southern middle school student support services

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Southern Middle School Student Support Services. “ I cannot teach the head when the heart is broken or the mind is troubled…” Teacher of the Year Missouri 2002. Who Are the Student Services Team Members?. School Counselors (& Intern) School Nurse - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Southern Middle School Student Support Services

Southern Middle School Student Support Services

I cannot teach the head when the heart is brokenor the mind is troubled

Teacher of the Year Missouri 20021Who Are the Student Services Team Members?School Counselors (& Intern)School Nurse School Social Worker Prevention Specialist School Administrator

Check us out on the school webpage under School Information- Student Support Services!

Students with social and emotional issues receive help from the Student Services Team.

You are the expert on your students. We are here to offer additional help through specific skill sets.

What issues does the Student Services Team address?Student AchievementSpecial EducationBullying/HarassmentBehavioral ProblemsPhysical HealthSchool AvoidanceDiscipline ConcernsMental/Emotional HealthMonitor Attendance

4Buzz the front officeand say I need a SST member as soon as you receive information about any of the following:

Threats of physical harmExpressions of self-harmDeath or illness in the immediate family

The SST ProcessStudent Services Team Referral Forms are available by the mailboxes and can be completed and returned to any member of the Student Services Team.

The Student Services Team will meet weekly to discuss and monitor the student and refer to the appropriate staff member or team when needed.

Referral is made to SST by teachers or other staffSST members share information and discuss referred studentStudent is referred to:Problem Solving Model(PBIS & RTI)- OR -Student Assistance Team (SAT)CFT504 TeamCommunity AgencyCase management by SST memberWhat is the Student Assistance Team?A team comprised of the students team of teachers and SAT members who meet to discuss ACADEMIC concerns and develop classroom interventions for the student. This team monitors the progress and can make a formal referral when needed to the IEP team for consideration into the Exceptional Childrens Program.We are in the process of converting to Response to Intervention (RtI).Send to tracy8School CounselorsMary Davis & Tracy SchledornConsultation with teachers, parents, and administratorsIndividual CounselingGroup CounselingClassroom Guidance

To address the academic, personal/social, and career needs of our students.

We are legally bound to protect students confidentiality. Unless the student is in danger, we cannot report back to anyone without their permission.

School CounselorsTeachers can refer to the school counselor through email or a note. Do not place sensitive/confidential information in our office door folders or slide under office doors.Do not send distraught students to the counseling offices. Buzz the office or escort the student.****************Students with non-emergency concerns may come down during non-instructional class time- with their agenda signed. If we are not available, the student should fill out a request slip and immediately return to class. If we see a student, they will return to class with their agenda signed or a note.

Prevention SpecialistJennifer RotellaDrug & violence preventionSupport for students to refrain from using substancesSupport for students re: problem solving, conflict resolution, anger management, relationship-building skillsIndividual counselingGroup counselingConsultation with faculty and familyOrganize drug prevention eventsClassroom guidance- 8th grade School Social WorkerKristin WaltzProvides direct and indirect services to students, families, and school personnel to promote and support students academic and social success

Children Who Typically Need School Social Work Services

McKinney-Vento students (Homeless) Any student who does not have a fixed, regular, or permanent home including Unaccompanied Youth, Doubled-Up, and hotels.

Victims of Abuse or Neglect-brochures available-Email to ask!

Students in need of assistance with school supplies, food, clothing

Students with attendance issues-Email any concerns!School Social WorkersLiaison between Home/School/Community:Coordinates Child and Family Team meetingsCoordinate services for students and families with agencies such as mental health, Department of Social Services, juvenile court, and community charitiesConsultation to faculty and staff on homelessness, abuse & neglect, parent support, attendance concernsAdvocate for student needs (school supplies, clothing, food)Assess student needs through interviews, home visits, and record reviewsProvide individual counseling and supportMonitors attendance (compulsory attendance law)What is a Child and Family Team?A team of school personnel (thats YOU!), family members, community personnel, and the student whose primary objective in the school setting is to develop a plan of improvement for students who are at risk of school failure.

Your EXPERTISE on the students will continue to be one of the best resources for the SST!

If you have a student who is involved in outside mental health services, let us know.

OutcomeA plan is created, supported, and monitored.Family and school personnel reconvene as needed to monitor progress and make changes.Success!

School NurseDeborah SasserNC State Board of Education requirements:Each LEA shall make available a registered nurse for assessment, care planning, and on-going evaluation of students with special health care service needs in the school setting. [These] include procedures that are invasive, carry reasonable risk of harm if not performed correctly, may not have a predictable outcome, or may require additional action based on results of testing or monitoring.Care planning includes but is not limited to:Identification of appropriate persons to perform the procedure;Teaching those persons to perform the procedure; andIdentification of a mechanism for registered nurses to provide ongoing supervision to ensure the the procedure is performed appropriately and monitoring the students response to care provided in the school setting

Reference: NC G.S. 115C-12(9); G.S. 115C-81; G.S. 115C-307(c)School NurseManages the school health program through evaluation, planning, implementation, & coordinationIdentifies the health care needs of students and the availability of health services/resourcesServes as case manager for students with special health care needsDevelops emergency care plans and individual health plans for students with chronic illnessFocuses on reducing the incidence of health related absenteeism and/or impaired learningCollaborates with school staff, and medical and other professionalsProvides education to students, families, and staff about health concernsAdvocates for students with health concerns in the school settingEducates the school and community re: healthcare issues (prevention and safety concerns)

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