth.

In the early days of Venus it looked very similar to Earth.

Venus has no moons. Venus is in many ways

earth’s sister planet.

UranusBy Katie Lane

It would take you many years to fly to Uranus.

Uranus has many rings, though they don’t stretch out as far as the rings of Saturn.

The rings of Uranus are made of black dust particles and large rocks.

VenusBy Tommy H.

If you weigh 70 pounds on Earth you would weigh 63 pounds on Venus.

Venus in many ways is Earth’s sister. It is about the same size.

Venus is 4 billion years old.

VenusBy Sophie Stevens

Venus is in many ways Earth’s sister planet.

However if they are twins then Venus is the evil twin .

No one could survive on Venus.

Asteroid beltby Patrick Foley

Some asteroids are as small as a grain of sand.

The inside asteroid belt can go 250 million miles.

The asteroids never hit one another because of Jupiter’s strong gravity.

Plutoby Kate Anderson

You would only weigh 4 pounds on Pluto if you weighed 70 pounds on Earth .

Pluto is smaller than 7 of the in moons in the solar system.

The only spacecraft to get close to Pluto was the Hubble space Telescope.

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