speaker amplifier.pptx

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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8/17/2019 Speaker amplifier.pptx

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Indian Institute of TechnologyHyderabad


Ayush Saini- CH12B1005Harmanpreet Singh-CS12B1017

Udhav Sethi-ES12B1022

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A speaker is an ele tr!a !usti transdu er thatpr!du es s!und in resp!nse t! an ele tri al audi!signal input"

A speaker is essentially the #inal translati!n ma hine -- thereverse !# the mi r!ph!ne" $t takes the ele tri al signal andtranslates it %a k int! physi al vi%rati!ns"

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C!mp!nents !# Speaker

&iaphragm !r C!ne &ust ap Suspensi!n Spider '!i e !il Basket (agnets


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*!rking +,assing !# urrent thr!ugh v!i e !ilCreating !# magneti #ield$ntera ti!n %et een t ! magnets .permanent and

ele tr!magnet/ ausing repulsi!n and attra ti!nChange in urrent dire ti!n makes hanges in #!r edire ti!n as ell pushes the !il t! m!ve %a k and#!rth rapidly

*hen !il m!ves it pushes and pulls !n thediaphragmhis vi%rates the air in #r!nt !# the speaker reating

s!und aves

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Ampli#ier An ampli#ier %!!sts the audi! signal and pr!du es a m!rep! er#ul versi!n !# it"

Ampli#iers are #!und in several devi es su h asmi r!ph!nes d players televisi!n et "

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*hy is Ampli#ier needed

S!und is transmitted in ele tr!ni devi es %y representing s!und as avarying ele tri urrent"

A mi r!ph!ne diaphragm is m!ved %a k and #!rth using the s!undsignals and the mi r!ph!ne translates this m!vement int! an ele tri alsignal"

he ele tri al signal #lu tuates t! represent the !mpressi!ns andrare#a ti!ns !# the s!und ave"

A re !rder en !des this ele tri al signal as a pattern in s!me s!rt !#medium"

A player re-interprets this pattern as an ele tri al signal and uses this

ele tri ity t! m!ve a speaker !ne %a k and #!rth" his re- reates the air-pressure #lu tuati!ns !riginally re !rded %y the mi r!ph!ne"

3#ten the ele tri urrent is t!! eak t! push the speaker !ne %a k and#!rth" his is strengthened ith the help !# an ampli#ier"

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An ampli#ier !nsists !# vari!us !mp!nents !nne ted in a!mple4 ir uit"

he !mp!nent at the heart !# m!st ampli#iers isthe transist!r"

he main elements in a transist!r are semi !ndu t!rs" heirvarying a%ility t! !ndu t ele tri urrent is a pr!perty that

helps in the #un ti!ning !# an ampli#ier"

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*!rking A tually an ampli#ier d!esn t a tually %!!st the !riginal signal" $tgenerates a !mpletely ne !utput signal %ased !n the input signal"

here are 2 ir uits - input ir uit and !utput ir uit"

he !utput ir uit is generated %y the ampli#ier6s p! er supplyhi h generally dra s energy #r!m a %attery" he p! er supply

als! generates an even and uninterrupted signal" he !utputir uit6s l!ad is m!ving the speaker !ne"he input ir uit is the ele tri al audi! signal re !rded !n tape !r

running in #r!m a mi r!ph!ne" $ts l!ad is m!di#ying the !utputir uit" $t applies a varying resistan e t! the !utput ir uit t! re-reate the v!ltage #lu tuati!ns !# the !riginal audi! signal"

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,re- Ampli#ier $n m!st ampli#iers this l!ad is t!! mu h !rk #!r the !riginal audi!signal"

!r this reas!n the signal is #irst %!!sted %y a pre-ampli#ier hi hsends a str!nger !utput signal t! the p! er ampli#ier"

he pre-ampli#ier !rks the same %asi ay as the ampli#ier"

he input ir uit applies varying resistan e t! an !utput ir uitgenerated %y the p! er supply"

S!me ampli#ier systems use several pre-ampli#iers t! gradually%uild up t! a high-v!ltage !utput signal"

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hus a speaker and an ampli#ier !nsists a!mplete s!und system"

HA89 :3U+

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