south durban and the uneven development of urban political aag 10 april...

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South Durban and the Uneven Development of Urban Political Ecology

Patrick Bond, University of KwaZulu-Natal Presented to the American Association of Geographers

10 April 2013, Los Angeles, California

South Durban hosts the 2013 Antipode Institute for the Geographies of Justice

Limits of Interurban Entrepreneurial Competition in Durban Structure and Agency under Neoliberal-Nationalist Municipal Management

Patrick Bond, University of KwaZulu-Natal Presented to the American Association of Geographers

14 April 2011, Seattle, Washington

Limits of Interurban Entrepreneurial Competition in Durban Structure and Agency under Neoliberal-Nationalist Municipal Management

Patrick Bond, University of KwaZulu-Natal Presented to the American Association of Geographers

14 April 2011, Seattle, Washington

Can Durban Recover From City-scale Neoliberal Nationalism?

Looting Durban by PATRICK BOND 2 January 2012

This is the South African city of Durban’s first week since 2002 without City Manager Michael Sutcliffe. He became well known across the world as a target of community and environmental activism, for catalyzing a $400 million stadium for the soccer World Cup in 2010, and for hosting the COP17 climate summit last month, in a city of 3.5 million of whom a third are dirt-poor and another third struggle as underpaid workers. Why did they put up with Sutcliffe’s mainly malevolent rule? Alongside constituencies of fisherfolk, streetchildren and informal traders, many grassroots groups like the South Durban Community Environmental Alliance, the Chatsworth Westcliff Flatdwellers, Abahlali base Mjondolo shackdwellers and Clairwood Ratepayers and Residents Association have long condemned race- and class-biased municipal policy and Sutcliffe’s viciousness. But the prestige of the African National Congress (ANC) liberation movement means the ruling party has been comfortably re-elected since the days of Mandela (1994-99). Until the leading trade unions break their alliance with the ANC, that won’t change, and ruthless men like Sutcliffe will stay at the top of government.

structure and agency

Michael Sutcliffe: Durban City Manager, 2002-11

South Durban and the Uneven Development of Urban Political Ecology

Patrick Bond, University of KwaZulu-Natal Presented to the American Association of Geographers

10 April 2013, Los Angeles, California

South Durban and the Uneven Development of Urban Political Ecology By Patrick Bond, University of KwaZulu-Natal Centre for Civil Society

• The $30 billion investment proposal for South Durban's port, logistics and petro-chemical expansion (over the period 2013-50) offers an opportunity to further fuse intellectual traditions of political economy and political ecology, driven in this case by community and environmentalist praxis.

• The proposal stems from urban restructuring plans for Africa's largest port and oil refining site that were overseen by Dr Michael Sutcliffe (a former Marxist who was recipient of two prestigious AAG professional awards in 2008). Durban's uneven socio-natural power relations were contested from below dozens of times during Sutcliffe's 2002-11 reign as City Manager.

• It is useful to review the character of these disputes for the purpose of projecting present and future social struggles – and accumulation processes – across South Durban's space, racial segregation, gender relations, generational politics, ecological struggles and class alliances, in an area with more than 300 000 residents.

• For example, climate justice advocacy will become increasingly important because of CO2 emissions (in shipping and refining), in the wake of Durban's December 2011 hosting of the UN Climate Summit.

• In addition to steadily higher refinery activity, there are three stages of the South Durban Port Expansion envisaged, as planners anticipate an increase of freight activity from 2 to 20 million containers per year by 2050.

• These flashpoints provide opportunities to consider the way not only the most proximate neighbourhoods (Wentworth, Clairwood and Merebank) are resisting, but also broader considerations about an alternative, post-carbon, commons-oriented South Durban.

framing poli-econ in South Africa

100 SA ‘independent-left’ books, 2000-13 • A.Desai, Reading Revolution (Pretoria, University of South Africa Press, 2012).

• M.Burawoy and K.von Holdt, Conversations with Bourdieu (Johannesburg, Wits University Press, 2012).

• J.Daniel, P.Naidoo, D.Pillay and R.Southall (eds), New South African Review 2 (Wits University Press, 2012).

• P.Bond, Politics of Climate Justice (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2012).

• D.Hallowes, Toxic Futures (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2012).

• F.Barchiesi, Precarious Liberation (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2011).

• G.Ruiters, The Fate of the Eastern Cape (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2011).

