speaking ielts 09-12-2015

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speaking test


 ĐOÁN  ĐỀ  SPEAKING    09-­‐12/2015                                                                                  BAO  TRÚNG  100%    


Ielts  Đình  Long                                                          https://www.facebook.com/IeltsDinhLong    

PART  1        

1. Name  a. What’s  your  full  name?  b. Who  gave  you  this  name?  why  did  he/  she  give  you  this  name?  c. How  do  others  usually  call  you  

 2. Study/Major/Work      

a. a)  Are  you  a  student  or  do  you  have  a  job?    b. What  is  your  major?  Do  you  like  your  major  and  why?    c. What  do  you  want  to  do  when  you  graduate?  d. Are  you  keep  focusing  on  this  major  for  a  long  time?  e. Why  did  you  choose  to  study  that?  f. Do  you  want  to  change  major?  Why?  g. What  was  the  first  school  you  attended?  h. What  subjects  do  you  like  and  dislike?  i. Do  you  like  your  high  school?  j. What  was  your  feeling  about  the  first  day  you  went  to  school/college?  k. Which  school  are  you  studying  in?  l. Why  did  you  choose  this  university/school?  m. Which  city  do  you  study  in?  Why  did  you  select  this  city?  n. Do  you  like  your  professors  and  classmates?  Why?  o. Where  do  you  prefer  to  study?  p. Do  you  prefer  to  study  in  the  morning  or  at  afternoon?  Why?  q. What  do  you  do  during  the  process  of  long-­‐time  learning?  r. Why  do  you  choose  your  current  job?  s. Were  you  happy  when  you  were  in  this  company  for  the  first  day?  t. Do  you  like  your  current  job?  Why?  u. Why  do  some  people  choose  to  study  abroad?  v. Which  subject  are  you  specialized  in?  w. What  subject  do  you  find  most  useful?  x. Do  you  like  school  parties?  y. Do  you  think  that  your  major  is  hard  to  study?  Why?  z. What  is  your  dream  job?  

3. Hometown    a. Where  is  your  hometown?  b. What  are  the  things  you  dislike  about  your  hometown?  c. Do  you  want  to  live  here  forever?  d. Will  you  move  to  other  places?  e. Do  you  like  your  hometown?  f. Are  there  any  changes  happened  in  your  hometown?  Do  you  like  it?  Why?  g. How  many  people  are  there  in  your  family?  h. Where  do  they  come  from?  

 ĐOÁN  ĐỀ  SPEAKING    09-­‐12/2015                                                                                  BAO  TRÚNG  100%    


Ielts  Đình  Long                                                          https://www.facebook.com/IeltsDinhLong    

i. Is  it  suitable  for  the  elderly  or  the  young  to  live?  j. How  about  the  transportation  in  this  city?  k. Does  everyone  need  to  learn  how  to  drive?  l. Do  your  parents  live  in  the  same  city?  m. Is  your  hometown  suitable  for  growing  up?  n. Do  you  think  your  hometown  is  a  good  city,  why?  o. Recommend  a  place  in  your  hometown.  p. Are  there  anything  special  for  your  hometown?  q. What  do  you  want  to  introduce  to  the  travellers  to  your  hometown?  r. What  do  you  think  are  the  beautiful  views  of  your  hometown?  

 4. Living  place  &  Accommodation  

a. Where  do  you  live?  b. Do  you  live  in  a  house  or  dorm?  c. Is  it  a  convenient  place  to  live  in?  d. Are  there  any  facilities  in  the  place  you  live  in?  e. How  about  the  transportation  in  the  city  you  live  in?  f. Which  one  do  you  prefer,  apartment  or  house?  g. Which  room  do  you  like  best  in  your  apartment?  h. What  do  you  dislike  about  this  place?  i. Do  you  know  anyone  there?  j. What  kind  of  people  live  nearby?  k. Are  there  any  famous  people  living  near  your  home?  l. Will  you  choose  to  drive  your  car  to  other  places?  What  are  the  advantages  and  disadvantages  

of  it?  m. Who  do  you  live  with?  n. Do  you  like  the  place  where  you  live?  


5. Weather/Favourite  Season    

a. Which  season  rains  more?  b. Do  you  like  raining?  c. When  will  it  rain?  d. What  kind  of  weather  do  you  like  most?  e. Do  you  like  freezing  cold  or  extreme  weather?  f. Where  has  the  most  rain  in  Vietnam?  g. Does  weather  have  any  influence  on  you?  h. Do  you  discuss  whether  with  others?  i. How  do  you  feel  about  the  rainy  day?  And  how  about  a  rainy  day  in  summer?  j. Does  it  rain  quite  often  in  Vietnam?  k. Do  you  think  climate  in  Vietnam  is  different  from  that  in  the  past?  l. Do  you  think  the  climate  in  Vietnam  is  getting  worse  than  before?  m. Which  season  do  you  like  best,  why?  n. Which  one  do  you  prefer,  a  place  with  changeable  seasons  or  a  place  with  

unaltered  season?  o. Do  you  agree  that  weather  will  affect  people?  

 ĐOÁN  ĐỀ  SPEAKING    09-­‐12/2015                                                                                  BAO  TRÚNG  100%    


Ielts  Đình  Long                                                          https://www.facebook.com/IeltsDinhLong    

6. Museum/Gallery  

a. Are  there  many  museums  in  your  hometown?  b. Do  you  think  museums  are  useful  for  visitors  to  your  hometown?  c. Do  you  often  visit  a  museum?   d. Did  you  go  to  any  museums  when  you  were  a  child?   e. Do  you  think  museums  are  important?  f. Do  you  think  it's  suitable  for  museums  to  sell  things  to  visitors?   g. What  can  we  learn  from  museum?   h. Is  it  appropriate  for  children  to  visit  museums?  i. Do  you  prefer  to  visit  the  museum  or  the  art  gallery?   j. What  kind  of  museums  do  you  like  best  k. Do  you  want  to  work  in  the  museum?  

7. Holiday/Public  holiday    

a. Should  more  holidays  be  added?  b. What  do  you  usually  do  in  holidays?  c. Do  you  country  have  many  public  holidays?  d. Which  do  you  like  best?  e. What  do  you  usually  do  on  that  day?  

 8. Punctual    

a. Is  punctual  important?  b. Do  you  like  to  wait  for  others?  c. What  is  the  advantage  of  being  punctual?  d. Are  you  punctual?  e. Do  you  like  to  wear  watch?  f. How  is  your  time  management?  g. What  do  you  do  to  improve  your  time  management?  

 9. Traveling  by  train/car/taxi    

a. Do  you  like  travelling  by  train/car?  Why?  b. How  often  do  you  travel  by  train?  c. Do  people  travel  by  taxi?  d. When  did  you  take  a  taxi  last  time?  e. Is  travelling  by  train  very  popular  in  Vietnam?  f. Do  you  prefer  traveling  by  train  or  by  air?  g. Interesting  people  or  things  that  you  met  when  travelling  by  train.  h. Are  there  underground  trains  in  your  city?  Why  do  we  need  it?  i. Do  you  take  underground  quite  often?  j. Travel  by  car  k. Should  everyone  have  their  own  cars?  l. Describe  your  last  experience  of  taking  a  taxi.  

 10. Sports    

 ĐOÁN  ĐỀ  SPEAKING    09-­‐12/2015                                                                                  BAO  TRÚNG  100%    


Ielts  Đình  Long                                                          https://www.facebook.com/IeltsDinhLong    

a. What  sports  do  you  like  best?  b. Do  you  like  to  watch  sports  on  TV?  c. Do  you  have  a  favourite  sports  star?  d. What’s  the  most  popular  sports  in  Vietnam?  e. Have  you  tried  any  dangerous  sports?  

