someone who

Post on 02-Feb-2016






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future husband with negative metaphor


Someone who’d wake me up with an annoying greeting of “Good Morning!” while serving a disgustingly delicious breakfast as we talk how he, who’s cautiously adventurous, finds time how we’ll happily spend our lives alone together. He’d act obviously mysterious and carelessly protective when it comes to our family. He’d willingly share his open secrets and how unambitiously determined he is with his goals in life. He’d be polite and well-educated with everything. He’d be the one who’d remind me everyday how awfully lucky our family is to have him. He may not possess everything but for us he’ll be perfectly imperfect.

In my own opinion, I think I have my cheeks and fingers as trademarks. My cheeks are obviously quite big and chubby. It is mainly because of the genes I got from my father’s family side and I think it is also because of the frequent squeezing of some people when I was still in grade school. My chubby cheeks are very noticeable making my face look round and look fatter than I really do . Also, I consider my fingers as trademark because for my own point of view they look really feminine specially when I grow them long.

If I will have the chance to change any part of my body that would be my legs and nose. Why? Because my legs doesn’t look feminine to me and have a big “boogie”. Sometimes I feel like I have the legs of a boy that is why as of now I am still not with the “skinny jeans” trend which is the main reason why I have difficulties in buying pants . I am also short maybe a few inches will be enough. Next is my nose because it a very “Filipino” nose. If you know what I mean




Funny Short Stories

My Name is Khan is a story about Rizwan Khan, who is a Muslim, from the Borivali section of Mumbai who suffers from Asperger's Syndrome, a form of high-functioning Autism that complicates socialization, prevents him from fully understanding the world around him and causes him to display behaviours that many would consider to be odd. After the death of his mother, he moves to San Francisco to work for his brother there and it is here that he meets Mandira. a Hindu single mother with whom he develops a bond and eventually marries. Things go well in Rizwan’s life for some time as he, Mandira and her son Sameer live the dream but after the tragic events of 9/11 everything changes. Lives are lost. Dreams are shattered.

Trust turns into betrayal and pain and agony become a part of everyday lives. With racial hatred towards Muslims growing, tragedy strikes their family and Mandira, blaming Rizwan for what has happened forces him away. Misinterpreting her sarcastic suggestion for him to meet the US President to say “My name is Khan, and I am not a terrorist” as a genuine request, Rizwan sets out on an epic journey to do just that, following the President as he goes on tour around the country. Along the way, he gets detained by authorities who mistake his disability for suspicious behaviour, helps apprehend some genuine terrorists, forms new friendships, shows what true heroism is and inspires the entire nation – all so that he can win back the love of Mandira.

For this past few years up to now, Muslims are known to be war-freaks and terrorists. Not to mention that they lead the most influential terrorism groups around the world and how they fight for territories along the Middle East. Even in the Philippines, they are very much evident. Seeing headlines about them for opposing the government and other terrorism acts they usually do is already normal for us. This is why some of us cannot help but be afraid of them for such doings.

The movie had presented Rizwan Khan as the opposite of the Muslims we usually know. He portrays the role of an eager and well-determined person just to justify and prove others that they are thinking the other way. This movie tells us not to judge a book by its cover and to never generalize everything. As the principle says, “To every rule, there is an exception.” Generalizing that all Muslims are terrorist are war-freaks and terrorist is unacceptable for we do not know what is the main reason why they needed to do such thing. We should all be critical thinkers when it comes to people. Our differences in our religions should not serve as a big wall that separates us from having a peaceful and worthy lives. Let us all be good people doing good deeds like Rizwan’s mother told him, and I just want peace for my own children.

Meet My Husband..

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