• N.Gibson, Fanonian Practices in South Africa (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2011).

• S.Essof and D.Moshenberg, Searching for South Africa (Pretoria, University of South Africa Press, 2011).

• E.Cottle (ed), South Africa’s World Cup (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2011).

• E.Zuern, The Politics of Necessity (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2011).

• Symphony Way pavement dwellers, No Land! No House! No Vote! (Oxford, Fahamu Books, 2011).

• F.Manji and S.Ekine (eds), African Awakening (Oxford, Fahamu Books, 2011).

• J.Kilgore, Freedom Never Rests (Johannesburg, Jacana, 2011).

• B.Maharaj, A.Desai and P.Bond (eds), Zuma’s Own Goal (Trenton, Africa World Press, 2011).

• Etc Group, New technologies and the threat to sovereignty in Africa (Oxford, Fahamu Books, 2011).

• A.Olorunnisola and K.Tomaselli (eds), Political Economy of Media Transformation in SA (New Jersey, Hampton Press, 2011).

• P.Bond (ed), Durban’s Climate Gamble (Pretoria, University of South Africa Press, 2011).

• H.Marais, South Africa Pushed to the Limit (Johannesburg, Jacana, 2011).

• S.Buhlungu, A Paradox of Victory (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2010).

• J.Handmaker and R.Berkhout (eds), Mobilising Social Justice in South Africa (Pretoria, Pretoria University Law Press, 2010).

• A.Essa, Zuma’s Bastard (Cape Town, Two Dogs, 2010).

• J.Anbacher and R.Khan (eds), Sudafrika (Berlin, Association A, 2010).

• A.Desai (ed), The Race to Transform (Pretoria, HSRC Press, 2010).

• B.Freund and H.Witt (eds), Development Dilemmas in Post-Apartheid South Africa (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2010).

• Beinart, W.and M.Dawson (eds), Popular Politics and Resistance Movements in South Africa (Johannesburg, Wits Press, 2010).

• N.Geffen, Debunking Delusions (Johannesburg, Jacana, 2010).

• D.Pillay, J.Daniel, P.Naidoo and R.Southall (eds), New South African Review 1 (Wits University Press, 2010).

• N.Mkhize, J.Bennett, V.Reddy and R.Moletsane, The Country we Want to Live In (Pretoria, HSRC Press, 2010).

• J.Daniel, P.Naidoo, D.Pillay and R.Southall, New South African Review (Johannesburg, Wits University Press, 2010).

• C.Death, Governing Sustainable Development (New York, Routledge, 2010).

• P.Bond, R.Dada and G.Erion (eds), Climate Change, Carbon Trading and Civil Society (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2009).

• A.Nash, The Dialectical Tradition in South Africa (London, Routledge, 2009).

• J.Saul, Revolutionary Traveller (Winnipeg, Arbeiter Ring, 2009).

• V.Satgar and L.Zita, New Frontiers for Socialism in the 21st Century (Johannesburg, COPAC, 2009).

• J.Cock, The War Against Ourselves (Johannesburg, Wits University Press, 2008).

• M.Williams, The Roots of Participatory Democracy (London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).

• T.Crawford-Browne, Eye on the Money (Cape Town, Umuzi, 2008).

• J.Saul, Decolonization and Empire (London, Merlin Press, 2008).

• H.Britton, S.Meintjes and J.Fish, Women’s Activism in South Africa (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2008).

• A.Kirsten, A Nation without Guns? (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2008).

• D.McDonald (ed), Electric Capitalism (Pretoria, Human Sciences Research Council, 2008).

• A.Desai and A.Habib (eds), Racial Redress and Citizenship in SA (Pretoria, HSRC Press, 2008.)

• A.Mngxitama, A.Alexander and N.Gibson, Biko Lives (London, Palgrave, 2008).

• L.Ntsebeza and R.Hall (eds), The Land Question in South Africa (Pretoria, HSRC Press, 2007).

• M.Legassick, Towards Socialist Democracy (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2007).

P.Bond, H.Chitonge and A.Hopfmann (eds), The Accumulation of Capital in Southern Africa (Berlin, Rosa Luxemburg, 2007).

H.Leitner, J.Peck, E.Sheppard (eds), Contesting Neoliberalism (New York, Guildford Press, 2007).

D.McDonald, World City Syndrome (New York, Routledge, 2007).

F.Polet, The State of Resistance (New York, Sage Publications and London, Zed Books, 2007).