 11. TV  Program    

a. Do  you  watch  TV  quite  often?  b. How  long  will  you  allow  your  kid  to  watch  TV?  c. What  kind  of  TV  programs  do  you  like  to  watch?  d. Do  children  watch  TV  a  lot?  

 12. Public  transportation    

a. Do  you  prefer  to  drive  your  private  car  or  take  a  taxi?  b. Do  you  think  there  are  too  many  cars  on  the  road?  c. Traffic  jam  

 13. Friend/Best  friend    

a. What  was  the  first  time  you  met  your  best  friend?  b. What  did  you  do  together?  c. Do  you  like  to  have  a  lot  of  friends  or  just  several  close  friends?  d. How  often  do  you  spend  your  time  with  your  friends?  e. What  do  you  do  with  them?  

14. Tree  

a. What  kinds  of  trees  are  planted  in  the  place  you  live  in?  b. What  kind  of  trees  do  you  like?  c. What  kinds  of  trees  are  famous  in  Vietnam?  d. Do  you  like  plant  trees?  e. Do  you  think  trees  are  important?  

 15. Sleep    

a. How  many  hours  do  you  sleep  every  day?  Why?  b. Is  it  necessary  to  sleep  enough?  c. Is  taking  a  nap  important?  d. Do  old  people  sleep  a  lot?  e. Do  you  think  staying  up  late  is  a  good  thing?  

 16. Newspaper    

a. Do  you  often  read  newspaper?  b. Which  do  you  prefer  reading,  magazines  or  newspapers?  c. What  kinds  of  newspapers  do  you  usually  read?  d. Do  you  think  it’s  important  to  read  newspapers?  

 17. Memorizing    

 ĐOÁN  ĐỀ  SPEAKING    09-­‐12/2015                                                                                  BAO  TRÚNG  100%    


Ielts  Đình  Long                                                          https://www.facebook.com/IeltsDinhLong    

a. Do  you  have  good  memory?  b. How  to  improve  memory?  c. What  do  you  remember  to  do  every  day?  d. Why  do  old  people  forget  about  things  easily?  e. Have  you  ever  forgotten  something  important?  f. What  helps  people  to  remember  things?  

 18. Film  

a. Do  you  like  to  watch  films?  b. Do  you  prefer  foreign  films  or  Vietnamese  films?  c. How  often  do  you  go  to  a  cinema  to  watch  a  movie?  d. Do  Vietnamese  people  like  to  go  to  a  cinema  to  watch  a  film?  e. What  kinds  of  movies  do  you  like  best?  f. What  was  the  first  film  that  you  watched?  


19. Math    a. When  did  you  start  learning  math?  b. Do  you  like  math?  c. Who  taught  you  math?  d. Who’s  your  favourite  teacher  so  far?  e. Is  math  difficult  for  you  to  learn?  

 20. Vegetable  &  Fruits    

a. What  is  your  favourite  vegetable  and  fruit?  b. When  do  you  eat  it?  c. How  often  do  you  eat  fruits?  d. Should  we  eat  vegetables  every  day?  e. Are  there  any  special  fruits  in  your  hometown?  

 21. Text  message  or  phone  calls    

a. Do  you  often  use  cell  phone?  b. Which  do  you  prefer,  texting  message  or  using  cell  phone?  c. Is  there  any  chance  when  texting  someone  is  better  than  calling  him?  

 22. Sky    

a. Do  you  like  to  watch  the  sky?  b. Do  you  prefer  the  sky  during  the  day  or  at  night?  c. Have  you  learnt  any  courses  about  stars  or  planets?  d. Do  you  like  looking  at  the  stars?  e. Where  is  a  good  place  to  watch  stars?  

23. Clothes    

a. Do  you  think  people  would  like  to  spend  a  great  amount  of  money  on  clothing?  

b. Do  you  wear  different  clothes  when  you  are  at  school  and  at  home?  

 ĐOÁN  ĐỀ  SPEAKING    09-­‐12/2015                                                                                  BAO  TRÚNG  100%    


Ielts  Đình  Long                                                          https://www.facebook.com/IeltsDinhLong    

c. What  do  you  usually  wear  when  you  are  at  school?  d. What  do  you  wear  for  a  party?  e. What  kind  of  clothes  do  you  like  to  wear?  f. Should  people  wear  different  type  of  clothes  when  they  enter  into  the  

society?  g. Do  you  change  clothes  frequently?  h. Do  Vietnamese  spend  too  much  money  on  clothing?  i. Are  there  any  other  types  of  clothes  that  you  want  to  try?  j. Did  you  parents  dress  you  up  to  attend  party  when  you  were  a  child?  k. An  experience  of  attending  a  party  with  weird  clothing  

24. Weekend    

a. Are  weekends  important  to  you?  b. How  do  you  (usually)  spend  the  weekend?  c. Which  do  you  prefer,  Saturday  or  Sunday?  d. What  do  you  usually  do  on  that  day?  e. What  are  you  going  to  (planning  to)  do  next  weekend?  f. Is  it  important  for  people  to  have  weekends  off?  g. Should  people  be  paid  overtime  for  working  at  the  weekend?  

 25. Reading    

a. Do  you  like  reading?  b. Where  do  you  read?  c. Did  you  read  much  when  you  were  a  child?  d. Do  young  children  like  reading  books?  e. What  do  you  think  are  the  benefits  of  reading  to  children?  

26. Swimming    

a. Do  you  like  swimming?  b. Where  do  people  go  swimming  in  your  hometown  (or,  near  your  home)?  c. Is  it  difficult  to  learn  how  to  swim?  d. What  do  you  think  are  the  benefits  of  swimming  (or,  the  benefits  of  

knowing  how  to  swim)?  

27. Snacks    

a. What  kind  of  snacks  do  you  like  to  eat?  b. Do  your  parents  allow  you  to  eat  snacks?  c. Is  it  healthy  to  eat  snacks?  d. What  was  the  most  popular  snack  when  you  were  young?  e. What  kinds  of  snacks  do  children  in  your  country  like  to  eat  nowadays?  

 28. Photography    

a. Do  you  like  taking  photos?  b. How  do  you  take  photographs?  c. Which  one  is  better,  to  take  photos  with  a  camera  or  with  a  mobile  phone?  d. Do  you  take  photographs  with  mobile  phone?  

 ĐOÁN  ĐỀ  SPEAKING    09-­‐12/2015                                                                                  BAO  TRÚNG  100%    


Ielts  Đình  Long                                                          https://www.facebook.com/IeltsDinhLong    

e. Describe  your  experience  of  taking  pictures  with  your  friends.  f. Do  you  take  photos  quite  often?  g. What  do  you  like  to  take  a  photo?  h. Is  it  necessary  for  you  to  learn  photograph  in  the  future?  i. What  do  you  like  to  photograph?  j. Do  you  like  cameras?  k. How  do  you  deal  with  (or  keep,  or  save)  your  photos?  l. How  do  you  think  will  keep  (save)  your  photos  in  the  future?  m. Are  there  any  photos  hanging  on  your  wall  at  home?  n. Would  you  say  photographs  are  a  good  way  to  preserve  memories?  o. What  are  the  ways  to  know  more  about  photography?  

29. Help    

a. Do  you  like  to  help  others?  b. When  was  the  last  time  you  helped  others?  c. Did  your  parents  teach  you  the  importance  of  helping  others  when  you  were  

young?  d. Have  you  ever  refused  to  help  others?  e. Would  you  keep  helping  people  in  the  future?  

