spatial functions in mysql 5.6, mariadb 5.5, postgis 2.0 and others

Post on 24-May-2015






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Spatial functions in MySQL 5.6, MariaDB 5.5, PostGIS 2.0 and others

Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2013Henrik IngoSenior Performance Architect, Nokia

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GIS is a lot of things.

Open Geospatial Consortium defines lots of standards


The one we are talking about is:

OpenGIS Implementation Specification for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 2: SQL option


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Is the world flat, or a sphere?


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It's neither!

But what about mountains and skyscrapers?

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Distance(A, B) = 0.0001 deg = 11 mDistance(B, C) = 0.0001 deg = 8.5 m

(in Manhattan)



All the lines above are straight.

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POINT(0 0) LINESTRING(0 0,1 1,1 2) POLYGON((0 0,4 0,4 4,0 4,0 0),(1 1, 2 1, 2 2, 1 2,1 1))...

INSERT INTO geotable ( the_geom, the_name ) VALUES ( ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-126.4 45.32)', 312), 'A Place');

db=# SELECT road_id, ST_AsText(road_geom) AS geom, road_name FROM roads;

road_id | geom | road_name--------+-----------------------------------------+-----------

1 | LINESTRING(191232 243118,191108 243242) | Jeff Rd 2 | LINESTRING(189141 244158,189265 244817) | Geordie Rd 3 | LINESTRING(192783 228138,192612 229814) | Paul St 4 | LINESTRING(189412 252431,189631 259122) | Graeme Ave 5 | LINESTRING(190131 224148,190871 228134) | Phil Tce 6 | LINESTRING(198231 263418,198213 268322) | Dave Cres 7 | LINESTRING(218421 284121,224123 241231) | Chris Way

(6 rows)

SELECT the_geomFROM geom_tableWHERE ST_Distance(the_geom, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(100000 200000)')) < 100 AND type="road"

See also:

Example SQL

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PostgreSQL MySQL & MariaDB MongoDB Solr SQLite

Standard feature PostGIS + Extension

+ + + Spatialite

Type: Point + + + + +

Type: Geometry (x,y) + + * - +

Type: Geography (lat, lon) + - * - -

Type: 3D (ish) + - - - -

SRID projections + - * - +

Query by radius + ~ + + ~

Precise decimal math - MariaDB - - -

Query by bounding box + + * - +

Notes: Most functions

don't support Geography

MyISAM only WGS84 onlyLimited

function set.

Indexes have to be explicitly


Products that implement GIS

* Since MongoDB 2.4. This evaluation was done on v 2.0.

~ No, but you can query with bounding box (uses index) AND sort that result set by radius.

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Spatial use cases

-74.001417, 40.719811Canal Street, New York, USA


Reverse Geocoding

(text search)



We are here

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• Scan with script:40.48, -75.23 to 42.42, -73.38New York City+ 4 neighbor states + Atlantic Ocean

• 0.0001 deg steps = 11 m vertically, 8.5 m horizontally

• 358M points9.6M unique locations

• 7 days

Creating my data set

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id Label Country State County

1 E Sawmill Rd, Haycock Twp, PA 18951, United States

USA PA Bucks

PostalCode City District Street HouseNumber


18951 Haycock E Sawmill Rd street


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• GIS functions used:ST_Envelope()ST_Union()

• Limitations in Geography type

• 12 daysBottlenecked by CPU

Creating areas out of points

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My dataset!

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Accuracy compared to source = 93% (...5m margin of error)

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sql = """SELECT id,

ST_X(st_geomfromtext(st_astext("p"))) "x",

ST_Y(st_geomfromtext(st_astext("p"))) "y"

FROM "Point"

WHERE "Point"."LocationId" = %s"""

cur.execute(sql, [id] ) points = cur.fetchall() for p in points : db.point.insert({ "_id" : p['id'],

"LocationId" : id,

"p":[p['x'], p['y']] })

Migrating from SQL to NoSQL

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MongoDB requires points to be ordered as (lon, lat).

Python dictionaries are serialized in alphabetical order.

