
Post on 04-Jun-2015






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In this painting by Picasso, the figures are very geometric and full of angular, sharp shapes. and you can see the influence shape had on Picasso.

These are some basic geometric 2d shapes

These are examples of 3d shapes that are showing form and volume

Basic shapes are used to help us figure our proportions. In this image, shapes have been used to work out the positioning and proportion in this figure.

In this image, on the left we see an example of positive space and on the right an example of negative space where the space in-between the form has been shaded in to emphasize the ram.

Another example of negative space with a degree of depth created by the shading in the negative spaces.

An incredibly voluminous architectural art piece. You can feel the weight and fullness of the piece because of its curved shape.

This dress has an incredibly bold, voluptuous form.

This furniture has a rectilinear, sharp uncluttered form. Its is quite a masculine form. Functional and to the point.

This artwork has quite futuristic form. It is quite a large piece and is very heavy based on the materials used but the use of line to create the form makes the art piece look delicate and quite light a and airy.

Our typical ideas about what a house should look like it challenged by the form of this house which is out of the ordinary.

Another example of our preconceptions about forms and function.

Fantastic use of form and volume in these dresses.

In this painting, the bulbous forms can be felt out with the eye and you can feel the texture and weight of the forms. This image also plays with space and scale as the three pyramids at the bottom, one would picture as huge architectural forms but in this image they are dwarfed by the curvy form on top.

The expressive lines not only describe the form of the figure but the lines jutting outwards make the figure quite voluminous. There is a sense of chaos about this image.

How shapes and forms change to keep up with what is considered aesthetically pleasing or in fashion at the time.

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