 30. History    

a. Do  you  like  history?  b. Do  you  think  history  is  important?  c. Do  you  like  to  watch  programs  on  TV  about  history?  d. Do  you  think  you  can  really  learn  history  from  films  and  TV  programs?  e. Do  you  think  the  internet  is  a  good  place  to  learn  about  history?  f. What  historical  event  do  you  find  most  interesting?  g. Can  you  name  a  person  from  history  who  you  would  like  to  learn  more  

about?  h. Why  would  you  like  to  learn  more  about  him/her?  

 31. Handwriting    

a. How  do  you  feel  about  handwriting?  b. Do  you  like  handwriting  greeting  cards?  c. Can  people  judge  a  person  from  his/her  handwriting?  d. Is  handwriting  important?  

 32. Music    

a. Do  you  like  music?  b. Do  you  like  only  one  type  of  music?  c. What's  your  favourite  kind  of  music?  Why?  d. Which  type  of  music  do  you  dislike?  Why?  e. Do  you  like  to  listen  to  the  same  music?  f. Have  you  ever  learned  to  play  a  musical  instrument?  g. Which  instrument  would  you  prefer  to  study,  the  piano  or  the  violin?  h. Do  you  think  it's  important  for  children  to  learn  (to  play)  a  musical  instrument?  

 33. Hanging  out  with  friends    

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a. How  often  do  you  like  to  hang  out  with  friends?  b. Who  do  you  like  to  hang  out  with?  c. Do  you  like  to  hang  out  with  a  group  of  people  or  just  several  friends?  


34. Colour      

a. What  colour  do  you  like  best?  Why?  b. What  colour  would  you  choose  for  your  room?  c. What  colour  did  you  like  to  wear  when  you  were  a  child?  d. Did  you  like  to  wear  clothes  in  bright  colours  when  you  were  a  child?  e. What  colour  would  you  like  to  choose  for  your  car?  f. Is  colour  important  for  a  car?  

 35. Teachers    

a. Do  you  have  a  favourite  teacher?  b. Do  you  want  to  be  a  teacher  in  the  future?  c. Do  you  like  strict  teachers?  d. What’s  the  difference  between  young  and  old  teachers?  e. Is  it  importance  for  teachers  to  interact  with  students  frequently?  f. Do  you  think  teachers  should  be  angry  at  students  or  not?  g. What’s  the  most  important  part  in  your  study,  teachers  or  classmates?  

 36. Being  in  a  hurry    

a. When  was  the  last  time  you  did  something  in  a  hurry?  b. Do  you  like  to  finish  things  quickly?  c. What  kinds  of  things  will  you  never  do  in  a  hurry?  d. Why  do  people  make  mistakes  more  easily  when  they  are  in  a  hurry?  

 37. Being  alone    

a. Do  you  like  to  be  alone?  b. What  do  you  like  to  do  when  you  are  alone?  c. When  was  the  last  time  you  were  being  alone?  d. Do  you  like  to  spend  time  with  your  friends  or  just  stay  at  home  on  your  own?  

 38. Team  work    

a. When  was  the  last  time  you  worked  with  a  team?  b. Do  you  like  to  work  or  study  with  others  or  just  by  yourself?  c. What’s  the  most  important  thing  for  teamwork?  d. Do  you  like  to  be  a  leader?  

 39. Countryside    

a. Would  you  like  to  live  in  the  countryside  in  the  future?  b. What  do  people  living  in  the  countryside  like  to  do?  c. What  are  the  benefits  of  living  in  rural  areas?  d. What’s  the  difference  between  living  in  the  city  and  living  the  countryside?  

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 40. Social  network    

a. What  kinds  of  social  networking  websites  do  you  like  to  use?  b. Are  you  a  social  person?  c. What  kinds  of  people  do  you  like  to  be  friends  with  on  those  websites?  

 d. Is  it  easy  to  fins  real  friends  on  a  social  networking  website?  

 41. Letters  VS  email  

a. Which  do  you  prefer,  email  or  letter?  

b. Will  email  replace  letter  in  the  future?


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  Part  2  &  Part  3    

Category  A:  People    1. Describe  a  famous  person  you  know  from  the  news.  You  should  say:    

Who  the  person  is  

Why  did  this  person  show  up  on  TV  How  you  know  this  person  

And  explain  why  you  want  to  meet  him/her      Part  3  

! What  kinds  of  people  can  you  see  on  TV?  ! Are  there  any  bad  effects  of  negative  reports?  ! Why  do  people  like  to  watch  bad  news?  ! Is  the  way  of  reporting  news  nowadays  different  from  the  past?  ! Do  you  think  there  is  too  much  news  about  celebrity?  ! Is  the  information  on  TV  always  true?  ! What  kinds  of  news  are  popular  in  Vietnam?  

 2. Describe  a  person  whose  job  is  useful/important  to  the  society.    You  should  say:  

 Who  the  person  is  

What  job  does  he/she  have  How  do  you  know  this  person  

And  explain  why  do  you  think  it  is  useful  to  the  society    


Part  3  ! What  kinds  of  jobs  are  well-­‐paid  in  your  country?  ! What  kinds  of  jobs  are  poorly-­‐paid  in  your  country?  ! Do  people  who  have  different  levels  of  income  feel  happy  about  how  much  they  

earn?  ! What  do  you  think  employers  (or  supervisors)  can  do  to  help  motivate  their  

employees  to  perform  better  at  work,  besides  giving  them  a  pay  raise?  ! Do  you  think  it  is  good  to  change  jobs  frequently?  ! Why  do  people  sometimes  become  bored  with  their  job?  ! If  someone  feel  bored  in  their  job,  is  it  easy  for  them  to  change  a  different  job?  ! What  should  schools  do  to  help  students  survive  in  society  well?  

 3. Describe  a  person  who  does  well  in  work  You  should  say:  Who  the  person  is  


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How  do  you  know  this  person  

What  kinds  of  work  this  person  does  And  explain  why  this  person  can  do  well    


Part  3  ! Why  do  young  people  keep  changing  jobs?  ! What  kinds  of  work  do  you  prefer  to  do  in  the  future?  ! What  kinds  of  work  skills  are  important  in  Vietnam?  ! Is  it  easy  to  find  a  well-­‐paid  job  in  Vietnam  

 4. Describe  a  person  who  likes  to  travel  by  plane.    

You  should  say:  Who  the  person  is  How  you  know  him/her  Where  this  person  travels  to  And  explain  why  this  person  likes  to  travel  by  planes.      

Part  3  • What  are  the  advantages  and  disadvantages  of  travelling  by  plane?  • Is  it  good  to  live  nearby  an  airport?  • Do  the  people  in  your  country  like  to  travel  by  plane?  • What  kinds  of  people  often  travel  by  plane?  • What  kinds  of  transportation  do  you  choose  when  you  go  on  a  long  journey?  • Why  do  some  people  dislike  air  travel?  

 5. Describe  a  family  member  that  you  have  spent  the  most  time  with.  

You  should  say:  Who  this  person  is  What  you  like  to  do  together  When  you  usually  spend  time  together  And  explain  why  you  spend  so  much  time  with  him/her.    


Part  3  ! Who  are  more  important  to  you,  friends  or  family?  ! Do  you  think  family  relationships  are  important?  ! How  to  get  along  with  family  members?  ! What  kinds  of  family  activities  are  popular  in  your  country?  ! Have  you  ever  traveled  with  your  family?  ! In  Vietnam  today,  what  is  the  structure  of  the  typical  family?  ! What  are  the  pros  and  cons  of  three  generations  living  together?  



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 6. Describe  a  person  who  can  use/speak  a  second  language.  

