song-ming neo-confucianism 宋明理学

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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Song-ming Neo-Confucianism 宋明理学. 温海明 中国人民大学哲学院副教授. Han Yu and Li Ao. Han Yu and Li Ao Han Yu: ‘Tao, no the Tao of the Buddhist and Taoist’ Li Ao: transmitted by scholars who did not understand them Origins of Neo-Confucianism Confucianism Buddhism and Taoism: through Ch’ainism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Song-ming Neo-Confucianism宋明理学温海明


23/4/21Prof. Haiming Wen, School of Philosophy, Renmin

University of China1

Han Yu and Li Ao

Han Yu and Li Ao Han Yu: ‘Tao, no the Tao of the Buddhist

and Taoist’ Li Ao: transmitted by scholars who did not

understand them Origins of Neo-Confucianism Confucianism Buddhism and Taoism: through Ch’ainism Taoist religion

23/4/21Prof. Haiming Wen, School of Philosophy, Renmin

University of China2

Shao Yung [1011-77] The sixty-four hexagrams, times of

the year Yang: heat Yin: cold The solid Yang line moves up to the

top until it reaches it. Then the broken Yin lines moves up

23/4/21Prof. Haiming Wen, School of Philosophy, Renmin

University of China3

Chang Tsai [1020-77] Ch’i: gas or ether Makes up all things The supreme ultimate is Ch’i Ch’i: wonder air Rising , floating: Yang Sinking, falling: Yin No non being. Only Ch’I state of dispersion Not a complete vacuum Serve Ch’ien and K’un (heaven and earth) as

ones parents23/4/21

Prof. Haiming Wen, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China


Cheng Hao

Ch’eng Hao: oneness with all things is the main virtue of jen (humanheartedness)

Righteousness, property, wisdom , faith Keep in mind that one is orignily one with

all things “Never help to grow” More of a metaphysical interpretation then

Mencius Jen: takes heave and earth as one Inner connection between all things

23/4/21Prof. Haiming Wen, School of Philosophy, Renmin

University of China5

Zhu Xi and His Context

Zhu Xi 1130-1200 Division of the Song Dynasty Very prolific, wrote the Recorded

Sayings Cheng-Zhu school, or Li school Influential book was Commentary


Li is the basic essence of an object Object is the concrete manifestation

of li “As soon as a thing exists, the Li is

inherent in it” Everything has its own li Li is eternal, invention of ships and

carts was simply our discovery of those things’ li

Tai Ji – the Supreme Ultimate

Just as there is a li of individual things, there is a li for the totality and wholeness of everything

The li is the qi of something, its ultimate standard (Platonic ideal)

Tai Ji is the universe’s ultimate standard It unites the li of heaven, earth, and all

things Tai Ji resides in all things


Qi is the material manifestation of things

Everything has both chi and li Li is simply a vast, empty void Qi brings things into existence and

helps produce them in physical reality Neither one is prior to the other Neither is the “first mover”

Nature and Mind Human nature is the li of humanity

inherent in all of us The Li for all people is the same, the Qi

makes us different Some of us have clear chi, others have

bad chi This is Zhu Xi’s theory of the origin of evil Nature is abstract, mind is active,

produces things Four constant virtues pertain to Li, belong

to nature, four beginnings are mind operations

There is a li of statehood and governance

If followed, states prosper, if not followed, disorder happens

It is always there, even if not appreciated

All successful statesmen followed li either consciously or unconsciously

Spiritual Cultivation “Extension of knowledge through

investigation of things” and “attentiveness of the mind”

These are the ways the Supreme Ultimate can be made clear within us

Investigate things and the li behind them will become apparent

Sudden Enlightenment will come after study

Lu Jiu-yuan

Lu-Wang School, or Mind School, started by Cheng Hao and finished by Lu Jiu-yuan and Wang Shou-ren

Lu’s story of enlightenment Lu says “mind is Li” not “nature is Li” Nature and mind are not different Reality consists of one world: Mind

Wang Shou-ren and the Universe

Wang Shou-ren (1472-1528) achieved enlightenment suddenly and a new understanding of the Great Learning

He reinterpreted it and systematized the Mind school’s teachings

The world only has what we experience, no abstract world of li

Mind is li and li only exists as long as the mind exists

The Three Cords

The Three Cords Illustrious virtue is the heavenly nature

within all of us, sometimes obscured Loving people is the function of

recognizing heaven, earth, everything’s unity

Resting in the highest good is exercising intuitive knowledge and attaining the natural mean

Intuitive Knowledge

Intuitive knowledge is basic and natural

What we instinctively know to be “right” and “wrong”

Don’t add anything to it to obscure it Then you lose the highest good Story of the thief in the house Every man is potentially a sage

Rectification of Affairs

Cultivation of self is putting intuitive knowledge into daily practice

Rectification of affairs Yi and wu Great Learning is reduced to one

idea: extension of intuitive knowledge

Mind Attentiveness, Buddhism

“Establishing the most important” First recognize we all possess the

universal, original mind One with the universe Criticism of Buddhism: they believe the

world is empty When in reality, it is filled with li Buddhists really do have attachment of


1923/4/21Prof. Haiming Wen, School of Philosophy, Renmin

University of China

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