spain : alternative energies

Post on 22-Jun-2015






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  • 1. Traditionally main energies have been Fossils fuel Coal and Oil Nuclear Power Nowadays, we spent a lot of energy.

2. They come from limited sources. They will cause hard problems: Global warming and the accumulation of radioactive waste. 3. The alternatives energies dont contaminate. These energies are unlimited. Alternative Energies Wind Sunlight Water from damms Internal Heat of the Earth Waves Biofuel 4. Some decades ago, the use of them has increased. This effect is notable in our country. The last record of alternative energies in Spain has been in April with a 54,2% EWEA has decided to give the European Wind Energy Award to Spain. The most eletricity- contributing energies Eolic Hydraulic Nuclear 5. Spain was a pioneer country in Eolic energy and has developed outstanding industry. The wind plants nearest to us are in Gibraltars area. 6. Spain has to improve about the use of solar energy which only covers 2.5% of our needs. We have some problems about solar technology At the last decade, laws and subsidies help to promote the use of this energy However, the present government has changed it 7. An important power plant in Andalucia is Solucar 8. In Dos Hermanas, the most used alternative energy is Solar energy. Four or five years ago our regional government used to finance the installation We have asked to some neighbors and they are happy with the installation 9. Dos Hermanas consists of three urban centers: Dos Hermanas. The biggest Montequinto. The nearest to Seville Fuente del Rey. The smallest TOTAL POPULATION: 130000 PERSONS. 10. In this areas collected OLD FURNITURE WOOD PAINT OLD APPLIANCES 11. Since August 2009 12. GREEN CONTAINER Glass is the most recycled material. 1.432.720 kilos The amount increases annually. 13. BLUE CONTAINER The amount of cardboard fallen in the last two years. WHY? The reason is the present economic crisis, because less use means less waste for packaging 14. YELLOW CONTAINER In yellow containers people drop everything. The yellow containers are ONLY for plastic 15. We must encourage the habit of recycling in schools since an early age 16. SEVILLE 17. MONUMENTS 18. MONUMENTS 19. 120 km of bike lanes 2500 bikes 250 stations 20. 250000 users Discount card 21. ACEBUCHE Olea Europaea. Wild version of olive tree. Abundant in Andalucian fields. Generates olive oil Its seed germinates faster than the olive seed. 22. PINION PINE Pinus pinea. You can find it in the coast side. Amazing seedling. It germinates and gorows easyly The seeds are the pinion, which are use to make cakes. 23. PINION PINE 24. CAROB TREE Ceratonia Siliqua. The seed is a carob. It germinate without difficulty, in a few days. 25. CAROB TREE 26. ILEX Quercus ilex. It is characteristic in the mediterranean forest together with the cork oak The fruit is an acorn. This fruit feeds Iberians pigs and we obtain the Iberian ham. 27. ILEX 28. BITTER ORANGE Citrus aurantium. Powerful smell of the orange blossom. Its fruit is used to make bitter orange marmalade. This fruit get ruined very fast, so you have to plant it inmediatly after taking it out of the fruit. 29. BITTER ORANGE 30. MYRTLE Myrtus. Better-known too as arrayn. Name from arabic origins. The Arab used it to beutify their gardens. It is in the Royal Alczares. 31. MYRTLE 32. LOVE TREE Cercis siliquastrum. Unmistakable beuty during spring 33. SOME BELIEVE THAT THE PROBLEM OF THE EARTH DO NOT AFFECT US, BUT WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN?? SO WE SHOULD BE MORE RESPONSIBLE TOWARDS ENVIROMENT

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