You  should  say:  Who  the  person  is  Which  language  he/she  speak  How  he/she  learn  the  language  And  explain  why  this  person  can  master  this  language  Part  3  

! Is  it  important  to  learn  a  foreign  language?  ! How  do  you  learn  English?  ! Has  the  way  people  learn  a  language  changed  in  the  past  decades?  

 7. Describe  a  person  you  had  disagreement  with.  

You  should  say:  Who  the  person  is  What  was  the  disagreement?  Why  you  argued  with  that  person  And  if  you  two  solved  the  disagreement  in  the  end  Part  3  

! How  do  you  usually  feel  when  others  disagree  with  you?  ! Do  you  like  to  accept  different  opinions?  ! Do  you  often  disagree  with  others?  ! How  should  young  people  communicate  with  old  people  

 8. Describe  a  person  who  you  think  is  fashion.  

You  should  say:    Who  the  person  is  What  kinds  of  clothes  this  person  likes  to  wear    How  you  know  the  person  And  explain  why  you  think  he/she  is  fashion      Part  3  

! Would  you  like  to  wear  uniforms  for  work?  ! Is  it  easy  to  buy  cheap  clothes  in  Vietnam?  ! What  kinds  of  clothes  are  proper  in  workplace?  ! Do  young  people  shop  on  line?  ! Should  parents  buy  their  children  expensive  clothes?  

 9. Describe  a  friend  who  is  a  good  leader.  

Who  this  friend  is    How  you  first  met  


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How  often  people  behave  towards  him  or  her    

10. Describe  a  person  you  don’t  like  but  have  to  be  friendly  to.    ! When  and  where  it  happened    ! Who  he  or  she  was  ! Why  you  didn’t  like  this  person  

 11. Describe  a  family  member  you  want  to  work  with. ! Who  this  person  is  ! What  kind  of  person  he  or  she  is    !  Whether  you’ve  worked  together  before    


12. Describe  a  person  you  know  who  is  good  at  cooking.   ! Who  this  person  is  ! What  is  your  relationship  with  this  person        ! What  kinds  of  food  he  or  she  cooks  

 13. A  famous  person  you  that  you  like.  

Who  he  or  she  is  What  he  or  she  does  to  be  famous  How  you  know  this  person  

14. A  famous  person  you  want  to  meet  (not  from  your  country).  


! What  are  the  advantages  and  disadvantage  of  being  a  famous  people?  ! How  do  the  media  in  your  country  treat  famous  people?  ! How  do  people  become  famous?  ! Why  do  some  of  them  lose  popularity  after  some  time?  ! How  to  maintain  popularity?  What  factors  may  contribute  the  long-­‐term  

popularity?  ! Do  you  want  to  be  famous?  ! How  should  famous  people  guide  children?  ! How  could  the  famous  people  affect  the  country  by  their  popularity?  ! Do  you  think  the  famous  people  have  some  social  responsibilities?  ! Can  famous  people  help  to  solve  the  international  problems?  ! Why  are  so  many  young  people  crazy  for  the  famous  people?  ! Do  you  think  the  famous  people  have  a  great  impact  on  children?  ! What  kind  of  celebrities  are  children  familiar  with  in  Vietnam?  ! Should  famous  people  be  the  positive  models  for  children?  ! What  kind  of  people  do  you  think  is  popular  in  your  country?  ! Why  do  you  think  people  are  interested  in  looking  at  the  private  life  of  famous  

people?  ! Do  you  think  it  is  psychological  to  look  at  their  private  life?  ! how  do  they  fell  when  they  lose  popularity  after  some  time?  


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15. A  friend  you  did  not  see  for  a  long  time.  /  A  friend  in  your  school  you  still      remember  well.  /Describe  your  best  friend.  Part3  

! How  to  keep  relationship?  ! How  to  strengthen  friendship?  ! Why  would  someone  stop  their  friendship?  ! How  often  should  people  meet  their  friends?  ! What  if  you  are  far  away  from  your  friends?  ! What  are  the  differences  between  the  friendship  of  young  people  and  the  one  

of  adults?  ! What  does  the  friendship  mean  to  you?  ! What  will  be  the  one  who  do  not  have  friends  like?  ! What  are  the  possible  factors  that  cause  friends  to  break  up?  ! Have  you  ever  experienced  a  broken  relationship  with  your  friends?  ! What  are  the  advantages  of  having  (a  lot  of)  friends?  ! Why  are  friends  like  family?  ! Do  you  think  is  easier  to  make  friends  when  you  are  a  child  or  grow  up?  Why?  ! Do  you  prefer  have  one  or  two  close  friends  or  have  many  friends?  Which  are  

less  close?  Why?  ! Does  it  because  of  trust  (based  on  the  last  question)  ! Which  group  of  friends  is  better,  the  one  you  know  when  you  were  a  child,  or  

the  one  you  meet  when  you  work  in  a  company?  ! Do  you  still  have  contact  with  the  friend  you  know  when  you  were  a  child?  ! Should  parents  be  concerned  about  your  friendship?  ! How  to  make  friends?  ! Why  does  making  friends  on  line  sound  better?  

 ! Why  is  friendship  more  fragile  than  before?  ! Do  you  think  it  is  easy  to  build  up  relationship?  ! Why  do  you  think  friends  lose  contact?  ! Is  it  important  to  keep  contacting?  ! Is  it  easy  for  people  to  lose  contact?  ! Do  you  think  class  union  can  keep  people  in  contact?  ! When  and  how  did  you  become  good  friends?  When  do  you  usually  do  when  

you  are  together?  ! Do  you  prefer  to  have  a  lot  of  friends  or  several  close  friends?  ! In  which  way  do  you  contact  with  your  friends?  ! Compare  traditional  contacting  methods  and  modern  methods.  ! What  are  your  criteria  of  good  friend?  ! Will  lies  deteriorate  friendship?  ! How  do  you  think  about  the  elder  person  in  your  class?  ! Some  people  don’t  like  to  study  with  the  elder  person  in  class.  What  do  you  


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think?  ! What  are  the  most  important  for  making  friends?  


16. A  family  member  you  like  to  spend  time  with  (something  you  do  with  elderly      people  in  your  family)  Part3  

! Family  relationship  ! Family  members  ! Is  it  important  for  family  members  to  get  together?  ! What  do  you  usually  do  together?  ! How  do  parents  get  along  with  kids?  ! Should  the  young  people  spend  more  time  with  old  people?  ! What  is  the  typical  life  of  the  old  people?  ! What  is  the  structure  of  the  typical  family  in  Vietnam?  ! What  are  the  pros  and  cons  of  three  generations  living  together?  ! In  typical  Vietnamese  family,  who  is  the  dominant  person,  the  mother  or  the  

father?  ! Ideally,  what  roles  do  you  think  men  and  women  should  play  in  a  family?  ! What  are  the  differences  between  help  from  family  members  and  help  

from  friends?  ! Do  you  think  family  relationship  is  important  


Category  B:  Place      1.  Describe  a  street  that  you  like  to  visit.    

You  should  say:  Where  it  is  How  often  you  go  there  What  you  like  to  do  there  And  explain  why  you  like  it      Part  3  

a. What  kinds  of  streets  are  popular  in  Vietnam?  b. Are  there  any  famous  streets  in  your  country?  c. Is  traffic  jams  a  big  problem  in  your  

country?  Why  should  people  follow  traffic  rules?  

d. Do  you  like  big  cities?  e. What  do  you  think  are  the  advantages  of  living  in  a  city?  f. Do  you  think  cities  are  more  suitable  for  young  people  or  old  people?  



