sophie cubase presentation

Post on 12-Jun-2015






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By Sophie McKenzie


Note- you need a Cubase dongle

To star of using Cubase you need to open a new project. To do this you go to File, new project.Something will pop up

on the screen, just press ‘ok’ to both of them browsers that open.

This is what should open, if not try again.


RIGHT Click in the dark blue area and then click on the add instrument

Once you have clicked on the add instrument you can choose what instrument you want to add to the song.

Adding instrumental Tracks

Click on the draw button (or the pencil)

Draw a section on the beat part.

Double click on the part you just drew, a screen should appear that looks like this

Drawing areas

Click on the draw button again, and pick a note a draw a line for the length you want it to play for

Put notes in the places you want to make a tune , once happy with the placement you can press the play button to hear your song.


Press the ‘x’ button to close the instrument page, don’t close the main browser as it will get rid of your work .

You can copy and paste the track piece by selecting the piece you want to copy, press ‘ctrl’ and ‘c’ to copy and ‘ctrl’ and ’v’ to past paste it next to it so it looks like this.

Do this till you are happy with the length and sound of the song.

Finishing Tracks

EqualizationEqualization is the adjustment of certain frequencies, to alter the tone of the piece , it will get rid of unwanted frequencies

ReverbReverb is an effect caused by an amplifier causing the sound to echo slightly.

What I haven’t used:•A software Mixer•Digital Effects e.g. Chorus•Added notes with a midi file•Velocity

What I have used:•Added notes with a mouse•Equalised

Thanks for using this to help you, I hope you

understand now

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