species - goblinoids

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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8/6/2019 Species - Goblinoids

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Species of Mithbar – Goblinoids

Generic Traits of the Goblinoid RacesAlso Known As: BeastlingsAppearance:Architecture:Arts & Entertainment:Calendar:

Crime & Legal SystemDaily LifeDiet & Eating Customs:Fashion & Dress:Foreign Relations:Favored Classes:Government:Magic & TechnologyMedicinePhilosophy:Population:Racial Bonuses:Racial Weaknesses:Settlements:Social Organization:War & Weapons:

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Species of Mithbar – Goblinoids

ArktaniAlso Known As: BearlingsAppearance: Arktani are... bearlike. Huge, rather 

broadly built, with white fur covering most of their bodies,claws instead of hands and feet, and harsh, growling voices,Arktani hardly remain unnoticed in a crowd.

Architecture:Arts & Entertainment:Calendar:Crime & Legal SystemDaily Life: Arktani are open-minded, and generally

quite friendly race, even if a bit awkwardly and harshly so.They lack good manners, and don't have much choice about it,since good manners don't go well with their built and claws. If you get over that, though, you will hardly find more loyal, andpatient friends and allies.

Diet & Eating Customs:Fashion & Dress: They tend to favor minimal amount

of clothes, if any at all, since their fur is protection enough.Usually wear a quite few tribal amulets.

Foreign Relations: Arktani live in very loyal and tighttribes in the open, their colorful tents visible from far away,and welcoming to any passing traveler, who wants to trade,talk or simply rest. They are far from harmless, though, andanybody who tries to trick them quickly understands so.Arktani keep away from cities, since they are treated withdistrust there.

Favored Classes:Government: Arktani are led by a Chief, the most

experienced hunter, or, in rare cases, the oldest shaman. Alldisputes between members of the tribe are settled by the Circle

of the Seven, comprised of the most prominent elders,regardless of gender. The word of the Chief and the Circle canbe overrun only by this of the Keeper and the Guardian.

Magic & TechnologyMedicinePhilosophy:Population: Arktani live up to 300 years, and age at

very slow rate. They spend their first 40 years with their parents and the tribe they born at, but even after that, only rarecases of them choose to leave and seek their luck elsewhere.With age their bodies more feeble, their fur becomes thinner,so they start wearing clothes to warm up.

Racial Bonuses:Racial Weaknesses:Settlements:Social Organization:War & Weapons:

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Species of Mithbar – Goblinoids

GoblinsAlso Known As: RaidersAppearance: Playing the Orcs, to the Halflings' Elves,

these wretched greenskins exist to make the life of others atorment. Big pointy ears yellow eyes and overgrown fangs,make Goblins a weird lot. Hairy and with relatively large limbs

they look like green apes.Architecture:Arts & Entertainment:Calendar:Crime & Legal SystemDaily Life: Loud, incoherent and cowardly, these pests

can only stand their own. Usually entering fights they can'twin, they will do anything to take their prey down, even if itmeans losing a few. They show a profound disregard for life,even their own.

Diet & Eating Customs:Fashion & Dress:Foreign Relations: Since Goblins enjoy mayhem that

much, they usually tag along bigger and nastier Races, tryingto get a chance in chaos and mayhem. They live in tribes of 25to 50 individuals and each tribe is at war with everybody elseunless they follow a warlord.

Favored Classes:Government: An Overseer rules each tribe but all are

under the orders of the Goblin King, at least until he getsassassinated and the next one takes his place. Females are onlyable to become Overseers but usually males take the role aswell. That said, female Goblins tend to make rather efficientwitches.

Magic & Technology

MedicinePhilosophy:Population: Even though they are capable to live up to

the age of 150, their endeavors cause the majority of them todie before they reach 50. As they age, they become uglier andfrail. The elders, stay in the tribe and serve as guides or aredriven out. In some cases, they become dinner.

Racial Bonuses:Racial Weaknesses:Settlements:Social Organization:War & Weapons:

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Species of Mithbar – Goblinoids

OgresAlso Known As: BeastlingsAppearance: Huge, fat and ugly. Ogres have yellow

eyes, no hair and their skin color varies from sickly green todisgusting ocher. They have relatively large arms that touchthe ground when they stand. Most Ogres have a constant

confused look on their faces.Architecture:Arts & Entertainment:Calendar:Crime & Legal SystemDaily Life: Calling Ogres dumb would be an

understatement. They are brutal, halfwit savages that havetheir mind focused on feeding. They have no sense of humor and can be easily tricked if their prey can remain calm enoughas they get even more careless when enraged.