 ĐOÁN  ĐỀ  SPEAKING    09-­‐12/2015                                                                                  BAO  TRÚNG  100%    


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2. Describe  a  house  or  an  apartment  you  want  to  live  in.    You  should  say:  Where  this  place  is  What  it  is  like  When  you  want  to  live  in  there  And  explain  why  you  want  to  live  in  such  a  house/apartment    


Part  3  a. What  kinds  of  home  do  most  people  in  your  country  live  in?  b. How  are  modern  homes  different  from  older  homes?  c. Do  most  Vietnamese  people  live  in  an  apartment  or  house?  d. Do  you  think  moving  to  a  new  home  can  bring  problems  to  people?  e. What  are  the  differences  between  living  in  the  countryside  and  living  in  a  

city?  f. Do  young  people  in  your  country  like  to  live  with  their  parents  or  by  

themselves?  g. Do  Vietnamese  people  like  to  rent  a  place  to  live?  

 3. Describe  a  café  or  restaurant  you  like  to  visit.      

A  restaurant  you  like  (to  go  to)/that  impress  you.    Where  this  café/restaurant  is  What  type  of  food  and  drink  this  place  serves  How  often  you  visit  this  place  And  explain  why  you  like  to  visit  this  place  Part  3  

a. What  do  people  like  to  have  for  dinner/lunch  in  Vietnam?  b. Do  you  prefer  to  eat  at  home  or  outside?  c. What  are  the  benefits  of  eating  out?  d. Do  you  prefer  Vietnamese  food  or  western  food?  e. Do  young  people  like  to  eat  traditional  Vietnamese  food?  f. Which  food  do  you  think  is  healthier,  restaurant  food  or  home-­‐cooked  

food?  g. In  your  opinion,  what  is  a  “healthy  food”?  h. Do  you  think  children  should  learn  to  cook?  

 4. A  foreign  country  you  want  to  visit  but  haven’t  been  to.  

You  should  say:  Where  this  place  is  What  it  is  like  What  you  can  do  in  this  country  And  explain  why  you  want  to  visit  this  country    



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a. Where  do  most  of  the  people  go  in  your  country?  b. What  are  the  differences  between  traveling  to  other  countries  and  living  

there?  c. Do  you  think  we  need  to  respect  the  region  and  culture  when  you  go  

to  other  countries?  d. What  are  the  effects  of  globalization?  e. What  are  the  advantages  of  travelling?  f. What  are  the  advantages  and  disadvantages  brought  by  travelling  to  a  

country?  g. What  are  the  advantages  for  travelling  alone?  h. Why  do  more  and  more  people  choose  to  travel  abroad?  i. Will  you  choose  to  travel  abroad  or  take  a  nationwide  travel?  j. What  are  the  advantages  for  a  nationwide  travel?  k. What  foreign  countries  will  you  choose  to  be  the  destination  for  a  travel?  

Why?  l. What  are  the  disadvantages  for  a  nationwide  travel?  How  to  solve  this  

problem.  m. Will  you  choose  to  have  the  service  of  travel  agent?  n. Travelling  to  which  countries  is  cheaper?  o. Will  you  take  a  travel  to  Africa?  p. Travel  causes  pollution  problems.  How  to  change  this  phenomenon?  q. What  advice  would  you  give  to  the  foreigners  travelling  to  your  country?  r. What  kind  of  troubles  would  be  caused  by  travellers?  

 5. Describe  a  place  where  you  can  read  or  write  (not  your  home).    

 You  should  say:    

Where  the  place  is    

How  it  looks  like    

What  do  you  do  there  

And  explain  why  you  like  this  place    


Part  3  a. Who  likes  to  read  more  often,  young  people  or  old  people?  b. Who  do  some  young  people  dislike  reading  books  in  recent  years?  c. Are  there  many  libraries  in  Vietnam?  d. What  kinds  of  books  should  children  read?  

 6. Describe  a  garden/  park  you  often  go  to.  

You  should  say:  Where  it  is  How  it  looks  like  What  people  do  there  


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And  explain  why  you  often  go  there  Part  3  

a. How  about  working  in  a  park?  b. What  is  your  opinion  about  the  phenomenon  that  many  people  like  

to  plant  vegetables  by  themselves?  c. Why  do  people  like  houses  attached  with  garden?  d. Do  you  go  to  visit  gardens?  e. Are  there  any  houses  or  apartment  are  with  gardens?  f. Except  houses,  is  there  any  other  types  of  housing  are  with  gardens?  g. How  about  organic  food?  h. On  which  occasion  would  people  use  flowers  to  decorate  in  Vietnam?  

Will  flowers  be  utilized  under  other  conditions?  i. Should  parks  sell  tickets?  j. Is  there  any  parks  that  needs  volunteers?  k. Do  Vietnamese  go  to  park  quite  often?  l. Does  going  to  the  park  have  influence  on?  m. Is  it  good  to  have  a  garden  in  your  home?  n. What  do  you  want  to  plant  in  your  garden?  o. An  increasing  number  of  building  are  constructed  in  the  city  and  no  

places  can  be  used  to  plant  greens?  How  can  Vietnamese  people  confront  this  situation?  

p. Do  people  in  your  country  use  the  flowers  grown  in  your  nation?  How  do  they  use  it?  

q. Are  there  any  green  areas  in  your  country?  r. Do  you  think  it  is  necessary  to  build  more  green  areas?  s. Some  people  think  they  do  not  go  to  parks,  so  they  do  not  need  to  

donate  money  to  build  green  areas?  How  to  solve  this  problem?  t. Any  bad  colour  of  flower  u. Grow  food  by  self  v. Bird  attracted  to  trees  w. Where  are  flowers  planted?  x. Why  do  countries  invest  capital?  y. What  are  the  effects  of  the  green  space?  z. Who  should  be  responsible  to  build  the  green  space  in  the  city?  

 7. Describe  a  place  that  can  be  good  to  relax  (not  home).    

You  should  say:  Where  this  place  is  What  it  is  like  How  do  you  spend  time  there  And  explain  why  you  think  it  is  a  good  place  for  relaxation  Part  3  

a. How  do  people  in  your  country  relax?  b. Which  place  is  better  for  relaxation,  an  indoor  place  or  an  outdoor  place?  


 ĐOÁN  ĐỀ  SPEAKING    09-­‐12/2015                                                                                  BAO  TRÚNG  100%    


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c. What  should  employers  do  to  help  their  employees  relax?  d. Is  relaxation  important  to  students?  


8. A  place  which  is  far  away  from  your  home  and  you  visited    

Where  it  is  When  you  went  there  Who  you  went  with  Part3  

a. Do  you  like  travel  by  car?  b. How  do  you  feel  about  living  in  Hotel?  c. What’s  your  standard  of  living  condition?  d. Do  you  like  to  travel  with  families  or  friends?  e. Will  visitors  help  hosts?  f. What  are  the  differences  between  visit  a  friend’s  home  and  stay  at  your  

home?  g. Is  it  important  to  keep  a  good  relationship  with  your  relatives?  h. Why  do  some  people  prefer  to  stay  at  home  rather  than  travel  to  another  

place?  i. Why  do  people  like  to  travel  to  the  places  that  are  far  away  from  their  

home?  j. Compare  the  changes  about  the  transportation  today  with  that  in  the  past.  k. Are  there  any  differences  of  travelling  between  young  people  and  old  

people?  l. Can  visiting  the  real  place  be  replaced  by  watching  TV?  

 9. An  unusual  building  you’ve  visited.  

A  historical  building  in  your  country/hometown.    

