solving seasonal cashflow challenges - a case study from rangewell

Post on 11-Apr-2017



Economy & Finance



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Solving seasonal

cashflow challengesA case study from

Last year , Rangewell received an

application on behalf of a

specialist bakery

Their generator was unreliable and

constantly breaking down , but they

couldn 't afford a new one

The bakery had tried to raise funding

already, but had reached a dead end

because of the nature of their cashflow

80% of the bakery's revenue was

generated between October and March

That meant that they couldn 't keep up

repayments on standard loans during the

slow summer months

So their advisor

came to Rangewell

and we found a solution

With over 200 business lenders on our

platform , it wasn 't hard to f ind

someone who could help

With one of our lenders , we engineered a hire

purchase agreement w ith low payments in

June , July, and August

This removed the seasonal strain

on their cashflow

and allowed them to purchase the

generator they needed so much

and that's not all...

The bakery's advisors were pleased to

find out that Rangewell knew quite a

few more business lenders who were

able to construct cashflow-matched

agreements l ike this

So they'd never have to worry about

finding funding for their client again

(and we 'd never have to

worry about running low

on cake)

With our w ide network of business lenders ,

Rangewell can f ind f inance to suit every

business ' unique needs .

Our platform has thousands of products

from over 200 business lenders , so you can

be sure you have access to the w idest

range of deals for your clients .

If you want to become part of a

story l ike this one , v is it

rangewell .com

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