Diet & Eating Customs:Fashion & Dress:Foreign Relations: Living isolated from the other 

Races, in groups that never exceed the number of 5, Ogres arenot social. If it was up to them, the other races would onlyexist to feed them. They attack outsiders on sight but will notdare go near barricaded cities.

Favored Classes:Government: The concept of hierarchy is simply too

complicated for Ogres to comprehend and too civilized for them to care about. That said, in their small groups, might isright, the most savage Ogre decides what the rest do, or simplykills them in the process.

Magic & TechnologyMedicine

Philosophy:Population: They are able to reach the age of 80, but

most don't make it to 40 as they live wild, intense, dangerouslives. Their teeth fall as they get older and they become prettymuch useless. Elder Ogres are eaten by their own, or left to diein the wilderness.

Racial Bonuses:Racial Weaknesses:Settlements:Social Organization:War & Weapons:

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Species of Mithbar – Goblinoids

TolocteAlso Known As: OctopusesAppearance: With blueish skin and six arms, Tolocte

are not a race you can miss. Three clawed fingers on each handand two clawed toes on each foot complete the image. Theyhave no teeth and their mouths remind of a beak and are just as

strong.Architecture:Arts & Entertainment:Calendar:Crime & Legal SystemDaily Life: Harsh and uncivilized by most standards,

Tolocte would fit the pirate stereotype quite easily. They showa profound disrespect for life, even that of their shipmates,unless in a fight. When facing outsiders they tend to standtogether but when the external danger is over, all bets are off.

Diet & Eating Customs:Fashion & Dress: Living in and from the sea, they

dress in typical sailor or fisherman clothing.Foreign Relations: Tolocte can be found in whatever 

company will get them more loot and adventure. More oftenthan not making a living as pirates, they don't really makeracial discriminations. Even though nobody really trusts them,everybody knows they will watch their backs in a fight, at leasttill its time to divide the loot.

Favored Classes:Government: A rather painful subject in every talk one

or more Tolocte is involved. When in a ship, they will followthe existing hierarchy, at least till they can slit the throat of therunning captain and taking over. That said, in the open they arevery loyal, almost to alarming levels, anything to divert the

spotlight to others before mutiny.Magic & TechnologyMedicinePhilosophy:Population: Usually living up to the age of 50, even

though they are capable of reaching well beyond 200. As theygrow older their skin turns darker and while its soft, almostslimy when young, with age it gets dry and less flexible. Somedevelop small suckers on their hands and chest that can beused to weaken their prey.

Racial Bonuses:Racial Weaknesses:Settlements:Social Organization:War & Weapons:

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Species of Mithbar – Goblinoids

TrollsAlso Known As: GreenskinsAppearance: Tall, hairy, green and ugly. Trolls have

large fangs, coming out of their lower jaw, claws on their fingers and mean red eyes. Their skin is green as is their hair and their long tongue sometimes hangs out of their mouth. All

in all, they are quite unattractive.Architecture: Trolls do not care about exposing

themselves to the elements. They also care little about privacy,at least in the sense other races do. It is no surprise that they donot bother with shelters unless absolutely needed. That said, afew Trolls do use abandoned shelters as their own.

Arts & Entertainment:Calendar:Crime & Legal SystemDaily Life: Sly and cunning, but not really bright,

Trolls rely on brawn and their uncanny regenerating ability,rather than brains. They are hungry most of the time and willeat anything, even other Trolls, in order to satisfy their hunger.Able to understand only simple concepts, they are easy to tauntbut not as much as Ogres.

Diet & Eating Customs:Fashion & Dress:Foreign Relations: Loners unless searching for a mate,

Trolls roam the caverns, searching for prey. The onlyinteraction they have with other Races it fighting. When morethan three Trolls are in one place, a fight is about to begin,usually ending in one of them dying and being eaten by thesurvivors.

Favored Classes:Government: Given their nature, there is no hierarchy,

its every Troll for itself. Since they don't mingle with other Races, they don't have to deal with their systems. In theextremely rare case a Troll is forced to work with others, andeven then not without the occasional outburst, might is all theyunderstand.

Magic & TechnologyMedicinePhilosophy: Trolls do not fathom the need for orders or 

their inner workings, not that they understand much to beginwith. If they are persuaded to join one of the orders, theyalmost exclusively go for Might or Chaos ones.

Population: Trolls live up to the age of 200.They age ata slowed rate and as they do, they become slower and their healing ability starts to fade, which makes them easier to kill.Their skin turns blue and they lose their hair. Old Trolls oftenbecome dinner for the younger.

Racial Bonuses:Racial Weaknesses:Settlements:Social Organization:War & Weapons:

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