You  should  say:  Where  it  is  What  it  is  used  for  What  it  looks  like  And  explain  why  it  is  important  to  your  hometown/country.  Part  3  

a. Do  you  think  we  should  repair  old  buildings?  b. How  to  attract  more  people  to  visit  historical  buildings?  c. How  to  protect  historical  buildings?  d. What  is  the  most  important  historical  building  in  your  country?  

 10. Describe  a  place  near  water  that  you  enjoyed  visiting.  

Where  this  place  was  What  you  did  at  this  place  Who  you  went  there  with  


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And  explain  why  you  liked  this  place.  11. A  place  you  went  to  that  was  full  of  colour.  

You  should  say:  Where  it  is;  Why  you  went  there;  

 What  you  did  there;  And  explain  why  you  think  this  place  was  made  so  colourful.  

12. Describe  a  place  that  you  want  to  visit  again.  

a. Which  one  do  you  prefer,  short  or  long  holiday?  b. Introduce  some  places  to  spend  short  holiday.  c. Why  do  you  want  to  visit  this  place  again?  d. Why  do  you  feel  disappointed  when  you  visited  this  place  again  


    Category  C:  Object    1. Describe  an  article  that  you  read  from  a  magazine  or  from  the  internet  about  

healthy  life.    You  should  say:  When  you  read  it  Where  you  read  it  What  it  is  about  And  if  you  agree  with  the  opinions  in  this  article.  Part  3  

e. Why  do  magazines  have  health-­‐related  articles?  f. Are  there  any  negative  influences  from  the  healthy  information?  g. What  do  you  do  to  keep  fit?  h. Do  most  young  people  have  a  healthy  lifestyle?  i. How  do  people  get  information  about  health  in  your  country?  j. Do  you  think  sports  can  help  people  improve  their  health?  k. What  kinds  of  food  are  unhealthy?  

 2. Describe  a  painting  or  a  work  of  art  in  your  school.    

You  should  say:  When  you  first  saw  this  work  of  art  Where  you  saw  it  What  it  looked  like  And  explain  your  feelings  about  this  work  of  art  when  you  saw  it.  Part  3  

l. What  forms  of  visual  art  are  popular  in  your  country?  


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m. Do  you  think  art  is  important  for  people’s  life?  n. Are  there  many  art  exhibitions  in  your  country?  o. Do  you  think  people  should  be  able  to  see  these  exhibitions  from  free?  

 3. Describe  a  song  that  means  something  special  to  you.    

You  should  say:  What  this  song  is  about  When  you  listened  to  this  song  for  the  first  time  How  often  you  listen  to  it  And  explain  why  you  think  it  is  special  to  you  Part  3  

a. What  kinds  of  songs  do  young  people  like  to  listen  to?  b. Do  people  in  your  country  listen  to  songs  from  other  countries?  c. Is  there  a  special  occasion  that  people  would  sing  songs  together?  d. Where  do  most  Vietnamese  people  go  singing?  e. Is  music  an  important  subject  in  school?  


4. Describe  a  useful  thing  that  you  once  borrowed.    You  should  say:  What  you  borrowed  Who  lent  this  thing  to  you  What  kinds  of  features  this  thing  has  And  explain  why  you  think  it  is  useful  Part  3  

f. Will  borrowing  things  make  people  uncomfortable?  g. What  would  you  do  if  you  don’t  want  to  lend  something  to  others?  h. Why  do  people  dislike  lending  valuable  items?  i. What  would  you  do  if  your  friends  didn’t  give  back  what  they  

borrowed  from  you?  

 5. Describe  a  law  about  environment  you  would  like  to  see  in  the  future.    

You  should  say:  What  this  law  would  be  about  How  this  law  will  take  effects  Why  it  is  important  to  have  this  law  And  what  changes  will  happen  because  of  this  law.  Part  3  

j. Why  is  it  important  to  obey  law?  k. Is  it  a  good  thing  to  break  rules  sometimes?  l. Why  do  some  people  say  that  rules  are  made  to  be  broken?  


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m. Why  do  schools  make  rules?  n. What  can  parents  and  teachers  do  to  help  children  follow  rules?  o. Do  you  think  it  is  necessary  for  children  to  wear  school  uniforms?  

 6. Describe  an  unforgettable  advertisement  (that  you  saw/heard/liked).    

You  should  say:  Where  you  saw  or  heard  it  What  kind  of  advertisement  it  was  What  product/service  was  advertised  And  explain  how  you  felt  when  you  saw  or  heard  this  advertisement  

 Part  3  

a. What  are  the  pros  and  cons  of  advertising?  b. Do  you  think  there  is  too  much  advertisement  in  our  daily  life?  c. Do  you  like  advertisement?  d. How  do  advertisements  affect  people?  e. Do  you  think  most  advertisements  achieve  their  purpose?  Why?  Why  not?  f. Do  you  think  the  government  should  have  more  control  over  advertising?  g. What’s  the  impact  of  advertising  on  children?  h. Do  you  think  the  brand  of  a  product  is  important  to  people?  

 7. Describe  an  educational  TV  program  that  you  have  seen.  

You  should  say:  What  this  educational  TV  program  is  about  How  often  you  watch  or  listen  to  this  program  How  they  influence  people  And  explain  why  this  program  is  educational  Part  3  

i. What  kinds  of  programs  are  most  popular  in  your  country?  j. How  are  television  programs  in  Vietnam  today  different  from  those  in  the  

past?  k. How  do  TV  affect  people?  l. Are  there  any  bad  effects  of  TV?  

 8. Describe  something  that  you  want  to  learn  more.  

You  should  say:  What  it  is  Where  you  can  learn  it  How  to  learn  it  And  explain  why  you  want  to  keep  learning  it  Part  3  

m. What  do  you  think  of  online  learning?  n. Do  you  think  learning  materials  on  the  internet  are  reliable?  


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o. What  are  the  difficulties  that  people  may  have  to  continue  to  learn  something?  

p. Why  do  people  give  up  their  hobbies?  q. Do  you  think  the  government  should  pay  for  old  people  to  learn  


 9. Describe  a  small  successful  company.  

You  should  say:  What  the  company  is  How  you  know  this  company  What  kind  of  business  this  company  does  And  explain  why  it  is  successful  Part  3  

r. What  factors  can  affect  a  company’s  development?  s. Would  you  like  to  work  for  a  small  but  successful  company  in  the  future?  t. Is  it  hard  to  run  a  company?  

 10. Describe  a  paid  job  you  ever  did.  

You  should  say:  When  did  you  do  this  job  What  the  job  was  Why  you  chose  this  job  And  explain  how  you  feel  about  this  job  Part  3    

• Is  it  hard  to  find  a  good  job  in  Vietnam?  • What  kinds  of  preparation  should  people  do  for  a  job  interview?  • Why  do  some  people  keep  changing  their  jobs?  • How  to  define  “a  good  job”?  

11. Describe  an  age/stage  you  enjoyed  mostly  in  your  life.    

You  should  say:  What  the  age/stage  was  What  did  you  like  to  do  back  then  Who  you  enjoyed  mostly  back  then  And  explain  why  you  really  like  that  age/stage  Part  3  

• What  are  the  popular  things  people  like  to  do  in  their  childhood?  

• What  are  the  things  that  people  under  18  years  should  not  do  in  Vietnam?  

• How  do  people  celebrate  the  start  of  their  childhood  in  your  country?  

• Do  you  think  adults  can  be  as  happy  as  children?  

12. A  photo( taken  by  someone/you  like/  taken  by  your  friend) Describe  a  picture  or  


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photograph  in  your  family.  