J.Adesina (ed), Social Policy in Subsaharan Africa (London, Macmillan, 2007),

P.Subiros (ed), Apartheid (Barcelona, Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona, 2007).

A.Desai and G.Vahed, Inside Indenture (Pretoria, HSCR Press, 2007).

W.Gumede, Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC (London, Zed Books and Cape Town, Struik, 2007).

V.Padayachee (ed), The Development Decade? (Pretoria, University of South Africa Press, 2006).

S.Hassim, Women’s Organisations and Democracy in South Africa (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2006).

R.Pithouse (ed), Asinimali (Trenton, Africa World Press, 2006).

N.Gibson (ed), Challenging Hegemony (Trenton, Africa World Press, 2006).

A.Alexander (ed), Articulations (Trenton, Africa World Press, 2006).

R.Ballard, A.Habib and I.Valodia (eds), Voices of Protest (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2006).

P.Bond, Talk Left, Walk Right, 2nd ed.(Pietermaritzburg, University of Natal Press, and London, Merlin Press, 2006).

G.Gunnarsen, P.MacManus, M.Nielsen, and H.E.Stolten (eds), At the End of the Rainbow? (Copenhagen, SA Kontact, 2006).

S.Buhlungu (ed), Trade Unions and Democracy (Pretoria, HSRC Press, 2006).

D.Brutus, Poetry and Protest (Chicago, Haymarket Press and Pietermaritzburg, University of Natal Press, 2006).

Centre for Civil Society, From Local Processes to Global Forces (Durban, UKZN Centre for Civil Society, 2005).

P.Bond, Elite Transition, 2nd ed.(London, Pluto Press, and Pietermaritzburg, University of Natal Press, 2005).

J.Saul, The Next Liberation Struggle (Toronto, Between the Lines, 2005).

P.Bond (ed), Fanon’s Warning (Trenton, Africa World Press, 2005).

L.Ntsebeza, Democracy Compromised (Pretoria, HSRC Press, 2005).

P.Nel and J.van der Westhuizen (eds), Democratising South African Foreign Policy (New York, Lexington Books, 2004).

P.Bond, Against Global Apartheid, 2nd ed.(London, Zed Books and University of Cape Town Press, 2003).

S.Kimani, ed, The Right to Dissent (Johannesburg, Freedom of Expression Institute, 2003).

K.vanHoldt, Transition from Below (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2003).

J.Ossenbruegge and C.Haferburg (eds), Ambiguous Restructurings of Post-Apartheid Cape Town (Muenster, Lit Verlag, 2003).

A.Osmanovic (ed), Transforming South Africa (Hamburg, Institute fuer Afrika-Kunde, 2003).

S.Terreblanche, A History of Inequality in South Africa (Pietermaritzburg, UKZN Press, 2003).

F.Barchiesi and T.Bramble, eds., Rethinking the Labour Movement in the ‘New South Africa’ (Aldershot, Ashgate, 2003).

T.Bell and D.Ntsebeza, Unfinished Business (London, Verso and Cape Town, RedWorks, 2003).

O.Edigheji and G.Mhone (eds), Governance and Globalisation, Cape Town, University of Cape Town Press, 2003.

J.Ossenbruegge and C.Haferburg (eds), Ambiguous Restructurings of Post-Apartheid Cape Town (Muenster, Lit Verlag, 2003).

N.Alexander, An Ordinary Country (Pietermaritzburg, University of Natal Press, 2002).

S.Jacobs and R.Calland, eds., Thabo Mbeki’s World (London, Zed Books and Pietermaritzburg, University of Natal Press, 2002).

G.Hart, Disabling Globalization (Pietermaritzburg, University of Natal Press, and Berkeley, University of California Press, 2002).

A.Desai, We are the Poors (New York, Monthly Review Press, 2002).

D.McDonald (ed), Environmental Justice in South Africa (University of Cape Town Press, 2002).

D.McDonald and J.Pape, eds., Cost Recovery and the Crisis of Service Delivery in South Africa (London, Zed Books).

J.Duncan, Broadcasting and the National Question (Johannesburg, Freedom of Expression Institute, 2002).

P.Bond, Unsustainable South Africa (London, Merlin Press, and Pietermaritzburg, University of Natal Press, 2002).

S.Adams, Comrade Minister (New York, Nova Science Publishers, 2001).