You are HERE

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SQL with polygonsSELECT * FROM "GeomArea" JOIN "Location" ON "GeomArea"."id" = "Location"."id" WHERE ST_Within(ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(<lon> <lat>)'), "p")

SQL with pointsSELECT * FROM Point JOIN Location ON Point.LocationId = WHERE ST_Within(p, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((<lon>+1 <lat>+1, <lon>+1 <lat>-1, <lon>-1 <lat>-1, <lon>-1 <lat>+1, <lon>+1 <lat>+1))')) ORDER BY ST_Distance(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(<lon> <lat>)'), p)

MongoDB with pointspoint = db.point.find( { "p": { "$near" : [ lon, lat ] } } ).limit(1) id = point[0]["LocationId"] location = db.location.find_one( {"_id": id} )

Reverse geocoding HowTo

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Centos 6

8 CPUs, 32GB RAM, all tests with data set in RAM

PostGIS 9.1

MySQL 5.6.9 RC

MariaDB 5.5.29

MongoDB 2.0.7


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My data (GB) World (GB)

PostGIS polygons 34 165 240

PostGIS points 70 340 200

MySQL & MariaDB polygons 3.9 18 954

MySQL & MariaDB points 18 87 480

MongoDB 71 345 060

Data size (note that my data set not packed for optimal for size)

Size for World is extrapolated by multiplier 4860This is based on 30% of the Earth surface being land

Polygons could be smoothened to reduce data set size by factor of 20-100

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Benchmark Results (data set in memory, 8 CPUs)

Clients TPS Avg RT (msec) 50% RT 98% RT

PostGIS polygons

1 138 7 6 18

4 547 7 6 18

8 1072 7 6 19

PostGIS points

1 419 2 2

4 1613 2 3

8 3136 3 3

PostGIS points disk bound: 100 TPS. Didn't scale with threads.

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Benchmark Results (data set in memory, 8 CPUs)

Clients TPS Avg RT (msec) 50% RT 98% RT

MySQL polygons

1 2866 0 0

4 10k 0 1

8 16.5k 0 1

MySQL points

1 1800 1 1

4 2110 2 3

8 1402 6 7

Using InnoDB for Location table (non-gis address data) was slightly faster for polygons.Is MySQL faster because it doesn't support projections? -> Try PostGIS with SRID=0.Points approach is stuck in "Creating sort index". (Should increase join buffers and tmp table.)

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Benchmark Results (data set in memory, 8 CPUs)

Clients TPS Avg RT (msec) 50% RT 98% RT

MariaDB polygons

1 2340 0 1

4 9146 0 1

8 15k 1 1

MariaDB points

1 1650 1 1

4 2270 2 2

8 1647 5 6

MariaDB GIS functions are independent of MySQL, but data format and indexes are the same.Performance within +/- 10% of MySQL.

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Benchmark Results (data set in memory, 8 CPUs)

Clients TPS Avg RT (msec) 50% RT 98% RT

MongoDB points

1 411 2 2 2

4 454 9 3 20

8 525 14 7 25

PostGIS points

1 419 2 2

4 1613 2 3

8 3136 3 3

MySQL & MariaDB points

1 1650 1 1

4 2270 2 2

8 1647 5 6

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• Nice linear scalability, stable response times

• Most advanced, but "bolted on" user experience

• Wasteful in CPU and data size

• Decent on disk bound workload

• Polygon based performance a small disappointment

• Wishlist:

• No more feutures needed.

• Ease of use and performance please.

• Future: Real 3D

PostGIS Summary

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• Simple: Radius from point (Foursquare)

• Combinations possible: type=restaurant within 1 km

• Single thread performance ok, but didn't scale

• Could be issue with benchmark framework

• Main gotcha: don't use python dictionary for (lon, lat)

• 2.4 brings lots of enhancements, not covered here.

MongoDB Summary

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• 5x better than anything else

• For Within()

• Contention on sorting by Distance()

• Delivered on the vision of polygon based model

• Different implementations, same performance

• MySQL slightly faster, but within +/- 10%

• MariaDB has precise math operations

• Wishlist:

• Projections (SRID)

• InnoDB support

• Distance() using RTree index

MySQL & MariaDB Summary

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Thank you!For more information

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