You  should  say:  What  is  in  the  picture  Where  this  picture  is  in  your  home  How  this  picture  was  taken  And  explain  why  you  think  this  picture  is  meaningful  Part  3  

• Do  you  like  to  take  pictures  of  yourself?  • Do  you  think  it’s  necessary  for  schools  to  open  photography  

class?  • Why  do  some  people  think  old  photos  are  more  valuable?  • How  do  people  in  your  country  organize  their  photos?  • What’s  the  difference  between  traditional  and  digital  cameras?  

 13. Describe  a  gift  for  others  that  took  you  long  time  to  choose.    

You  should  say:    What  it  was  

Who  you  gave  it  to    

How  you  chose  it  And  explain  why  you  spent  a  long  time  on  choosing  it.  Part  3  

a. Do  you  think  it  is  better  to  choose  a  useful  gift?  b. How  to  choose  a  gift  for  a  person  who  has  already  had  a  lot  of  things?  c. Have  you  ever  received  a  gift  that  you  didn’t  like?  


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 14. Describe  an  indoor  game  in  your  childhood.    


You  should  say:  What  it  was  How  it  was  played  How  it  influenced  you  And  explain  why  you  liked  it.  Part  3  

d. What  is  the  most  popular  game  for  children  in  your  country?  e. What  kinds  of  indoor  games  do  girls/boys  like?  f. What  kinds  of  outdoor  games  did  you  like  to  play  in  your  

childhood?  g. What  are  the  advantages  and  disadvantages  of  computer  games?  h. Do  you  think  children  should  play  group  games  more  often?  

 15. Describe  an  electronic  machine  you  want  to  buy.    

You  should  say:  What  it  is  When  you  know  this  machine  What  specific  features  you  want  And  explain  why  you  want  this  machine  Part  3  

i. What  other  electronic  machines  do  you  have  at  home  and  why?  j. How  does  technology  change  our  life?  k. What  kind  of  technology  impress  you  most?  l. Do  you  think  teachers  will  be  replaced  by  technology  in  the  future?  m. Why  do  old  people  like  to  live  in  a  traditional  way?  

16. Describe  a  project  that  you  were  once  involved  in.    

Describe  a  project  (or  homework)  you  do  as  part  of  your  studies.  You  should  say:  The  topic  of  this  project  or  homework  When  and  where  you  did  this  project  What  research  or  preparation  you  did  How  difficult  this  tack  was  How  much  time  you  spent  on  this  project  or  assignment  And  explain  what  you  spent  on  this  project  or  assignment  and  what  you  l e a r n e d   f r o m   t h i s  


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 17. Describe  something  you  do  to  (help  you)  stay  healthy.  

You  should  say:  What  you  do  When  you  start  doing  this  How  much  time  you  spend  doing  this/  how  often  you  do  it  And  explain  what  benefits  you  get  from  this  activity  or  how  this  activity  helps  you  stay  healthy  Part  3  

n. What  do  old  people  in  your  country  do  to  keep  fit?  o. What  else  people  can  do  to  keep  healthy  besides  sports?  p. Do  you  think  young  people  should  play  dangerous  sports?  q. What  kinds  of  sports  are  popular  in  your  country?  

 18. Describe  an  ambition  you  have  not  achieved  yet.  

What  it  is  When  you  first  had  this  ambition  Why  you  had  this  ambition  And  explain  why  you  haven’t  achieved  it  yet  

 19. Describe  an  interesting  website  you  have  used.    

 When  you  visited  it  How  you  first  knew  about  this  website  What  the  website  is  about  

20. Describe  a  toy  you  had  in  your  childhood.  

What  it  was  Who  gave  it  to   you    How  often  you  played  it  

 21. An  exciting  sport  

What  the  sport  is  How  you  know  about  it  How  difficult  it  is  Explain  why  you  think  it  is  exciting  

 22. Describe  a  subject  you  didn’t  like  before  but  have  interests  in  now.  

What  it  was  When  you  studied  the  subject  Why  you  didn’t  like  it  before  

 23. Describe  a  piece  of  good  news  you  have  heard  of.    

What  the  news  was  about;  When  you  got  this  news;  


 ĐOÁN  ĐỀ  SPEAKING    09-­‐12/2015                                                                                  BAO  TRÚNG  100%    


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Where  you  got  this  news  from;  And  explain  why  you  think  it  was  a  good  piece  of  news    

24. Describe  a  film  you  want  to  watch  again.  You  should  say:  What  it  was  about;  When  and  where  you  watched  it;  Who  you  watched  it  with;  And  explain  why  you  would  like  to  watch  it  again.  

 25. Describe  an  interesting  thing  you  have  learned  from  the  internet  

How  often  you  searched  on  it  What  you  have  learned  from  the  Internet  And  explain  why  you  thought  it  was  interesting  

 26. Describe  a  song  you  remembered  in  your  childhood.    

Where  you  first  heard  this  song  How  old  you  were  when  you  first  heard  it  What  it  was  about  And  explain  how  you  feel  now  when  you  hear  this  song  

 27. Describe  (a  special)  something  you  want  to  buy  in  the  future.    

What  it  is  What  it  is  like  (or,  what  you  think  it  will  be  like  or  look  like)  How  long  you  have  wanted  to  buy  it  And  explain  why  you  want  to  buy  it.  

28. Describe  a  prize  you  would  like  to  win.  

What  the  prize  is  Why  you  want  to  win  it  How  you  could  win  it?  And  explain  how  you  feel  if  you  achieve  that.  What  do  you  want  to  know  about  it?  Will  you  win  it  someday,  why?  

Part  3    

! What  are  the  prizes  that  more  schools  are  willing  to  give  to  children?  ! How  do  employers  encourage  employees?  ! Is  money  a  good  reward  to  encourage  the  employees?  ! What  kind  of  prize  do  children  want?  ! What  competitions  do  students  have  in  primary  schools?  ! Should  children  be  rewarded  with  a  toy?  ! How  could  parents  praise  their  children?  


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! Can  you  give  any  examples  of  the  different  prize?  ! What  are  the  reasons  of  setting  the  prizes?  ! Do  students  need  the  prize?  ! Are  prizes  necessary  for  employees  in  the  company?  ! What  is  the  benefit  of  giving  a  prize  ?  


Category  D:  Event    1. Describe  an  important  conversation  that  influenced  you.    

You  should  say:  When  this  happened  Who  you  were  talking  with  What  you  talked  about  And  explain  how  this  conversation  influenced  you.  Part  3  

! How  do  people  communicate  with  each  other  nowadays?  ! Do  you  think  women  like  to  chat  more  than  men?  ! What’s  the  difference  between  chatting  and  gossiping?  ! Who  do  you  prefer  to  chat  with,  your  parents  or  your  friends?  ! Do  you  think  it’s  possible  to  determine  how  sincere  a  person  is  the  first  time  

you  meet  them?    

2. Describe  a  long  car  journey  you  went  on.    You  should  say:  Where  you  went  What  you  did  at  this  place  Who  you  went  there  with  And  explain  why  you  went  on  that  journey  by  car.  Part  3  

! Why  do  people  like  to  have  private  car?  ! Is  it  a  good  thing  that  everyone  has  their  own  car?  ! What’s  the  difference  between  men  and  women’s  preference  on  cars?  ! What  will  cars  be  like  in  the  future?  

 3. Describe  a  long  walk  you  ever  had.    

You  should  say:  When  this  happened  Where  you  walked  Who  you  were  with  And  explain  how  you  felt  about  the  walk.  Part  3  


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What  do  you  think  are  the  benefits  of  walking?  ! Did  you  like  walking  when  you  were  young?  ! Who  is  most  suitable  for  long  walking?  ! What  are  the  most  popular  outdoor  sports  in  Vietnam?  ! Why  do  some  people  dislike  walking?  ! Who  is  more  suitable  for  walking?  ! Do  Vietnamese  people  like  to  play  indoor  sports  or  outdoor  sports?  