J.Saul, Millennial Africa (Trenton, Africa World Press, 2001).

P.Bond, Cities of Gold, Townships of Coal (Trenton, Africa World Press, 2000).

H.Marais, South Africa Limits to Change (London, Zed Books and University of Cape Town Press, 2000).

2013: construction crisis, $440 billion infrastructure spend?

context: ‘Minerals Energy Complex’ megaprojects

Durban’s back-to-back world-class


uShaka Marine World


Point luxury flats

underutilised new airport 40 km north of Durban

Back of Port Zoning Plan, secret 2011 municipal document

Municipality: it’s not Sutcliffe’s plan (Mercury, 21 August 2012)

$30 billion shipping-petrochem makeover: 1) 1) deepening/widening of main port

2) 2) new roads & dug-out port (old airport) 3) 3) major expansion of old port

single buoy mooring:

80% of SA’s intake

Sapref: BP/Shell

Engen: 80% Petronas


hypertoxic South Durban

Toyota car assembly

Mondi paper mill

hazardous petro-chemical plants

Africa’s biggest port

Island View refinery

Africa’s largest oil refining complex

container terminals

freight traffic

(often illegal)

new capacity: R250 billion plan!

R250 bn ‘Back of Port’ project

Toyota’s terminal next to expanded refinery

who wins from new

infrastructure spending? • Johan van Zyl, Toyota SA CEO: ‘Durban as a

brand is not strong enough to simply say “come and invest in Durban”. What it needs to attract investors are big projects. Durban needs to keep ahead of the competition. China is building ports they don’t even know when they will use. If return on investment is the line of thinking we may never see the infrastructure.’ – 6 February 2012

• Peter Bruce, editor of Business Day: ‘mine more and faster and ship what we mine cheaper and faster’ – February 13 2012

• Minister of Economic Development Ebrahim Patel (whose 2013 Infrastructure Development Bill limits

EIAs): ‘We took account of the lessons of the 2010 World Cup infrastructure and the growing experience in the build programmes for the Gautrain, the Medupi and Kusile power stations, the Freeway improvement programme and the major airport revamps.’ –

Feb 2012

major contestations of environment, bird & fish habitats

Source: South Durban Community Environmental Alliance

South Durban’s most explosive refinery: Engen

Settlers Primary School: 52% asthma rate (world’s highest)

fires, explosions in South Durban

25 October 2008, flaring, regular occurrence at SAPREF and Engen

Source: South Durban Community Environmental Alliance

• 21 September 2007, Island View Storage (IVS) facility, tank explosion

• 18 September 2007, explosion at the IVS facility.

SDCEA demands refinery closure

18 January 2005, explosion at Engen Refinery

S. Durban’s next most explosive refinery:

Island View

October 10, 2011

October 11, 2011: war on Engen

Settlers Primary School: 52% asthma rate, highest in world

Rural Women’s Forum march for Climate Justice at COP17, Durban, South Africa, Friday, December 2, 2011

Global Day of Action, Durban, South Africa, Saturday, December 3, 2011

Copenhagen Accord, COP 15, December 2009

• Jacob Zuma (SA) • Lula da Silva (Brazil) • Barack Obama (USA) • Wen Jiabao (China)

• Manmohan Singh (India)

‘collaborating actively’ with climate catastrophe

Durban’s COP17 ‘Conference of Polluters’

allowed US sabotage, no new emissions cuts

SA in the chair

Durban COP17: ‘Africa’s Climate Summit’

confirmed 21st-c. climate-related deaths of 180 million Africans (Christian Aid)

then came March 2007 storm

extreme beachfront damage

also poor and working people – especially shackdwellers

not just the rich living on the beachfront

rogue oil tanker MT Phoenix (Nigeria) ran aground north of Durban… 400 tonnes pumped out at huge risk and expense

(phew!); unregistered ship towed out to sea for sinking

another recent beach threat,

from high-CO2 ship industry

another storm, August 2011

Engen refinery, August 2012

activists envisage 5-step ‘South Durban Detox’

resist,rezone, restructure

1) reverse attempted rezoning of Clairwood 2) enforce/expand existing residential zoning

of Clairwood, Merebank and Wentworth 3) mobilise solidarity in Durban & everywhere

4) take seriously climate rhetoric: shift freight to trains, lower trade vulnerability, de-smokestack 5) plan/implement post-pollution, post-carbon Durban with ‘Million Climate Jobs’ campaign

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