4. Describe  a  time  someone  or  something  made  noise.    You  should  say:  When  this  happened  Who  this  person  was/  what  this  thing  was  What  kinds  of  noise  it  was  And  explain  what  you  did  when  you  heard  the  noise.  Part  3  

! Is  noise  pollution  serious  in  your  country?  ! Where  can  you  hear  loud  noise?  ! Do  you  think  there  is  more  noise  in  people’s  lives  today  than  in  the  past?  ! Do  you  think  that  cities  will  become  noisier  in  the  future?  ! What  would  you  do  if  your  neighbours  were  noisy  all  the  time?  ! Do  you  like  to  go  to  the  places  where  there  are  many  people?  

 5. Describe  an  art  or  craft  activity  you  did  at  school.    

You  should  say:  When  this  happened  What  you  did  in  the  activity  Who  you  did  it  with  And  explain  how  you  felt  about  this  activity  Part  3  

! Have  you  attended  any  lessons  about  art?  What  have  you  learned?  ! Should  children  learn  more  about  art?  ! Why  do  some  people  think  it  is  difficult  to  understand  art?  ! Do  you  think  it’s  important  to  cultivate  the  appreciation  of  art  on  children?  

6. Describe  a  time  that  you  forgot  something  important.    You  should  say:  When  this  happened  What  you  forgot  to  do  Who  you  were  with  And  the  consequences  of  forgetting  it  Part  3  

! Why  do  old  people  forget  about  things  easily?  ! What  are  the  tips  of  keeping  things  in  mind?  ! What  kinds  of  things  people  can  do  to  prevent  poor  memory?  


 ĐOÁN  ĐỀ  SPEAKING    09-­‐12/2015                                                                                  BAO  TRÚNG  100%    


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! How  can  technology  help  people  improve  memory?  ! Do  you  think  memory  is  important  for  language  learning?  

 7. Describe  something  you  would  like  to  do  if  you  are  given  a  day  off.    

You  should  say:  What  you  would  like  to  do  Who  would  you  like  to  be  with  Where  you  would  like  to  do  it  And  explain  how  you  would  feel  about  at  the  end  of  the  day  Part  3  

! Are  people  busier  than  before?  ! What  do  Vietnamese  people  like  to  do  if  they  are  not  busy?  ! Do  you  like  short  holidays  or  long  holidays?  ! Do  you  think  it’s  important  for  people  to  have  leisure  time?  ! Do  old  people  and  young  people  spend  their  leisure  time  in  the  same  way?  

8. Describe  a  situation  you  waited  for  something.    You  should  say:  Where  this  place  was  When  this  happened  Who  you  were  with  And  explain  why  you  had  to  wait  for  it.  Part  3  

! Do  you  think  patience  is  important?  ! Why  is  it  difficult  for  children  to  be  patient?  ! How  to  teacher  children  patience?  ! Would  you  easily  feel  angry  when  you  wait  for  a  long  time?  ! Have  you  ever  been  late  for  meeting  someone?  

9. Describe  a  success  in  your  life.    You  should  say:  When  and  where  this  happened    

Who  you  were  with  What  you  did  And  how  you  felt  about  the  success.    

Part  3  ! How  to  measure  a  person’s  success?  ! Do  you  think  the  way  people  gain  success  has  changed?  ! How  do  you  define  success?  ! How  to  reward  successful  people?  ! What’s  the  most  difficult  thing  you  have  ever  done?  ! What  qualities  does  a  person  need  to  have  to  be  successful?  ! Is  failure  a  necessary  thing  in  people’s  life?  


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10. Describe  a  time  that  a  child  did  something  made  you  laugh.   When  it  happened    Who  the  child  was    What  the  child  did  And  explain  why  you  laughed      

Part  3  ! Why  do  children  feel  happy  easily?  ! Do  children  in  Vietnam  enjoy  their  childhoods?  ! Do  you  like  to  watch  comedy?  ! What’s  the  best  stage  in  one’s  life  in  your  opinion?  

 11. Describe  a  time  when  you  feel  surprised  to  meet  someone.  

You  should  say:  When  you  met  the  person  Where  you  met  him/her  What  did  you  do  together  on  that  day    And  explain  why  you  feel  surprised      Part  3  

! Who  do  you  like  to  be  friends  with?  ! Do  you  think  it’s  necessary  to  hang  out  with  friends  regularly?  ! Why  do  some  people  estrange  their  friends?  ! Is  it  safe  to  make  friends  on  the  internet?  ! What’s  the  most  important  thing  people  can  learn  from  their  


12. Describe  an  occasion  you  got  up  extremely  early.   You  should  say:    What  the  occasion  is  Why  you  need  to  get  up  early    Who  you  were  with  And  how  you  felt  about  getting  up  that  early  

 !  Part  3  ! Who  usually  get  up  early,  young  people  or  old  people?  ! Do  young  Vietnamese  people  stay  up  late  at  night?  ! Will  working  late  at  night  influence  the  next  day’s  work?  ! Can  you  sleep  well  if  there  is  noise  around?  

 13. Describe  an  educational  trip  you  went  on.  

You  should  say:    Where  it  happened  Who  you  went  there  with    What  you  did  at  this  place    And  explain  how  you  feel      Part  3  


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 ! What’s  the  role  of  the  teacher  in  educational  trip?  ! Why  do  some  parents  want  their  kids  to  study  at  home?  ! Do  you  think  homeschooling  will  be  popular  in  the  future?  

 14. Describe  a  change  that  will  improve  your  local  area.  

You  should  say:    What  the  change  is  Why  you  think  it  will  improve  your  local  area    Who  will  be  responsible  for  this  change  And  explain  how  you  feel  about  the  change      Part  3  

! Do  changes  always  lead  to  a  positive  result?  ! How  has  your  hometown  changed  in  the  past  ten  years?  ! Why  is  hard  for  some  people  to  make  a  change  in  their  lives?  ! Are  there  any  changes  you  want  to  make  this  year?  

15. Describe  a  short  trip  you  have  been  on  and  want  to  do  it  again.  Describe  a      special  trip  you  would  like  to  go  on  in  the  future.    

Where  this  place  is  Who  you  would  like  to  go  with    What  would  you  do  there  

 16. Describe  a  time  you  lost  your  way  

Describe  a  situation  you  got  lost    When  and  where  it  happened    Who  was  there  with  you  How  you  felt  when  you  got  lost  And  explain  how  you  eventually  found  your  way  

 17. Describe  a  happy  family  event  in  your  childhood.  

What  the  event  was  When  and  where  it  happened  What  you  saw  or  did  And  explain  why  you  remember  this  event  so  well.  

 18. Describe  something  that  surprised  you  and  made  you  happy.  

What  was  the  experience  How  it  surprised  you  Why  you  were  happy  

19. Describe  a  situation  that  someone  gave  you  suggestion.     What  the  situation  is       Who  gave  you  the  advice       What  the  advice  was  


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 20.   Describe  a  situation  that  others  didn’t  tell  you  the  whole  truth  or  when  you  told    a  

lie What  the  situation  is    Who  was  involved  Why  they  didn’t  tell  the  whole  truth  

 21. Describe  something  you  did  with  a  group  of  people.    

What  the  thing  was  When  and  where  you  did  it    Whom  you  did  it  with  And  explain  why  you  did  it  with  a  group  of  people  

 22. Describe  a  prize  you  won  in  the  past.    

What  prize  it  was    When  you  won  it    How  you  won  it  And  explain  how  you  felt  after  you  won  the  prize

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